Minecraft but there's Custom TNT...

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minecraft but there are custom tnts the magnet tnt to suck up your enemies fortune tnt to get you the most diamonds ever and even an upside down tnt we work our way towards the black hole destructor the biggest of them all to get our revenge on our nemesis the evil woodland mansion ah another fresh start and a beautiful day next to boom a mansion baby let's go check it out hello gentlemen if either you seen any crazy tnt for me to try out how dare you i was your neighbor i will get revenge and i will make the craziest tnt to do so now what exactly can yes yes anvil tnt the black hole tnt look at this mess a split this one actually looks much more inexpensive all right what the heck is a split crystal i can get the gunpowder at least can i make a split cat no i can't how do i get that i thought split catalyst slime split into two and they're green just like the uh didn't it didn't give me anything well this was useless take number two on my quest to get the catalyst is the explosion gonna work i just figured this might come on oh there's more slimes i got it i got it yes the split catalyst let's make this tnt dude if i'm supposed to take on a mansion i sure as heck should be able to take on a village oh times four uh-oh oh i have an idea what this does let's make a button let's try this bad i should run i should run it should run okay three two one oh it breaks into pieces yeah oh gosh it keeps going it keeps going how long how many times does it do that oh my word all right that's dangerous i like this let's go mining hello gentlemen would you like some explosions oh my word here we go look at all of them holy cow get back hey get back in the tnt area okay go oh my gosh here we go here we go oh none of them died all right this is not good this is it demolished the entire thing i love this tnt dude oh uh bats you might want to run away from this i'm trying to do some mining with the tnt dog yeah you got the right idea run boys no you dumb no fly oh he's he's done four i might be done for oh my gosh wow yeah that was quite quite an explosion what what is this dude i'm gonna die straight up what is this uh a seismic crystal did that come from the bat uh i gotta get out of here i'm gonna die hey hey guys check this out what better place to check out a new tnt than inside a little amethyst cave ouch it's so beautiful don't get mad at me my judgment is clogged by my need for revenge ooh to make the seismic tnt i need stone while we wait for it to smelt listen to the beautiful music i shall sing along yeah oh finally and boom whoa this looks sick look at this guy seismic tnt all right let's give it a shot oh my what what is going on what whoa whoa what is sh what is that ow ow ow did it spawn things demons oh no not demons special inversion crystals okay we got an inversion catalyst and to make an inversion tnt we need four ender pearls so i gotta get hunted for some tall endies and i see one right over there oh shoot oh gosh where is he oh there he is hi buddy give me your pearls man where'd you get a piece of dirt from in the middle of a battle got him no pearl well this place looks good as any place to test out some brand new crazy tnt oh never mind inversion tnt acquired and let's see how much damage this guy does oh the tnt is upside down that's cool i should run what does this do oh dude that's amazing holy cow it just flipped the entire world upside down i mean it's called the inversion tnt that makes sense that looks awesome i like even the ground swapped let's try a tree shall we that actually worked no way i'm getting a little hungry delicious look it's little fox hey little buddy what are you doing do you want to get inverted you're very cute i'd like to rub you on your belly and to do that i have to invert you come here give me some food stay right there we're getting inverted together dog we're doing it together oh it worked oh my goodness dude look at the trees look at this little guy hi wait you have something for me hey come back here you got a crystal i need that crystal man i gotta give myself all the way up to the dark crazy black hole tnt to destroy the mansion and can't do that if my fox is running off with my pearls whatever they're called enchanted crystals i think i found him hey buddy you want some food god no please don't run please i'll kill you for it no i won't do it i'm i'm weak please trade me for some piece of bread so i can destroy my greatest nemesis please where did you go okay i have one trapped please eat the food eat the bread look at it look at sniff it you look so cute dude you look so derpy please eat the food i'll back away i'll back away there we go it's not gluten free you're welcome for the belly egg oh i dropped him i he dropped it he dropped it yes i scared him to death whoa check this out fortune catalyst ah this seems like a great new tnt thanks for nothing buddy you're welcome for the food fortune catalyst what thing do you make my friend of course the fortune tnt hey lapis easy let's get it aha i was fortunate to find it so quickly 12 let's make this bad boy if this does what i think it does i might just need to find a vein of tnt i mean i mean a vein of diamonds no no way i didn't even see these earlier they're literally right there i'm an evil person i'm blocking over lava with amethyst dude we got a lot of diamonds okay let's try out our fortune tnt i hope this works like i think it does i'm gonna be real mad if this doesn't multiply my oars and it just destroys all my diamonds oh come on yes okay okay something happened i got 18 diamonds yes oh that worked exactly like i wanted it to work no oh no i got one i count one diamond now oh the sound of saw my heart is melted let's try this again shall we oh i put the wrong tnd down i put the wrong tnt down [Music] no i got my stuff back and we're trying this one more time kaboom yes that's a lot of diamonds how many 29 diamonds yes please oh what is that what did this say amethyst no anvil anvil catalyst ooh what the heck is this recipe four anvils all right be right back at long last the anvil tnt yes let's see what this monstrosity does oh look listen to the sound that's so sick hello um okay i might have needed to be on the surface let's try this one more time shall we oh oh get out of the way buddy uh oh oh my gosh okay okay dodge him dodge him look at this mess oh no i think we made it out alive yes uh polar bear did you make it uh oh i don't think he made it but check this out he did drop a icy catalyst i feel really bad a little bit kinda not really i'm excited to try out the icy tnt okay the icy tnt needs diamonds i have a six yes and snow blocks all right i can do that hello ugly man goodbye shovel and stow all i do all day shovel snow and four snow blocks that should do it boom icy crystals i mean icy tnt i love matches my outfit look at me oh i am stylish it's an icy tnt so let's launch this right down the desert floor and let's see what happens i see uh activate whoa oh that's pretty cool ah even the water turns kind of icy i don't know how useful it is but uh it's very pretty makes uh christmas but only a little bit of it oh i see an enderman in the wild let's see if he likes getting frozen there buddy uh let's see what happens hey oh it froze them hey buddy how you feeling in there feeling pretty chilly don't worry little guy oh i'll get you out of there there you go i'll put you out of your misery perfect yes oh my luck is amazing today void crystal yes what do i need for the void crystal i need ah obsidian i got none of that hold on nine hours later well let's try this again shall we we've gotta avoid tmt yes i gotta run away fast to avoid death uh oh this sounds so cool dude listen listen listen whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the i'm getting damaged it keeps going oh buddy are you all right what is happening oh it just keeps going look at it oh that's amazing that's a deep hole boys be careful don't fall inside come on you definitely don't want to fall inside of that how far can you can you survive oh gosh here it goes he died uh buddy you okay down there i wonder if he dropped something please give me another crystal i don't see anything down there ouch oh i see the iron oh i see something else i see something else oh i gotta be careful what is that yes yes yes yes oh look at that thing it is awesome it is so shiny what what are you a magnetic catalyst yes please ah how do i get out of here magnetic this is gonna be oh magnetic tnt oh easy magnetic t and iron ingots well i can do that dude that's such a cheap recipe oh i get it iron like iron's magnetic i see you okay magnetic tnt it is let's rock careful gentlemen it's magnetic whoa whoa they all just exploded on each other that was awesome let's do it with actual scary mobs all right i got a little bit of hoard of zombies and skeletons let's see what happens here oh oh don't pull me towards it and yes that looks awesome hey how come you didn't get magnetized hey what are you born bones not made of metal or what there we go all right we gotta get a couple of mobs in go boys oh that's looking good is this the oh what's an anti-matter catalyst come on we're so close give me that black hole catalyst although the anti-matter of tnt sounds so sick i'm sorry gentlemen i've got a permit to blow this place up you guys gotta go and here we are the anti-matter tnt what are you looking at me what are you looking at me for what it doesn't even matter get it i have a sneaking suspicion that whenever i like this it's gonna be quite an explosion uh how far do we need to go i don't even know anti-matter i don't even oh no oh i should have run i should run further should have seen that coming oh wow okay yeah this uh this made quite a hole in the ground um there was a village here you can even see the food drop from there once was a beautiful farm here now it is just rubble what have i done i've become the enemy dude even the fish died well at least i got my stuff back oh my word ah just a totally normal veil okay hmm well i was really hoping i'd find the black hole catalyst in here but uh i got a whole lot of nothing to make a black hole tnt i gotta have an omega crystal and a bunch of diamonds goodness gracious i gotta go get those an omega crystal what am i supposed to do with that how do i get that i'll think on it but in the meantime let's get some diamonds with our fortune tnt and this should just about do it i don't know if it's one diamond or many but we'll find out yeah how many do i get ah seven come on dawg i need like 70. i'm hoping this does it for us yeah getting before the diamonds die in lava and 20 diamonds whoa that's a lot of diamonds how many is that that is 49 diamonds all right we got it let's get this black hole tnt i've got a little bit of a nuts idea i need the omega crystal and so i'm just gonna sacrifice all my tnt because i don't know i have no other ideas on what to do with this so i'm tossing every tnt to make the omega tnt that's my idea don't judge me if it doesn't work all right here we go this is the anti-matter tnt so i gotta run really far is that gonna be far enough i don't know i died last time oh my goodness i went back and i just got my diamonds and ender pearls because that is all i need please tell me it's down here somewhere omega crystal i see it i see it that's got to be it right right yes omega crystal we've done it boys i think please let me craft the black hole i think i have enough oh i need to make these yes oh i have plenty this should do it you saw nothing yes the black hole tnt oh success all right all right mansion you're going down i just gotta make a button real quick i will finally be getting my revenge you're going down for what you did to me black hole tnt get out of here go go go go go go go go go go go go go it's gonna be huge run uh i can't go any further blow up whoa oh oh my oh my i'm gonna die i'm gonna die get in the water that doesn't help me oh it's it's it's still going it's still going dude oh my word it's a black hole throwing out tnt holy cow the mansion is just gonna be gone look that witch is floating in the air what is happening is it done nope nope it's still going look at it go oh oh i i have levitation okay i'm just floating in the air i can just watch the bombardment take that your dumb libraries take that your witches and your uh uh it looks like everybody's dead um i'll take that dude this is insane oh my gosh dude ah well i'd say my job here is done uh oh
Channel: Craftee
Views: 6,383,358
Rating: 4.8242888 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkerplays, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, tnt, new tnt, custom tnt, minecraft but tnt, crafting tnt, worlds largest explosion, worlds largest tnt, worlds largest, huge tnt, big tnt, tnt build, blackhole, black hole
Id: lZOW3kFQO5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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