Minecraft, But Structures Are Bosses...

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this is minecraft but structures are bosses today every minecraft structure is about to come alive and bite us from a village house army to a desert temple giant even whatever this structure is my goal is to defeat all minecraft structures to fill up my progress bar but as i progress these structures are going to be getting bigger and bigger so can i survive and what happens if i enter this mansion structure stay tuned to find out so as you can tell at the top it says defeat structures which i'm gonna guess every single thing there is a different structure i gotta defeat so do i just right click this oh wait what what the heck the villagers literally came to life this is the coolest thing ever so terrifying literally the first fight of the entire game and we're fighting a bunch of villages wait are they shooting out villagers too what the heck oh gosh they're shooting more villagers okay no no no no no no guys calm down i'm trying my best against these guys so far i haven't killed a single one of them but we're almost one third through oh wait i think we got one we got four more to go come on okay that's another one down come on let's get this one out of the way okay that's another one down okay eat some more bread there we go two more to go come on come on come on come on come on okay last one 32 health oh gosh oh gosh let me go with the sword and just like that that's gonna be it for the final villager and he says that bell is ours well interesting final words and new crafts unlocked anyways with that being done we got one stone why did we get one stone what the heck and a soul gem and a structured bow and then finally right click to activate a hammer bell kill mobs and break blocks with the same tool wait do i just right click this oh we can go mining with this wait what about mobs can i hurt the horse oh and we can hit stuff nice and then we got a structured bow so what does this do exactly oh my it shoots out villages oh that's insane anyways it did say new crafts unlocked so real quick let's double check what we got and oh that is a lot of new structures we have a soul of pretty much every structure in minecraft including a heart of a desert temple don't really have any of that stuff right now but what about this oh wait we do okay so with the soul gem we got we can go ahead and make a soul of a desert temple awaken wrath of the pharaohs am i gonna be finding some pharaohs for the boss i'm not really sure i need some sandstone though oh and we can get some sandstone nice okay 56 sandstone that was a little instant all right without further ado let's go and get the sand sewn in and now we have the soul of a desert temple which i literally don't know what this thing does do i right click it oh that makes sense it's a tracker the desert temple is 172 blocks away from me so uh is it this one oh i think it's this one okay because of what just happened with the villages i literally don't trust this thing at all but i mean we have to do it to actually progress through the video so i guess let's go in here soul rift wait do i just right click this oh wait what is going on ow part of a desert temple this statue is broken it needs a piece of another temple and statue shards from sand wait do i gotta put like a temple inside of this thing i think i might know why there's a temple all the way over there okay give me one sec let's go over there real quick all right there's a temple i just mind it i'm not really sure oh wait that worked what the heck oh my gosh that could have been very bad but we straight up just got a desert temple pocket-sized okay before we take this back then let's real quick get some more wood and get a grab table and see what we'll grab for you in block okay so i'm not sure what we unlocked but the next thing we definitely need is gonna be the heart of a desert temple so before we place this in let's get some statue shards which i think is going to be from sand apparently so do i just like mine sand oh that actually works and so now we just go ahead and do this i think and then we get a heart of a desert temple a pulse is family in my hands okay i don't have a good feeling about this but i guess let's go put that inside okay i'm gonna right click this and hopefully nothing bad happens oh he literally launched me in the sky that's your temple the giant okay that's a giant temple oh go on my structures get them oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh please do damage piece of damage oh that did nothing guys that literally did nothing oh this is gonna be a tough fight what the heck is so big you're not touching my chest try not to get sand in your eyes oh my gosh okay that is one big boy okay i'm gonna try to not get hit never mind i got hit oh he set me up in the sky i'm literally gonna die guys i need to get some water buckets immediately and literally run away i don't have any iron oh gosh okay the structure mode's not doing it i'm gonna get the structure destroyer that might be the best thing okay we're doing good damage now cool hurry up i need to make a bucket oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh stay back stay back oh my gosh he's coming don't don't break the furnace don't break the furnace oh my gosh wait is he launching temples oh no no no no no no the furnace guys i'm really stuck without the furnace this is the worst thing ever go on my structures get them the structures do no damage are you serious tension temple attacks will now do double damage why i'm literally trying to make it to the final structure at the very end of that progress bar and this is not helping no not another temple not another temple oh okay that barely hit me okay we might actually beat this couple more hits oh no no not another one and yes just like that that's gonna be for the desert temple boss oh and it's won the test room nice and what exactly did he leave by us wait what did i just do did they just disappear i'm so confused anyways we got a temple chest which sand never stops falling out of it press k to toggle magic stand ability to always fill sand under your feet oh it works oh that's sick okay so literally as i walk around i have like a little sand carpet nice but then we got a sand pyramid piece which is just a piece of desert temple structure okay and then a soul gem oh okay that means we can finally make another structure soul what's another boss i guess i'd wanna fight i guess woodland mansion why not which is just gonna be four o'clocks and then at the soul gems so there we go caution awakens a monster house that's not a good sign at all but we're gonna do anyways and one thousand blocks away my goodness uh right click it nope also i never tried to right click the sandy pyramid piece does it do anything oh wait it does oh it spawned that thing again so what's exactly in the chest that is a lot of good stuff and the best part the classic subscribe button that's a good reminder if you guys want to join us right now if we're trying to find more subscribers you guys can go ahead and click that subscribe button right now and in the other chats pretty much a lot of good stuff um okay is this like the boss's loot this is crazy anyways let's get out of here and i guess start going to this woodland mansion which is gonna be straight this way oh and there it is guys okay so 86 more blocks away okay i think it's right up here so do i just right click again okay it's another statue this statue is missing its eyes try inserting emeralds okay we gotta get two emeralds we don't have any right now so i can either go over there or go over there wait what is this find the five hidden pillagers way worth of hidden pillagers oh it's like i don't think okay so where would the pillagers be then oh what's up here okay there's one okay four more to go okay there's another one that's two out of five okay where the heck are they oh another one right there okay so they're hiding behind the walls i gotta get a little bit better at this anything else oh there's another one i'm pretty sure i looked at this room before but i guess i didn't see him the first time okay one more to go where is he maybe in here no no no no pillagers yet oh wait maybe he's in the back room okay this might be the last one right here hey there we go okay i was right and five pillagers found it you found them all come back here to get your reward okay so before we go back there let's real quick get to the end of this just in case it's some good loot and it's pretty bad besides the gmail chess play which we have the temple chest plate dang it okay oh nice it dropped an emerald okay so that's gonna be one out of two emeralds which i guess we just right click this guy there we go and now i gotta give two diamonds to whatever this is is this like just the flowers give me the diamonds or something there you go oh oh wait why it just says what's up doesn't even make sense why am i getting harassed for two diamonds that doesn't even make any sense are you serious structure destroyer go on hopefully sooner or later the structure thing actually does some damage to something but let's go ahead and do some damage to this guy this is a buff pillager what the heck literally it's not some bosses i'm literally cornered no no stay back go on my structures get him oh he's stuck yes and just like that that's gonna be for the captain and we get yet again another emerald and what is this potion potion of strength i guess i'll drink that once we get to the boss okay final emerald here you go and what happens now oh it's a little skeleton right click to activate oh no well here goes nothing oh my gosh what the dog that thing is huge oh my gosh the woodland mansion is alive bring him to my vexes what does that even mean oh my gosh that thing is hideous okay we're doing this apparently oh gosh okay he has fireballs apparently okay how am i gonna fight this guy i literally gotta figure this out okay i think i'm doing a little bit of damage with these structures go on my structures get them oh gosh oh gosh okay i'm literally under the thing now what if i get under the temple then oh gosh never mind we don't want to do that okay let's go up i have an idea magic sand let's go up let's go up let's go up okay go on my structures get him oh it's actually doing good damage gotta say this is probably the biggest boss i've ever fought and i never thought i would literally be fighting a mansion it's doing pretty good damage against me oh gosh okay halfway done wait i'm feeling hungry hurry this up wait what does that mean mr mansion oh gosh okay okay we're literally running out of food this is not good um what do we have left we have gold apples that'll do oh i think i found a good spot also i hope this thing doesn't eat me because if ashley does eat me then i'm literally screwed oh my gosh that does so much damage okay a couple more hits and then we should be good against this guy wait what's going on you'll never beat me i'll eat you guys i just got eaten inside the mansion escape before you're digested what i'm gonna guess that's his digestive system okay this is weird this is weird okay i'm guessing it's a parkour bit it doesn't make any sense but let's just go ahead and do this and it looks like a little bit of a safe point oh it's a big chicken chicken statue doesn't even make any sense to become an actual statue guys i think the love is rising this is not good please go away chicken i did not expect to find a chicken inside the mansion none of this makes sense but i'm going with it okay there goes the chicken let's get that over with and now let's keep going oh gosh lava please do not go too high i got to make this quake literally gotta fight these bosses as fast as i can please don't be a boss can we just keep going oh no it's a boss oh villager statue it's literally a buff dude with a nose he doesn't even have a face oh wait why is his face like that what the heck is going on here i gotta be quick with this i'm literally just gonna spin my structures oh wait this might be a good time actually let's try out the potion of strength and let's do a little bit more damage oh wait we could just do this technically can't we oh yeah kind of cheesed it but i'm gonna go ahead and do this because this guy was a little bit too much damage all right one more shot and just like that that's gonna be for the poger and there goes those emeralds dig it um let's not fall okay gotta be a little bit careful okay final thing a cat is this one i don't think it is one okay oh nevermind it is one literally a buff cat why it's adorable but also deadly at the same time stay back do some structured bows i really should have made a diamond sword why did i not do that wait can i do it right now well maybe i can i'll just buy this bad this is bad what i do this why did i do this oh i got it okay here we go diamond sword oh this is doing a lot more damage why is a cat and a villager and also a statue inside of the mansion i'm not really sure but that's gonna be it for the cat and now let's get finally out of here so let's go through the ice real quick and do i just come out of his mouth or something oh gosh okay how do i get out how do i get out oh there we go okay literally just throw me out randomly oh my gosh i'm moving under it okay i gotta finish this right now i'm literally just gonna shoot straight up please don't hit me please don't hit me a couple more hits let me get up real quick maybe i can hit it with my sword all right we're hitting it with their sword and finally just like that that's gonna be it for the mansion and how will i eat you now and we also got some more items yet again so one soul jam yet again one pillager statue head which just says randomizer and finally a mansion piece a piece of the woodland mansion structure but now that we got the poetry statue head what does this do do i right click it wait what the heck oh it makes everything into a random item guys i think we have every single item in minecraft now by just right clicking this wait so if it randomizes everything what about mobs one sec guys okay so what if i right click here right by a zombie that might be a good spot okay right click what randomizes it oh that's sick oh no you're staying there okay we're gonna get out of here and because we got another soul gem for the next thing that we make oh wait what about a soul of a shipwreck we do have the gold nuggets so we can go ahead and get those two of those we have two o'clocks exactly and with the soul gem we get a soul of a shipwreck caution awakens the sunken we're gonna be hunting down a shipwreck now which is gonna be 900 blocks away so this way all right let's go i think that's it right there shipwrecked 36 blocks away and i guess we got to go down real quick oh boy okay let me get some air okay let's go ahead and right click right here and ah matey come visit me up on the island we want to come all the way down here anyways there's now a pirate flag right here hello i just right-click you oh pirate statue challenge shoot the power flux wait what do you mean oh there's a bunch of power flags okay so we just shoot these things all right that's not too bad let's go and shoot all these guys right here get these guys out of the way one more and challenge one was that it did we did we beat the shipwreck i've passed the challenge baby come talk to me when you're ready wait who do i talk to you do i talk to you down there or do i talk to this guy wait shipwreck the captain ahoy hope you like the taste of cannons baby wait what the heck is that thing oh my gosh okay okay this one's not nice at all guys guys i'm literally fighting a foreign ship right this doesn't make any sense and there's even pirates what the heck oh no stay back from the ocean okay those cannons do so much damage what the heck okay sand help me out here let me real quick go down oh that was a bad idea oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh pirates go away go away no no no no you gotta stay away let me go around the pirates real quick and then i should be good oh gosh oh gosh as long as he doesn't hit me with his cannons i gotta hit his legs oh my gosh go on that sword okay that's gonna be 50 health gotta say for a shipwreck he's pretty good on land that is so many pirates if i fall down there i'm literally screwed i don't know how i'm gonna get the loop but we're almost done with this guy okay let's shoot in some structures this might do good damage okay one more hit and just like that that's gonna be it for the pirates in the shipwreck and my goodness that was a long fight you blasted me away he says okay a treasure chest appeared on the island is there one over there oh there is okay let's check that out so we got a treasure chest and this better be worth the loot because i almost had so many times there all right so what do we get this time oh that's a lot of good stuff so not only did we get new crafts unlocked but we also got a special new craft i think okay well let me grab all that stuff yet again another soul jam for another craft and an arm cannon be careful not to shoot your eye out okay i definitely want to try that out and before we do that we also got another piece and that's going to be the pirate flat piece but anyways what does the cannon do do i just right click this oh that's sick i'm gonna assume that does a lot of damage and i will definitely be using this against bosses anyways with that being done let's go ahead and see what the next craft is gonna be and i think the next one that makes the most sense is maybe the ocean monument and for that we need six raw salmon two diamonds in the soul gem but where do i get the salmon did we get that from the chest oh we did nice okay and just like that we get the soul of an ocean monument awakens the wrath of the sea that's gonna be 500 blocks away so that's real quick make a boat i cannot afford a boat so we're gonna use good old sand all right guys here we go the temple is right under us and i guess we gotta go inside okay so rift let's go real quick right click um thing is up in the air okay let's go up there then the torches need to sold a light preferably a youtuber why did this happen every single video it wouldn't be an extraordinary video without having to sacrifice a friendly soul or youtuber so give me one second let me open up discord and find someone cliff what's up buddy welcome yo nesta welcome welcome welcome right up this way there there's nothing suspicious okay and um i know why you know you were you're doing your own you know minecraft things escaping all that good stuff i have a little bit of a favor okay you see that fish right up there right right there yep looking cute can you um pet it you know just do a little right click on it and then uh good stuff will happen trust me i'm trusting you on this one okay i got you yeah you got it oh yeah yeah look straight into his eyes okay and then right click him and there we go it is oh my gosh okay english is off stayed out of my oceans okay okay that that is a giant ocean monument this is the biggest boss i've ever seen okay i'm gonna shoot a bunch of structures and then hope for the best oh my where did the ocean go literally the biggest boss we've ever fought on this channel this is crazy okay i just gotta dodge his hand and i should be good once i get close so that's gonna be not a good slap i'm just shooting every village i can against him oh gosh okay i'm gonna go down real quick oh gosh oh gosh we're going all the way down aren't we wait there's literally flying fish at me why are there flying fish literally like twenty percent more health left oh gosh this guy's only shooting out two nummies what the heck okay okay couple more village houses and then we should be good oh that did so much damage okay desperate times i think it's time for a knot apple oh my gosh one more shot and yes just like that that's gonna be it for the ocean monument and oh my goodness that was the longest and most difficult fight we've had yet and had to use unintended golden apple and from that we get a really good looking trident what does this do it's the water ability that's sick okay so it's like a little tsunami what about this poseidon's crown helps protect me from birds how does that work i mean now enter the portals flames when i put that on oh wait is that the room portal i think we might have to go there next and of course yet again a good old ocean corpse which we're gonna keep right there and i guess with that being done all we have to do now is to get to the portal and probably fight that thing as a boss too okay so let's go over there now all right well i guess do i just use this thing against us oh it works oh let's go okay so i'm gonna put out all the fires so that's the portal no longer on fire but we gotta wreck the big one okay what do you do oh gosh wait this might not be good oh my ruined portal you need to pay the toll or you can't go to the nether without paying me my toll what the heck no say wait stay away stay away say wait my man is literally just slapping me to death like all of them well why is he so big oh no my structure is really about to die soon wait what is that oh what the heck okay he's doing like a little attack chain wood oh that's sick okay it's literally a giant portal anyway so let's check out this kind of spots that we can throw in some villages okay village is actually doing pretty good damage all right what about water going water oh yeah she does good damage oh my gosh wait he does good damage to me too okay we threw him so far away okay i'm gonna go in a little bit more structure destroyer oh gosh i only have 15 more couple more shots no no pose about a break no we lost the ball okay two more hits and just like that that's gonna be it for the rune portal and you must pay the toll man now everyone must pay the toll i kind of just killed him so i'm so sorry buddy and yet again new crafts unlocked which i'm gonna guess is for this thing we got just right here which is gonna be the soul gem and are those nunchucks and also 36 obsidian my goodness but we got a chain whip which left click throw chains and oh that's sick i literally have a chain and what about right click chain pole what does this do oh it pulls me oh that's sick okay nice anyways with that being done let's go through the portal and what the heck is that next thing on the bar i can't really tell what that is is that a dinosaur sold the fossil we gotta get some bones well let's i guess try to do that right now wait why is he in here that doesn't even make any sense you know what i'm just gonna skip this guy and go straight this way let's go find some bones oh we found some bones nice i'm realizing now i literally don't have that much armor so might be a good idea let's make some diamond armor okay and i have taken such a beating from these mobs but on the bright side we have enough bone blocks now i think to make the thing of the fossil so let's real quick make some of those wait did i do it wrong guys i'm such an idiot that is not bone meal that is nether quartz you know comment down below the time step and just say good job nestor you're very smart let's leave out that and let's just get some nether quartz let's do it right this time and get all the stuff and there we go soul fossil can awaken large reptiles so is it actually a dinosaur oh wait it's going straight this way oh wait is it right here uh i guess it's right here so right click oh gosh please don't be bad please don't be bad feed me magma so that i may rise again okay uh magma where are you oh right here okay let's get some magma got my dumb pickaxe all right we got the magma let's real quick put it all inside and i guess here we go oh gosh no no no nether fossil looking for his bones oh it's literally a dinosaur bones you got my bones give them back oh my okay this is gonna be a hard one all right let's get the chain whip out go on chain whip oh it's actually doing pretty good damage oh gosh okay okay no no no no fall back fall back we're actually doing pretty good damage against him couple more oh gosh okay lost it and just like that that's gonna be for the t-rex or the bone racks or whatever and he says i'll be back for my bones and you and we got a t-rex fang sword it's a literally a diamond sword so what does this do oh that is definitely some fangs that is very nice oh oh oh but buddy buddy just went up and now he's dead okay but now that we got the soul gem there are more structures than the nether so is there anything else we can make a soul of another fortress which the craft is eight nether bricks wait how do i get another breakout i've never actually thought of this okay let me let me real quick research that and then we'll guess trying to make this i'm gonna assume we gotta find a fortress though so oh wait we can do this oh wait a virus since we're good oh this is sick i'm like spider-man but delayed hey okay we found a fortress nice okay so do i get like another bricks like this let me see uh any nether bricks no no that's not how we get another brick of anything else i could maybe explode stuff well back mechanic oh wait that actually worked all right well just like that we get 63 another breaks nice eight now the bricks and there we go solve another fortress brings another break to life oh wait so is it not this another fortress i guess let's go find the right one which would be this way okay let's go oh i think we finally see it okay i just put this in and is this entire thing gonna come to life that is gonna be way too overwhelming right click to begin challenge oh gosh here we go blaze statue challenge kill all the blazes wait there's countdown oh that's so many blazes what the heck okay go on my chain i gotta defeat 20 places are you serious wait i have fire resistance is this gonna even do much damage to me i'm not even sure if this is gonna be good oh my gosh there's so many are you serious and yes okay i think we're good oh there we go you passed the challenge talk to me when you're ready okay so right click to activate i don't really have any food so i'm gonna probably just be stuck with notch apples oh my gosh wait what the heck is going on another fortress slow and steady hey you where do you think you're going wait what the heck is going on oh my he's so big try and run my magma what these bosses are way too big what the heck t-rex fang oh my gosh okay i don't even know how i'm supposed to see this guy oh wait no idea magic sand okay okay okay what's up buddy i'm kind of going for his uh spawner right there and i think this might be what exactly i gotta do here couple more hits and just like that that's gonna be for the nether fortress which he says i wasn't fast enough and yet again new crafts unlocked let's go all the way down and what did we get this time yet again another soul thing but also a new piece of armor 45 leggings lightweight yet sturdy so i've unlocked the orbiting shields ability press you to use it uh you oh that's sick what the heck okay it's like a little shield thing wait does it work against mobs piglets i am so sorry about this oh it launches them all that sec okay and what's our next structure gonna be wait what is that thing on the top wait is that a stronghold is there a stronghold one oh there is okay so if we're making the stronghold one we probably gotta go back but i didn't try right-clicking this so does this do anything oh it's a ruined portal i think i mean it kind of makes sense so we go back okay let's go all the way over there oh gosh oh my goodness that could have been very bad and i guess with all that being done let's go back okay that was quite the trip and now that we're back we gotta get stone bricks and something i'm actually thinking about because the arm cannon autocoated the bricks what about stone does this give me stone bricks oh it does oh that's actually so handy there we go okay 10 stone bricks that is more than what we need so now we can go ahead and do this and get the soul of a stronghold which literally says a bunch of curse texts don't know what i feel about that but it looks like we have to walk 4 000 blocks are you serious oh my goodness okay you know what let's go i like how he's kind of like an eye vendor and all we got to do now is just mine down so hammer bell let's go all the way down we're gonna go oh and there we go okay the little hologram right there let's get rid of you there you go eat that up we got the soul of a stronghold let's go ahead and right click right click to activate oh gosh wait escape the structure's collapsing escape to the surface oh no no no no no okay okay my screen's really shaking what the heck oh wait i could do this okay go on trident all the way up and then we can chain all the way up i think i see the surface i'm not even sure all right here we go oh take me up get me out get me out get me out no more explosions no more explosions oh this is so much harder than it looks and yes oh my gosh okay so what now wait what what just happened oh my oh that is sick stronghold boss protector of the end you think you can get away from me no one gets to the end okay this is actually the coolest boss ever what the heck let me know in the comments below what your favorite boss this video is but this is insane let me do some water attacks and let's throw in our tridents okay the trident's actually doing pretty good damage as long as i don't take any damage from him i should be good a couple more hits and just like that that's gonna be it for the stronghold and wait black hole wait what you don't want to go to the end there's nothing there for you why why why why wait what's gonna happen oh gosh oh gosh oh why is it pig here you go over there buddy i'm sorry that you're here right now anyways from that we ended up getting another soul gem a i have ender and a mini black hole launcher do i want to use this i'm gonna use this over here just in case no no no no no oh gosh that could have been bad that could have been really bad let's not do that again and i'm gonna guess we can now make another thing and that's gonna be the soul of an entity okay so i need four end stone and obsidian okay that's not too difficult all right four obsidian four and stone and finally one soul gem and now we have the soul of an end city right click to teleport so do i just right click it right here oh wait what that where am i now reach the boss at the end yet again another parkour let's not mess this up all right few more jumps okay we got this we got this we got this oh my goodness okay and what the heck is this thing is this a launch pad oh it is oh that's sick and just like that that's gonna be it for the parkour and we made it to the final structure i think it looks like there's two more bosses left at the top so i guess here we go uh do i just go up to this thing oh wait something's happening oh wait no oh well a person i haven't seen anyone in ages you'll stay here with me forever right no nope i am definitely not staying here forever this guy looks so sick what the heck all right let's take care of him go on chain whip get him oh wait are these tnt endermen what the heck that's insane elijah swarm what oh it's elijah's falling from the sky all right entity stay over there i have a plan cool my tridents oh my gosh wait it's just so much damage shout out to trident and just like that that's gonna be for the end city and yet again some new items and that's gonna be the second to last boss guys all that's left now is one more at the very top um we got elytra of boots which is a flight from our feet and now we get electric boosts with jay okay it's like a little lightroom with my boots nice and anyways the main thing we ended up getting was a structure base can hold pieces of structures so do i just kind of place it right here i guess right click oh okay so i'll put the pieces here that kind of makes sense okay so i have every single piece i've gone before stronghold peace fortress piece fossil piece ocean core piece pirate flag piece mansion piece and i guess the final one is sandy pyramid piece and what happens now oh gosh that's a lot of colors i'm gonna fall back in oh that's a bottle boss combination all of us guys it's every single structure forever never hungry boom so slow where'd you go okay let's get rid of this guy oh my gosh those attacks are insane let me get out the arm cannon go to arm cannon get him oh my it just so much damage yes oh my gosh look at the structure's falling that's the entire stronghold oh no wait look out look out look out ooh that's so sick all right couple more shots this might be it guys and with that being done that's gonna be it for the final boss and we get a nice congratulations i've defeated all the structures so without being done guys i hope you guys all enjoyed it go in the comments down below and let me know what your favorite boss was and besides that guys if you guys all enjoyed how to everyone news video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,628,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but there are, minecraft but structures are bosses, minecraft structures, minecraft bosses, bosses, structures, temple, village, stronghold
Id: TJglsyMnccM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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