I Made YOUR Drawings into MINECRAFT Mobs!

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today I'm turning your drawings into Minecraft Mobs then we will get professional Minecraft modders to raid them the first drawing come set us from Sprout is high a giant queen bee okay let's start with the Steve for scale and then we make the massive head a little curve at the nasty Pinchers something like that now let's fill in the head a bit more some antennas and that's the head now let's make around this chest and then we copy that shape remove the sides and now we just continue that shape down the body making each portion progressively smaller and once we get to the tip we bring it down to just a small point and make a little stinger and that's the body now let's make them legs so let's make a weird shape here another weird shape over here and continue the trend with another weird shape over here and finish it off with a swirly shape and boom legs now let's make five more and there we go now we need some wings perfect and finally I want this bead to be fluffy so let's add a bunch of planes which we can paint this fur later and that's the finished model now let's paint first we get all the colors on there and paint the fur paint the wings paint the eyes and the stripes now we can go into Photoshop make a noise layer stretch it out put it to Overlay and voila we got a furry B here we got the queen bee a giant bee that you can find in giant beehives the beehives are rich in honey but if you try to collect any for yourself the queen bee will awaken to protect its hive once the queen bee targets you all the bees close by will follow suit the bee has a very sharp Stinger so try not to get stuck in the honey while you make your Escape let's see what our mothers think of it hi welcome why what hey what do you guys do how many how many people are in there get in here you're not meant to kill us well you're not meant to don't go in a hole right so over here you can collect some stuff that will help you on your adventures today all right oh I'm grabbing everything uh are you crafting well yeah there's nothing in it you might you might want to actually grab two pairs of the armor uh I think I got everything I'm gonna snag another set just because I said it this sword is floating out of my hand alright so the first drawing for today comes at us from Sprout is high and you shall meet this creature in here in the cake now in the giant beehive there is treasure to be found oh go ahead and dig for it I cannot get out of there this is treasure that you guys will definitely need oh really oh here we go what there's nothing in here I'll let you guys do the work push yourself I can't see anything oh Beyonce I'm kind of happy that I'm in a hole in Beyonce did you name that did you name it that I'm messing this thing up right now am I supposed to be this far down or this is the queen bee wait I have uh I have you can tell that it's may be added as one of the mothers and I'm about to die from it why is the queen bee still alive after it stung us like multiple times it's it's a Super Bee yes it's the queen everything sticks together everything's mixed together is that your is that your uh explanation for this that is extremely fun in Swedish by the way because in Sweden the words for sting is thick oh it's almost dead you guys almost gotten it ah I'll win this fight when I get anchored up oh oh oh come on ah I was hoping okay I was hoping that one yay all right fine okay that was the first drawing that was the first drawing what do you guys think should the queen bee be added to Minecraft yes yeah I don't see why not I'd rather have a wasp it's good I like it should be in the game all right there we go we got four yeses one no all right let's jump into the next drawing the next drawing comes at us from pencil Panic a slimy scorpion a scorpion alright so let's start with the Steep for scale like we usually do and let's make a head shape like this and some pincers like that some eyeballs and then we make a segment of the body that we can duplicate until we got this cursed worm thing now let's curve the body into place and make a little Spike to put at the tip looking pretty good then we make a leg pose it and make eight copies now all we need is the claws so we just make an arm and attach a large thingamajigger on it like that now let's paint it to get all the right colors on there draw a little skull on his claws and after some shading and adjusting here we go are we still missing one thing on the drawing the Scorpion has this slime layer around it so let's do something like the Minecraft slime and make a second scorpion make all the blocks a bit thicker and then we texture it all like slime trust me on this one here we got the Scorpion a slimy scorpion which you can find in the junk Uncle don't get too close to it as you can shoot poisonous slime out of his tail which will paralyze you making you unable to escape when it runs at you to sting you with its large Stinger then it can finally attack you with its claws all while you're too nauseated to understand what's happening let's show the modders alright so the next drawing comes at us from Panic let's go in there oh it's a slime scorpion yeah that is awesome oh my God this looks sick honey block oh my God you guys are just damn clicking this thing already mobs today might be too easy five people attacking it is it gonna split in huh oh I am I'm literally getting dizzy okay go paralyze this honey block I mean it does hurt they're not gonna lie like it has some pretty good punch in the tail oh God I'm running I'm running oh oh you're leaning it out oh okay okay move okay oh my God all right I'm still paralyzed how do you get unparalyzed I've been paralyzed for like two minutes and that was the Scorpion should this be added to Minecraft no no yes no I think it should be but the paralysis is too overpowered fine all right on to the next drawing the next drawing comes it is from chiggy a worm spider super nasty so let's start with a steeper scale and then we make one segment of the worm like this which we can then copy until we have a worm shape that would make it thick thick thick like that now we can pose the worm to be all bendy gross and then we make the pincers so gross and we can't forget the little phase limbs he has on the drawing super oh that we do something similar for his four arms and finally we make the legs which I'll be making out of these bendy cubes to create the worm's lean muscle structure on the legs and there we have the models now let's get some paint on there so all the appropriate colors some quick shading then we can open the texture in Photoshop make some adjustments and voila we got nightmare fuel here we got the wider a slimy little worm that mutates into a slimy tapeworm it buries underground where tunnels to its Target coming out of the ground only to strike this is already pretty terrifying but get into half of its health and it will emerge out of the ground again to mutate even further after growing legs The Wider will run after its Target making it very hard to escape from let's introduce it to the modders alright the next drawing comes at us from chiggy [Music] this is genuinely really cool though honestly it's actually this is actually really cool okay everyone's just eating the ground I don't know when he's gonna pop up if you guys feel like this is too easy I could find another one no no this is this is actually like stuff a level it should be at yeah I would really want to see something like this in regular money oh you're just gonna say it out now like I love the idea of something that actually digs on the ground and comes for you without your awareness is it transforming again what's it doing what's it doing it's good what in the world is this many touch going with oh my God oh my God oh that's why it's called that it evolves oh okay this okay it grew some legs that's some pretty cute legs I'm gonna have nightmare tonight I'm going to bed like oh my God I'm dead come here Mr snakes Mr snakes come here oh it's almost dead it's almost dead it's dead now it's going down this is the strongest drawing yeah and there we have it you guys took down the wider now should this mob be added to Minecraft go one at a time yes yeah sure sure I mean it has to be it has to be in Minecraft yeah yeah I'll block it I like it finally go the next drawing comes that is from Big Daddy two one two a Giant Mountain Guardian cool as usual let's start with the Steve 4 scale and as we can see on the drawing Steve is roughly the size of the guardian's head so let's make a giant head let's make it curved on top and add a little nose guard it's it's important to to protect the nose it's an important it's a good nose don't don't want to lose it that we can make the mouth guard wrap it around the head add some little details and there's the head it's freaking massive now let's make the body I'm trying to replicate the look of the armor and the drawing but we need to take some artistic Liberty here since we are working with Cubes but something like this should be good for the Torso now let's make the shoulder Pieces by just doing a simple curve with some extruded edges let's add one more Cube where the edges meet in the middle and maybe curve out the edge a bit the drawing also got some horns on the shoulder pieces so let's make a bunch of Cubes forming a little Spike and curve them to form a little horn very very no I'm not gonna say it sweet now let's fill in the body a bit more and then we can make the arms which are quite simple with just a little bit of muscle structure and then for The Gauntlet we go more detailed again and make it all defined and cool looking something like that now let's make the fancy loin cloth and fix his waist a bit as you was looking a little bit too Square now let's do something different with the legs let's make the cubes rotated on a 45 degrees axis which by the way future me can tell you is not a good idea just make normal legs but we did it this way so let's offer through let's make some details for the knee portion and then we can make some cool kicks fire bro now it's almost complete but before we make the sword let's adjust some bits we don't like and there we go that's the fitness Guardian model now all we need is a sword so let's copy his hand as a reference and make the sword handle in its grasp the drawing has a double cross guard on the sword so let's replicate that which looks pretty cool now we make the blade do some final adjustments and that's the sword now he plays it in his hand and get to painting so let's get all the flat colors on there then we add some metallic shading and after some brushing up in Photoshop we got our finished Mountain Guardian here we got the mountain Guardians two statues that protect the Hidden Fortress in the mountains if any Uninvited visitors try to enter the Fortress the mountain Guardians will awaken breaking off their stone exterior revealing the metal armor underneath the Guardians are so big that every step they take makes the ground shake and Rumble with their giant sword they attack with a large raid is even when surrounded the Guardians can swing its sword all around them dealing damage to everything around it but if you think you're safe at a distance you're sadly mistaken they can also stab the ground which will summon magic swords to emerge from the ground around them let's see if our modders can enter The Fortress alright the next drawing comes out from Big Daddy two one two hey my submission actually went through come on in and meet the Mountain Guardian oh no it's the statues isn't it oh my gosh this is sick whoa this is so cool watch out for the footsteps is this in any way inspired by the Harry Potter guardians from the last movie oh my gosh these are two Majestic movies they are getting hurt a bit oh yeah thanks John did you see that slap to the face okay so you've got to use these Stones right yeah okay so we can use the stones and he won't get us their knockback is like bigger than the Ender Dragon milkback it is an experience when entire world is just a a constant LFO in my ears and I'm being tossed around the Minecraft world like a pinata like it's what happens if you have a bow like this is an instant win right all right um you know what I'll be nice to you guys I'll give you some bows let's get it I have one he's like he's like an eighth Health left oh I just killed yeah I did oh why is he oh wait did I get him he's down oh his head he's got water I just slayed him that's cool I love that animation that's amazing that's amazing oh I love the swords okay now we've got one more to kill right one more left this will be super easy get there you can get there you just got to be persistent and then when you get there you just gotta stick oh there we go to me and that was the mountain Guardians all right so should this mob be added to Minecraft uh yes yes well it needs a little bit of refinement uh I like it yeah all right so that is four out of five all right on to the next drawing wait over 90 of you were not subscribed if you're enjoying this video please consider subscribing so my childhood cross will regret not sitting next to me during lunch in third grade who's smelly now Amanda uh on with the video the next drawing comes at us from maxor a volcano Golem fire bro let's add a Steve for scale and get working on this ginormous Golem starting with its bottom lip let's bevel it in at the chin and then we can continue with the upper part of his head which we will also Babble inwards some eye holes and we got Grimace well grimmit doesn't have a volcano on its head but we do so let's scope the volcano out a bunch of cubes and try to make it look very jaggedy with a bunch of rock formations something like that now let's make the body which will be a pretty simple curved shape but let's make it a bit tougher for ourselves by filling in the corners with planes which we can paint later to only show where we wanted to and let's do the same for the lower body and now let's make some giant pillars for the arms those are some big pillars and some legs well just the feet really and that's the model now let's get painting let's make the body a deep dark red and now we can paint in the corner pieces we put on the body early earlier we have an impossible shape made with only cubes now let's break up the top of the pillar arms add a stone texture to the whole texture in Photoshop do some shading and a bit of detailing and there we have it here we got the volcano Golem oh never mind that's just a regular volcano wait it's moving it's moving now that is a big golem the volcano Golem is a heavy hitter when it walks it shakes the ground around it and the Golem uses this to its Advantage when threatened the Golem will slam its giant pillars on the ground causing a big impact that pushes back everything close to it and watch out for the eruptions as when this volcano erupts it shoots Fireballs that win land summon its minions but we haven't made the minions yet and this drawing by origin B is perfect a fire Golem this one will be unique so let's start by making some circular shapes with the eyes and then we can build the skeleton of the body with these things called locators what's a locator well well we used locators to tell Minecraft where to spawn particles meaning if we make his whole body out of these locators we can then make a fire particle and place it on every locator which gives us this result I think it looks awesome let's see what we can do about those eyes though nope I hate him so let's get rid of them instead let's make a new particle with a brighter Almost White Fire and then we place those where his eyes were oh that's sick this is the fire Golem born out of little fire the fire Golems emerge from the Fireballs of the volcano Golem leaving a trail of place wherever they walk they target anything living to burn down with their fire slam together the volcano and fire Golems make for a very difficult boss battle let's invite our modders to come see the next drawing comes at us from maxor do the thing you do oh look at this place oh my God it's me that's cool what do you want to see have a seat oh that looks good whoa no there is also another drawing a drawing submitted by arson B we also get the fire Golems hey look at that some little fire guys oh fire fire fire fire Gollum oh Echo I wanna see that the baby the baby uh please Friday he's almost halfway dead guys so if we had a water bucket would it make it easier why is he coming for me what have I done I'm gonna sit over here the crossbones are actually pretty good use them anyone notice it kind of looks like the Pokemon oh and there we have it you guys took down the volcano Golem not me I didn't do it there we go all right so should this mob be added to Minecraft uh yeah sure fine yes absolutely it was amazing yeah I guess so it probably needs to be just a little bit but it's pretty good I'll agree with the rest I think Minecraft needs a big gigantic boss of the ground that pulls at you why not all right that's five out of five yeses all right on to the next drawing the next drawing comes that is from Emil's son wait this isn't the creature this is a car a cannon car well fine I guess we're making a cannon car let's start with the Steve in a sitting position now let's make a cylinder around him round out the back and then we can make a smaller cylinder in the front which we attached to the bigger cylinder then we make one more slightly bigger and attach that one as well and there we have a rough Cannon shape now let's carve out a hole for our player to sit in and make a little seat for them to sit on a little steering wheel that actually looks really good now let's make a giant exhaust pipe in the back and we can't forget a little Cannon Wick to light the cannon with now let's make some Wheels carve out a hole to put them in and smoothen that up a bit looking good but let's make the cannon into a tricycle so we're putting this one in the middle awesome now let's just add a little bit more detail to the exhaust oh yeah way better and a little rim on the front and while we're adding details let's carve out the side of the cannon to make it look a little bit more fancy and that's the model now let's paint I have an idea for what I want to use these cars for and for that idea I will need a lot of different textures so I made six different paint jobs we got the iron Cannon the gold Cannon the diamond Cannon the netherride cannon the Redstone Cannon and the emerald Cannon which one is your favorite I personally really like the iron Cannon here we got the cannon cars with our cars but also cannons traditionally used for racing these Canon cars pick up crates to find different cannonballs to shoot from their cannons when you have obtained a cannonball you ignite the wick while you aim at your opponent if hit they will spin out giving you a chance to take the lead but sometimes you need a better Cannonball luckily we got four types the normal Cannonball which shoots one ball at a time the multiball that shoots multiple consecutive shots the hot ball which shoots one giant explosive ball and then we got this ball the halftone ball which if you watch the Mario Kart video you should recognize this one no what is going on I'm spitting out so many wait what's going on it's like a million I have infinite red shells right now we thought this was such a funny glitch that we purposely added it this time this is like a machine gun with this ball you can't miss then there's also the speed boost which gives you a speed boost but he can also gain speed by driving uninterrupted not hitting any obstacles which slowly increases your speed until you hit something which will revert you back to the starting speed let's get our modders to race Yahoo all right this drawing was submitted by Emil's son we got the cannon cards hello look at these go ahead and oh my God it's Mario Kart it's the video stop it get back here which is mine how would I know which is mine like that whatever you like three laps winner gets bragged right yo lineup on the start line all right three two one go foreign [Music] oh we don't want any half tone breakage I'm I'm preemptively doing everything oh I'm what I did like these cars there's something about him that just makes me very happy cannons oh I see that you you actually added the half tone book that's an item love that yeah I did it I was like oh I remember this well it wasn't it that's how you suppose aiming oh my God that's what I meant like it's absolutely stupid I love it it's traveling so slowly oh yeah um oh one lap yeah I eat speed I got one yeah that's one they're going so quickly it passed me that I couldn't the Big Orange I'm going slowly why is this an empty car behind me what oh I got speed I got speed I got speed I've got a crawling I'm at crawling space it's a bug oh wait my feet is back to normal now my speed is back to normal now the only one is gonna give somebody a new one it's me giving Jonathan who passed me was that you Daniel oh oh my god oh okay Daniel is in first if I am lost all right I have to be lost no I have done his last what how am I not lost no I'm definitely like just overlapping people that's what's happening right now oh there's okay yeah I'm just going for my floor flap you know this is fun this is fun I have some great critique for this map once we're done as well yeah me too it's a it's a bit too easy [Music] and there we have it Daniel is in first really really not fair really not for like that that's so cheating Daniel don't go back you knew exactly Oh that's oh oh oh yeah Daniel you can't be first and forth now we're just waiting on half tone all right I'm getting there oh there we go yeah and I have done is in film there we have it that was the cannon car wait is that a moth add some drawing is this above it's like a it's like a mule yeah that counts that was super cool good job Terrace we really cooked today should the Canon car be in Minecraft yeah because it comes with the half moon item then yes yeah yeah that's good I like it a bit too easy but you know uh yeah why not you know I mean half yes well there we have it if you would like to submit your own drawings to the series go on over to our Discord server and submit them and then submit your drawings Channel all right like And subscribe bye bye now
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 4,406,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mob, minecraft mob, mobs, custom mobs, blockbench, minecraft mod, minecraft mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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