Minecraft but Everything I Touch turns to gold

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minecraft but everything i touch turns into gold we craft some golden items to help me out on my journey golden tnt golden snowballs even golden tridents my friend all to turn the world nice and shiny but not before king midas himself tries to take me out will i be destroyed before i accomplish my goal well uh i i feel normal um anything changing oh i see little gold particles happening right here is this what i think it is dude look look look look oh my goodness oh oh oh look at it yes everything i touched here's the gold baby this is so cool all right so we got a world turn to gold meter up top i gotta turn that to a hundred percent i gotta make everything gold that's my goal what happens if i break stuff and pick it up oh turn into an ingot oh that's pretty cool all right i've got five dirt so if i put those in my hand yeah i got six ingots this is gonna get weird what do i eat oh i found a creeper what happens when i touch a creeper whoa he's a golden creeper dude this is sick i don't know what happens when he explodes ah nothing i'm making everything into gold and the bar has not moved at all i got i got to find ways to speed this up a little bit i have to be very careful when punching woods when i turn into gold on accident like that gosh dang it after some careful punching i've got myself 17 wood now the question is is can i pick this up oh i can i can and now i can make a crafting table okay sweet thank goodness and what happens if i put this guy oh makes a golden crafting table hey that's pretty nifty can i make myself some tools let's make a pickaxe here sweet oh it turns the gold my life rich and forever sad oh can i make gold stuff at least if i make a gold sword okay that works all right we'll we'll take that all right i made myself a bunch of gold things i figured i'd go through that pretty quickly and check this out dude i've got a bunch of new items golden tnts golden arrows all that so i think this might help us turn the world into gold i mean that's the gold of the video anyway get it i do see we got gold and snowball since we're in a tundra might as well go for it and boom golden snowballs i've got it oh this looks awesome i turned my wood into gold so if i just toss this yeah look at that yeah it's like i'm painting with gold best day ever you get gold they've uh i'm out of gold there's a 16 more this is very fun but also the boss bar on top doesn't move at all i want to make way more progress on getting this world into gold what else can we do first step first fashion step number two golden arrows look amazing i need golden bones whatever that is how do we get golden bones from golden retrievers i'm so sorry let's see if we can find ourselves a skeleton any scary gentleman around here i found out i can use torches i just gotta place him down using my off hand and that works okay i'm looking for skeletons anybody seen one of those bad boys i mean i got one inside of me but i uh kind of need that one for you know living and stuff i got golden string i've been meaning to make a nice golden harp i can't tell you how satisfying it is though just to make everything gold turning water into gold no problem oh i hear one human yes hello buddy now it's gold time for you to turn into gold not yet don't oh don't kill me now i'm only wearing gold because i keep actually turning my iron into gold hello gentlemen oh oh they're gold and i'm dead hello skeleton man we meet again yes golden bones we got it oh i need one i need a couple more of those ah yes gold in the wild want an upgrade there you go buddy can i turn lob into gold i can yeah i made such a risk by jumping in the lava turn to gold thank you very much for the gold bones all right one more skeleton hey speak of the skeleton one more to go and four bones five i'm almost gonna die yes i need that string anyway so if i put it like this and i think the goldens were there and then the arrows go in the middle boom we got ourselves some golden arrows and now i can make myself a real fancy bow too check it out golden out it's a normal bow oh now it's a golden bow i just put it in my hand and now dude that does oh that really does some awesome gold damage yeah that that that's starting to work i'm still not making as much progress as i want to let's see what else i think we've got that golden tnt i need a tnt golden gun powder i think i know how to get that something a little more explosive before i move any further i'm literally dying of starvation can i make golden sheeps that drop that does drop something i was so weird i die starvation i got golden mutton okay this sounds gross but uh it works yes i get to eat food i gotta find a couple of creepers to kill i need some golden gun powder hey buddy oh don't explode don't explode yes we got it oh my sword broke my sword broke ah man i've used so many swords and pickaxes now gun stop exploding dude golden swords are the worst thing ever yes thank goodness all right got the gravel for flint and steel it's under the water i can't go in the water it won't let me go in the water well we got one gravel that'll work and let's get some of the sand here golden gun powder and sand makes tnt oh come on my life is so hard okay uh yes don't put in my hand don't put it on my hand and now we can make our golden tnt which we can't fit in our hand yeah if i walk on water classic and then i put oh it lights immediately oh my goodness okay oh no no no no no it launches so much tnt dude all right all right this actually might make some progress so if we just place down you know 10 of them oh my gosh i'm a little scared oh look at it go look at it go look at it go i don't know if i can die from this or not oh my oh my gosh dude hey that bar is we're making progress look at this chaos but i need way bigger upgrades if i'm gonna make way more of a dent on the world in gold and we've got golden meteor arrows which seem yeah let's do it why not and i have just the place to try out our new arrows hello ender boy oh they look amazing look at him oh he is very powerful please don't die oh this is gonna be a close game oh i forget how oh no pardon me excuse me come on there we go we got him we got a pearl check it out golden ender pearl this thing is thick and sweet i only need uh three more of them i'm gonna pretend this pig is just covered in butter so we should have everything we need to make our insane meteor arrows oh i only needed two ender pearls and boom 32 golden meteor arrows let's try this shall we load it up and fire oh what happened whoa dude look at that look at the meteors holy cow all right well if i just shoot a bunch oh my gosh i'm going to be careful what why did i get shot oh it's all it's aw okay i'm going to be more careful with this we made some serious progress on our bar though look at that look at this insanity now let's try this out with something a little bit more dangerous yeah whoa yeah take that oh i gotta be careful with this that's the most ridiculous way to kill okay okay it keeps firing oh you want to fight me i don't think so man yeah this is so cool yep um i i think i killed him come here buddy ah golden pillager oh i got a crossbow if i look up golden yes the golden crossbow i need some string first hello buddy thank you and now the golden crossbow is mine what a beautiful looking thing oh my gosh i love it now if i use the crossbow does that do anything differently with my arrows whoa it's it looks like a cactus you wanna you want some uh become a cactus oh yep that does some damage yeah oh my word this is like the movie 300 what happens if i load in a golden meteor arrow with this let's see what happens okay be careful whoa there it goes there it goes there it goes yep yep yep that's gonna be helpful our progress bar is making actual movements now what happens if i shoot these at the water does it do it with water too yeah it does whoa yep yep that's the way to go that's the way to go what yeah now i don't know how this can get more opie but we have one more item to make and that my friends is the golden trident so i've got i've got to try it out at least try try it out try dent i don't know i don't think you're gonna give me what i need but i'll kill you anyway a golden drowned why do you look actually awesome yeah i killed you what i got i got a trident holy cow okay don't touch it um i want to make sure i don't actually turn into gold i did not expect that we've got ourselves a golden trident oh it is awesome looking bow down before me and by bow down i mean uh subscribe don't you want me to get the golden play button yeah i can only do that with a million subscribers guys come on take this sheep whoa you can't see my face but i look like this oh yeah boom yeah a boom i will turn the world to gold pretty cool trident and now it's time to get that gold meter all the way to the top then i could be king of the world little did i know that my actions were about to have some dire consequences yeah turn the world to goals turn it all into goals yes that should do it what is that king midas there's another bar on top did i summon king midas himself is he here to thank me for all of my hard work turning the world into gold who is that is that king midas oh he looks horrifying oh my god oh my goodness look he's summoning creatures and stuff oh this is probably bad huh back up dude i'm messing around with you i turned him into supercharged creeper that was a dumb idea king midas it's time for you to meet your maker there can only be one king of the gold oh wow he does a lot of damage got his minions and everything get him yeah get him oh it's doing damage yep yep yep yep yes yes yes yes he's afraid of me lightning attack yes oh man he's summoning his minions nope nope not today get out of here oh my gosh they're so powerful get back i will be king of the gold not you oh but half hard i'm on half a heart okay okay okay golden bow can i shoot him yeah yes yes meteor strike whoa what is that oh no no creeper i'm on half a heart here buddy nope that now is not the time to mess with me i like how he does glow in the dark though with this golden shimmer oh okay are you serious hey yeah what is this oh oh we got a midas hand look at how huge this thing is and we got a midas crown ah look at me i'm beautiful i'm king of the gold what does this do yeah um it turns everything into gold this is gonna be good my friends i'm gonna set off to turn the rest of the world into gold but before you go hit subscribe hit the like down below it looks a little like this midas hand yeah
Channel: Craftee
Views: 10,720,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, gold, golden, golden touch, midas touch, everything turns to gold, minecraft but gold, world largest gold, worlds biggest gold, so much gold, best way to get gold
Id: qap9uHbHjPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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