I Google Translated Minecraft 1000 Times

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I'm going to be Google translating Minecraft items and then making whatever result I get first let's do some Diamond things and we got Battle of diamonds for this one I didn't really know what to do so I just decided to make the pickaxe look like a battle pickaxe the pickaxe looks kind of fancy but unfortunately it just does the same amount of damage it didn't make it any better next I'll do a sword and we just got Diamond I can't remember why but for this one I just made the sword really fat and undetailed let me know if you would use the sword texture I honestly think this looks really good next I did a diamond ax and it just gave me some letters that translate to Diamond River for this one I just put a bunch of sand around the diamond axe and then I filled in the rest with grass to put the diamond axe in the place of a river would you rather PvP with this or the diamond sword from before personally I'm picking the sword I hate axes for a diamond shovel I got my pearls so I used this filter to make the diamond shovel into the shape of an ender pearl and for a diamond hoe I got more weird letters apparently this means beautiful jewelry I decided to just turn the diamond hoe into a nice diamond ring instead on honestly both of these are jewelry if you think of it it's just I'd rather have one a lot more than the other next I translated a diamond and we got in advance alone is sometimes called an advance so for this one I just kept the diamond the same the only difference is now I owe it back to somebody with interest diamond armor is also made of diamonds so let's translate a helmet next the jewel in the crown this is probably the best thing I could have gotten for a helmet because a crown is basically a helmet already imagine if I got crowned for like the pants or something next I did a chest plate and I got diamond chart I just made a really big piece of paper like this and then I drew the diamond on the paper I'm not really sure if this counts as a chart but it doesn't look that bad when I'm wearing it next for the leggings it gave me diamond diamond so I had to double up on the Diamonds by adding a diamond on top of the leggings and then adding another one that takes up the entire background I'm not really sure how to make this into an armor piece so this is what I came up with finally for the boots I got diamond shoes and diamond boots are basically shoes already so I just lowered them down a bit and added some red on the bottom of the shoes so that they can be light up shoes who needs armor trims when you can have light up shoes instead they don't actually light up unfortunately now that we've done the diamond stuff it's time to do some of the other ores in the game and the first ore is a golden get Bangalore Babu I don't really know who or what this is but I know Bangalore is a city so I just took the Bangalore flag and made it fit inside the texture next Let's do an iron inot machine tools I decided to just draw some kind of machine tool I don't know this is what I found when I looked it up for a netherite Ingot I got nitrate International and this is a picture of nitrate so I decided to just draw this picture to the best of my ability yeah I mean it doesn't really look the same but it also doesn't look good both of those are bad I don't know why I said but a coppering get translated to copper and something that could be made from copper is a penny so I drew a big copper colored Circle and Drew someone's head on it to make it a penny this is for motion picture use only this is not legal tender for an emerald I got Ruby which is actually kind of convenient because a ruby for some reason is an actual texture in the game and then for coal I got playing I took the the same piece of paper from earlier and put a bunch of lines on top of it which are supposed to be a plan the interesting thing is this still makes sense being used as a fuel next I translated red stone okay we just got red stone for this one I decided to change the red stone dust into the shape of a stone making it a literal red stone this kind of just looks like I took it out of the ore without turning it to dust next I did lapis and I got the region of lap land apparently this is a picture from lap land so first I drew some snow then I added a house on top of it next I put some trees in the background and also added some Sky then finally I added the Northern Light looking things in the sky as well who did it better me or the actual picture amethyst isn't technically an ore but I did it anyway okay we got jewelry for this one I made the amethyst way smaller and then I added a chain around it to make it a pendant on the necklace now that we've made all these ores you're probably getting hungry I don't know what those have to do with each other but next I translated some foods okay we got at the bottom I didn't really know what to do for this one so I just moved the steak to the bottom of the screen next I did an apple in surgery I cut the Apple in half like this and then I put the inside of the Apple that is being removed in the middle I don't know why the Apple would go through all this surgery I was just going to eat it anyway for chicken I got War so I drew one of those War hats on top of the chicken and then I gave it a gun like this and then for bread I got minus eat minus eat is sort of like the opposite of eat so I drew mold all over the bread because you shouldn't eat mold it's not going to stop me though the next food I did was a cake and I got it was too much so I just removed some parts of the cake to make it look a lot smaller and and after that I translated a cookie and I got pie I took the pumpkin pie texture that is already in Minecraft and I decided to turn it into a berry pie instead I'm not going to lie it kind of looks like the crust is raw I'm throwing this out for a golden apple I got sea of gold so I drew a c and then I put a bunch of small golden apples in it and then I drew a beach on the shore and added a boat floating on the sea of gold and for the last food item I did a golden carrot okay we got golden seed for this one I just took the regular wheat seeds and turned them gold somehow now this is one of the best foods in the game after translating all those Foods it's time for me to translate some random items I don't really know how I got this from totem of undying I decided to just put a really low detail Tinder background around the totem next I translated a fishing rod is true when something is true it's usually associated with the color green so I just decided to color the fishing rod green next I did a bow and I got the height people usually measure height with a tape measure so I just turn the bow into a tape measure guys it looks like the tape measure isn't working so I guess this means I'm still 67 you can't prove otherwise for a crossbow I got do you have so I just put a question mark on top of the crossbow so it's always asking if you have one and then I did an ender pearl and I got another ship I decided to turn the ender pearl into a small end ship like this I'm really just throwing an entire end ship that's crazy for the next few items I'm going to speedrun them for the Eye of Ender I got his eyes were closed so I made a closed Enderman eye for the XP bottle I got look in the mirror so I just drew a mirror and for the egg I got I slep so I turned the egg sideways and Drew some z's to show that it's sleeping out of all of these my favorite is the Eye of Ender I like how it's still able to find the stronghold even though it's closed I translated a snowball and it gave me it is snowing so I added a bunch of snowflakes falling down like this and since I translated a bow earlier I also had to do the arrow okay we got house I drew a square like this added an arrow colored roof and then I added a door and some windows I'm not going to lie this is a pretty bad looking house it kind of looks like a face for my next items I add a theme first I translated a potion he is drinking you already drink potions so just decided to change the bottle into a glass to make a fancier potion instead next I translated Nether wart okay we got a person I used the colors from the Nether wart and turn them into a person's face like this I'm not going to lie this looks like the evil version of someone you would find on a vegetable can Forest industry I don't know much about the forest industry but I do know that it has to do with trees so I just drew a tree next I translated a gas tier The Voice disappeared I just added a microphone stand underneath the gas tier because the voice would disappear if if the gas tier took over the mic and now we can make a regen potion using our weird ingredients I translated shears and got I'm back and I didn't know what to do so I just turned the shears around to put the back in the front and then I translated a bucket and got bro I didn't even know this counted as a word I drew some eyes on the bucket and then I gave it a mouth as well but now bro decided to drink some water so next I did a water bucket we got courtesy it's considered courtesy to hold open a door for someone so I made it look like the water bucket is holding open a door or he might be holding it closed which is the opposite of courtesy for a lava bucket I got foot skin which is kind of a weird thing to get so I just drew a foot instead of the bucket and an unrelated item here is a flint and steel hard coal and iron I just decided to turn the Steel part light to make it look more like iron and then I added coal over the top of the Flint like this a few more items I did was a fire charge in jail because it was charged with arson a nether brick that I turned into spinach a netherite scrap that got turned into a Wi-Fi symbol and a piece of quartz that is supposed to be a pillow although it kind of looks more like one of those flower sacks the next item I translated was bone meal they eat bones I'm not sure if dogs actually eat bones but they definitely chew on them so I just decided to draw a dog I can't tell if this looks good or bad I feel like the face looks kind of like a human I translated A Chorus fruit and got 84 results so I just changed it into the Google logo because a search engine is where you could find 84 results and then for an elytra I got good luck so I made it into a four-winged elytra because fourleaf clovers are good luck for the next two items I did dragon breath and got do so I just drew a doctor's coat around it and also gave it one of those stethoscope things around its neck and then I did an end Crystal and got glass layer so I just removed the end Crystal and only left the glass layer like this it's still normal on the ground though I don't know how to change it op items in the game netherite armor and tools I I don't know who ntic is I drew some Flames over the sword and then I colored it red this sword looks cool but I have no idea what it has to do with ntic next I did the pickaxe take the nurses that's weird I didn't didn't really know what to do for this one so I just drew one of those nurse helmets they wear I'm kind of confused how this hat is able to mine through Stone next I made a shovel and I got bill natri but I don't know who bill natri is so I just decided to draw bill because nothing comes up when you search bill natry for a netherite axe I got low credit so I drew a credit card and I actually thought this one looked pretty good considering it's 16x this must be Mr BEAST's credit card it's very powerful for the ho I got anchor Stone so I drew one of those anchors that they use on boats I don't think I needed to say that I don't know what other type of anchors there are next I did some netherite armor veil of the Nethers I tried to make a veil out of the same colors as the helmet but it kind of looks like a giant netherite nose for the chest plate I got under the skin I don't know how to make organs so I just colored it blue because that's the same color as Steve's shirt and it said skin in the translate next I made pants and I got a single platform so I drew a YouTube logo because YouTube is the platform this video is on if you're not watching this video on YouTube I will be reporting you to the police immediately the last netherite item is boots and I I got a shoe that doesn't fit I just drew a really big shoe that obviously doesn't fit this is all the netherite armor in game honestly this is kind of drip especially the nose helmet now it's time to translate some random items Spectrum index I don't know what that means so I just colored the arrow rainbow because that's a spectrum next I did a tipped Arrow diagonal axis apparently this is a diagonal axis I don't know what the colors in the background are for for a glass bottle I got glass so I tried to make a glass texture it didn't look that good and for a fermented spider eye I got broken eyes so I just cut the spider eye in half this spider won't be seeing anytime soon the eye is already removed it has nothing to do with him next I did a blaze powder okay we got dust map I drew a map and then I put a bunch of dust on top of it this kind of looks like a Saltine cracker with some weird gray stuff on top of it for a glistering melon I got candle light so I drew a candle and it kind of looked like Ferb's nose and for a clock I got view so I drew a window with an epic view on the other side of it okay it doesn't look that great but the view I'm imagining looks a lot better next to I did a phantom membrane and I got it's a good movie Shrek is a good movie so I copy pasted a picture of Shrek's face on top of it next I did both a splash potion and a lingering potion for the splash potion I got the medicine as finished so I drew one of those bottles that they put pills in and for the lingering potion I got strong plants so I drew a plant and put two arms flexing coming out of the sides I think this is my worst drawing yet this looks terrible now it's time to do some other types of armor first I did a leather helmet and I got a leather hat which is pretty much what it is so I made this brim to distinguish it from a helmet I don't know how to add the brim in game so I just did this next I made a chest plate and got leather jacket I cut some space in the middle added some sleeves on the side and then I colored the jacket darker this would actually look pretty cool as an item in Minecraft not sure about when you wear it though for the leather pants I got his pants fell down so I drew a man with his pants all the way down to his legs and to finish the leather set I got leather shoes so instead of just making shoes I decided to turn the leather boots into rocket shoes which are much less boring than regular shoes I also did the gold armor set first I made the gold helmet as a top hat then I made the chest plate as a chest full of gold next I made the pants as Polish gold and then I made the boots as just regular shoes I don't know why the boots always translate to shoes it's very annoying I also made both of these sets of armor as a model don't look at the leather SC my pants are down because we did gold armor it's time to do some gold tools to sleep I drew some z's on the side of the pickaxe to make it look like it's asleep next let's do the axe Golden Axe since the word ax is smaller than axe I decided to make a little tiny axe this looks like something from one of those mods where they make everything really complicated for the golden shovel I got golden cave so I drew a dark scary cave and put a bunch of spots of gold all over the walls for a golden sword I got a golden sword that's what I just said and since the translate added an A in front I decided to make a sword shaped into an a this is the new alphabet lore Minecraft mod the final golden tool is the hoe which I translated to a gold rose and then I started making some stone tools the Stone axe would not stop translating to Stone axe why is the translate actually working for once so I made a battle axxe because I can only do a certain amount of translates each day before Google bans me the stone shovel became a stone face so I tried to make Squidward's house this was actually pretty accurate for not looking at the picture it also kind of looks like this guy I translated a stone sword and it gave me a stone knife so I just yeah and then for a stone pickaxe I got he picked me up so I drew a man picking up a tiny man I take back what I said earlier this is the worst dra drawing I've ever made the last Stone tool is a hoe which translated to the scale I drew one of those scales that people used to see their weight and I think your mom stepped on the scale I'm sorry to any moms listening for the next category I did a bunch of boring items so I'm going to speedrun those real quick this is melon seeds as a pumpkin on a tree this is a spawn egg with permission this is a book and quill as paper and brush this is a map is on the other hand and this is a firework star is to sleep again I don't know why I keep getting to sleep as a translate for The prismarine Shard I got the hardest is like a prism so I made The Shard into a heart shape and for the prismarine crystal I got glasses are important so I drew a pair of glasses I think I made the nose part a little too big these would only fit the nose helmet a couple other items I did was the popped chorus fruit as don't let it happen the beetroot seeds is a carrot and the shulker shell is a really bad version of the Minecraft logo but one of the most interesting items I translated was the banner pattern okay we got science of love I drew a heart in the middle and then I added a science code around it this actually just looks really weird I don't think it's that interesting I also made the nautilus shell as the end and a disc fragment as the entire Earth ignore the placement of the continents this is definitely an accurate Earth everybody knows that food is the most important meal of the day so next I translated some foods okay we got age I gave the rabbit a Gray beard a monacle and a walking stick to make it look old next I did cooked rabbit cook the rabbit meat the rabbit meat is already cooked so I put a fire underneath to double cook it hopefully it's safe to eat a campfire and a metal rod for glowberries I got they have fresh fruit so I drew a person and made them hold the glowberries so they had fresh fruit and after that I translated sweet berries and got it is a sweet fruit so I made a strawberry because those are very sweet I probably could have just left it as sweet berries it kind of says it in the name for raw mutton I got to cook so I drew an oven with what is supposed to be mutton inside of it it kind of looks like the mutton is a tongue and the buttons are eyes next I did cooked mutton and got delicious food so I decided to draw my favorite food man I love eating these comment if this is your favorite food too there are a lot of foods in Minecraft so I decided to speedrun the next few I turned raw Cod into a person shoveling transparency outside of their house and then I made raw salmon into the old Minecraft fish I made a tropical fish into a burning hot fish I'm not sure how it's on fire if it belongs in the water and then I made a puffer fish into two puffer fishes next I made a potato and I got potatoes so I just put more potatoes behind it and then for a baked potato I got to be easy so I colored it green because green is the color for easy I probably wouldn't eat the green potato there's definitely something wrong with it next I made a beetroot okay we got black paper I just used the regular paper texture and then I turned it black for dry kelp I got these words which translates to a small dog so I decided to draw a little wiener dog this is definitely not what they meant by hot dog there's still so many foods to go so I did a few more like this raw beef is a club from the cards this cooked Cod is a Wi-Fi symbol this cooked salmon is I don't really know what this is actually and this rabbit stew is rabbit juice but it's time to move on from food DS and do the rest of them later so let's do some chain armor instead helmet chain that's what this is supposed to be it's a helmet chain next I did the chest plate heart grinder I drew some spikes on the top and then I struggled to draw a heart underneath I don't know why anyone would want to wear a heart grinder on their chest plate that sounds dangerous for leggings I got porcelain leggings so I tried to make one of those porcelain patterns on the pants and for the chain boots I got shoes and chains it looks like these guys aren't getting out of jail anytime soon this is a wood axxe with a pause sign over it because it translates ated to wait and this is a wood ho with a mouth and some eyes because it translated to let's talk I wonder what the wood ho has to say for a wood swword it just kept translating to a wooden sword so I just left it as a wood sword and for a wooden shovel I got work so I drew a person with a construction vest and helmet and gave them some type of shovel thing now I can hire somebody to do my shoveling for me it probably hurts though there are still over a 100 items left to translate so I started doing more random items next bicycle I drew what is supposed to be a bicycle I can't tell if this drawing is really good or really bad I'm going to go with bad I don't know where the handlebars are for a recovery Compass I got Innovation campus I drew a picture of what I think is a school I'm not really sure I dropped out don't do that by the way kids I don't want any parents telling me you dropped out of school I translated a turtle egg and got I'm sick so I turned the turtle like green to make it look sick and then I made a warped fungus on a stick and got mushrooms grow on trees so I drew a tree and then I added some red and brown spots to look like mushrooms in a tree weird how I'm able to use a tree to control a Strider and I made a scoot as a book with a turtle skin cover and then I made bricks as cream and then I tried to make a brain out of clay and I also turned paper into the letter A this kind of reminds me of something from another video I'm not sure what for glowstone dust I got City so I added some Sky drew a bunch of buildings and then I put some yellow windows on them I wonder if this city is powered by glow stone next I made an ink sack and a glow ink sack for the ink sack I got ihd so I drew somebody hiding behind a desk and then for the glowing sack I got a long black bag so I made a long black bag with a golden handle on the top now it's time to translate every die I'm actually too lazy to do that so I only translated purple and it gave me except this I decided to color the purple dye every D color in the game except for purple see that now I killed every bird with one stone you can't really tell which color is which though for cocoa beans I got soon so I made a picture from a video that I'm making soon you can't really tell what's going on it's a little undetailed and for pumpkin seeds I got clocks so I drew a very bad clock just ignore the dots that are supposed to be numbers they there are definitely 12 and they are all in the right spot now it's time for me to translate some diamond armor head yeah that's where the helmet goes I ended up drawing a messed up looking face and for the actual helmet I copied it on the front and added some hair on all the other sides honestly I think this helmet looks really good there is nothing wrong with it next let's do a chest plate I don't know why it keeps giving me body parts I decided to just draw an arm because that's what it said I then copied the arm over top of the chest plate made absolutely no effort to make it fit even though I did that I somehow got the arms in the right place not really sure why they're so big though next I made the leggings and I got rubber I could have colored the pants rubber color but instead I turned it into a rubber duck because I'm a duck I then drew a duck's face in a questionable area of the pants and colored the rest yellow these are the pants in game let me know if you would cop for the boots I got boat so I literally just copy pasted a boat on top of the boots I then made the actual boots boat colored this is probably the most normal piece of armor I made even though it shows up as a boat in my inventory The Shield is kind of armor so I translated The Shield this is a mystery because it's a mystery I just deleted the shield texture completely it turns out you can't delete textures though and it just made the shield all black all right now that I've made the shield I have a full armor set guys let me know if you would wear this next I'm going to be translating some ores I am a tree I drew a tree body and added some leaves on top and then I gave it a smiley face because the tree is alive next I translated an emerald monan Monon I don't know what that is apparently monan is a place in Ireland so I drew a fourleaf clover because Irish or something guys never let me draw a clover again for iron I got iron pot so I just drew a pot which basically looks like a big bucket so I added some handles on the side so you can tell the difference next I made gold and I got turned down I didn't know what to do for this one so I just made a road sign but put a down arrow instead I don't know what roads you can turn down on but that's not my problem next I translated a netherite Ingot which isn't technically an ore but it's an Ingot so whatever I got bad netherite so I gave it an arm holding a knife with an unspecified red liquid on it and then I gave him two Angry Eyes with an upside down smile after that I decided to start a hardcore series okay guys so I did some mining off camera now I think it's time to build a house yo edit this part out all right now that the house is done we're going to build a giant ring of biomes around it I also translated some other ores so here are those quickly this is a copper Ingot as a suitcase this is redstone is Black Stone this is lapis as Onyx Stone okay I think I made the wrong type of Onyx this is coal and finally this is amethyst as a person also I know amethyst isn't an ore I just thought it fit here now that we've translated some ores we need something to mine them with so let's make some tools okay we got certify I decided to draw one of those certificates that they give out at school for good grades or something and then I added this line which is the text and I put one of those sticker things in the corner it kind of looks like I'm holding a hammer honestly I'm surprised my pickaxe still works now that it's made out of paper next I did the sword okay we got sword but big for this one I decided to make a really fat sword because I didn't really know what else to do guys rate my sword from 1 to 10 you'd think it would do more damage because it's bigger I give it a zero next I translated the axe and it just translated to ah for this one I wanted to make the axe yelling so I added a mouth on the front and then I gave the axe a large tongue and finally I gave it an i which has nothing to do with yelling I just wanted to do it I can understand why the axe is yelling I would be too if someone kept slamming me against a tree for the shovel I got spade and a shovel is a spade so I made the thing from the cards instead okay this looks terrible instead of adding it to the top of the shovel I just drew the Spade instead and it ended up looking much better this thing would actually look kind of cool if it was a weapon but it's just a shovel so it's useless to me next I translated the hoe okay I got Adam's hat who is Adam I looked up Adam's hat and found someone wearing a yellow hat so I tried to make a yellow hat but it was hard because tools are usually made sideways the only reason this looks like a hat is because I know it's a hat I am also not Adam so I have to throw this away I'm not allowed to have it next I made some things that are technically tools for the bow I got plastic bags so I made a plastic bag that's it next I did a crossbow and it said rainbow so I added a rainbow gradient over the crossbow five times for all the phases the crossbow looked normal when I shot it but I can't say the same for the regular bow for flint and steel I got Stone and iron and that is basically what flint and steel is so I decided to replace the Flint with a stone block and the steel with an iron ingot to literally make it Stone and iron for shears I ended up getting there four I didn't know what to do for this so I just turned the shears into a mouth and gave it a tongue one angry eye the reason I did this was because people might say they for in an argument so he's meant to look like he's arguing now for the final tool I made a fishing rod and I got Medan madon I couldn't figure out what maidan meant so I looked it up and saw this picture from a restaurant so I decided to make the plate with the food on it I even made it so when I cast the fishing rod the plate empties Isn't that cool for the next category we're going to be translating some foods first I did steak and I got meat I'm pretty sure steak is meat so I decided to color it a weird color and add a question Mark so it's mystery meat instead would you eat this it kind of just looks like bread with a question mark next I translated an apple and I got Lake I added a big pool of water and then I drew this boat with a big red flag in the middle I will not be taste testing this one because my mom told me not to drink the lake water when I was younger for chicken I got you canot so I just put a big red X over The Chicken meaning I can no longer eat it next I translated bread and I got a piece of bread so I turned it into a slice of bread and put a nice patch of butter in the top corner for cake I got pockets so I made the cake into the shap of pants and then I gave it two pockets I kind of forgot that cake is a block so really the only one I can eat is a slice of bread it tastes really good the Yellow Part really gives it flavor next I made a cookie and I Got Dirt so I just cut the shape of a cookie out of dirt my mom also told me not to eat dirt but I'm going to do it anyway because it's in the shape of a cookie for the golden carrot I got a golden beginning so I made a certificate again because that was the first thing I made in this video now for the final food item I translated the golden apple okay we got liver I decided to just draw a liver which is somehow the most normal food out of all of these all right liver taste test in game not actually I would never eat that wow it actually gives me a lot of potion effects maybe the liver King was right all right now that I've done some foods it's time to translate a bunch of random items the first item is the totem which translated to down the totem pole for this one I just made a totem pole which was kind of hard to do when it's this small but it doesn't look that bad when you hold it or when you die so that's cool next I translated the ender pearl and I got a Japanese word which translated to Shell it turns out I have no idea how to draw a shell and I'm not even sure if I got the color right because I was thinking of the gas station for the Eye of Ender I got I do not know so I cut the shape of a question mark out of the original texture this is how it looks when I throw both of these if you wanted to know for egg I got in bed so I drew a red Minecraft bed around the egg as if it was sleeping this kind of looks like one of those egg drop projects so let's see if it works nope the egg still broke next I made a snowball and I got viburnum which apparently is a plant that looks like this I drew some leaves around it and then turned it yellow to match the little white things on the plant next I made made an arrow and it didn't seem too happy with me so I just threw an angry face for a bucket it translated to two with a quotation mark which sounds the same as the number so I copy pasted another bucket beside it so there was two buckets next I made the water bucket and I got a glass of water so I drew a wine glass around the water and added a little spill on top because it was overflowing finally I translated a lava bucket and got room so I decided to make a 2d picture of the back rooms placing the back rooms on the ground and having it turn into two buckets looks quite interesting but honestly I kind of like the back art not the buckets though this sucks for the next category I decided to make some items that come from the nether in the end first I translated Nether wart okay I don't know who was released but it doesn't sound good so I drew some iron bars around the Nether wart and made the ones in the Middle look like they were broken and the Nether wart is escaping next I made a blaze rod and got this I decided to make a night sky with some thumbnail colored grass in the bottom and then I added some stars and finally I added the Sun instead of the moon for the gas tier I got there is nothing wrong with yelling why are these so scary all of a sudden I drew a man with an exclamation mark coming out of his mouth to show that he's yelling and then I put a green check mark over it showing that it's okay next I made a potion and got house or tent it's nice that it's giving me options I decided to just make a little house and I gave it a door with two windows which looked like eyes and a mouth great now you can't tell what any of the potions are without reading them also I like how the man yelling is in the top left it's a true work of art I made a few more nether items but don't feel like showing them so here's a nether brick as a name tag with a Co and original name on it here's a netherite scrap as low sodium next we have quartz as a low res Emoji holding up a thank you heart and finally we have a fire charge pointing at you now that we've done the nether it's time to do the end and there aren't that many items in the end so first I made a chorus fruit okay I'm going to roll that one that's better I didn't know what to do for this so I just colored it purple because product color I guess next I made an elytra and got little wing for this one I just made one of the Wings smaller and I made both of them small on the model because it turns out out you can't edit the wings separately next I did dragon's breath and I got this is a dangerous city apparently Tiana is the most dangerous city in the world so I'm going to draw a picture of it first I added a road in the bottom corner and then I added this arch in a couple of palm trees after that I added some buildings behind them and finally I added some water and some sky in the sky next I made some items you find when you make a new world okay we got I will plan I made the stick smaller drew a piece of paper and then I added this arm to make it look like it's writing a plan I thought it would look better in game but it doesn't if you spawn near an ocean you usually make a boat so let's do a boat my car I don't have a car so I decided to make my dream car instead I drew the body added a spot for the window and then I gave him his eyes added some yellow spots and finally I drew his tires kachow that was him not me in a new world you usually steal wheat from villagers so I translated wheat I don't I don't know what that is apparently that word means health research so I drew a heart next I did a carrot I got go to school so I drew a picture of someone's Mom yelling at them to go to school this part is supposed to be an arm by the way also I am eating someone's mom books are usually found in villages so I translated a book okay we got two reduce they always tell you to reduce reuse and recycle so for this one I decided to draw the recycling sign okay maybe I should have done something else what is this for seeds I got the enemy and the enemy of seeds is probably fire so I drew some fire actually it doesn't seem to be burning them so I guess it's fine never mind that was the wrong f I also ended up making raw chicken and I got chicken so I just drew a real chicken and then I made a sapling and I got frog so I drew a bright green frog I didn't know this is what they meant when I ordered the full chicken also this is the new sapling hopefully it's not poisonous for the next category I made some tools okay we got the knife all I did was make the sword smaller turning it into a knife it's funny cuz this pack now has the biggest sword and the smallest sword now let's make the pickaxe the chicken is ready I already made a chicken for raw chicken so I tried to turned the pickaxe into a chicken I drew a beak added the red thing which I think is called the goiter and then I gave it some eyes and colored it white finally I drew some wings and then I gave it some goofy looking feet who knew that chickens were so good for mining whoops I burned the diamonds next I made the axe I got X as a binary number so I drew a light pink X and then I gave it some things on the top and finally I added his face it's alphabet lore letter X if you couldn't tell for shovel I got iron rings so I turned the top part of the shovel into a ring like this I'm pretty sure this defeats the purpose of a shovel cuz all the dirt would just go through the hole but whatever now let's make the hoe okay we got steel shoes I copy pasted iron boots on top of the hoe and then I changed them a little bit to make them look cool I also made a couple things that are technically tools here's the trid into is a ship here's the spy glasses me and for the carrot on a stick I got remembered so I made a subscribe button in case you forgot to subscribe the pig is literally chasing me to do it you have to now it's time to make some random items listen to the record recording okay [Music] then next let's do the heart of the sea then I walked I drew some legs under the heart of the sea and then I gave it some red shoes to make it look like it's walking next I did a goat horn and I got this is not the end I drew some endstone then I added some end pillars and finally I filled in the sky and added a big red X over it because this is not the end next let's do the echo Shard this is salt I drew a Ziploc bag and filled it with what is obviously so just like what it says wait why are the cops outside what did I do I did a honeycomb and got there was no one there so I added a floor and a wall drew a table and then I put this Banner thing and added some confetti this is a picture of one of my birthday parties when I was a kid next I made horse armor and I got search now I decided to just draw the search thing that shows up on Google but it doesn't really look like it for the nether star I got not life and the opposite of life is death so I drew the Grim Reaper because he is death this is supposed to be the Scythe if you couldn't tell for firework Rockets I got a sign so I drew a brown stick added a wooden sign and then I put some black lines on it which is supposed to be text I also had to check if a sign shot up in the air and I'm happy to say that it does I made sugar and I got along the Sawyer River apparently this is the Sawyer River so I drew some water then I added some trees and finally I added some sky in the sky do you think this looks like the picture I don't next I made a mine cart his name is football that's kind of a weird name I drew a football and gave him a face because he's alive I also don't really know how to model this one and game so here you go for a saddle I got weeda and jatski apparently this means Knowledge and Skills so I made a light bulb cuz that is usually associated with knowledge it's funny because I know that okay it really isn't now that I finished making random items it's time to make some armor metal shoes iron boots are already metal shoes so I just made them a bit darker so they don't look like iron next let's do the pants okay we got Iron Bones I drew some White Bones over top of the pants and then I added some darker ones in the back to give it some detail next I made a chest plate we got creates a sample for this one I wanted to make a Costco Sample so I drew a plate in the middle and then I drew some mystery orange food on top of it unfortunately I got caught lacking though and the sample was actually a Burger King hot dog for the helmet I got a metal box so I made the helmet into the shape of a box and then I added a line in the middle to make it look like a chest this is what each individual armor piece looks like in game and this is all of them together let me know which one looks worse the iron armor or the diamond now it's time to make some food items first we'll make a pork chop I got country so I drew a Canadian flag cuz I'm from Canada we'll just ignore the maple leaf it looks fine next I made mushroom soup okay we got mushroom juice I drew a white Juice Box added a yellow straw at the top and then I drew a picture of a mushroom in the middle I don't know who would drink mushroom juice but do what you want I guess since I made soup I decided to make a bowl and I got it suits use so I drew a black suit and then I added a red tie on the front because I made the bowl it looks like I have to drink the mushrooms juice now now it's time to make a honey bottle pots with honey I made a big pot and filled it with honey and then I made it drip a little bit on the side next I made pumpkin pie and I got a pumpkin so I drew a pumpkin that's it for rotten flesh I got a bad feeling so I decided to make my own custom emoji I added some eyes and some eyebrows and then I made a weird looking mouth after that I decided to make the Emoji look more green instead and then I added some red cheeks for detail this Emoji looks really weird so I wouldn't eat it it's also rotten flesh so I wouldn't eat it anyway anyway next I made a spider eye and I got spider so I just made a spider would you rather eat a whole spider or a spider siiz spider eye I hope neither of them poison you in real life for melon slice I got melon color so I just yeah next I made a poisonous potato and I got they poison the potatoes I made the potato smaller and then I drew someone in an astronaut suit which is supposed to be a hazmat suit and then I made them poisoning a potato milk is kind of a food so I translated milk I got a glass of milk so I drew a blue glass filled it with milk and then I made it overflowing on the side cuz I always do that because I did the milk bucket I decided to translate some other buckets as well here is powdered snow is touching grass here's a puffer fish bucket as a glass of water this is a salmon bucket as salmon cake and this is a tropical fish bucket as food and fish the thing on the bottom is food if that's unclear the next bucket I did was a Cod bucket and I got promise I heard you promise to press the Subscribe button so I made the Subscribe next I made the Axel bucket is gold fishing and this is the tadpole bucket is candy corn now it's time to make some cave things first let's do raw iron will be discussed period I drew a face with a mouth open and a tongue to show they are discussing something after that I added a weird looking eye Minecraft really changed the caving experience in 1.20 I am burning realistic Pac-Man right now this is crazy next I made raw copper and I got every time I drew a clock and then tried to make it pointing at every hour but that was impossible to do in 16x so it kind of looks like some kind of anime item next I did raw gold and got good news I drew a newspaper and then I put a check mark over it confirming that it's good news for a gold nugget I got a million gold so I made the Nugget smaller and then copy pasted it everywhere after that I made an iron nugget and got money so I drew a really green dollar bill and then I became rich in Minecraft ironically with the two worst materials next I made charcoal and got chat with so I made a chat bubble and then I did flint and got you can so I drew a check mark over the Flint showing that you can for the next category I want to do some mod drops so first I did string okay we got equivalent yarn is kind of like the equivalent of strings so I made a ball of yarn the crafting recipe for wool actually makes a lot more sense now for gunpowder I also got money so I rerolled and got still no money I just wrote $0 on a white background cuz I didn't know what to do next I did a feather and got the water tank as full so I drew a water tank and made it full after that I did leather and got during the summer I colored the sky blue added some thumbnail glass made a tree and then I added the Sun and some clouds next let's do a bone out of class I drew a floor and a wall added a desk and a whiteboard and then I drew a person leaving the class next I did rabbit hide and got a rabbit was born kind of the opposite happened actually I tried my best to draw a rabbit and it actually ended up looking kind of good now when you kill a rabbit you just get a rabbit you also get a chicken when you kill a chicken so that's cool I did a slime ball and got a little tar goes along way so I found a picture of a road and then I cut the shape of a slime ball out of it to make a tar ball the first mob is a Warden translate and we got 10 demons for this one I think I'm going to make a 10- headed demon let's start by deleting some of the stuff we don't need and then I'm going to make this part of his body a little smaller now let's add another part on the bottom and we'll start to give him some new feet and let's copy it over to the other side now we'll start to give him some new arms and we'll give him some hands on the bottom as well and now it's time to start working on his heads let's start by making this cube a lot smaller and we'll give him an ear like this now let's start to shape the bottom of his head a little more demon-like and finally we'll give him some eyes and now we need to color this guy in cuz obviously we aren't going to use these colors so let's color his whole body light red and we'll color his eyes a lightish yellow now let's give him some brown eyebrows right here and we'll give him some scary teeth like this and now let's just add a bit of texture all around his head and let's copy this head all around his body until he has 10 heads okay so we only have six heads but it's all we can fit so it's going to be a six- headed demon instead all right now let's add a cloth type thing so we add some pants and we'll just start adding some texture all around his body now let's add a belt on top of his clothes and finally We'll add a bit more more texture and I think this guy is looking really good let's see him in game this is how the six-headed demon looks in game this guy actually looks really good I also added a fire Trail when he walks as you can see and that makes him look especially cool the six-headed demon is really powerful and he gives you potion effects before he even attacks you then when you get attacked by him it sets you on fire and summons a lightning bolt as well so basically killing this guy is going to be really difficult just like the actual Warden the six-headed demon also comes in two colors as there is a soulfire demon as well although I I think the red one looks a lot better if you right click the six-headed demon he gets really angry as you can see but I'm pretty sure that's just his reaction to you not subscribing overall I think the six-headed demon looks really good and he's probably one of my favorite mobs of all time so because of that I'm obviously going to give him a 10 out of 10 he's just too good next we'll translate a villager what will we get and we got one day one day that's coming up is Halloween so I think I'm going to make a Reaper with a pumpkin head let's delete some of the stuff we don't need and we'll make his legs a little bit smaller now let's move his body up and we'll make his legs longer as well next let's give him a neck and we'll start giving him some new legs now let's give him a shoe like this and that's looking pretty good so let's work on his arms let's Bend his arms out like this and we'll give him a little hand on the end of it and now let's copy this over to the other side next let's work on his pumpkin head we'll shape the head into a pumpkin like this and next we'll start to add a carved out face on his head as well now let's add a little stem on top and this is looking pretty good so let's give him some color first we'll color his shirt black and we'll do the same for his pants now let's color the pumpkin completely orange and we'll color the stem green as well now I'm going to Overlay his shirt a bit to make it look kind of torn up and we'll do this on the arms as well now finally let's add his Reaper site and this guy's looking pretty good let's add him to the game this is how the Halloween guy looks in game that's what I ended up naming him Halloween guy but yeah he actually looks pretty good I will say the shaders make his clothes look a little bit boring though there was way more color in block bench but to make up for it I made him make witch noises which makes him seem pretty scary the witch noises aren't the only scary thing though because when the house guy sees you he instantly turns it to night and Strikes lightning all around him his attack is also pretty scary as he literally just teleports around you until you're dead the good news is he's not nearly as powerful as the six-headed demon though he gets two shot by him if you kill the Halloween guy he drops his Scythe which is definitely not just an iron ho it's the Scythe that he's holding for sure and overall I think the Halloween guy definitely looks good and his abilities fit him really well so because of that I'm going to give him a 10 out of 10 as well the next mob is a Pillager let's translate this and we got it was terrible the first time I made one of these videos I made Sonic and it looked really bad so I think I'm going to make Sonic so first let's make his body a little bit smaller and next will completely change the shape of his legs like this now let's give him his shoes as well and we'll rotate this leg a little bit more and copy it over to the other side now let's make his arms a lot more skinny like this and we'll rotate this part up a bit and also give him a hand and I think this body looks good so now let's move onto his head first We'll add a little mouth area like this and we'll add the rest of his head on the back like this now let's add an area for his eyes on the top and we'll also give him a nose all right now let's give him some ears on the top and we'll just add his hair on the back as well and we'll copy this hair over to the other side okay now I think it's time to give this guy some color so let's color most of his body this blue color and then we'll color some of his body parts a different color as well now let's give him some white hands and we'll also Color part of his shoes and let's make the other part of his shoes red like this now finally let's give him some eyes and we'll just add a little bit of texture all around his body all right I think this guy looks pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is how Sonic looks in game he looks way better than the original Sonic I made Sonic is also really fast obviously and I gave him a Sonic like animation when he runs it's basically just a Naruto run but we'll just ignore that when Sonic Attacks An Enemy I also gave him an animation of him rolling up into a ball which looks especially cool if he's hunting for coins ignore what happens when you put a bunch of coins in a row though this is weird if you kill Sonic he drops Sonic boots which when worn gives you speed 4 basically turning you into Sonic this is also what happens if you hold out one of these rings so Sonic adds a lot of speed to the game Sonic is also able to beat the Halloween guy in a fight which is not really what I expected I thought he would do worse the six-headed demon is still undefeated though and probably will be for a while overall I think Sonic looks pretty good in gamees so I decided to give him a 9 out of 10 next I'll translate a piglin what will we get and we got feel tired if you feel tired it's probably your bedtime so I'm going to make a clock man let's start by removing his ears and I'm going to split his legs into two like this and I'll also bend them as well now let's give give him a shoe and we'll copy this to the other side next I'm going to change the shape of his body a little bit and we'll also Bend his arm a little bit and we'll copy this to the other side too now this body is looking good so let's work on his head first we'll give him a neck to connect it to his body and we'll make this cube a lot bigger cuz this is where the clocks will be now let's also had his hat on top like this and I think that's looking good so it's time to color him in I'm going to color his body dark gray like this and we'll make it slightly darker for his pants now let's color his shoes and his hat as well and finally we'll color the clock this color for now and now it's time to start adding the clock and let's add the hands on it like this now we'll add a few more details to his suit and we'll give him a trench coat like this and let's add a belt over top as well now finally let's give this guy some texture and I think that turned out good let's see how he looks in game this is the clockman in game it turns out he is a large clockman so I made sure I changed that on his boss bar but he does look pretty cool in game although his head is kind of big compared to the rest of his body when the clockman gets in a fight he changes the time of day every time he hits an enemy this ends up making it really we weird when he fights the Halloween guy the clockman also drops a suspicious clock when he dies and if you right click the suspicious clock you can instantly change the time of day as well this definitely is way too op of an item though as it basically makes beds useless but it's still cool because it mimics his attack but yeah that's all there really is to the clockman there aren't many features that come with him I still think he looks pretty good though so because of that I'm going to give him a 7 out of 10 the next mob is a zombie translate and we got bathroom for this one I think I'm going to combine a toilet with a zombie so first let's change his body into the base of a toilet and we'll start to build the shape of a toilet like this now let's add the toilet seat right here and we'll also add the back of the toilet okay now that the toilet is done we need to connect his body parts to the toilet so first I'm just going to give him a bigger leg like this and we'll copy this over to the other side and now let's make his arm a little bit different and we'll rotate it to the side so it doesn't clip through his leg now let's copy that to the other side as well and it's time to work on his head I want to make his head look like it's made out of water so let's make the shape of a mouth like this and we'll give him some water drops on the side and also some eyes over top all right now it's time to add some color so let's color the toilet completely white and will'll color his head blue to match the toilet water now let's color in his mouth and his eyes and we'll also recolor all the zombie parts because they look a little messed up now let's change the color of his hands to match his head and finally let's give him some texture all right that doesn't look too bad let's see how it looks in game this is how the toilet zombie looks in game I can't tell if it looks good or bad I think it's just the default zombie clothes they don't really match the hands and the head the toilet zombie is also somehow really fast which makes no sense cuz I'm pretty sure I made him slow and if you kill the toilet zombie instead of dropping rotten flesh he drops wet flesh which even though it seems cursed it only gives you water breathing so it's actually kind of useful there's also a king zombie which is way more powerful than the default ones the king toilet also shoots water balls at you which may seem like it isn't dangerous but that is definitely not the case if you kill a king toilet zombie he drops a king's crown which is definitely not an item from one of my previous videos it's also not supposed to be red I don't know what happened but overall I think the toilet zombies are a pretty cool addition to the game so because of that I'm going to give them a 9 out of 10 next I'll translate a skeleton what will we get and we got in Belgium I'm pretty sure they invented waffles in Belgium so let's make a waffle man let's start by removing all this stuff and we'll move his arms away cuz we don't need these right now now let's shape the middle part into a waffle like this and we'll just add a little bit of detail to make sure this looks like a waffle now let's make the top part of his arm a little bit bigger like this and we'll add a bottom part to his arm as well and let's copy this arm over to the other side and now it's time to add some color to our waffle man first I'm going to color both of his arms a really dark gray and we'll also color his body waffle color I'm going to color the lines on the waffle a little bit darker so they stand out and now that looks pretty good so let's just rotate his arms and I want to make him holding a fork and a knife so first let's add a fork in his left hand and we'll color the fork fully light gray like this now let's add a knife in his right hand now let's add some texture all around him and I think this guy looks too plain so I'm going to give him some eyes like this and I'll also give him a mouth down here and finally let's add some some eyebrows on the top and I think this guy is looking pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is the waffle man in game he definitely looks pretty interesting I especially like how it looks like he's swimming in the air when he flies around it's pretty funny the waffle man isn't really a hostile mob but you are able to tame him using cocoa beans which I picked as an item because of Belgian chocolate because our translate was in Belgium if your waffle man dies he drops a waffle which when you eat it gives you strength and regeneration for 15 seconds that isn't the only feature the waffle man has though as you're able to ride the waffle man as well he is quite slow though so an elytra is probably better overall I think the waffle man didn't turn out that bad but he's definitely not my favorite so because of that I'm going to give him an 8 out of 10 the next mob is a cow translate and we got glass of milk okay this one is pretty straightforward I'm just going to make a glass of milk so first let's remove all the stuff we don't need and let's rotate the body upwards so we can make it into a glass of milk first I'm going to add an outline all around it that is going to be the glass and we'll just put some parts of the top like this and next I want to make this glass of milk alive so I'm going to give him some feet on the bottom and I'm going to start working on some arms for him as well let's also bend the arm a little bit like this and we'll copy it over to the other side and finally let's just add a straw on the top and now it's time for us to add some color first I'm going to color the milk in white like this and I'll make the straw a little bit darker so it doesn't blend in now it's time to color the glass so let's color it a dark bluish color and we'll also color his arms and legs a really dark gray okay now that that's done it's time to give her glass of milk a face so let's add some eyes like this and I'm also going to give him a little mouth under underneath now let's add a little bit of texture to this guy and I'm also going to change the straw to Red so it stands out a lot more okay I think that is looking pretty good let's add him to the game this is our glass of milk in game he kind of looks like something you would see in a milk commercial I don't think you want to drink this guy though I doubt he tastes good I will say his Running Animation looks pretty funny though it's exactly how I would imagine a glass of milk running the glass of milk also randomly does a backflip because that totally makes sense just ignore the fact that he doesn't spill at all if you throw splash potions at the glass of milk it does nothing cuz milk clears effects and you can also clear Effects by right clicking him if you tame him with sugar this means you'll never have to drink milk again if you have this guy which is exactly what he wanted I'm going to give the glass of milk an8 out of 10 he's not the best mob but he's definitely pretty cool next I'll translate a pig what will we get and we just got light for this one I think I'm going to make some kind of light Golem first I'm going to rearrange his body parts like this and let's take his body and make it a lot bigger because it's a Golem now let's change the shape of his head a bit to match his body and we'll give him some arms like this I'm also going to give him a massive fist on the bottom as well and we'll just copy this over to the other side now let's add some horns on the top which I'm going to make into lanterns later and this is a pretty good body so now let's add some color first let's color his whole body a stone is color and I'm going to draw a yellow area which is going to be replaced with a glowstone texture later so let's put another yellow area on his hands and I'm also going to give him some eyes which will be yellow as well now it's add a few more darker parts like this and now that I've added texture onto him he looks way better but we still need to make the top things into lanterns like this and we'll also give him some torches on his shoulders as well now let's change his eyes a little bit cuz they look kind of weird and I don't think that looks too bad let's see how he looks in game this is the light Golem in game I have no idea why he is orange okay I actually have to turn off the shaders for this one it's because I made it so the light Golem emits light which as you can see makes him pretty useful to have with you in the caves if you want to spawn the light Golem he is crafted using four glowstone blocks and a pumpkin I have no idea why you get to keep two of them though that's weird and other than providing a light source the light Golem also fights Hostile Mobs he o strikes lightning every time he attacks them because he is the light Golem and this actually makes him pretty op not good enough to kill the six-headed demon though nothing will ever be overall I think the light Golem looks kind of strange the glow stone is definitely kind of weird looking so because of this I decided to give the light Golem a 6 out of 10 the next mob is an iron golem translate and we got education okay for this one I think I'm going to make the teacher Golem first I'm going to make his body a little bit different of a shape and let's add some shoes to the bottom of his legs like this next I'm going to give his arms an extra limb so that we we can bend them and now it's time to add some colors so first we'll color his shirt a lightish blue and we'll color his pants dark gray and his shoes will be brown okay now let's add a vest all around his body like this and I'm going to color the vest Brown just like we did for his shoes okay now that's looking good so it's time to add some details to his shirt and we'll give him some hands and I want to put one of those pointer things in his right hand so let's do that and in his left hand I'm going to give him a book so let's mirror this and move it a bit and now we'll just give him some glasses like this now finally I think it's time to give him some texture and I think this looks pretty good let's add him to the game this is the teacher Golem in game I will say he looks a lot better than I thought he would overall he just looks kind of weird with the clothes though it kind of looks like he's from a monster school video similar to spawning the light Golem you need four bookshelves to spawn the teacher Golem instead the teacher Golem can be especially useful to craft if you need to study because every time you rightclick him he tells you a random fact from Google which was originally named backr according to the teacher Golem the teacher Golem is also able to fight though as he gives you a random potion effect every time he attacks you but will that be enough to beat the six-headed demon it actually is but that's only because he's somehow immune to his attacks I guess he's just fighting smarter than the six- headed demon overall I think the teacher Golem doesn't look the best but his features are still pretty cool so because of that I'm going to give him a 7 out of 10 next I'll translate a creeper what will we get and we got don't go that's basically telling us to stop so for this one I'm going to make a living stop sign first let's remove his back legs cuz we don't need them and we'll shape his body into more of a stop sign body like this now let's move his head up a bit and we'll shape is head into a stop sign okay that's looking pretty good so now it's time to work on his legs and let's just add a piece that connects to the body like this and we'll copy this to the other side next I'm going to give him some arms and we'll make these arms Bend out towards the front like this and let's copy this to the other side as well and I think that's pretty good so now it's time to add some color first let's color the stop sign completely red and then we'll color his body a light gray kind of like a stop sign pole next I'm going to put a white outline around the stop sign like this and we'll add some text that says stop over the top of the sign now let's color his hands and feet a bit darker gray and we'll start to add some texture like this and I think that's looking good let's see how he looks in game this is the stop sign man in game for what it is he looks pretty good the stop sign man's running animation also looks pretty funny just like the glass of milk since the stop sign man was made from a creeper he has a random chance of exploding every time he attacks something the stop sign man also temporarily freezes you when he attacks you because he wants you to stop if you kill a stop sign man he drops a stop sign which is a weapon that pretty much does the exact same things that his attack does so you can become the stop sign man it's also a surprisingly good weapon to use against the stop sign man as well overall I think the stop sign man is pretty funny but he's definitely not one of the best mobs so I decided to give the stop sign man a seven out of 10 the next mob is a silverfish translate and we got snail for this one I'm going to make Gary from SpongeBob let's remove all this stuff and we'll color this blue now let's make his body a little bit wavy and we'll add his eyes next let's give him a shell and we'll color the bottom of him a different color now let's color a shell and we'll add had these blue spots on it now let's draw his eyes and we'll rotate his eyes sideways all right that looks pretty good let's see it in game oh yeah he goes in the stone I think he actually turned out really good I like how he keeps waddling back and forth okay we need to get away from the stone let's spawn a baby Gary oh yeah that's not possible why are they all running away from me let's spawn an army of Garry's and now let's see if I can beat the Gary Army in a fight oh God they're all surrounding me Gary is pretty fast for a snail also his hitbox is really messed up how am I not hitting them wait they're actually doing damage to me who knew Gary was so violent all right I'm going to give Gary a 9 out of 10 I think he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is the warden translating and we got box for this one I think I'll make boxy Bo let's make his legs smaller and we'll color his body blue now let's give him a neck and we'll add his head now let's add the top part and we'll color his mouth next let's give him some teeth and we'll add his eyes now let's draw the star on his body and we'll give him some hands now let's add his legs and his arms and we'll add these openings on the side now finally let's add the lid and I think we're done let's see him in game okay something is wrong with his arm wait leave the Sheep alone what did he do okay that still didn't fix his arm all right that's pretty much fixed we'll just ignore when he gets angry boxy bu really hates these chickens let's find boxy bu in the deep dark wait he's emerging through the wall how is that possible I'm actually surprised with how he turned out he looks really good he's definitely scarier than the actual Warden let's on an army of boxy Boos who will win Gary or this Army of boxy Boos wait Gary actually escaped now let's see if the Army can kill me wait this is kind of scary oh no I hit a dead end all right I'm going to give boxy Bo an 8 out of 10 he looked really good but his arm is broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got Peach for this one I'm going to make Princess Peach let's extend her dress down and we'll color it pink now let's color her head and we'll give her a mouth and some eyes now let's let add her hair and I'm actually going to change her eyes a bit now let's add her crown and we'll add this thing on her chest now let's give her some gloves and we'll add these red Parts on her dress and I think that looks good let's see it in game okay there's definitely something wrong with her arms but other than that I think she looks good it almost looks like her arms are backwards this is so weird Princess Peach stop aiming the bow at me I'm not Bowser let's spawn a baby Princess Peach I literally try this every time why let's spawn a Princess Peach Army and now let's see if they can kill boxy boot they don't seem to be fighting him yet boxy Bo is literally just killing them for free what about the Princess Peach army versus an iron golem okay now they're fighting they're actually going to kill the Iron Golem rip Iron Golem and boxy Bo is still just killing them all right I'm going to give Princess Peach an 8 out of 10 she looked really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translate and we got P for this one I think I'm going to make P from alphabet lore let's remove the entire body except for a leg and we'll color it pink now let's extend out the top part of the pee and we'll make it a bit round next let's outline it fully black and we'll draw her mouth and next we'll draw her eyes and let's add a little bit of shading in the eyes and we'll add some eyelashes now let's outline her body in a lighter pink and I think that looks good let's see it in game oh yeah I think it has to be nighttime I love how the fire is so tall it looks so funny okay that is better well I don't know about better the way she walks looks really weird but what can you expect she's literally just a leg let's spawn a baby pee I wonder how the baby will walk oh my God that is so weird this is way too cursed I'm not spawning any more babies let's spawn an army of peas okay I accidentally spawned more babies now let's see if the P Army can beat an iron golem this looks so funny the Iron Golem is being beat up by a bunch of peas the Iron Golem literally had no chance no Iron Golems were harmed in the making of this video all right I'm going to give p a 9 out of 10 she was really funny it's time for the next mob the next mob is a frog translating and we got stit for this one we have to make Stitch let's remove all this stuff and we'll extend out his body now let's Color Him fully blue and we'll make his head a bit circular now let's give him a nose and we'll draw his eyes next let's give him a mouth and we'll give him teeth now let's add his belly patch and we'll give him some ears next let's add his arms and we'll rotate his arms a bit now let's give him some legs and I think we're done let's see this in game wait where is he wait what how is this happening why does he keep popping up and down I officially created the most cursed mob what is happening okay I fixed the issue but his legs are really separate and I'm not fixing that other than all that weird stuff I think he looks good look how high he can jump that's crazy let's see if Stitch can eat a slime okay it doesn't really look like he's eating it I wonder what Stitch looks like when he's swimming okay he instantly went back to land this looks so weird what is happening to his legs I just noticed that he looks so funny when he's walking all right I'm going to give Stitch a 7 out of 10 he looked good but he was too broken it's time for the for the next mob the next mob is an laay what will we get and we got halt for this one I'm going to make halt from Roblox doors let's remove his body and we'll extend this down a bit now let's Color Him fully dark blue and we'll make the bottom of his body a bit ghostlike and we'll do the same thing on the back in a different color now let's give him some eyes and we'll outline his eyes now let's add a bunch of different color around his body and we'll do this a few more times and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay why does he still have an arm okay somehow now he has two arms okay I fixed his arms they're gone now I've literally never had that happen before but other than that I think he looks really good out of all the doors entities have made I think this is my best let's spawn an army of halts and let's watch halt bring me some diamonds this is so weird because usually halt is against you let's see a baby halt oh I just gave him the spawn egg I don't think he's going to find any of those to give me all right I'm going to give halt a 10 out of 10 I think he looks perfect it's time for the next mob the next mob is a cow translate and we got orange dog for this one I'm going to make Jake from Adventure Time let's make his body smaller and we'll make his legs skinny now let's Color Him orange and we'll make his body round next let's add his mouth and we'll give him a nose now let's give him some eyes and we'll add his arms and we'll rotate this part in a bit like this now let's make his body a bit rounder now finally we'll give him a tail and I think that turned out good let's see him in game okay why does he have two legs go away halt like how does this keep happening I don't get it okay the legs are gone and this shouldn't happen again but other than that he looks really good seriously stop following me halt let's see a baby jake yo he's walking so fast I love how his arms just stay there and don't move at all let's spawn an army of Jakes and let's watch the entire Jake Army follow me okay not so many of them are following me this is so weird what do they want from me all right I'm going to give Jake an 8 out of 10 I think he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a gas translating and we got Silver Bird for this one I think I'll make Lugia let's remove his legs and we'll make his body a lot smaller now let's give him a neck and we'll add his head now let's add the blue Parts on his head and we'll give him some eyes next let's add his mouth and we'll draw a blue belly patch now let's give him some legs next let's give him a tail and we'll add his wings now finally let's add the blue Parts on his back and I think that looks good let's see it in game wo he is really big okay I think he actually looks really good there is one problem with him though he literally just doesn't move it makes him look so menacing when he's flying around though let's find Lugia in the nether oh there's one literally right there this is so weird cuz normally Lugia would be found in the water I guess this is a special Lugia then let's spawn an army of lugas it's hard to spawn them cuz they're so big okay I think there's a few too many lugas around here let's catch a Lugia and a poke ball I don't think it's working what about a master ball nope still won't work all right I'm going to give Lugia 7 out of 10 he can't move it's time for the next mob the next mob is a pig what will we get and we got Turtle for this one I think I'm going to make a Koopa let's make his body smaller and we'll shrink his legs a bit now let's move his head and we'll color his shell now let's give him a neck and we'll try to shape his head next let's give him some eyes and we'll add his nostrils now let's add the white part of his shell and we'll add his shell now let's give him some arms and some fingers and we'll make his belly curve out a bit now finally let's add his shoes and I think that looks good let's see it in game that actually looks really good okay his head should not be moving like that yeah we'll just ignore his head cuz other than that he looks fine let's spawn a baby Koopa of course his head is floating he's a pig I've never seen a head float this high before this is crazy you know what we have to do let's spawn an army of Koopas this is Mario's worst nightmare right here let's ride a Koopa I've never looked at this in first person before this looks kind of cool and out of all the mobs have made that you can ride this one doesn't look that bad other than the fact that his arms literally just don't move oh and all their necks are broken when they follow me for for some reason all right I'm going to give the Koopa an 8 out of 10 his neck is broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem transl and we got invisible for this one I'll make John Cena because you can't see him let's make this bigger and we'll color his body now let's give him a neck and we'll shape his head a bit now let's give him some eyes and we'll give him a nose and some ears next let's give him a hat and we'll give him some blue shorts now let's color his legs and we'll color his arms now finally let's add his shoes and I think we're done let's see him in game guys I actually think he looks really good all right it was a joke because he's invisible but I actually think he turned out pretty good he's a little short though okay his neck is not supposed to move like that let's see if John Cena can beat an army of P well it shouldn't be hard cuz they're all on fire but he's actually losing pretty hard still okay somehow he lost the burning peas maybe it's because they could see him now John Cena should be able to win this easily okay I can't tell if John Cena is winning or not oh there's iron I think he's still lost I guess John Cena isn't a wrestling champion in Minecraft all right I'm going to give John Cena a 7 out of 10 he was okay it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Vex translating and we got 60 for this one let's make a60 let's remove all this stuff and we'll flatten him into a big rectangle now let's draw his mouth and we'll add another plane to finish this now let's erase all this stuff and we'll draw the outline of his eyes and now let's color his eyes white and we'll outline them in Orange next let's add his teeth and now we'll add a red part around his mouth and we'll just erase a little bit of it like this and I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay he's sinking in the ground I love how he's just holding a sword in his mouth honestly this looks so weird in Minecraft Let's spawn an army of a60s okay why did I do this this might actually look scary in the night time I'm not going to lie this would be actually scary if it was in the game imagine just being attacked by these guys at night let's see the a60 army fight John Cena wait John Cena actually killed one of them I love how he's just staring at them but he can't actually reach them okay he's just fighting random mobs now I don't think the a60s are going to die anytime soon all right I'm going to give a60 an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a panda what will we get and we got big cat for this one I think I'll make big the cat let's add his white mustache and we'll Color Him purple now let's extend out his ears a lot and we'll rotate his ears like this now we'll extend some parts of his face out like this and we'll give him a nose next let's out his eyes and we'll color his body purple now let's add the dark purple stripes on his body and we'll give him his belt now finally let's add his shoes and I think that looks good let's see him in game oh my God he's rolling of course I forgot to color the back of his head okay now his face is just in the wall all right I think he actually looks pretty good but he keeps rolling why is he doing that let's spawn a baby big the cat okay this is small the cat and he's rolling too why do they keep rolling I wonder what it looks like when I give him bamboo okay now it just looks like he's standing up up okay I guess the baby one just doesn't do anything when I feed it he literally just eats infinite bamboo wait did this one just grow into an adult already how is this possible it's been like 2 minutes all right I'm going to give big the cat a 7 out of 10 he doesn't look that bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translate and we got stew for this one I think I'm going to make Stewie let's move back his legs and we'll make his body smaller now let's make his head into an oval and we'll color his head next let's color his body red and we'll add his yellow shirt underneath next let's give him some eyes and we'll draw his nose and mouth and we'll also add his eyebrows now let's draw his hair and we'll add his arms and now let's give him a hand and finally We'll add his shoes all right that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay this actually looks pretty good I think I made him a little too big though okay his legs look really weird we'll just ignore that let's spawn a baby Stewie oh yeah that's not real let's see what Stewie looks like when he explodes I don't know why I did that I just wanted him to explode let's see a supercharg Stewie this is the first time the supercharge actually fits him other than the fact that it has four legs and he doesn't let's see if he can beat a cat wait he's actually not running away okay never mind he's still scared I thought Stewie was different all right I'm going to give Stewie an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a husk translating and we got triangle for this one let's make Phineas because he has a triangle head let's shrink his legs and we'll make his body smaller now let's turn his head into a triangle and we'll rotate it down a bit next let's give him some eyes and we'll add his hair now let's give him some ears and next we will draw his mouth now let's make his arm smaller and we'll draw the stripes on his shirt now let's give him some shorts and finally We'll add his shoes okay that doesn't look too bad let's see it in game okay there's a lot of things wrong with this first I forgot to make his pants part of his legs and his arms are messed up and his head is just kind of floating and also his mouth just looks weird cuz it isn't attached to his head okay most of those things are fixed now other than the mouth the mouth is staying the same let's see a baby Phineas okay he is so fast I'm actually surprised the baby isn't broken let's spawn an army of phases and let's see if they can beat John Cena I feel bad for John Cena he hasn't won a single fight yet and it doesn't look like he's winning this one either yeah he had no chance there's too many phineas's all right I'm going to give Phineas a 5 out of 10 he was broken and he just looks bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is an evoker what will we get and we got doctor for this one let's make the plague doctor let's color his body black and we'll color his shirt dark gray now let's color his head white and we'll add his hood and now let's add the beak on his mask and we'll rotate it down a bit now let's give him a neck and we'll extend out his neck part a bit now let's give him some eyes and we'll add some shoes and finally let's make his shirt look a bit ripped down here and I think that looks pretty good let's see him in game that doesn't look too bad okay I'm lying for some reason his eyes make him look like an alien let's watch him kill a villager oh yeah he summons a60s I forgot about that I wonder what the plague doctor thinks about blue sheep okay I guess he likes red sheep better let's spawn an army of plague doctors and let's see if they can beat John Cena oh my God look at all the spikes coming out of the ground let's see the spikes come out of the ground again oh that was a jungle villager okay he's already dead I'm just bullying these mobs now look at all the a60s flying around okay the a60s are starting to die now rip all right I'm going to give the plague doctor a 7 out of 10 he looks kind of weird it's time for the next mob the next mob is a warden translate and we got big smile for this one I think I'm going to make Huggy wuggy first let's change his body shape and we'll also make the legs longer and we'll do the same for his arms now let's shape his head into a triangle and we'll Color Him fully blue next let's give him a big red smile and we'll color the back of his mouth black now let's add some teeth and we'll give him some big scary eyes now let's add his blue bow and we'll give him some yellow feet now let's give him some hands as well and finally we'll Spike up the top of his head a bit I think that that looks pretty good let's see him in game that doesn't look too bad there's a slight issue when he walks though honestly it kind of makes him scarier why are they all nodding their heads let's see one crawl out of the ground oh God that is way too cursed let's spawn a bunch of Huggies their walk is so messed up Huggy wuggies versus the weather oh they're already getting angry get him Huggies that literally did no damage yo they just launched him oh my God the Huggy wuggies look so weird when they Sonic Boom come on wither you can do this oh my God the Wither is getting destroyed that was fast h wuggy is a lot more powerful than I thought all right I give Huggy wuggy an 8 out of 10 he looked good but he's broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a husk translating and we got Captain for this one I'm going to make Captain America let's color his body fully blue and we'll give him some red gloves and shoes now let's add the star in his chest and we'll draw his belt and let's add the red and white part on Top now we'll color in his face and let's draw his mask now we'll give him some eyes and a mouth and let's give him a little nose now we'll add the A on his head and let's give him his shield let's just draw the star in the middle and we'll extend his shoes out a bit okay I think he looks pretty good let's see him in game okay that doesn't look too bad let's spawn a baby Captain America he doesn't look too strong let's see if Captain America can save this villager no you're supposed to fight him not join him well he kind of saved him I guess okay you can stop chasing him now okay I've had enough of this really this guy won't even do anything well I'm sorry villager good job Captain America let's spawn a Captain America Army and let's see if they can defeat the Iron Golem wow the Iron Golem is actually killing a lot of them and they won that was a lot closer than I thought it would be though all right I give Captain America an 8 out of 10 I think he turned out okay it's time for the next mob the next mob is a piglin what will we get and we got scary bear for this one I think I'm going to make Freddy Fazbear let's delete these things and we'll Color Him fully Brown now let's extend his mouth out a bit and we'll color the top part a lighter shade of brown now let's color the inside of his mouth and we'll draw his eyes now let's give him some eyebrows and we'll add his black nose next let's give him some teeth and we'll add his top hat now let's give him some ears and we'll add his belly patch next let's give him a bow tie and we'll make his arms and legs animatronic like now let's give him his microphone and finally we will add his feet all right I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay that looks good we definitely have to go to the nether though okay he's not shaking anymore and this one has boots although they don't really fit what happened to his teeth why are some of them smaller let's spawn a baby Freddy yo he's so tiny look at how fast he's running honestly baby Freddy isn't even scary let's spawn a Freddy Army I think you should take the helmet off it doesn't really seem to fit let's get chased by all the Freddy's oh God they all have their crossbows ready I don't think they'll be able to get me here wait how did this guy get across wait I didn't mean to kill him oh God they're all getting across I definitely didn't almost die all right I give Freddy a 10 out of 10 I think he turned out really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is an evoker translate and we got poison for this one I think I'm going to make venom because Venom is kind of like poison let's color his body black and we'll color his head as well now let's shape his head so his mouth is open and we'll give him some eyes now let's color his mouth in red next let's give him some teeth and we'll extend out his big tongue I think that looks good now let's draw the spider on his chest and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay that looks pretty good his tongue looks kind of weird though I'm not going to lie let's see Venom fight a villager oh wait it's a swamp villager oh yeah Venom won't even fight him the vex's just do it let's see if Venom will drop a totem I don't know why I did that I already knew he would drop one let's spawn a bunch of Venoms oh these ones have a flag Venom army versus a villager oh my God that was crazy look at how many vexes just spawned I need to see that again wait he lived never mind oh no the vexes are dying Venom versus Captain America who will win all right they don't fight I'm going to give Venom a 9 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translating and we got wrestler for this one I think I'm going to make the rock specifically from this picture let's extend this out a bit and we'll color his shirt in Black now let's give him some blue jeans and we'll add his fanny pack now let's draw the belt around his body and we'll give him a gold chain now let's color in his head and we'll also color in his hands now let's draw his face and I'm going to try to make him do the thing from this picture let's give him some eyebrows and we'll draw some eyes underneath now let's draw his mouth and finally we'll give him a nose Okay that looks a little weird let's see him in game all right that looks okay okay I really should not have tried to make his face look like that but other than the face I think he looks pretty good The Rock versus Venom who will win okay Venom literally stood no chance come on you can do it let's spawn an army of joins okay that actually could have been really bad The Rock army versus Venom Army oh my God Venom got destroyed Rock army versus Captain America Army okay these guys literally stand no chance the rock is too powerful what about the rock army versus Huggy wuggy Army okay they killed one this fight might actually be close come on Huggy wuggy you can defeat the rock one more left and they actually did it I guess the rock isn't that powerful all right I give the rock an 8 out of 10 his face looked a little weird it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie what will we get and we got dark for this one I'm going to make Darth Vader let's Color Him fully black and we'll add his helmet now let's give him some red eyes and we'll color parts of his face gray now let's add the thing on his chest and we'll give him a black cape let's also color his helmet darker black and we'll color his hands gray and we'll do the same for his feet now let's give him a red lightsaber and I think that turned out good let's see him in game okay that actually looks really good his legs are going through his cape though but other than that he looks good let's spawn a baby Darth Vader I honestly think the baby looks better let's spawn a bunch of Darth Vaders and let's see if they can defeat The Rock The Rock is going crazy the Rock might actually win never mind he killed a lot of them though look at this guy just standing up here avoiding the fight now let's see if the Vader Army can defeat Huggy wagy or maybe they just won't fight him oh never mind he seems angry oh God he just destroyed that guy okay these guys don't even seem to care this fight is boring all right I give Darth Vader a 10 out of 10 I think he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager translate and we got Cowboy for this one I think I'm going to make Woody let's color his pants blue and we'll color his shirt yellow now let's color in his face and his hand hands and we'll give him some hair now let's add his eyebrows and we'll draw his eyes underneath next let's add his mouth and we'll extend out his nose now let's give him his cowboy hat and we'll add his cows spot jacket now let's add the star in his chest and we'll give him a belt now finally We'll add his boots and that looks kind of weird let's see him in game yeah his face still looks pretty weird but honestly that's just how he looks anyway let's see if baby Woody looks any better oh there are no baby pillagers in that case let's spawn more Woodies why are they all aiming their bows at me I'm kind of scared Woody versus one villager who will win oh God they're all shooting each other and now half of them fell in a cave how did one of the Woodies manage to Die Another one died oh my God finally that was embarrassing all right let's give them a real challenge so many of them are dying from their bows okay they actually killed them they're not as bad as I thought all right I give Woody a 7 out of 10 his face looks really weird it's time for the next mob the next mob is a piglin brute translating and we got strong for this one I'm going to make Mr Incredible let's color his body red and we'll color his hands black and we'll do the same for his shoes now let's add his underwear and we'll put the orange stripe above it now let's add The Incredibles logo on his chest and we'll color in his head now let's give him some hair and we'll draw his mask and we'll add his eyes now let's give him a smile and we'll make him a little bit more buff okay that looks more like his son than him but let's see it in game yeah that doesn't really look like Mr Incredible but if I was making a son then I'd say I did a good job oh yeah we have to go to the nether now that's much better let's go to the Bastion and try to find Mr Incredible there he is along with Freddy wearing a helmet that covers his eyes let's see if he will fight Dwayne Johnson oh he actually did a lot of damage let's spawn a bunch of Mr Incredibles and let's see if I can survive this time oh God I'm still on one heart oh they all stopped chasing me let's see if I can win a 1 V one against Mr Incredible okay he does a lot of damage wait why are more of them attacking me oh God that's not good all right I give Mr Incredible a 5 out of 10 because he doesn't really look like Mr Incredible it's time for the next mob the next mob is a giant what will we get and we got green mustache for this one I think I'm going to make Luigi let's color in his blue overalls and we'll add the green to his shirt now let's add his yellow buttons and we'll color in his white gloves next let's color in his head and we'll give him some eyes now let's add his mustache and we'll extend his nose out a bit now let's add his green hat and we'll put some hair on the sides now let's give him some ears and we'll add the L on his hat now let's finally extend his shoes out a bit and that looks pretty good let's see him in game okay he looks pretty good I don't know why I keep remaking the giant though he literally does nothing literally all he can do is stand here and take damage I wonder if the rock will attack him yeah I guess he doesn't like giants oh no the rock is sinking and so is Luigi wait who will die first okay it's looking like Luigi wins this one can iron golems even drown okay I'll just leave you down here I guess I give Luigi a 7 out of 10 he's kind of boring it's time for the next mob the next mob is a guardian translate and we got monster for this one I'm going to make Mike wasowski let's delete all this and we'll give him some legs now let's Color Him fully green and we'll draw his big eye let's color his eye green and we'll give him a Big Mouth now let's add some teeth and W his arms and let's copy that over all right I think that looks good let's see him in game okay he looks really weird he also cannot stop jumping it seems that's better okay now he's really fast I'm really not sure if this is what Mike Wazowski is supposed to be like I prefer him jumping on land better let's spawn an army of Mike Wazowski look at them all bouncing around imagine if this was a real mob I wonder if he'll chase me and survival okay I should not have done that Mike wasowski versus Darth Vader okay they don't fight I guess I wish I made the Elder Guardian a big Mike all right I give Mike wasowski a 9 out of 10 because he was funny it's time for the next mob the next mob is a wither skeleton translating and we got freeze for this one I think I'm going to make Frozone let's color his body blue and we'll give him white gloves now let's add the pattern on his chest and we'll change the shape of his head next let's color in his head and we'll extend his goggles out a bit and let's add the blue stripe now let's give him a mouth and want his facial hair above it now let's give him a nose and finally we'll color in his boots okay that doesn't look too bad let's see him in game all right that doesn't look too bad I just realized I put Frozone in the desert though which is kind of the opposite of where he should go let's go find him in the nether because that makes even more sense and here are some frozones in their not so natural habitat let's spawn some Mr Incredibles to go with these guys okay that's not supposed to happen I thought they were friends all right let's spawn a bunch more frozones and let's see if this many frozones can defeat the rock it's not looking good for the Rock right now dang the frozones won now let's see if I can survive the frozones oh God I'm very slow on the Soul Sand no why is the skeleton helping them I don't think they can get me up here never mind I was wrong they found me all right I give Frozone an 8 out of 10 he doesn't looked too bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie piglin what will we get and we got trainer for this one I'm going to make Ash catch him let's color his pants blue and we'll color his shirt black now let's give him white sleeves and we'll color his hands in his head now let's add his blue jacket and we'll add his blue and green gloves to his hands now let's give him some eyes and W his mouth now let's extend his hair out on the side and we'll we'll give him his hat and let's add the green symbol on the front all right that looks decent let's see him in game yeah that looks kind of weird he kind of looks like an old man with that hair it seems I also forgot to extend his jacket to his back let's watch Freddy Fazbear turn into Ash wait why is he running okay that was perfectly normal let's spawn a baby Ash baby Ash looks so much worse let's spawn an army of ashes and I have to try this oh God the babies are so fast wait Ash this is a mistake I'm not a Pokémon all right I give Ash a 7 out of 10 a lot of things went wrong it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Wither translate and we got evil clown for this one I think I'm going to make the Joker but as a Wither let's color the bottom of his body purple and we'll color his heads white now let's add a smile to the first head and we'll also add his eyes now let's do the same on the two other heads and we'll add green hair to the middle head and we'll extend it out on the sides a little bit and we'll also add a little part on his forehead now let's copy the hair to the other two heads and I think we're done let's see it in game okay I really don't know what to say about this one the middle head looks like the Joker but the other ones not so much Joker chill what did the chickens do okay I'm not going to lie this is probably one of the most cursed mobs I've made Let's see if the Joker can defeat Captain America never mind they don't fight I guess what about the Joker versus Dwayne Johnson okay I think the Joker is stuck Let's help him out of here okay this isn't even fair The Rock literally didn't stand a chance what about the Joker versus Huggy wuggy Huggy wuggy is kind of getting destroyed I won't lie I think the Joker is going to win this one this fight has been going forever wow I guess the Joker is the new most powerful mob and he even left a rose for us all right I give the Joker a 6 out of 10 he was kind of weird it's time for the next mob the next mob is an LA translating and we got little monkey for this one I'm going to make Diddy Kong let's get rid of his wings and we'll add a few legs now let's color his body Brown and we'll extend his mouth out a bit now let's give him some eyes and we'll add his red hat now let's give him some ears and I'll draw his little red shirt now let's color his hands and belly and we'll give him a little brown tail and I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay there's there's definitely something wrong here at least when he stands he looks fine well kind of yeah that is definitely a problem let's see if he can collect these diamonds for me well at least he can do that okay that made his arms look even worse let's spawn an army of Diddy Kongs this noise is so weird let's tame as many of these Diddy Kongs as possible and now I have my own Army of Diddy Kongs following me let's watch them all fight over this one Diamond that was kind of cool it was like a Diddy Kong race now we'll throw a bunch of diamonds and I'll fly away so they can't bring them back to me wait these guys are actually kind of fast oh it looks like they found more all right I give Diddy Kong 5 out of 10 he was just too broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper what will we get and we got purple scare for this one I think I'm going to make Gengar let's delete his body and back legs and we'll move his head down now let's Color Him light purple and we'll add some tiny arms on the side now let's add the spiky Parts on his head and we'll give him some red eyes now let's draw his mouth and we'll give him some Angry Eyebrows and and finally let's give him some pupils and I think that looks good let's see it in game okay I don't know if that looks good or bad I have no idea why his face is off center oh God why does his head move like that when he's walking let's see if Ash can catch Gengar okay I don't think he's interested let's see if I can catch Gengar nope it's still not working let's spawn an army of gengars okay now Ash is interested in the Gengar let's see a supercharged Gengar oh God they're all on fire I don't know why I keep doing this it never works let's see if Gengar can kill yeah I don't think that's what happens in the show all right I give Kar a 6 out of 10 I don't know why his face isn't centered it's time for the next mob the next mob is a wolf translate and we got mystery for this one I think I'm going to make Scooby-Doo let's remove this part and we'll extend his body out a bit now let's Color Him fully Brown and we'll add his blue collar now let's draw his black nose and we'll give him a few black spots on his body now let's change the shape of his ears and we'll color the middle pink now let's add some eyes and we'll rotate his tail so that it's pointing upwards and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay what happened to his tail this is the first time I've seen a mob's body part completely disappear wait never mind I found it we're just going to act like that didn't happen to be honest this guy's way too small to be Scooby-Doo anyway and let's make him even smaller by spawning a baby yeah that's probably the right size okay why is his head floating I'm just going to ignore that too Scooby-Doo is cursed let's tame a Scooby I don't have any Scooby Snacks so hopefully a bone will work okay now his collar doesn't fit as well go kill Captain America Scooby-Doo okay Scooby actually almost died hopefully this will repair him let's hop in the Mystery Machine Scooby okay this isn't the mystery machine but it's the best I could get look at his tail just floating over there all right I give Scooby a 4 out of 10 he was just too broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translate and we got agent for this one I'm going to make Parry the Platypus let's remove his head and we'll drag his body out a bit now let's make his legs a bit smaller and we'll Color Him fully blue now it's at his beak and we'll color the beak orange next let's give him a couple eyes and we'll draw his eyebrows now let's give him a nose and we'll add his hat now let's add the black line on his hat and we'll give him a tail now finally let's extend out his feet and I think he looks good let's see it in game that didn't turn out too bad we'll just ignore the creeper Parts on his hat I'm pretty sure he stands on two legs when he has his hat on but whatever let's see how he looks when he explodes surprisingly that doesn't look too bad now let's see supercharged Perry yeah something is clearly wrong here let's spawn an army of parry's this is doin schurz's worst nightmare I wonder if Perry the Platypus can swim oh he can I don't know why I did that it just looks like he can swim I'm going to give Perry the Platypus a 10 out of 10 even though his hat is broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Vindicator what will we get and we got fast for this one I think I'm going to make the flash let's color his body red and we'll draw his mask next let's color in his skin and we'll give him a mouth and some eyes now it's at his nose and we'll add the little Flash symbol on his ears now let's draw his belt and we'll add the flash logo on the front of his shirt now we'll draw some yellow lines on his suit and finally we'll extend out his shoes all right that looks good let's see it in game that looks pretty good he's not very fast though maybe he needs some motivation all right he got a little bit faster still not fast enough to be the flash though all right that was pretty fast these villagers stand no chance now okay never mind he keeps missing his hits let's spawn an army of flashes and we'll give all of them speed too now let's see if they can defeat the Iron Golem oh my God God the Iron Golem actually had no chance let's spawn more iron golems I mean it was closer this time but the flash is still one all right I'm going to give the flash a 9 out of 10 I think he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a silverfish translate and we got crown for this one I think I'll make King Bob let's remove all this and we'll make his body a lot bigger now let's give him a few tiny feet and we'll color his feet black next let's color his body yellow and we'll give him some blue pants now let's add his cape and we'll color the edges of of the cape white now let's add his eyes and we'll color them green next we'll add the straps from his goggles and we'll give him his crown let's add the purple part on top and we'll add the gold outlines on the side and I think we're done let's see it in game that actually looks really good other than the goggles there's something wrong with the straps I don't have any bananas so I guess I'll just give him this I don't think he wants it let's spawn a king Bob Army and let's watch them all chase me this looks so much less annoying than actual silverfish it's King Bob so of course we have to build him a throne what is he doing right now I guess they don't like the throne let's see the king Bob army versus Iron Golem I don't think this is a fair fight let's spawn more King Bobs yeah they're not even fighting back okay they're starting to do damage yeah the Iron Golem's still won I give King Bob an8 out of 10 he turned out pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Strider translate and we got lobster for this one I think I'll make Larry the Lobster first we'll remove the hair next let's make his legs smaller and we'll change the shape of his body now let's Color Him red and we'll we'll give him a head next let's give him some arms and we'll add a claw to his hand now let's draw his mouth and we'll give him a nose next let's give him two yellow eyes and we'll add the antenna things to his head now it's color shell darker red and we'll give him some blue shorts now we'll give him some abs and finally We'll add his lobster tail all right that looks pretty good let's see it in game what is going on here I did not expect there to be a baby Larry on top and something seems to have happened to his face the texture is all messed up let's go find Larry in the Nether and here we have Larry the Lobster with a baby on his head again honestly he would look really good if one of his eyes wasn't missing let's ride Larry the Lobster this always looks really weird let's spawn an army of Larry's look at the babies they look so weird I wonder if Larry will lift some Bedrock never mind I thought he was strong all right I give Larry the Lobster a 9 out of 10 he would be a 10 if his face wasn't broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is the warden translating and we got green for this one I think I'm going to make the green rainbow friend let's shrink his body and head and we'll make his arms face upward now let's Color Him fully green next let's make his mouth look like it's open and we'll color the back of his mouth black next let's give him a bunch of white teeth and we'll copy these to the top now let's give him a tongue and we'll extend his tongue out a bit next we'll extend out his eyes and we'll make his eyes circular now finally let's draw his pupils and that looks good let's see it in game I don't know how I feel about this one there's something about the way he moves that is very terrifying he's also very tall I'm not sure if that's accurate I'm not going to lie he kind of looks like a cactus monster let's find green in the deep dark of course we have to see him emerge from the ground I'm not going to lie that might be scarier than the warden I wonder how this thing looks when it's angry we'll give him a sheep that he can't hit I'm sorry sheep okay that wasn't that cool let's spawn an army of greens and let's see if the flash can beat them oh he's running at him yeah the flash will not win that I give the green rainbow friend a 10 out of 10 he's honestly scarier than the warden it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got rich for this one I think I'm going to to make Elon Musk let's give him a dark blue suit and we'll make it open a bit next let's give him some eyes and some eyebrows and we'll give him a nose and we'll also give him a mouth now let out his hair and we'll change his mouth so it looks like he's smiling now let's extend his suit down a little bit more and we'll give him some hands now finally we'll extend his shoes out a bit and I think that looks good let's see it in game that doesn't actually look that bad the texture is broken but that happens all the time honestly Elon can you stop pointing the bow at me please now because we have Elon Musk we have to make a Tesla I mean this kind of looks like a Tesla now can Elon Drive the Tesla nope I don't think so let's spawn an army of Elon that is way too many Pillager flags and now let's watch Elon Musk kill this innocent citizen like usual they're doing a better job at killing each other I don't know I actually think none of them died this time what about elon's versus an iron golem this is looking pretty even right now never mind the Iron Golem is dead all right I give Elon Musk an 8 out of 10 he turned out good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a guardian trans L and we got red for this one I think I'll make the red Angry Bird let's remove all this random stuff and we'll Color Him fully red now let's color his belly light brown and we'll draw his massive eyebrow now let's add his eyes underneath and we'll give him an orange beak now let's draw the circles around his eyes and we'll add his tfts of hair to his head now finally let's give him a few black tail feathers and that looks pretty good let's see it in game now I know I could have made the red rainbow friend I just made the green one so you get angry bird instead I don't know how this stuff keeps happening like why is there white on head W he's moving way too fast he seems to be avoiding the pigs though no you're supposed to hit the pigs that's what Angry Birds do let's see a baby one oh there is no baby Guardians let's spawn an army of red Angry Birds is this how Angry Birds actually move I'm not even sure let's see Angry Bird army versus green rainbow friend oh he is not happy with these guys oh God rip that angry bird the Angry Birds aren't really fighting back wait I want to see something now this is truly terrifying what if we give Speed 2 to an Angry Bird I don't think it really sped him up that much all right I give the red Angry Bird a s out of 10 he was kind of broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translating and we got wreck for this one I think I'm going to make wreck at Ralph let's extend out his body and we'll make his arms bigger now let's color his shirt orange and we'll color his arms and his head next let's color his pants and we'll give him a couple eyes now let's draw his curved up smile and we'll give him a big nose next let's add his hair and we'll spike it on the sides a bit now let's add his ears and we'll add the neck of his shirt next let's draw a few buttons and we'll add his brown overalls now let's give him some orange sleeves and we'll make his fists a bit bigger now finally let's give him some feet and I think we're done let's see it in game I mean he doesn't look too bad okay his face looks kind of bad but it was really hard to make let's see Wreck-It Ralph versus The Flash dang Wreck-It Ralph is a tank let's spawn more Wreck-It Ralphs I'm not letting this spawn a million of them like last time I think we could spawn more of them though oh God all right I think that's a good amount now let's see if they can beat the the green rainbow friend oh my God the green rainbow friend does not die it took them like 100 hits to kill that guy all right I give Wreck-It Ralph a 9 out of 10 it would be a 10 if his face looked better it's time for the next mob the next mob is a villager what will we get and we got pan for this one I think I'll make Peter Pan let's color his shirt green and we'll color his pants a darker green now let's color his head and his arms and we'll make his sleeves curve like this now let's give him a belt and we'll draw the bottom of his shirt next let's give him some eyes and we'll curve his eyebrows up a bit now let's give him a mouth and we'll add his nose next we'll give him some orange hair and we'll add his green hat now finally We'll add the feather on the top and that doesn't really look like Peter Pan let's see it in game okay that actually looks pretty good as always something is broken though I wish I made his face look more like Peter Pan because the rest of them looks good let's spawn a baby Peter Pan the head is a little bit smaller so it kind of looks better let's spawn an army of Peter Pans and let's see if they can survive the flash unfortunately for this Peter Pan it looks like the flash only wants him that was an accident AC what kind of Trades does Peter Pan have okay never mind I thought Peter Pan was able to fly I guess not all right I give Peter Pan an 8 out of 10 he looks okay it's time for the next mob the next mob is a be translate and we got flying cat for this one I'm going to make VI let's remove the legs and we'll add a head now let's color the head in body pink and we'll add his legs now let's add his arms and we'll rotate his arms and legs a little bit now let's add his spiraly tail and we'll give him two ears now let's add his eyes and will extend his nose out a bit and I think that turned out pretty good let's see it in game okay that doesn't actually look bad but the eyes are off center somehow out of all the Pokémon I've made Mew definitely looks the best The Sounds he makes is really weird though let's see a baby Mew oh my God it's literally so small this is probably an accurate size for a be though let's spawn an army of mw's okay the sound has gotten way worse what if I attack a Mew oh God this is not good the sound has gotten even worse now it sounds like a tiny airplane trying to take off let's see if Mew will fight the green rainbow friend okay seriously why is he attacking the cow no not the baby okay they don't attack him this is boring all right I give me an 8 out of 10 it turned out pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translating and we got caveman for this one I think I'll make Fred Flintstone let's make his arms and legs a bit bigger and we'll color his shirt orange and we'll make it look ripped on the bottom now let's color the rest of his body and we'll color the bottom of his mouth a bit darker now let's add his mouth and we'll give him a long nose now let's add his eyes and we'll give him a bit of black hair now let's change his mouth cuz this looks weird and we'll draw his blue tie now finally let's add some black spots to his shirt and that looks good let's see it in game oh yeah these guys burn that's better I think he's a little bit too tall what if we spawn a baby yeah there are no baby skeletons let's spawn a Fred Flintstone Army and we'll give him some Cocoa Pebbles isn't he the guy on that I'm not sure let's spawn a dog I heard cavemen and dogs used to get along okay maybe I was wrong the dog does not seem happy with him oh no Fred fln Stone got stuck all right I give Fred Flintstone an 8 out of 10 he doesn't look bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie what will we get and we got super for this one I think I'm going to make Superman let's color his body blue and we'll draw his underwear next let's put a yellow belt above them and we'll draw the Superman logo on his chest now let's give him some red boots and we'll color in his hands and his head now let's give him some eyes and we'll add his hair now let's give him a nose and we'll draw a mouth underneath now finally let's add his red cape and I think we're done let's see him in game why are his hands blue I mean obviously I meant to do that his head is also red like spider eyes or something let's spawn a baby Superman this is definitely a kid in a costume not Superman Superman versus The Flash or not the Flash doesn't fight them Superman versus Peter Pan there's no way they're catching him Superman versus Wreck-It Ralph okay that one was just not fair I wonder if Superman can hold any weapons hope he's more interested in the Villager I wouldn't go that way Superman I told him not to I give Superman a 7 out of 10 he was kind of broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a snow golem translate and we got frozen for this one I think I'll make Olaf first let's change the shape of his body a bit and we'll extend the side of his face out now let's Color Him fully white and we'll give him a couple of legs now let's draw two buttons on the bottom part and one button in the middle next let's extend the front of his face out and we'll give him an orange carrot nose now it's at his tooth underneath and we'll give him some ice now it's had the little hairs on top of his head and finally we'll color his arms to match his hair all right that looks good let's see it in game okay yeah I think we need to remove his hat that looks interesting I'm not sure why his arms are floating but other than that he doesn't look too bad Olaf versus Superman oh he's destroying Superman never mind that was embarrassing I just noticed his feet are in the ground let's spawn a bunch of olafs and now let's see if they can beat Superman they're hitting each other with the Snowballs wow they actually did it wasn't that hard considering Superman was on fire but all right I give Olaf a 7 out of 10 he was okay it's time for the next mob the next mob is a llama what we get and we got opposite for this one I think I'll make Wario cuz he's the opposite of Mario let's color his body purple and we'll add his yellow shirt now let's color his head and we'll make this thing his nose now let's give him a couple of eyes and we'll draw his big smile now let's add his mustache above it and we'll give him some Angry Eyebrows now let's move his ears and we'll give him some hair next we'll add his hat and we'll draw the W on the front now let's draw his hands and we'll give him some green shoes now finally let's warrio ify the yes and that looks pretty cursed let's see it in game that is not what we want that looks a lot better well I don't know if better is the word but it is what we were looking for let's see a Baby Wario I like this one a lot better let's spawn a bunch of warrios I hate the noise they make and let's see if they'll fight me okay really he's just spitting on me upon further review I don't think llamas actually fight you but will they fight The Flash no they won't I give Wario llama 6 out of 10 it's not that bad considering how cursed it is it's time for the next mob the next mob is is a husk translating and we got skateboard for this one I think I'm going to make Bart Simpson let's make his body a little bit smaller and we'll make his head taller now let's color his shirt red and we'll give him blue shorts next we'll color the rest of his body yellow and we'll give him some sleeves now let's add his neck and we'll give him a little nose now let's draw his eyes and we'll give him a little smile now let's add his spiky hair and we'll give him some blue shoes and I think we're done let's see this in game okay there is definitely a major problem with this I guess you're is not allowed to move the arms on a husk what about baby Bart yep we have the exact same problem and his neck is massive why I guess we'll just spawn more Barts and let's see if these broken Barts can beat Wreck-It Ralph it is not looking good for Wreck-It Ralph wow I don't even think that many Barts died yeah I'm done with this I need to get it off my screen I give Bart Simpson a 1 out of 10 for effort it's time for the next mob the next mob is a cow translate and we got Tusk for this one I think I'm going to make an elephant let's remove the ears and we'll color it fully gray and I don't think elephants have utters now let's extend the trunk out a bit and we'll curve the trunk down like this now let's extend out his tusks and we'll copy that over to the other side now let's give him some eyes those don't really look like elephant eyes and we'll give him some big ears I think those ears are good enough now finally let's give it a tail and I think we're done let's see it in game yeah that looks like an elephant not a very accurate size though I'm pretty sure this is the same size as a baby elephant let's see what the baby elephant looks like that doesn't look too bad honestly but elephants aren't usually in a tiger forest so let's find a savannah this is the smallest Savannah in the game whatever at least our elephants are in the right spot now I don't think elephants are supposed to Moo though let's spawn an army of elephants and let's milk an elephant perfectly normal right I love a nice bowl of cereal with elephant milk honestly I think Mojang should add elephants without the elephant milk though all right I give the elephant an 8 out of 10 I thought it was pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager translate and we got Shadow for this one I think I'm going to make Shadow the Hedgehog let's make his body smaller and we'll make his legs longer and we'll Color Him fully black now let's extend out his mouth and we'll add his eyes next let's add his ears and we'll add his hair things on the side of his head now let's draw this thing on his chest next let's give him some hands now finally let's add some texture and I think we're done let's see it in game that actually looks pretty good okay his arms look really weird when he's moving but other than that nothing seems to be broken let's spawn a baby Shadow never mind that isn't real let's spawn an army of Shadows and let's see if they can beat the Iron Golem oh my God the Iron Golem is going crazy come on Shadow Army you can do it and they actually did it because Shadow is supposed to be fast let's see if he can catch a villager oh they're not actually chasing him they're just shooting let's give them all speed too these guys are way too fast now this is scary all right I'm going to give shadow an 8 out of 10 he looked pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translating and we got Knight for this one I'm going to make metan Knight let's remove his body and we'll move his head down now let's extend out his feet and we'll make him a bit circular now let's color his body and let's draw his helmet now let's add his eyes and we'll give him a sword now let's draw his wings now finally let's add texture and I think that looks really good let's see it in game okay I think something is wrong with his feet okay that looks a lot better his body isn't really attached to his feet though so that's weird let's see a supercharged metanite yeah I don't think he looks that good supercharged let's just blow him up that's better let's spawn an army of metan knes and let's see if I can beat them in a fight this would be scarier if they actually attacked me and didn't just blow up but since they blow up I can just do this and now they're all dead well almost all right I'm going to give metanite a 10 out of 10 I thought he looked really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a pig what will we get and we got Shai for this one I think I'm going going to make Shy Guy let's make his body smaller and we'll move his head now let's make his legs smaller and we'll Color Him fully red and we'll add his mask next let's add his eyes and we'll add his mouth now let's draw his belt now let's give him some arms now finally let's add some texture and I think that looks good let's see him in game all right that actually looks pretty good somehow the pigs always end up looking good he even looks normal when he walks let's see if the baby has a floating head yep his head is still floating but I don't think it looks as bad bad as it normally does once spawn an army of shy guys and now let's ride a shy guy how is he able to carry me when he's so small I have an army now because they're all following me his right arm over the mask looks so funny let's see if Shy Guy can beat metanite okay I'm pretty sure they don't fight let's ride a shy guy with speed too okay this doesn't make him much faster honestly all right I'm going to give Shy Guy a 9 out of 10 he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a chicken translate and we got starter for this one I'm going to make quackley because he's my favorite starter in the new Pokémon game let's move his body next let's Color Him white and we'll color his beak yellow and we'll give him some eyes next let's add his hat now let's draw the symbol on his hat next let's make his arm smaller now let's color his feet blue and we'll add some texture and I think that looks good let's see it in game okay something is wrong with his arms okay that only made the problem worse okay I don't know how to fix this this is good enough all right his head moves really weird as well but other than that I think he looks fine okay I'm lying it's definitely not fine let's spawn a baby qule okay this is even worse what is wrong with his head I'm getting rid of this one let's see if I can catch quax Ley in a Pokeball okay this joke really isn't funny let's spawn a quax Ley Army and let's have them all follow me I finally have my own duck Army subscribe to join the duck Army all right I'm going to give quaxi a 5 out of 10 I like him but he's too broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translating and we got strange for this one I think we'll make doctor strange let's give him a neck and we'll add his head and we'll color his body blue now let's add his eyes and we'll give him a mouth and we'll also give him a beard now let's add his nose next let's give him some hair and we'll add his cape now we'll add the eye thing on his chest now finally let's add texture and I think we're done let's see him in game okay that actually looks pretty good his cape looks kind of weird cuz it Doesn't move though I also think I added a little too much texture to him but other than that he looks good let's see a baby doctor strange this is the first baby that isn't broken this is funny though he looks like a kid in a costume let's spawn an army of doctor Stranges and now let's see if they can beat shadow oh they don't fight now let's see if they can kill this villager okay now Shadow is killing them this one V one is crazy okay Shadow had no chance using a bow I love how far back the Army is compared to the babies they literally just gave up because they were too far all right I'm going to give doctor strange in 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a piglin what will we get and we got wizard for this one I think I'm going to make Harry Potter let's make his head smaller now let's color his clothes now let's give him some eyes and we'll give him a mouth and a nose now let's add his hair now let's add his glasses now let's give him a tie and we'll give him a belt now let's add his shoes and finally We'll add texture and I think that looks fine let's see him in game this doesn't look that bad but it doesn't look like Harry Potter oh and I also forgot to color his back oh yeah we have to find him in the nether oh he has a gold chest plate now I wonder if I can give him a wand nope I don't think he wants it let's spawn a baby Harry Potter this looks kind of weird at least his head isn't floating let's spawn a Harry Potter Army and now let's see if they'll Fight Shadow oh yeah I have to make them shoot each other first okay Shadow literally died in a millisecond what about a shadow army versus the Harry Potters okay the Shadows just aren't fighting them yet somehow they are winning okay I think the Harry Potter's won this one all right I'm going to give Harry Potter a 6 out of 10 he doesn't look like Harry Potter it's time for the next mob the next mob is a turtle translate and we got slow for this one I think we'll make Q from alphabet lore cuz he's slow let's delete all this stuff and we'll make him into a rectangle now let's color the rectangle and we'll add the rest of his body up here and we'll fully outline them in Black now let's draw his mouth and we'll color it in darker brown next let's add these spots right here and we'll give him his eyes now finally let's outline his back as well and I think we're done let's see him in game I don't think there's turtles in the nether okay this actually looks pretty good he's literally moving like a snail right now let's see a Baby Q oh my God he is ridiculously small I can barely even see him how is this possible wait these Q's are swimming in the water let's spawn a q Army and let's give them slowness so they're even slower they're barely even able to move now this is crazy now let's lure them all to towards me I've been standing here for so long and they still haven't made it over they kind of look like sushi rolls from this angle all right I'm going to give Q an 8 out of 10 he looks really funny it's time for the next mob the next mob is a be translating and we got rush for this one let's make Rush from Roblox doors let's remove all this stuff and we'll make his body thinner now let's extend his body out a bit and we'll extend out the sides to make him look circular and we'll also do this on the top and bottom now let's add his dark gray mouth and add his eyes and his nose thing now let's give him some yellow teeth and we'll add some teeth on the bottom as well now let's add some detail to his face and we'll make it a bit darker under his teeth and I think that's good let's see it in game oh that is not what we want okay that looks better honestly this might be the scariest mob we've made yet the way he flies is terrifying let's see a baby Rush okay that's not as bad at least it looks like I could beat this one in a fight let's spawn an army of rushes and let's see if I can get away from them oh God I'm still on half heart okay now we're ready okay he's not as scary now that I know how slow he moves this would still be terrifying if I saw this in the game all right I'm going to give Rush a 10 out of 10 he turned out really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a frog translate and we got wise old for this one I think I'm going to make Yoda first let's remove his feet and legs and we'll shape him more like Yoda now let's give him a head and I'll color his shirt gray and his head and feet green now let's give him some arms and we'll color these gray and I'll extend his second arm out so I can make him hold a lightsaber now let's make his ears and we'll give him a couple eyes now let's give him some eyelids and a nose and a mouth and we'll Color Him Brown underneath his coat now we'll finally give him a green lightsaber I think that looks good let's see him in game that isn't right that looks more like Yoda look at how he's walking why does that kind of look good something is wrong with this lightsaber though I'm not sure what happened there yo when did Yoda learn how to jump like that I wish I could spawn a baby Yoda Yoda versus a Magma Cube oh he's running away oh my God they both ate it Yoda Army honestly the sounds they make kind of Suits him all right let's spawn a bunch of magma cubes use the lightsaber Yoda okay I think these guys are too big I don't know why I like seeing them eat the magma cubes so much it just looks so weird all right I think I'm going to give Yoda a 10 out of 10 I think he looks amazing it's time for the next mob the next mob is the Ender Dragon translating and we got train for this one I'm going to make Thomas the Tank Engine first let's get rid of all of this next we'll extend the backup a bit and I'll Color Him blue next I'll give him some wheels and I'll add a little black roof on the back now it's coloring his face and we'll draw his eyes and we'll give him a mouth now let's add his nose and next we'll add the train thing on his head and we'll add another one in blue now we can draw some windows and we'll put the red outlines on the bottom and finally I will draw the number one on his side okay that looks pretty good let's see it in game all right we have to make our way to the end oh my God I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with this head yeah I don't think it's supposed to be floating like that all right that looks much better imagine finally making it to the end in your world and then you see this instead of the Ender Dragon honestly this is a good replacement though I won't lie oh he's perching I love how he flips just like the battle bus Enderman watch out there's a train coming through the Ender are not happy anymore what happens if we spawn a bunch of Thomases oh God that's too many I can't break it oh no well this might be a problem where are they all going goodbye Thomas's I guess it's better for them up there anyway that way my FPS is safe I'm going to give Thomas a 9 out of 10 he looks really funny it's time for the next mob the next mob is the warden what we get and we got green onions for this one I think I'm going to make sh first we'll color his head in green next I'll color his shirt a tan color and we'll make his pants brown now I will draw his vest over his shirt and we'll give him his belt as well now let's make his hands green and I'll give him a big nose and we'll draw some eyes above that now let's give him some eyebrows and we'll give him his mouth now we can add his ears and I'll turn them sideways a little bit now finally I will add his shoes and that doesn't look too bad let's see him in game okay that doesn't look too bad doesn't sound like Shrek though if I was this chicken I would watch out oh no Shrek is angry I'm I'm sorry chicken let's watch a Shrek emerge from the ground wow this is exactly how I remember it in the movie all right let's spawn a bunch of Shreks and I think they need someone to fight so let's give them one sheep I wonder who will win this will be close oh the Sheep almost had them but seriously let's spawn one wither and see how fastly kill it oh that explosion made them mad time for a warden death ray honestly the Wither might win this one they aren't doing that much damage oh never mind the Wither seems to be stuck dang not even one Shrek died all right I give Shrek an8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is an Enderman translate and we got siren for this one I'm going to make siren head first I'll shorten his legs next I will give him a torso now we can make his head into a stick and I'll color him a coppery color now let's add the first siren and we'll color it black and add the teeth now I'll rotate it sideways and I'll copy it over to the other side now let's add texture to his body and I think we're done let's see him in game yeah that's definitely siren head he's not too scary in Minecraft though to be honest I mean when he's chasing me it's definitely worse even though his head starts floating yeah there's no way you'll get me now buddy let's go check out the end oh yeah there's 5,000 Ender dragons and because of all the Ender Dragons only one siren head spawn nice all right that should do the trick there's a lot more siren heads over here now all right let's see how long I can survive oh God there's already an army behind me oh God they're all teleporting to me guys I'm sorry I didn't mean to look at you I guess they don't accept apologies oh no I'm on half a heart no I almost made it through the portal I give siren head a 7 out of 10 he was kind of boring it's time for the next mob the next mob is a silverfish translating and we got tiny green for this one I think I'm going to make Plankton let's get rid of all these layers and we'll make this part into his body now let's give him a couple of legs and we'll color all this green next let's draw his yellow eye and we'll give him a red pupil now let's draw his angry eyebrow and we'll give him a wide open mouth now let's give him some arms and in the picture I'm looking at they're up in the air so let's rotate them up now finally we can add the antenna type things to his head and that looks good let's see him in game wait that actually turned out really good I have no idea where he's going though I think he's off to find the Krabby Patty formula well then we'll have to bring him to the Crusty Crab Plankton I think the Krabby Patty formula is in this chest I guess he doesn't want it anymore I think they all died from excitement what just happened did I just lag back in a single player world all right let's spawn a bunch of planktons and let's put them against one Shrek who will win Shrek doesn't even seem to be bothered by them never mind run away Plankton all right I give plankton a 9 out of 10 he looks better than I expected it's time for the next mob the next mob is a fox what will we get and we got fast last time I made a fox I made Sonic so this time I'm going to make Tails let's Color Him in dark yellow and we'll change the shape of his ears let's add the white hair at the bottom of his face and we'll give him some big blue eyes now let's draw his nose and we'll add his white gloves next let's draw his shoes on the back legs and we'll extend them out a little bit now let's color the back part of his tail white and we'll copy it over because he has two tails and I think that turned out good let's see it in game that actually looks pretty good Tails versus a chicken who will win dang Tails killed him instantly can Tails use a sword I'm not sure honestly sword tails going crazy wait no you dropped the sword I guess chicken is a better weapon than a sword let's spawn a bunch of Tails and let's spawn a rabbit which one will get it I don't think they can reach it let's lower it down a little bit I honestly didn't think they could get it from there all right tails what are you going to do now wait how did he hit that one oh no they're going crazy I don't know how he got up there that jump is pretty high all right I give Tails an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a rabbit translate and we got scary for this one I'm going to make bunso bunny first let's rotate his arms and we'll make his ears flop down now let let's extend the front of his face out and we'll color his head yellow now let's draw his scary mouth and we'll give him some teeth on the sides next we'll add his cheeks and let's draw these green things along with his eyes next we'll color the rest of him yellow and we'll add his green overalls next let's give him his symbols and we'll add a hat to his head and let's color the Hat green all right that doesn't look too bad let's see him in game okay something is definitely wrong with him but honestly it makes them look more scary so I'm all right with it we're just going to ignore the floating ears how does the baby look yeah the ears are still floating this is very cursed might as well just feed them to the taals this one guy is trying to get away all right we'll spawn an army of bunzo bunnies cuz why not why are they just slowly hopping towards me now this is scary I'm being surrounded all right I give bunzo bunny a 4 out of 10 too many things were broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Strider translating and we got starfish for this one I'm going to make Patrick Star let's remove the hairs and we'll make his legs a lot smaller next let's shape his body into a star and we'll Color Him fully pink in now we'll give him some arms and we'll draw his green shorts next let's give him big eyes and we'll add his giant smile and we'll give him a pink tongue now finally we can add the purple flowers on his shorts and that looks pretty good let's see it in game that actually looks pretty good considering it's a triangle in Minecraft let's find some in the Nether and here we have a bunch of Patrick standing on the lava once again this is kind of weird considering he lives underwater let's ride a Patrick yo this looks really weird let's spawn an army of Patricks yo it's baby Patrick and there's also a Patrick with a pig Big Man on top let's go Patrick Army I don't think I remember this part in the show all right I give Patrick a 7 out of 10 he kind of looks weird in Minecraft it's time for the next mob the next mob is a witch what will we get and we got hungry clown for this one I think I'm going to make Ronald McDonald first let's turn the Hat into hair and we'll color it fully red now let's remove his nose and we'll color his face white next let's give him a red nose and a big red smile and we'll draw his eyes Okay that actually looks kind of scary now let's color his shirt in yellow and we'll put red and white stripes on the sleeves next we'll add a white collar and we'll draw a red zipper down the middle now we'll color his pants yellow too and we'll give him red and white striped socks now let's add his red shoes and we'll make them black on the bottom okay that turned out kind of scary let's see him in game somehow this is the scariest mob I've made yet Ronald McDonald's versus Iron Golem yeah not so scary anymore he wasn't even supposed to be scary to begin with oh no the Golem is coming for him let's spawn a huge Ronald McDonald Army wait will these guys fight a villager no they don't even fight why why is the Iron Golem so mad at them all right Ronald McDonald versus Shrek that is a fight I never thought I would see uh Ronald you got something behind you oh no Shrek is angry and that's one Ronald down all right I give Ronald McDonald an 8 out of 10 I think he looks good but he's not supposed to be scary it's time for the next mob the next mob is a polar bear translate and we got honey for this one I'm going to make Winnie the Pooh let's Color Him fully yellow and we'll draw his red shirt now let's change this part of his face a bit and we'll give him little black eyes with some black eyebrows above now let's draws pink tongue and a red smile on the sides and finally we'll give him a little black nose and I think that looks good let's see it in game he doesn't look too bad kind of big for win the Pooh though what about the baby the baby is definitely a better size all right let's give them some honey that's weird it doesn't look like they want it all right Winnie the Poo versus Tails who will win oh God tails is already running away and Tails already outran him I think I have a solution for that okay never mind I guess tails is just too fast let's spawn a win the Pooh Army that is just not the sound I would imagine Winnie the Pooh makes okay surely this Tails can't outrun them okay he died instantly time to get chased by a bunch of win the poos okay these guys are really slow all right I give Winnie the Pooh a 7 out of 10 he didn't turn out too bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translating and we got red puppet for this one I think I'm going to make Elmo let's color his head and body red and we'll move this part of his head down a bit and we'll pull this back a bit so his mouth is open now let's color his mouth and black and we'll do the same on the bottom and top part now let's give him a nose and we'll color his nose orange next we'll give him some eyes and we'll give him a couple of black pupils all right that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay that looks good not sure why the back of his neck is white though but Elmo has a bow and he came ready for battle I'm really not sure that's what happens in the show all right let's see a wolf versus Elmo dang the wolf is angry the wolf is running sideways Elmo better run this wolf is crazy that wolf is hungry for Elmo's bones okay he hit him oh he hit him again and the Wolf is running away again oh my God he finally got him and he didn't even even get any Elmo bones all right I give Elmo a 6 out of 10 he's kind of boring it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper what will we get and we got pink ball I think for this one I will make Kirby let's delete the body and we'll move the head down now let's delete his back legs and we'll extend the front legs out like this next let's color his legs in dark pink and we'll color his body in a lighter pink now let's give him some tiny arms and we'll draw his little red mouth and let's give him some blue eyes and finally we'll draw his Pink Cheeks okay something looks wrong that looks much better let's see it in game wow that actually looks pretty good not sure what's happening with his body right now though but even his walk didn't turn out too bad honestly let's spawn an army of Kirby's and now let's spawn a baby Kirby oh yeah Kirby's versus one cat who will win I don't know why they're afraid of one cat let's see a Charged Kirby oh God they're all going to die I don't think the charge really fits Kirby let's see if it can blow up a Shrek not even close all right I give Kirby an eight out of 10 he doesn't look too bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translate and we got funny video for this one I think I'm going to make Mr Beast let's give him a black shirt and we'll color in his arms and his head now let's give him gray shorts and we'll color his legs as well next I'll draw the Mr Beast logo on his shirt and I'll give him some green eyes and some brown eyebrows now let's do his hair and we'll give him some white teeth and now let's draw his beard okay his mouth looks kind of like buck teeth so I'm going to change the color now finally we can give him some shoes and that looks all right let's see it in game that doesn't look too bad it honestly just looks like a random guy though there's no proof this is Mr be maybe he'll give this random villager money oh wow he's chasing him to give it to him how nice wait no he wasn't supposed to do that all right let's see if Mr Beast can raid a village I guess Mr Beast really doesn't like villagers Maybe Baby Mr Beast is better oh no baby Mr Beast is fast that just made things worse all right Mr Beast versus Iron Golem that was fast Mr Beast army versus Iron Golem oh no the Iron Golem is cornered dang they actually won should I let him in of course I'm going to let him in dang they left Fast all right I give Mr Beast a 7 out of 10 he's basically just just a player skin it's time for the next mob the next mob is a turtle translating and we got water for this one I think I'm going to make Squirtle let's color his head and arm thingies blue and we'll also color his legs now we'll add a white outline around the shell and it'll Trace over the Shell with different shades of brown all right just one more color left that looks pretty good now we'll make his head a bit bigger and we'll give him some purple eyes and we'll add white to the outside next let's give him some tiny eyebrows and we'll give him a smile that doesn't look weird at all now let's make his spiraly tail and that looks good let's see him game okay let me know if you guys see the problem it's kind of hard to spot I don't really know how this happened so I guess we'll just ignore that but other than that he looks fine how does the baby look I was hoping the baby was the size of a regular Squirtle because this guy is clearly too big all right Squirtle Army okay I have to fix the floating thing okay that looks a lot better Squirtle use bubble beam or whatever move he has oh wait I have to catch him first nope the Pokeball is still don't work I wish I had made him smaller because right now he's bigger than Blastoise all right I give Squirtle a 6 out of 10 and he just doesn't look that good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a villager what will we get and we got professional for this one I'm going to make Matt from wi Sports because he's good at everything first let's change the size of his nose and we'll color in his head now let's give him his beard thing and we'll draw his mouth next let's give him some eyes and now we can color his shirt in Orange as well as the sleeves and we'll make his pants dark gray now finally we can put the rest of his beard and we'll try to make it look a bit spiky all right that doesn't look bad let's see it in game I mean honestly he doesn't look too bad what about baby Matt yes this makes perfect sense let's see if Matt can beat me in tennis I think he's losing Matt versus Mr Beast who will win well Mr Beast is burning so this is actually a fair fight and Matt actually wins I mean of course he won he's mad let's find a village full of mats and they're everywhere they even have a matte farming over here with something gold on his beard let's spawn a matte Army and let's see if Mr Beast can kill them now n Mt is just too fast where is Mr Beast even going he's just giving up because Mt is too good never mind he's just going for this one while he sleeps the one place you can beat him I'm sure he just wants to give him money I'll let him in never mind I was very wrong all right I give Matt an 8 out of 10 he turned out pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a pig translate and we got angry for this one I'm going to make the King Pig from Angry Birds but with a full body let's color the pig fully green and we'll make his nose a slightly lighter green now let's add a couple of nostrils and we'll give him his eyes and a couple eyebrows on top and a little mouth underneath now it's at his green ear ears and we'll make a crown in the middle of his ears let's add the spiky parts to the top and we'll draw some blue jewels in the middle and that looks pretty good let's see him in game that looks pretty good it was pretty easy to not mess this one up though to be fair let's spawn a baby pig and see how it looks I think I like it better because of the giant head all right let's spawn an army of Angry Birds I don't think they're very angry let's spawn a pig army now we won't know which one is actually the king what is Elmo doing in the water over here all right let's make Shrek fight the pigs since the Angry Birds won't do it okay that's just mean I have a better idea let's see if we can hit any pigs no he moved out of the way okay attempt number two no that was so close these chickens don't go very far okay this is my last bird let's get a running start come on no he moved last second I guess I'm just bad at Angry Birds all right I give Angry Bird's pig an 8 out of 10 I think he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Strider translate and we got funny dog for this one I think I'm going to make goofy let's remove the hair and we'll shape his body now let's color his shirt Orange and we'll color his pants blue next let's shape his head and we'll color his mouth now let's color the back of his head black and we'll color his mouth as well now let's give him some eyes and we'll give him a nose next let's add his front teeth and we'll add his green hat now let's give him his ears and we'll color in his gloves now let's add his jacket and finally We'll add his giant shoes okay I think that looks really good let's see it in game okay I didn't really expect this to happen that looks a lot better okay his walk animation is really cursed let's go find goofy in the Nether and here's is Goofy in his natural habitat this is kind of scary to be honest let's ride a goofy oh my God why is it all green this is perfectly normal there is nothing wrong with this look at them all emerging in the back let's spawn an army of goofies wait I forgot there could be baby goofies it looks so funny there's even a baby goofy on top of another goofy follow me goofy Army why do they lean back so far look at how the babies's move it's so funny I'm going to give goofy a 7 out of 10 he looks good but he's broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is the warden translating and we got hairy monster for this one I'm going to make Sully from Monsters Inc let's Color Him fully blue and we'll add a lighter belly patch now let's add some purple spots on his body and I'll give him a little nose now let's draw a smile and we'll give him a couple of eyes next I'll extend his eyelids out a bit and we'll add a couple horns on the side now let's add his lizard likee tail and I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay he looks pretty good I keep forgetting to texture the top of the legs so but other than that I don't see any problems I don't think he's a fan of that chicken though let's see if he'll go through the store no Sully you're going the wrong way oh God he's angry what did the horse do they're killing the horse for no reason let's go find a Sully in the deep dark I think that was the first time it looked kind of normal honestly Sully could have been the warden they look really similar I think he's angry at this baby zombie but he can't find him oh never mind Sully versus goofy who will win oh su's just killing other people instead Sully is going on a rampage never mind rip goofy all right I give Sully a 9 out of 10 he was almost perfect it's time for the next mob the next mob is a husk what will we get and we got lightning for this one I think I'm going to make Thor let's color his head in his arms and we'll color the rest of his body blue now let's add his hair and we'll drag his head up a bit and give him a neck now let's add his cape and we'll color the cape red next I will give him some blue eyes and I'll add his eyebrows and his mouth now let's add his beard and we'll give him two shoulder pads now let's add his gloves and will add a pattern on his shirt and pants now finally I will give him his hammer and I think that looks good let's see it in game I don't know why the textures keep messing up oh and both of his shoulders are the same shoulder but other than that he doesn't look too bad let's see baby Thor if you would move that would be cool it's literally just Thor but smaller let's see if Thor can get struck by lightning doesn't really look like it at least he lived let's spawn a bunch of Thor and let's see if they can defeat Sully I forgot they don't fight back rip Sully let's see if the Thors can defeat the Iron Golem dang the Iron Golem's getting destroyed he's not even one-shotting the Thors that was an easy win for the Thor Army all right I give Thor an 8 out of 10 he doesn't look too bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a frog translate and we got lasagna for this one I'm going to make Garfield because he loves lasagna let's remove all of this and we'll shape his body and head now let's Color Him fully orange and we'll give him a couple of arms now let's extend his face out a bit and we'll color this lighter orange next let's give him a pink nose and we'll give him some eyes now let's extend his eyelids out a bit and we'll give him his ears now let's give him a tail and finally We'll add black stripes all over his body that looks pretty good let's see it in game yeah that looks like Garfield I'm not sure about his walk though since one did Garfield learn how to jump like that actually it's not that weird I'm pretty sure cats can jump high I don't know about fat cats though let's spawn a baby Garfield oh yeah let's see if Garfield will eat this lasagna dang he ate it in one bite let's spawn a bunch of Garfield I love the noise they make when they hit the around let's watch these gar Fields eat a bunch of magma cubes I think these guys are too big wow the gar fields are devouring these magma cubes all right I give Garfield a 9 out of 10 he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translating and we got Chef for this one I think I'm going to make Gordon Ramsay let's color his shirt white and we'll color his pants black now let's color his head and we'll give him some blonde hair now let's color his arms and we'll give him some blue eyes now let's out his eyebrows and we'll extend his nose out a bit next let's draw his mouth and we'll give him a little collar on his shirt now let's add the buttons to his shirt and finally I'll give him a little chef's hat I think that looks good let's see it in game all right that doesn't look bad the textures are always broken I don't understand why honestly he kind of just looks like a chef though he's only Gordon Ramsay if you know he's Gordon Ramsey where is he going let's see if Gordon Ramsey can cook a five-star meal okay he's going to gather his ingredients like a real Chef okay I'm starting to think he just doesn't want to cook let's spawn a baby Gordon Ramsay I wonder if this one can cook it doesn't look like it let's spawn a bunch of Gordon ramsy surely one of these guys knows how to cook oh wow they're making a steak that was pretty good oh they're making a chicken too oh I guess it's done wait guys this is raw oh God they're all angry at me all right I give Gordon Ramsey an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem what will we get and we got rainbow for this one I'm going to make the blue rainbow friend let's make his arms a bit smaller and we'll do the same for his legs now let's change the shape of his body and we'll color him fully blue now let's add his crown and we'll color it yellow next we'll add the spiky Parts on top and we'll add his eyes and let's put the circle inside this one and we'll add the X to the other one now let's draw his mouth and we'll put the Drool on the side and I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game that looks pretty good I think honestly I don't even know what rainbow friends is I've just seen a lot of comments telling me to make it let's see if blue can beat Gordon Ramsay easily let's see if blue can beat Thor and Gordon Ramsey still too easy let's see if blue can beat Sully yeah blue literally had no chance let's spawn an army of Blues oh no oh God this is bad I think I spawned a little too many there's so many of them they can't even move Sully's not even fighting back he knows he's doomed never mind wow he actually almost beat them well he almost beat like 3% of them I'm going to give blue a 10 out of 10 I think he looks perfect it's time for the next mob the next mob is a villager translate and we got space for this one I think I'll make buzzl light ear let's color his body white and we'll add his purple mask now let's color the rest of his face and we'll give him a big smile now let's extend his nose out and we'll give him a couple blue eyes now let's out his eyebrows and we'll color the top part of his space suit next let's add the purple lines on the bottom and we'll add some green lines all around his body and finally let's color his shoulders black and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay this looks kind of weird honestly it looks like somebody wearing a Buzz Lightyear costume let's see if Buzz Lightyear can outrun Gordon Ramsay okay there's two Gordon Ramsay how did that happen it's not looking good for Buzz Lightyear never mind he actually managed to get away wait there's another Gordon Ramsey chasing him let's see a baby Buzz Lightyear this is definitely a better size because Buzz Lightyear is a toy let's find a Buzz Lightyear Village and here's a bunch of Buzz lightyears in their natural habitat there's even a Buzz Lightyear farming over here and these two are having a conversation oh I think I interrupted them what happens if I ring the bell wait did I do that all right I give Buzz Lightyear a 10 out of 10 I don't know why but I think he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Vindicator translating and we got King for this one I think I'm going to make Lord farquad let's color his shirt red and we'll give him dark gray pants now let's out his red cape and we'll give him a belt now let's color his hands dark orange and we'll color his head next let's give him a mouth and we'll extend out his nose now let's give him some green eyes and we'll give him a couple of eyebrows now let's extend out his hair and we'll add his hat and we'll color his hat fully red now finally let's add his belt buckle and I think he looks good let's see him in game that looks pretty good I guess guess I think his head is a little too big though let's see a baby farquad oh that's not a thing let's see Lord farquad versus buzzl light ear oh god he has an axe Lord farquad relax he did nothing wrong buz Lightyear is actually kind of fast all right that was boring let's see if Lord farquad can raid this Village oh no blue is angry at him it seems like Buzz Lightyear is not wearing the right clothes oh and blue literally just gave up Lord farquad sucks he hasn't even gotten a kill come on break down the door okay I'm done with this all right I give Lord farquad an 8 out of 10 because the textures were kind of messed up it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got family for this one I think I'm going to make Peter Griffin let's color in his head next we'll color his shirt white and we'll give him some green pants now let's out his brown hair and we'll give him a couple of eyes next we'll draw his mouth and we'll extend his nose out a bit and we'll also extend out his ears now let's draw his glasses and we'll color in his arms now let's give him a belt and we'll add a gold belt buckle now let's draw the buttons on his shirt and finally we'll give him some shoes and I think that looks good let's see him in game I don't really know what to say about this honestly I think he looks really good but the actual Peter Griffin looks way different let's spawn an army of Peter Griffins and let's see if these Peter Griffins can defeat blue they don't seem to be doing too good they keep shooting each other instead of blue okay they actually won a lot of Peter Griffins were lost though let's give them an easier fight let's put them against Buzz Lightyear okay one of them somehow died rip Buzz Lightyear guys stop pointing the bow at but me all right I give Peter Griffin a 9 out of 10 he looks good but he doesn't look like Peter Griffin it's time for the next mob the next mob is an evoker translate and we got villain for this one I think I'll make grw let's shrink his head and we'll color his shirt dark gray next let's color his pants black and we'll color in his head next we'll give him some blue eyes and we'll add some eyebrows on top and a mouth underneath now let's extend his nose out and we'll color in his hands next let's add the zipper to his shirt now let's add his scarf and we'll extend it down on each side and I think we're done let's see him in game oh my God what happened to his neck other than that I kind of like him though let's see grw versus Thor there is a major height difference which is weird because Gru is approximately 14 ft tall okay I guess they don't want to fight each other let's just see grw fight Buzz Lightyear it looks like guu is summoning his minions although I don't think this is how they look let's spawn an army of Gros now let's see them kill a Buzz Lightyear I love seeing all the spikes come out of the ground let's see them fight a bunch of Buzz lightyears oh my God that was the loudest sound in the game wait some of them managed to get away oh no watch out for the Vex never mind he's retreating all right I give GW a 9 out of 10 I think he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a witch translating and we got purple for this one I'm going to make Waluigi let's delete all this stuff and we'll color his shirt purple now let's color his head and we'll give him some big white teeth now let's add his mustache and we'll give him a couple of eyes next let's draw his eyebrows and we'll extend his big nose out and we'll color it pink now let's add his pointy chin and next we'll add his hat and we'll put the upside down L on top now let's color his hands and we'll add his overalls now finally We'll add his orange shoes and that looks good let's see it in game oh wow that actually looks pretty accurate why is a chunk of the Hat missing every time the mob has a hat let's spawn an army of Waluigi and let's see if they can take down blue I don't think they're fighting back I thought Waluigi was supposed to be a bad Luigi but he won't even fight never mind this one poisoned him and he also poisoned himself it looks like blue wins this fight it took the poison like 30 seconds to damage him all right I give Waluigi an 8 out of 10 his face is kind of scary it's time for the next mob the next mob is a drowned what will we get and we got Trooper for this one I think I'll make a stormtrooper let's color the body fully white and we'll add the black eyes and we'll also put some gray spots on the head and we'll also add some lighter gray Parts underneath next let's color his shoulders black and we'll do the same for his hands and other parts of his body and we'll add a few more details and I think we're done let's see it in game okay he doesn't look bad oh I didn't know drowns could burn that's better let's see a baby stormtrooper I think the baby looks a lot better than the big one of course we have to spawn an army of Stormtroopers oh he's got a trident I wonder how good his aim is with that thing oh this one has a fishing rod that is the least intimidating weapon Stormtroopers versus Buzz Lightyear yep he's hitting the other Stormtroopers with the trient oh the babies are getting close oh no Buzz Lightyear is stuck why is this guy holding a shell these guys choose CH really bad weapons all right I give the Stormtrooper an 8 out of 10 he turned out how I expected it's time for the next mob the next mob is a rabbit translate and we got bug I think for this one I'll make bug's bunny let's color his body gray and we'll change the shape of his head a bit now let's make his ears a bit bigger and we'll color the bottom of his head white and we'll do the same to his hands and we'll color his belly white as well now let's color his ears and we'll give him a couple of eyes with little black pupils now let's extend his front teeth out a bit and we'll draw some little whiskers on the side and that looks pretty good let's see it in game why are his eyes crooked I really don't know how that happens honestly he's way too small to be Bugs Bunny anyway let's see what the baby looks like honestly the baby looks better let's give Bugs Bunny a carrot okay it's not possible good baby Bugs Bunny cannot stop eating carrots what are you looking at you don't get anymore I wonder if Bugs Bunny likes golden carrots yep he also likes golden carrots what about rabbit stew he's not a fan let's spot a bunch of Bugs Bunnies and let's watch them all chase me you don't get carrots go away all right I give bug's bunny a 7 out of 10 because he was broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translating and we got scared for this one I'm going to make Shaggy let's make his head smaller and we'll give him a neck next let's color his shirt green and we'll color in his arms as well now let's make his legs a little bigger and we'll give him red pants now let's color his neck and we'll extend his hair out a bit now let's give him a couple of eyes and we'll add some eyebrows on top now let's extend his nose out a bit and we'll give him a little smile now finally let's give him a couple of shoes and that looks good let's see him in game yep the texture is messed up like always and honestly this doesn't even really look like Shaggy Shaggy versus Scooby I'm pretty sure they don't fight this is weird run Shaggy oh God maybe he'll calm down for a Scooby Snack nope rip Shaggy let's spawn a Shaggy Army now let's see them fight a wolf come on there's so many of you and you're still running oh it looks like the wolf wants Bugs Bunny instead all right I give Shaggy a 5 out of 10 he was very broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is an axel what will we get and we got lost for this one I think I'm going to make Dory let's delete the legs and we'll change the shape of her body and head now let's color her body blue and we'll color in her fins now let's color this thing blue and we'll color her tail thing black and yellow now let's add some black spots on her body and we'll give her a couple of eyes and we'll make her eyes purple now finally let's give her a little smile and I think we're done let's see it in game that doesn't look bad at least it looks better than when I made Nemo let's spawn one underwater instead I don't know why the fins are floating I'm pretty sure Dory is already in the game oh Dory is a cannibal I guess and Dory literally only ate the impostor let's catch Dory in a bucket wait this is how Finding Dory begins I'm sorry Dory swim back to the ocean Dory is not taking my advice let's Spa an army of dory's oh yeah I forgot they would eat all the fish whatever Dory looks better anyways Dory is literally swimming on air all right I give Dory a 7 out of 10 she could have looked better it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translate and we got salamander for this one I think I'm going to make Charmander let's delete his back legs and we'll change his body shape a bit now let's make his mouth look open and we'll color the back of his mouth pink now let's give him some eyes and we'll give him a couple nostrils as well now let's add a couple of teeth and we'll add his belly patch now let's give him some arms and we'll add his tail now let's put the flame on top of his tail and finally we'll give him some tiny eyebrows okay that looks kind of weird let's see it in game okay this just doesn't look like Charmander I think this is the Digimon version honestly he looks kind of like the car insurance guy and of course the texture is broken in random places let's see a baby Charmander I don't know why I always try to spawn a baby creeper let's spawn a Charmander Army now let's see if Charmander can defeat an enemy Squirtle wow this fight is amazing Pokeball test nope let's see the supercharge Charmander how is he burning he's literally a fire Pokémon this is probably the best the charge has looked on any custom creeper Charmander use self-destruct oh no he killed the other Charged Creeper wait that dropped a creeper head though all right I give char chander is 6 out of 10 he looks kind of strange it's time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translate and we got Turtle for this one I think we'll make Bowser let's extend out his body and we'll shrink his arms now let's color his body yellow and we'll add his mouth next let's color his head green and we'll give him some eyes next let's add his nose and we'll color the inside of his mouth now let's give him some teeth and we'll add his horns on the side of his head now let's add his hair and we'll color in his belly next let's add his shell and we'll put the spikes on his shell now we'll add a bit more detail and I think we're done let's see him in game okay I think he actually looks really good ignore the low effort spikes on his back but other than that he definitely looks like Bowser let's spawn more Bowsers let's see the Bowser army versus a bunch of zombies oh no this Bowser is getting targeted okay that was too easy what about Bowser army versus the warden dang they're not even letting the warden move oh no one of the Bowsers died the zombie is trying to help him okay they beat the warden as well let me just fix you guys up a bit all right I'm going to give Bowser a 9 out of 10 I think he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a pig translating and we got King for this one I'm going to make King DDD let's shrink his body and we'll move his head now let's Color Him blue and we'll color his feet yellow now let's add his beak and we'll give him some eyes next let's color his mouth and we'll add his shirt thing around his body now let's add his coat and next let's give him some arms and we'll make his hammer now let's add his hat and finally let's add the white part on the back and I I think that looks good let's see it in game I can't believe that this is a pig it looks so different I honestly think this one turned out really good let's see a baby DDD okay what is with baby pigs and floating heads we'll just pretend that baby pigs don't exist let's spawn an army of King ddds okay we have to get rid of the babies and now let's ride a king DDD this is really weird I love how the other ones are just following me as well I think they are trying to kill me with the Mallet guys relax I'm one of you all right I give King DDD an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a warden what will we get and we got figure for this one we have to make figure from Roblox doors let's make his body smaller and we'll make his legs longer and we'll do the same on his arms now let's make his head smaller and we'll color him a brownish color now let's make the circle on his head and we'll make the outside a bit more circular now let's give him some teeth and we'll color the back a bit darker now let's add the bones on his chest and I think we're done let's see him in game okay that actually looks really good we'll just ignore that his legs look really weird when he walks but other than that he looks good let's go find figure in the deep dark usually it's seek rising out of the ground this is so weird let's spawn even more figures and now let's see if they can beat an army of Bowsers okay there's way too many of them they are destroying the Bowsers oh at least the Bowsers killed one of them let's get chased by the figure Army okay this is way scarier than the warden yeah I literally had no chance all right I'm going to give figure a 9 out of 10 he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Strider translate and we just got G I guess we'll make G from alphabet lore let's delete this stuff and we'll make him into a little rectangle now let's Color Him purplish and we'll extend this part out and now let's add this part and we'll add a longer part on the back now let's rotate it in the middle like this and we'll add his eyes now let's give him a mouth okay this doesn't look too bad let's see it in game okay why is he flying honestly I don't even think he looks that bad while he's flying so we'll just pretend that this was intentional what about a baby g yep he's still flying this is so weird let's go find G in the nether okay he's still flying in the nether that's interesting let's ride a g yeah this is definitely non normal let's spawn an army of G's oh and there's even some G's with Pigmen on top follow me G Army at least the babies don't really look like they're flying anymore all right I'm going to give g a 7 out of 10 he wasn't supposed to fly it's time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translating and we got Ray for this one I I think I'm going to make Man Ray let's make his legs bigger and we'll do the same for his arms now let's shrink his head and we'll color his head blue now let's color his body red next let's give him some eyes and a mouth and now we'll add the things on top of his head and we'll add his neck and let's extend it out on the sides like this and I'm actually going to change his eyes now let's give him his underwear and we'll add the lock on his belt now let's give him some gloves and finally We'll add his shoes all right I think that looks pretty good let's see him in game okay this actually looks pretty good I don't think his head is supposed to move like that though let's spawn a baby Man Ray why do I keep thinking there's baby skeletons let's spawn more man rays and let's see if they can defeat Bowser yeah they're all shooting each other at least Bowser is taking some damage I think it's still possible for them to win and they actually did it okay they're still fighting each other all right I give Man Ray a 9 out of 10 I think he turned out really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what we get and we got long for this one I'm going to make furb cuz he has a long head let's make his arms smaller and we'll extend his head out a ton now let's color his head in and we'll give him purple pants and let's color his shirt as well now let's add his nose and we'll give him some eyes next let's add his ears and we'll give him some green hair now let's draw his shirt and we'll add his belt now finally we'll give him some shoes and we're done let's see furb in game oh he has a flag okay he doesn't look that bad but I don't remember furb being hostile why is he aiming a bow at me let's spawn an army of furbs okay guys chill stop aiming at me now let's see if the furb Army can beat Bowser if the man ra could do it then the furb Army should have no problem okay Bowser is already kind of low I'm sorry Bowser yeah they did way better than the man Rays now let's see if I can beat the furb Army I actually might be able to they can't hit me oh one of them actually died they're actually all killing each other okay I'm dead they started hitting me all right I'm going to give furb a 7 out of 10 he doesn't look too bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a cow translate and we got pig that's weird for this one I think I'll make Peppa Pig let's make her body super flat and we'll move her head and flatten it now let's make her Body Curve up and we'll color in her shirt now let's color her head and we'll move her ears now let's add her nose and let's give her some eyes and we'll draw her mouth underneath now let's outline her face and we'll also outline her shirt and now let's add her shoes and we'll give her some arms now finally let's draw her tail and I think that looks good let's see it in game okay this looks really strange I think it's the fact that she's supposed to be 2D in a 3D game also her head moves really weird and so do her feet okay let's spawn a baby Peppa at least it doesn't have a floating head like the pigs but it still looks cursed let's spawn an army of peppas I wonder if I can get them to follow me okay this is really weird I love how her arms just don't move but the rest of her body does get out of here sheep all right I'm going to give Pepa Pig a five out of 10 she does not look good in Minecraft it's time for the next mob the next mob is a villager translating and we got smart for the for this one I think I'm going to make mega mind let's add a lower part on his head and we'll color his head blue now let's color his body black and we'll give him some eyes and a mouth and we'll add his nose now let's add some blue parts to his shirt and we'll give him a cape now let's add the cape around his neck and finally We'll add his shoes and I think we're done let's see him in game okay there's definitely something wrong with his arms I've never seen this happen before this is so weird but other than that I don't think he looks that bad he kind of reminds me of when I made Squidward let's want a baby mega mind a I was hoping his head would be really big let's find a mega mind Village and here we have a bunch of Mega mins and Bowser in their natural habitat let's see if Megamind can beat Ferb oh wait Bowser is helping him that's not fair all right now this is a fair fight well I don't know about Fair mega mind has no weapons but maybe he can beat him with his massive brain okay it doesn't look like it all right I'm going to give mega mind a 7 out of 10 his arms are broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper what will we get and we got pie for this one I'll make Pac-Man cuz he's shaped like a pie let's remove his body and we'll move his head down now let's make his mouth open and we'll color his head yellow now let's add his mouth and we'll color his mouth black next let's add his eyes and we'll give him a big nose now let's give him some shoes and we'll add his arms and finally let's color his hands all right I think that looks good let's see him in game okay this looks interesting I don't think his arms look that good cuz they're frozen and he doesn't really look like Pac-Man cuz he isn't a circle but the there are no circles in Minecraft so that's fine let's see a supercharged Pac-Man oh no he's going to burn all right this just doesn't fit him at all let's spawn an army of Pac-Mans and let's see if they can defeat this cat nope they're all running away I guess this cat is the same thing as a ghost I wonder what Pac-Man looks like when he explodes is he supposed to be able to do that all right I'm going to give Pac-Man a 6 out of 10 I didn't really like him it's time for the next mob the next mob is a salmon translate and we got karp for this one I'm going to make Magikarp let's make his body smaller and we'll Color Him orange now let's color in his fins and we'll color his back fin white now let's give him some eyes and we'll color in his mouth next let's add his whiskers and we'll give him a few fins on the side and that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay I should probably spawn him in water honestly I'm surprised with how this turned out he looks really good I'm not sure why I translated a salmon though let's spawn a Magikarp Army is there a baby salmon no there isn't I wonder if these guys will fight Axel no but the Axel will fight them let's try to grow him into a Gyarados okay this isn't working I guess Magikarp is boring in Minecraft as well I almost forgot the Pokeball test this doesn't even make sense how am I throwing snowballs in water all right I'm going to give Magikarp an 8 out of 10 he looks good but he's boring it's time for the next mob the next mob is a hoglin translating and we got dinosaur for this one I think I'll make Rex from Toy Story let's delete all this stuff and we'll remove his back legs now let's Color Him green and we'll give him a neck now let's make his mouth look like it's open and we'll color his mouth black next let's give him some teeth and we'll give him some eyes and some nostrils now let's add his tiny arms and we'll color his belly now finally let's add his tail and I think that looks fine let's see him in game okay why is he shaking oh yeah I have to go to the nether that's better okay his head is definitely not connected to his neck but honestly he could have looked worse let's see a baby Rex okay the head problem is even worse let's spawn an army of rexes and now let's see if they can beat Bowser okay they aren't fighting him never mind they're fighting him now okay I think I spawned a few too many for Bowser to have a chance what about Rex army versus figure oh my God they're surrounding him okay the Rex Army couldn't beat figure but it was actually close all right I'm going to give Rex a 6 out of 10 he's a little bit broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie what will we get and we got bear for this one I'm going to make Yogi Bear Let's Color Him fully Brown and we'll change the shape of his head now let's extend out his mouth and we'll give him a a nose now let's add his eyes and we'll give him a mouth next let's add his ears and we'll give him a green hat now let's add his tie and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay this doesn't look that bad let's see a baby Yogi Bear this could be boo boo let's spawn an army of Yogi Bears now let's see if they can beat Bowser I've put Bowser against way too many armies I feel bad and it looks like the Yogi Bears are going to win yeah that was too easy for the Yogi Bears now let's see if the Yogi Bears can kill mega mind oh mega mind has desert cloth on I don't think they're going to be able to catch him yeah mega mind is just too fast wait no don't go back that wasn't very smart of mega mind all right I'm going to give Yogi Bear an 8 out of 10 he doesn't look bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a frog translate and we got purple for this one I'm going to make the purple rainbow friend let's delete all this stuff and we'll change the shape of his body now let's color in purple and we'll make his weird looking legs now let's give him some toes and we'll copy that to the other side next let's add his arms and and we'll give him a few fingers now let's extend out his head and we'll make it a little bit round now finally let's give him some eyes and we'll add some black pupils inside okay I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game out of all the mobs to break somehow this one isn't broken surprisingly I think he looks really good okay these Vines need to get out of the way what about a baby purple oh yeah frogs don't have babies let's see purple eat the Slime never mind he's not hungry oh never mind he just attacked him he looks so weird when he's swimming let's spawn an army of purples wow purple jumps so high the noise they make is really interesting let's see if purple can take down orange okay I don't think purple knows how to fight let's spawn a bunch of slimes okay they're all too big I love how there's no animation the Slime just travels to their mouth all right I'm going to give purple a 10 out of 10 I thought he looked really funny it's time for the next mob the next mob is a fox what will we get and we got crash for this one I'm going to make Crash Bandicoot let's Color Him lighter Orange and we'll extend his ears out a bit now let's add his teeth and we'll give him a little nose now let's color his neck area lighter orange and we'll extend this down to his belly now let's give him a couple eyes and we'll add his eyebrows next let's draw his pants and we'll give him some shoes and now let's add his gloves and finally we'll give him some hair all right that doesn't look too bad let's see him in game oh that's not right okay that doesn't look too bad I honestly can't tell if this looks good or not actually why is he going in the water let's see a baby crash oh my God his head is so big come on sit down down I know you want to okay never mind I guess he wants to kill these chickens oh he's trying to trickshot them I wonder what he looks like with speed to oh he's sitting now yo he is so fast with speed too let's spawn a Crash Bandicoot Army and let's see them all try to kill this chicken they're so confused they have no idea how to get up let's help them out oh my God they all jumped at the same time all right I give Crash Bandicoot an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a b translating and we got I for this one I think I'll make eyes from Roblox doors let's delete all this and we'll completely change his shape now let's color it dark purple and we'll make the body circular now let's extend it out a bit on the sides and we'll draw his eyes and we'll make a bunch of different color pupils now let's extend out the sides a bit more and that doesn't actually look that bad let's see it in game okay why is this thing chasing me I don't know what to say about this one it looks kind of scary let's spawn a baby eyes okay that's not as bad let's spawn an army of eyes it looks kind of like an army of viruses let's see if the eyes Army can kill me they're just slowly chasing me this is so weird guys I'm sorry I didn't mean it it looks like an army of futuristic security drones oh no I'm getting hit all right I'm going to give eyes an 8 out of 10 it looks really weird it's time for the next mob the next mob is a piglin translate and we got link for this one I'm going to make link let's color his shirt green and we'll color his pants white now let's color his head and we'll color his arms next let's give him some hair and we'll add his eyes now let's add his mouth and we'll give him a nose next let's add his hat and we'll give him a belt now let's extend his shirt over his legs and finally we'll add some shoes all right that looks kind of weird let's see it in game okay he looks all right I don't really think his face turned out that good honestly let's go find him in the nether okay yeah this looks really bad what about baby link yeah that's not much better let's spawn an army of links wait why are they all running away oh I think they're scared of the zombie piglin at least they look a bit better with swords let's get chased by the link Army okay they're all killing each other oh my God there's so much fire over here now all the links are burning all right I'm going to give link a four out of 10 he doesn't look that good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a villager translate and we got squirrel for this one I think I'm going to make Sandy from SpongeBob let's color her body white and we'll make her head smaller next let's extend out her cheeks and we'll color her head now let's give her some eyes and we'll add her mouth next let's draw her squirrel teeth and we'll give her a nose next let's add her her ears and we'll add her helmet now let's draw the flower on her helmet and we'll draw the acorn on her shirt now let's give her a tail and finally will'll add her shoes all right I think that looks good let's see it in game honestly that looks pretty good I'm surprised nothing went wrong her helmet is a little small but honestly she looks really good let's see a baby Sandy definitely a better size for a squirrel let's spawn an army of sandies and let's see if they can beat a zombie villager I don't think Sandy really wants to fight it even though they ran away the s's still won the fight let's bring Sandy to her home underwater wait how is she drowning she has her helmet on I guess squirrels don't belong underwater all right I'm going to give Sandy a 9 out of 10 she turned out really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translating and we got egg for this one I'm going to make Dr Eggman let's extend out his body and we'll make his legs a bit smaller now let's color his shirt red and we'll color his pants black now let's color in his head and we'll give him some eyes and a mouth and a nose now let's add his mustache and we'll add the goggles on his forehead now let's give him some gloves and we'll add some extra details to his shirt now let's extend his shirt down a bit and finally We'll add his shoes all right I think we're done let's see him in game honestly he turned out really good nothing is broken on him too what is going on Dr Eggman versus Tails who will win okay I don't think they fight let's see if Dr Eggman can stop this zombie from eating Sandy okay that was too fast now let's see if Dr Dr Eggman is strong enough to beat the warden okay Dr Eggman isn't that strong let's spawn an army of Dr eggman's now let's see if this Army can beat the warden okay they're pushing him in the water dang the warden is going crazy okay the warden just forgot how to hit them all right I'm going to give Doctor Eggman a 9 out of 10 I think he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a pig what will we get and we got alien for this one I think I'll make the alien from Toy Story let's shrink his body and we'll remove his back legs now now let's move his head and we'll color his body blue now let's color his head green and we'll give him three eyes now let's add his mouth and we'll give him some ears and we'll also add the thing on his head now let's draw his belt and we'll add the logo on his shirt next let's give him some arms and we'll add his fingers now finally We'll add his shoes all right I think that looks good let's see it in game okay surprisingly this actually worked his body is a little bit glitchy but I think he turned out really good now let's see if the baby is broken okay we'll just pretend that this doesn't exist like why is his head floating let's spawn an army of aliens and now let's see them chase me this is kind of scary they're moving fast what if I give them speed too oh my God they're way too fast I'm going to get abducted this is way too cursed Mojang please never add this to be fair I don't know why they would all right I'm going to give the alien a 10 out of 10 he was really funny it's time for the next mob the next mob is a frog translate and we got alphabet for this one I think I'm going to make F from alphabet lore let's let remove all this stuff and we'll drag this up now let's color in black and we'll add another line facing horizontal now let's copy this down and we'll give him some teeth now it's at his eye and we'll rotate his other eye now I think I'm going to make his eyelids a bit bigger and I think we're done let's see this in game okay that actually looks kind of good he doesn't even look too bad when he's moving even his jumping doesn't look that bad let's see if F can swim oh he's swimming fast let's watch F eat the Slime okay he trickshotted him now let's spawn an army of f they all keep jumping now let's spawn more slimes and watch them eat them why does it always spawn big slimes okay it doesn't look that cool when they eat them all right I'm going to give f a 10 out of 10 he turned out really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a gas translating and we got door for this one I'll make ambush from Roblox doors let's remove all the legs and we'll shrink down his body now let's shape his body a little bit and we'll Color Him white and we'll give him some eyes and a mouth next we'll add his teeth and we'll add some green spots to his face now we'll color the bottom of him darker green and I think that looks good let's see it in game okay he's a lot bigger than I thought oh my God this is scary he keeps coming towards me let's go find ambush in the nether okay I don't see any ambushes flying around in here honestly I think this is better than the actual ghast let's spawn a baby Ambush okay why did I think there's a baby ghast let's spawn an army of ambushes okay this is way too many if I saw this I would never go to the nether again let's try to fight the Ambush Army oh I actually killed one okay I'm literally just stuck in this cave all right I'm going to give Ambush a 9 out of 10 he was very scary it's time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton what will we get and we got adventure for this one I'm going to make Finn from Adventure Time let's shrink his head and we'll color it white now let's color his shirt blue and we'll color his legs darker blue next let's draw his face and we'll give him some eyes and a little smile now let's add his ears and we'll color his arms next let's color his legs as well and we'll give him some shoes shoes now let's add his backpack and we'll color it green and finally let's add some straps and I think we're done let's see him in game oh we spawned in an amethyst cave honestly this actually looks pretty good somehow I'm pretty sure there still hasn't been a broken mob this entire video Let's spawn an army of fins okay I can't take him seriously with the bow he just doesn't look hostile let's see if the Finn Army can beat Dr Eggman of course they're all shooting each other okay Dr Eggman is taking some damage but will it be enough to kill him the Finn Army actually won I guess I underestimated their bow skills all right I'm going to give Finn a 9 out of 10 he turned out pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a silverfish translate and we got mushroom for this one I think I'll make a glomba let's delete all this stuff and we'll give him a few legs now let's color his legs Brown and we'll color his stem a lighter brown now let's add his head and we'll make it curve up a little bit now let's give him some eyes and we will add his Angry Eyebrows next let's give him a mouth and finally We'll add a few teeth teeth all right I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game wait where did he go oh yeah silverfish like to go into the stone okay he doesn't look too bad he doesn't really have a walking animation but I guess that's okay I think he really likes this wall I'm trying to stomp on him but it's not working this must be a special glomba let's spawn an army of goombas Mario better watch out this is a lot of goombas let's see if they can defeat Dr Eggman cuz that's the closest thing we have to Mario it's not looking like they have any chance of winning although this one is really good at running wait how did he kill him from there yeah Goomba is probably not the strongest Minecraft mob all right I'm going to give Goomba an 8 out of 10 he doesn't look that bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Strider translating and we got red for this one I'm going to make the red rainbow friend let's remove his hair and we'll shrink his body now let's make him a bit shorter and we'll give him some arms next let's color his body white and we'll color his pants black now let's give him a head and we'll color his head red next let's make his head a bit round and we'll give give him some eyes and let's color his pupil's black now let's draw the shirt under his lap coat and we'll add his tie now let's give him some hands and finally we'll give him a couple shoes and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay something is definitely wrong with his legs but other than that I think he looks good oh God why does it take so long for his legs to turn let's go to the Nether and here we have a red walking on some lava okay seriously what happened to his legs it's like they're backwards or something I mean now they're on the right side but some somehow that made it worse okay that's close enough we're just going to ignore that let's ride a red wait this is the wrong fishing rod okay this looks weird like it usually does let's see a baby red okay baby red just has no legs let's spawn an army of Reds okay Red Army follow me isn't this weird because red is supposed to tell me what to do all right I'm going to give red an 8 out of 10 he looked pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Vindicator what we get and we got Fighter for this one I think I'll make Goku let's color his body orange and we'll color his head now let's give him a mouth and some eyes next let's add his nose and we'll extend his hair out on the sides and we'll do the same on the top now let's color the neck of his shirt blue and we'll also add his belt now let's color his arms and we'll draw the symbol on his chest next let's add a bit more details to his arms and finally we'll give him some shoes all right that doesn't look too bad let's see it in game okay that is definitely not what we want like seriously how does this even happen Okay that looks a lot better well I don't know about better his face looks kind of weird let's see if Goku can catch Sandy dang Sandy is really fast oh he finally got her I was about to give up let's spawn an army of Goku and now let's see if they can beat Dr Eggman okay Goku is way too powerful Dr Eggman had no chance all right I'm going to give Goku a 7 out of 10 he could have looked better it's time for the next mob the next mob is the Ender Dragon translate and we got fire for this one I'm going to make Charizard let's color his body fully orange and and we'll turn these spikes into his ears now let's color his head orange and we'll make his mouth light red now let's give him some teeth and we'll also add his eyes next let's color the sides of his wings orange and we'll make these gray Parts Orange as well and we'll make the black Parts dark Aqua now let's color his belly lighter orange and we'll add his tail now let's color the bottom of his tail and finally We'll add some fire to the end of his tail all right I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay that actually looks pretty good although I have no idea why he has two tails he didn't even have have a tail and block bench also his neck looks different as well that's so weird let's see if we can catch Charizard in a Pokeball all right it's not working Charizard is probably more of a master ball type anyway okay Charizard is perching just imagine he's breathing fire right now all right I'm going to give Charizard an 8 out of 10 I think he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is the warden translating and we got seek for this one I think we have to make seek from Roblox doors let's remove all this stuff and we'll make his body smaller now let's also shrink his legs and will make his arms smaller as well now let's shrink his head and we Color Him fully black now let's draw his eye and we'll expand his face out on the side a little bit finally let's add some red spots on his body and we'll put a few on his legs all right that looks good let's see it in game we'll just act like I didn't forget to texture the bottom of the head honestly I think this looks pretty good I think his proportions are kind of off though y why is he attacking the Sheep what did the Sheep do let's find seek in the deep dark and of course we'll watch him emerge from the ground oh he's kind of stuck in a block this would be way more terrifying than the warden imagine you're walking around in a cave and then you see this thing chasing you let's spawn an army of seeks and let's see if they can defeat the Wither oh no they're already surrounding the Wither oh my God the Wither is getting launched yeah the Wither literally has no chance I don't think the Wither even killed one of them all right I'm going to give seek an 8 out of 10 he could have been better it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper what will we get and we got p penguin for this one I think I'm going to make one of the Penguins of Madagascar let's remove his head and back legs now let's make his body bigger and we'll color his body white now let's color his feet orange and we'll extend his head out a bit now let's color his sides and back black and we'll add a bit more detail on his head now let's give him some eyes and we'll extend out his beak now let's color his beak orange and we'll extend it out a bit more now let's give him some arms and we'll color his arms black and I think we're done let's see him in game okay he actually looks kind of good for some reason his face seems really accurate although I don't think penguins live in the jungle we should bring him somewhere colder this is much better let's spawn an army of penguins and of course we have to see a supercharged penguin how are you on fire with all the snow around you honestly you can barely even see the charge because of the snow let's blow up a penguin rip the bunny I wonder if the Penguins can beat a cat Okay the cat isn't even chasing them this is stupid all right I'm going to give the penguin an8 out of 10 I think he doesn't look that bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translate and we got Sasquatch for this one I think I'll make Chewbacca let's Color Him fully Brown and we'll extend out the bottom of his face a bit now let's add his eyes and we'll give him a nose and we'll add his mouth underneath now let's add the strap across his chest and we'll do the same on his back next let's make some parts of his body darker brown and we'll add some detail to his head all right I think that looks good let's see it in game all right something about him looks kind of weird I think his mouth looks more like a dog than anything although I'm pretty sure Chewbacca is part dog or something so I don't know let's spawn a baby Chewbacca okay I don't really like his big head let's spawn an army of chewbaca and let's see if they can beat seek okay I don't think the Chewbacca are fighting seek what about Chewbacca army versus Dr Eggman Dr Eggman is getting destroyed Dr Eggman was no match for the chewaka Army all right I'm going to give Chewbacca an8 out of 10 he doesn't look too bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a wolf translating and we got orange for this one I think I'm going to make the orange rainbow friend let's change the shape of his tail and we'll also make his body smaller now let's Color Him orange and we'll rotate his body next let's make his legs smaller and we'll finish his tail now let's give him some arms and let's make his mouth look like it's open next we'll color the inside of his mouth and we'll give him some teeth okay these are way too big that looks better now let's give him some eyes and finally we'll give him some fingers and toes all right that doesn't look too bad let's see it in game okay I'm not sure if you guys see the problem here that should be good enough okay his head definitely does not work though I guess wolves bend their head a lot let's spawn a baby orange it's the same thing with a bigger head let's try to tame orange yeah this is perfectly normal nothing is wrong here now he just has a big red square and his tail is broken let's spawn an army of oranges and let's see them take down a skeleton okay the skeleton got eaten in like 2 seconds come on orange take down the warden oh no that was fast all right I'm going to give orange a 6 out of 10 he was kind of cursed it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got cookie for this one I'm going to make cookie monster let's make his arms bigger and we'll also make his legs bigger now let's extend out his body and we'll Color Him fully blue now let's make his head a bit bigger and we'll make his mouth look like it's open now let's color the back of his mouth black and we'll give him some eyes now let's give him some feet and finally we'll give him some fingers all right I think that looks pretty good let's see him in game okay this doesn't look too bad he needs to put down the bow though I wonder if I can give him a cookie to make him stop it doesn't look like he's in rested in my cookies what if we give him a Sandy instead okay Cookie Monster's aim is really bad come on Cookie Monster you can do it okay that was a nice shot dang never mind Cookie Monster I'm sorry for disrespecting you let's spawn an army of Cookie Monsters now let's see if they can beat seek okay nobody wants to fight seek let's see if they can beat orange okay orange didn't even have a chance at least he killed one of them all right I'm going to give Cookie Monster a 7 out of 10 he was kind of boring it's time for the next mob the next mob is an Enderman translate and we got tree for this one I think I'll make Roo let's make his body a bit bigger and we'll do the same for his arms and his legs now let's color his body Brown and we'll change the shape of his head now let's color his head as well and we'll give him some eyes now let's give him a mouth and we'll add the branches to his head now let's add the branches on his shoulder and we'll give his body some green details and I think we're done let's see this in game okay this is one of the worst mobs of made yet he just literally has no detail okay he's stealing the grass block wait where is he going let's go find Groot in the end okay there's way too many groes in here I wonder what he looks like when he's angry okay it's just the usual floating head let's get chased by an army of groots I got to heal to full health first okay how are they already hitting me oh my God I'm almost dead Groot Army relax I'm sorry Charizard please help me okay they caught me all right I'm going to give Groot a 4 out of 10 he doesn't look that good in Minecraft is a horse translate and we got train for this one I think I'm going to make Cho Choo Charles let's remove all all this stuff and then we'll add a back part like this now let's color these pieces in and we'll add the circular Parts on the front now let's add his face and we'll give him a mouth and some eyes next let's add some detail on the side and we'll give him some legs like this and now let's add them on the other side next let's add his wheels and finally We'll add a few details on the top and I think we're done let's see it in game I'm not going to lie I expected him to be a lot bigger I wonder what baby choo choo Charles looks like he's kind of fast actually I was just hoping he was bigger this is kind of disappointing let's ride a choo choo Charles okay I think there's a problem it looks like I'm flying he's actually kind of fast though so this is cool let's spawn an army of Cho Cho Charles's now let's stack them never mind it won't let me stack them they keep kicking each other off I wonder if they'll fight each other nope it appears choo choo Charles doesn't fight choo choo Charles in Minecraft is kind of boring all right I'm going to give Choo Cho Charles a 7 out of 10 he looks good but he's really small it's time for the next mob the next mob is the warden translating and we got buff green for this one let's make the Hulk let's remove this stuff and we'll make him a little bit taller now let's shrink his head and we'll Color Him fully green next let's give him some purple shorts and we'll make them look ripped on the bottom next let's give him some neck muscles and we'll add his green hair now let's give him a mouth and we'll give him some eyes and a nose now finally let's add a little more detail and I think we're done let's see him in game okay he is really big our first mob was too small and now this one's too big okay he walks really weird too what is this also so his legs are missing texture but I'm not fixing that let's go find Hulk in the deep dark okay his head is kind of going everywhere that kind of looked weird I won't lie now let's see if the Hulk can beat a gorilla okay he literally one- shot him what about 10 gorillas versus the Hulk okay some of the big ones just aren't fighting yeah that was still too easy for the Hulk I guess I'm going to have to step in that did a lot of damage how did that not kill me okay the Hulk is too powerful all right I'm going to give the Hulk a 7 out of 10 his animations are broken it's time for the next mob the the next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got squid for this one I think I'll make Squidward let's make his legs smaller and we'll do the same for his arms now let's Color Him fully blue and we'll give him a head now let's add his smile and we'll rotate his nose next let's give him some eyes and we'll color in his shirt now let's add some details to his shirt and we'll give him some tentacles on his hand now let's add his tentacles on his legs and I think we're done let's see this in game what are these things I wonder if Squidward can kill them okay this is the weirdest fight of ever seen who will win like for Squidward and subscribe for the dinosaur things okay Squidward died that means you have to subscribe we never even really looked at Squidward but I think he looks good I'm not sure why the gray thing is attached to his nose though that looks better his legs look kind of weird when he walks but I guess that's fine let's spawn an army of Squidwards why do they always aim their bow at me in creative mode it's time for the Squidward Army to get revenge on the dinosaur thing okay what is the dinosaur doing now all the Squidwards are just shooting each other okay at least none of them died in a a 30 V1 all right I'm going to give Squidward a 9 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a chicken translate and we got tall duck for this one I think I'll make Daffy Duck let's rearrange his body parts and we'll make his body a little bit round now let's give him a neck and we'll add his head next let's give him a beak and we'll draw his eyes and we'll add some eyelids above that now let's add this white part on his neck and we'll rotate his left arm like this and now we'll rotate his right arm like this next let's color in his feet and I I think we're done let's see him in game okay his arms are completely messed up I'm not even going to try to fix that I don't know what's going on let's spawn a baby Daffy Duck not much better honestly he looks good if you ignore the arms though I guess let's spawn an army of Daffy Ducks I don't understand how their hand ended up all the way over here wait are these buffalos nope they're bison let's see if a Daffy Duck jockey can beat a bison I don't know if the Bison fights back I love how the baby is just following them around wait they killed the Bison honestly I didn't think the Daffy duck jockey would win what is he still shooting at all right I'm going to give Daffy Duck a 6 out of 10 he looks good but he's really broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is an Enderman translating and we got will for this one I'm going to make Killy willly let's make his legs bigger and we'll do the same for his arms now let's add the red thing on his chest and we'll give it some teeth next let's shape his head and we'll give him a mouth now let's add some teeth to his mouth and we'll give him an eye in the middle and now let's add some eyes on the outside next we'll give him some hand hands and finally let's give him some feet all right I think that looks good let's see it in game he actually looks pretty good of course I put both feet on the same side I think I'm going to turn off these particles they look kind of weird okay that makes them look a lot better let's see a Killy willly riding another Killy willly this is perfectly normal let's spawn an army of Killy Willies okay that's a lot of them all right I'm going to give Killy willly an8 out of 10 he looked pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem what will we get and we got chief for this one I I think I'm going to make Master Chief let's change the shape of his body and we'll color his body green next let's give him his mask and we'll color the outside green now let's add the Yellow Part on the inside and we'll add some gray details to his mask next let's put more details on his legs and we'll also add some to his arms now let's give him some feet and let's add some texture and I think we're done let's see him in game okay that doesn't look too bad I think this is the first time today there's been no problems okay never mind I messed up his shoulder let's spawn an army of Master Chiefs oh God that was almost bad now let's see if the master chief Army can beat a Squidward Army okay I kind of already knew they could I just wanted to see it happen what about the master chief army versus a Hulk Army I only spawned a few hulks to give them a chance okay maybe I spawned too many hulks it's not looking good yeah I'm not sure if any of the hulks even died all right I'm going to give Master Chief a 9 out of 10 he looked really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a cow translate and we got lion for this one I'll make Simba from The Lion King let's let's change the shape of his legs and we'll color his body orange I think we should remove his UTS next let's color in his head and we'll start giving him some hair and we'll extend his hair down a little bit like this next let's extend out his mouth and we'll add his nose now let's give him some eyes and some eyebrows and we'll also draw his mouth now let's give him some whiskers and we'll add his feet now finally let's give him a tail and I think that looks good let's see it in game okay that actually looks pretty good kind of weird how his head follows me though somehow I managed to make the cow look intimidating let's see a baby Simba I don't know if he's supposed to have all this hair as a baby but I think it's fine let's see if Simba can beat an actual lion never mind there aren't any lions in this mod I guess a tiger will do okay that was fast yo he's emoting on him if I was Simba I wouldn't take that personally let's spawn an army of simbas and now let's stack them on top of each other this is definitely interesting I wonder why you can't find this in vanilla Minecraft all right I'm going to give Simba a 9 out of 10 he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translating and we got blocks for this one let's make a Roblox character let's make his arm bigger and we'll color his legs in green now let's color his arms yellow and we'll color his shirt blue next let's make his head yellow and we'll make his head a little bit round now let's draw his mouth and we'll give him some eyes next let's Bend his arms a bit and we'll do the same for his legs and I think we're done let's see him in game okay we should probably make it nighttime I kind of forgot that his arms would be up like this this looks kind of weird but other than that he looks good I've added many things from Roblox to Minecraft but surprisingly this is my first time adding the Roblox Steve skin I wonder what the baby Roblox character looks like yeah his head is way too big let's delete this let's spawn an army of roblox's and now let's see if they can beat Master Chief okay there's no way Master Chief is winning this he's killing them so slowly Roblox is just too op now let's see if they can beat a rhinoceros okay the Rhino is ready he's going crazy on this guy yo he's fighting three at the same time since when did the drowns join the fight okay it appears they're stuck oh the roblox's are turning into drowns I was so confused okay this isn't working they won't leave the water all right I'm going to give the Roblox character a 7 out of 10 I don't really like his arms it's time for the next mob the next mob is a fox what will we get and we got space Fox for this one I think I'm going to make ratchet let's remove his front legs and we'll move his body to make him stand on two legs now let's color his shirt and we'll also color in his pants next let's give him a mouth and we'll color his head now let's give him some ears and we'll add his eyes and some eyebrows next let's give him his hat and we'll add his arms now let's give him some gloves and finally We'll add his shoes all right I think that looks good let's see it in game all right he doesn't look too bad never mind there's something wrong with his head okay what is this this is worse okay I fixed his head yo he's going crazy on Daffy Duck I think he's holding that chicken I honestly can't tell let's see if ratchet can take down a raccoon yo the raccoon is going kind of crazy okay ratchet won that somehow let's spawn a ratchet Army okay they need to stop doing this what is this now let's see if the ratchet Army can beat a raccoon Army okay I can only make them fight one single raccoon that sucks all right I'm going to give ratchet a 7 out of 10 he was kind of broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translate and we got toad for this one let's make Toad from Mario let's delete his back legs and we'll shrink his legs now let's make his body smaller and we'll color his shoes now let's color his pants and let's also color his body and his head now let's give him a mouth and some eyes and we'll add his hat now let's add his blue shirt and I think I'm going to change his mouth now let's add the circles on his hat and finally we'll give him some arms and I think that looks pretty good let's see him in game okay something is wrong with his legs of course something is wrong when isn't it okay that's fixed enough for me other than the foot problem he actually looks pretty good let's see a supercharged Toad the charge actually kind of fits him it's not bad let's see if a supercharged toad can one shot a crocodile okay I guess it can let's spawn an army of toads and let's see them fight an actual toad a really weird looking toad okay the toad had no chance he got one shot although all the other toads died too all right I'm going to give toad a 7 out of 10 he looks okay it's time for the next mob the next mob is a piglin translating and we got talking dog for this one I think I'll make Brian from Family Guy let's delete this stuff and we'll make him a bit shorter now let's Color Him fully white and we'll extend out his face now let's give him a nose and we'll add his ears next let's give him some eyes and we'll add his red collar now let's add the gold dog tag underneath and we'll give him some fingers and some feet now finally let's add his tail and I think we're done let's see him in game okay he doesn't look too bad not sure why he still has an ear though that looks a little bit better oh yeah we should go to the nether okay here is Brian in the nether wearing some really big pants let's give him some different drip instead that looks a lot better now he's ready for battle let's spawn an army of Brian oh yeah I forgot to look at the baby Brian he just looks weird now let's see if they can beat The Moth Man okay I'm not sure what the Moth Man is doing he's kind of just eating shots never mind he's going crazy now what is this attack wait he's going to win this okay he just retreated with three left all right I'm going to give Brian an8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a rabbit what will we get and we got Mouse for this one I think I'll make Jerry let's remove all this stuff and we'll extend his body up now let's Color Him Brown and we'll give him a new head now let's extend out his mouth area and we'll give him a mouth and a nose now let's add his eyes and we'll give him some ears next let's draw his whiskers and we'll color in his belly now finally let's give him some arms and that doesn't look too bad let's see it in game okay that doesn't look that bad I have no idea why he's sideways though also the way he's walking is kind of weird whatever this is fine I guess let's see a baby Jerry he's not much smaller somehow now let's see if Jerry can beat ratchet okay Jerry had no chance he died in 1 second maybe he just needs a body body guard okay what is going on I guess not even the bodyguards can save him let's spawn an army of Jerry's okay ratchet is still just killing them I'm just going to let it happen Jerry doesn't look that great anyway all right I'm going to give Jerry a 6 out of 10 he looks all right it's time for the next mob the next mob is a villager translate and we got arvar for this one let's make Arthur let's color his shirt yellow and we'll color his pants blue and we'll color in his hands now let's color in his head and we'll give him some ears next let's add his eyes and we'll give him a mouth and some nostrils now let's draws glasses and we'll give his shirt a white collar now let's give him some red shoes and I think we're done let's see him in game I found the Simba Tower and it's gotten significantly smaller anyways Arthur looks fine his face looks kind of goofy though let's see a baby Arthur I think he looks better when he's smaller let's watch Arthur get chased by Master Chief wait I forgot that Master Chief is the Iron Golem let's watch Arthur get chased by the Roblox character now Arthur could actually win because Roblox is going to burn all Arthur has to do is move which it doesn't look like he's doing okay Arthur just barely got away only to die to a tiger right after let's find an Arthur Village okay there's just no Arthurs in this Village I guess I have to spawn some of my own okay maybe that's too many for a village all right I'm going to give Arthur a 7 out of 10 he looks kind of weird it's time for the next mob the next mob is a witch translating and we got weekday for this one I'm going to make Wednesday Adams let's remove her hat and we'll change the shape of her head now let's add her hair and we'll give her some eyes and a mouth now let's make her arms and legs smaller and we'll color her shirt brown and let's also color her pants next let's add her braids and we'll give her a white collar now let's add her hands and we'll add the white spot on her dress now finally let's give her some shoes and I think we're done let's see her in game okay I think there's something wrong with her arms and also her feet okay that's much better I had to give her different arms but they honestly look better let's see if Wednesday can beat a whatever this thing is okay it doesn't look like they're able to fight because of this house let's just get rid of this okay this doesn't look fair for the flying worm I don't even think the flying thing was able to attack let's try Wednesday versus an elephant okay it looks like she somehow got the elephant stuck okay never mind she died but how could you expect her to beat this giant elephant let's spawn an army of Wednesdays now let's see if they can beat Master Chief okay I don't think they want to fight let's fix that okay now Master Chief is taking a lot of damage and the Wednesdays won that one easily all right I'm going to give Wednesday an 8 out of 10 she looks pretty good it's time for for the next mob the next mob is a Wither what will we get and we just got X for this one let's make alphabet lore letter X let's delete everything except one of the heads and we'll shrink it down like this now let's color it white and we'll rotate it in the shape of an X next let's add these purple things on the top and we'll give him some eyebrows and some eyes and we'll also add his mouth now finally let's add the purple things in the back and we'll give him some texture and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay he still has the Wither shape around him but other than that he looks pretty good good okay now he's just attacking these ratchets for no reason let's change that let's see if he can beat the void worm okay I have no idea what's going on right now this is kind of like a Pokémon battle I'm not sure if the void worm does anything though wait never mind what is he doing okay there's more void worms now what is going on I don't think X has any chance of beating this the void worm is too powerful yeah X is getting destroyed I guess the void worm is the most powerful mob it even makes these cool portals now let's see if the void worm can beat the Hulk I don't even think the Hulk has a chance cuz the void worm is flying never mind Hulk did a decent amount of damage okay the Hulk is kind of stuck now okay now there's actually more than one Hulk what happened they actually killed the void Worm but to be fair it took four hulks to do it all right I'm going to give x a 9 out of 10 he looked really good the next mob is a Strider translate and we got sponge for this one I'm going to make SpongeBob first I'll remove the hair now let's make his legs shorter and we'll make his body sponge shaped now let's color his body yellow now we'll add his pants and let's draw his white shirt now let's give him a red top tie now let's give him some arms now let's give him some eyes that looks good now we'll draw a smile and I'll give him two big teeth and now we'll give him a big yellow nose and we'll just add some black shoes and now we'll just fill in his socks and I'll give him his sponge holes okay that looks pretty good let's see him in game hold on I don't think that's right okay that looks a lot better he even has a baby SpongeBob on top look at all these SpongeBobs chilling in the lava kind of weird if you think of it let's ride a SpongeBob oh my God this looks so weird the other ones are following me too let's spawn a bunch of SpongeBobs wait this one has a Pigman on it what all the SpongeBobs are following me now I have an army look at how weird it looks when he walks in the lava all right I give SpongeBob a 9 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a ravager translating and we got buff green okay for this one I'm going to make the Hulk let's remove his ears and nose and now we'll Color Him fully green now let's draw his hair and we'll give him a smile now let's draw his eyes and we'll give him some green Pebbles now let's give him some Angry Eyebrows and that looks good now we have to add his shorts this is actually taking a long time now let's make his legs a bit smaller and we'll make the bottom of his shorts look ripped okay that looks good let's see it in game all right why do I keep messing this up there we go honestly this looks better than the actual Hulk let's find a village and start a raid and the raid is starting let's find the Incredible Hulk I didn't know the Hulk was a villain I don't think he even knows how to get up the mountain so I think the village is safe Hulk versus Iron Golem who wins what is going on with his head wait Iron Golem actually won what here you go buddy you deserve it just kidding I'm spawning more hulks wait this guy is going for the Villager chill than the Iron Golem actually almost won that I give Hulk an 8 out of 10 I think he turned out good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a parrot translate and we got fruit bird okay for this one I'm going to make two can Sam let's Color Him fully blue and we'll extend his beak out a lot now let's color his beak in yellow I'm actually going to change the color I think he's too bright now let's add all the colors to his beak and we'll draw him some eyes now we'll color the front of his belly white and I'll make his three tail feathers and we'll color this one purple this one red and this one yellow now let's finally make his feet Orange orange and I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game he actually turned out good hey 2K Sam what is so good about Froot Loops all right how do we tame one of these guys I think I have to give him a cookie oh that is not good I apologize to the original Toucan Sam he's doing the Froot Loop stance uh twocan Sam where did you go all right let's spawn an army of 2an Sams okay this is not a noise I wanted to hear I'm sorry it has to be done wait I accidentally killed the one I tamed oh well I'll just get a new one all right I give twocan Sam a 10 out of 10 I think he's really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a wither skeleton what will we get and we got puppet for this one I'm going to make Kermit the Frog we'll start by coloring him green next I'll change the shape of his head a bit now I'll make it look like his mouth is open okay we probably need to lower this a bit now let's give him his eyes and we'll draw the pupils next I will color in his mouth and let's make the outside a darker red now we'll put a ring around his neck and we'll extend the little things out a bit okay that looks good let's see him in game okay this guy actually looks pretty good I don't know what happened to his eye though but other than that he looks pretty solid I wonder what it looks like like getting chased by one of these oh God there's nowhere to run I'm actually going to die let's go to the nether fortress and here is some Kermit in their natural habitat now let's spawn a bunch more Kermit and now we'll see what it's like being chased by these guys wait why is the gas getting involved oh God this is a dead end why is this so scary Kermit is not supposed to be scary oh God we're in a play spawner wait Kermit stop oh no I'm being hit why did I choose to go this way all right I give Kermit a 9 out of 10 I think he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a witch translate and we just got yellow for this one I'm going to make Homer Simpson first I'll remove the hat and nose next I will change the shape of his head now we'll make the head yellow and we'll color in his mouth next I give him his nose and we'll give him some eyes now I'll make his mouth curve a little bit and we'll move his shirt up a bit next I'll color his pants in blue and I'll give him his white shirt and we'll color his arms in yellow now I'll fix the collar of his shirt and I'll give him some black shoes okay that turned out good let's see him in game that doesn't look too bad Okay I lied he looks very strange I also put both of his shoes on the same foot by accident I don't have any donuts but will he eat cake nope I don't think it's working let's spawn a homer Army that's pretty much all we can do Homer is kind of boring Homer army versus Iron Golem what will happen oh God he's destroying them come on Homer fight back no don't look at me you're not fighting me this is so sad rip homers finally one of them poisoned him all right let's bring the Hulk in for help not even the Hulk can stop him I give Homer a 6 out of 10 his fighting skills were not up to par it's time for the next mob the next mob is a cat what will we get and we got rocket for this one I'm going to make Meowth because is Team Rocket's cat first we'll Color Him in dark white and we'll make the bottom of his feet Brown and we'll do the same for the end of his tail next we'll make his ears a different shape I think those look pretty good next we'll add the hairs that stick out from his face and we'll put the thing on the top middle of his head as well and we'll give him a couple of eyes and a pink mouth okay I think we need to change a few things that looks better let's just add some teeth and we'll make his pupils a bit thinner okay that looks good let's see it in game that actually looks pretty decent and we'll spawn a baby that looks more like Meowth let's tame a Meowth Meowth dance as you know we have to do the Pokeball test it's still not working all right Meowth versus a creeper who wins dang the creeper is not even going to try time to spawn a Meowth Army and let's tame them all why is this one so hard to get that somehow gave us an advancement now we have a teleporting cat army fight the creeper guys all right I give me out the 7 out of 10 he turned out pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a horse translating and we got speed okay for this one I'm going to make Knuckles let's Color Him fully red now let's make his neck a bit smaller let's get of these ears and we color his face in now I'll give him a little black nose and I'll draw his blue eyes now I will put his smile on the front of his mouth and I'll give him a little bit of hair okay this kind of looks like a poodle now I'll draw his white collar and I'll give him his White Knuckles next I will give him a couple shoes and we'll color this part green now finally we just need to color in his tail okay that looks pretty good let's see him in game all right I figured something weird like this would happen floating knuckles I guess at least the babies have legs they look so weird because of the different horse types all right it's time to tame a flying Knuckles and now we have our own Knuckles yo this guy is kind of fast too wait can I make them all chase me with the golden apples n none of them can keep up I wonder how he looks with horse armor that somehow made him even worse at least he kind of has legs now all right I give Knuckles a one out of 10 so many things went wrong here it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Vex what will we get and we got green dinosaur for this one I think I'm going to make Yoshi let's separate his legs a little bit and we'll Color Him fully green now we'll extend his nose piece out and we'll give him a couple nostrils now let's draw some eyes and we'll make the side of his face white now let's add his mouth underneath and we'll make the front of his body white now let's give him some orange shoes and we'll just give him his dinosaur tail and we'll just color the bottom of it white now we can just add his red shell and we'll add the white outlines on the side now finally we can add the red spikes on his back okay that doesn't really look like Yoshi let's see it in game yo that actually looks kind of cool I have no idea where his other leg went though why does everyone's legs keep disappearing one-legged Yoshi is better than no-legged Yoshi actually it really isn't cuz he can fly let's spawn a bunch of Yoshis I really thought this would be scary but it looks kind of cool look how many of them are trying to get me Yoshis versus Iron Golem the Golem isn't so scary now never mind he was able to reach one of them are the Yoshi's even going to fight back what's up with all these mobs all right I give Yoshi a 6 out of 10 because his leg is broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a husk translate and we got scary bird I think for this one I'm going to do chica from Five Nights at Freddy's first we'll make her fully yellow next we'll give the legs the animatronic look and we'll copy that to the arms as well and we'll also add it to the body now let's add some fingers and we'll also add a thumb now we can color her feet in Orange and we'll extend them out a little bit like this now we'll add the beak let's color it orange and we'll give her some teeth this is already looking scary now we'll add her toughs of hair and now let's do the eyes that looks really weird and now we can finally add the bib with the let's eat text I know there's exclamation marks but I couldn't fit them okay this looks really scary let's see it in the game okay what happened to the arm all right now our problems are fixed this this definitely looks scary looks kind of like a cursed Big Bird I apologize to this villager I don't know why he's naked let's look at baby chica now oh no that's terrifying let's spawn an army of them oh God I don't like this yeah not so tough anymore oh no I give chica 7 out of 10 something about her face just looks weird time for the next mob the next mob is an Enderman what will we get and we got faceless suit so last time you guys wanted me to make Slenderman so this time I am going to make him let's color his head white first now I'll make the rest of his body dark black and now we can give him his tie that looks good next we'll add some hands let's copy that on the other side and now I'll give him some fingers and a thumb and we'll color his hands in white and now we can give him some shoes let's bring that over here and we'll color his shoes a dark gray now I can add the tentacle things on his back let's put one here and here and here that doesn't look too bad let's see it in game all right I had to get rid of the things on his back cuz they wouldn't work but I think he looks pretty good I definitely think Huggy wuggy was way scarier though yep he still extends his head at me let's go to the end oh my god dude this is crazy you don't want to no clip in here at night or anytime at all I don't remember this from the Slender game just do it guys I had to bring them to Slender's Forest I give Slenderman an 8 out of 10 I wish the things on his back worked it's time for the next mob the next mob is a pig let's translate and we got red plumber this is going to be weird but I am going to try to turn the pig into Mario we'll start by making him fully red now we'll make his legs blue and we'll add his overalls I'll put the yellow buttons here now we can color in his face I think we can leave his nose honestly and add some eyes Okay that looks weird I'm going to make the nose smaller and now he has new eyes which look way better and we'll give him a mustache and some hair on the sides and the top of course now we'll make his hat this looks really cursed at the moment it looks much better in red and now we'll draw the circle where we will put the M but first let's give him ears and we'll make his front legs red and add some gloves and we'll color in the boots on his back legs now we can finally draw the M on his hat honestly I kind of like it let's see it in game this is definitely cursed but he doesn't look too bad as a pig let's see him as a baby okay his head head is way too big oh no there's a bunch of goombas in the way no you're supposed to stomp on it I think my Marios are defective certainly you can't mess this one up there we go there's nothing down there but I mean oh God I give Pig Mario an 8 out of 10 I think he looks pretty good on to the next mob the next mob is the Ender Dragon translate and we got blue vehicle I know what I'm going to do I'm going to make the fortnite battle bus this is going to be interesting first we have to get rid of all of this perfect we're done now I'll extend this out a bit and we'll color it blue now we out of front and we'll give it some tires let's color these in black and we'll add yellow rims now let's start making the windows I wish I knew there's a shape tool sooner I was drawing these manually now we'll add some black stripes that looks pretty sick and now we'll put the lights on the front and we'll draw the grill now we have to add the balloon to the top I think that looks pretty good last thing we have to do is make sure it's connected to something and we'll color these in that looks good let's see it in game all right we have to go to the end for this one oh my God why does this actually look really good oh he's perching I like how it just flips upside down okay now we're idling oh now he's back to work where are we dropping don't forget to thank the bus driver he's been working hard I give the battle bus a 10 out of 10 this is honestly the best mob I've ever made okay Slenderman doesn't agree with me time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translate and we got chimpanzee all right I know exactly what I'm going to make I'm going to make Donkey Kong let's start by coloring him Brown and then we'll color in his chest that looks good now we'll add hands copy that over here and we'll make his arms slightly shorter now we'll give him fingers and a thumb now we can color his hands and fingers in that wasn't supposed to happen now we'll make his feet and we'll color these in as well now we can start to shape his face and give him some eyes underneath that next we can add a mouth that looks really good now we just give him some nostrils and add his ears and we'll give him his wavy hair on the top and finally we need to add a tie we'll color that fully red and now we just need to write DK on his tie that looks really good let's see it in the game yo this is kind of sick oh his tie is gone let's see him fight some zombies oh no here we go good as new let's find a jungle now they're in their natural habitat I wish I could spawn a baby one like Diddy Kong oh they're dying they can't get in rip skeleton all right I give Donkey Kong a 9 out of 10 he looks really good time for the next mob the next mob is a panda what do we get and we got lazy this is perfect we can turn the panda into Snorlax let's Color Him in greenish blue first now we'll change the shape of his ears let's make his face whitish and we'll do the same for his belly now we can add his sleeping eyes and we'll give him a smile with a couple of teeth now we can color his legs the same color as his face and we'll add little brown circles to them as well and now finally we can give him some Claws and we'll color them white I think that looks decent let's see it in the game yo that actually looks pretty cool and baby Snorlax yo he's doing a roll ignore the missing texture on his head let's give them some bamboo apparently the small ones don't eat it I don't know what you're talking but the head is fine I'm pretty sure Snorlax is supposed to be sleeping we have to do a Pokeball test nope all right I give Snorlax an out of 10 it would be a 10 if he could sleep time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what we get and we got money challenge I think for this one I am going to make Ryan tryan first we'll color in his skin we probably want to get rid of this now I will give him a neck and now we can give him his white shirt and we'll add his shorts as well let's color these in and we'll make his arms a bit shorter actually never mind let's give him some fingers and some thumbs and now we'll make his eyes I'm not sure if they are blue or green so I am going to make them green now we'll give them some eyebrows and some hair now let's give him a mouth and a nose I don't like this mouth now we need to make his hair look a bit better okay that looks good and now we'll make him holding a penny that's a big Penny and let's give him a mouth again okay let's see this in game W Ryan Put the gun down okay why do I keep messing the textures up there we go oh Ryan don't shoot the penny at me okay this really doesn't look like Ryan I don't know if his eyes are green I think it's time for the great reset I don't think that's how it works oh no he's going on a rampage this man is wiping out the entire Outpost I'm going to give Ryan a 7 out of 10 it doesn't really look like him time for the next mob the next mob is an laay generating text okay it says rich man and some other stuff that we'll just ignore for this one I'm going to make Mr Krabs first we'll delete these now we'll make his body bigger and we'll give him his pants now let's add his legs and we'll color his arms red now we can shrink his head and color it in and we'll give him some eyes and we'll make them kind of green now we'll make his face a little bit round and we'll draw his smile and now we can add his shirt collar and his sleeves and finally we will draw his belt I think that looks good let's SE it in game oh my God I don't know what happened to his arms but other than that he looks good okay his head is also messed up too this must be with the tooth fairy looks like all right Mr Krabs bring me some money I never thought I'd see Mr Krabs giving away money oh my God Mr Krabs what are you in for don't worry I'll break you guys out and these guys too everybody's locked up not you though sorry buddy I'm off to find the Crusty Crab I mean this is probably good enough and Squidward's here already this is perfect all right Mr Krabs let's get this money I like how he just glows underwater all right I give Mr Krabs a 7 out of 10 mainly because his model is very broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a spider what will we get okay I don't really know what a spider demon is but mommy long legs is a scary spider so I think that's close enough let's delete these legs and we'll shrink some of the body parts now we'll color this in pink and we'll rotate the legs now we'll add another part to the legs and we'll color your legs in pink now it's said the blue before her feet and we'll add her feet now let's start making her hair and we'll make it curl down like this that should be good enough enough now we can add the blue hair tie and we'll start drawing her eyes and we'll give her some eyelashes now we can draw her big mouth and we will put her lips on top and now I'll just draw a little spiral in her hair all right that looks pretty good let's see it in game all right that somehow worked better than I expected I mean the spider's eyes are still there but other than that all right that looks much better I'm actually pretty happy with how this turned out in game I thought for sure something was going to break Mommy Long Legs versus a wolf okay that was pretty stupid but I had nothing else to put her against mommy longlegs Army oh my God why are they dying what is this one doing yo this one's doing it too what is this emote called all right I'm going to give Mommy long legs a 9 out of 10 I think she turned out really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a giant generating okay we got a mouse who nearly had 100-year-old feuds or something I don't know well ignore the second part and make Mickey Mouse let's Color Him fully black and we'll give him his shorts now we'll add his yellow shoes and I'll make his face round now we can give him his ears that looks good enough now I'll add the skin on his face and let's give him some big eyes and we'll just give him black pupils now I will add his nose and finally we will put the white buttons on his shorts all right that's pretty good let's see him in game let's get a giant spawn egg oh yeah that looks a lot better well almost Mickey I don't think we need to see that but from the front he looks pretty good Giants don't really do anything so uh why does he make a player damage noise Mickey Mouse versus Donald Duck size comparison I don't think this is very accurate let's see if the wolf will attack him I mean he's trying to doesn't seem to be working though it's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse I think he's too big for the house I'm going to give Mickey a seven out of 10 he's kind of boring it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper generating text okay a clumsy guy when I made a team with a race something about Dark Matter clouds what for this one I'm going to make a Fall Guys character all right let's delete these legs and we'll move the front ones to the middle now we'll shrink his body and his head let's color him all pink and we will make his legs smaller now we can give him little feet and we'll just add his arms and he'll just turn the arms a little bit sideways now we can give him some fingers and we'll also give him a big thumb now I can make his head a little bit round and we can start drawing his face and I'll just give him little eyes and we'll make him round on the bottom too all right that's pretty good let's see it in game that looks pretty good I don't know what happened there though or there I guess he's still a creeper on the inside can you do parkour come on you're not going to qualify or something I don't know I've never played fall guys all right he lost we'll give him something he can actually do come on you just got to make it to the other side what if I put some sort of bait over there what the creepers like I don't know why I decided on a sheep but we've added a sheep never mind I have an idea yes you can do it wait no oh God he's so close to making it to the end oh no at least he didn't die all right I give Fall Guys an 8 out of 10 but there are definitely some mistakes with this model that need to be fixed time for the next mob the next mob is the warden what will we get okay we got big powerful man for this one I'm going to turn the warden into Thanos all right we'll make his head smaller and let's remove his horns SL ears I don't know what these are but now let's give him a torso and we'll color his body in purple now let's add his yellow belt and we'll color his pants brown and we can add his yellow collar to the shirt and I'll paint the rest of him light purple now we can add The Infinity Gauntlet and all of the Infinity Stones and we'll give him some biceps now we can draw his chin and I'll give him some eyebrows and some eyes and finally I'll add his nose okay that doesn't look great hopefully it looks better in game all right I've traveled to the deep dark to spawn a Thanos naturally that doesn't look like Thanos okay that's much better not sure why he still has ears though I thought we deleted them okay it's finally fixed I went through way too much effort for this Dollar Store Thanos at least we can now see him come out of the ground Yo No Way Thanos Thanos is here okay that wasn't that cool let's see if I can beat Thanos at least I survived One Snap all right I give Thanos a 6 out of 10 he just looks kind of weird it's time for the next mob the next mob is a bunny generating okay a horrifying Bunny and something about VHS tapes for this one I'm going to make Bonnie because he is scary all right let's color his body fully purple and we'll make his ears flop down now I will start shaping his mouth and now let's give him a few teeth okay two teeth is all he gets now we'll give him his black nose and we'll start drawing some eyes we'll make them red on the inside side okay that looks scary now we can color the back of his mouth black and we'll make the top part of his mouth lighter purple as well as his ears now we'll do the same for his belly and finally we will give him a red bow tie and we will make his arms look like they are made out of metal okay that turned out pretty good let's see it in game I always forget how small the rabbits are look how scary those eyes are oh my God baby Bonnie oh my God it's so small it's hard to be afraid of something so tiny Bonnie Army I have to do this I'm sorry guys I think we broke the fox seriously though what is the fox doing let me fix that yo all these guys are emoting over here too all right I give Bonnie a 10 out of 10 I think he turned out really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a frog generating text and we got duck if you aren't familiar with frogs please read the label before you start okay I'm going to make Psyduck for this one all right let's delete all this and we'll just get rid of his eyes as well now let's try to shape this into a duck and we'll color it all in yellow now let's give them duck feet and we'll color them a lightest yellow now we can give him a beak and we'll color them the same color as his feet now we can add some little arms on each side and we'll make his lizard likee tail now we can add the black tfts of hair to the top of his head and we'll give him some eyes all right that doesn't look terrible let's see it in game oh my god that actually looks good other than the walking animation okay that might not be normal to be fair the walking animation would kind of fit him if it wasn't broken let's see a baby frog oh yeah that's a tadpole let's see Psyduck eat a slime okay the Slime probably has to be smaller oh my God that is so cursed isn't this an achievement or something oh I give Psyduck a 6 out of 10 he's just too cursed it's time for the next mob the next mob is an axel lottle what will we get I turned an aelott into a fish which I refuse to talk about okay for this one I'm going to turn the Axel lottle into Nemo we'll start by getting rid of all these legs and let's change the shape of his head and his body as well now we'll start coloring him orange and now we'll add the white stripes on the outside and let's give him his little fins on the side now let's outline the White Stripes in black and we'll draw in this fin on the top as well now let's add some eyes and now we can give him a smile I'm actually going to change his eyes and we'll put some eyelid type things above them okay this looks strange let's just see it in game honestly it doesn't look too terrible I think he's supposed to be in water though I realized now that Nemo is already in the game so I'm sorry buddy but there can only be one Nemo I like how Nemo only went for that one fish and left the other ones alone he's truly just asserting dominance but as you know they're supposed to be Finding Nemo so now I've got him locked up Nemo's right there free him other Nemo I don't think that's how it happened okay I'll free Nemo myself swim home Nemo or just stay here that works I guess okay I give Nemo an 8 out of 10 I'm kind of surprised with how he look time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translate and we got golden scare for this one I think I'm going to make golden Freddy first I'll delete his back legs then we'll add his bent legs and now we'll give him an arm we'll copy that over here now let's add some hands and some fingers and we'll Color Him in gold now let's rotate his head and we'll color it all gold now we can extend his mouth out and put another part on the bottom and we'll add some teeth now we will add his nose and we'll give him his top hat and some ears and now let's add his microphone and we'll give his arms the animatronic look now we can give him his eyes and he touch up his face a bit more that looks really good let's see it in the game okay he doesn't look too bad he should not be walking like that oh my God I put way too much effort into the face compared to the body it kind of looks like that horse it kind of looks like he's riding a wheelchair to be honest let's see a baby one oh yeah let's spawn a bunch of Freddy's in this Village and watch them run away from a cat it's kind of ironic that a guy this scary is afraid of a tiny cat this Freddy isn't though uh I think you've got a problem there he doesn't seem to care more cats all right let's watch a Freddy blow up amazing supercharged Freddy it still has the shape of a creeper will we survive a supercharged Freddy with full netherite oh wow that actually did a lot I'm going to rate golden Freddy a 9 out of 10 I'm honestly really happy with how his head turned out time for the next mob the next mob is a wolf what will we get and we got caterpillar I think I'm going to make PJ pug a pillar from poppy playtime let's make his legs shorter and lead his body now we'll color this in purple and I'll give him new legs like this actually this one is supposed to be blue now we'll color this one purple and we'll copy this back a few times and we'll also copy his feet back too now let's color his face in and we'll add his scary mouth now let's give him some eyes and we'll add some teeth and color his mouth now let's give him his tongue and we'll add his ears okay so I readed his whole face and I think this looks a lot better I'm just going to fix his eyes and that looks pretty good let's see it in game oh God that is not supposed to happen okay that's much better I removed his walking animation but it's going to have to do oh God why is he phasing in the ground him moving like that is so scary time to tame one of my own and now we'll see PJ versus golden Freddy go after him I punched him bad dog all right now this is scary this chicken better get out of here let's see them take out a fox they can't catch him he's emoting on them all right we have to do this oh my God Freddy even joined in too all right I give PJ a 7 out of 10 his model is really broken it's time for the next mob next time I'm going to do a drown translate 300 times and we got sharp claws okay for this one I'm going to make Wolverine let's Color Him in yellow and we'll color in his arms now let's add some blue gloves and we'll give him his claws now let's add his red belt and we'll give him some shoulder pads now we can make his mask and we'll do his mouth area now we can give him some eyes and we'll color in his boots and now we can add the X on his belt this doesn't really fit so this is going to have to do let's see him in the game okay I don't think that's supposed to happen Okay that's a lot better better Wolverine versus the villagers who will win yo these guys got Trident wait why does this one have a fishing rod this guy stands no chance the babies are going to get him the baby has a trident what good work guys as you can see the baby turned out good too I honestly think it looks better okay the noise they make is disturbing will PJ fight Wolverine oh no they're hanging up on him they're going for the Golem now they can't be stopped why is he targeting the babies and the Iron Golem wins all right I give Wolverine 8 out of 10 it's time for the next mob the next mob is an Enderman translate and we got tall pink all right for this one I'm going to make kissy Missy let's color her fully pink and we'll give her big hands and some fingers now let's color that in yellow now we'll give her some feet and we'll start shaping her head now we can start drawing her mouth and we'll add her eyes let's put some eyelashes above now we can do her teeth and finally We'll add her blue bow that looks good let's see it in game okay that looks scary and she's gone she ended up looking very similar to Huggy wuggy I wonder why oh no tearing contest who will win she's holding a flower but instead of using her hands it's just floating in the air all right let's check out the end this might be scarier than when it was all Huggy wuggies all right it's time this is terrifying how long can I survive being chased by kissy missies that's unfortunate why is the noise just getting louder I give kissy Missy a 9 out of 10 this is one of my favorite mobs yet it's time for the next mob the next mob is a piglin what will we get and we got Fox for this one I'm going to make Foxy let's delete all this that looks so weird now we'll shrink his head and we'll also shrink his legs and his arms now let's Color Him in red and we'll color in his shorts now we'll make his legs gray and we'll add his feet now we'll put his belly spot and since he looks like he's falling apart we'll just Color part of him because I'm lazy now we'll make his hand floating because it looks kind of detached and we'll make the hook on his other hand now let's start shaping his mouth and we'll add his nose now let's give him some yellow teeth and we'll add the hair on the side of his face now we'll make his eye patch and we'll color in his other eye and finally we'll give him some ears that looks pretty good considering I did it all in 16x let's see it in game why is he shaking oh yeah we have to go to the nether why is everything purple there we go he's even holding a sword with his hook how talented let's see a baby one I don't know why but his head shape is reminding me of Manny from Diary of a Wimpy Kid let's locate a Bastion and here we will find some foxies in their natural habitat let's see if he'll fight Freddy okay you can obviously see who had more effort put into them let's spawn an army okay how long can I survive oh God I think I won I don't think they can get me all right I'm going back in oh God Freddy help me you didn't see that all right I give foxy a 5 out of 10 he kind of looks like a mouse time for the next mob the next mob is a Vindicator let's translate and we got steel guy okay I think it's obvious that I'm going to make Iron Man let's Color Him in red and we'll extend his mask out now let's color in his eyes and I'll add some yellow to his arms next we'll add the blue to his chest and we'll extend part of his chest out as well now let's add some yellow to his legs and we'll give him his blasters and let's add some fingers and a thumb and finally extend his feet out a bit all right that looks good let's see it in game okay where did his arms go oh yeah he needs to be attacking something for us to see them just use the blasters man's really getting embarrassed by a naked villager finally all right it's time to go to work boys that's not Iron Man the villagers don't even stand a chance Iron Golem will take care of them never mind he won't Iron Man is just Unstoppable I give Iron Man a 6 out of 10 he needs arms time for the next mob the next mob is a rabbit translate and we got lightning for this one I think think I'm going to make Pikachu let's Color Him fully yellow and we'll make his nose black now let's add his eyes and we'll give him his red cheeks and a little pink mouth now let's shrink his ears a bit and we'll color the top of them black and now we can add his lightning bolt tail and we'll move this there that shape looks pretty good now we just need to color it in and we'll make sure the bottom of his tail is brown that looks good let's see it in game okay he actually turned out pretty good look at the baby one look how small he is Pokéball test why does it never work Pikachu Army one fox could ruin it all p Pikachu use Thunderbolt oh what is he doing right now I just can't believe how small the baby Pikachu is it's like a mouse I give Pikachu a 10 out of 10 I mean how could you not it's time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translate and we got red web all right I think I'm going to make Spider-Man for this one let's Color Him in red now we'll make his eyes and we'll add a black outline now let's put some blue on his pants and let's also add some blue to his arms and we'll add blue to his body now let's draw the spider on his chest okay that might be too big but I think it looks good I'm also going to edit his eyes a bit and we'll make the red on his feet a bit higher all right that looks good let's see it in game yeah that's basically what I expected he basically just looks like a player skin on a skeleton I don't think he can shoot webs either he looks like a dude in a costume that you hire for a birthday party enough Spider-Man slander can he beat PJ he's just running away okay he's not shooting webs but I respect it this is actually really close and PJ wins it why is that actually a really good fight PJ is going in for round two they're at home now Spider-Man Army it's kind of like that Meme where they're pointing at each other all right I give Spider-Man a 5 out of 10 he kind of sucked time for the next mob the next mob is a villager translate and we got an angry blue guy all right I know exactly what to do I'm going to make Squidward I forgot villagers look like this when they're naked all right let's make his legs skinnier and now his arms that looks so weird luckily his nose is already perfect so we just need to color him in but first I'll add some tentacle like feet now he's fully blue or Squidward color not really blue and we just have to fill in his shirt then add the sleeves and the eyes with different color eyelids on top and reddish pupils and now we will add a forehead line not a unibrow and finally we put some spots on the top of his head almost forgot to add texture that looks pretty good let's see it in game that looks so good let's find a village full of Squidwards open up it's TAG season wait Squidward Squidward must have finally quit the Crusty Crab he's a farmer now okay this is not okay baby Squidward where is he going to go this reminds me of the episode where Squidward moves to like a Squidward only Village wait these guys got drip all right I give Squidward a 7 out of 10 I would use this over normal villagers time for the next mob the next mob is a fox what will we get we got quick this is perfect I'm going to make Sonic I'm pretty sure Sonic is a fox so this should be easy so first we'll make him all blue now we will fill in his face and his belly and now we can do the arms and now the rest of the face okay these eyes are a little bit weird but it should be fine now we had his gloves and we have to make his back legs different from his arms and we'll add his shoes and I think that's it let's see it in the game yo he's going crazy I'm not as happy with this one as Squidward kind of looks like Sonic from wish.com I'm not to lie let's see a baby Sonic baby Sonic honestly looks better all right Sonic versus Squidward who wins oh yeah they won't fight Sonic versus Dr Eggman well they lay eggs okay let's see if Sonic can collect these Rings no you're going the wrong way okay I will give Sonic some berries I rate Sonic a 2 out of 10 he kind of sucked not going to lie on to the next mob the next mob is an Enderman translate tall scary man well that basically is an Enderman but I guess we could do Huggy wuggy instead I've never played this game so I have no idea what this guy looks like but I think his head kind of spikes up like like this and then he has big feet we have to make him fully blue and we'll color his hands and feet yellow and now we'll add some eyes okay that doesn't look right at all now we will add the smile I put different eyes they still don't look right though and now we'll add a bow and he has big hands too copy that over here change the eyes again and we can add some spikes to his head okay this looks like a scuffed Teletubby okay I made some changes to the head and the face and he looks a lot better now I also gave him bigger hands and now he looks completely different let's see it in the game that looks pretty scary well I'm not quite sure what huggy wuggy does I would assume he doesn't extend his neck and run at you but I think that makes him more terrifying we have to go to the end and see this there's so many of them this is actually terrifying this is actually where the portal in the deep dark takes you but when you open a gum all right I've had enough of these I rated a 9 out of 10 though I'm pretty happy with how it turned out especially after the first one on to the next mob the next mob is a chicken translate time okay this one actually kind of works I was going to do my own skin but I decided to do Donald Duck instead because Donald Duck has more drip okay we'll start by removing this we'll make the head a little smaller and now we'll add a hat okay this hat looks terrible now we'll drag the beak down and we'll draw the eyes let's make the beak orange and now we can add a shirt make sure that there are sleeves and we'll add the bow tie thingy in the front and finally the yellow stripe on his sleeves that looks better than I expected let's see it in the game okay it looks pretty good in game side by- side comparison who has more drip what about Sonic versus Donald Duck Sonic's going crazy what does baby Donald look like he's so small and he's following the big one let's take Donald to a shipwreck cuz he's a sailor or something not a very good one obviously the boat is underwater I rate Donald to 8 out of 10 he's pretty good let's see if the next mob can top that the next mob is a creeper what do we get we got black bird okay I'm going to make the bomb bird from Angry Birds because that's kind of a creeper let's delete the body because birds don't have that and move the head down now let's make the leg smaller actually we'll delete the back ones and try this I'm not sure if it will break the animation now we'll make the head a bit bigger and we'll add a fuse thing to the top now let's add a beak and we'll color them all black with an orange beak and orange feet a little orange on the fuse now we just need to do the eyes and we'll make him angry cuz he's an Angry Bird now we can color his belly and we'll make his pupils stand out a bit that looks pretty good let's see it in game dang that looks pretty good and the feet actually work that's surprising yep still blows up I want to know what this looks like oh that looks kind of weird all right let's see a baby one oh yeah there's no baby creepers all right let's shoot him at some pigs oh I missed I will give him a s out of 10 because he doesn't work like a regular Angry Bird let's see the next mob our next mob is a cow translate we got Nightwing I've got an idea I'm going to do Batman but I'm going to make him a cow instead so like bat cow first we'll color a suit in Gray then we'll add the yellow belt and now we can do the underwear and we'll make his boots dark blue now we have to do the bat logo which is going to be interesting that looks all right now we have to give him a mask and we'll leave his eyes and mouth peeking out like this and now we have to add a cape we'll drag this out a few and now we will color his cape black and we'll extend it out a bit on the edges and copy that to the other side that looks pretty good not going to lie let's see how it looks in game that looks kind of sick but does he fight like Batman nope this is some good Batman steak though let's see a baby Batman all right the texture is kind of broken but baby Batman looks good too just got to kill his Paris kind of inspirational to be honest I can't believe they added the Batmobile to Minecraft I give bat cow a 7 out of 10 as well on to the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translate and we got hard shell this is perfect I'm going to make Blastoise let's shorten his arms and remove this and drag his upper body down now we can Delete the nose and add some ears now we can color him all blue and make kind of a shell now we will color the front of the shell and make the edges of the shell white now we will make the shell Brown and we'll give him a chin and some eyes let's add color to the ears and now we can add his cannons on his back copy that over and we'll make them both gray I'm actually going to make his head shorter and more wide now we have to redo his face okay this might be the worst mob yet let's see it in the game okay Blastoise has seen better days he's almost 30 years old though to be fair but can Blastoise defend the Squidward Village he can well kind of I guess we just need to see if he can fit in a Pokéball now it doesn't look like it that also seems to have made him mad all right I accept my fate let's put him where he belongs with his family I give Blastoise a 2 out of 10 he just looks weird next mob next we are going to do a zombie what do we get we got Mushroom Man okay I'm going to make Toad from Mario because he has a mushroom on his head all right let's shrink the head and make the mushroom on top maybe it will look better when it's colored in we'll make it white to start though next we'll fill in his skin and make his pants white as well now we can start the outline of his shirt and we'll fill the rest in with blue now we can do his mouth and eyes okay he kind of looks like the Epic Face We'll add spots on the mushroom there we go and finally we will do his shoes all right this might be worse than Blastoise let's see it in game he also looks bad in game but toad is kind of small so he will probably look better as a baby I mean it's a little bit better now let's see toad is a giant oh apparently Giants are different now let's see 1,000 toads versus one Blastoise I think it's clear who wins run Squidward I give toad a 0 out of 10 I would give lower if I could all right let's move on to the final mob the final mob is a ghast let's translate and I got location what can I even do I actually have an idea for this I'm going to make the Earth well the Minecraft one I don't go outside all right we'll color it like Stone first and now we'll add the dirt layer next we'll add some grass to the sides and cover the full top we'll also put a small Lake on top and add a few trees now we can add the Deep slate layer and finally we will put some black for Bedrock now we just need to add a few ores diamonds gold iron and some coal the ores make it look worse I think but let's see it in the game I realize now that this makes no sense I made the gas the Overworld when it should be the nether honestly it looks so out of place in the nether well at least the earth now shoots meteors at you so it's like reverse dinosaurs or something let's see if we can get Return to Sender nice honestly they should just hire me to retexture all the mobs I mean this looks so much better right all right let's spawn a ton of earths all right I give the a five out of 10 it could have been better
Channel: Eider 2
Views: 1,475,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oLP0QMgbld4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 41sec (13721 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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