Minecraft but I Gain 1,000,000 Hearts

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ten Hearts what am I of the noob or something today I'm gonna gain one million hearts and I can spend my hearts to buy super cool items that'll help me get more and more Hearts all right let's get started I'm sorry all right so every block that I break I get myself a new heart eh thank you very much come here you glorious Hearts now that I unlocked our heart portal we can go inside to our heart shop to use our hearts to buy items so I'll buy a deck of Hearts wow that was a painful purchase imagine you go to buy a pair of pants and the guy's like all right time for your heart surgery so our deck of Hearts will send out a card with the amount of hearts that we gain so I got six hearts from that ah yes very nice a nice roll of the hearts and there's four and seven and ten yeah dude we're getting Hearts like the the last we're getting a lot of them it's David Blaine Street magic all right cow pick a card any card your card is a six of Hearts okay well uh close enough I'm a YouTuber I'm not a magician all right chicken let's play a game of war whoever's card is higher wins all right all right your card is a five and mine is a ten take that chicken okay well he can't even read anyways give me all the hearts yeah oh my goodness dude I got like 50 Hearts all right let's head back into our shop here and let's see what items we can buy I'll grab myself a heart pump thank you very much and I can oh gosh a hundred Hearts I I have no idea how many hearts I have I'll come back to that later I don't want to accidentally die all right heart pump let's see what you got looks like it squirts mysterious liquid oh gosh that explodes blocks into Hearts oh no I hate the sound dude okay okay that's a horrible sound and I hate it oh man but that's a lot of Hearts dude wait it can damage mobs as well come here Pillager Outpost I have some red juice to squirt on you don't judge me it's what the power-up is called don't worry Elise I shall rescue you but my heart's already filling up the entire screen yes take this oh my gosh I'm getting too many hearts man I can't even see my screen yes I shall kill you with love I love that dude so hard he died all right that should be more than a hundred let's buy ourselves our numerical hearts and I should be able to afford our brave heart as well I can't dude this is under 500 Hearts oh my goodness what does a million hearts look like all right let's use it hey yeah ah there we are much better now I can actually see the mobs that I love to death yeah take that I'm at 300 Hearts my next upgrade I think is at 500 or a thousand so let's love the heck out of these dirt I love you so much dirt dirt will you be my Valentine no okay I understand no I I get it no it's grass already asked you to be your Valentine I get it you guys are pretty close smell that no that's not cow farts that's love in the air huh spread the love this Valentine today with my new crafty Hearts merchandise a new shirt sticker pack and water bottle plus huge sidewide Valentine's Day discounts go to crafty dot store today oh I can spam it dude I hope this isn't coming from my own veins all right almost 2 000 Hearts ah that should be plenty to make my next upgrade we can buy a Braveheart here don't mind if I do and I can buy a heart pendant yeah oops my bad him a heart pendant oh nice I now no longer take fall damage and I have some armor and a nice looking necklace wow very fancy we also have our Braveheart which grants a speed strength and we can run through blocks to break it and damage mobs oh heck yeah man wait I just realized I'm running so fast I'm not collecting the hearts yeah pardon me excuse me yeah this is what you get for not being my Valentine oh my goodness oh goodness stop stop I I don't want this power anymore oh chill chill dude oh my goodness I just tunneled through this entire ground all right well I'm slowly dying of hunger so let me just go buy a village real quick stop breaking the blocks stop it your boy's starving as much as I love hearts I don't love eating him quite as much hello Village you mind if I grab some of the food my dude oh my gosh what what is this Farm dude yo Franklin how's it going man you seem like you've been busy quite literally every time I get hit with Hunger I actually lose money time is money time is money yeah never mind man do you have a process dude or do you just out here eating seeds as far as they go what is this dude he's out here planted in a ravine man it doesn't seem super efficient you know anybody home oh gosh Frank just planting inside the house look at all this look at all the Farmland dude what are you doing just spitting out seeds off the top here but I ain't judging his bread he's delicious whoa hey what's going on here guys are you stuck in there don't worry boys you can take my heart but you can never take my freedom yeah I don't know how you guys got stuck in there but there you go they're free now we'll grab a couple more of these and then we'll head on to get our next upgrade alrighty 1600 Hearts what can I buy the heart attack whoa bro this is cool looking man looks like I need a couple more Hearts though I'll be back you beautiful illustrious sword we'll just do a little bit of mowing real quick this is so nice yeah take that grass my Evil Nemesis is back the green monster us it's time for the upgrade boom I got a heart attack well I hope I don't have one of those my left arm does feel itchy though grass we meet once again and once and for all you will be destroyed oh that's actually kind of cute okay well it doesn't break blocks but I assume it'll break mobs yeah I am victorious hello pillagers I told you I'd be back I got a new play toy oh my goodness that only does it do a lot of damage it gives me a bunch of Hearts as well I'd like to kill you with love yes I'd like oh my goodness what the heck is that a death zombie back up death zombie death skeleton I will love you to death except my love yes this is a powerful sword dude hello buddy let me love you yeah yeah take that monster all right well we got ourselves a nice thousand Hearts there oh also some TNT and a flinted steel not too shabby a new fun to gift for my friends and also all these blocks broken should count as giving me hearts as well so oh hi uh you might want to leave okay I mean I warned them what's that flint and steel you want the Valentine all right well I have just a partner for you I think your relationship will be quite explosive go yeah what's up dude see ya oh I didn't drop any hearts all right well that's all right it was cool looking I have an idea hold on if I use my Braveheart that breaks blocks does water sources count as blocks Broken Oh no I thought it could cheat the system well all right it is what it is oh hello Ravine was Frank here yeah looking for some upgrades eating some grass oh dude this is actually so cool I drew something in the grass it's uh I don't know I was trying to draw the Subscribe button swipe I'll write 5 000 Hearts there you are my glorious heart of the sea I don't know what you do but I'm ready oh wow I can see mobs it looks like now I see what you did there what is that oh no oh Chester what have they done to my boy I love you I want to purchase you you do look horrifying today I'm so sorry to say uh don't worry Chester I'll be back and you will be my Valentine I know I know you can be my Valentine too don't worry don't worry all right heart of the sea let's see what she got it makes mobs glow looking at a mob for two seconds will cause it to explode into hearts I don't really want chickens to explode it's got a scope it's like a gun dude oh my gosh so I can zoom into mobs and it'll explode them hold on I don't want to explode like a a cow and a Shipe hello Shipe don't worry you live another day Tango spotted oh I see a spider 45 clicks to the left oh he's gone where'd he go this spider just despawned dog he's like nope I'm out out all right let me wait till it's night time might be a little easier careful sheep there's bogeys out on the loose huh no not boogies bogeys like bad guys they're coming they're spawning the skeletons the uh evil squids here they are boys get ready lock on Focus oh dude that's that's um all right all right careful I don't want to zoom into good mobs for an ant explode get him ah take that death monsters this is awesome 360 and scope they're hiding behind blocks no one no one can hide from me everyone will receive my love yeah let me love you they're in the trenches I hope you have a great day your eyes look beautiful this morning your essence is glowing you have a fantastic smile boys check it out I built myself a little Sniper Tower oh they can climb they could climb dude since when what the heck was that all right well it's not only my Sniper Tower it's it's the world Sniper Tower yeah take that Kaboom all right so my goal is to get up to 10 000 just by sniping the enemy hello spider goodbye and then and then oh shoot that was a cow I wasn't thinking sorry sorry buddy I will get to Chester no matter what yeah and now with the safety of daylight never mind never mind all right in the safety of daylight we can collect our hearts and get our upgrades hi see you later oh I love having 7 000 Hearts it's not just money literally to kill me you'd have to do 7 000 damage to me so I'm basically indestructible and ready to love hello my glorious hard grower I'll take one of you yes please oh fives beam that multiplies heart's value no very very nice reminds me that scene from The Grinch oh crafty's heart grew three times the size that day there it goes it grew nice and large okay so that gave me ten it looks like wait can I keep doing it keep growing little heart keep growing okay how many does that give me a hundred all right not too bad that gives me an idea hold on I gotta find myself a spider hello have you seen her ate like a little Spa there around here over there hello little despard there do you mind if I love you till you die yeah okay so we have technically 500 hearts out there so can I now grow a bunch of these to give me five thousand oh they give us let's see oh my gosh 35 000. now we're talking dude I think I can already afford my next upgrade the hardened Hearts I'll take one thank you very much what is this do oh someone's little hearts hello little hearts oh my word okay well I guess I create hearts that explode things huh hold on if I aim at this tree and right click there are you they all just gonna attack the tree whoa oh my goodness can I spam it if I just do a bunch of them go Hearts attack oh oh my goodness grow all right all right aaroni how many is that that's thirty thousand and forty thousand this is the best upgrade I could have ever gotten I mean until Chester of course then Chester's the best upgrade buddy I think Chester watches my videos so I wonder how far does this go if I aim all the way over there at that oh go okay it does have kind of an arc to it so I have to aim a little higher Arts attack go Hearts rise conquer with love kaplamo I could use these Hearts to explode the blocks and so easily get myself more levels or hearts or whatever upgrade boys that's it 50 000. you know what that means it means it's higher than 49 999. no it may it makes their time what's up buddy buddy guys I think it's the eyes straight up it looks like Darth sidious's eyeballs from Star Wars you know don't be evil Chester don't be evil yeah we got him dude don't look at me like that no I wasn't calling you a Sith Lord I said you look like the Sith Lord's eyes it's not the same Chester buddy welcome to the world oh he's got sharp teeth too yes what's up Chester looking good you're looking you're looking ah very nice as usual Chester multiplies the amount of Hearts I get by two so if I got two hearts it multiplies by two and now Chester how many would I get okay well still working on our multiplication tables all right Chester buddy I'm gonna see if I can get my next upgrade the ambulance in literally one move we find a death creeper kablamo we grow our hearts oh and now can I get all the way to 75 000. yeah yes sir you're awesome man oh gosh where did your eyeballs go there you are you know what is it Jar Jar Binks eye Jar Jar Binks eyes oh Chester you got jar jars eyes sorry buddy now we can afford our ambulance my dude let's test this bad boy out shall we oh check it out look at my ride it's so annoying oh my word well cow I'm so sorry buddy I'm in an emergency am I doing a wheelie with an ambulance oh no oh no oh no hello anybody in the caves needing some assistance oh oh my goodness oh wow wow all right all right oh goodness gracious that's laggy wow that's useful and uh quite dangerous I gotta be a little careful how I use it let me level up some of these Hearts beautiful all right how many is this gonna get me a hundred thousand a hundred and thirty thousand dude we got a quarter million Hearts my man you know those ambulances they're just out here to collect Hearts oh gosh I'm just now processing that currency is Hearts I collect hearts and I sell them to get more Hearts yeah if you put it that way it's a little evil sounding all right clinical take one of you well since we damaged a couple of mobs here uh I'm gonna go ahead and set up the hospital ah perfect ah yes the the ambulance approves check it out boys we got ourselves our own little Hospital yes this is the waiting room you can wait nine hours and this here is the room where the doctor tells you that you owe him a hundred thousand dollars oh my goodness I just realize dude our hearts are just going up I'm not even collecting any it goes up like by a hundred every second or something oh heck yeah thank you Hospital you're a great heart collector uh wait hold on come one come on you have Staples in your butt accidentally fry your own toes come on down to crafty's hospital where we use Hearts as currency it's not the greatest sales pitch of the world but hey we're already up to 200 000 Hearts we'll grab us some lifesteal oh gosh right click to drain the life force out of mobs well this video started very lovely and wholesome and lovey and uh now I'm draining life forces what is happening hold on let me find some bad mobs real quick hello monster boys dude I just right click and they explode into Hearts yeah death skeleton be turned into love wow okay that's awesome as well as horrifying wait wait hold on hold on it's giving me all these Hearts can I make it bigger that's what I'm talking about no you you exploded my heart oh all right all right it's fine I'll just dream your life force real quick okay let's grow the heart s grow the heart and how many do we have now oh oh stop stop it stop it oh my goodness keep going keep going yeah yeah dude all right I'm at uh quarter million is that is that gonna be enough the hospital not quite but I'll just hang around for a second and have you guys subscribed yet you're subscribed well you're my best friend you're not subscribed how dare you I'm just kidding we love everybody all right there's my upgrade yo uh Chester what do you think oh I can't unsee jar jar binks's eyes what's that you want to put a hospital in the cave all right well monsters deserve love too go kablam oh my goodness we got an underground cave Hospital oh this looks familiar hey Janet I guess Janet's not working today very nice very nice I'm getting like a thousand Hearts every single second dude now we're talking got myself some passive income oh hello diamonds would you like to become Hearts very nice heart attack we only have one upgrade to go and that my friends is the Angelic crafty upgrade I don't know what it does but I want it very very badly so we just got to get ourselves up to 600 000 Hearts which shouldn't be too hard hard shouldn't be too hard to grow all it's gonna be enough come on come on just a little more oh my goodness it doesn't even look like a heart anymore okay how many is this gonna give me that'll do it almost a million before we officially hit one million I'm buying the Angelic crafty wow glorious nearby mobs are instantly killed uh hold on let me get to somewhere a little safer okay there we go let's do this oh my goodness look at me dude I'm beautiful okay so I can fly now which is great I gotta be careful uh how close the mobs I get come here evil mobs Maggie be vanquished yeah yeah mobs just explode when they get near me okay fantastic Chester watch out buddy I don't know if you count yeah take that evil monsters dude and then also if I right click with an empty hand it just creates oh my word it creates this power beam attack yes the power of love I can't tell if I'm still the good guy or not but uh I do have some cool explosey Powers I shall Smite you Pillager Outpost for the evil that you have done oh hi there little Phantom I have a present for you check it out okay he didn't like my present that's cool oh my goodness that was a bad idea that was a bad idea I used it three times sniping Tower it's been fun boom be vanquished evil mobs for not giving love well I promise to use my powers for good and not for evil leave a like if you loved this video and have a Happy Valentine's Day goodbye
Channel: Craftee
Views: 7,795,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft funny, minecraft mod, minecraft 1 million, custom hearts, minecraft custom hearts, meme, memes, minecraft meme
Id: 41n8ZGZOYW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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