Minecraft but I Own a Shop

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I want to make a million emeralds in Minecraft and to do that I'm gonna need to sell items to villagers with my very own store with the goal of buying my dreams make some emeralds shall we all there she is my store it's boarded up though I don't have it just yet but one day soon you will be mine right now I've got zero Emerald dogs let's see if we can make at least a couple emeralds greetings villager folk how you doing boys oh my gosh 15 colds I need 15 million coal wheat isn't too bad sticks okay that's not bad boys I'll be back we'll need a way to generate emeralds passively with my store mining coal and trading sticks will only get me so far dude I found something perfect man a zombie spawner I think I can oh gosh I can trade rotten flesh also for emeralds it might not be the most efficient but it's the most fun for sure efficiency three yeah I might as well take it don't need much of this yet but now I know it's here if I needed mine for some rotten flesh later let's grab a little more of this iron then we'll head to the surface hello boys oh I'm excited dude I'm going on a whole entrepreneurial entrepreneurial entrepreneurial Journey there we are lots of sticks 35 coal and and almost a stack of iron ingots I'll call that a pretty good haul we'll trade some of these sticks oh Emerald obtained hey check it out trading our first Emerald got us a shop portal so let's see what we can buy Here shall we uh yes our glorious shop what do we have to what I encourage smart financial decisions oh I have to buy shop access first ah I need a VIP card that's annoying I have to have a membership for a shop okay well I might have just enough to get myself the 10 emeralds I need I will have to basically give him all of my iron oh gosh 39 emeralds yeah not bad dude let's buy our VIP card access and now we can make our first purchase here a resource multiplier I can purchase all right let's get that duplicates anything gained from mining blocks or slaying mobs oh snap that'll be real nice and next up we've got small store title hey I can buy my very own store but I need 50 emeralds first okay so now that I have the resource multiplier yeah check it out dude if I'm on the Block I get two of them sick man oh that's so nice dude wait a second I can use that to my advantage right that an idea I don't see a farm here at this Village I'll have to go exploring a little bit but it'll be worth it hello boys oh yeah perfect so if I grab one of these hay bales that turns into two so that means if hay bale I've got infinite hay bales anytime I want it yeah man I found the duplication glitch already excuse me buddy how are you you trading anything no get some of these wheat oh my gosh I have five stacks of Wheat and now we've got a heck ton of emeralds yes 52 emeralds hat oh shoot I just traded all of them oops I should have kept one hay bale that's all right I can always get one later let's head back into the shop which is different than my store I know that's going to be a little confusing and now I can buy my small store title yeah dude boom we've got it yeah dude and there she is my very own store we are open for business well except for the fact we have nothing right now to sell but it feels good our investment paid off we got a store now now it's time to stock the shelves let's see what we can buy oh very cool looks like I can hire allies to help me Farm items I can hire a farmer alley for 60 emeralds I assume they'll help get us wheat or whatever else okay what's our most efficient way oh I have an idea just need a little iron shouldn't take too long with the resource multiplier smelt up those bad boys and now I can make an iron block that I should be able to just continue to mine right and two iron blocks okay this might be my most efficient way to get emeralds right now until I hire some alleys of course I can't be doing all the work you know I gotta Outsource some of this so I can retire or something let's get this iron oh my gosh I have a stack and a half of iron already heck yeah dude there we go now we're talking 52 already and just like that yeah we've got enough to hire our first employee feels good man except I'm very hungry working so hard I'm starving myself there's no time to eat we've got a farmer alley farmers can be given sticks carrots and potatoes oh sick all right whoa check it out we have a whole Farm expansion on the back of our shop here looks like our alley is getting to work keep harvesting buddy I'm actually gonna steal a couple of these getting fed off my own Supply here that should be plenty of food for us for our journey now Mr alley can I give you some sticks my man there we go all right so I'm giving him sticks his payments oh and that's planting them I guess nice so those plants can be harvested to give us more emeralds later look look I have stuff to sell I have a little beer and I can I can tell yeah it's working dude we have the best product at the best prices just like crafty dot store does ah no sales yet but we'll get there wait people like free stuff right I have an idea come on in boys every customer gets one free piece of uh premium dirt it's the best deal anyone's ever had yep dirt for you and premium dirt for you is it working are they buying stuff yeah check it out dude my emeralds are going up yeah yeah they're buying the premium dirt it's working although we don't give away premium dirt on crafty dot store but we do have signed stuff so you know that's probably better yes dude look at that 72 orders already ah kind of short-lived though nobody's buying anything anymore I guess everybody's had their fill of Wheat and Wheaton sticks so let's grab some potatoes and carrots shall we oh let's grab some of these taters and we'll grab some of these carrots my lovely La farmer let's give you a potato we'll give you a carrot and yeah there we are we can now Harvest it dude yes check it out our shelves are filling up man carrots potatoes tomatoes and alfredos come on down to crafty Incorporated for all your carrot and potato needs yeah they're filing right in man all right all right our currency is going up that feels good we officially have a passive Revenue stream dude let's see what next upgrade we can make oh I just noticed there's a villager here what's up Jeremy shopkeeper thanks for your shop dude it's working and one day I'll be able to afford a tub my beach house for only one million emeralds we'll get there man one step at a time okay my next alley upgrade is a j and D extension I don't know what that means sounds like some kind of expansion to our store I guess it is quite an investment but I think that'll help us all good we can Farm up some iron blocks here no problem there we go is that gonna be enough for us not quite a few sticks later uh there we go 500 emeralds it's time for our first shop expansion oh I'm excited let's get it dude oh jungle Farmers that's what the J stands for so I can now Farm Cactus beetroots TNT melon slices cocoa beans yes dude I have a whole shop extension man I just thought I'd be able to sell more items in my shop but no look at this dude it's a whole new expansion I even have a cashier dude I don't have to do honor System anymore I'm looking so official man wait what the heck is this it's all boarded up this might be an expansion of mine I thought it might have been a competitor or something hey check it out we got some new villagers dude head on over to our expansion that uh currently doesn't have anything in it oh hold on be right back my boys don't spend all your money yet dude I got some stuff for you I shall hand you some beet roots oh we didn't like that oh no beetroots I might need to grow up these beetroot Cedar I guess I can plant them heater for now and wait for them to grow yeah don't have any bones for bone meal I could probably hit a cable quick though oops sorry I didn't mean to I apologize I'll give you a raise I promise hello Mr skeleton thank you for your bones there we go and just gotta grow these bad boys we've got some beet Roots dude yeah there we are I'm not selling a whole lot in my expansion yet but we got beet Roots at least you can also sell Cactus and TNT I guess I don't know how safe it is to sell TNT in a store but let's find ourselves a desert shall we hello glorious prickly little boy you're just gonna grab one of these do you guys happen to have 20 wheat that's expensive dog now let's find a oh goodness here lies bunny you will be remembered but he died doing what he loves jumping okay I don't know what that was let's go find ourselves a desert pyramid shall we a desert toe piramando I don't know if we'll leave sugar at any point but we'll grab some of this maybe I can sell some cookies at some point cookies are cocoa beans and sugar right look at this guy man he's hiding from me I barely spotted this dude man straight up I'm uncovering like a lost nobody's seen this in Millennia King Toot used to live here that's a King Tut's unsuccessful cousin uh flamebo I don't need much of this I guess I'll grab the golden apple ah some bones is nice but most importantly let's grab our TNT there we go give those to you my good man and oh my goodness check it out guys I got a TNT playing plows so that's where TNT's come from I'm gonna ask no questions and I give you some of this now I can grow Cactus it's not the most efficient cactus farm I think that requires like string and stuff right I don't know I'm no expert now we're selling beet Roots we're selling TNT I shall name the shop drop the beat and make a bomb wait what wait no no I've been like a bomb song you know wow this song is the bomb I didn't mean literally make a bomb guys please don't make explosives okay I am not liable for what you do with my products the next two items I can sell are melon slices and cocoa beans so I gotta find a nice old jungle yeah parkour hello jungly boys I spy with my little eye something tasty we got ourselves our cocoa beans heck yeah and now I'm just hunting for some melons what's up boys why do cows spot in jungles I guess you want milk with your cookies right or your melons yes my favorite meal milk and melons I'll call them Eminem items wait all right we got ourselves some melons here too I'll grab a couple more just in case I think I should be good though and let's head back to our shop it is kind of funny I just give like a single item to these alleys they're like I got you dude I got you there's our cocoa beans and there's our melons check it out everything is full now our Farms are looking great and we're making about 10 emeralds a second right now so that's super efficient oops sorry okay let's not jump on the farm shall we Sorry boys our shops looking much more full now as one of our first customers how about a cocoa bean on me my dude or not all right that's that's fine not a cocoa fan watching his weight I understand respect it what is that a rival store has spawned ah shoot we're making too much money man we got a competitor oh goodness Jeremy what have you done I'm just trying to get a beach house man why do you gotta make this hard for me this shopping complex is only big enough for the one of us oh you just got here man I was here first I reckon we settle this with a competition oh I like your thinking loser gives up everything oh no I I don't know I like competitions but I don't know like I want my store to be successful I'd kind of feel bad to bankrupt you though dude if you can beat me in Cobblestone mine off I'll get out of your hair forever if not I'll bankrupt you Jeremy man oh gosh I stopped making money oh no oh no there's no customers at my store anymore what have you done oh gosh all right well I guess I have no choice my record is 504 minutes beat that all right I have some ideas for this you're on Jeremy let's do this dude all right I've got four minutes to mine 500 or more Cobblestone this is not gonna be easy but I do have some tricks up my sleeve first up I need a little bit of iron to start with I've got an iron pickaxe I don't have time for diamonds most likely but check out these big brain moves man I've got an anvil now and now I can put in my efficiency 3 from earlier it's not efficiency five but we'll take it dude gotta move fast gotta move fast gotta move fast here's some oh okay okay that's not bad our bar isn't going up very high but we can just keep mining I don't know if this is gonna be fast enough dude why did I agree to this I guess I didn't really have much of a choice I don't think efficiency three is gonna do it 504 minutes is so fast dude I would need to get like a beacon I can't do that I can't take out a Wither efficiency five I can't do that in four minutes uh I think ah we basically made no progress on our bar here I can't just do this hold on let's see what I got in my shop here that might be able to help me come on give me something dude delivery service I can afford that doesn't help me an alley the cave Explorer dude if you mind Cobblestone that's gonna be so nice all right it's worth a shot I don't know if he Minds Cobblestone but I can give him items for me to sell too hey there he is look at it man oh it's working dude my stone mind is going up so our little guy is mining down there go Ally go Teamwork Makes the Dream work I don't want to stop now though I'm gonna mine alongside my alley hopefully I don't lose this challenge come on please Alec we got this dude we got this just keep minding as fast as my little blue arms can swing oh my pickaxe broke oh no no hurry hurry hurry hurry crafty's not going down without a fight my efficiency might have broken but my determination will never stop come on come on just a couple more and yes dude we've done it pickaxe you've done me good buddy hey Jeremy I think I might have beaten you dude what do you have to say for yourself my record only one other person has beat my record before congrats for now yeah we've done it dude our currency is going back up and I assume we can be friendly competitors now huh I know we said all or nothing I'm not gonna make you pack up shop all right how about we have a friendly truce I won't take your customers you don't take mine deal I feel good about that I do want to buy my dream home but I don't want to take any shortcuts and play it dirty you know how you doing down there little L.A I like your little miners hat that's real cute man so our cave Explorer alley can be given coal rotten flesh and iron ingots and I guess I can sell those in my shop as well I was gonna go get those items I think I have them I've got rotten flesh yeah I already have all the stuff I've got rotten flesh coal and iron ingots so Mr alley come here buddy there's the iron there's the coal and there's the rotten flesh dude I don't know who's out here by in rotten flesh what you can buy it I don't know the market speaks and I listen I need some kind of catchy jingle right come on down to crafty Inc our store is cool and it don't stink I don't know what's up boys we got a special deal today buy two TNT get one rotten flesh for free I don't know who's taking that deal but put them on a watch list for sure there's our iron ingots there's our coal our shelves are certainly filling up man ah I'm happy this is good a ton of customers are coming in dude just like a bumblebee our store is generating some serious Buzz I'm sorry for that please don't unsubscribe let's head back into our shop here and see what's next for us oh dude this is cool I can buy a delivery service for five thousand that's kind of a lot but I think that might help diversify our revenue streams oh my goodness the cave Explorer is 30 000 that'll take us a little while but I can buy a hostile store title for only a hundred yeah I'll make that investment I'll make a little expansion to our story here and we can buy a multi-roll villager let's go check it out shall we hey truck man and that is super cool I'm gonna ride that in just a second stay right there delivery truck check it out dude we have an entirely new store man so this was the store I saw earlier looks like I sell rotten flesh disgusting and I sell some bones as well what's up cashier dude how's business my man oh goodness I hear spiders and stuff do you know what's going on man is this normal is this fine stay right here looks like I got a staircase oh goodness this is spooky down here okay what's happening down here oh there's a spotter villager huh so that's how I get all my goods here for the store what the heck pillagers okay I guess pillagers come just to watch the action huh well we get a bunch of loot from this villager down here having a good time and I guess the pillagers give us money just to watch very nice very strange but the good news is business is booming come on in folks step right up we got some great sales today customers have been reporting suspicious activity in the store what are you the suspicious one uh nope I think it might be that guy sir are you stealing something uh let me check those four million subscribers I never in four million years thought we'd reached 4 million subs thank you all for subscribing and for watching my crazy videos to celebrate the Milestone we're doing up to 40 off crafty merch freaking fantastic for real so what are you waiting for go to crafty dot store today Pockets oh you War a bunch of emeralds dude oh my goodness well thanks for reporting the suspicious activity I guess I gotta be careful for thieves keep your eyes peeled I don't want anybody shoplifted around here we gotta run a tight ship in the meantime let's hit the road shall we I kind of want to check out ah check out my new ride drive up to villagers to give them food okay meet me hello boys I got some food for you there we go you can munch on that oh my gosh they give me a thousand emeralds how good is my bread I guess they've never seen a food truck before but I'm not complaining hello desert friends I got some new food for you there you go oh my gosh this is a super efficient way why did I get this ride earlier man we take our business on the road there you are there's some food for you enjoy thanks for the Thousand emeralds ouch and some food for you Mr Golem no do you not eat are you on a diet oh you're iron deficient well that's ironica a delivery for you and a delivery for you making good progress man my goal is thirty thousand for our upgrade I don't think it should take long we're not far off now 26 000 almost there what's up cashier friend how's business going the fluents are coming by like an Instagram person like a YouTuber they're coming by our store oh heck yeah that's just the kind of buzz we need dude there's not many people checking out our store right now oh I'm hoping this works customers are reporting a famous person is giving away money in the store yeah dude drop an emeralds what is that like a villager Mr Beast just dropping cash he's not even buying anything he's just running around in circles thanks for coming by my dude oh my gosh that's hilarious and look at all these customers man yeah that really worked dude and there it is 30 000 emeralds it's time for our next upgrade already thank you villager Mr Beast you've saved my business yes we can now buy the cave Explorer mining upgrade nice dude oh looks like I can sell amethyst shards and diamonds I can sell diamonds now dude that's gonna be awesome whoa check it out our mind certainly has had an upgrade here if our alleys can mine and sell diamonds that should seriously increase our Revenue I don't have any oh gosh that ladder did not go down very far hey buddy I love their giant pickaxes on their tiny little body let's find some diamonds and Amethyst so they can get to work huh uh yes gravel ah it's just not the same sand falling is the most satisfying thing in all of Minecraft you say oh yes what I think just need a little amethyst here ah perfect man that was fast I thought this would take a while Perfecto 24 amethyst like it's nothing let me bring this back there you go buddy there's a diamond my shiny little diamond oh I was like why did it get two diamonds I forgot that I have my resource multiplier and there's a diamond for you yes dude that's looking good now we not only sell rotten flesh and carrots but we literally sell diamonds dude and now we get 50 emeralds per second now so that's really helped us out does that mean I can go door to door with my delivery driver just to drop off diamonds who's out here post mating diamonds I'm not gonna complain business is boom and hello boys we welcome all here let's see what else is in the shop here we can buy oh check this out we can buy a nether extension as well we can sell a bunch of golden stuff and crossbows yeah look at our shop we have a whole nether section now guys I don't think we're open yet I don't know if we sell anything uh do we sell anything okay no these shelves are empty but I can grab some of this gold here there we are I can put that right back it attracts the customers is there a piglet around here somewhere I Gotta Give Them All the Gold stuff he might be downstairs ah there's our pigland boy what's up man he's gonna Help Us sell gold stuff I give you an Ingot now perfect I can give you a golden nugget whoa check that out now we can do gold mining for me yeah dude there we go and now we can sell golden swords and golden axes yeah oh that's really filling up our shelves now nice job piglin keep doing your thing and pillagers keep throwing money at a piece of glass I guess that's so funny dude keep it up dude I'm proud of you here's some gold the nice Christmas bonus for 25 000 we can buy a flying fire fire oh gosh this is gonna be hard to say flying Fire Flyer boy flying fire oh gosh the flag fire boy the flying flyer the fight the flying Fire Flyer boy nailed it got it the first time let's buy you I assume he's gonna be advertising right yeah there he is dude he's like equivalent of those sign twirlers just throwing out flyers to advertise the business all right flying Fire Flyer boy keep tossing out those flyers make sure everybody knows about our great deals on gold swords ah this must be one of the Flyers he's given out the stack of Flyers step one give to a customer step two step three profit okay sure why not good sir come on down to our business we've got great pricing we're doing a 50 off sale there we go I gave him the Flyers we're doing a great buy two get the third full price deal there you go there's some flyers where you go oh no he didn't like my marketing I tried how about buy two gave the third for free I think that's a pretty solid deal you got it flyer flower man keep tossing out those flyers two hours later what what sorry fell asleep there the boss needs his beauty sleep is it time for our next upgrade it is dude we've got our end extension I can sell dirt sand pumpkins nice and the next upgrade is our beach house man we're almost there just one million emeralds I can do this whoa look at this our mall is almost complete everything you could possibly need here at crafty Inc no we're not a monopoly and government please don't separate us this place is awesome let's grab some of this dirt we'll grab some of this sand and our Enderman yeah he's down here here you go Mr Enderman here's some grass for you here's some sand for you look at this dude look at all our customers we have so many different types of customers here that is so awesome all right let me grab one of these pumpkins here so we can start selling those as well there's a cactus and I can also sell nyliam but I'd have to go to the Nether and get like a silk touch pickaxe so I think our shelves are plenty stocked I'm not lazy I'm just energy efficient it's what I always say we're almost there dude only like 200 000 emeralds left and I noticed something over here there's no customers in here man there's no products here I have an idea Mr Jeremy my whole goal is to buy my dream house as soon as I hit a million how about you take my business and you can run all my stores how about that and there's a million buddy here's my Deeds to the store Jeremy I wish you best of luck in your business buddy you've got this dude it's time to buy my dream home and there it is crafty's beach house yeah congrats you bought an expense house wow that sounded sounded like mint in there I worked hard for that okay my employees worked very hard for that when used teleports you to your new expensive house thank you shopkeeper you've made my dreams come true three two one uh here I am I am oh my goodness it's glorious right by the beach now I can spend my days retired sitting on the beach and enjoying some uh Donuts inside of a coconut I guess it's glorious and there's my beautiful home oh I love it oh goodness uh there's no there's no furniture in here well good thing I have a little bit of money left over might need to save that for some furniture thanks for watching Everybody I'll spend the rest of my day sitting by the beach and getting very very sunburned ah
Channel: Craftee
Views: 5,731,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft survival, minecraft funny, minecraft enderman, custom enderman, minecraft marketplace, minecraft game, custom mob, custom mobs, minecraft death, minecraft shop, custom shop
Id: eKwDgrbhFGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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