Minecraft but it's Only One Raft

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I woke up stranded on this one raft in the ocean and I'm starving dude I got no food to eat I'm surrounded by water but not a drop to drink nope very salty my only goal is to survive well thankfully I'm not totally alone not only do I have you here but also I have a can of trash gosh the ocean is full of trash dude well I got a soda can to keep me busy does it have glorious soda in it nope it's empty all right oh I can make you into iron nuggets though I could recycle the trash oh wait wait wait hold on wooden planks okay I'll take that nice okay and string oh that's new what is this a trash slab that was my nickname in high school all right guys so my goal is to build out this raft I guess and collect this trash can I do anything with a wooden plank no can I do that no I can make sticks okay sick all right if I got enough soda wait a minute I don't have a crafting table I was gonna say Okay more trash is coming I'm looking for wood a wet newspaper oh gosh what even is a newspaper dude how old would this news be man wow looks like today they discovered sliced red very cool I'm trying to make wood somehow at the very least I can build out my raft a little bit shelter is important but food is my main goal how the heck am I gonna eat I can probably craft a fishing rod I can only make sticks with these wooden planks though what the heck is that dude goodness gracious I think there's a shark good boy good boy yeah just swim on by no he's circling okay great circling's fine right pizza's circular okay my Hunger is already going down here and I'm not really hungry for sure unless you're oh God he just he chased after me dude friendly shark good shark good boy an island can I make it I gotta go I gotta go go go go go go go go go it faster oh no yeah you get out of here please don't eat my wrap dude we got some weed wheat is pretty neat we got grass and sea so that's actually nice we don't have fast food but in three years I can have one loaf of bread but more importantly we got ourselves a nice tree oh man this is actually kind of sad if I break down one tree and leave this guy he's gonna be a lonely tree I'll just break you down too well we got a couple of saplings from that and I got myself an apple an apple a day keeps eth far away well two trees were here and threes where I'm leaving it oh gosh where's my rack oh no did it float away the shark is still there by my raft man I gotta be quick I'll prepare my newspaper I can smack him with it like he's a fly or something oh there is there is ah he does a lot of damage oh no no no shark shark out okay oh well the Island's gone fantastic stuck back in the ocean but at least this time I forgot to get dirt gosh dang it I was gonna make a whole Farm I had all my C go ahead and grow seeds on the trash pile yo Bruce you happen to have any dirt on you dude well hopefully we find another Island here soon in the meantime I did at least get myself some wood for a crafting table that means my friends is we can at least get ourselves a fishing rod wait a minute I can make Trash items oh my goodness I could make a trash block I can't do anything with it okay great well I'm gonna put it right here for safekeeping now can I get the trash with my fishing rod I can't hear some of it I can yeah give me give me give me I need this newspaper it's so scary in the water I've got three wet newspaper and I can make Trash string with it trash strings trash strings trash strings say trash string five times fast and then hit the like button please and with this I can create something called a trash Hammer my gosh it's literally just like a jug on the end of a stick but apparently I could use that oh I see there's some rocks on the bottom of the ocean honestly that'll be nice for upgrades we can get ourselves Cobblestone and with our fishing rod that means that our food situation is taken care of goal number one check now my next goal is to figure out what to do with Bruce man I can't be on this raft and like die give me a fish and yeah now we're talking wait a second I got enough iron nuggets now I can make myself a couple iron ingots so I guess I could get a sword don't really want to spend any of my iron just yet not really sure how much trash is coming oh there's more okay there are recipes that require iron so I think I'm gonna hold off for now but these stones are calling my name Gotta Wait For Good Old Bruce Lee come on go away keep going I'm not doing anything cool over here all the way to the other side of the raft and now going forward this is such a bad idea don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me okay that was a bad idea I got one piece of cobblestone and I only lost four limbs decent trade all right let's get a raft looking a little bigger see if there's something that can stop this shark here I do have a trash Club oh it's still in the shark all right oh I see a piece of string come here come on string I got it I need a blue soda can I use my only blue soda can to make a pointless block a blue soda can that's what I need but my hearts are not doing great I dive in should I go for it never mind there's one right here well that was an easy choice we can make a trash club now well now that we got that apparently it's done sharp so I can use this to at least stun Bruce while I mine some of these stones but first comes the first I need some food ah yes a tripwire hook so I can set a trap for uh no one cause I'm alone in the ocean I need to find a better food source nope I can't eat trash I'm just gonna go for it gosh I'm so scared I'm so scared I'm so scared but stay back Bruce oh my goodness it does stun Bruce but not for very long holy cow that was close all right I'm just gonna be patient and uh fish for a little while a bottle of water I haven't drinking water in months well now I gotta pee yeah finally oh this takes forever and they heal nothing all right I'm using my only three weed to make a bread if at the oh and if I could at least get enough of cobblestone to make myself where'd it go well there he is if I could at least get myself eight Cobblestone I can make myself a furnace what the heck you doing you want me to dance with you all right I Wanna Dance too I have a single heart can I do this grab the Cobblestone I've gotten three cobblestones hey guys I got a little good news bad news situation good news is we stumbled upon another Island bad news is is I can't get to it got all the lovely Cobblestone I need and even pieces of dirt to make myself some food although Bruce is gonna take me out but found something called a trash dummy which I can use to distract the shark need myself a Lube bottle all the way over there can I reach that I just caught fruit can't do nothing at all come to Papa empty soda can gosh I gotta be quick should be all I need right how the heck do I get wool dude okay give me some more wet newspaper time to recycle I shall risk my life to recycle okay I got four of my trash strings that gets me uh trash wool now can I make the trash dummy dude oh my goodness oh I throw it into the water and then Bruce thinks it's me hey that's rude Bruce calling me a dummy while he's distracted we gotta go we gotta go yeah take that silly old shark that doesn't look anything like me okay maybe a little yes dude we got iron now can't mine it well it makes sense I literally am using a milk jug so let's make ourselves a quick stone pickaxe and get ourselves our first actual iron of the episode alrighty I think I mined out pretty much everything of value here before I forget I do need dirt coarse dirt oh shoot I don't think I can make food out of this not good not good oh yeah okay no problem all right I thought I was never gonna taste the Sweet Taste of bread ever again I'll go ahead and mine the tree while it's here come on little guy give me an Apple you can do it I crave my mother's apple pie you're gonna give me an Apple oh okay there you go Bruce I've jumped in the water please somebody help me I'm delicious good news here I at least got a furnace I've got a little bit more room here and I've got so much iron and coal now the food situation isn't completely fixed but the nice thing is we do have at least some food growing come on little guys grow officially going crazy that's great I don't see anything I can eat here I mean I could eat wooden swords they hear swords swallowing is a thing oh okay the circus slide I can make a fishing net it passively catches food I just need a heck ton of string bring it on trash that will be difficult to get our string and quite dangerous so I'm actually gonna use some of this iron to invest in armor just in case I like to be better safe than dead hey there's some strength careful careful but hold on I need to tell you about my map first Venture into the deep depths of the back rooms as you explore and avoid the deadly monsters can you survive all five floors and make it out alive back rooms infinite on the Minecraft Marketplace I don't want to go too far oh shoot I'm far away from my rap don't break the dummy be careful Bruce okay my goodness that was a close one I need a lot of strings this is really dangerous I wouldn't have to worry about that if you guys would grow can you guys just grow a little faster alrighty some trash picking up later and that should do it we got a trash fishing net my friend check that out all right I don't know how passively we're talking come on little fish go inside oh my goodness I already have three raw Cod from that it's only been like 30 seconds this fishing net is actually off awesome thank goodness dude we've got our food situation taken care of man so little fishing net give me another one give me another one sorry I'm gonna eat some food having some mental struggles and speaking of upgrades we can craft an iron Rudder now so I can steer my boat if I want to I shall put you here beautiful I think I did that backwards okay I could break it okay good there we go although to actually set sail I'll need a pirate sale and a wooden hell so that's kind of my next goal hey looks like we've got a new island we stumbled upon there you go Bruce here's your meal of the day beautiful island what new goodies we have here looks like we got a nice old cave oh hi guys looks like somebody's been here first don't mind me I'm just here to steal everything you got Redstone we got gold over there actually I don't really want to kill you guys I haven't spoken to another entity aside from a shark in a while how's you guys as they go okay they're introverts good to know gosh this doesn't do any damage at all take my trash Hammer yeah goodness yeah I've got all the iron and gold I could ever need glowberries dude a nice tree man I'm feeling like a pirate I can make myself pirate teeth out of my raw gold pirate crafty Ty what's a pirate's favorite letter you might think it's R but it's actually the C and done I've decimated the entire cave and before I go I got myself some free string up here dude I don't know if this is useful for me but I got sugar cane I want to pick up some nice things for my journey at least to spruce up my raft a little bit there we go finally some green in my life check this out guys I got 46 raw iron from that incredible I can make myself a whole new trash fishing net here too double the fish shovel the net man this is a terrible use of a furnace but I'm also gonna make myself a smoker that took four long oh that was a terrible idea oh well not that I need really fast and efficient cooking but sometimes you gotta do stuff for your own mental health you know you gotta treat yourself oh Kel my favorite snack hold on can't you cook Kel oh no dude try kelp can I eat this ah this whole time whole time I'm starving to death why didn't the comments tell me you probably did there's probably a thousand comments you could have eaten the sea floor maybe I didn't want to okay maybe I don't like eating dried kelp what you come to a crafty video for the best survival tips what the heck oh shoot well there's two bruises now they've let loose the deuce Bruce so I gotta watch out for that not sure how many sharks are it's a shipwreck ah sick dude it is pirate time now question is that gonna do it okay the deuce Bruce is or after the dummy that's good but that means the dummy's gonna die twice as fast now so I gotta be a little careful oh there's monsters a loose hello boys sorry about your ship do you have any good loot I'm here for your booty well not that literally oh what the heck oh shoot oh shoot not good I'm not good the sharks sharks can't get inside oh my God pirate sale okay that's good emeralds I don't think I need Iron's fine where did he go he broke the dummy I'm gonna grab the emeralds just in case I might need it how do I get out of here I guess I can go straight up I just heard the dummy prank please don't eat me I would prefer my body in one piece guys thank you might not be the best idea but I really want to see if there's more loot down here Cole and stuff treasure map dude that looks different okay I'll take that oh this is horrified I gotta hurry I gotta hurry oh gosh they're right there there's a new Fresh dummy boys and the other loot around here I think that's it okay Ron this was not good man double sharks is very very scary well the good news is got ourselves two new items got a pirate sale and a treasure map now the tech says x marks the spot not no ordinary treasure map this is a pirate treasure map I want to find out what this buried treasure is I can put my new pirate sale right here so all I need now is a wooden hell can I craft that I can sick dude wait hold on I think it does go like this that goes like does it go like this no not like that there we are and then I put my wooden hell oh guys I think we got ourselves a working ship kinda oh look at that all right treasure map looks like I gotta go two clicks to the right one and two and we shall Sail on until morning [Music] is our tree finally grew up so we do have some wood in our journey bad news is now there are three sharks Trice bryces this does look kind of spooky though man it might have some treasure in it hello oh there's a lot of monsters all right all right all right thankfully I've dealt with plenty of zombies it's the sharks that are freaking me out follow the red lights see where they go out I fall in on my toes don't die don't get hit okay okay I want to see what's up there it looks like the red lights lead somewhere I made that jump can I make it all the way there's a chest gonna jump on top of here and make it all the way to the chest cursed dagger I wouldn't exactly call this a treasure but uh sure man oh I see so it looks like I can curse mobs and then instantly kill them curse I can curse the mob boom my gosh that's actually kind of cool cursive cursive oh looks like the curse has a cool down come on curse I'm trying to curse them there we go so I can curse mobs to take him out instantly problem is there is a cooldown for it hey Bruce I've got something to show you is this gonna work all right I can curse Bruce oh my goodness I could take out sharks now not sure how I feel about that technically they are innocent sharks but it's good to know I've got a backup plan I got a curse horn on the cob is kind of what it looks like well it wasn't quite the treasure I was looking for but I might be able to go to this next spot here three notches to the left sales six and a half hours later oh man what the heck is this dude this is not treasure oh shoot oh gosh you guys are cool all right we're cool sorry for killing your friend and cursing them and stuff how's it going chickadees I guess I could bring you with me I don't know how to get the chickens past all Bruce got some melons now so I can plant some melons it looks like I can also make some cocoa I can make cookies now oh that's cool is the treasure cookies I mean I wouldn't be that disappointed you can't be disappointed by cookies you can have my cookies and milk there are any more surprises under here uh no well chickens I'll leave you to your Island my friend this island wasn't a total bust now I can make cookies dude heck yeah so much better than the raw fish I've been eating dude all right Next Stop This Island comments later gosh dang it that doesn't look like treasure either oh goodness that's a lot of shark there's like five sharks now you guys are awesome right I don't think they're very happy why'd you do that oh God they break my dummies so fast now because there's like five of them okay please please please this is not treasure man what the heck is this oh oh not good not good not good cursed Island okay I think I'd rather swim with the sharks dude I don't like this all right let's try this again shall we four notches to the right and set sail that looks like treasure dude oh please don't die from the Shark look at this treasure they weren't kidding man beautiful pirate booty is here I'm sorry I said that out loud I knew it treasure maps never lie I shall dive into my riches ouch okay yeah Gold's pretty hard we survived the one raft I got all my riches and I'll share my riches but only with people who are subscribed see you guys next time oh gosh oh God
Channel: Craftee
Views: 4,383,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft but one, minecraft but only one block, minecraft but only one chunk, minecraft survival, minecraft challenge, hardcore minecraft, minecraft shark, minecraft sharks
Id: VOUoH0Fn0rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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