Minecraft but there's MORE Custom TNT

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minecraft but there's optnt the arrow tnt chicken tnt diamond and even lucky block tnt all leading up to the elusive most destructive tnt of them all but all this new tnt has attracted some dangerous new creepers too and supposedly they have a surprise waiting for me in the end can i use these tnts to beat the game kill the dragon with an explosion now that's my kind of video hey now what kind of tnts are we talking about cause last time we had some pretty oh my goodness i was not expecting that the dragon apocalypse arrow tnts diamond tnts which one can i actually do oh this one i can do wood catalyst gotten from mining trees who calls it mining trees clearly we're boxing them round one fight k.o no catalyst yet don't make me get your father i got him i got the wood catalyst oh i'm getting tons of these little wood catalyst things i guess i can make a lot of these ah don't take a couple of saplings yes thank you wow all right we got everything we need let's make our tree in t look at him oh he's cool looking i got a little bonsai let's do this shall we light them and run what will happen he shoots out trees oh that's wonderful i love it there we got some basic tools from that and what other tnt can we make a yi tnt uh throws all nearby enemies high in the air yes please i need a golem catalyst though it says gotten from killing iron golems with the tree tnt ah don't mind if i do but first snack time and if you're not subscribed it's a poison apple how dare you i am off to find oh my word is that an apple creeper here you go little buddy you want to be friends okay not an apple creeper not an apple creeper are you a flame creeper oh my gosh back sir excuse me ah what do you drop if i kill you oh okay you just dropped fire that's the worst drop i've ever had hey jackpot hello buddy good morning it's like mr beast team trees except i'm mr beast in the bad way go break him trees destroy him i'm in fire mental did he drop anything uh i don't think he did the trees may have exploded the catalyst let's try this again go go go get him get him oh that did it that did it did it we got it yeah what is this thing the golem catalyst well that does make sense i feel very guilty uh oh uh buddy i got some bad news for you your friend has become my dinner now to make this tnt i gotta get some iron okay a field trip where are your parents guys what is this the 80s you don't get the joke ask your parents i found a cave there we go 19 iron that should do it i still need one more piece of iron so we're doing the old-fashioned ways you know how it goes careful ow uh yep we got iron yeah oh free bow i'll take that that should be enough iron and we have everything we need to make our eat tnt when that finishes but i noticed the chicken tnt which is next up we need a chicken catalyst and to do that you gotta eat a chicken and then shoot it with an arrow now doesn't that sound just delightful yep we can make it the yi tnt oh look at it it's got a little yeeta on it yay feathers acquired gravel obtained arrows unlocked what is this all right boys i found some chickens let's get to eating oh man is this gonna work whoa there it goes yeah yeah i only have a couple of arrows yeah did i get him oh i got him oh you dropped the catalyst yeah uh you can stay alive i only need one yeah you thought i'd spare you not today all right we got ourselves our chicken catalyst i like the little chickens on it i'm a marksman man you see that 360 no scope oh brilliant i have a question i i probably shouldn't ask can i also be eaten ready for this yeah i don't know if i can make it i'm gonna try nope nope we're just gonna pretend like i clutched that all right everybody comment wow clutched awesome crafty good job okay now how do you make this chicken tnt oh we can already make it we got plenty of raw chicken ew we're making a tnt out of raw chicken dude shoots homing exploding chickens at mobs oh yeah i cannot wait can we just appreciate this tnt oh that's so cool now how do i use this to get our next tnt because it looks like we have to keep getting upgrades we've got the aero tnt the skeleton catalyst we get that from using chicken tnt on skeletons okay no problem looks like we got to get ourselves some skeletons my boy and with the power of editing it's night time i went ahead and grabbed my iron from the village so now i'm decked out with some iron armor oh here we go here we go i gotta do this fast oh shoot yes yes yes do that no ah light it did wrong did you blow my tnt you jerk you blow my tnt no no no no chicken attack chicken attack oh my oh my goodness it just launches the chickens this is the great i love this tnt they're straight up homing missiles man oh bummer dude we didn't get the catalyst well let's try this again shall we yeah no no light it light it goes there it goes oh beautiful watch where you catalyst skeleton catalyst nice i need these ender pearls for my next tnt so figure might as well while i'm here thank you sir whoa i've got another one still mad at me let's make our arrow tnt yeah oh cool man oh are you made of bedrock my good man what is this thing oh my goodness might as well use this guy on him go boys ow ow ow hey hey it's like jump rope hey what the what what did he just do did he turn himself into dirt uh okay i still haven't figured out exactly what i need to do with these guys oh maybe that's where all the tnt came from well it looks like the next one up is the wide tnt and i do that from killing 10 mobs with the arrow tnt so uh i think i can do that okay this is where i'm setting my trap oh scary monsters come get me if you dare all right the trap has been set and let's see if i can get these guys exploding oh man oh another one of those creepers okay careful of him what an all i have something to share or something amazing okay ready set go get him boys don't don't kill me come here come on come on come on yes yes yes yes yes yes is that gonna do it i might not have killed enough mobs dude this is so challenging all right i'm gonna try it again i'm gonna try to get i'm hoping it doesn't have to be all in one sitting does this count does this count i see it i see it i see something wide over there looking like a big wide boy yes oh we're getting very close to our big boy the dragon tnt we still have our chicken here from earlier go chickens that'll never get old this is called the white tnt big wide tunnel boy all right well let's make it this is so ridiculous you guys what is this what is this oh oh my oh my gosh i feel like i'm just gonna knock into things walking around here oops sorry oh sorry excuse me all right well let's try let's get into a cave this feels like a nice little spot so let's put our tnt down oh my goodness i am not sure how to use this thing let's light them and then i don't know where i'm supposed to run i guess over here oh oh oh my oh my goodness oh ah i think i broke the game oh where did all the cobblestone go wow all right yeah this makes a serious tunnel we have 15 more of these let's get some diamonds with this oh my gosh can we get lucky here uh no we're at diamond level let's see what happens boom oh my goodness dude okay i gotta get over here before everything gets burned to death oh my gosh keep your eyes peeled for diamonds gentlemen oh there's diamonds we got it we got some i love this tnt this is so cool dude i was looking at the next tnt which is the diamond tnt and we need a diamond catalyst we get one of those from using a wide tnt on diamond ore so we got diamonds but we might have to use it actually next to diamonds so that's our next goal is to get ourselves the diamond tnt and then we're so close to this dragon apocalypse oh i'm stoked okay found some diamonds not a lot but we'll take it so the diamonds are touching the tnt and i'm hoping this is what we need to get ourselves the next tnt and boom yep that worked that worked we got the catalyst yes oh my gosh fun challenge how many times did i say tnt in this video we got the diamond catalyst the only thing is we need a ton of resources to make this so let's keep on why tea and tina kablammo that's more diamonds i like that have more yes yes yes more this is so cool i need a bunch of gold and a bunch of diamonds so this is gonna be useful and more oh my word and we got some gold over here too why are we finding way more diamonds than gold how many diamonds do i have i have 53 diamonds yeah i'm rich boys oh oh no no i'm not that rich we need two diamond blocks two gold and that should be all we need yes i've got it the diamond tnt it explodes turning nearby blocks and mobs into diamonds but we can't not use this thing and there's some mobs right over there you guys want to be made a diamond real quick that'd be awesome go go go go go go go go go come on wow i didn't think it would actually oh my god is this real diamond can i actually mine this no i can't are you serious i can ow ow wow you did a lot of damage diamond zombie that's amazing look andy drops diamonds i like this a lot this is my new favorite tnt and i'm turning you into diamonds no no boom oh oh he just died baby zombies baby zombies golden baby zombies this is so cool needless to say we're making ourselves some armor upgrades how do i look oh i still got a sword ew iron gross i don't have any sticks so now i don't have a sword oh well the next one is the time tnt temporarily freezes all nearby mobs but to get our temporal catalyst i've gotta kill a diamond enderman yep a diamond enderman all right okay i i've got one here gotta light them up yes yes don't move no no don't go too far please please please no are you serious oh he escaped just narrowly now stay right here dude i got a secret present for you it's uh it's that you're a diamond now oh he looks so cool look at him i mean don't actually look at him he's an enderman but look at how cool this is get mad get mad get mad that's it that's it oh he's beautiful and intimidating i forgot i don't have i don't have a sword yeah this will take a while haha come on i just want you to die men's yeah we got diamonds and we've got our temporal catalyst it's time to freeze time these tnts just keep getting cooler and cooler i think we're only one more crow oh my goodness what is that oh my i don't oh man they're everywhere okay okay okay i think we're only one more uh uh a tnt away from the big dragon one but oh my gosh guys i don't have a i don't have a sword to kill you with do i light you up oh my gosh it turned into a phantom yep yep you can you can die there i'm gonna go away i hope we don't have to deal with him again all right let's make this time bomb shall we oh uh clocks this may mark the first time i have ever made a clock in my entire life most of the time when i want to see what time it is i just stare straight at the sun yeah it's like 145 that should give us what we need and i think we need a couple of diamonds if i'm not incorrect and now uh time tnt is ours boom it's time we light this bad boy off shall we temporarily freezes all nearby mobs oh yes please oh a creeper a creeper okay okay oh oh oh did it work did it work uh hey buddy i think it did oh this feels so weird to stand this close to a creeper you doing okay there man what's the most insulting thing to kill somebody with a feather yeah i think so does that take a little buddy we're friends yes okay okay i guess the time bomb has a time limit now to find out what we got to use our time t and t on we gotta check this guy it says gotten from using the time tnt on piglin brutes oh man it might be time for the nether make a portal fail miserably and make a diamond pickaxe instead try to mine an obsidian keeps falling in lava die give up and go back to using water and now you're in the nether okay my friends we are at the bastion and i need that gold i don't know yet if i want to go inside to gather all those extra resources but i know for sure i can get that gold pretty easily oh and they see me all right you stay right there buddy and then i launch my time tnt freeze our friends don't explode me please yes yes are they frozen are they frozen yes they're frozen okay grab two of these and i gotta i gotta kill this guy yes to get her lucky crystal right we'll kill him before they unfreeze okay okay we can do this we can do this okay careful careful careful and uh i have an idea for this next part we're gonna drop down our chicken tnt and we're running that should take out most of the bad guys hopefully we're making our way down to the bottom yes it's working it's working it's working i'm doing another one of those keep making our way down i've gotta grab two more of those we got this guys now most of the bad guys are over on that side you can mine down like this so i hear bad guys around here somewhere keep your eyes peeled oh there's guys right there time tnt do your thing dude yes yes okay he's frozen oh i'm stuck in a hole yeah okay okay jump on this oh no no no time tnt freeze them please ah get back back come on hey hey back back back they're frozen they're frozen oh yes their offspring are frozen let me grab this oh they're about to be unfrozen go go go go go go block up with diamond got black up with gold i don't care oh no thank you you can keep your girl scout cookies thank you very much before we go and get our blaze rods to get to the end we can actually make our lucky tnt now because we got our lucky catalyst earlier so it causes different random effects apparently and i have to try it i love myself some lucky blocks i mean who doesn't lucky tnt let's do it oh listen to it okay stand back i don't actually know what this does styling whoa what did this what did they just give me a lucky chest plate good or bad i don't know i mean it it looks cool oh i got luck 10 what is luck 10 i don't know what that is but i'm gonna wear it anyways i hope the luck is worth it because it's worse than a diamond chest plate is oh whoa a dragon catalyst and i got blaze rods oh that's perfect yes dragon catalyst that's it that's that's what we needed and we got ten blazer rods well okay well well i guess we're not going to a fortress that's excellent but i want to see if we can test our luck a little more before we make our dragon one hey buddy you might want to step back on this one one two three four oh gosh boom what the whoa what happened what happened uh oh look at me i got so much so many buffs we got a tnt section come on man no why there's two of them too well i should i should have known i've got my lucky chest plate on please don't kill me well um that was something why is there a cow here that should be everything i need to make the dragon tnt but first let's get some ender pearls also my gold chess play gives me luck 10 so i i'm hoping that it has to do with the ender pearls let's see if this works or not there you go here have all the gold oh there there we are there we are we gotta we got a couple of andy pearls thanks buddy now in the meantime i think we should be able to craft our dragon yes we can yes the dragon apocalypse is mine oh my goodness look at it look at it it's got a dragon face on it can one shot the ender dragon but dot dot well that's not ominous no no no no hey hey back off man oh my goodness the time tnt freeze right where you are done stop freeze yes oh my gosh i am grateful for the time tnt man all right you guys done trading up there all right 10 pearls that should do it i'm getting out of here let's kill this dragon dude now that i think about it i probably could use a couple more inner pearls but we're just going to get to the end first and and then we'll figure it out i found it with only one eye vendor gone i know that these chests do have ender pearls in them so wish me luck okay ooh chest please please please yes ah that's one ender parole it's not much but i'll take it hello are you here yes yes please please oh no wait wait one two three four five six seven do we do it yes oh my i was so afraid we weren't gonna make it all right we did it let's kill this thing okay anything we need to prep yeah all right we got a bow we got some arrows hello mr dragon i am here to destroy you this should be an easy fight i think it's just like a one-hit kill huh now i only have one of these so i hope it works place the dragon t oh my goodness place the dragon tnt down let's just go ahead and light it what the heck the creeper army captain oh oh all right and we're getting attacked by enderman yeah yeah worst day ever back off dudes stop i'll shoot chickens at you i'm not afraid to do it kill em go chickens go okay well the the tnt is not going off i think it's because this guy oh my gosh he's spawning those creepers in look at this ah why well it looks like before the tnt is gonna go off ouch i've gotta kill this creeper boss okay i might be able to use some of these chickens go go go all right that's done a little bit of damage to him yeah there we go yeah yeah okay don't explode don't explode don't explode or maybe i want him to explode this is what i get for messing with some special tnt man i get some special creepers that's what it meant when it said one kill the dragon butt apparently the butt was it summons a creeper demon that would have been a nice warning yeah oh my goodness there's so many phantoms come on we got this chicken attack yes yes okay the chickens are taking out the phantoms that should do it that should do it did i do it i killed him i killed him yes yes yes yes yes yes oh man that was supposed to be an easy battle oh well yeah go ahead and kill me oh well that was certainly interesting
Channel: Craftee
Views: 10,121,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkerplays, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, tnt, new tnt, custom tnt, minecraft but tnt, crafting tnt, worlds largest explosion, worlds largest tnt, worlds largest, huge tnt, big tnt, tnt build, blackhole, black hole
Id: rU9aK_S0lUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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