Trapping My Best Friend Inside a Tiny Base

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today in Minecraft melon ruined the most beautiful cake ever I spent the entire afternoon making this what bro I literally cleaned the entire kitchen you could just make a new one that's it goats it's payback time and quale just gave me the perfect idea hey Sunny you still mad about that cake ah where am I get shrinked nerd goats do you think we're even now finished putting away all my baking supplies and I think the cake is finally done resting it's beautiful a three tiered cake I can't wait to take a bite out of this sunny I just found this brand new cleaning Dynamite you can clean the house instantly no don't do it melon please please I just no my cake why would you think Dynamite could clean anything you ruined our house and worse you destroyed my triple layer cake oh sorry about that Sunny anyways I'm going to go play some video games he is an idiot why would anyone think a dynamite could clean oh my whole day's been ruined why oh I love berries it's my absolute favorite game I'm going to speedrun it for the 30th time quand Del's going to be so upset when he hears the news oh hi Sunny did you enjoy that cake recipe I gave you yeah quand I enjoyed making the cake but I didn't even get to take a single bite cuz melon came storming through the house with this new Dynamite he claims was going to clean the place up but instead it transformed the entire kitchen into ice he did what he ruined my perfect cake how dare he okay sunny here's what we are going to do wait a second quandel what are we going to do I will give you a shrinking device oh the shrinking device what am I going to use that for well you're going to use it to shrink melon and get revenge on him for destroying our triple layer cake and the best part is sunny you can customize the blocks that you trap people in no way so I could shrink melon down and set up trapped blocks that'll hold him in prison forever exactly okay so how much will this shrinking device cost me well nothing he has to pay for ruining my cake it's in the chest quand you're the best shrinking device acquired I am going to use this to get my revenge on that stinking watermelon and that's a new record for me on be Beres now what else to do with my day my cake my cake I kind of feel bad for sunny guys I didn't mean to destroy his cake I was just trying to clean up the place Sunny I'm sorry for destroying your cake look I'll make it up to you and how exactly are you going to do that uh hold up I got a gift for you Sunny one stick great that is just fantastic you know what I'll tell tell you how you can make it up to me yeah what can I do bro I need you to go on a scavenger hunt and collect the following blocks okay one ice block Netherrack an oak leaf a Target block and one mossy cobblestone sounds easy enough I got one ice block right here oops no melon you just flooded the house good job uh well Sunny will I go and gather these blocks could you please clean that up yeah great more chores for me you see what I have to put up with it's it's time to collect these blocks 2 hours later and clean all right sunny all of the blocks have been collected hey nice job Melon now all we need to do is place them down in a top secret location follow me uh all right and right here this is top secret yeah of course it is now place the blocks all right ice block nether rack oak leaves Target mossy cobblestone great work okay uh so we're even not quite yet melon but this is excellent work truly excellent now just stand right there and hold still um all right don't really know what I'm doing here but as long as we're even Steven I'm happy and Shrink no look how tiny you are and now I'm going to trap you inside of this ice block prison hi what the heck I'm literally inside the ice block it looks like there's a way out of here all I've got to do is complete this parkour and then I'll be free I hope and you want to hear the best part goats quandell told me a secret about the shrinking device I can use it on myself to enter these blocks as well but I'll have creative mode when I get there let's go commencing parkour I can't mess up yes okay this ice is a little bit tricky but I'm doing it I'm actually doing it yeah you're doing what no Sunny why because you're in my world now how did you even get in here bro the same way you did I use the shrinking device oh that actually makes a lot of sense anyway so I'm guessing you're here to help me get out right yep totally here to help you get out let me help you get out yep let me do that and here you go no Sunny this is actually imposs bro get rid of the turret yeah if it was impossible it would probably look more like this no no no no no no chill open fire open fire no calm down Sunny this is too much should I use my device to remove all of them yes please do it sunny there's literally nothing I can do right now oh Sunny you actually did it I sure did the power of the shrinking device is strong not as strong as a watermelon and I'll prove it by getting out of here yep just hurry up and finish this parkour sometime today cuz I got more surprises in store for you okay well just give me a second I've got to get back to where you literally pushed me off did I push you off or was it a Sentry turret please get rid of that Sentry turret right there sunny it's not funny what Sentry turret I don't see a Sentry turret dude I'm not going to do this all over again all right chill there you go here we go hop onto the ladder yep hop onto the ladder good work melon keep it up keep it up I'm doing it I'm doing it uh-oh melon it looks like a corner jump with a ladder oh no please allow me the strength to conquer the ladders yes great work melon you haven't even seen the best part yet yeah what's that oh you'll find out in about two jumps one two no here hold on to this why are you torturing me sunny because you destroyed my special triple layer cake do you have any idea how hard I work to cook that thing bro just cook another one you probably worked way harder on whatever this stuff is yeah actually kind of have a good point this was a lot more complicated than baking a cake Sunny make it a real block fine fine yes and now I can do this I truly believe in myself wait hold on melon this is a ghost block no it's not you're literally capping right now but what if it was n bro I can tell when when you're lying you would never actually tell me if there's a ghost block up ahead are you sure what if these are all ghost blocks up ahead oh I know you're capping right now I'm I actually doing this though I don't know how I'm doing these ladder jumps uh sunny I saw what you just did right there oh sorry my bad I'll put it back uh I'll put it back yep just give me a second there you go son put the block back okay sorry go go for it you got this and now just got to press this button Sunny stop okay fine fine remove the block and press the button get out of here you know what I'm just going to press the button from here uh sweet Freda what the heck where am I oh no I think I'm in the nether brick do I have to get through every single one of those blocks to get out of here yo he's trapped inside of the Netherrack and then he's going to be in the leaves and the Target and the mosy Cobblestone oh this is amazing well time for me to join him in there oh hey there melon having fun bro what am I even supposed to do here I'm so confused do you want a clue yeah I would like a clue then find the button oh it's a find the button I love these things where could the button be ooh there's a chest right here and it has a lever in it I bet you this lever lets me escape uh melon don't waste it you're going to need that lever for something uh Sunny it didn't work just pick it back up and look for the odd block out when you locate it you'll know where to place the lever the odd block out hold up I think I saw something pretty weird over by spawn ow stop burning yourself you ScrubaDub here what is killing me why is that Soul stand killing me just walk on the ice blocks you'll be fine move it okay right here this is the odd blockout that was actually pretty smart of you and now flick the lever hint behind the Fortress you're telling me the button is just behind the Fortress guess I got to go this way yeah you got to go that way exactly good idea it's not even there I'm so confused because your brain is small where could this button be I don't understand to find it you must not be a coward are you saying what I think you're saying that you must become one with the lava I can do it yo it's fake lava well done melon you're actually a genius now there's got to be a button around here somewhere indeed I actually don't remember where I left the button wait a second I think I found it button it's so hidden I got it though boom ah you actually found it dang it oh now I'm in the oak leaves actually doesn't sound too bad and it seems like it's some kind of maze in here this seems pretty chill to be honest just got to find my way out take my time coast and nothing can kill me oh hey melon oh my goodness Sunny leave me alone this would be so much easier if you weren't annoying me the whole time yeah but then it wouldn't be nearly as fun sunny and my use shears here you can use whatever your heart desires just eat some of this cake first ooh cake yummy uh yeah I thought that cake was going to explode ow chill Sunny guys I've got to find my way out of here luckily I brought some shears let's go where's the exit where is the exit dang it he's getting through these blocks way too fast I got to set up another one really quickly okay before he gets to the Target block I'm going to set up a dropper which means I need a hopper let's go and then we activate the shrinking device upon it yes melon I thought you were speed running I am sunny but I think I just made it more difficult for myself to be honest here let me help what is that uh nothing nothing at all um okay guys he didn't notice the command block right here what an idiot wait what the heck why do I have a button also sunny why are you hiding in the bushes oh I I thought we were playing hide and- seek my bad yeah there's nothing sus here okay good now I need to roam around and find this exit no more funny business melon is really not operating on his fifth brain cell right now he needs to activate that melon seed Sunny you think I'm an idiot uh there's nothing there bro there's literally a command block right there thank you very much for finding me the exit see you where the heck am I is this a hopper no melon it's a dropper but I didn't even place a dropper block down I'm so confused nah cuz I did how many blocks did you add just this one cuz I thought it would be fun to watch you fall to your death find the water find the water find the water oh no oh my goodness I thought you were going to clutch up on the first try but thankfully the shrinking device wins again all right this time for sure just going to hop down through the Diamonds oh oh no yeah melon not even death will help you escape this place I don't need death sunny I just need pure skill come on dude I can't make it through the diamonds because you're lacking on pure skill no I've got this I've got this pure all right that's it I'm not doing the diamond path anymore yeah I don't really know why you're doing that in the first place cuz it's cool oh that's not the right way yeah melon I'll just meet you at the bottom good luck with this I've got it I've got come on I just did it on the first try no you didn't you're capping you're actually capping you're in creative mode well goats it would be a real shame if he were to hit the bottom and it wasn't even water I made it no what happened melon bro you actually made it out of lapis I was already struggling but now I've got to hit this perfect you got to hit what perfectly I hate this melon you can do it here look let me help you I don't want your help I don't want your help God darn it I think you want my help here let me locate You by triangulating with watermelons there you go oh there was a dead body interesting and now the water has unveiled itself except guys it's going to be fake water yes oh made it ah why is it killing me nice one bro don't let it get you oh I need to get out of here I need to get out of here right now where's the button where's the button dang it he actually escaped I've made it to the Target block and it looks look like I'm going to need a bow and arrow Sunny yeah you're right it kind of does look like that did you bring one no unlucky I guess you're going to be here for a really long time got to go no Sunny give me a bow arrow please guys I think he actually left just like you should leave a like on the video hey melon I'm back I had to get you a bow and some arrows thank you very much sunny and with this I can get out of here I've just got to hit every Target yeah this is going to be a snooze Fest bro see you in 2 years I've got this I believe in myself and that's all you need in this life come on uh melon just so you know there's eight more to the right and then eight more again and then eight more again yeah it's no problem I got this I I'm a sharp shooter I might need some more arrows though I gave you the exact amount needed what the dude I've missed it what dude I've missed like eight shots already all right I gave you the exact amount needed times two I can do this I've just got to hit more than 50% of my shots which I'm doing I am the goat harness my melon Sharp Shooting yeah you know what I'm I'm bored of this hey melon look up wao is that all I had to do Sunny uh what is that it's the exit button that doesn't look like an exit oh it actually was the exit and now I'm in the final block the mossy cobblestone give me my armor it's time for me to get out of here but I don't really know how to do that oh wait I think I can just right click these blocks uh uh what is that zombies I've got to take him out strategically die I can do this I can do this I'm a Minecraft pro I won't let four zombies take me out okay that's more than four zombies but you know you get the point six zombies I can't let them take me out come on and one left I did it and they all dropped ladders I think I can use this to ascend I just got to figure out where the hole is and I found it here we go more zombies but this time the desert zombies oh and they're giving me nausea one down five more to go this is quite difficult some steak heal up on die zombies and one last one left I did it as long as it's zombies this shouldn't be too hard they're pretty easy to kill after all now where do I go from here oh found the hole in the wall let's climb uh what is that that's one big zombie die oh no goats I'm going to have to play this safe I got to shoot him with my bow and arrow from Far come on take him out I did it wait he dropped a sticky piston and a slime block what does this even do I'm so confused okay goats I'm hidden behind some oneway glass and I can see that melon has almost made it to this final battle he just has to figure out how to use a slime jump now wait maybe this is useless and I just need the lever for the Slime jump okay there's even a diamond sword here I didn't even see that give me that yes I've got an upgrade all right sticky piston here a slime block here then a lever right on this mossy cobblestone and now hit the jump there he is goats look at that watermelon he probably thinks he's so close to escaping goats I think the exit's right there all I've got to do is walk through this iron door yeah wait actually nothing in here I'm so confused no and now I'm trapped hey melon can you hear my voice Sunny what's going on you're scaring me remember that time you took my triple teer layered cake and you turned it into ice dude it was an accident and I think you've had more than enough payback on me not yet why don't you turn around and look behind you what do you mean uh Sunny how are you doing that I am going to turn you into something ice cold don't do it yes it's time for Revenge don't do it sunny oh you're dead I don't think I'm dead I think you are no sweet cold Revenge oh that feels good but not as good as pressing that subscribe button click it right now otherwise I'll have to hit you with this sword as well and I really don't want to do that
Channel: Sunny
Views: 163,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4rc6nLVRSio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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