I Lost Everything on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore

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hey guys welcome to episode 4 of the one block series before we start I quickly want to mention that I've released my first ever YouTube's plushie today he's got a fat gold crown on its head on top of some uh milk and a nice shiny red cape I wanted to design him so he looks like a king but also super adorable at the same time and I think we nailed it king plus she goes live today and is only selling for three weeks after that it will never be made again so if you are interested get it now before it's too late at youtubes.com or the link below okay thanks love you guys on the last episode we reached phase seven of the one block which is the nether Dimension and the nether contains dangerous things like a ton of lava Ghasts and blazes which leads us to one big problem my island is entirely made out of wood and uh fire and wood don't get along to make it even worse I don't have any armor I spent all of my iron making the super useful Automatic Farms last episode like how cool is that so I have a feeling this episode is gonna get chaotic anyways let's mind this one block and see what happens oh my God I already got nothing right what I can't even mind it I don't I don't have a diamond pickaxe maybe the nether face is better than I uh expected let's grab my diamonds and craft it pickaxe oh yeah my first ever diamond pickaxe and that's mine are Asian debris let's just put it right here because it looks cool welcome back to one block if you guys don't know what one block is everything I will ever get will come from this regenerating block there are a bunch of different phases and right now we're on the nether phase oh my God another Asian debris block what I think I'm more aging to breathe than iron let's add her to the collection okay oh my God they open doors what who taught them that skill oh my God okay maybe I can trap them instead of killing them because it'll be pretty cool to start a zoo in this one block okay so I'm just gonna quickly make a run for it close the door slow him down [Music] wait oh they're not mad at me anymore hey I got two new friends let's call them Larry and Terry ha o glowstone with this whole new dimension is bringing a ton of new blocks and we're running out of storage room so let's grab these chests and let's extend the chest room over here okay nothing dangerous just yet okay we got some magma cubes um they aren't too dangerous right oh a chest and you gotta lava bucket this is huge for us as you guys know what that means if you combine lava and water you get cobblestone but uh let's remove this before my entire Island burns down I'm not gonna let that happen this episode let's grab the Cobblestone that I have turned them into slabs and let's build a cobblestone generator right over here beside my Farms all right right here in this corner whereby the lava go go yup English is perfect and the water will go right here I think let's build out the frame like that bam let's put another piece of water here and the Lavo right there and it should make cobblestone oh okay this is perfect actually so I can just stand here and just continue mining these two pieces of cobblestone and after five broken pickaxes they got me eight stacks and 53 Cobblestone I haven't had this many building blocks in this entire Series this is pretty exciting okay but now let's get back to mining the one block I really want more H and debris because uh it looks super cool it kind of looks like fossilized dinosaur poop but uh let's just ignore that fact coming I just sounded like a car revving up oh obsidian that that's brand new that means with this we can start building a nether portal all right let's place it down right here and that'll be the start of my nether portal oh I can't forget this and surprisingly we haven't got anything like super bad yet like we've had some piglets come but nothing like blazes or Ghasts which is which is pretty amazing okay okay I I jinxed myself oh I hate hoglands oh God I forgot to hit me from there please die nice and get off my Island I don't want your meat but I guess I never told you guys my objectives for this episode my first objective is to actually survive the nether phase without dying that would be pretty nice I also want to craft a full set of iron armor and to finally build a mob farm you think we can complete all of this you're watching to find out oh no oh no no no no please die please die please oh [Music] oh I should really change up this middle area so it's not all made out of wood that would be a good idea let's just put a super ugly Cobblestone box around the one block ah there are holes in the wall which might cause some problems but uh I guess we'll see let's let's continue mining this thing okay nice good thing I brought more pickaxes I came prepared oh yeah he's not dangerous yo his head is so big he broke a hole in my roof bro I I spent a lot of work on that well I guess since you're not dangerous you can uh you're welcome into my Island just don't harm anybody please we will call you Daniel we did get three more pieces of obsidian which means we are that much closer to crafting a full nether portal I guess you don't really craft another portal but you guys know what I mean and then this lonely depressed guy um let's put it put him here I relate to you buddy I'll be honest though I really want to see a ghast spawn in this box I want to see what happens I think it'll be kind of funny oh oh he's stuck oh my God I'm a genius I totally meant to do that with the the ceiling thing let's come up here and just whack his forehead oh I can't reach him how short are my arms there we go let's just shave his head and we got his bone um that's kind of awkward could you imagine if we got another star the first try that would have been that would have been crazy Daniel Daniel what are you doing bro just wanted a quick Sniff and walked away oh yeah another piece of poop bam we are making a super tall tower of poo now it's pretty cool but now we have enough to make one not the right Ingot which is pretty crazy because I still don't have any iron everything is backwards oh quartz of course we can make observers now oh my God I literally have Goosebumps what he doesn't see me but I I could clearly see him and all eight of his tentacles if I walk close would he shoot a fireball at me oh my God he won't oh my God look at his forehead okay I was gonna say that's a six head um I got him trapped here but he could still shoot Fireballs at me and we killed him I might have accidentally made the most genius trap ever for this nether phase so I'm actually gonna take a break from mining the one block totally not because I'm scared of it uh I'm a man and I'm mature what am I talking about my skin is literally a cookie and my name is a cookie God but uh let's start working on the mob farm I do need a lot of materials to build this and I don't have a lot of cobblestone but I do have a bunch of wood from the tree farm that I built last episode now I just need to figure out a place to build it uh it is a pretty ugly structure it just stands in the air and looks really hideous so I might build it behind these two buildings let's first start by extending the one block and I already ran out of Oak slabs nice oh my God I made I made 30 pressure plates get up oh my I'm so brain dead right now ah can I just continue it with Spruce slabs and like hopefully nobody would care at all oh that looks so ugly all right I extended the platform a little bit and this will be where the mod Farm will be built I kind of messed up though and made it a half slab I yeah so we're gonna have to work with that so let's place the mob farm right in the dead center of the place of the place of the platform honestly I think it will look a little better with some Spruce Wood there we go now let's build the start of the two with some Spruce Wood and let's start building the mod farm with some Spruce logs that are obviously gonna be stripped because stripped things are way better and right in the middle here will just be some Spruce planks just so it looks a little fancier than a boring old mob farm now let's build the mob farm all the way up there we go we're 23 blocks high and I have no way to get down safely oh well let's just continue building out the mob farm since we're already up here I'm not gonna lie the island looks pretty cool from up here we've got a lot of progress done over the past three episodes for this mod Farm I'm trying to make it look a little fancier with some wooden logs and everything just because I don't want a giant turd coming from the ground and just hanging in this guy okay I've ran out of logs and I need to get down from here so uh let's try to make my safest way down without dying here um we gotta do some parkour with some netherrite oh that should be good [Music] yeah that was pretty cool let's grab even more materials I can't forget more food well luckily I built this automatic farm last episode let's click this button and it should Harvest all of these potatoes and wheat for me oh yeah look at all of it just fly into oh fly out of the machine now let's melt it all up and while oh wait I might try to take a quick nap I'm so tired be back bam I didn't totally just sit here and wait for him but the potatoes to grow at all and just sang to myself not at off let's also grab some water and please go away please go away oh my God he still blew up oh my now I don't have any Orcs Labs all right I have to that's all I got now we need to making my way back up there which the only way I could do that is with water so uh and now let's fill in the floor of the mob farm okay and to prevent spiders from spawning I'm gonna put some slabs on every second block and since we are on a one block and it's an entire void there's gonna be a lot of mob spawning I'm pretty sure so I'm actually gonna double decker layer this like a Big Mac and the idea is more mods will spawn on these platforms walk down there and then fall to their death and these slabs will stop spiders from spawning and since I'm already up here might as well build a third layer for even more mobs obviously this whole thing is not gonna work if it's not dark inside so let's grab my wood and let's build up the walls since I wanted to make this look a little better than any ugly poopy looking mob farm this middle section will just be some Spruce Wood and over here will be some snow blocks so let's fill this entire thing in and now the mafa will match of all the other buildings that I've built making everything look pretty cohesive that is a really big word for me I had to search stuff on Google it's looking really cool from down here though I even add like some little circle things at the bottom just some extra attention to detail you know me to make it look even oh my God we'll grab even more logs and let's grab some more snow block oh I do have some snowballs which you'll get me seven snow blocks yay is my snowman still alive uh no my turtles ate them and let's start mining a bunch of snow to turn into snow blocks who's sniffing sniffing oh my God he's back look at my neck what is happening right now well uh since this isn't enough snow blocks for the entire thing of the mob farm thingy there's a lot of walls oh my God there's a mob up there already that's cool let's just put this away craft a butt ton more shovels let's continue mining some snow so uh how's your guys's day going I'm mine's going amazing I'm just standing here holding left click yeah watching some sidemen videos how about you guys I'm guessing I'm gonna need like a whole inventory of snow almost to fill up that actually maybe not I only had like two stacks and I fill out an entire wall so that means I need quick maths uh uh two four six eight ten eleven twelve twelve Stacks all right this should be enough and let's finish up this mod Farm [Music] I then continued the same design on the ceiling all right let's head down now and there's AFK The Moth farm for like 20 minutes and see how many mobs we get I'm actually really curious that's that's my waiting music and this is definitely way more than I usually get in like a normal world so let's kill all of these guys and see how much xp we got oh my god listen to the amount of mobs that die oh my God that that is a lot of mobs look at this XP oh my God I'm not farming one block is super op I love this well we finally got to level 30 and we have enough to craft a full boat tons of arrows too so uh I can finally defend myself from those vexes and blazes but the moth Farm isn't done just yet I want to add some decoration to it let's grab some leaves oh that is not a lot and I don't really have a tree farm anymore should I just take it from this and just pretend nothing happens you know that's getting lazy I can't do that luckily we got a bunch of Bones let's turn it all into bone meal let's grab some saplings and plant them right here and steal the leaves yeah oh I really don't want to craft more shears cause uh yeah that would use up a third of our iron oh I'm struggling oh I do have iron here okay let's smell these guys up and now with all of this more almost all of this more ironess I can craft more shears yeah now I don't feel as bad even though it is a really stupid thing to do because uh one of my goals was to craft a full set of iron armor and right now I'm just using shears to get leaves you know what to save even more iron let's craft some lanterns and now let's just put a bunch of leaves all over the walls of the mob farm just to add some Greenery and to match with my house over here all right now let's head down a little bit to here and let's grab some blocks and make a little area where I could stand like right here and the reason why I made these lanterns is because I want them to hang like from the bottom of the small farm like this I think it'll look pretty cool and let's put a few more on the bottom side of this mob farm and right on these Corners I think it's just a little too square and it doesn't look like it can support this giant building at the top so I'm just gonna add some stairs like this a slap here and a trap door like that so it looks like some support beam thingies yeah and oh um I forgot about this water and that is my mob farm that that has to be the fanciest Mall Farm in the history of Minecraft come on like from the distance it doesn't even really look like a moth Farm it kind of looks like a decoration in this guy I'm really proud of it please tell me you're proud of me in the comments but now that we have a source of unlimited XP also an automatic sugarcane farm and wheat farm that means we can finally start our journey on making an enchantment table and some books and all that cool stuff to enchant and to make some books and some cool stuff I really need to take some speaking lessons or something man so let's first grab all the wheat that we have harvested and breed our cows because they haven't ate in like over a hundred Minecraft days that's literally the first time I've bred my cows or any animal that's hilarious I'm so sorry guys but eventually I'm gonna breed so many cows that I can kill them for their leather and craft some books I'm sorry that was a little cruel you guys didn't have to hear that let's make sure I have my bowl ready and an extra weapon all right let's continue mining let's see what else we can get in this nether phase oh God okay from this angle it looks like what the what the what the what come on oh my god dude why did he wait so long to attack me I didn't know there was two okay I think they're friendly now that they've turned zombified it's like playing a horror game you never know what's coming next away what chest what's in here uh more iron oh another word let's grab my Soul Sand and let's build a little thing right here temporarily I guess all right let's continue mining okay these gas are really weird looking up close um oh sir I gotta Lodge me in the air protect me snowman I am scared I am so lucky he's trapped in that box if he was flying around here my entire Island would be on fire [Applause] oh man I'm gonna be honest I'm really scared for this monster party I have no idea what's gonna be coming okay oh my God you can't fit through there right it's the zombified one at least nice oh my God he's not how does he hit me bro die okay we got another piece of obsidian that makes two which means we are more than halfway done to crafting another portal do I have any more in this chest um I've won all right bam all we need is three more pieces until we can enter a whole new dimension adding millions and millions of more blocks to the game oh and I've read the comments on the last episode and you guys gave me a really good idea if I grab a torch and just put it right underneath the block the sand should just break so I don't need to like mine two blocks and mobs won't suffocate [Applause] no oh oh okay okay we got monster party oh my God oh my God I'm a genius I'm oh I'm not genius oh my God okay wait wait wait okay let's kill these guys I'm so thankful at building an upstairs part where I could just block myself off okay oh my God my door's broken that's all they got through okay please we gotta kill the gas we gotta kill the gas okay nice let's kill these blazes before they set fired everything okay let's Dodge these guys oh my God oh no no no please please please die my house my house stop stop stop stop stop no my everything's burning okay let's kill this Blaze everything's on fire no my horse no live please oh God okay let's look no no one of my horse died no all of them died too much fire there's too much okay uh we survived um hopefully nothing's on fire that I can't see everything looks good everything looks fine my island is looking a little destroyed but we survived we do have some damage to the house though but it's not too bad all right let's remove the box and let's fix up my entire Island and it's all fixed up even though I really like this middle area I might have to change it to something else it needs to be a little bit more functional and have a little bit more room for me to run around in and probably shouldn't be made out of all wood so I think we're gonna have to redesign this so let's actually tear down this entire thing even though I just rebuilt it yeah my my brain is non-existent okay it's now all cleared out and my idea is to have like a water flowing into some hole so if mobs do spawn I could just like quickly punch them and they will fall into this hole and they won't attack me let's grab the materials I need and let's build a basic structure of the Trap all right this is what I got so far it looks a little messy but water's gonna be right here flowing into this little box and all the mods will get trapped down here then I can kill them like it's a mob farm so let's craft some stairs to make your way down to this area now let's craft a few signs let's slap them right over here let's put down some water let's also craft some Cobblestone slabs and put them right here so that way skeletons and a bunch of mobs can't shoot me that will also allow me to put water right here that will push all the mobs to the corners and since we're in the nether phase I'm gonna build a temporary Cobblestone wall behind the one block that way it'll shoot my house from any Fireballs I did leave a giant opening on the ceiling here because it looked pretty ugly having like this big uh roof over top of it so hopefully this isn't a problem I did make sure though that this space is big enough and there's a roof over here so if a gas does spawn I can just shoot them and they won't fly away and now let's finish decorating the area let's make this one block deeper or one slap deeper that way the cows or any type of animal can get out of here wait actually there's still won't fit through here this is a one block Gap you know what if it does happen there it's their fault now I just need to connect this Middle Island to the other Island surrounding it all right the main island is officially revamped this is what it looked like before and this is it now I think it looks a lot cooler and tougher and let's start mining this one block let's see how good this new Contraption really is okay we got a blaze okay he flies um oh God okay the stone wall helps oh he fell in let's shoot him down and oh we killed him yeah the Trap sort of worked I was scared he's gonna fly up away but he did fall into the water and die so I'll call that a success I'm kind of worried for the gas though like that could be really dangerous oh a stinky chest my favorite uh and I did that that was that's some terrible loot wow that's terrible oh hello Strider you really need to go to a barber shop like this is that is gross oh another obsidian block let's add her to the portal and we just need two more pieces left oh I didn't think of that wait never mind the water freaks this stuff I did think of that that was totally planned oh another piece another piece I never overreact I'm a normal mature person that doesn't get over really excited over a block in a block game and we need one more piece and let's get back to mining this one block I feel like I feel like the nether is about to end foreign don't get excited over blocks I'm a fully grown adult let's mind this thing up yeah and let's slap right there and we got ourselves a fully built nether portal oh my God I'm not gonna light it just yet though I'm gonna save it till the end of the video just because it adds some uh uh some suspense oh they they're they're dancing for me all right they're doing a little they're doing a little Tick Tock dance someone put the Renegade song over this or something oh my God all right that's enough you guys gotta go fall into the Trap oh wait what's up obsidian which I don't need at all so maybe I should just uh [Music] I probably could have put that to better use but it was worth it for the video my God another piece of obsidian okay this time I won't throw it off the end why am I like this what why that wasn't even that funny oh this has to be the last thing there has to be it made a noise it made a noise okay we got a piglet spawn egg we're definitely gonna build a zoo one day or a jail cell and put this guy in it let's mine This what I thought it'll be in the new phase oh my God I got baited so hard no oh my god that actually scared the ball sack out of me oh my God I guess it works holy God I really hope that's the last mob like there's no way oh oh my God they can reach me oh my God I forgot to knock them in they can't jump over your right there's no way there's no way they could parkour okay I think we're good oh my God I think they turned into normal zombified guys too no yo chill you guys literally live in the same place right here we want to do another anymore ooh another piece of obsidian I'm not gonna throw it off the edge this time trust me I did it twice there's no point in doing it a third time ah just kidding I got you guys I got you guys [Music] okay this is it yes no more nether no more another oh my God three another right scraps honestly I deserve it after what I've gone through and we're on the next phase oh my God thank God I'm sick of the nether I'm done four three what is it gonna be I have no clue the idol the Adele the Adele the ideally all right um it seems like it's all course blocks I'm not complaining that that this is like the most value block ever Emerald okay wait what face was this phase eight that means two more phases and we're gonna get to the end oh my God we got an iron block oh my God that means we could finally make armor wait wait that brings it gives us nine please please please please please please please come on come on please yeah that's six oh that's 15 if you make this into one and get we have 16 I'm I'm really trying to get iron oh my God I don't have enough oh wait I have armor on okay they're literally about a break well maybe on the next episode we'll finally get a full set of iron armor I think I mined the one block for way too long now let's grab my flint and steal let's light up the nether portal and let's head through ah just kidding we're doing that in the next episode anyways that was a ton of fun and very scary I built a very nice mob farm I redesigned the Middle Island we made ourselves a cobblestone generator and now we can enter a whole new dimension I'll see you guys on episode 5 when we enter the nether oh my God this is also just a quick reminder to check out my plushie at youtubes.com love you guys thank you
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 958,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acookiegod, a cookie god, a cookie god minecraft, cookie minecraft, minecraft cookie, minecraft cookie god, cookie god, acookiegod series, acookiegod hardcore, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft, extracookie, minecraft one block, one block, one block in minecraft hardcore, minecraft one block skyblock, one block series, acookiegod one block, minecraft one block bts, i lost everything on one block in minecraft hardcore, my island burned down on one block minecraft
Id: gutRCej5sHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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