Minecraft but every jump is a random effect...

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minecraft but every time i jump i get a random effect it could be good like strength it could be very very bad like levitation or wither but every few jumps the effects level up and become stronger and stronger can i beat the game i don't know i guess you'll just have to jump in to find out and jump all right great great way to start and got myself some hunger thankfully we got a village over here so let's get ourselves some food man i gotta be so careful where to jump uh i can't get that food over there hey man you want to hook me up uh let me find some hay bales ah there you are wait how do i get up to them gosh dang it all right i'm gonna jump once please oh no okay this is bad oh i got myself some health boost i guess we'll take that let me let's get some food here so i got plenty of food and i started breaking down even the villages here because i need a lot of wood one of which i need is slabs to get up places like this and then two is making some ladders ah that should probably be enough what are all these oh my goodness i jumped i am i am so dumb that gave me so many things i'm level two now by the way so uh everything's gonna get harder now please don't kill me oh no don't die hi guys why are there 80 of you is this a family gathering to get some iron i made this handy-dandy little thing here so now i can oh no i'm so dumb i just jumped what did i just get i got bad omen a raid starting oh this is bad guys i'm sorry to break up the family gathering i'm not ready for this i locked the iron oh i can't go this way gotta go gotta go i'm glad i made the slabs see you guys enjoy the raid uh you know what it's night time too i think i'm just gonna go underground here oh hi puppy uh this should do it can i make it down without jumping i guess we'll see oh yeah piece of cake okay now i got to be extra careful this was a bad idea dude it is so hard to get out of these kind of no no no no no please please please i might be able to get this iron up here if i was swimming i didn't jump oh my goodness what is that taste oh sweet let me take advantage of that hey i forget you can get actually good effects i'm gonna die i think uh nope okay i think i can get up there i gotta be careful also i'm already level three these are getting pretty intense already there we go i mean some effects can be good right like if i jump oh oh i'm flying uh i have levitation um well i guess this is a good opportunity to leave the cave how much longer do i got can i get out of here wait wait wait wait no way wait wait see you oh my what did you know what just happened no no no no no no i didn't jump i was trying to get out of it okay just land in the water land in the water i can be fine uh okay okay this is bad this is bad [Music] i needed to get back down anyway uh i got all my iron in here oh no no no no no no no no no i got a [ __ ] i gotta crit him shoot yep even when i die the level stays the same so it's just gonna get worse from here geronimo all right i'll get my stuff back now at least if that happens again at least i got some armor to cover my tracks next stop is the nether so i need some gravel that should do it oh no i need water but i don't think i can even swim up to get that oh goodness i guess we got to do this the old-fashioned way did that count as a jump you jerk ah wait wait i didn't what did i do what did i do oh climbing up ladders counts as jumping please land oh look at how high i'm going oh my goodness ouch gotta get some of that good h2o and now it's time for a portal hello lapis lapis you're a useless there is our portal let's go but first let me get some this iron i figure an upgraded sword was in order for the dangerous nether there's two big things i want to find in the nether one of which is a fortress obviously and the other one is a bastion oh this is a horrible spawn oh my goodness look at this mountain of soul sand i can't even go up it because soul sand is lower than oh my goodness how am i supposed to get out of this not even this works uh fantastic my best case scenario is i have to block over the lava just to get to somewhere that isn't soul sand i guess i could try levitating that seems dangerous i'm not gonna jump i'm not gonna jump i kind of want to jump should we risk it this is such a bad idea and let's jump what did i get hunger okay well that was that was not worth it what are you looking at punk we've ran out of cobblestone i'm headed over there towards the gravel and i'm literally stacking over in the nether with wood yep this is a great idea all right now we should be smooth sailing are you serious here's the plan dark oak slab to get on top of these and then i gotta put down a different block to get up like this is that gonna work there we go okay this should be fine i see you now just gotta figure out how to get over there how am i supposed to get over there okay okay gotta be quick gotta be quick gotta be quick yes touchdown come here you big old freaky boy hey hey stop hiding what are you you afraid of me i gotta get inside oh oh my word get inside hello buddy give me your rods my friend did i get it did i get it did i get it no no you dropped me nothing you pointless little blaze ah oh hey man seen any good movies lately oh i'm so dumb i jump to run faster hey i'll i'll take that i got some extra hearts for four seconds very useful i hear a blaze aha yes a spawner okay let me stack up before everybody ow oh no no i didn't even hit you dude it was the blaze are you serious are you mad at me because i'm not wearing gold either way i'm not happy with you ouch ouch ouch all right i gotta fight back nothing else i can do see you guys did they actually get mad at me because they got on fire that was on you buddy oh shoot okay i gotta worry about blazes and pigmen now i gotta be careful ouch hold up ah come on i'm gonna make some stairs that's gonna make our process a lot easier plus these stairs don't burn no no please i panicked yeah give me your blaze rods i got one i got i jumped did i jump i don't think it counted okay i think we're good come here you big blaze freaks give me all blaze rods yeah i got one i got one and that six blaze rods i am out of this mess there it is the bastion oh hi buddy come after me do it see what happens oh yeah all right it's bastion time i am here to steal your gold okay my strategy for this is to head down pretty slowly and i think these guys are going to be safe from us oh man this is such such a dangerous thing to do but so fun oh i jumped oh that scared me so much oh that was bad that was bad okay stay here don't kill me these are getting way too powerful now man i'm level six we chilling okay we're chilling okay fantastic so as long as i don't steal his gold he's happy don't tell my plans please don't tell him hey can you back up look i'm i'm here i'm your friend oh they're mad at me i just jumped again i have weakness for a little while weakness six goodness okay he's unhappy with me hey buddy now's when things start to get a little bit dangerous how much health do you have dog oh i hear all the the grunts in the world ah oh goodness gracious oh no no no no no no okay get the ladder just in case i need it uh oh don't fall in there oh i can't not jump here i can't not jump i gotta jump i gotta jump oh this is death this is i got poisoned oh nice no no backup i decided to take a different approach i actually mined out this little space right here so i'm gonna try to run in and then grab the stuff and then escape as fast as i can so wish me luck okay here we go here we go uh i don't have my slabs on me i gotta go fast i gotta go fast grab the gold grab what's in here oh snap nether right oh gosh okay okay okay quick ah back up get in the lava in the lobby you go give me that diamond give me the netherite uh sweet give me some of that gold quick quick quick quick quick ah i'm scared i'm not gonna make it out alive grab the gold is that enough i'm i'm dipping i'm out of here not in the lava i had to jump together lava i'm levitating are you serious this might be good i don't know i don't know get to safety please don't die no wait no no no no no no am i gonna make this live i don't know if i'm gonna make this yes no way i'm out i'm out no way hiya buddy uh get into that hole please get it i'm trying to give you gold there now stay um i figure 63 gold is gonna get us plenty so give us some pearls my man while we're waiting for the trades might as well make this into a netherright chest plate which is dope we got that from the chest earlier so now i got myself a pretty serious upgrade going from iron to netherride we'll take it all right finally got some ender pearls ah home sweet home my next two goals i want to make myself a bow so i need some string there we go and i also want to make a bed ah looks comfy gonna get some more food yum all right my friends let's head to the end we made it we have one pearl remaining which is great i was really worried about that and we got a bed here sleeping the bed good night sweet dreams so that should help us uh for the inevitable death that i'm about to have let's do this i jumped i'm so dumb what do i have strength i mean i'll take strength if i was closer to the stinking dragon what do i have to block over i have netherrack all right let's do this all right we made it i really should have used stairs probably what are you looking at oh finally we made it to the surface that took forever all right boys let's get it all right first we got to take out the healers oh my goodness hi buddy how am i supposed to get these guys up here if i can't jump wait a minute i've got an idea i've got an idea this might work wait if i try to swim in water yep it counts as a jump fantastic keep going up don't stop jumping keep going up yes and then can i just hit you on my way down hey yeah yeah that worked dude yes worth the jump it was worth the jump where did it go there it is there it is all right uh oh no no no no no all right kaboom no all right mr dragon it's go time now dude oh man oh no no no no i can't use any crits to jump oh gosh no no no no why'd you have to throw up on the floor right there i can't get to your head oh oh that's a hit i gotta be really careful with how many arrows i use yeah that's some damage okay we'll take that oh i'm almost dead did i jump what happened what do i get sickness i got nausea ah that's some damage we take those yeah keep going keep going oh that was a good shot i don't want to waste all my arrows i've still got 18 of them i have an idea if i build up ooh i've got an even weirder idea i made a little bridge here so if he comes over i should be able to walk up and avoid any of that oh here he comes here he comes i made a little bridge i can get up to his face where are you facing yeah hi buddy [Music] gosh dang it i didn't think about that all right we got a little damage on him come on man we're making some progress halfway done i'm running arrows man why are you all mad at me stop stop stop please please please no please no i'm out i'm out come on he's almost dead dude no i keep missing i have so little arrows left yes come on i'm out of arrows i'm out of various i gotta do it by hand no no come on water bucket oh my bucket is empty where did that water go where's that water please please please i can't see anything i got night vision on dude land land land yes yes yes yes yes hit him in the butt please no why why you were here for like three seconds yes yes yes this is it this is it come on i'm gonna jump anyway why that's it i'm bringing in the big guns here we go buddy let's do this okay as soon as he lands come on sleep in the bed no no no let me sleep in the bed i don't even care if i die [Music] yes i died but also the dragon is dead dude oh that took forever man it is so hard to not jump and kill the dragon uh oh also i broke my bed so that is what it is well at least we did it we beat the dragon we killed him well now i can just jump however much i want yay
Channel: Craftee
Views: 252,152
Rating: 4.8709068 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkerplays, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, jump, jumping, minecraft but jumping, random effect, random minecraft, minecraft random, random jump effects, jumping is random, the end, how to beat the ender dragon
Id: 27pJU1uYSv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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