Minecraft but I beat it Backwards

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minecraft but it's backwards i've been trapped in the end i have to work my way back to the over world and if we're gonna do that i need some basic tools first oh hi buddy that was a mistake okay okay yep even when i die i'm still in the end how do i make tools can i craft anything chorus crafting table oh just need myself some chorus flower oh that's always so satisfying dude hi buddy i've got a chorus crafting table how funky is that looking good dude can i make chorus tools oh my word yes i can except it teleports me randomly when used that's gonna be wild so my first step in the end collect chorus flower and that should be enough to make a chorus pickaxe and a chorus sword yeah i'm a little nervous because they will randomly teleport me when i use them let's try the pickaxe here well i've got some in stone let me mine a couple more don't teleport me into the void and i'll be a happy guy oh gosh let's try this sword okay yo what's up you big ugly stick dude he's used to teleporting i'm at a disadvantage yeah it doesn't feel so good when people teleport when you fight them huh oh crushed it man look at this ender carrots oh that's pretty nice oh there's an end city over there let's check that out but first i want to see if i can make any end stone oh i can perfect no more weird teleporting please don't kill me okay ender carrot doesn't kill me that's good now i'm curious what kind of loot the end city's gonna have but also i can make something called a shoulder pickaxe where'd you go little weirdo dude i want to kill you and turn you into a pickaxe they make the worst sounds ever i need his body parts to make a pickaxe out of don't judge me yeah we got him and i got a shulker shell that's what i need just need myself some purple black and grab some of these little end rods over here now we can craft our shulker pickaxe oh i just mounted this guy's head on this pickaxe i feel kind of bad oh that'll be useful mine's a little three by three in case i need some purple blacks i can get a burn trip there but friends now i want to find out what kind of loot is up peter my dude oh gosh go faster how am i supposed to survive that that's it i'm cheating yes i made it i made it no stay alive stay alive no dude i hate the end i live to tell another tale another day get the loot oh my gosh look at all that iron i got so much iron and obsidian oh got a bunch of stuff i got enchanted gear i survived i come survived we eventually got out of there alive we got a sharpness two sword so that's a nice upgrade but see you later you boring old non-enchanted i'm talking to a sword i'm already going crazy in here we also get a nice pair of boots that might go at any time and we got a pretty nice pickaxe but what i love dude is we got ourselves a bunch of iron hello i can't make iron armor oh no i can't i can't create any iron oh man ooh you know what though i've got my eye over there it'd be nice to have an elytra i'll tell you that much well the sword certainly works hello yeah check it out we got an elytra dude i was hoping we could find one in here and oops more iron useless and some more leather stuff is it usually this diamond all right well we'll take a nice looking hat and it's very shiny so boom elytra acquired a potion of healing we'll take those okay now how do i escape the end i guess i gotta find the area the dragon's at maybe uh maybe i leave back up son you better watch out i'm invincible i'm not invincible oh we got it now i remember i can craft something called a perper rocket it's like a normal rocket but it's pepper i hope six is gonna be enough i can use these bad boys to fly around yeah i'm looking for the area that the ender dragon is there should be like a teleporter around here somewhere is that it that has to be it right i think we can fly right through it i'm in the end okay you have to fight the dragon now i didn't even think about that okay this is gonna get weird i do not have enough health for this phantoms hold on to healing the portal's not lit i can't go into the overworld they're doing too much damage man can i craft anything i can make obsidian armor okay that's good i have three obsidian yeah go go die can i break obsidian with my shulker pickaxe i don't think i can it's not strong enough ooh maybe i can use its powers if i break a block next to it that breaks obsidian that's working that's working and as much obsidian as i can get how many is that i got 32 obsidian that should be full armor i gotta find my crafting table i need to make some armor obsidian chestplate and helmet boots acquired pants acquired oh yeah i've got oh man that protects me as much as like leather does come on i got my armor dude that's helping a lot they are not doing nearly as much damage i can take you out now boys take this monster you can't stop me where's your dragon overlord that is kind of weird actually there's no dragon here how am i supposed to spawn the portal here hey guys phantoms where's your dad that's it i'm going underground there we go now we have a nice little studio apartment oh there's something called a phantom crystal place on top of each obsidian pillar to summon the ender dragon here goes nothing i guess but i only had enough materials to craft four phantom crystals and i needed 10. so i needed to take out more phantoms for their membrane to craft the crystals but uh but swinging my sword just wasn't cutting it yeah come on i was looking for solutions and i noticed something shiny in the crafting table it's called an obsidian crossbow that'll be useful to take out the phantoms and most importantly the dragon i got the supplies for the crossbow and crafted it and then found out it doesn't shoot arrows it shoots carrots so i killed more endermen for all their carrot drops and then i was ready to destroy some phantoms and get those crystals and carrot attack yeah apparently phantoms are allergic to carrots oh my gosh what is that thing dude a pet endermite i don't know where you came from little buddy but i'm glad you're here oh he can shoot lasers at him get him boy get him under might hit him with all your endermite nice job dude yeah hi endermite welcome to my home this is called the end and weirdly it's at the beginning trying to get ourselves to the overworld little buddy you'll like it it's full of green things and boom that should be plenty of phantom crystals let's spawn this dragon yes i made it dude place down our phantom crystal we've got one only nine more to go cover me enter my oh wait a minute i can fly i forgot oh that's much easier yes here goes nothing hey hey stop oh gosh curious get ready for action wait a minute the dragon's not attacking me come here dragon battle me and look she even opened up the portal for me ah nice dragon uh i should get out of here yup back to the overworld what back home almost i can't i can't break any blocks look it's netherrack well this isn't good if we can't break blocks i'm gonna assume we've gotta escape at the old-fashioned way we might have some custom items we can make hey we could make this right here it's called the immortal spell book and i can get all of these things from a stronghold so let's go exploring my friend you're not supposed to be here i oh i got coal and bone that's what i needed now i just need to find a library why are there wither skeletons in the stronghold dude hey i found a library all right sweet ooh and some free books i'll take that dude eternal book crafted this holds the secrets of eternal life it might act like a totem of undying so i want to probably keep this in my offhand all right let me grab this crafting table i could use some more firepower though i found something i can craft called a silver fish sword just need a couple pieces of gravel and a golden sword gravel marco polo any gravel up here oh i could use my shulker pickaxe hey we found one yeah die monster alright little ender mike let's get ourselves a golden sword and i know one way to do it by taking out big ol skelly skeletons hello oh give me your sword dude give me your sword yeah how you doing let's go ahead and make ourselves our silver fish sword oh my gosh look it's like a silver fish on a stick oh i turn them into solid blocks look at that yeah free coal we'll take it all right all right i still need to get out of here let me eat some of these what the heck is this wither pearl i must have picked this up earlier a projectile that breaks blocks where it lands and teleports the thrower to that location here goes nothing hey where am i i'm in the nether dude back up i will shoot you with carrots it isn't exactly the overworld but at least we're making some backwards progress i guess looking through the recipes i found something called a basalt portal this will take us to the overworld yay and i'll also need a volcano launcher to light the portal itself we ran into a problem though there is no gold to be found anywhere uh maybe piglens dropped gold ah yes hello gentlemen how are you you wanna give me gold or something wait a minute maybe i could use my silverfish sword to turn it into gold nope it's a meat block that's gross minecraft is backwards okay normally i trade them gold four items maybe i can trade you items for gold is that gonna work yes okay you can have all the obsidian you want to my man give me all the gold gorgeous gold gorgeous well thanks buddy you've been scammed oh gosh no don't don't kill him buddy oh god thanks for having my back dude although i'm pretty sure we just committed a crime together so let's never talk about this okay we can make ourselves some golden buckets that's the crafting table i have no way to get a second one stop stop stop dude no no no no no give it to me give it to me give it to me okay okay i got the crafting table i'm gone all right we need to find some bath so well that wasn't that hard found some bath salts i mean basal oh hello my friend would you like to be a big block of bones there you go all right let me get some of this basalt here on my way to get the items to get out of the nether i found out i can upgrade my armor to soul sand armor which sounds weird but it's actually better than obsidian armor and we can also make some obsidian tools now that we can actually get sticks cause you know the nether trees and those will be useful upgrades because the last thing i need to get out of the nether is a bucket of nether bricks wish me luck i'm holding the immortal book and okay we're here we're here i'm just here for the bucket of netherright brick i mean uh nether brick or whatever it's called oh gosh okay okay i just died keep me alive book i made it i made it i made it i made it okay well i made it out of there alive apparently my soul sand armor makes me fire resistant so uh that's pretty convenient now i should have everything that we need hope and so at least a volcano launcher acquired look at this monster man yeah i could just launch a volcano oh gosh okay it's shooting volcanoes what's happening oh i used my volcano launcher to launch this little guy see that okay so i need to use that to light my portal so let's build our assault portal and this will take us if i do it right to the overworld okay so if i'm doing this correctly i've gotta shoot a volcano and then quickly quickly go go go go go i've gotta place the portal right there come on light the portal dude i think it worked oh look at it oh my gosh i'm afraid to jump in it though it's like full of lava and stuff hold on crafting table i'm coming back for you and then i think i'm on to the overworld here goes nothing i made it i made it i am in the over world oh my goodness have i missed you i mean i'm underground and it's scary down here but hey at least i am in the over world we're making progress now there's only one real way to beat minecraft backwards every minecraft world starts with punching a tree so my end goal today is punch a tree but not just any tree you'll see the first thing that we need is called a mine shaft drill i just need a couple of items and drill acquired now the reason i needed this drill so badly uh first of all it does this yup ah yes go buddy he literally places down a mine shaft where he goes and then at the very end watch this he leaves down a chest and it sometimes has got kind of important pieces like wardens ears which we'll need later and awesome bread dude oh my goodness that's so nice what i'm hunting for right now and this is gonna sound weird is this mining guy has to find a thing for me called a villager nose and i'm going to use that to craft something hey i got it villager knows my inventory is getting a little wild go mining drill he's so beautiful go go go go yeah oh nice got some free diamonds and diamond ingots what the heck i don't even know you could drop that it feels weird that i've already beaten the dragon and i'm excited to get diamonds now i can't wait till i craft my first wooden pickaxe what a glorious day that's gonna be while we're here we're also gonna grab some of this wood that our mining drill placed down thank you and that will allow me to craft an upside down villager house wife look at this thing and go oh my word well it placed out a villager house hello there's a guy in there mr villager hello buddy i like your house oh gosh please villager don't die it's very important you don't die i'll save you villager hi little upside down dude look at him hey stay stay back these guys are gonna have a field day with him hi buddy can you go back inside you're literally under the ground dude i finally got the villager inside the upside down house i traded him what i had to get the emerald ingot and then i mined some nearby gold to get myself four total emerald ingots i needed those to craft a skulk seeker that's an item that'll help us find the world's origin and we need to find that to beat the game alright skulk seeker send me where i need to go oh it must be this way ah it makes like an arrow on the ground we're headed to the world origin this area looks a little different is it this little sapling right here i think i found it i think i found the world origin it must be the first tree i did see something in here that's it the great fertilizer so i've got to use the great fertilizer on our sapling to grow it into the great tree and then i kill it and then i win okay mr great tree i gotta grow ya and then kill ya i have everything else looks like i just need a sapling and a log i got what didn't give me the wood ah the diamond wood chipper the only way to collect wood from the surface well here it is ready to munch on it come here wood oh my gosh look at it go dude oh my gosh that was awesome that should give us everything we need i even got an apple time for wait a minute wooden chest plate oh my gosh the strongest chest plate in the game just in case we're about to go into a boss battle here okay the great fertilizer is mine well here goes nothing i guess i've completed the challenge but the game just started i beat the game but it just started what a beautiful grand tree and now i shall punch it i've done it
Channel: Craftee
Views: 6,157,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, backwards, minecraft but backwards, minecraft challenge, custom items, custom item, custom weapon, custom weapons, custom pickaxe, custom pickaxes, custom armor, custom sword
Id: VISIz_P0oQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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