Minecraft, But What's Behind The Door?

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this is minecraft but what's behind the door today the minecraft world is gonna be filled with mysterious doors that open up to things that you're gonna have to see for yourself from giant doors to a really tall door to even a door on the floor huh my goal is to find out what's behind every single door but as i do more rooms things are gonna be getting a lot harder so what's waiting for me behind the final giant door and what's behind this door right here stay tuned to find out holy that's a big door so on the top we can see how many doors we've unlocked and i'm gonna guess our goal is to get to that final giant rainbow door and then what's this giant door right here the door is locked it looks like it can be opened with a key i mean we have the giant key do i just right click oh what oh this is sick wait i got a doorknob i've entered the giant door hello guys there's little trap doors what's up guys and a throne right click to set i'm not worthy to ascend to the throne wait what does that mean wait what you're being pulled back to your realm oh so i just got kicked out of the door right wait so does that mean this is the final door that we get in the video that didn't make any sense anyways with that door being done i'm gonna guess that we're not worthy enough to go in that door yet but as you can see in the world there's gonna be a lot of doors that's a youtuber door that's a tall door that's a big old tree thing not sure what that is and inside of the village we have a door on the floor okay so now our giant key became a blankie so can i just go in the store right now how does this work oh the gingerbread key is required to open this door okay so we gotta get some wood and then i guess we make a gingerbread key is that a craft holy that's so many keys okay so there's a nester key a youtube key anyways though the main key we're going for right now is gonna be the gingerbread key which we need some wheat so let's get some wheat where the wheat at i'm gonna steal from you i'm sorry i didn't mean to say that that was a little bit aggressive i'd like to apologize there we go all right let's do some crops grabs i've been stolen eight wheat one key and just like that we get a gingerbread key which unlocks the gingerbread door so did i just go out to this thing oh wait i've opened the door oh we went inside okay so i've entered the land of food and candy what the heck is this place bringing five golems for gloom okay i mean we just started i don't know how to bring a golem is there anything in the chest oh pretty much apples and potatoes okay anyways wait what the heck with these villagers ginger villager shh don't want to wake up gloom beware gloom is listening wait these guys are literally rewarding me okay cookie golem oh i right-clicked him and he became a cookie a compacted cookie golem can i can i eat this oh i should probably not eat this and inside of the chest we get a candy sword sharpness three as sharp as sweet holy attack damage okay either things are gonna get really bad or really good either way though we got lots of cake let me know your favorite sweet in the comment down below because i guess we're in a sweet place and does this do anything special oh i can shoot it alright let's get this cookie there we go two compacted cookies oh wait infinity cookie is that different keeps you filled with cookies okay so now we have infinity cookies too what the heck i don't think i got that the first time a lot of cookie golems okay i mean six compacted cookies that should be good and bring five goldens for gloom and where is this the hole do i just like right click three four i've heard gloom before okay what the heck is this going to be oh wait the gummy gloom with the gummy monster what the heck is this thing oh oh gosh okay okay i don't know what this guy has to do with candy but let's get rid of this guy wait what about the doorknob the doorknob barely does any damage oh gosh hey golems you guys want to help i am literally down way too much health let's try out this infinity cookie and see what it does oh give me saturation too infinitely oh nice okay let's go in oh gosh oh gosh oh wait gummy gum said that hurts oh i'm so sorry buddy get back here i'm literally gonna end this man with some doorknobs scroll my doorknobs and just like that that's gonna be for gummy gloom and he says gloom just wanted a friend oh well um recipes coming along in the comments down below we got an escape rope some gummy boots in another key oh let me pick that up nice oh shift plus jump to mega jump wait so if i just shift jump oh that's sick oh and then it puts on some slide balls that's sick nice okay and we also ended up getting one blankie which we can use for the next thing and an escape rope right click to return to the overworld oh okay so i guess we're done with this room anyways let's go ahead and right click the escape rope oh we did a circle that's cool and we're back so yet again we have another blank key and with the key we have a lot of doors to choose from but i think the main one i want to do right now is that really tall door right there with a rocket ship so because i got the bouncy boots i think the easiest way to get there is probably to jump off this place or i might die from that but we'll see okay it might be a bad idea to jump off with this place so maybe instead let's just shift jump and oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i didn't do it right okay i gotta do this right oh are we gonna make it out we're gonna make it i'm barely gonna make it well we didn't make it but we got a message saying the space key is required to open this door so before we get up there let me get some one in the space key okay so for the space key which looks pretty cool we need a cobblestone and one blankie so let's get some cobblestone wait guys i was mining some cobblestone and i see another door right there i didn't see that initially it's like a staircase store in the middle of a cave okay i guess we'll get to that a little bit later into the challenge but that's kind of interesting all right we just need a little bit more cobblestone and now we can make the space key and there we go good old space key all right now let's get to the door okay this should be enough here we go oh yes let's go okay don't break the door oh my gosh okay space key right click oh gosh um wait where am i the key guides you to the space door i've entered the space defend your base from invading aliens wait what um is this my space suit oh it is the space here okay space two chest plates placement leggings guys we are really going to space right now apparently behind the store oh this is sick what the heck okay so i'm supposed to defend the base but i don't really see any attackers oh never mind there are literally aliens inside the store i better get something good from this but i guess let's fight the aliens okay this is sick oh god they got weapons okay oh no no no that is some laser weapons no stay away guys let's go in oh gosh oh gosh we're fighting aliens right now okay i got one i guess this is getting so close that's another one i need time to heal oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i'm have art no stay away say we alien no yes okay that's a few aliens down we got down to apple heart but we literally barely survived that oh my gosh okay these aliens are tough we've done a little bit of progress from defending the base at the top of the screen but it looks like there's some more aliens over here let me throw in my candy and i'm i guess destroying aliens with the power of candy never never thought i'd say that but we're doing that right now all right i gotta go in here i'm gonna heal up to full health and then do my thing oh there goes another one get them aliens three more aliens down where's the other ones oh there might be up all the way up there oh my gosh okay let's go all right let's see here these guys oh and yes okay that's gonna be it for the final alien and the last alien was hiding something i'm gonna assume it's back the base let's go check that out oh wait they literally spawned right here so this time we ended up getting a plasma blaster shoot your enemies from afar definitely gonna be using this pretty cool and we also got another blank key which i'm gonna guess is for the next room and of course good old escape room so without further ado let's get out of space and i guess get out of here and we popped out nice and what door do we go to next hmm low-key i'm kind of curious about that tree over there let me go check that out real quick if that even is a door maybe that's like bug or something um okay we're here and it's literally a tree stump but is there anything in here um that's the door that's such a small door the safari key is required to open this door can i make that right now oh yeah that's actually really easy it's one blank key and a bunch of seeds i guess for one sec guys let's get some seeds and then see what's inside of there all right we got the seeds put in the blank key and now we get a safari key which unlocks the safari door so do i just right-click this oh opened you've entered a safari this is not a normal savannah biome hello there's a ranger here what's up man hello nestor i need your help to find the animals here's a compass to help you okay so it's an animal finder i guess i'll do it why not don't know what to expect from this and also there's a poacher wait what the heck hello they're little enemies right here what the heck okay so we're saving the animals from the poachers that's sick okay poachers are getting hit all right done um wait are these bones oh my gosh that's graphic what the heck okay uh wait what the heck i just right-clicked a cow and it gave me it gave me the cow wait so i'm saving every single type of animal this is sick okay all right get over here cows we're saving you oh we got some more cows okay well i'm saving literally all the cows we can alright that's gonna be nine okay so where else would the animals be we have another area over there we can try out okay give me the cows my goodness i have so many cows this is crazy all right i think we should be good there let's go back real quick and put back the cows i guess all right mr ranger got you all the cows you need here go let me right click you a couple times thanks for your help now these cows will get to share watermelon with orphan baby tigers huh okay here's a gift for your effort appreciate it mr ranger thank you very much i'll gladly take all these items um it looks like we got a brand new item too and that's gonna be a ranges multi-tool efficiency three i'm breaking three the perfect tool for every job wait is this so like mine would i just right clicked it nice okay so yes it is a good tool i'm so sorry for breaking your home also i guess i'll keep this cow on and now that we're done here i guess it's going to get the escape rope we got a new key and here we go yet again a little bit of progress on the progress bar at the top we're gonna be getting almost to the halfway point and i've returned to my world so now that we're done there for the next door i'm kind of thinking what if we go check out that parkour door we found earlier when we got stoned i think it's right down here oh yeah there it is okay let's go check that out real quick because it's kind of close by and i'm really curious why it's in the middle of the game so i just go up to this thing what key do i need oh it's a parkour key okay so how do i make the parkour key oh okay so i need eight iron ingots and one blankie so luckily with the multi-tool i can not just do this and get our nice okay auto cooks them very nice okay i do like this item a lot what if i mine okay just a normal pickaxe so let's real quick just mine everything we can give you all the iron please thank you very much there we go literally all the iron i'll ever need 69 ingots and with that being done let's go and make the parkour key and hopefully the parkour isn't too hard because if it is hard then i'm gonna probably die okay so this is the weirdest store ever it's like a diagonal thing so right click oh nice let me go inside and i've entered a dangerous cave the lava seems rather active okay okay let's jump let's jump let's jump why is it going up so quick what the heck okay i don't want to cheese it but we're gonna go as fast as we can oh my goodness why could it not be a peaceful room is it because i saw the cow you know what i'm sacrificing the cow no i don't have the cow anymore are you serious have a potato there you go okay let's keep going okay we're actually doing pretty good speed right now just in case for the future let's make a water bucket right now probably not the best time to do that but anyways that's gonna be it for the parkour hopefully and what is this lou a grappling hook okay a blank key and yes the escape rope okay before anything what does the grappling hook do oh it's a grappling hook all right let's get out of here escape rope and we're done that's gonna be it for that room and i guess now we have a grabbing look nice maybe we can find something in this cave actually with a scrapping hook maybe there's some more doors down here okay so i couldn't find another door but maybe it's time for us to go into this door now i think this might be the halfway point at the top of the bar for the next door and it's gonna be the youtube doors now without further ado let's real quick go all the way to the door and the youtuber key is required to open this door so let me i guess double check if we can make that oh it's gonna be three redstone dust two redstone torches and three iron engines so pretty much i need some redstone give me one side guys let's go caving okay so i'm going down to get the redstone and i think we just found another cave wait what the is this the racing key is required to open this door wait how do i make a racing key oh this could be something we do after the youtuber door cobble deep slate and a blank key i'm a little bit curious of what that's gonna be but before we get to that let's get that redstone we need oh wait we got it that was like instant what the heck okay and i think we gotta make two redstone torches which isn't too bad three ironing gets and there we go a good old youtube key all right now let's go back up do i just right click oh open i've entered the youtube headquarters what the heck there's so many youtubers oh wait i have enter i'm gonna grab that real quick we might need that for the final boss so definitely gonna take that and what the heck do i do with you guys why does crafty youtube look like this um if you made the store on the video comment down below crafty's beautiful cause um yeah oh wait approach to play oh time for a battle royale wait what do you mean like fortnite three two one wait what's going on when the battle royale wait what does that mean oh they're coming after me oh okay it's a boss fight apparently oh we gotta fight the youtubers okay okay okay green why are you htc it doesn't make any sense what is going on okay technically i'm so sorry oh there's another tactical blade of okay i guess technically never dies dude mumbo jumbos three mumbo jumbos what the heck i'm so sorry guys but i gotta get rid of the youtubers apparently to win the battle royale and it's all good though subscribe to all these guys of course have a great day and with that being done the log chest opened up oh wait was there a long chest there i've won the battle royale rewards dropped oh wait what the heck is that thing sword of the creator holy sharpness five i'm breaking three you spin me right round this is ten attack damage guys wait how does this work oh yo it's like a little circle sword oh that's sick okay and we also got a button a good old subscribe button guys if you guys are new to the channel you guys enjoy the content feel free to click that subscribe button right now we're trying to find those subs and summons an army of subscribers hello what's up guys this is alex astorios it's kind of creepy uh what's up man okay uh and alongside that of course we got a good old escape rope and a nice blankie but before we leave here let's real quick get all the eyes of ender we can so let me grab one right there wait and there's potions right here too oh wait is that strength potion hey nice a string two potion okay we might need that also later and with all that being done guys let's get out of here and i guess we're done with the youtuber door there we go okay and as you can see from the top we're pretty much done with halfway through the doors but we have a lot more doors left okay because we found it earlier i'm kind of curious what the racing door is gonna be so let's go back to that car oh man look at that thing okay so i can't go inside of it just yet but for the racing door we're gonna be needing eight cobble deep slate and to get that i guess we just go deeper in the cave i mean why not uh does this work oh it does nice all right let's real quick and make this ski shouldn't be too hard and racing key nice all right let's go back now okay i have no idea what's about to happen here but right click oh wait the door's open with the tires what the heck okay let's go inside whoa okay um i've entered a racing track punch to start this is my opponent racer ready for the race get on your car and be prepared oh gosh we're doing this already okay three two one oh here we go oh gosh oh gosh it's gonna be close to race okay let's get the booster real quick oh this is sick i don't even know how many laps i gotta do let's go twist and turn towards his turn i'm gonna stay on the road oh my gosh he's right behind me oh this is sick what the heck okay let's get another boost real quick a couple more circles oh it slowed down for a second oh he's right there he's right there okay we're good oh we're almost there come on come on get me to the finish line okay in wait did do we win i can't move the car anymore oh there we go good job winning the race it was fun smiley face here's my prize oh and they're actually even throwing me the stuff okay oh in your car you can keep it oh okay so we get racing car keys alongside everything else which is gonna be a good old key and escape rope which i guess we might as well use right now well that's a pretty good race let's get out of here and have returned to the normal world now with a brand new racing car okay what the heck this is probably not the best spot to do this so let's go to the surface and real quick drive the car out oh let's go it's only a racing car oh my goodness okay this thing is so fast what the heck also we haven't been here yet i might do this door next so it's literally a giant skyscraper with a blue door in the front what the heck is this gonna be the hero key is required to open this door oh okay so it's a superhero room and that's gonna be three diamonds and five gold nuggets which we don't have either gold nuggets or diamonds so without further ado let's go down real quick and see if we can find some good stuff okay all right there we go got some gold i gotta cook this up very soon and now for the diamonds where are the diamonds at oh diamonds nice okay that took not very much time very nice okay so back in the overworld we got our diamonds we got our gold and now i just gotta cook the gold and then we're boom done and there we go okay hero key this should be good for the hero door so now let's go back up all right so hero keyed so i just right click this and big old door i've entered the superhero world and yep a little bit expected but we're now in a giant city and i'm not really sure what i'm supposed to be doing here are there any superheroes anyone here whoa green goblin and watch out from above what the heck oh it's captain america here's something to help you now let's defeat the green goblin oh he's giving me full on iron man stuff why not let's put on the iron man armor real quick and then take down the green goblin apparently and iron man blaster oh this is sick what the heck okay all right me and captain america versus the green goblin let's do this okay let's just do some of this okay i'm gonna go up real quick oh guys i think as iron man we gotta go all the way up here to defeat the green goblin oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay that's why it's gonna be hard oh we're destroying him okay he's down to 50 a little bit more and yes okay with that being done that's gonna be for the green goblin and all the items are falling now all right let's just real quick this is a little safely go all the way down and there we go all right so with that being done we ended up getting a goblin's wings take the flight like the goblin it's a pretty good elijah not bad okay so where did the escape rope fall okay i legit could not find it captain america do you have anything amazing fight he says however i'll need back that armor and blaster it's star technology oh no okay i thought i could actually keep it well here we go i have all that iron armor and the blaster savvy we still have the plasma blaster at least and he says great here's a thank you reward oh this makes sense now okay i'll be going to find more evil doers have a good day nestor bye mr captain america on the bright side we did get the escape rope and the next key so with that being done let me real quick get my space armor back just in case we need it for later and let's go back oh man okay that was actually a really fun one and yet again guys i think it's time to go into another world and which one do we do this time hmm i'm actually kind of curious because now that we have the goblin wings let me see if i can find any other areas around us if i go really high up wait what the heck okay so i was following the terrain and i think these are two more doors wait oh it's a fire and ice door in the middle of this biome that's like 200 blocks away from the spawn and why is there a giant accessory right here is this an accessorial door i'm so confused guys but let's go ahead and try out these brand new doors and see what exactly i need for them so what's inside of this one oh a fire and ice key is required to open this door and how exactly do i make that one so okay that makes sense so i need four water buckets and four lava buckets and then we get the fire and ice key so give me one side guys probably gonna just go ahead and grind that one out okay let's put in the key and finally fire an ice key let's go inside and oh gosh this is another big door i've entered the fire and ice room and what the oh okay hello fire axolotl dude i'll let him buy right there that is one above axolotl what the heck and what about the ice place it's all snow gold how's it going buddy this crystal you want it back it took a lot of effort to get it though i can trade it for 16 ice creams here's the spoon to collect the ice cream oh okay so i'm supposed to get ice cream for this guy i mean why not let's go ahead and get all the ice cream again 32 ice cream why not there you go buddy take your ice cream that was a lie no can you use ice cream to evolve we what the heck literally spawned in a form boss okay let me real quick get the chest plate on sort of the crater do your thing man oh gosh wait is this guy invincible we have an idea if we can't do damage to him what if we take him to the lava okay come this way buddy i'm gonna melt him that is the goal okay straight this way come on i need to get him in lava somehow oh yes that worked oh my goodness so just like that that's gonna be for the ice boss and we get what that is this thing a fire crystal do i have to give this to this guy do i just right clicky amazing thanks for returning the crystal nester here's a gift now that golem won't try to steal again i honestly thought i was gonna have to fight this guy but you know i do appreciate it buddy we got the escape rope yet again another blankie and what item did we get that special this time oh a lava staff is this safe to use right click it's a little lava projectile that's cool and so with that being done let's get out of here and now that we're back i'm also curious about the accessorial on the hill so i guess let's check that out the nester key is required to open this door oh so there is an ester key i think i saw that earlier so there it is literally a nester key and it's gonna be some redstone and some iron and yet again we need some redstone so give me one sec guys i'm gonna go mining again and hopefully we can find that quickly and there we go nice redstone and just like that nestle key let's get back to the door all right here we go nestor key i guess i just right click oh it literally opens me oh that's sick and weird at the same time i guess let's put on a chess play and go inside i've entered the nestor room this is us why are there like barriers here turn on the lights wait what oh that's sick it's a mirror oh yo wait so i'm supposed to look at the mirror to jump on the stuff on the other side okay this is actually so well done so after this it should be like right here not bad then a little bit up oh my gosh oh my gosh guys this is actually the coolest thing ever okay final jump and yes okay that was actually the coolest thing ever what the heck and do not touch okay i'm gonna touch it oh i touched it never trust anyone not even yourself oh what the heck oh it's a bunch of me's defeat the nestor storm oh my gosh i made the entire place down there slime you know what we're going down okay one more to go and finally that's gonna be it for the nester swarm and i've defeated my clones so from that we ended up getting the chest plate which is gonna be a nether right chest plate as my skin protection five oh my gosh ability unlocked someone goes to help shift oh that's sick okay so i have a lot of like hereby maxes nice anyway so let's get our blanket and let's get out of here because i'm kind of getting creeped out by looking at myself so uh yep bite that was one of the coolest things ever what the heck and as you guys can see at the top we're almost done to the final door and i think the only door that's left is back where we came from which is gonna be the cursed door thing oh there it is okay so we haven't gone to this door just yet and it honestly looks extremely ominous so the roam door is required to open this door three obsidian two gravel and three dirt a bit of a weird set of items but i mean i can do that i guess the obsidian's literally on it so let's get the dirt this should be everything we need now and just like that three dirt to gravel through obsidian we get the realm key unlocks the round door so i guess this is it the key guides you to the roam door a little bit ominous but i guess let's go inside oh gosh here we go i've entered the realm world whoa what the heck is this thing temple guardians let me get rid of these guys then you shall not enter two down and there we go okay nice pretty normal stuff here let me i guess grab these and grab some of those maybe some of these but what about this this is a normal where is this taking me okay this is a little bit sketch but let's just go down and hope for the best whoa wait what is this like a random ravine i guess let's just do the parkour there we go nice wait where is this going now then wait is this locked wait is there like a key for this oh yeah deep door key one gravel and a bunch of iron nuggets i mean why not that's a weird craft but just like that we get a deep dark key unlocks the deep dark door okay so what that is behind here minnie warden the mini terror wait what the heck is that how's it going buddy are you friendly oh he's off friendly okay let's do this battle against a mini warden i'm gonna use the best weapon i have and let's real quick sticker distance because i do not trust this guy i feel like this guy's gonna get bigger okay okay okay uh it literally looks like we went down the deep dark and are now fighting literally a mini warden all right mr mitty warden gonna use some candy and just like that that's gonna be for the mini warden and he gave us a scythe nice and now it goes even deeper what is this room guys this is crazy yet again another door and what we could do again is is there another door oh there is oh it's school sensors and then gravel again okay let's go back real quick and get all that so it's a bunch of skull sensors do i just mind like this how do i mine this oh that worked okay we should be good now so just like that we get the nether key so i guess here we go again real quick right click okay so what's down here now oh that's a lot of mobs are you guys mad at me yep they're about to be oh gosh they do good damage okay okay no no no no no no oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh let's fly away oh we're down towards okay let's get this out real quick and then try to fight these guys from a wide range go inside get them oh wait they're dropping netherride ingots what the heck thank you very much for all those netherright ingots not sure what i need another right gets for but i will gladly defeat all these mobs just for those things we have 14 netherlight ingots right now is there like a door i need to use the network ink it's for maybe let's look around okay so i finally found the door all the way down here which is gonna be the end door which actually looks pretty cool and to craft it we actually already have everything we need so pretty much it's this uh that right now the right gravel and we get the end key so i guess let's get to the next part of this room inside of a room it's got like reception but enter king the superior endermen wait what the heck is that thing over there oh oh i forgot the boots hello what the heck is this thing oh it's like a little ender walking thing this isn't the final fight but this is weird this guy is terrifying looking oh why is he getting faster nope nope nope let's do a little bit multi-tool sword the creator oh that's doing a lot of damage and just like that that's gonna be it for the ender king i guess and we got a blank key and i guess the final item we need so i'm gonna guess that's gonna be for this room oh wait there's a big bow i barely missed that okay i was about to leave the room but we ended up getting a king's bow equipment from the ender king what does this do oh that's cool nice it's like a little pretty bow oh it does a lot of breaking damage oh that's sick nice well with that being done let's get out of here okay so at the top bar we're almost to the final thing so do we have one more door left if so what door oh wait i think i might know guys if we go straight this way guys i think there's one final door we haven't gone inside of it's gonna be the mysterious herobrine door right here which i completely forgot about okay so what i do for this one am i supposed to make it here brian key i'm not very sure but i guess we can try that and is this the curse key so i need iron nuggets and then a few more diamonds okay let's go all the way down and get some diamonds okay now we should be good we got the curse key and i don't know how to feel about this one okay right click you've entered the scary world find a herobrine inside the mansion okay i don't i don't like scary stuff let's go why did that scare me okay we're good we're good no no go away guys go away okay okay we're running we're running running we're running okay where is this even leading me you dare enter my home without permission oh why there's so many of them oh no no no no no no they're being scared here mines why oh yes the ball worked oh oh my gosh okay there are so many skewer herobrines down there oh the water helped yes let me run over you guys candy go no more of that that was actually a close call oh my gosh there's only a couple more scary earbuds and then we should be good go away go away go away go away boy and yes okay with that being done we are done with the herobrines and i can now craft a new giant key and finally a giant blank key and a bunch of eyes of ender oh and of course a good old escape rope let's get out of here and never come back okay never do that again and finally with all these doors being done guys we did get one final crafting ingredient and that's gonna be the giant blank key which if i'm not wrong if we do this right here holy that is huge we get the final giant key a giant key for a giant door and so there's only one giant door left that we haven't fully done and it's that bad boy right there so let's go over there and finally complete this challenge it's been quite the journey but finally let's hear what's inside i've entered the giant door and it's the same place as the beginning of the video do i just sit down again am i worthy now oh that's a huge door giant door was it alive oh my gosh the way it's hitting me from here okay pushing the strength i should have made more food sword of the creator i can't reach him oh my gosh what about the plasma blaster oh wait no no it doesn't do that much damage oh gosh oh gosh can i heal quick oh wait we can slap him straight to oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm fighting the legs of this guy okay i'm just going back to the candy i won't let you win you're literally just stomping me to death and what the heck come on few more hits and yes okay my iron leggings almost broke but that's gonna be for the giant door and his final words were no my throne holy that was a big old boss so guys without being done over guys i'll enjoy another great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 3,358,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft door, minecraft custom door, minecraft giant door, door, giant door, behind the door, minecraft but what's behind the door, doors, tiny, tall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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