I remade Every Mob in Minecraft

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I added all 26 letters from alphabet lore into Minecraft first I made a and I used an axel to make a because a starts with Axel wait no it's the other way around I'm not going to lie my a looked kind of ugly so because of that I added some Grill lines on his teeth to really give it detail and because he is a I decided to spawn him on an AAA Tree now you might be thinking I should have put him in the water but I'm sure he'll be fine next I made B and I made B from a be because well you know everything about him was looking pretty good but then I realized bee has these eyes that are really annoying to make so I gave him these messed up eyes and I also got rid of the grill lines I don't know why I did that in the first place be is supposed to be a butterfly so we'll pretend his wings are flapping because I don't know how to do that also here is a b army chasing me because I didn't subscribe before 500k next I'll be making boat C and D for C I used a creeper and C is kind of curved so I spent 5 minutes trying to perfectly rotate these pieces I then added his teeth and gave him these angryl looking eyes and finally added some noise because noise makes everything better next for D I used a dolphin and I copied this piece with a squished dolphin's face on it until I had the shape of a d i then gave him a sideways mouth and added his eyes which make him look like he has 159 children in his basement I then put C in the C even though C doesn't start with C because C and C are both pronounced C so it makes sense and then I put D in the C as well because he's a dolphin now all either of them have to worry about his Pirates and drowning because apparently C can't breathe underwater the next letter is e and for E I use the only logical mob the end Dragon I had to delete his entire body until I was left with half of his head and then I turned his head into the shape of an e and finally added some teeth and his eyes right above that I don't know how you would be able to kill the Ender Dragon now that you can barely see it but that's not my problem well actually it kind of is next I made F and F is a bad guy so I made him a frog because these are the only two mobs that start with F I gave F these really ugly teeth that look nothing like the original and then I decided to get fancy and rotate his eyes since F attacks everybody we pretend that this slime is e and he is being eaten by F we'll also make f kidnpped d because why not next I made G and I won't lie I already made G before so I decided to copy paste him onto a guas for some reason G is really big and also flies around which is probably not accurate also in the intro F runs over G so I tried to make that in the best way I possibly could but then he shot Fireballs at me so I gave up next I'm going to make H and I for H I used a horse and he was quite easy to make I added his eyes and his curved mouth and then I was done for I I used an iron golem and I decided to make him from a single leg it turns out that I is also easy to make all I really had to do was add his eyes and his tiny smile I put H in a house and I even rode him which made me technically flying because H is a ghost then I put horse armor on H just to see how it would look let's just get rid of this next I spawned I in an igloo because what better place for an iron golem to live I also thought he looked really funny when he walked because he's just a leg the next letters are J and K and as it turns out there are no mobs that start with j or k so I decided to use mobs that might sound like they do for Jay I used a giant which could be spelled with a J if you're in kindergarten and don't know letters yet Jay looks really sus and I think it's even worse that I decided to make him really big you also can't really do anything except hit him so let's move on for K I used a cow and I literally just spelled it wrong in my script so this fits perfectly I added this thing on top of its head and gave it some eyes and this bug mouth thing I then decided to put K with B because they are both bugs also putting them together stands for Burger King the next letter is Elemento p did anyone else used to think that was one big letter anyways there's only one mob that starts with L and that's the Llama spit llama spit I made L out of llama spit which apparently counts as a mob I then spawned a llama in the game and made it spit on me I don't know what I was expecting from this but this definitely wasn't it for am I decided to use a mine cart which also isn't a mob I only used the front part to make him and spent too much time trying to rotate these pieces I then added his eyes and his squiggly mouth and spawned m in a m shaft he doesn't really do much on his own but you you can kind of use him as a car a very slow car of course there are no mobs that start with NS so instead I decided to make him from the nether I don't really know what my plan was and I ended up just putting a picture of n on top of Netherrack at least now when I enter the nether it looks a lot worse he also could possibly be the new Netflix logo this is actually just a cover up for the fact that I forgot to make n when I was making the other letters for o there is only one mob that I can use which is the ocelot o is annoying to make because O is a circle and Minecraft isn't known for its circles but once that was stun the circle all I had to do was add his eye after that I decided to spawn o in Ohio no seriously I don't know how this map even ended up on my PC I even used H and I to spell out Ohio and then exited the world trapping them in Ohio forever for P I decided to use a phantom I've also already made P before so I just copy pasted her onto a phantom since p is a superhero seeing her fly actually Mak sense but she is still very annoying like a regular Phantom seriously stop hitting me the clip is over next I made q and nothing starts with Q so I used a turtle I added his big mouth the little spots on his body and finally I added his eyes I spawned Q on the beach and he was really slow just like he should be so I spawned an army of q's and then I gave them all slowness and they literally couldn't even move is this mean I don't know next I made R and I made him from a ravager I used the ravager's head as a body and I gave him his eye and finally I added his mouth when I saw him in game I realized I added too much noise and he looks like concrete powder also for some reason R randomly has the ability to fly Wait no that's just e pushing him the next letters are s and t and for S I decided to use a snow golem at this point I was getting really lazy so instead of making a 3D mob I just drew s on top of a plane and that was it s is a snake so I put him in the sand but then I realized that's not exactly where Snow Golems go so I put s in the snow instead and then I made him have a snowball fight with me I also spawned an army of them and made them fight a bunch of zombies and they lost really badly for ta is my favorite mob a trident I don't know how a trident counts as a mob but it's already in the shape of a tea so this was pretty easy easy to make now I look really cool when I'm using Riptide and I can also use te to strike lightning but that's basically it as it turns out making a custom Trident is kind of boring next I decided to make you and nothing starts with you so I decided to make him from you like you is in the viewer I'm just kidding I actually used a goat I rotated these two corner pieces which ended up looking really bad and then I give him his eyes and his mouth after making youu I also add all the letters to spell my favorite word oh wait I spelled it wrong next I made V and V is a villager once again I decided to only use a leg to make him and at first I made a u because I forgot how letters work I then rotated the two sides and gave him a couple eyes and a tiny mouth his mouth didn't really look right but at this point I didn't care so I spawned V in a village and there were arms above his head which I also didn't feel like fixing the final four letters are WX Y and Z and for w I decided to use the warden I'm sorry wither I don't understand why I have such a hard time rotating these pieces but it ended up like this and this is the best it's going to get I then added four of the exact same eyes to W and then made a very complicated mouth to put on each side I would rate W as zero out of 10 in terms of design but she looks really funny coming out of the ground I can even spam W's in the chat and then get chased by all of them please help there are no mobs that start with x so I used the honorable mention from W the Wither I shaped him into an X which was easy and then I added these purple things on each side next I drew all the details on his face and then I added these things behind him since X is a ninja I decided to fight him in hand to-hand combat to see would win but X decided to cheat and shoot a bunch of Wither heads at me instead causing me resort to ancient fighting tactics to secure the victory I made y out of a wolf because I I don't know anymore I just picked something random I rotated these two pieces to make the shape of a y and then I gave her two eyes which blend in perfectly with her body and gave her a mouth that looks like it's from an emoji I don't really know what I'm doing anymore so enjoy this video of me taming a bunch of y's the final letter is z and somehow there is actually a mob that starts with z a zombie so I made Z from a zombie head instead which apparently counts as a mob since Z is a planet I am demonstrating that by Standing On Top Of Z I even tried to spawn every letter on top of him which didn't work at all if the creator of alphabet lore is watching this I'm sorry I'm going to be remaking Minecraft Mobs into poppy playtime 3 the first character I'll make is catnap and I'm going to use a cat it should be obvious why first let's remove this stuff and we'll rearrange his body parts for now now let's change the shape of his body a little bit and we'll make his legs a bit bigger like this now let's give him some arms on the side and now let's start to shape his head next I'm going to give him some ears on the top of his head and we'll start to give him a big tail right here here all right now this is looking good so let's Color Him in first we'll color his body fully purple and I'm going to give him a mouth up here next I'm going to color in this nose piece and we'll start to give him some eyes now let's add the Moon that he has on his chest next I'm going to change his face a little bit like this and I think this is looking pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is how catnap looks in game as you can see this guy looks really happy which I'm sure means he's very friendly and not at all scary catnap is very powerful as he's able to do a lot of damage and if you get attacked by catnap I made it that he chases you on all fours like this I take back what I said about him before he's definitely scary catnap has a ranged attack which is supposed to be him shooting gas and when catnap hits you he will change it to nighttime because he wears the moon pendant catnap will also drop this night clock if he dies which makes it nighttime as long as you holding it in your hand if you try to use a bed when catnap is around he will destroy the bed so that you cannot sleep and catnap is also immune to fall damage because he's a cat and cats are usually immune to fall damage overall I don't think think catnap turned out that bad but he also looks a little bit funny so because of this I'm going to give catnap an 8 out of 10 next I'll make dog day and I'm going to use a wolf because a wolf is a dog first we'll remove some of the stuff we don't need and I'm going to move his body around a little bit for now next let's give him some new legs like this and we'll change the shape of his body now I'm going to copy one of the legs and turn it into an arm and I'll give him a hand on the bottom of his arm now let's start to change the shape of his head and we'll give him some spots for his eyes up here now let's give him some big floppy ears on the top and I think this is looking pretty good so now let's Color Him in first we'll color his entire body in orangish yellow now I'm going to give him a mouth like this next we'll color his ears a reddish color and we'll do the same for his arms and his feet now let's color these divider things a dark gray and I'm going to give him a nose like this next let's draw the sun on the front of his chest all right I think this is looking good let's add dog day to the game this is how dog day looks in game as you can see looks pretty good also just like catnap he doesn't really look that scary he has more of a friendly look but don't let this trick you though as dog day has the same chasing animation that I gave to catnap I think I'm just going to stay in creative mode for now since dog day has the sun pendant I made it so that when dog day hits you he turns it to daytime instead of night dog day is also able to spawn smiling Critters to help him fight since he's the leader but right now he can only spawn catnap cuz I haven't made any of the other ones if you kill dog day he will drop a sun Axe and the Sun axx is insanely powerful as it does 19 attack damage and it can also destroy almost any block overall I think dog day turned out a lot better than catnap I actually like how he looks this time so because of this I'm going to give dog day a 10 out of 10 next I'm going to make bobby bear hug and I'll use a polar bear because she's a bear first let's get rid of a few things next I'm going to move these parts around a bit now let's give her some new legs and we'll make her body a lot smaller like this next I'm going to bend her body a little bit and I'll just start to give her some arms on the side right here and we'll just copy this to the other side next I'm going to start shaping her head and we'll give her some ears on the top like this okay that looks good now it's time to color her in first I'm going to color her body a dark red and we'll color her feet and hands a light pink now let's give her a big mouth like this and we'll start to add her eyes on the top of the head next let's give her some bright white pupils and I'm going to add a few more pink details next let's give her a nose like this and we'll add the heart that she has in her chest all right I think this looks good let's see how she looks in game this is how bobby bear hug looks in game I don't know why but she kind of reminds me of Freddy Fazbear it's probably because they are both bears actually that would make sense un likee dog day and catnap I decided to make it so that Bobby bear hug is passive towards players and you are actually able to tame her if you feed her raw fish because I'm pretty sure bears like fish once you tame bobby bear hug she will follow you around and if you ever get low on health you can right click her and you'll be healed to full health immediately so she's pretty op if you think of it Bobby bear hug will also attack any mobs that are fighting you and she does a ton of melee damage because bears are very powerful in real life if you kill bobby bear hug I made her drop a heart which just gives you a heart when it's right clicked and overall I don't think bobby bear hug turned out that bad I actually kind of like this design so because of this I decided to give her a 9 out of 10 next I'll make Bubba Bubba Fint and I'm going to use a rager cuz it kind of looks like an elephant so first let's just get rid of all this stuff and I'm going to start with bobby bear hugs body so let's change these ears into more elephant looking ears and we'll change the nose into a big trunk like this next I'm going to reshape the heart into the shape of a light bulb and we'll just change his tail on the back as well okay now this is good let's give him him some new colors first we'll color his body a light blue and we'll give him the same color on his head next I'm going to color his feet and hands a darker blue and we'll put this on the end of his tail as well now it's coloring the light bulb on his chest and I'm just going to add a few more details all around his body and I think this is looking pretty good let's add him to the game this is how Bubba Bubba Fant looks in game he looks a lot like bobby bear hug but to be fair all the critters kind of look the same when you don't know what their monster form is like since Bubba Bubba Fant is an elephant I decided to give him a ranged attack which is supposed to be water shooting out of his trunk he does shoot a lot of water though so I'm not really sure how he fits it in his trunk you might have also noticed that Bubba Bubba Fint emits light and that's because his pendant is a light bulb so I literally just made him a light bulb Bubba Bubba Fant also can do a ton of melee damage like bobby bear hug and this is because an elephant is also a really powerful animal I'm guessing if you kill Bubba Bubba Fant you will drop a light bulb and the light bulb works just like a torch except you are not able to place it it's only meant to be held overall I don't think Bubba Bubba Fant turned out that bad and because of this I decided to give him an8 out of 10 next I'm going to make pigy Piggy and I'll use a pig because she's a pig so first I'm going to remove all these Pig parts and we're going to start with Bubba Bubba Fin's body so let's completely remove the trunk and we'll start to make the ears a lot more Pig shaped next I'm going to give her a completely new nose and I'm going to change this light bulb into the shape of an apple like this now let's remove this tail and we'll turn it into a spiral tail okay now this is good so it's time to change her colors first I'm going to color her body light pink and we'll color her head the same color now let's color her nose a darker pink and we'll use the same color for her hands and her feet next let's color in the Apple we put on her chest now finally let's color in the tail and I think this is looking good let's add pigy piggy to the game this is how py piggy looks in game I don't know why but her face looks a little bit scary but other than that she doesn't look that bad I guess I don't know it's just really weird similar to Bobby bear hug if you right click pigy piggy she will give you hunger instead of health and this is good because you no longer need to kill pigs to get food now pigy piggy is also really picky according to her name so I made it so that she attacks regular pigs as she's very particular about what pigs she likes if you kill pigy piggy I made it so that she drops a suspicious apple and this apple just gives you a couple of potion effects which kind of have me wondering what she did to the Apple overall I think pigy piggy turned out pretty good but her face just looks a little bit scary so because of this I decided to give her a 7 out of 10 next I'll make crafty corn and I'm going to use a horse because that's almost a unicorn so like usual remove all this horse stuff and I'm going to start from pigy Piggy's body so let's just change these ears a little bit and we'll start to give her some hair on the top like this next I'm going to add our unicorn horn on the top and we'll change this apple into the shape of a flower now let's remove this tail and we'll make it into a bushier tail like this okay now this is looking good so let's change her colors first we'll color her entire body white and we'll do the same thing on her head now let's color her hair light blue and we'll color her hands and feet the same color next let's color in the flower that is on her chest and I'm going to color unicorn horn a bit darker than her body and I think this is looking good let's see how she looks in game this is how crafty corn looks in game I will say she's probably one of my favorite non-monster Critters right now also ignore the particles she's admitting I just gave them to her because it felt like something she would do you may have also noticed that every time crafty corn moves a trail of rainbow colored blocks follows her because her pendant is a rainbow flower so it only makes sense another thing you can do is tame crafty corn using some wheat and after you tame crafty corn you were able to R similar to a horse and this honestly looks really cool when it's paired with the rainbow trail that she has if you kill crafty corn she drops a rainbow sword which is just a really op sword that strikes lightning every time you hit something and it also has a chance of exploding when using it as well just ignore the way it looks in my hand though I don't know how this happened and overall I think crafty corn is one of my favorite Critters so far so because of this I decided to give her a 9 out of 10 next I'm going to make hoppy Hopscotch and I'll use a rabbit because she's a rabbit first let's remove all these rabbit parts and I'm going to start from Bubba Bubba fence body cuz it will be easier so let's just change these ears into long rabbit ears and I'm going to change the light bulb into a lightning bolt like this now let's give her a completely different looking tail and now this is good so I'm going to change her colors first I'm going to color her body entirely green and we'll just do the same thing on her face now let's color her hands and feet a bit darker green and I'm going to color her tail the same color next I'm going to add a bit more detail all around her body and I think this looks pretty good let's add her to the game this is how hoppy hops Scotch looks in game she kind of has the same Freddy Fazbear looking face from before but she still looks pretty good despite not looking like a bunny as you can see hoppy Hopscotch is really fast and since she's a bunny I decided to make it so that she can jump really high as well and if you want some of this jumping power for yourself you can right click on hoppy Hopscotch and you will get jump boost for 30 seconds as well if hoppy Hopscotch gets in a fight she strikes lightning on the enemy because her pendant is a lightning bolt and if you kill hoppy Hopscotch she drops these green boots which when war will give you permanent jump boost just like she has overall I think hoppy Hopscotch turned out pretty good I especially like her ears so because of this I decided to give her an 8 out of 10 next I'll make kicken chicken and I'm obviously going to use a chicken first I'm going to remove the chicken like this and just like the last time we'll use Bubba Bubba Fant as a base so let's just get rid of this trunk and we'll get rid of his ears next I'm going to make his face a bit bigger like this next I'm going to change the light bulb into a star now let's change his hands into wings and I'm going to add the hair that he has in his head right here next I'm going to give him a new tail like this and I'm going to add the beak on his face right here okay now this looks good so let's start to color him in first we'll color his body entirely yellow and I'm going to do the same thing on his head next we'll color his feet orange now let's color his star a reddish color and I think this is looking pretty good let's add kick and chicken to the game this is how kick and chicken looks in game this is definitely my least favorite smiling Critter I won't lie but the fact that he's able to fly makes up for it a little bit it makes him look more unique it also gives him this cool flying animation which doesn't actually look that cool it looks a little bit weird actually if kick and chicken gets in a fight he does a ton of knockback because he has kicken in his name also similar to picky piggy kick and chicken also doesn't like regular chickens but this time it has no reason he's just a hater I guess if you kill kick and chicken I made it so that he drops a star and upon right clicking the star you will just start levitating in the air until you make it to the stars and overall I think kicking chicken doesn't look that good but I like some of the features that he has so because of this I decided to give him a 7 out of 10 I'm going to be remaking Minecraft Mobs into the amazing digital Circus the first character I'll make is pomy and I'm going to use a villager to make her first let's get rid of this stuff cuz we don't need it now let's change the shape of her body and we'll start shaping her legs next I'm going to give her some arms and I'll just add a hand on the bottom here next I'm going to change the shape of her head and let's start to add her hat on the top as well and I think that's a pretty good body so now let's start to color her in first let's color her head white and we'll do the same for our arms and legs as well now let's color in these yellow parts like this next let's color in her clothes and I'll make sure to add the blue spots on the other side now let's put these buttons that she has in the front of her shirt like this and now it's time to give her a face so first I'm going to add her eyes like this and I'm also going to give her a strand of hair on each side of her head as well and I think this is looking pretty good let's see how she looks in game this is how pomy looks in game she doesn't look that bad I like how I made her constantly looking around paranoid just like how she is in the show we'll just ignore the fact that she's bald on the back of her head though I'm pretty sure her hat is supposed to cover that in the show pomy throws up on the ground so I made it so that when she hits you you get the nausea effect it is also said that pomy doesn't like being touched so I made it so that she runs away from enemies very quickly if she gets attacked in the show pomy tries to escape the circus through a bunch of exit doors so I made it so that pomy can open doors by herself just like a regular villager py also gets teleported to the void if you right click her because I just felt like adding that I don't really know why you kill pomy she drops her red hand which gets glitched in the first episode so if you hold this hand out for yourself you get teleported around randomly sort of like you're glitching and a fun fact about pomy is that her favorite food is salmon so you can also feed pomy salmon overall I think pomy turned out pretty good and has a lot of interesting features so because of this I decided to give pomy a 9 out of 10 next I'm going to make cane and I'll use an aoker to make him first let's get rid of all this stuff that we don't need and let's change the shape of his leg and bend it like this next I'm going to work on his arms so let's just rotate this piece like this and we'll give him a hand and copy this over to the other side as well next I'm going to change just head into the shape of some gums like this and let's just add some teeth on the top in the same shape as well next I'll give him his top hat on top of the mouth okay now this is looking good so let's give him some color first I'm going to color his gums bright red and we'll color the teeth white like this next I'm going to color in his eyes and let's color shirt a pinkish color as well okay now this looks good so let's just add some detail to his shirt right here and we'll give him his different color eyeballs as well now let's give him a stick because I forgot to do that and I think that Kane is looking pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is how Kane looks in game he actually looks really good also ignore the cakes that are spawning around him I'll explain that in a second since Kane is the host of the digital circus I decided to make it so that Kane is completely Invincible to all types of damage except for cactuses Kane is also seen teleporting throughout the episode so I made it so that Kane teleports away if he takes too much damage similar to the TV people in my skibby videos Kane also spawns cake randomly around him as you can see because he spawn a cake out of thin air in the first episode unfortunately there is no bubble to eat this cake right now we'll just have to wait until later for that if Kane somehow manages to die he drops a stick which can be used to either remove any block you right click on with it or you can send any mob to the void if you right click them as well overall I think Kane turned out really good he's definitely one of my favorite mobs I've made so because of this I decided to give Kane a 10 out of 10 he deserves it the next character I'll make is JX and I'm going to use a rabbit cuz Jax is a rabbit I think first I'm going to get rid of some of the stuff we don't need and let's rearrange his body parts a little bit for now next let's make his legs super tall like this and we'll change the shape of his body to make it a bit taller as well now let's give him a neck like this and I'll just change the shape of his head to make it a bit more round now let's just add his ears on the very top and now it's time to give Jack some arms and I think this is good so let's give Jack some color first I'm going to color his head purple and we'll do the same for his arms and body as well now his color is overall is a pinkish color and we'll do the same for his legs like this next I'm going to color both of his hands a yellowish color and we'll just give him two buttons here and now it's time to add his face first I'm going to give him a big yellow mouth and let's just give him some eyes above that I'm also going to give him a couple eyebrows above his eyes like this and I think this is looking pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is how Jax looks in game he honestly looks pretty similar to the actual show the only difference is that he's obviously made of Cubes though so he could never be as good as the original it was kind of hard for me to think of features to give Jax so he only really has a couple to start Jax is super tall as you can see just like he is in the actual series and you can also see Jax Run Away really quickly in the first episode so I made it so that Jax is super fast in game as well you can also ride on Jax's back for some reason I'm not really sure why I added this it just seems like something that he would be able to do if you kill Jax you get a rabbit's foot because he's a rabbit so that's the less evil version of making him just drop rabbit meat and overall I think Jax looks pretty good but he doesn't really have that many features so because of this I decided to give Jax an8 out of 10 next I'm going to make ragi and I'm going to use a witch to make her first let's get rid of some of the stuff we don't need and I'm just going to make her body a lot smaller for now and I'll just add a few layers underneath as her dress next I'm going to give her an arm like this and I'll just give her a hand on the bottom as well now let's copy this over to the other side and next let's work on her head first I'm going to change the shape of it like this next I'm going to start adding her hair on the side and I'll just copy these hairs all around her head and we'll also add her bow on the top like this and I think this is a pretty good body so now let's give her some color first I'm going to color her head and her arms in like this next let's just color her hair a reddish pink color as well now let's color her entire dress a purplish color and we'll color the bow on top slightly darker next I'm going to add the patches on her dress in the same color as the bow and now let's add a bit more detail and we'll start to give her a face all right after like five tries this is the face I'm going with it still looks weird but it's the best I'm going to get now finally let's add a bit of texture and I think this looks good let's see how she looks in game this is how ragi looks in game I definitely think her face looks a little weird she also makes witch noises which I'm not really sure if it fits her or not it's kind of strange also we're just going to ignore the fact that you can see through her hair just pretend the back part here is fully covered in the show ratha gets attacked and becomes completely glitched out so I decided to make it so that ragi glitches whenever she gets hit which looks kind of funny more than glitchy this is also the only feature that ragi has because I couldn't really think of anything else if you kill ragi she drops this red thing from the nether because it was supposed to be her hair and overall I think ragi looks kind of cursed and she doesn't really have any features so because of this I'm going to give ragi a 6 out of 10 I just made her face look too weird next character I'll make is gangle and I'll make gangle from a skeleton cuz they're both kind of built the same first I'm going to make her head a lot smaller like this and now let's shape the head into a mask as well and I think that's good so let's just work on her left arm like this and we'll make the right arm similar but rotate it in a different direction next I'm going to make her legs a lot thinner and we'll rotate the bottom part a little bit like this now let's copy this to the other side and it's time to color her in first I'm going to draw a red spiral for her body like this and I'm going to color her arms and her legs the same color now let's add a bit of detail with a slightly lighter red and next I'm going to color in her mask and now finally let's give her a face like this and we'll also add a little bit more texture to her body as well well and I think that is looking pretty good let's see how she looks in game this is how gangle looks in game despite being very simple to make I think she actually turned out pretty good I will say that having the arms like this is kind of strange though they don't really move that much in the show gangle has at least two masks the comedy mask and the tragedy mask but she falls and breaks her comedy mask at the beginning of the first episode so I decided to make it so that when gangle dies her comedy mask Falls and reveals the tragedy mask you may have also noticed that the comedy mask drops as an item when she dies and if you decide to wear this comedy mask you get speed 4 and jump boost for because those effects are kind of fun I guess the mask is also off-centered when you wear it but we'll just ignore that it's the only way I could make it fit overall I think gangle turned out pretty good and I think her mask is a cool addition to the game so because of this I'm going to give gangle a 9 out of 10 next I'm going to make ker and I'll use a snow golem to make him first I'm going to get rid of these layers cuz we don't need them and let's make the bottom smaller like this now let's add another part on top and we'll make it way taller as well next I'm going to copy this part on Top and we'll bend it so he's hunched over a little bit and now I'm just going to add a part on the front that is going to be his coat now let's add a piece for his head up here and we'll add another part on top and we'll also add the king thing on the very top like this next I'm going to change his neck area a little bit so that he can have his coat and this looks pretty good now let's Color Him in first I'm going to color his body a purplish color and we'll just color in the rest of his coat as well now let's color his head slightly darker than his coat next I'm going to give him an eye and we'll copy this over to the other side and rotate them a little bit as well now let's give him a hand and we'll color it the same color as his coat next we'll add a little bit of detail to his coat like this and I think this is looking pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is how kinger looks in game this guy is honestly a little bit larger than I thought he would be I also decided to make it so that kinger sways back and forth quickly because in the show he seems to be a little bit on edge wait where did he go why is he hiding underneath these randomly colored blocks since kinger seems to be crazy in the show I decided to make it so that when you right click ker he shakes really quickly similar to when he did this in the show this also makes him look kind of funny if you just Spam it if you kill kinger I made it so that he drops one scaffolding and you might be wondering why I chose this random item and it's because it has a checkerboard pattern on it and kinger is a chest piece overall I don't think kinger looks that bad but he's also not the best looking mob so because of this I decided to give kinger a 7 out of 10 the next character I'll make is zubal and I'll use the blaze to make them cuz they both have a bunch of body parts first let's remove all these cuz we don't need them and I'm just going to make the first leg like this and we'll just add this hook shape on the bottom of the right leg and we'll also add a spiral on the top next I'm going to going to give zubal a body and we'll just copy the spiral for their neck as well next I'm going to work on making a triangle shape for the head and I'm also going to add a left arm like this and we'll also make a right arm that has a lot less spirals now I'm going to color zubal in so first let's color the body yellowish and we'll Color zub's head in pink next I'm going to color the rest of the body a bunch of different colors now let's add some spots on zub's body like this and now I'm going to add a few more parts on the body that I missed and I think that looks good so now let's just add their eyes like this and we'll also add this zigzag thing that comes off the top of their head as well now let's add the Y on the other part of the head and we'll give it some Stripes as well and I think this is looking pretty good let's see how zubo looks in game this is how zubo looks in game I'm honestly kind of surprised that I was able to make them look good with all the different pieces I will say the blaze noises are really annoying though I definitely should have removed them but other than that this actually did turn out pretty good in the show zubo gets broken into a bunch of pieces so I decided to make it so that when you kill zubal it breaks them into a bunch of pieces as well ignore the fact that they're able to stand back up you also might have noticed that zubal drops a zubal head when they die and you might be wondering what the zubal head does no you are not able to wear it instead you can eat the zubal head and you will gain bad luck for a minute this is because zubo seems kind of unlucky in the first episode overall I think zubo turned out a lot better than I thought they would so because of this I decided to give zubal an eight out of 10 next I'm going to make bubble and I'll use a Vex cuz I made cane from an evoker first I'm going to get rid of all this Vex stuff and I'm just going to generate a circle like this now let's color this circle a purplish color and I'm going to rotate this circle a bunch of different times until we have a bubble next I'm going to remove some pieces like this so we have some teeth and let's just color these teeth white so we can see them next I'm going to add an eye on the side and we'll color it reddish brown and now let's just copy this to the other side and I think that looks good let's see how bubble looks in game this is how bubble looks in game this is probably the least minecrafty looking mob I've ever made the teeth still look minecrafty though I didn't really add that much detail to them since bubble is supposed to be Kane's sidekick I decided to make it so that when you right click Kane he spawns in bubble similar to how the actual evoker spawns vex's bubble has also seen licking stuff in the show so I decided to make it so that you get licked by Bubble if he attacks you as well if you kill bubble he has a popping animation which actually looks kind of cool and you might have noticed that he drops an ender pearl and that's just because it's the same shape as a bubble that's really it overall I don't think bubble looks that bad but he's a little bit weird compared to my regular mobs so because of this I'm going to give bubble a 7 out of 10 I'm going to be remaking Minecraft mobs in the garden of band band 6 the first character I'll make is Sir dad dud and I'm going to use a ravager cuz they're both big and scary first let's remove all the stuff we don't need and we'll start to make the shape of his body now let's start giving him an arm on the side next I'm going to start to give him a head and I think this is good so now let's start to add some color first I'm going to color his body fully light gray now let's color his hands the same color as his head and now we'll just give him some teeth on the bottom like this now finally let's start to give him a tie and I think this is looking good let's see how he looks in game this is how sir dadoo looks in game he definitely looks pretty scary he also kind of looks like he's from Monsters Inc does anyone else see that it's probably just the tie that he's wearing it makes him look like he's ready for work since sir dadoo kind of looks like a slug I decided to make it so that he walks very slowly but don't let this trick you though because just like in the actual game sir dadoo is able to move very quickly if he's attacking you and if you get hit by Sir adadu he will give you all these potion effects because in the game he possesses some of the other monsters so this is kind of the same thing subscribe or sir dadoo will possess you if you manage to kill sir dadoo he drops a dadoo tooth which does the same thing as his attack does it possesses things and overall I think sir adud turned out really good he looks a lot like the actual monster so because of this I decided to give sir dadoo a 10 out of 10 next I'm going to make the nanny and I'll use a pig cuz the nanny is either a pig or a cow but I don't know which so first let's get rid of these back legs now let's start to shape the body like this now let's make these legs a lot bigger now let's change the shape of her head a little bit and we'll just give her some floppy ears like this and I think this is looking good so now let's color her in first I'm going to color body a grayish blue color now let's color her legs a little bit darker now let's color her nose blue and we'll give her some bright yellow eyes like this now let's give her a blue mouth as well and I think this is looking good let's see how she looks in game this is how the nanny looks in game I still can't tell if she's supposed to be a pig or a cow come on guys which one is it you have to tell me okay I don't think they know either in the game The Nanny is seene lurking in one of the first rooms before jump scaring the player so I decided to make it so that the nanny is mainly found in dark areas as well the nanny also moves quite slowly similar to Sir dadoo because this is how she's seen moving at first but don't let this trick you again because the nanny attacks you super quickly if you get too close similar to her jump scare I decided to make it so that if you kill the nanny she drops a pork chop and the reason I did that is because she looks like a pig I'm sorry if she's a cow I seriously can't tell and overall I think the nanny looks pretty good in game but her body design just looks a little bit boring so because of this I'm going to give the nanny an8 out of 10 the next character I'll make is singon and I'm going to use a sniffer to make him cuz they both start with s first first I'm going to remove all the stuff we don't need and I'm going to turn his legs into feet like this and we'll add a leg on top of the feet as well now let's start to add his neck like this and we'll add his head on the top of his neck as well now let's start to give him some arms and now we're going to start coloring him in first I'm going to color his entire body a bright pink color and now let's give him a mouth like this and we'll also start to give him some eyes on the top next I'm going to add his surgeon tools that he has on each of his hands and I think this is looking good let's see how he looks in game this is how singon looks in game this guy doesn't look that bad I don't really know why he's turn turning like this though this is definitely a problem but other than that singon looks good I especially like his face it looks kind of funny in the game singon is referred to as the surgeon so I decided to make it so that he does surgery on you when he hits you okay it's not actually surgery he just freezes you and starts taking your hearts I don't know how to make this guy an actual surgeon something I also just noticed is that San's arms aren't actually supposed to be in the air like this his picture on the wall deceived me if you kill singon he drops a beetroot and the only reason I made him drop this random item is because it looks like a heart and he is the surgeon overall I don't think singon turned out that bad but there are a few things that are kind of weird so because of this I decided to give him an 8 out of 10 next I'm going to make the naughty ones and I'll use an endermite to make them cuz they are both kind of the same so let's remove a few pieces like this next I'm going to change the shape of his body a little bit and we'll give him a head on the top of his body now let's rotate the bottom of his body like this and we'll start to give him a tail on the back right here next I'm going to add some ears on the top of his head okay this is looking pretty good now now it's time to give him some color first let's color his body this bluish color and we'll color the inside of his ears purple now let's color his teeth bright white and I'll actually change the color of his body because it's not supposed to be dark like this all right I think this is looking pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is how the naughty ones look in game honestly they pretty much look exactly the same as they do in game the only thing that's really different is that we are seeing them in the light which I'm not sure if that is even possible the naughty ones are incredibly fast as you can see and this makes them actually pretty scary well I don't know about scary but they're sort of like like a buff silverfish the naughty ones also won't attack you when there's light around but if you run into one of these guys in a cave then you might be in trouble I also gave the naughty On's a jumping attack animation which is supposed to be like their jump scare and if you manage to kill these guys they drop an amethyst Shard and I don't really know why I just picked it because it's purple overall I think the naughty ones turned out exactly how they should have so because of this I'm going to give them a 10 out of 10 as well the next character I'll make is kittysaurus and I'm going to use a cat to make her cuz she is partially a cat first let's get rid of these Le and we'll move these body parts and change the shape of her body next we'll start to give her some feet down here and we'll add some legs on top as well next I'm going to change the shape of her head as well next I'm going to give her some T-Rex arms like this and I think this is looking pretty good now let's add some color first I'm going to color her body in orangish color now let's color her feet white and let's give her some teeth as well and I think this is looking good let's see how she looks in game this is how kitty sorus looks in game as you can see she is massive she also kind of looks more like a dog than a cat but I guess that's fine she still looks scary either way similar to the naughty ones kittysaurus is also incredibly fast which makes it basically impossible to escape her fortunately this is Garten of band band six though so we don't have to worry about her attacking us since kittysaurus is part cat I decided to make it so that you can tame her and I decided to make it so that you tame her with rotten flesh because it just seems like an item that would be used to tame her if you tame kittysaurus you are also able to ride her although I'm not really sure if this is the right place to be riding on top of her but it's still better than some of the mobs I've made I guess overall I think kittysaurus looks pretty good but she also looks a little bit like a dog so because of this I decided to give her a 9 out of 10 next I'm going to make bitter Giggle and I'll use a Pillager to make him first let's remove some of the stuff we don't need and we'll change the shape of his legs and we'll also change his arms now let's start to shape his head a little bit like this and we'll just color his body fully green for now next I'm going to split his body into two colors by making this side purple now let's add these spots on the purple side of his body like this next I'm going to give him a mouth like this now finally let's give him some eyes and I think this is good let's add bitter gig to the game this is how bitter giggle looks in game I will say this is not one of my best mobs but he is a pretty difficult character to make as he has a lot of random Parts extruding out of him for no reason in the game bitter giggle tries to fight sir dadoo so I made it so that they fight in Minecraft as well although it's pretty much the same outcome there's no way bitter giggle will beat sir Dadu if you right click on bitter giggle I gave him a laughing animation because he likes to tell jokes and right clicking him also gives him a random chance to tell a joke as well I sure hope nothing bad happens because of that if you kill bitter giggle he drops a clown fish because he's funny and clowns are supposed to be funny and overall I think bitter giggle isn't the best looking mob but I do like some of his features so because of this I'm going to give bitter giggle a 7 out of 10 next I made tarda bird and I made him from a horse you'll see why I got rid of all this stuff colored in blue and then I added his wings I added tarda bird to the game and he actually looked pretty good but I think there is something wrong with him yeah for some reason he's kind of dirty and water isn't fixing it I figured out how to fix this and he was actually looking really good except for this one spot on his beak but we'll ignore it I decided to spawn a baby tartter bird and this is what he looked like I like how he just follows the big one around just like in the game you're even able to put him on the big one's back as well oh wait I guess he hasn't tamed him yet in the actual game you have to ride tartter bird so I decided to try that for myself why does he keep doing that when he kicks me off it looks really weird I'm honestly surprised with how perfect this looks I mean the legs look a little bit weird but this looks really good I'm even able to make TARTA bird jump this is insane I decided to give tarda bird a 10 out of 10 honestly there was nothing bad about him at all it's time for the next mob next I made NAB nalina I decided to make NAB nalina from an iron golem I colored her fully black gave her a mouth and finally I added her arms NAB nalina looks really good in game as well the arms look kind of weird but I think she's just asserting dominance it's fine also the legs are missing texture but you didn't see that this never happened in the game you have to inject NAB nalina with some kind of chemicals to make her come to to life so I decided to try that in game yeah she doesn't seem to be drinking it I guess she isn't thirsty napolina honestly looks pretty strong so let's see if she can take out some pillagers okay the pillagers don't really have a chance they're getting destroyed yeah napolina didn't take any damage but we'll give her an iron ingot anyway she deserves it there isn't much to do with na nalina so I decided to make her ride tartter bird okay I might have done that backwards but honestly this is better tartter Bird's legs probably needed a break anyway although I'm not sure if navelina is able to see anymore I decided to give NAB nalina a 9 out of 10 it would have been a 10 but I can't look past the bra pose it's too cursed next I made hijacked ban ban I made him from a zombie I changed the shape of his body colored him red and then I gave him some eyes after that I added his mouth gave him some horns and added his feet I added hijacked band ban to the game and he was honestly looking pretty scary he also looks like Venom or maybe that's just me I always say things like this and then they look nothing like it let's spawn a baby band ban this guy is kind of fast this would actually be scary if it was the real zombie I decided to spawn a real band band and then I tested which one of them is the best band ban band band has a sword so he probably wins this yeah hijacked band band didn't stand a chance band band destroyed him I spawned an army of hijacked band bands and then I decided to get chased by them okay he's not really that scary when he chases you at .1 mph the babies look kind of crazy though I decided to give hijacked band ban a 9 out of 10 he looks really good I'm just disappointed that he lost to real band ban it's time for the next mob next I made tataki and chamaki I hope that's how you say it for these guys I used a wolf first I made their shell and then I added the chameleon I forgot which one he is and after that I added the other guy I added them to the game and they honestly didn't look the best yet somehow this one took me the longest to make they're also not really the right size I'm pretty sure these guys are huge in the game but I mean it doesn't look that bad right I decided to spawn a baby one of them and it just made it even worse now they are microscopic in the game chamaki attacks you with his tongue and I'm not really sure how to make that in Minecraft so instead I decided to feed him some steak because I'm guessing he uses his tongue while eating tataki shoots cyan balls from his mouth so I just yeah they can't be making that sound I feel bad I decided to tame one of these guys and then I made them fight a hijacked band ban okay band ban lost again he can't keep taking L's like this I decided to give tataki and chamaki a five out of 10 they just look kind of bad that's all it's time for the next mob next I decided to make Mr Kabab man and I made him from an Enderman cuz they're kind of built the same I deleted everything colored him gray and then I gave him some arms after that I added his eyes put the bandage thing on the back and gave him his party hats I added Mr Kebab man to the game and he honestly wasn't looking that bad I mean I don't know if he was looking good but he's definitely not bad I like how when he walks he actually looks good because I removed the legs in the game Mr Kebab man is supposed to mimic band band so I decided to see if he can take out hijacked band band as well come on hijacked band band you got this one no more else okay I'm done with hijacked band ban he's never winning a fight I decided to visit the end to find more Mr Kebab man's and then I did what I always do it's kind of scary how they just like hover to me I think I made a little too many of them angry I decided to give Mr Kebab man is 7 out of 10 he doesn't look that bad but he also doesn't look that good it's time for the next mob next I made Stinger Flynn I decided to make him from an Elder Guardian I removed all this stuff colored him orange and then I added the spot around his eye next I added his eye gave him some legs and then extended the legs out a bit Stinger Flyn actually looks pretty good this time around he's a lot better than the old one I had he is also a lot bigger because apparently Stinger Flynn isn't tiny since Stinger Flynn is jumping around like this I decided to spawn him in the water bro was just going crazy on the squids what did the squids do to him he honestly looks pretty good in the water there is one thing wrong though his legs are definitely supposed to move but I don't really know how to do that so it's fine Stinger Flynn was driving when they were all going to the beach so I decided to see if he can drive a car okay I don't really think he's able to drive the car he's not moving he's also way bigger than the car you can't even really see it he doesn't really want to get in a boat either I guess this guy doesn't like vehicles in the game you also get to play as Stinger Flyn so I decided to give that one a try he's kind of just vibing not much as really getting done this is boring I decided to give Stinger Flyn a 9 out of 10 if his legs moved it would be a 10 but unfortunately that's never going to happen it's time for the next mob next I made Queen boun Celia I used a hogin to make her I colored her body purple gave her a face and then added her wand I added her to the game and her head was looking kind of broken so I decided to fix that okay that's still a little messed up but it's good enough also her feet are both on the same leg but I'm not fixing that only one fix per mob since Queen boun Celia was made from a hogin I decided to go find her in the nether I'm not usually a fan of these guys because they like to hit you from far away but I guess for Queen boun Celia I'll make an exception I decided to spawn an army of Queen boun celias and then I made them all chase me hopefully this doesn't happen in the actual ual game cuz these guys are kind of scary also their legs look kind of funny I'm going to give Queen boun Celia an 8 out of 10 other than the broken stuff she looks pretty good it's time for the next mob next I made an opil chick I used a parrot to make the opil chick and I decided to make the shiny one or whatever you would call it you probably wouldn't call it shiny it's not a Pokémon the opila chicks are so tiny in game and they actually kind of sound like the chicks from the actual game I'm pretty sure dodo birds can't fly so that's kind of a problem but other than that they look great in the game you have to abduct all the opil chicks and move them to their beds so I decided to try that in Minecraft as well what who is this where did the opil chick go that was interesting but I mean it worked I can also spawn a baby opil bird and it kind of looks like the default opil chick texture although this one isn't as cool all I can really do is feed it a bunch of seeds oh that's not an OP pill chick anymore in Garden of band Band 2 there are six op pill chicks and in the first game you feed o pill bird six eggs so there's definitely some interesting birth methods going on there so Let's test to see if this is true wait it actually worked I decided to give the op pill chick a 10 out of 10 overall it looks really good and you were even able to keep one of these as a pet wait my bad op pill bird I didn't know next I'm going to make slow Seline since slow is literally in her name I made her from a turtle I gave her a big green shell added her long neck and then I gave her some bright white teeth after that I added her two large eyes and I drew a swirl on each side of her shell I think she turned out pretty good the eyes and the mouth are really creepy just like in the actual game let's see a baby slow Seline I like how it's just a really small version of the regular one in the actual game slow Seline chases you down a hallway so I decided to add that as well okay this is actually kind of scary she's just slowly approaching she's also not looking away so I guess I have to keep standing still because I made slow Seline from a turtle I can also put her in the water and she will be fine okay she's not really that slow anymore imagine going to the beach and there was just a massive snail swimming around in the water probably happens in Florida I decided to give SLO Seline a 9 out of 10 she looks really good in game but she's kind of boring in general it's time for the next mob in the game there are seven different fiddles crew members so I made all of those next I used to Strider to make them all and first I made Brown fiddles this is the actual color used in the game I don't really know how this is Brown Next I made cyan fiddles and there is a giant version of him in the game but I don't know how to make that so instead I just made a giant stack of cyan fiddles I'm sure the ones on the top are fine next I made Emerald fiddles and this is him in game and then I made orange fiddles orange fiddles only has one tooth I wonder what happened to the other one pink fiddles has two teeth and apparently he is dead in the game so I'm just going to have to next I made red fiddles and he is my favorite because his eyes just stay like this forever like how is he able to see anything here's me riding a red fiddles as well he honestly looks better than the actual Strider the last fiddles is yellow fiddles who apparently has a pirate like appearance because of his missing eye so cuz of this I am kidnapping him in a boat I'm going to give the fiddles a 63 out of 10 there's seven of them so they get 7x the score next I made Sheriff toaster I mean toadster I made him a frog because that's probably what he is I changed the shape of his body colored him the same color as the McDonald's villain and made his weird shaped head next I added his teeth and I gave him his badge on his chest finally I colored in his belly and gave him this little hat on top of his eye I'm not going to lie he doesn't really look like he's smiling instead he looks like the bully from Arthur his arms are also completely broken I'm pretty sure attach them to his legs Sheriff toadster probably fights crime so I'm going to steal no pill chick in front of him and see what he does he doesn't appear to be doing too much he is jumping really high though he definitely made it through police training maybe an army of toad sters will stop me I already knew they wouldn't I don't know why I did this oh I guess sheriff toadster is hungry I'm going to give Sheriff toadster a 7 out of 10 he looks kind of weird honestly it's time for the next mob next I made nabnab I made nabnab from a spider because he kind of looks like a spider I gave him some long legs and arms changed the shape of his body and then I colored him fully blue after that I gave him some teeth then I added his tongue and finally I gave him three eyes okay I don't think his legs are supposed to look like that I fixed his legs and then he looked a lot better in game well I don't know about better but putting him sideways actually makes him look scary in the game you get chased by nabnab so I decided to try that in Minecraft yeah this is definitely not something you want chasing you it just looks so weird because in the actual game he's on the roof and not on the ground nabnab is also was supposed to have a birthday hat and I didn't even notice so we'll just pretend I added a hat also if you can't tell nabnab is band ban spell backwards so because of that you should eat derus but I decided to get Sheriff toadster to lock him up for good he sure won't be escaping this jail especially not through the vents I decided to give nabnab a 6 out of 10 he looks kind of cursed I'm sorry nabnab I meant 10 I swear next I decided to make zus I don't know what Zulus is but he's big so I made him from a gast zus is just a circle with the face that looks like it was drawn by a one-year-old so I decided to do that the only difference is I'm not 1 years old I think I added zus to the game and it kind of reminds me of when I made Ambush they look very similar I would have to say that zus is scarier though it's something about the amazing art skill required to make his face I decided to visit the nether to find a wild Zulus he kind of looks like a pingpong paddle so let's see who will win a game of pingpong me or zus I don't think he wanted to play I wonder what it will look like if I fill the whole sky with zuses yeah this is a pretty good Minecraft experience I literally cannot hear anything I'm going to give zus an 8 out of 10 he's a big flying drawing how bad could he be it's time for the next mob next I'm making mini Josh it is unknown if mini Josh will be hostile but I'm assuming he is so I made him from a silverfish because they are small and hostile I deleted all of these things added his legs made his body bigger and then I gave him some arms after that I added his head colored him fully green and then I added his eyes mini Josh looks like he's sad so I gave him a sad mouth and then I added him to the game I was surprised with how he looks in game all this waddling looks pretty weird also none of his body parts move which makes him look pretty bad I decided to spawn mini Josh with jumbo Josh and what happened next was shocking I'm just kidding you probably expected this next I spawned an army of mini joshes and then I made them fight jumbo Josh this is like a Mr Beast video 100 Kids versus one adult Mini joshes could actually win this one there's a lot of them never mind jumbo Josh seems to be Invincible I decided to give mini Josh a five of 10 he's kind of missing a lot of things like moving arms and legs it's time for the next mob you're probably wondering where jumbo Josh came from I used the warden to make jumbo Josh and I gave him a big head a creepy mouth and then I added some green texture all around it jumbo Josh is massive in game and he actually looks really good as the warden jumbo Josh also tells kids to eat fruits and vegetables to become strong like him but honestly I wouldn't let him near your kids I went to the deep dark to see jumbo Josh emerge from the ground and then I fed him some fruit and vegetables like he says unfortunately jumbo Josh didn't want to eat the food and instead he wanted to eat me I would say that I killed him to try and make myself look cool but let's be honest we all know what happened I'm going to give jumbo Josh a 10 out of 10 and that has nothing to do with him holding me hostage it's time for the next mob next I made band band I made band band from a wither skeleton I colored him fully red gave him some eyes and a mouth and then I added his big tongue I then gave him his birthday hats on his head and finally I changed his arms a little bit apparently changing his arms a little bit didn't matter though because they fully disappeared in the game oh wait they're inside of him I decided to fix his arms and this is how band ban looks in game I decided to visit the nether to try and find band ban myself ignore the Netherrack I don't know how this got here when you think of IT band ban is a devil so he's supposed to be in the nether wait guys I was just kidding I didn't say that to make things a little more cursed I decided to replace all the heads on the Wither with the band band heads now let's see who will win the band band wither or jumbo Josh why is jumbo Josh not fighting back okay now he's going crazy all right jumbo Josh couldn't do anything band ban was flying I decided to give band ban a 6 out of 10 he doesn't look that great it's time for the next mob next let's make ban balina I used a wither skeleton for band band so I made ban bolina from a skeleton I copy pasted all of band band's body parts onto her and then I colored her fully white next I gave her some eyes and Drew her mouth and then finally I added her pink bow on her horn thing I forgot bambolina also had a problem with their arms so I had to fix it again this is how ban bolina looks in game she kind of looks like a weird bunny I then spawned a ban bolina Army and made them fight jumbo Josh okay they're all just fighting each other yeah jumbo Josh wins this easily bambolina is cool but look at me spawning a bunch of crows I then made ban ban fight bambolina to see who would win I'm sorry bambolina I kind of already knew what would happen I decided to give bambolina a 5 out of 10 it's not because I don't like her it's just because I don't like her next I made o pillar bird I used a chicken to make a pill bird and I gave her a long neck some purple wings and a yellow beak I then added these creepy looking eyes to her and added her to the game opil bird actually looks pretty good as well but the baby not so much at least I don't have to worry about her chasing me though because she's a chicken well she'll chase me but she's not going to do anything I think in the game op pill bird is supposed to fall into the ball pit so I decided to test if she would survive a massive fall in Minecraft she made it to the ground without taking damage there's a mini game where you have to feed o pillow bird six eggs so I added that to the game as well kind of I tried to swap jumbo Josh and op pillow Bird's textures around to make a joke but this just happened op pill bird says laughter is the best medicine so I'm asking you to laugh at that joke do it for her not for me I decided to give op pill bird an 8 out of 10 because she can't harm me for my opinion okay really next I made Captain fiddles I made Captain fiddles from a Strider first I shrunk his legs and made his body smaller next I colored him fully blue and I gave him a mouth and some eyes then finally I added some arms and some hands Captain fiddles actually looks pretty good in game other than the fact that his legs aren't attached also he's a really good method of transportation okay well he's not that good he's kind of slow honestly you can even spawn a baby Captain fiddles for whatever reason his legs are even more broken but it's fine it is said that Captain finnel is known for his love of music so I decided to play a song for him this was really bad it's supposed to be the Rick Roll song Sorry to test if Captain fiddles is a real Captain I decided to give him control of a boat I'm going to give Captain fiddles a 9 out of 10 because there isn't that much wrong with him I added every monster from Rainbow friends chapter 2 to Minecraft first I made cyan and I used to ravager cuz they look exactly the same I removed this stuff colored her cyan and gave her some eyes I added cyan to the game and she was actually looking pretty good oh wait she's attacking all the villagers I don't really want her to be doing that that also made me notice that her legs look really bad when she's running but other than that she looks fine she also has a really big shadow that looks kind of funny in the game you get chased by cyan so I decided to see how that look looks in Minecraft C is really fast in the actual game and she's also pretty fast in Minecraft 2o so that's pretty accurate okay this is actually kind of scary she looks really hungry oh wow she also does a lot of damage I can't let her hit me again that would be bad since cyan does so much damage I decided to see if she can beat an iron golem in a fight okay I don't even have to use the stick they're already mad come on cyan you can beat this guy easily okay never mind I was wrong it looks like the Iron Golem can beat cyan easily oh wait why did she drop a saddle that's kind of weird decided to give cyan a 9 out of 10 she looks really good and her Chase in Minecraft is really accurate it's time for the next mob next I made yellow and I decided to use a hogin to make him I shrunk his whole body colored him yellow and gave him his propeller thing on his back I added yellow to the game and I can't really tell if he looks good or bad to be fair yellow is quite hard to make so this honestly doesn't look that bad he also has a big Shadow just like cyan that's really weird since hoglands can't live in the Overworld I decided to go to the nether to find a wild yellow okay here's 's a group of yellows that I definitely didn't spawn in I found them naturally oh yeah there is also a baby yellow but I think something is wrong with him let me know in the comments if you can tell what's wrong with him it's kind of hard to see since yellow is supposed to be able to fly I decided to see if I can make yellow fly in Minecraft as well okay now you might think hoglins can't fly but there's actually a secret in Minecraft where if you look at the ground for 3 seconds and then look all the way up as fast as you can you can make all the hoglins start to fly it's definitely not a command it's just a secret feature I decided to give yellow an 8 out of 10 he doesn't look that bad he's just really hard to make it's time for the next mob next I made pink and I made pink from a zombie I bent his legs colored him pink and gave him some eyes finally I colored in his eyes gave him a mouth and then I added some small cheeks I added pink to the game and he was burning okay I should probably fix that when pink is not burning he actually looks pretty good there is a slight problem with his legs they aren't really connected but other than that I'm not seeing anything wrong with them since pink was supposed to be added to the game I decided to make him battle cyan and yellow to get a spot in the game first we'll do cyan versus pink okay that was kind of embarrassing I don't think he even hit her what about yellow versus pink okay this fight is actually looking a little close and pink still died I guess we know why he was benched from both chapters I decided to spawn a baby pink to see what he looks like and he looked about the same as the big one I will say the baby one runs a lot faster than the big one though this guy is going crazy I decided to give pink a 9 out of 10 he honestly turned out pretty good other than his legs that's the only problem it's time for the next mob next we'll make orange and we will make him from a wolf let's change the shape of his tail and we'll rotate his body now let's give him some arms and we'll give him some teeth okay these are way too big that looks better okay I'm not sure if you guys see the problem here that should be good enough okay his head definitely does not work though I guess wolves bend their head a lot let's spawn a baby orange it's the same thing with a bigger head let's try to tame orange yeah this is perfectly normal nothing is wrong here now he just has a big red square and his tail is broken let's spawn an army of oranges and let's see them take down a skeleton okay the skeleton got eaten in like 2 seconds come on orange take down the warden oh no that was fast all right I'm going to give orange a 6 out of 10 he was kind of cursed it's time for the next mob next we are going to make purple and we are going to make him from a frog let's delete all this stuff and we'll change the shape of his body now let's color in purple now let's extend out his head and we'll make it a little bit round now finally let's give him some eyes and we'll add some black pupils inside out of all the mobs to break somehow this one isn't broken surprisingly I think he looks really good okay these Vines need to get out of the way what about a baby purple oh yeah frogs don't have babies let's see purple eat this slime never mind he's not hungry oh never mind he just attacked him he looks so weird when he's swimming let's spawn an army of purples wow purple jumps so high the noise they make is really interesting let's see if purple can take down orange okay I don't think purple knows how to fight let's spawn a bunch of slimes okay they're all too big I love how there's no animation the Slime just travels to their mouth all right I'm going to give purple a 10 out of 10 I thought he looked really funny it's time for the next mob next I made red and we are going to make him from a Strider let's remove his hair and we'll shrink his body now let's make him a bit shorter and we'll color his head red and let's color his pupils black and finally we'll give him a couple shoes and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay something is definitely wrong with his legs but other than that I think he looks good oh God why does it take so long for his legs to turn let's go to the Nether and here we have a red walking on some lava okay seriously what happened to his legs it's like they're backwards or something I mean now they're on the right side but somehow that made it worse okay that's close enough we're just going to ignore that let's ride a red wait this is the wrong fishing rod okay this looks weird like it usually does let's see a baby red okay baby red just has no legs let's spawn an army of Reds okay Red Army follow me isn't this weird because red is supposed to tell me what to do all right I'm going to give red an 8 out of 10 he looked pretty good it's time for the next mob next we'll make green and we will make him from the warden let's shrink his body and head now let's color him fully green and we'll color the back of his mouth black next let's give him a bunch of white teeth and we'll copy these to the top next we'll extend out his eyes and we'll make his eyes circular now finally let's draw his pupils and that looks good let's see it in game I don't know how I feel about this one there's something about the way he moves that is very terrifying he's also very tall I'm not sure if that's accurate I'm not going to lie he kind of looks like a cactus monster let's find green in the deep dark of course we have to see him emerge from the ground I'm not going to lie that might be scarier than the warden I wonder how this thing looks when it's angry we'll give him a sheep that he can't hit I'm sorry sheep okay that wasn't that cool let's spawn an army of greens and let's see if the flash can beat them oh he's running at him yeah the flash will not win that I give the green rainbow friend a 10 out of 10 he's honestly scarier than the warden it's time for the next mob next we are going to make blue and we are going to make him from an iron golem let's make his arms a bit smaller and we'll do the same for his legs now let's change the shape of his body and we'll Color Him fully blue now let's add his crown and we'll color it yellow next we'll add the spiky Parts on top and we'll add his eyes and let's put the circle inside this one and we'll add the X to the other one now let's draw his mouth and we'll put the Drool on the side and I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game that looks pretty good I think let's see if blue can beat Gordon Ramsey easily let's see if blue can beat Thor and Gordon Ramsay still too easy let's see if blue can beat Sully yeah blue literally had no chance let's spawn an army of Blues oh no oh God this is bad I think I spawn a little too many there's so many of them they can't even move Sully's not even fighting back he knows he's doomed never mind wow he actually almost beat them well he almost beat like 3% of them I'm going to give blue a 10 out of 10 I think he looks perfect I added every fan-made Garden of bandband monster to Minecraft first I made Admiral crusty and I'm using a spider for him cuz crabs are kind of like spiders I deleted these things colored him red and then I added his claws I added Admiral crusty to the game and he was honestly looking pretty good I think this is probably one of my best looking mobs I've made so far this actually looks a lot like him I'm pretty sure he's supposed to have boots on his back legs though so that's not good but other than that he looks great I decided to spawn an army of Admiral crusties and then I got them all to chase me I don't know why but this actually looks kind of scary and I'm not just saying that it's something about the way their legs move these are probably just the crabs getting revenge for being locked in a tank at the grocery store since Admiral K crusty is a water mob I decided to see if he can beat a guardian in a fight come on Admiral crusty you're the king of the water you got this okay this fight is taking a really long time what is going on and after all that he still didn't win I guess Admiral crusty isn't the king of the water he lost to a regular Guardian not even an Elder Guardian I decided to give Admiral crusty a 10 out of 10 I really like how he looks he's one of my favorite mobs so far it's time for the next mob next I made Mr grim and I used a warden to make him cuz I felt like it I don't know why I changed the shape of his body colored in black and added some ear things to the side of his head next I gave him a mouth added some eyes and gave him teeth okay I don't know why but he looked really weird before so I changed everything and now he looks a lot better I added Mr Grim to the game and and he actually looked kind of scary but not in a good way I don't know why but this dude kind of looks like Santa I think it's his mouth it kind of looks like it's supposed to be a beard I decided to go to the deep dark and then I made a Mr Grim emerge from the ground Mr Grim is a magician so it makes sense for him to do that it's honestly a pretty good magic trick I never even noticed this before but his animations don't really fit him it kind of looks broken I decided to spawn an army of Mr Grims and then I did the usual oh no they're angry why do these guys look so weird when they chase you like look at their head what is going on maybe I should have connected their head to the body cuz that looks really weird I decided to give Mr Grim a 7 out of 10 I'm not really sure if he looks good or not he looks kind of weird it's time for the next mob next I decided to make nighty boo and I used to Phantom to make him because a bat is a little too small I changed the shape of his body colored him green and then I added his ears next I added his hat gave him some eyes and then I made his other face on the bottom I added nighty boo to the game and I honestly can't really tell if he looks good or not it's very hard to see his faces okay I guess that looks pretty good I'm not sure if he really matches the actual nighty Buu though I also don't know why he has these particles on his wings I guess I'm not up to date on Phantom lore all I know about Phantoms is that they're very annoying since Phantoms like to fight let's see if nighty Buu can beat Admiral crusty okay I'm not really sure if this is supposed to happen he's just flying up in the air okay I guess nighty Buu doesn't want to fight he only fights humans I spawned an army of nighty Boos and then I tested to see how fast they can kill me okay why is it actually kind of hard to dodge them when there's this many I must have not slept for weeks cuz this many Phantoms is absurd wait I think I found a way to beat them they can't catch me I decided to give nighty boo an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good but he doesn't really look like the actual nighty boo it's time for the next mob next I made patched Willie and I didn't really know what to use for this one so I just used the Ender Dragon I deleted all this stuff shaped him into a worm and then I added his tongue after that I colored him in gave him some spikes and added all of his eyes I added patch really to the game and I don't really know what happened to him how did he get this tail and neck that definitely wasn't there on block bench it would definitely make him look a lot better though if only the tail had purple on it too I will say this guy kind of reminds me of when I made PJ pug a pillar they're just so similar because of the stripes there isn't really much you can do with patch woly other than wait for him to perch that actually looks kind of good when he turns around other than the parts with both colors and he also looks like he's doing the worm when he's perched so that definitely fits him since there isn't anything to do with patch Willie I decided to see if Mr Grim can kill him okay I don't really know if he knows where patched Willie is he doesn't seem to be attacking him yeah can't even make them fight with the wand this is unfortunate I decided to give patched Willie a 5 out of 10 he doesn't really look right and he's also really boring it's time for the next mob next I made Admiral Crusty's crew member and I made him from an iron golem cuz he looks kind of buff I changed his body colored in blue and then I gave him new arms after that I added his beak gave him an eye patch and then I added his other eye I added him to the game and he didn't really look that good I mean he doesn't really look that bad either but he just doesn't look like the guy in the picture he looks way less scary he also kind of looks like that bean guy I don't know what his name is since this guy doesn't have a name or at least I don't think he does I'm going to call him crew mate chicken cuz he kind of looks like a chicken if that's what he's supposed to be since a guardian killed Admiral crusty earlier I decided to see if crewmate chicken could avenge him okay he easily killed him I see why this guy is on Admiral Crusty's crew but since he's only a crew member let's see if he can beat Admiral crusty in a fight okay he can easily do that I don't see why this guy isn't the captain I decided to give crew mate chicken an8 out of 10 he doesn't look perfect but also isn't that bad it's time for the next mob next I made doom doom and we'll use a ravager to make him I shrunk his legs changed his arms and then I shaped his head next I colored him yellow gave him some hair and added his eyes I added doom doom to the game and he was actually looking pretty good he looks really angry and I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be a bll so that's probably accurate Bulls are always angry for some reason okay I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be moving a lot faster though the actual doom doom charges at the speed of light but maybe it's because he has no one to charge at yet so let's get him to charge me I think I'm supposed to be holding out red wool to make him mad okay I was right now he's a lot faster also his head is really glitchy but we'll just ignore that I already said he looked good I decided to spawn a smiley Miley and then I tested to see who would win in a fight I don't really think Smiley Miley has any chance doom doom is huge look at his head when he attacks it looks so weird yeah doom doom barely took any damage I guess he's just too op I decided to give doom doom a 9 out of 10 I really liked how he turned out he's a scary looking bull it's time for the next mob next I made hungry Tammy and we'll make him from a Wither I removed all this stuff shrunk his head and then I colored him blue next I added his tongue gave him some eyes and added his arms I added hungry Tammy to the game and he was actually looking pretty scary he probably shouldn't be going on a rampage like this but I guess it fits his character also his legs shouldn't be floating I'm pretty sure he's supposed to walk but other than that list of things that are wrong he actually looks pretty good oh wait there's also another problem apparently his head isn't connected since hungry Tammy is probably really hungry it says it in his name I decided to give him some food next okay I don't think he wants to eat the food what about in living form okay that's much better now he's eating I decided to spawn a doom doom and then I made him fight hungry Tammy to see who would win okay this is probably the most unfair fight yet doomdoom has no way of attacking him he's taking a lot of hits though he seems pretty strong rip doom doom but if you think of it he is just a giant cow so that's probably why he lost I decided to give hungry Tammy a 9 out of 10 he looks really good but his leg shouldn't be floating it's time for the next mob next they made Z Lina and we already have zus we're just going to use this I colored her pink added some outlines on her eyes and mouth and then I gave her a bow I added zulf Lena to the game and she was honestly looking pretty good it's kind of hard for her not to look good though she's not really a hard monster to make I will say that her eyes are a little messed up though I don't remember it looking like this in block bench also I don't know why every time I try to look at her she looks away it's really annoying since hungry Tammy is in the screenshot with zolf Lena I decided to make them fight okay I don't think hungry Tammy is able to fight and also ZF Lena's Fireballs do no damage so this fight will literally go on forever or maybe they're just friends and it's supposed to be like this I went to the nether to find a wild Zol Lina and she honestly looks a lot better in the nether her color seems to blend in a lot better here and then I spawned an army of zul Lenas and I made them attack me I don't know why I do this every time they're just bullying me at this point I decided to give zulf Lina an 8 out of 10 she looks how she's supposed to but I don't know how much I like her next I made Smiley Miley and I used an Enderman cuz she's really tall I changed her body her blue and finally I gave her some eyes Smiley Miley ended up looking really good in game well her face is a little creepy but I'm still calling it good oh her legs also don't seem to be attached when she walks but it's fine she still looks good since I made her from an Enderman I decided to look her in the eyes and then this happened okay I think there is something wrong with her head but I can't really tell what oh wait no I'm sorry please stop I decided to go to the end to find some more Smiley mileys and then I obviously got them to chase me when will I stop getting mobs to chase me me probably never I decided to give Smiley Miley an eight out of 10 she looks good but she was a little broken it's time for the next mob next I made Sharky CLE and I used to Warden to make him first I changed his body then I colored him black and finally I added the fins on his head I added Sharky CLE to the game and he actually ended up looking pretty scary which is good because I made him from a warden I decided to go to the deep dark to find Sharky CLE and then I watched him emerge from the ground I feel like this guy should be the actual Warden he seems to fit the job perfectly I spawned an army of Sharky CLE and then I got them all to chase me what a nice day to go for a swim I hope there aren't any sharks out here wait where did they go oh there they are I went too far I probably should have stayed away though this isn't looking good I decided to give Sharky CLE a 10 out of 10 he honestly looks really good it's time for the next mob next I made slime Rancher and I used to slime to make him because it's in his name first I made him bigger then I colored him a different green and finally I gave him some eyes I've never remade a slime before so hopefully this works oh it actually worked I didn't expect that and I didn't expect him to be this big I think this is the biggest mob I've made yet oh I guess we'll ignore the back here I didn't realize that would happen Mojang should change the real slimes to this guy if he was in the game I would never enter a super flat world again I spawned an army of slime ranchers and it was actually pretty cool because of the different sizes of slimes I feel like the small one is the size I thought it would be I also spawned a really big slime Rancher and this looks like something from a really bad horror movie Pro is terrorized the city I decided to see if slime Rancher could beat Smiley Miley because I honestly didn't know okay it looks like slime Rancher just doesn't attack that's unfortunate and the babies don't want to avenge him either RP I decided to give slime Rancher a 10 out of 10 he looked really good especially the massive one it's time for the next mob next I made sad set and I decided to use a wither skeleton for this one I changed the shape of his body colored him red and then I gave him some extra arms okay I'm not going to lie I don't know if I like this guy that much the bottom ey kind of look out of place and also the sword he is holding just shouldn't be there actually I can get rid of the sword I forgot it doesn't make him much better though you're not even able to see some of his arms also when he walks his arms go through his body that's great okay I'm just hating it's time to move on let's see if sad Seth can beat Smiley Miley in a fight I honestly think sad Seth should win this one cuz he is a Wither okay it appears I'm wrong Smiley Miley is just built different I'm sorry sad Seth but I got to do it you let me down I decided to give sad Seth a six out of 10 he looks fine but he's just too broken it's time for the next mob next I made froggy quack and I decided to make him from an iron golem first I changed his body next I colored him green and finally I added his head on the top okay he actually looks a lot better than I thought he would I thought for sure the head on top would look weirder I will say the Iron Golem animations actually fit him pretty well too nothing is broken but I don't know he's kind of a weird looking monster in general so I'm not going to say he looks perfect I decided to spawn a Sharky CLE and then both of them started fighting before I even did anything I thought these guys would be friends I wasn't trying to make them fight I decided to spawn five froggy quacks and then I made them all fight Sharky CLE for Revenge I'm not going to lie I still don't know if these guys can win they're kind of getting destroyed yeah I don't know it's not looking good come on froggy quack okay I guess six froggy quacks isn't enough to take out Sharky CLE I decided to give froggy quack an 8 out of 10 he didn't look that bad but he wasn't the best either it's time for the next mob next I made wayy bow I made him from a Pillager I shrunk his limbs colored in blue and then I gave him some eyes I added wayy bow to the game and he seemed kind of scared like why is he just aiming his bow at me oh it's probably because Sharky CLE is right there and sharks eat whales but honestly I can't really tell if this guy looks good or bad like he looks like the picture so that's good but he also kind of looks like a weird cartoon character and I'm not sure if he's supposed to be like that I decided to spawn an army of whey bows and then I spawned One Froggy quack to see if they can kill him all right wh bow already lost to the shark but can he beat the Frog okay I'm not really sure if they can do it they're just shooting each other instead of him he seems to be taking damage really fast though so it's possible that they could win no wait the whales actually did it maybe they aren't so bad after all I decided to give Wy bow an 8 out of 10 it would have been lower but I raised it because they defeated froggy quack it's time for the next mob next I made toxic gazer and I made him from a witch cuz they like to throw poison I changed his arms a bit gave him a longer neck and then I colored him green next I gave him an eye and finally I added these weird things that hang off his face yeah I don't really know how I feel about this guy his face looks kind of weird I think it's the things that are hanging off his head they don't look anything like the actual monster I will say the rest of him looks pretty accurate though since toxic gazer is toxic let's see him throw a bottle of poison at me that's not poison that's slowness oh wait there we go that was kind of rude don't worry I got him back wait why is he drinking zus juice what is going on I decided to spawn a Wy bow and then I made them fight to see who would win this is such a weird fight because neither of them can melee but it looks like toxic gazer is going to lose he seems to have no interest in the fight anymore okay this just isn't ending I guess it's a tie I decided to give toxic gazer a 6 out of 10 I didn't really like the way he looked it's time for the next mob next I made chili I decided to use a creeper for chili first I removed his head next I colored in blue and then I gave him a mouth after that I added his eye gave him some teeth and finally I added his horns I added chili to the game and he actually looked really good I kind of expected this guy to look bad because he looks really goofy in general but he might be one of my favorites so far I will say that his red nose is really bothering me though it makes him look like a clown since Chile is a creeper I decided to see a super charge chili next okay the charge isn't really meant for him this is kind of cursed I decided to spawn a toxic gazer and then I tested to see if a regular Chile can kill him okay he actually survived and I respect it honestly he just stood there and took the blast he didn't even try to run I decided to give Chile a 10 out of 10 I don't know why but I really like him it's time for the next mob next I made evil zus I already already have zus so I just removed his old face added some white eyes and gave him a way scare your mouth okay I'm not going to lie I'm pretty sure regular zus is evil already so this guy must be a menace I'm scared of what he'll do to me for even looking at him but I will say he actually looks really good I think the red under his eyes made him look a lot better this also reminds me of some of the dors monsters I made because a lot of them look like this I decided to go to the nether to find an evil zus and then I decided to have a pingpong match with him okay that wasn't really fair he was stuck in the ground I spawned an army of evil zuses and then I decided to see how long it would take them to kill me okay off to a good start they already hit me this looks like something you would find in your house at 3:00 a.m. okay I'm dead but that actually took a while these guys kind of suck I decided to give evil zus an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good but I think I prefer normal zus it's time for the next mob next I made Sandy Jacks and I used a frog to make him cuz why not I got rid of all this stuff expanded his body and then I colored him Brown I added Sandy Jack to the game and I'm not going to lie he was looking kind of strange this guy looks kind of like a Diglett with a crown and I don't know why but he also looks like some kind of Burger King mascot oh and he could also look like Mr Potato Head I guess at least he can jump high that is something good about him I decided to spawn a Baby Sandy ja which isn't a real thing and then I spawn a tiny slime Rancher for him to eat wow he ate that thing instantly I guess he was hungry I decided to give Sandy Jax a 5 out of 10 I don't really like him he looks weird next I made hunky Jake and I used a warden I changed the shape of his body color him pink and then I added his hat I added hunky Jake to the game and he was actually looking pretty good okay maybe his animations don't really match him but if he isn't moving he looks fine I also just noticed that his head keeps going into his body but unfortunately it's going to stay like that since hunky Jake looks really strong let's see if he can beat an iron golem okay this was stupid he obviously can beat an iron golem he's a warden since hunky Jake is a warden I decided to go find him in the deep dark oh that actually looks pretty good I was expecting the animation to be broken I de decided to spawn an army of hunky Jakes and then I watched them all chase me oh no they're getting angry yeah I wouldn't want this to happen to me they look so scary with no legs I decided to give hunky Jake a 9 out of 10 his animations are broken but he looks good it's time for the next mob next I made the jester I used a Pillager for the jesture I colored one half purple added some spikes and then I gave him some eyes I added the gesture to the game and he looked pretty good he looks a lot better than I thought he would his face looked kind of weird and block bench he also needs to stop aiming the bow at me I'm not hostile next I decided to see who would win the jester or hunky Jake I think we already know what's going to happen yeah the jester got one hit he had no chance I decided to spawn an army of jesters and then I put them all against hunky Jake okay they might be able to win this time there's a lot of them that is if they stop shooting each other yeah hunky Jake wins this one too hopefully the jester is more powerful in the real game I decided to give the jester an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good but also kind of weird it's time for the next mob next I made evil bambolina for this one I used a piglin I colored her white added some creepy eyes and then I gave her some horns oh that's not a piglin that's a pig evil ban balina actually looks really good in game she might be even better than evil band ban oh yeah she turns into a zombie we have to go to the nether but as I was saying she actually looks really scary even in Minecraft come on bambolina give me some pearls no that's not what I wanted I decided to spawn a baby bambolina and it looked just as scary and then I spawned an army of evil bambalinas oh some of them have dri after that I decided to get chased by all the band Bolas I won't be late for class again I'm sorry I guess she doesn't want to send me to the principal's office I decided to give evil band bolina a 10 out of 10 she actually looks pretty scary in Minecraft it's time for the next mob next I made sharp claw and I used an iron golem to make him I changed the shape of his body colored in pink and then I added his eyes Okay this actually looks pretty good in game well at least he looks like the picture his nails are also really dirty this guy definitely needs a shower sharp claw kind of looks like Barney so so let's see if he is a friendly dinosaur okay I don't think he wants to be friends he's kind of mean actually because he's so mean I decided to make him fight hunky Jake okay maybe I shouldn't have done that we already know hunky Jake can beat an iron golem from earlier but what about four sharp claws okay one is already dead this isn't looking good dang hunky Jake is crazy yeah I guess four sharp claws can't take this guy out he's Invincible I decided to give sharp claw 7 out of 10 I'm disappointed that four of them couldn't kill a hunky Jake it's time for the next mob next I made Charlie cake I decided to make him from a creeper I deleted all this stuff shaped him into a cake and then I colored him in after that I drew his faces added these things and gave him some eyes I don't think this is the right cake he doesn't appear to be moving Charlie cake actually looks pretty decent but I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be a lot bigger I don't know how he ended up this small I will say he looks like he tastes a lot better than the actual cake though hey man I was just kidding I'm not going to eat you I decided to see a baby Charlie cake and then I realized that isn't real so instead I spawned a supercharged Charlie cake okay I think the charge is a little bit tall for him oh and the head is also moving that's kind of weird I decided to spawn a sharp claw and then I tested if supercharge Charlie cake can one shot him oh wow that actually did a lot of damage and he wasn't even really close to him so he probably could have killed him here you go sharp claw I'll fix you up I decided to give Charlie cake a 7 out of 10 I don't really like how he looks it's time for the next mob next they made cyclopis I used a hogland to make him first I deleted all this stuff next I colored him in and then I gave him an eye after that I gave him teeth add his arms and I put the collar around his arm Copus actually looks pretty good in game but I'm not sure why he is shaking oh yeah he turns into a zombie that's why he's shaking I went to the nether to go and find cyclopis and this is how he looks without the shake I'm not going to lie he looks kind of like stinky Joel from the last video except he's red this guy is walking a lot slower though and he looks like he wants to eat me for dinner what about a baby cyclopis okay this guy is way too small I don't think he can even jump up one block I decided to spawn an army of cyclopses and then I made them all chase me I don't know why they're so much faster now that they want to kill me this is unfair okay I need to stop getting chased by things this is like the third time this video cyclopis and evil bambolina are both nether mobs so I decided to see who would win in a fight bambolina has a bow she should be able to win this one okay never mind cyclop plus actually won I decided to give cyclop plus an 8 out of 10 he doesn't look that bad it's time for the next mob next I made crabzilla I made crabzilla from a Strider I moved his legs shaped his body and then I colored him red after that I gave him some eyes and some claws okay I'm pretty sure that's not what his legs are supposed to look like I don't know how this always happens I tried to fix his legs and this is what crabzilla looked like in game I'm not going to lie he looks pretty good other than when his body randomly turns without his legs but stuff like that is normal around here so he looks good I spawned a baby crabzilla and he looked about the same except for his feet sinking into the ground and then I decided to ride to crabzilla okay so I'm kind of sitting on his eyes so I'm not sure if he can see yeah there's definitely mobs that look good good when you ride them and this is not one of them also I like how the baby is just following us around that's kind of funny I decided to give crabzilla a 9 out of 10 he looks good but his body is broken it's time for the next mob next I made Mr Smitty I used a Vindicator to make him I shrunk his legs and arms colored in pink and then I shaped his head next I gave him some nostrils added his eyes and then I put the orange things on his back okay Mr Smitty actually looks pretty good in game I like how his arms are crossed like that it makes him look cool but other than that I don't know he looks kind of boring since Mr Smitty is a Vindicator I decided to see if he can beat sharp claw in a fight these guys kind of look like relatives I think Mr Smitty is sharp claw's little brother he fought him like his little brother too he got destroyed since Mr Smitty lost to Sharp claw I decided to feed him a villager to make him happy I don't like him as much with the axe out he looks kind of scary RP villager Mr Smitty was too fast I decided to give Mr Smitty a 6 out of 10 I'm not sure why but I don't really like him it's time for the next mob next I made rim Remy Remy is a dog so I used a wolf I colored him orange shaped his mouth and then I gave him some eyes after that I added his teeth and finally I gave him some feet I added Remy to the game and he looked a little bit better than he did in blockbench I'm not going to lie he looked pretty bad in blockbench though so at least this is a little bit better I wish I could say the same for the baby one though why is his head so big don't worry guys nothing to see here I decided to tame a Remy and this is what he looks like when he's sitting down I don't know why but this reminds me of the dog from Mickey Mouse maybe he's supposed to a scary version of him or something to see if he really is scary I decided to make him fight evil bambolina okay he can't be making those noises when he gets hit I feel bad wow he actually almost lost that one was close I'm going to give Remy a 7 out of 10 he doesn't look that bad but he isn't really good either it's time for the next mob next I made L cat I used a cat for this one obviously I moved his legs colored in pink and then I shaped his head next I colored his mouth gave him some eyes and finally I gave him some teeth okay this one is probably one of the worst wor mobs have made but it also looks pretty good for what it is like I can't really see how I could have made this better he just looks bad in general what about a baby Las cat okay this is just too small it kind of looks like a mouse I decided to tame a l cat and this is what he looks like when he is sitting down okay I think there's something wrong with his front legs they aren't really connected anymore since lat is a cat and Remy is a dog I decided to see which one of them will win in a fight okay I guess dogs are stronger than cats this settles it I decided to give lcat a 6 out of 10 he looks worse than Remy next I made fairy a Ruru and I know she's going to be in the actual game but I'm still making her I colored her body purple gave her a face and then added her wand I added her to the game and her head was looking kind of broken so I decided to fix that okay that's still a little messed up but it's good enough also her feet are both on the same leg but I'm not fixing that only one fixed per mob oh yeah I forgot that happens since fairy AR Ruru was made from a hogin I decided to go find her in the nether I'm not usually a fan of these guys because they like to hit you from far away but I I guess for Fairy AR Ruru I'll make an exception since band ban is also a another mob I decided to see who would win ban ban or fairy or Ruru dang band Ban's going in wait band ban actually won that I thought fairy AR Ruru was going to win not going to lie I decided to spawn an army of fairies and then I made them all chase me hopefully this doesn't happen in the actual game cuz these guys are kind of scary also their legs look kind of funny I'm going to give faira Ruru an 8 out of 10 other than the broken stuff she looks pretty good it's time for the next mob next made tall Victor I used an Enderman for tall Victor because he's tall I colored him fully green added these things on the bottom and then I gave him an eye after that I added his goofy mouth gave him a broccoli head and fixed his arms a little bit I added tall Victor to the game and he actually ended up looking pretty good he looks kind of funny when he walks though I don't really think it's supposed to look like that since tall Victor is supposed to be a vegetable it only makes sense to make him fight jumbo Josh okay yeah Victor had no chance jumbo Josh eats too many vegetables I went to the end to find more tall Victors and then I got them all to chase me I don't even know if this is scary his face looks kind of goofy okay well even if it's not scary it's still deadly tall Victor you better apologize for killing me or I'm not looking away I'm going to give tall Victor a 9 out of 10 he honestly looks pretty good especially as a meal next I made Nibbler I decided to make Nibbler from a Wither cuz well I don't know I just never Ed the Wither I kind of forgot to record me making nibblers so here's me adding some orange things on his arms cuz that's all I have I SP W the Nibbler in game and he was honestly looking pretty crazy ignore the black spot on the bottom I didn't know this would happen I'm pretty sure Nibbler doesn't fly around and attack random mobs so I don't think this is accurate I'm also not sure if you see it but he kind of looks like the guy from Monsters Inc there's honestly not much to do with this guy so I decided to see if he can beat jumbo Josh jumbo Josh is the most powerful band band mob so far but he might lose this one yeah Nipper's health bar is barely moving this isn't looking good come on jumbo Josh you can win this one okay I was lying there's there's no way he was winning this one I guess I'm going to have to step in and end this yeah I had even less chance than jumbo Josh Nibbler is too good I decided to give Nibbler an 8 out of 10 I honestly can't really tell if he looks good or bad so I'm just going to go with good it's time for the next mob next I made Miss Luna I decided to make her from a bee because I think she's a bug I colored her body purple gave her some eyes and then I added her crown after that I added her dress gave her some legs and finally added her wings she actually ended up looking pretty good in game the suits her well I will say her eyes look kind of weird though she looks sad I decided to spawn a baby miss Luna and it looked exactly the same I don't really know what I was expecting Miss Luna is probably pretty good at fighting so I decided to put that to the test okay maybe I was wrong she didn't even really fight I spawned an army of Miss Lunas and then I decided to make them all follow me okay this one isn't that scary oh wait why is she upside down wait I just noticed that bees like to attack zins for some reason look at them all ganging up on the zlin like what is going on I decided to give Miss Luna an 8 out of 10 she looks really good but she doesn't really do anything she's kind of boring it's time for the next mob next I made Dr fluffy pants I made him from a panda I moved his head colored in blue and then I gave him a mouth next I added his eyes gave him some ear things and made the hard on his chest Dr fluffy pants is definitely an interesting name for a guy like this he looks kind of buff also we'll ignore his head I know it's broken but I don't care wait look at him rolling around that's kind of crazy since I made him from a panda I decided to feed Dr fluffy pants some bamboo yeah there is definitely something wrong with him this is not okay I decided to spawn a baby do fluffy pants and this is what happened well the good thing is I can't break him by feeding him bamboo the bad thing is his head is floating higher than before by default oh wait they're following me because I'm holding bamboo I didn't even realize since Dr fluffy pants is a doctor I decided to see if he can perform an operation all right I guess he doesn't feel like doing it he's just going to leave this villager to die I decided to give Dr fluffy pants a 7 out of 10 I like how he looks but his head is broken we can't excuse that it's time for the next mob next I made chef pigster and I made him from a pig I gave him his face on his chest added his other head on the top and then I gave him some sideways arms Chef pigster actually looks pretty good in game but I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be a lot bigger his arms also don't move with his head but I'm not fixing that Chef pigster is supposed to be a chef so I decided to see if he can cook me a meal I probably shouldn't have chosen a pork chop that's kind of messed up after that I decided to spawn a baby chef pigster I kind of forgot that all the baby pigs have this weird thing with their head also there's an eye on his back not sure how I didn't notice that I spawned an army of Chef pigster and then I made them all follow me yeah this definitely isn't scary at all I decided to give Chef pixster an 8 out of 10 his bottom head looks really good not the top head though I don't know what this is next I made coach pickles I used a Strider to make him because he kind of resembles a Strider I made his legs a lot bigger colored in blue and then I gave him a mouth next I added his trunk gave him some weird looking eyes and then I added his ears okay I'm pretty sure something is wrong but I can't really tell what I fixed his legs and this is how he looks in game he honestly looks pretty good okay his other foot is attached to the wrong leg still but I'm just going to leave it also we ignore the missing texture here it doesn't look like that in block bench coach pickles probably coaches some sort of sports team so let's see if he can beat me in a snowball fight okay I don't think that's going to work let's see what a baby pickles looks like he looks just about as cursed is the big one I decided to ride a coach pickles and I'm pretty sure that something doesn't look right I'm going to give Coach pickles a 7 out of 10 he honestly looks kind of weird it's time for the next mob next I decided to make NAB nelina I already made nabnab so I just took the nabnab model and changed it a little bit first I made the tongue a different shape then I fixed her eyes and finally I colored her pink this is kind of weird for some reason she looks just like nabnab I also forgot that NAB nalina is supposed to have a bow on her head so I added that when I made nabnab I got him to chase me so I had to get chased by NAB nalina as well this looks just as scary as last time I also found a way to make it look like NAB nalina is chasing me on a roof just like how nabnab does in the game well she doesn't chase me but it looks like she's on a roof so that's cool I decided to have a fight between chef pigster and NAB nalina and you will never expect what happened next okay it was kind of obvious what would happen I'm just bored I decided to give NAB nalina a 6 out of 10 because that's what I gave nabnab and they look the same it's time for the next mob next I decided to make Hunter Tim I made Hunter Tim from a ravager first I made his head bigger then I colored him purple and I added some hair to his head I also gave him a big wide mouth his eyes and gave him a couple of arms and feet Hunter Tim looks kind of strange in game but at least nothing is broken this time I think since Hunter Tim is a ravager let's see him take on a villager wow he's fast his head looks kind of weird when he attacks but that's fine also I'm pretty sure Hunters aren't supposed to kill villagers they're supposed to kill animals to feed the villagers but I guess Hunter Tim is just built different to see if he really is built different I decided to challenge him to a fight yeah I had zero chance I can't even tell where I was supposed to be hitting I decided to spawn an army of hunters Tims and then I made them fight a warden the warden seems to be killing a lot of them but they might actually win this dang the hunter Tims actually won I mean it was a 10 V1 so it's not really an accomplishment but I'm still surprised I'm going to give Hunter Tim an 8 out of 10 he doesn't look that bad it's time for the next mob for the next mob I made stinky Joel I used an iron golem to make him I shaped his body colored him green and then I added these teeth things after that I gave him some eyes colored his legs and then I rotated his arms a bit I don't think I even have to say something is broken because you already know it is I fixed his arms which took a while because I somehow put both arms on the wrong side and this is how stinky Joel looks in game he kind of stinks I'm just kidding he doesn't actually look that bad I decided to see who would win in a fight stinky Joel or Hunter tin this fight is actually a lot closer than I thought stinky Joel W I'm actually kind of surprised I thought Hunter Tim had that will he beat two Hunter Tims though nope two hun Tims is too many for him I spawned an army of stinky jels and honestly I'm not sure why I didn't even do anything with them I then gave stinky Joel a bottle of dragon breath because that's the stinkiest thing I could find and then I decided to give him a 7 out of 10 he doesn't look that bad but he isn't interesting enough it's time for the next mob next I made noodles ninja since noodles ninja looks like a jellyfish I decided to make him from an Elder Guardian I removed all this stuff colored in blue and then I gave him a mouth after that I added his eyes added some noodles on the side and then I gave him some arms and legs surprisingly nothing broke with this one his legs are in the ground but he's supposed to be in the water anyway so that's fine also the sound he makes is kind of weird but I didn't add that that's not my fault let's see a baby noodles ninja oh yeah that's not a thing I decided to spawn a noodles ninja in the water and this is how he looked he looks a lot better in water because you can actually see his legs he would also look a lot better if his arms and legs moved but I'm not doing all that I decided to fight noodles ninja to see if he really is a ninja I really should get some armor for these fights I decided to give noodles ninja an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good but his eyes are kind of scary it's time for the next mob next I made silent Steve and Silent Steve is a serpent so I made him from a warden because those two are the exact same thing I deleted everything except his body colored him purple and then I started shaping his new body after that I started making his head gave him some eyes and then I added his tongue yeah this looks really bad but it's going to have to do at least he isn't broken he also kind of Moves Like a serpent so that's cool okay maybe that's not how a serpent moves but I'm pretending it does since silent Steve is a serpent it only makes sense to spawn him in the water surprisingly it actually looks like he belongs here I decided to see if silent Steve or ninja is the Superior Water monster okay this fight is kind of weird I don't think the warden can melee in water but even though he can't melee silent Steve still won okay that's enough silent Steve for now he's kind of cursed I decided to give silent Steve a three out of 10 because I just don't really know what this is supposed to be I'm going to be remaking Minecraft Mobs into skibby toilet the first character I'll make is a regular toilet and I'm going to use a villager you'll see why in a second first let's delete all this stuff cuz we don't need it and then we'll turn this Cube into the bottom of the toilet let's color it white and then we'll start making the toilet more circular now let's expand these walls up a little bit more and we'll put some blue toilet water inside of the bowl now let's use the Villager head as the head I'll obviously fix the texture later and I'll just make the back of the toilet like this and I'll also make the toilet seat in front of it as well now let's color all this in and we'll fix the Villager head texture now let's put a little flush button on the back like this and now our toilet is pretty much done I just have to add an animation for this guy just like in the actual series and yeah that looks pretty good let's add it to the game this is how the toilet looks in game it honestly looks really good the only real problem I see is this weird spot on the neck here but that doesn't really matter in the actual series when a toilet dies there's a flush animation so I added that to this toilet as well oh yeah he also drops cocoa beans when he dies those are definitely coco beans the skiy toilet is also hostile towards players because a player is technically a cameraman this is what happens when you don't subscribe you get chased by toilets overall I think the skibbidy toilet turned out pretty good so I'm going to give it a 7 out of 10 now obvious obviously our toilets need an enemy other than me so next I'm going to make a cameraman and I'll use a zombie since zombies hate villagers we'll start by making a little shoe down here and now we'll start to give him a leg now let's copy the leg over to the other side and now let's work on his body I'm going to give him some long arms like this and now I'm going to start to shape the camera on his head let's just put some walls around the lens like this and then we'll give him the headphones that he wears as well now it's time to color this guy in let's start by coloring the edges of the camera and then we'll color some parts of his suit black and now let's just add some details to his suit as well the cameraman I'm looking at also seems to be wearing a coat so let's give him that as well now let's just add a little bit of texture to him and I think that looks good let's add him to the game this is our cameraman in game he actually looks pretty cool okay I don't really know why he doesn't stop walking that's a problem okay I fixed the walking issue by giving him this idle animation and he also has another animation which is this thumbs up animation I've been told it looks like something else though obviously the cameraman and the skiy toilets naturally fight each other and the fight is actually really even come on on cameraman you can win this oh yeah I made the cameraman drop a command block cuz I didn't know what to give him you can also watch a fight from inside the cameraman since he's a cameraman this is definitely not just a feature that exists for every mob I decided to give the cameraman a 6 out of 10 I know I'm supposed to be on his team but I don't like him as much as the toilet next I'll make a Strider toilet and let's use a spider cuz he kind of looks like a spider first let's remove everything except his legs and we'll copy the old toilet on top like this now we can give the old toilet some texture again and now let's make it so we only has three legs okay that looks pretty good next we can add an extra limb to each side of the legs so that they can bend and we'll just repeat that on each side now this looks pretty good but the Strider toilet is kind of dirty and broken so we have to add that too so let's just add a black spot down here and we'll make the entire toilet SE black and also make it look like it's oozing and now we can change the villager's face I want to give him some big eyes so first we'll do that and now we'll just give him a creepy mouth and we'll also just give him some shading on his head and that looks kind of cursed but that's what we wanted let's see him in game this is the spider toilet in game he kind of looks like the Joker the spider toilet is also insanely fast compared to the other mobs which doesn't really help him look less scary like look at him chasing me this is almost a horror mod The Strider toilet is also a lot stronger than a regular toilet as he's able to take on two cameramen at the same time only one player though he definitely didn't almost kill me oh yeah I also made it so you can ride him cuz you can ride an actual Strider so it made sense I think I'm going to give the Strider toilet a 7 out of 10 just like the regular toilet cuz he isn't any more interesting but the mobs are about to get more interesting because next I'm going to make the Titan speaker man and I'm using a Vindicator because they also hate villagers first I'm going to use the same leg I made for the cameraman and just copy it here and then we'll change the shape of his body a bit and give him some better looking arms now let's start to color what we have so far we'll make the pants dark gray just like on the cameraman and then we'll color the shoes black as well now we'll just color his arms and chest red for now and then we'll work on making his speakers I'm going to make the speakers with no texture first to see how they look and I think that's some pretty good speakers so let's just color them all black and now we'll start to add the actual speaker Parts with the red ones first and we'll also add a few gray ones as well now we can make the red thing that comes out of his chest like this and we'll also add his plasma blaster on the side of his arm now we'll just add some texture all around him to make him look a little bit nicer and that's the Titan speaker man complete let's see how he looks in game this is the Titan speaker man in game he's definitely a little bit bigger than a cameraman I also decided to give him a Boss Bar so you know that he's a big deal if any type of toilets get within range of the Titan speaker man he shoots powerful plasma bombs at them you can tell they're really powerful because he almost died from his own attacks if the Titan speaker man does manage to die he will drop a note block and I would play the speaker Man song right now but I don't really want to get copyrighted the Titan speaker man is honestly my favorite mob right now and because of that we're going to give him a 9 out of 10 but it turns out the Titan speaker man got infected so let's make that next I used a Wandering traditor as the base but that doesn't really matter because we've already made the Titan speaker man we just have to add a few details to make him infected like this yellow light instead of red and we'll also add some blue stuff to show he's infected okay never mind we'll get rid of that this is the infected speaker man in game it was honestly kind of hard to tell the difference between the two so I added these particles to make him look infected oh yeah and there's also a different Boss Bar as well but no one is looking at that anyway one difference between the infected and regular speaker man is that the infected one can fly I don't know if he's supposed to be able to do that but it definitely makes their fight more interesting their fight also makes no sense because there can't be two Titan speaker man at once okay the infected speaker man is way too op cuz he can fly I'm going to give the infected speaker man a 9 out of 10 as well because they're basically the same thing next I'll make the TV woman and I'm going to use a witch to make her let's remove all this stuff and now we can make the bottom of her leg let's color her shoe black and then we'll add the top half of her leg as well now we can copy the leg over to the other side and next let's work on her body first I'm going to make her a bit taller and let's put her arms behind her back now we can color her shirt black and we can also change the shape of her arms and now that looks pretty good but obviously we have to change this head so let's make it into the shape of a TV like like this and we'll color this outside part dark black now let's color the inside a light shade of blue and next we can give her some antennas now finally let's just add some texture all around her body and I think that looks really good let's add her to the game this is how the TV woman looks in game she actually looks really good I also don't know if you noticed but I made her switch between nothing in the face she does every few seconds the TV woman has less Health than the Titan speaker man but her attack is much faster this means that when they fight it's actually kind of close it also means she can take out a bunch of toilets at once and they l can't do anything I also made the TV woman teleport away when she gets low on health just like how she teleports in the actual series she doesn't really teleport that far away but that's so the fight remains fair if you kill the TV woman she drops a piece of glass from her TV screen which is pretty useless but it makes sense and she also makes witch noises all the time which is kind of funny I'm going to give the TV woman a 10 out of 10 I think she turned out really good next I'm going to make the Gman toilet and since I used a villager for the regular toilet it only makes sense to use an iron golem for this one let's start by deleting everything except the head and now let's paste the head onto a toilet body like this now obviously the Gman toilet isn't the same color as the regular toilets so let's just color them in and now this is a pretty good base so let's start adding some detail the Gman toilet has these orange glasses so let's just give them to our Iron Golem as well and we can also add the headphones he wears as well now let's just make the bottom of the toilet more reinforced and we're also going to add the dark gray Shields he has all around his body like this and that is looking pretty good now let's add his lasers the Gman toilet has lasers in total so that's how many I added on our toilet as well now for some final details let's add some more reinforcement to the back of the toilet and we can also add some texture to the accessories we just gave him and we're done with the Gman skibbidy toilet let's add him to the game this is the Gman toilet in game he's definitely the biggest mob we've made so far the Gman toilet is also by far the most powerful mob we've made so far he's basically able to instakill the tvom and the Titan speaker man doesn't do much better against him either I thought that I could take out the Gman toilet put it also didn't go well for me either he is too good if you kill a Gman toilet he drops a totem of undying because I didn't really know what to make him drop I also like how he makes an iron golem sound when you hit him it actually fits him honestly the Gman toilet is one of the best looking mobs I've made so far and because of that I decided to give him a 10 out of 10 the only problem is that he's too powerful we need someone that's able to beat him so next I'll make the Titan TV man and I'm going to use a ravager cuz that's the most powerful villager hating mob so first let's just get rid of this random stuff and we'll also re arrange his body parts so they are more TV man shaped now we can give him some legs like this and we'll color his pants and shoes black now let's give him his body and we'll also use this to give him some arms as well and now we'll also give him some hands like this and now it's time to give him his TV head let's make the black outlines first and then we'll just give him a blue screen in the middle the Titan TV man appears to be wearing a coat so I'm going to give him one of those as well and now let's just give his clothes a little bit of texture like this and we'll add the purple thing that glows in the middle of his chest now finally let's just add these purple things that come off his back and that is our Titan TV man let's see him in Minecraft this is how the Titan TV man looks in game he's honestly not as intimidating as I thought don't let that trick you though because he's definitely the most powerful mob yet okay there might be a slight problem with his walk I feel like it shouldn't look like that similar to the TV woman I made it so his face changes every few seconds I also made it so he teleports away when he gets low as well although I don't think that's happening this is what happens when the Titan TV man fights the Gman toilet I don't think the toilet had any chance maybe like five of them could kill him nope not even five of them can do that I decided to give the Titan TV man an 8 out of 10 even though he's really powerful I don't think he looks as good as the others next character I'll make is the Titan cameraman and I'm going to use the warden to make him first I'm going to give him a leg from the cameraman we made last time and then I'm just going to remove all this stuff that we don't need now let's copy his leg over to the other side and we'll just shape his body to match his legs a little bit more now let's just change the shape of his legs a little bit and I'm going to color in his pants and shirt black for now the Titan cameraman's arms obviously aren't this big so let's give him some new arms and let's just give him some fingers as well now let's just copy this thing over to the other side and now we can work on adding his head first let's start to make the main camera like this and we'll give him a little lens in the middle as well and now let's just add some detail to the side like this and we'll also put some of those things sticking up on the top as well and I think that looks pretty good now let's start to give him some more detail first I'm going to give him a belt like this and then I'm going to add his coat that he's wearing right here and of course we're going to give him his core in the middle as well and now let's just add these things that he has on his back and I'm also going to add some texture to him like this and I think he looks pretty good let's add him to the game this is the Titan cameraman in game he actually looks really good look at him hard at work recording everything in sight the Titan cameraman is really strong and he is able to destroy the Gman toilet well sometimes and sometimes he just decides to not hit him I guess he's just being fair the Titan cameraman also has a ranged attack but for some reason he only uses it when he's already meleeing which makes no sense but I'm not fixing it cuz it would probably make him way too op subscriber the Titan cameraman will mistaken you for a toilet if you do kill the Titan cameraman he drops a spy glass which is probably the closest thing to a camera in Minecraft it's a lot better than a command block at least I'm going to give the Titan cameraman an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good but his fighting isn't the best now that we've made all the Titans it's time to upgrade them so next I'm going to make the upgraded Titan speaker man let's take the Titan speaker man that we made last time and we'll start by expanding arms out and getting rid of his belt next I'm going to add these things that attach to his speakers like this and we'll just do the same thing on the other side as well the upgraded Titan speaker man has a bright red eye so I'm going to add that as well and will'll also make his core the same color so it looks a bit brighter now let's just copy his plasma Blaster over to his other arm as well and next I'm going to add these shields that he has over his ankles the upgraded Titan speaker man also has some speakers on his chest so I'm going to add those right here and now I'm just going to add these antenna shaped things on the top of his head finally I want to give the Titan speaker man a jetpack so let's just add a cube like this and I'm going to add a bunch of smaller cubes as well and I think this looks really good let's add him to the game this is the upgraded Titan speaker man in game this guy is actually massive he's also moving really fast and I'm not quite sure how that happened the upgraded Titan speaker man is pretty much the same as the regular Titan except he's way more powerful well he isn't actually that much more powerful he just shoots faster if you kill an upgraded Titan speaker man he drops a pigstep music disc and I'm not really sure why I just picked a random music disc for him to drop and that was the one but I don't think you're going to kill this guy cuz he has way too much health I think I'm going to give the upgraded Titan speaker man a 9 out of 10 I honestly really like how he looks in game next I'm going to make Cinema man and I'm going to start by using the Titan TV man from last video first let's make his body a little bit wider like this and next I'm going to give him a new and improved jacket now let's just color his pants a bit darker and we'll also make his head a little bit wider as well I'm also going to lift up his head a little bit and give him a neck and now it's time to start adding the speakers on his body I'm going to start by making the helicopter speakers first so let's just draw in a helicopter blade like this and we're going to copy this to the other side so he has one on each shoulder now it's time to give him the massive speaker on his chest so first I'm going to make a black box like this and then I'm going to copy the speaker part nine times to match the actual speaker now let's just change up his code a little bit more and we'll add these things that he has on the side of his arms like this and finally I'm going to give him a jetpack on his back and that's the cinema man complete let's see him in the game this is how Cinema man looks in game he looks way better than the regular Titan TV man oh yeah he also does the face thing I forgot about that I ended up nerfing the cinema man's damage because the Titan TV man was way too op and now he's just a little bit better than the Gman toilet well that is if they hit each other of course I also fixed the cinema Man's Walk animation so it doesn't look weird like the Titan TV man did and overall the cinema man is just an upgraded version of the Titan TV man because that's what he's supposed to be oh wait I just noticed there's a couple bites taken out of the the back of his head I'm not really sure how that got there other than that I think the cinema man turned out pretty good so I'm going to give him an 8 out of 10 next I'm going to make the upgraded Titan cameraman so let's just take the Titan cameraman that we made earlier and the first thing we'll do is make his arms a little bit bigger now let's change his Jack it a bit and make it go all the way down to the middle of his legs and next we'll add the shields that he has around his knees now let's add the thing that goes around his core right here and we'll also add this gray piece which might be from his shirt I'm not even sure next we'll give him some slightly different looking hands like this this and now it's time to add some details to his head and shoulders first we'll add the Cannons that he has on his back like this and next let's add some of the upgrades that he has on his cameras up here I'm also going to add the red light on the very top as well and next I'm going to give him a jetpack so let's make the first part of it like this and we'll just rotate these parts out a little bit and we'll also add some blue ones as well and finally let's add a little bit more texture to him and I think he's looking good let's add him to the game this is how the upgraded Titan cameraman looks in game this guy actually looks really good I will say there is a little bit of a problem problem on the back of his arm though but you can barely notice it the Titan cameraman is able to fly which I thought was a good idea but I think he's going a little too high up okay I stopped him from being able to fly and now he's a lot better the upgraded Titan cameraman is a little bit stronger than the regular Titan cameraman and this time his ranged attack actually works he also has a thumbs up animation just like the regular cameraman but this time I actually gave him a thumb so it isn't mistaken for anything else the upgraded Titan cameraman is fire resistant just like in the actual series and if you do kill him he drops the same thing as the regular Titan cameraman because I'm on original overall I think the upgraded Titan cameraman turned out really good so I'm going to give him a 9 out of 10 now that we have all these upgraded Titans they need some competition so next I'll make the upgraded scientist toilet and I'm going to use a skeleton for him because he looks really old so let's just remove his whole body cuz we'll only need his head and I'm just going to copy the toilet that we used for the Gman onto him like this let's just get rid of all the Gman upgrades and we'll color the toilet a light brownish color just like we did for the Gman now let's give him some toilet water so you can't see into the bowl and we're going to give him a neck like this the scientist toilet seems to be wearing glasses so let's just give him some of those and will'll also put the red spot that he has on the left part of the glasses as well the scientist toilet is wearing the upgrades that Cinema man used to have on him so we're going to add those next first I copied the main speaker from Cinema man and put it on the front like this and then I copied the two helicopter speakers and put them on each side as well next we'll just make the back part of the toilet a little bit bigger as it's kind of small right now and just going to add these gray things that he has on his back as well all right now we need to give the scientist toilet his arms so I'm going to start making an arm like this and I'm actually going to color this lighter gray it's too dark now let's copy this arm onto the other side and I'm just going to rotate the arm like this to make it look a little bit nicer now finally I'm going to add this light thing on the side of his head right here and I think that looks pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is the upgraded scientist toilet in game this guy is by far the biggest mob we've made and he's not just the biggest mob but he's also one of the coolest as he's able to hover on the ground ground instead of walking the upgraded scientist toilet is insanely powerful this is what he does to a regular Titan speaker man he literally didn't even have a chance now let's try the upgraded Titan speaker man that wasn't much better it's probably going to take a combined attempt from all the Titans to take this guy out come on Titans you can do it okay good they managed to kill him if they didn't he would have been way too op I also made the scientist toilet drop a brewing stand when you kill him because that's science I guess I don't really know and if you look closely you can see that he shoots through the red part of his glass glasses because I'm pretty sure he's supposed to do that I'm going to give the upgraded scientist toilet a 10 out of 10 I'm pretty sure this is my new favorite mob so far he looks really good next I'm going to make the parasitic skibbidy toilet and I'll use a silverfish cuz that's the closest thing to a parasite first let's get rid of all this stuff and we'll just start to make the shape of a toilet like this now let's color the toilet a back roomsy looking color and we'll add this rectangle part that comes up from the back actually I'm going to change the color a bit it's way too yellow next I'm going to add a long neck for the head like this and and now we're just going to give him a villager head just like the regular toilet next let's change his face a little bit to make him look more like the parasite toilet and let's add the little pipe thingy on the top of the toilet like this now it's time to start adding some texture all around the toilet like this and now let start to give him some legs and we'll copy these legs over to the other side like this and now let's just rotate them a bit so they Point more outwards and I think that's a pretty good parasite toilet let's add him to the game this is how the parasite toilet looks in game this guy is way too tiny and because he's so small he's Al really fast which makes them kind of scary to get chased by there are two sizes of parasite toilets small and large and I know the large one is supposed to look different I just didn't feel like making the other version if a large parasite toilet bites a Titan speaker man he will turn infected and if a small parasite toilet bites a cameraman it will infect him as well I also added an infected version of the upgraded Titan speaker man but there's a very small chance that he gets bit before killing the parasite the parasite toilets are also able to be deployed by the upgraded scientist toilet which I actually think is a pretty cool way for them to spawn overall the parasite toilet turned out pretty good other than this weird spot on the side that I'm not sure how to fix so I'm going to give it an8 out of 10 next I'll make a regular speaker man and I'm going to use a Vex to make him cuz that's a villager hating mob first let's take a leg from the cameraman like this and we'll just move these body parts for now cuz they are definitely in the wrong place next let's color the speaker man's pants a light gray like this and now it's time to add his body first let's expand the body out to make it a lot bigger like this and then we'll start to give him some arms as well now let's also give him some fingers at the bottom of his arms and now we'll just color all of this in for now I'm going to add the speaker man's jacket next so let's work on that and now it's time to give him a head we'll start by giving him a neck first so his speaker isn't floating and now we'll shape the head into a speaker and let's just color the speaker a little bit darker than his suit and we're going to give him the actual speaker part in the middle like this okay now that we have a speaker head let's give him some headphones and let's also put the headphone band at the top like this and now I'm going to give him some extra texture all around his suit like this and I'm also going going to give him a tie and a belt on his shirt all right I think this guy looks pretty good it's time to add him to the game this is our speaker man in game he definitely looks a lot better than I expected okay what is up with all the speaker man being so fast I swear I don't know how this is happening the regular speaker man has the same strength level as a regular cameraman which means the only thing he can really kill is the regular toilet but the speaker man doesn't actually kill the skibby toilets instead he just sits on top of them just like in the actual series it is kind of weird though cuz the head doesn't disappear the regular speaker man is also able to do the speaker man dance if you right click him and this is probably one of my favorite features I've made so far it looks so funny if you kill a speaker man he drops a jukebox which pairs really well with the pigstep disc from earlier or you can use it to play my favorite music disc which drops from the infected upgraded Titan speaker man as well overall I think the speaker man is one of my favorite mobs so far so I'm going to give him a 10 out of 10 as well the dance is just too good next I'll make a large speaker man and since I used aex for a small speaker man I'm going to use an evoker for the big one first let's delete all this stuff and next I'm going to use the regular speaker man's leg but I'm just going to make it bigger now let's copy the leg over to the other side and we'll just shape his body so it fits his legs now let's color his legs black for now and we'll color in his white shirt on the top as well okay now that's looking pretty good let's start to give him some arms and we'll just copy this over to the other side now let's color the arms the same color as his shirt and we're going to give him some long fingers as well and now it's time to add his head so let's just color the speaker in dark black and we'll add the first speaker part in the bottom middle like this and let's just add a few more of these and also color around them a bit and now it's time to add a few more details like this belt down here and we're also going to give him some texture as well and I think that looks really good let's see him in game this is the large speaker man in game he is definitely a lot larger than a regular speaker man and just like the regular speaker man you can make this guy dance as well although it looks kind of broken cuz I just copied it from the original speaker man the large speaker man is a lot more powerful than a regular speaker Man by far he's actually so powerful that he's able to oneshot himself with his own attack I also made it so his attack animation looks kind of like a punch because it was supposed to be for his melee attack the only problem is that he only uses his ranged attack so it's useless if a large speaker man dies he drops a cat music disc because some of the other ones drop music discs so I decided to just do that and honestly that's all there really is he's just a large version of the speaker man I think I'm going to give the large speaker man a 9 out of 10 I like how he looks but I don't think he's better than the regular speaker man next I'm going to make a large cameraman and I'm going to use a Pillager cuz we haven't used that yet so let's just remove a few of the things we don't need and I'm mainly going to use the same body as the large speaker man so let's add the legs first and we'll just color them in all black like this and now let's copy over the large speaker man's body and we'll just color this black for now as well and now let's just copy over the arms from the large speaker man as well and we'll color these in just like we colored in the other parts before all right now it's time to turn this head into a camera so first we're going to make the lens part of the camera like this and we'll add the film part coming off the back like this and now let's just add a few more details and we'll color the front part of the camera black and now let's color the back part a similar color and we're going to color the film a lighter gray so it stands out and now that looks pretty good so next we need to add the detail to a shirt I'm going to start by adding a tie like this and then I'm going to add a coat on the top cuz all the cameramen wear these long coats and now I'm just going to add a bit of texture around his body like this and I think that looks good let's see how he looks in game this is the large cameraman in game he kind of reminds me of the large speaker man I won't lie his legs going through his coat like this looks kind of weird but other than that he looks pretty good I also made the large cameraman noticeably shorter than the large speaker man because he's supposed to be the shortest out of the large variants the large cameraman has more health and does more damage than a regular cameraman but I decided to make it so he only melees unlike the large speaker man it's probably for the better though as we saw what happened before in the series the large cameraman has a baton which he uses to stun toilets so I made it so he drops a stick when he dies which is supposed to be a baton the large cameraman also stuns low-level toilets when he hits them which is supposed to act as is the Baton shocking them like usual I gave the large cameraman a thumbs up animation and this time there's absolutely no possible confusion cuz I made his arm Bend overall I don't like the large cameraman as much as the speaker man so I'm going to give him a 7 out of 10 next I'll make a TV man and I'm going to use an Enderman cuz the TV man teleports first we'll change the shape and size of his legs cuz they were a little big and now let's color this in and we'll also give him some shoes now it's at the top part of his legs like this and now it's time to make his body the TV man wears a large trench coat so we're going to add that over top as well and now it's time to change the shape of these arms and we'll also rotate it a bit like this and now let's just give him some fingers like we've done for the other mobs okay now that's looking pretty good it's time to add his head first I'll make the black outlines that go around the TV screen and then I'll add the bluish screen that the TV man has on the inside and I think that's pretty good let's just add a few more details first let's add some buttons on the front of the coat like this and we'll just make some parts a little bit darker like this as well and now finally we'll just add a little bit more texture over the top and I think that that looks good let's add him to the game this is how the TV man looks in game he's a lot taller than I thought he would be similar to the TV woman and the Titan TV man I made it so the tvman flashes between nothing and one of the faces he does as well in the actual series The tvman is able to stun the toilets with his screen so I gave the TV man a ranged attack which stuns a lowlevel toilets just like the large cameraman does when he hits them the attack itself doesn't do much damage but if there are other alliance members around it allows them to easily finish the toilets off the TV man is also able to teleport when he gets a low just like the TV woman and if you kill the TV man he drops an ender pearl because he's an Enderman and I just didn't change it overall I don't think the TV man turned out that bad but he's also not amazing so because of that I'm going to give him an8 out of 10 next character I'll make is the moist critical toilet and I'm going to use a creeper to make him let's start by removing all this stuff cuz we don't need it and we're going to take the regular toilet body and copy it over here now let's color the whole toilet a dark grayish color now let's color his neck for now and it's time to work on his upgrades first we'll put this gray thing on the front like this and let's add some of the black spots as well and now let's change the shape of the toilet seat a bit like this next we'll give him the computer part on the top now let's expand this part out a bit like this and now let's add a few more details to the bottom one as well next I'm going to add his jetpack so let's add a big Cube like this now let's add some more details to it so it isn't just a black cube next let's add more armor on the bottom part here and we'll give him the small cannons that he has on each side like this and now let's add the big Canon here as well and we'll just copy this to the other side obviously this creeper head doesn't look like moist critical so let's color this part in and we'll start to give him some hair like this now let's draw his eyes and I'm going to make them look like this cuz he has a lot of pupils next we'll give him a nose and we'll also add some facial hair on the bottom now let's add his glasses over top okay I don't think that looks bad let's add him to the game this is how the moist critical toilet looks in game he definitely looks good well the toilet part looks good but it kind of looks like he has buck teeth in the series The Jesus toilet mimics the TV attack so I gave him the same attack that the TV woman and TV man have and this makes him pretty powerful as he's able to take out multiple large cameramen at once not enough to take out the Titan speaker man though if you kill the Jesus toilet he drops nothing which is weird because I thought I gave him a drop and if you listen closely you can hear him making a woo sound this is the moist critical toilet's reaction to you subscribing overall the moist critical toilet doesn't look that bad so I'm going to give him an 8 out of 10 next I'm going to make the glitch toilet and I'll use a chicken to make him first we'll delete the parts we don't need and now let's copy the toilet over from the regular toilet now let's color the toilet a really dark gray next let's add a plate on the front like this and we'll just connect these plates to the toilet down here and now I'm just going to add the little things that stick out on the side like this okay that looks good now let's work on the back of the toilet first I'm going to change the shape a little bit like this and now I'm going to add this gray thing he has up here and we'll just add another layer underneath and then we'll add one more layer like this and we'll color this one darker gray now let's add a long piece right here and we'll copy this over to the other side too and next we'll add another piece on the side like this and I think that looks pretty good now it's time to work on his head first let's color in his neck and then we'll color his head as well and now I'm going to give him some creepy eyes like this next we'll add his mouth on the bottom and we'll also put the little amount of hair he has up here okay that looks really bad so let's just change the whole face a little bit and we'll give him some ears like this and I think that looks better let's add him to the game this is the glitch toilet in game I'm not sure if giving him this head was a good idea I also love how he makes chicken noises it just doesn't fit him at all the glitch toilet is ridiculously fast so it kind of looks like he's glitching and I also made his head animation look like it's glitching as well instead of being smooth like the other toilets when the glitch toilet attacks another mob he starts glitching around like crazy sort of like his super speed attack in the real series and he's actually able to kill the Titan speaker Man by making him attack himself because he's glitching so much if you kill the glitch toilet he drops nothing but this time it was intentional because I wanted to make him drop a glitched item but it just didn't work overall I think the glitch toilet looks creepy but he's still pretty good so because of that I'm going to give him an 8 out of 10 next I'll make the ninja cameraman and I'm going to use a husk cuz I'm running out of villager hating mobs first let's just use the original cameraman body to start and I'm going to remove his headphones cuz I don't know why I even added these now let's move his head up a little bit and we'll also make his neck bigger next I'm going to color his camera a dark grayish color and I'll color this thing slightly lighter and now let's work on his body first I'll change the color of his tie area like this and I'm going to make the whole suit a lighter gray so let's just color this in and then we'll color his pants in as well to match and now let's move the coat back and we'll color it darker gray as well next I'm going to color his hands black and I'm also going to give him some fingers as well cuz the old cameraman didn't have them and now let's start to add the light things under his camera and we'll just add another piece and color it lighter gray as well okay now let's just add some extra details to his suit and I'm going to give him some texture like this now finally let's add his plungers and he's going to have one in each hand so let's copy this thing over and that looks pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is the Ninja cameraman in game he basically looks like a normal camera man the only difference is he's wielding a couple of plungers unlike this guy who has nothing the plunger cameraman is slightly stronger than a regular cameraman as he's able to One-Shot a regular toilet he also does good against a spider toilet as well but the glitch toilet is definitely his weakness I also made the ninja cameram man the first mob to drop a custom item as he drops a plunger the plunger does one more damage than a netherite sword making it a really useful weapon it also means you can One-Shot toilets with it making them no longer able to terrorize me the Ninja cameraman also has a thumbs up animation which is more advanced this time because he puts the plunger away first don't ask how he gets it back though he must be magical I'm going to give the ninja cameraman a 9 out of 10 I just really like his plungers I don't know why next I'm going to make the as salent Astro toilet and I'll use an laay cuz laay is kind of close to alien I guess first I'm going to delete all this stuff we don't need and like usual let's take the body from the regular toilet this time I'm going to color the toilet a brownish color and I'm just going to remove the bottom of the toilet to add a new bottom instead so let's add some circular layers on the bottom like this and we'll color them each a different shade of brown this kind of looks like a bad Lance biome now let's give the toilet some water up here and it's time to start working on the ring that goes around him I'm going to color the square orange like this and then I'm going to make another part inside which is light gray now let's add the piece that connects it to his body right here and I'm just going to copy this thing all around his body so it's orbiting him okay now that that's done it's time to work on his head I'm going to keep the Alay head this time cuz we saw what happened last time and we'll start adding a brown helmet all around his head and I'm just going to put the black stripes that he has on top of it and that doesn't look that bad now let's add his Cannon so let's just copy a bunch of these squares until it kind of looks like a cannon and we'll just color this one red like this now finally let's add some texture all around his body and I think this is looking good let's see how it looks in game this is the Astro toiletting game something definitely looks out of place yeah I probably shouldn't have kept his head as an laay it looks really weird but other than that he turned out pretty good especially the rotating part it looks so cool in the actual series The as salent Astro toilet is able to instantly warp away so I gave it a chance to randomly warp away in game as well which is really annoying when you're trying to record it the Astro toilet is the only mob that actually flies and doesn't just hover above the ground which makes him really op when he gets in a fight I also made him attack the Gman toilet because he is seen doing that in episode 60 but I wouldn't say his strength level is the same as he barely does any damage to the Gman toilet overall I think the Astro toilet looks pretty good other than the AL head so because of that I'm going to give him an 8 out of 10 next I'll make the speaker woman and I'll use a piglin cuz they both like dancing let's start by removing all of this stuff and we'll make her legs a little bit longer like this now let's give her some shoes and we'll color them pink and now let's just color her pants a dark grayish color next I'm going to change the shape of her body a little bit like this and I'll also make her arms a different shape as well and now let's just color all this stuff in and now it's time to work on her speakers first I'll make the main speaker like this and then I'll put the little ones that she has on the side and now we'll give her the main speaker part in the middle and let's just add her headphones and I think that looks pretty good now let's just add a few more details like this purple part on her shirt and this extra coat layer on top and we'll just give her a bit of texture as well and I think this is looking pretty good let's add her to the game this is how the speaker woman looks in game she doesn't look that bad well she looks kind of weird with the shaders but it's fine in the actual series The Speaker woman dances while she walks so I made it so that when the speaker woman walks her arms go up in the air so it looks like she's dancing well kind of it doesn't really work and of course when you rightclick the speaker woman she does the regular speaker dance as well this speaker woman is very powerful and can One-Shot the low-level toilets and I also made her attack animation look like she's loading her speakers up with knives but it also looks like she's hitting the gritty if the speaker woman dies she drops a chirp music disc because there isn't a pink music disc so red is kind of the same and overall I think the speaker woman turned out okay but she definitely wasn't the best so I'm going to give her a 7 out of 10 next character I'll make is the mutant skibby toilet and I'm going to use the wandering traiter even though I already used him because that didn't really count first let's get rid of the stuff we don't need and I'm going to use the large speaker man's body so let's just paste a head on like this now let's start to change the shape of his body and we'll color this part white cuz it's going to be a toilet now let's extend this toilet part out a bit more and we'll add these outlines which will be the seat like this next let's give him a new tie cuz we got rid of the old one and now it's time to make him look a bit more mutated first I'm going to move his arms down and I'm going to rotate them a bit to make them stick out next we'll give him a neck piece like this and we'll start adding the pipe that comes out of the back of his head let's just add some gray spots all around the toilet like this and we'll color the tie a little bit more red and now let's add some texture on the back part and on the neck like this and I think this is looking pretty good let's add him to the game this is how the mutant toilet looks in game this guy definitely looks pretty weird especially the head part which not only rotates but now it changes size as well in the series The skibbidy Man is meant to be really fast so I made the mutant toilet run really fast in game as well this also makes him really powerful is nothing is really able to get away from him the only way to get away from him is by subscribing if you kill the mutant toilet he drops a zombie head because mutant is kind of the same category as zombies I don't really know it's all I could think of and overall I think the mutant toilet looks pretty good but there are a few problems like this weird texture on the back so because of that I'm going to give the mutant toilet a 9 out of 10 next I'm going to make the large tvman and I'll use an Ender Dragon cuz I used an Enderman for the regular TV man first let's delete all the dragon Parts cuz we don't need those and I'm going to use the regular TV man as a base so let's copy all this over here next I'm going to make his body bigger so let's do that now let's add a new coat over the top as well and next I'm going to work on his arms I'm going to make the arms a little bit bigger so let's just do that now I'm going to color both of these arms the same colors as suit okay now that's looking pretty good it's time to give him his TVs first I'm going to add the thing that connects them to his body right here and we'll color this whole thing a lighter gray and now let's remove all this stuff and change the head into a TV now let's add some outlines on the side and we'll color them a darker black like this and we'll also color in his noisy TV screen now let's just add a stick coming out from the side like this and we'll just put a smaller TV that looks the same coming off of it and now let's copy this over to all four sides like this and I think that's looking really good let's add him to the game this is how the large TV man looks in game I have to say he's definitely one of my favorites out of the TV people I will say it's kind of weird that he makes Ender Dragon noises though the large TV man is really powerful as he's able to kill multiple mutant toilets at the same time I can't really remember if that's accurate or not so I'm sorry if it isn't the large TV man also has the same attack as the TV woman as it's the closest thing I'm able to make to his actual attack in the series also similar to the TV woman if the large TV man gets low on health he will teleport away before he can be killed although he doesn't teleport really far overall I think the large TV man turned out pretty good in game I especially like his TVs so because of that I'm going to give him a 10 out of 10 because he deserves it next I'll make the detainer Astro toilet and I'm going to use a Wandering Trader llama to make him first let's remove all the parts we don't need like usual and then I'll take some of the parts of the as salent Astro toilet and copy it over now now let's color the top part of the toilet a brownish gray like this and now let's just add another smaller part on the bottom here and that looks pretty good so now it's time to add the circle part he has on the bottom first I'm going to make a rectangle like this and now let's just copy this rectangle over and over again until it kind of looks like a circle next I'm going to color in the toilet water right here and I'll move the Llama head down so it looks like it's coming out of the water next I'm going to give him a helmet cuz the Astro toilets wear helmets and I'm not going to lie that kind of looks like it's supposed to be hair but it's fine now I'm going to give him his arms starting with the one on the top and I'm going to add a claw looking thing that's attached to the arm and I think that looks fine so now let's work on his right arm now we'll add the clamp thing he has on the end here and we'll copy one on the other side so it looks a bit better let's do the same things we did for the last arm except this time we're going to give him a knife attached on the end and let's just add the little things that come off the sides like this and I think that looks good let's see how he looks in game this is the detainer Astro toilet in game I was definitely expecting the Llama head to look a bit worse it's a lot better than his knife at least which kind of looks like a peeled banana that is spinning similar to the as salent Astro toilet that we made last time the detainer Astro toilet also has the ability to randomly warp away and once again this doesn't really help when you were trying to record him the detainer Astro toilet is also able to fly just like the asent one but this time it doesn't really help him because most of the time he just forgets to attack his enemies if you kill the detainer Astro toilet he drops A Chorus fruit because when you eat them you teleport just like he teleports and the detainer asro toilet also attacks the Gman toilet just like the as salent did but it doesn't really seem like he's going to kill him anytime soon overall the detainer Astro toilet didn't turn out that great so because of that I'm going to give him a 6 out of 10 next I'm going to make the rocket toilet and I'll use a be to make him cuz it can fly I don't know I'm running out of mobs first I'm going to delete the legs off the be now let's color the toilet a dark grayish color and we'll change the bottom of the toilet a little bit like this now let's remove the toilet seat and we're going to change the back of the toilet as well so let's just make this piece bigger and now we'll copy it a few times and rotate it like this and let's just change the shape of the top part and move it as well now that looks pretty good so let's add the wall he has in the back and we'll color the wall the same color as the toilet like this now let's also give him a floor just like the wall now this is looking pretty good let's add his Rockets I'm going to make a small square like this and then I'm going to make a smaller one on the inside now let's copy this until we have three of them on each side and now let's color the middle piece a slightly lighter gray and we'll also add a little bit of texture like this now let's give the be a neck which makes no sense but it looks better than if he's floating and we'll also add a helmet just like the Astro toilets had now let's just add some fire coming out of the rockets and I think that's looking really good let's add him to the game this is how the rocket toilet looks in game something about this looks kind of weird using the bee as the head was fine but it kind of looks like the bee has Elvis hair I'm not going to lie but other than that the rocket toilet actually looks pretty cool the rocket toilet is incredibly powerful and he's able to One-Shot most of the mid-level alliance members he also makes an explosion every time he attacks something and the only real problem is that he dies most of the time he attacks that's similar to what happened in the actual series though though if you kill the rocket toilet he drops a firework rocket because that was in his name and it's kind of funny but I have a feeling you won't be killing the rocket toilet as he does a ton of damage overall I think the rocket toilet doesn't look that bad but he just looks kind of boring so because of that I'm going to give him a 7 out of 10 next I'll make a speaker Strider and I'm going to use a Strider to make it cuz it's in the name first let's remove the hair cuz we don't need it and next I'll change the shape of the legs a bit like this now let's move these legs way further apart and we'll shape the main Strider head into a speaker like this next I'm going to make another part of the leg and we'll make this part a bit thinner and we'll also add a thinner part on the bottom now I'm going to copy this leg onto each side like this and next let's add some cubes on the back of the speaker as well now I'm going to color the entire speaker dark gray and I'm going to color the legs a little bit lighter gray and now it's time to work on the details on the speaker first let's add some walls on the sides like this and we'll add the main speaker thing here in the middle now let's just add a few more walls going the other way and we'll just add a cube on top of the speaker part like this next I'm going to color in all these parts different colors of gray and I'm I'm going to add a few more black Parts on the side now let's give the speaker some extra detail like this and I think that's looking pretty good let's see how it looks in game this is the speaker Strider in game he actually looks really good not that it was very hard to make him look good though it's not a very complicated design similar to The Strider toilet I made a while ago I made it so you can ride the speaker Strider as well which looks kind of weird but this time I had a reason to do it because the speaker Striders are controlled by Speaker men so this is kind of the same thing the speaker Strider is also able to climb walls like a normal spider can but the only problem is I forgot he takes fall damage if you kill a speaker Strider you get a jukebox which I'm pretty sure I've used as a drop before but this time it makes a lot more sense and if the speaker Strider gets in a fight I just gave him the regular speaker attack but for some reason he waits until he is really close to use it overall I think the speaker Strider looks really good so I'm going to give him a 9 out of 10 next character I'll make is the air strike toilet and I'm going to use a blaze to make him because they can both fly first let's get rid of these things cuz we don't need them and I'm going to use the body from the regular to toilet so let's copy that on next let's put this Shield thing that he has on the front here and now let's start to work on the first rocket underneath now let's copy this thing over to the other side next let's make a fan like this and we'll just copy this fan all around until there are six fans all right now this body is looking good it's time to give him some color first let's color these shield things a little bit lighter gray and will'll color his Rockets a few different colors as well and we'll just color the toilet water blue and now it's time to give him a head now we'll give him some hair like this and I'll just give him a mouth and some eyes and finally let's give him some headphones on top of his head all right I think that looks pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is how the air strike toilet looks in game this guy actually looks pretty cool I will say it's kind of weird that he makes Blaze noises though they are a bit loud the air strike toilet isn't the most powerful toilet in the game but he's still pretty good as he's literally able to One-Shot a large speaker man it's not the same for a Titan speaker man though as he's actually immune to his attacks just like in the actual series subscribe if you want to be immune like the Titan speaker man the air strike toilets are are usually seen working in groups so I made it so that there's a chance that three of them spawn when one of them gets attacked this makes it really annoying to kill them especially if you are using your fist if you kill the air strike toilet he drops a TNT because that is the closest thing in the game to an air strike and overall I think the air strike toilet turned out pretty good other than the blaze noises they are very annoying so because of this I decided to give the air strike toilet a 9 out of 10 next I'm going to make the new police toilet and I'll use a guardian cuz it has guard in the name and guards are kind of like police first let's remove all this stuff that we don't need and we'll just copy a toilet body with a jetpack over top like this now let's color this entire body a greenish gray color and I'm going to add one of these shields in the front like this now let's work on the thing that goes over top of his guns right here and we'll just copy the gun underneath like this all right now let's add a cube on the top that is going to be his lights and we'll color one side red and the other one will be blue okay now this is looking good so let's start to color some stuff in we'll color a bunch of stuff dark gray like this now let's color his toilet water blue and we'll color his neck in as well and now it's time to work on his head and now let's add his hat on the top next we'll give him a mouth and we'll add a mustache on top and let's give him a nose and we'll also give him some eyes above that and I think that is looking good let's add him to the game this is the police toilet in game I would say definitely looks pretty good the police toilet also makes some pretty weird noises just like the air strike toilet except this time they are kind of scary the police toilet is really powerful when he's able to attack and isn't just missing all his hits and he even freezes his enemies when he hits them because he's placing them under arrest officer I didn't kill those skibby toilets I swear the police skibby toilet is pretty fast as you can see which makes it really difficult to run from the police as well I guess the only way to avoid going to jail is by fighting back if you kill the police toilet he drops a debug stick which is supposed to be like a police baton I don't really know and overall I don't think the police skibbidy toilet turned out that bad the only thing that really needs to be fixed is the scary noises he makes I had no idea Guardians sounded like that but yeah I think he looks good good so because of that I'm going to give him a 9 out of 10 as well next I'll make the knife speaker man and I'm going to use a piglin brute because we made the speaker woman from a piglin so let's delete all this stuff because we're going to use a regular speaker man's body next I'm going to color his suit a away darker gray now let's color his undershirt a dark reddish color instead of gray and now let's just make this layer dark gray as well and let's add some red detail to his arms like this all right now it's time to color in a speaker so we'll just make a speaker a lot darker now let's color the actual speaker part A really dark red now let's give him a knife in his hand right here and we'll also copy this knife into the other hand as well next we'll start to texture his speaker again just like we had it before okay I think this guy is looking good let's see how he looks in game this is the knife speaker man in game he actually looks pretty good he also looks a lot more intimidating than a regular speaker man despite being made from the same body the knife speaker man seems to follow the trend of the previous two mobs as he makes weird noises as well I don't know how I keep picking all the weird sounding mobs similar to the other speaker men if you write like the knife speaker man he does the speaker man dance but this time he's holding knives which seems kind of dangerous the knife speaker man also sits on regular skibby toilets after killing them just like the regular speaker man there is a new animation for the knife speaker man though and it happens when he spawns this makes him 10 times more intimidating imagine seeing someone do a backflip before they start chasing you the knife speaker man is pretty powerful as he's able to defeat some of the higher level toilets easily and if the knife speaker man dies he drops a knife not an iron sword that's a knife overall I think the knife speaker man turned out pretty good I especially like his Backflip so because of this I'm going to give the knife speaker man an 8 out of 10 next I'm going to make the jetpack claw toilet and I'll use a cave spider to make him cuz he has spider-like legs first let's get rid of all the stuff we don't need and I'll just copy a toilet body onto him like this now let's color the entire toilet light gray like this and we'll start to make his legs a lot smaller now let's copy this leg until we have two legs on each side and now it's time to give him some arms now we'll just add this thing that he has on the front of the toilet right here and we'll start working on his jetpack on the back like this and that's a pretty good body so let's color everything in first we'll make some parts a little bit lighter gray and we'll put some dark gray Parts on the jetpack now let's just color the toilet water blue and we'll color in his neck all right now it's time to give him a head and let's add some hair on the top like this now let's give him a mouth and we'll add his eyes and next we'll just give him some eyebrows and a nose like this now finally we'll just add some ears and we'll give them some texture and I think this is looking pretty good let's see how it looks in game this is the jetpack claw toilet in game it kind of looks like an upgraded version of The Strider toilet also just like the Strider toilet the jetpack toilet is really fast making him pretty scary to get chased by in the actual series the jetpack claw toilet ripped the head off a cameraman so I decided to make it so that the cameraman drops his head when he dies to the claw toilet the cameraman's head can then be used to one hit a bunch of different mobs and also break every type of block pretty quickly it's definitely a very balanced item if you kill a claw toilet he drops a goat horn and you might be wondering why I made him drop this completely random item I did it because it looks like a claw that's the only reason there's nothing special behind it overall I think the claw toilet turned out good but it's definitely not one of my favorites so because of this I decided to give the jetpack claw toilet a 7 out of 10 next I'll make a helicopter speaker and I'm going to use a bat because they both fly first let's remove everything except the body because that's all we need and we'll make this body a lot larger like this now let's start to add the outline part around the speaker right here next I'm going to add a thing to connect the propeller to it now let's make the first part of the propeller like this and we'll copy this propeller around until there are six different propellers all right now the body is pretty much done so let's start to color it in first I'm going to color this part dark gray and next I'll color the entire outside in orangish color and we'll make the actual propellers a lighter gray like this okay now it's time to add the actual speakers to it and we'll color the speakers a little bit lighter gray now we'll make a few more speakers above this one now I'm going to add a light gray outline to all these speakers we added and I think this is looking good let's see how it looks in game this is the helicopter speaker in game it actually looks really good obviously it wasn't that hard to make it look good though it's not a very complicated design the bad noises that the speaker makes are also really loud but it kind of makes sense because that's how the helicopter speaker attacks the helicopter speaker is pretty powerful as its Sonic Boom attack is able to one-hot low-level toilets but since the helicopter speaker uses a sound based attack it is only able to attack when there are no alliance members around to make sure it doesn't accidentally kill any of them the helicopter speaker is also able to be ridden just like The Strider speaker but this time you can't really see anything so it's kind of useless if you kill the helicopter speaker it drops a jukebox because it's a speaker so that's the only thing that makes sense and the helicopter speaker is also not able to be infected by parasite toilets because apparently that isn't possible overall the helicopter speaker turned out pretty good for what it is and because of that I decided to give it an8 out of 10 next character I'll make is the upgraded Mafia toilet and I'm going to use a Wither because the Wither is probably in the mafia first let's delete all this stuff cuz we don't need it and I'm just going to use the body from the claw toilet I made last time and I'm just going to color the entire toilet a blackish brown color now let's add one of these armor plates on the front of the toilet now let's color these armor plates dark gray and now it's time to add some stuff to his hands first I'm going to add the saw blade that he has on his right arm and now let's add the acid cannon at the end of his other arm now let's copy paste a jetpack on the back as well cuz I forgot he has a jetpack all right I think this is a pretty good body so now let's give him a head first I'm going to color his neck and his toilet water now let's give him some eyes and a mouth and we'll also give him a nose and some eyebrows and now let's just add his hat on top like this and I think this is looking pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is how the mafia toilet looks in game this guy actually looks pretty good I will say that the Wither noises are kind of weird though but they also kind of fit in as you can see the mafia toilet is massive and he's also very fast possibly even faster than the jetpack claw toilet that we made last time okay I wanted to make them have a race but I somehow made it so they attack each other by accident the upgraded Mafia toilet is also super powerful as he's able to poison his enemies using the acid gun that he has on his arm he also gives you nausea with it as you can see but this only affects players I'm pretty sure the Titan cameraman doesn't mind subscribing the upgraded Mafia toilet won't give you nausea if you kill the mafia toilet he drops a poisonous potato because he has an acid gun so it's kind of like he poisoned the potato I guess and overall I think the mafia toilet looks pretty good and I think his abilities are pretty cool so because of this I decided to give the mafia toilet eight out of 10 next I'm going to make the surveillance camera woman and I'll use a zombie piglin because I made the speaker woman from a regular piglin first I'm going to remove some of the stuff that we don't need now let's start working on our leg and we'll copy it over to the other side next I'm going to change her body a little and now let's work on her arms okay that looks pretty good it's time for us to add her head first I'm going to remove these things and let's just change the shape of her head like this now let's give her a neck and now it's time to add some color first let's color her flashlight blue and we'll color the whole outside of her head black like this next I'm going to color her shirt gray and we'll color her pants a slightly darker gray next I'm going to give her a coat so let's make a big Cube like this and let's color the outside parts of her coat gray and we'll just draw the rest in right here next I'm going to add the gun on the back of her head and I think this is looking good let's add her to the game this is the camera woman in game she definitely looks pretty cool I will say the piglin noises don't really fit her though I probably should have changed it to something else there's also a random Pink Spot on the back here but we'll just ignore that it's not there the camera woman is pretty fast just like the mafia toilet is and just like the mafia toilet the camera woman also has a ranged attack that puts her in attack mode as you can see her attack also freezes her enemies making the camera woman actually super powerful the camera woman can also tpe away if she gets low on health because there is a theory that she is able to teleport in the actual series if you kill the TV woman she drops a redstone lamp because it's supposed to be like her flashlight and just like the other camera people if you right click the camera woman she does a thumbs up but this time it's double overall I think the camera woman turned out pretty good she has a lot of cool features so because of this I decided to give the camera woman an 8 out of 10 as well next I'll make the glitch plunger man and I'm going to use a drowned cuz I made the original plunger man from a husk first let's get rid of this stuff cuz we're going to combine the glitch toilet and plunger man from before next we'll add one of these Wing things he has on the back and we'll just copy it over until there's four of them now let's add one of these leg things in the front here as well and now let's add these things on the side of the toilet where his arms are supposed to be okay now the glitch toilet is looking a bit better so it's time to add the plunger man so first we'll color the plunger part of the plunger red and we'll also color the handle black now let's color the plunger man's camera in light gray and I think that's good so now let's change the colors of the glitch toilet a bit first I'm going to color the actual toilet a lighter gray and I'll color all the shields a lot lighter gray as well now let's color these leg things in the front really light gray and I think this looks pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is how the glitch plunger man looks in game he looks really good just like the other mobs he makes really weird sounds but this time it kind of fits him cuz it's sort of like a plunger there is also some kind of bite taken out of his head but once again we'll just ignore this I never make mistakes you've probably already noticed that the glitch plunger man is able to fly and he also flies really fast which makes it super annoying when you're trying to record this guy the glitch plunger man is also pretty powerful as he has a ranged attack that is supposed to be him shooting the plungers since the glitch plunger man is a repaired version of the original plunger man I made it so that when the original plunger man dies the glitch plunger man spawns and takes his spot this makes him probably one of the most OP mobs in the game that isn't a Titan if you kill the glitch plunger man he also drops a ranged plunger attack which when thrown does a ton of knockback and overall I think the glitch plunger man looks pretty cool so because of this I decided to give him a 9 out of 10 next I'm going to make the scientist cameraman and I'll use a giant to make him because the regular cameraman was a zombie first let's get rid of all this stuff cuz we're just going to use the regular cameraman's body next we'll add this little flashlight thing that he has under his camera and I'm just going to make it so his arms Bend as well okay now this is a good body so let's start to recolor him first I'm going to color his shirt a whitish gray like this now let's color the shirt underneath a lot darker gray like this and now let's just color the outside of his camera white and now it's time to start giving him his parasite disabler I don't really know where to put it so I'm just going to put it on his back and we'll just add a bigger part in the front here okay now let's color this part light gray and this one will be a bit darker and I'm just going to add a few more pieces on the outside like this and let's just rotate it like this and I think this is looking good let's add him to the game this is the scientist cameraman in game he basically looks the same as a regular cameraman there is one slight difference other than the clothes though and that's the parasite disabler gun that he has on his back the scientist cameraman can use this gun to either cure alliance members from infection or he can use it to permanently freeze parasite toilets on the spot yeah this guy is not so scary anymore oh wait he can still infect them I also gave the scientist cameraman this cool animation when he shoots the parasite to say disabler and there's also another animation which is the basic thumbs up that all the cameramen have if you kill the scientist cameraman he drops a parasite disabler gun and when you have this weapon you can become the scientist cameraman as it literally just does the same things that he does I guess this means that we don't need this guy anymore overall I think the scientist cameraman looks pretty good and his gun is definitely a cool addition to the game so because of this I'm going to give the scientist cameraman an8 out of 10 next I'll make the scientist TV man and I'm going to use a zombie villager cuz we have a use that yet first I'm going to get rid of all this stuff because we'll just use a TV man's body instead and now it's time to color him in so first I'm going to make his coat a really light gray color and we'll just redraw the front of his coat like this next I'm going to recolor his TV to make it a little bit darker and we'll just change the TV screen to make it way brighter as well now let's change the color of his shirt underneath to be a darker color and I'm just going to recolor his pants as well to reset the texture next let's give him some pants right here and we'll add a belt over top as well now I'm going to add the little thing that he has on front of his shirt right here and I'm also going to add the antenna thing that comes from behind his TV like this and I think this turned out really good let's see how he looks in game this is the scientist TV man in game this guy doesn't look too bad I'm hoping this is what he's supposed to look like though because you can only really see half of him as of right now just like the other TV people I made it so the scientist TV man's screen flashes between nothing and a face but since it's unknown what face this guy makes I just made it the smile like the regular TV man the scientist TV man also has a teleport ability but unlike the other TV people he just uses it instantly after being attacked because the scientists aren't known for fighting according to theories it is possible that the scientist tvman heals alliance members with his TV screen so I decided to make it so that he can heal alliance members when he hits them as well it's kind of weird cuz it makes them attack him back but at least he's able to teleport away overall I think the scientist TV man looks pretty cool but he's definitely not one of my favorite mobs so because of this I decided to give him a s out of 10 next character I'll make is the new Titan TV man and I'm going to take the old Titan TV man and upgrade him first let's get rid of some of his previous upgrades and we'll change the shape of his body a little bit like this next I'm going to change his arms a little bit and we'll also make his main TV a little bit wider now let's start to add some TVs on the side of his arms now let's add the smaller TVs that are behind his main one all right now this looks pretty good so let's start to color him in first I'm going to color all the TV screens a light green and we'll just color the sides of the TVs really dark gray now let color in his belt even darker and will also color in his shirt a similar color to the sides of the TVs and now we'll start to add some detail to his coat next let's give him a core in the middle like this now let's add a bit more detail to the top of his head all right I think this is looking pretty good let's see how he looks in game this is how the upgraded Titan TV man looks in game he honestly looks really good he's definitely a lot better than the previous two versions of the TV man no offense to them the upgraded Titan tvman is incredibly strong as he's able to destroy the Gman toilet 3.0 I also added an attack animation that is just his head flying off because he does this in the actual series the Titan TV man also strikes lightning when he attacks as you can see and this is kind of annoying with how fast he attacks just like all of the other TV people the upgraded Titan TV man is able to teleport away if he gets low on health but I don't think that's ever going to happen as the Titan TV man has 500 Hearts if you manage to kill the Titan TV man he drops an energy blade and if you use this energy blade you will find that it does a ton of damage and it also strikes lightning just like the Titan TV man's attack does overall I think the upgraded Titan TV man turned out really good even though the shaders removed a lot of his detail so because of this I'm going to give the Titan TV man a 9 out of 10 next I'm going to make the Gman 4.0 toilet and I'll use the Gman 3.0 that I made as a base first I'm going to get rid of some of the stuff we don't need and let's change the shape of the back of the toilet like this next I'm going to remove some of these cannons that he has and I'll just add these platform things that he has underneath the top cannons and we'll also copy the old cannons to the bottom like this next I'm going to change the bottom of the toilet bit to make it more thick and I'm also going to add these things that he has on the bottom as well and I'm going to put even more cannons on the top of the toilet like this and I'm just going to add his core in the middle here and I think this is good now it's time to color the guy in first I'm going to color the back of the toilet really dark gray and I'm going to color the actual toilet part a lot lighter gray and we'll color the core light yellow next I'm going to color in a few more of these random Parts like this now let's add a bit more detail to the bottom right here and I think this is looking pretty good let's add the Gman toilet to the game this is how the Gman toilet 4.0 looks in game I think he's significantly better than 3.0 I will say the back of his toilet looks a little bit weird though I definitely prefer the old design the Gman 4.0 is really fast as you can see and he is also way more powerful than the Gman 3.0 despite him being very powerful though he is still no match for the new upgraded Titan TV man the Titan TV man barely lost any health it's going to take like 10 of these guys to take him out if you kill the Gman toilet he drops his sunglasses and upon wearing these sunglasses you will become immune to low-l TV attacks just ignore the fact that the glasses are over top of my forehead though I honestly have no idea how this even happened overall I think the Gman 4.0 looks pretty good but there are a few things I don't really like about him so because of this I decided to give the Gman toilet an 8 out of 10 the next character I'll make is the real scientist toilet and since I've made the toilet Mech already we'll just start from this so first let's get rid of the stuff we don't need and I'm going to rotate his arms to turn them into legs next I'm going to make the toilet bowl a lot wider now change the shape of the back of the toilet a little bit and I'm just going to start adding his cannon on the top like this and I'll just copy a jetpack from one of the previous toilets on the back okay now I think this is looking good so let's start to give him some color first I'm going to color the entire toilet dark gray and I'll just color in the jetpack a bit darker gray now let's color the details on the jetpack a lot lighter gray now let's color in a few more random things and I'll put a yellow spot in the middle of the Canon and I'm just going to remove everything from around his face because I can't really tell what his face is supposed to look like and I think this this is looking good let's see how he looks in game this is how the scientist toilet looks in game I'm not going to lie I don't really like this guy it's probably because of the default skeleton head that I gave him even though it actually kind of looks like his real head but this is the scientist toilet and not the scientist toilet Mech so he's not really expected to look as good since the scientist toilet controls the scientist toilet Mech in the series I decided to make it so that when the upgraded scientist toilet dies the regular scientist toilet spawns in the regular scientist is also afraid of most alliance members so he will just run away instead of fighting he is able to use a ranged attack on some of the enemies that he finds easy to kill though and as you can see it actually does a lot of damage the scientist toilet is very slow when he's walking as you can see and this is just because I read that he's slow I'm not really sure if that's even true if you kill the scientist toilet he drops an enchanted golden apple and overall I don't think the scientist toilet looks that good he just looks kind of boring so because of this I decided to give him a 6 out of 10 next I'm going to make the Gman clones the first clone I'll make is the laser ring G clone and for this one we're obviously going to use the Gman to start first I'm going to get rid of some of the stuff we don't need and I'll move these shields to the front of him like this now let's change one of these cannons up a little bit and we'll just remove all the other ones and replace them with the new one I made and we'll just start to add a jetpack on the back like this and I think this is looking good so it's time to add some color first I'm going to make the cannon slightly lighter gray next I'm going to start coloring the actual toilet a lot darker gray now let's move these cannons around because they're kind of close together and we'll just make the glasses the same as the Gman 4. know and I think this looks good let's see how it looks in game this is how the laser ring g- clone looks in game I'm pretty sure I made him a little too big but other than that he looks pretty good and also scary this guy is armed with way too many cannons the laser ring g- clone is able to move pretty fast as you can see and he also has a ranged attack that is similar to the regular Gman toilet actually it's exactly the same I didn't bother changing it if you kill the laser ring G clone he drops the Gman sunglasses just like the Gman 4.0 and overall I don't think the first G clone turned out that bad so I'm going to give it a 7 out of 10 next let's make the quad Rocketeer G clone so first let's start from the laser ring clone first I'm going to remove all of his cannons like this and we'll just give him a new shield in front that is a little bit more flat next I'm going to add the big thing on the side like this now let's start adding the quad launcher on the bottom and we'll just copy this over to the other side so there's two and now it's time to color this in first I'm going to color these strips dark blue and now let's color in the quad launchers next I'm going to color his shield dark gray and I'm just going to change the shape of the back of the toilet like this and I think this is looking good let's see it in game this is how the quad Rocketeer g- clone looks in game I definitely think he looks a lot better than the previous clone not much is different between this clone and the laser ring g- clone other than the appearance but the quad Rocketeer g- clone actually has a slightly different attack although both of them look pretty similar the quad Rocketeer g- clone also drops a piece of TNT when it dies because he has a bunch of rocket launchers so it just made sense overall I think the quad Rocketeer looks a lot better than the laser ring G clone so because of this I decided to give him an 8 out of 10 now let's make the quad buz Sai clone first I'm going to remove the things on the side like this and now we'll start to give him an arm on the side and let's add the buzz saw on the end of the arm like this now let's color this arm a bunch of different Grays and we'll just copy this arm all around until he has four of them and that's literally all we had to do let's see how he looks in game this is how the quad buz saww g- clone looks in game I'm not really sure if I like this guy or not I will say that he looks better than the first G clone though but that's probably because I can actually see and not just a bunch of cannons the difference between this g- clone and the others is that this g- clone is only able to melee attack instead of a ranged attack which makes sense considering he has a buzzsaw toilet I don't really know how he would be shooting anything if you kill the quad buzzsaw g- clone he drops a netherite sword and this is because it's supposed to be like a saw I don't really know overall I think the quad buzzsaw g- clone looks a lot better than the laser ring g- clone but not as good as the quad Rocketeer so because of this I'm going to give him a 7.5 out of 10 next I'm going to make eight of the the characters seen in episode 69 and some of the First characters we see in this episode are the skull toilets and the burning toilets so first I added the skull toilet to the game and I have to say it was looking kind of goofy with this one I actually tried to give him a custom skull instead of just using the regular skeleton like I've used before I also colored this toilet in slightly darker than the original skibidi toilet cuz I think it fits him a lot better than bright white as for the burning toilet I decided to keep this guy bright white rather than coloring his toilet gray and as you can see I also removed his eyes to make him blind because apparently he's blind and I also gave him a little bit of hair on the top of his head because it looks like he has hair in the series The Burning toilet is always on fire as you can see and the trail of fire will follow him wherever he goes and he's actually burning so hard that not even water can save him a cool feature that the skull toilet has is that you can feed it a golden apple to cure it and turn it back into a regular skibby toilet and if you want to revert this change for some reason you can also just kill the regular skib toilet and it will turn back into a skull toilet like this I guess we just have to put these guys guys in jail there's no other way to get rid of them when you finally kill the skull toilet I made it so that he drops a skull and the skull is actually just a troll item because it freezes you forever and also gets curse of binding applied to it when it's worn I guess that I'm the one who's in jail now overall I think the skull toilet looks a little bit weird but I think the burning toilet actually turned out pretty good so I decided to give the skull toilet a 7 out of 10 and I'm going to give the burning toilet a 9 out of 10 another character seen early on in this episode is the blue suited cameraman who is seen holding some kind of hacking device Dev which I'm pretty sure is supposed to be used to open the doors so I made the blue suited cameraman drop this hacking device and instead of opening doors because that's a simple task I made it so that this device can just destroy everything very fast this is sort of like hacking it's just a different kind as for the design I basically just took the regular cameraman and turned him into a blue cameraman the only difference is that the blue cameraman has an actual thumbs up animation instead of what we gave to the regular cameraman now obviously the blue cameraman is cool but there's actually another colored camera man in this episode The Green suited cameraman the green suited cameraman actually comes in a pair of two apparently they are supposed to be twins and these guys are kind of dumb because they probably died trying to fight the Michael Jackson toilet I don't know how they even thought they had a chance the green suited cameramen are seen holding paralyzer laser rifles so I decided to make it so that these guys drop one of those when they die and if you shoot something with this rifle it just paralyzes it just like it does in the actual series except this time for some reason it does a ton of knockback I don't know why overall I think both the blue and the green suited cameramen look pretty good and the features they have aren't that bad so because of this I'm going to give them both an 8 out of 10 we talked about the Michael Jackson toilet earlier so that is who I added next the only problem is this doesn't really look like Michael Jackson I honestly tried really hard to make his face and just couldn't do it I don't know why but that doesn't really matter because the rest of him looks good at least since this toilet is based off of Michael Jackson I made it so that when you right click him he actually Moonwalks well he's really just walking backwards but it's the best I could do with a giant to toilet this toilet is also very fast as you can see and this is very similar to the mafia skibbidy toilet that we made in a previous video the Michael Jackson toilet is also one of the strongest toilets that only has a melee attack as he can one hit a bunch of the alliance members he could probably even one- hit me this guy does more damage than a warden if you kill the Michael Jackson toilet I made it so that he drops a Michael Jackson hat and when you wear this hat it gives you permanent slowness five which you may think is a bad thing but it's actually supposed to help you moonwalk just like him overall I think the Michael Jackson toilet looks pretty bad I mean it doesn't even really look like him so because of this I decided to give him a 6 out of 10 in the episode the zombie mutant skibby toilet randomly appears and rips the head off a cameraman so the zombie mutant toilet is the next mob that I added we've already made a mutant toilet in a previous video so I just based this one off of the original design but this time I actually gave him a custom face instead of the mob head that I gave the original mutant toilet the zombie mutant toilet is a lot slower than a regular toilet is and I did this because the zombie mutant is supposed to be sneaky although I'm not really sure how this helps him as he's still really big the zombie mutant toilet is also able to rip the head off a cameraman when it kills one as it makes the cameraman drop its head when it dies if you kill the zombie mutant toilet he drops something called mutant flesh and if you eat this you just have a chance to either get a good or bad potion effect so eat this at your own risk finally I made the regular mutant toilet transform into a zombie mutant toilet when it dies and I know this isn't accurate but I just did it because he has zombie in his name overall I think the zombie mutant toilet doesn't look that bad and it has a a couple of good features so because of this I'm going to give him an 8 out of 10 a very large cameraman with a minigun is seen for a second in this episode so next I decided to add him the armed very large cameraman is very similar to the regular large cameraman except for the obvious giant minigun that he is holding and I also added a few more new details and I made it so that he is a bit larger than the large cameraman because it says very large in his name unfortunately due to the giant minigun that is occupying both of his hands the armed very large cameraman is not able to give a thumbs up which which really makes me wonder if he's okay the very large cameraman is also so big that explosions and Fire Can't Hurt Him which doesn't really make that much sense but I figured he deserved it since there's no thumbs up since he's carrying a giant minigun the armed large cameraman's movement is also very slow just like the zombie mutant before but that doesn't mean this guy isn't scary because if he gets in a fight he will rapidly shoot the minigun until whatever he is shooting at is dead he also seems to have Stormtrooper aim though maybe he needs to get his lens checked if you kill the very large cameraman I obviously made it that he drops his minigun and the minigun pretty much works the same way that it works for him except this time my aim is not nearly as bad it also makes this popping noise which sounds nothing like a gun I have no idea why I chose this and overall I think the very large cameraman is a pretty good upgrade from the regular cameraman so because of this I'm going to give the armed very large cameraman a 9 out of 10 the medic cameraman is also seen around the same time as the very large cameraman which is why he was the next mob I added the only difficult part about making this guy was trying to give him the repair tool on his right arm and that's because the only image I have of it barely even shows what it looks like I mean what is this everything else was pretty easy though which is why he actually looks pretty good in game unlike our last cameraman I made it so that the medic cameraman is able to give a thumbs up with his left arm instead of his right and now we know that this guy is okay despite having one arm the medic cameraman is also strictly meant for repairing cameramen so I made it so that he just attacks cameramen but instead of hurting them he's actually giving them healing but this means that there is no one to heal the medic cameraman if he gets hurt so I made it so that when he right click the medic it heals him as well so that he isn't left out if the medic cameraman dies I made it so that he drops his utility repair device and upon hitting a cameraman with this device it heals him passing the medic cameraman's job onto you unfortunately for him I don't really want to be stuck healing cameraman forever overall I think the medic cameraman looks pretty good and his features are exactly how they should be so because of this I'm going to give the medic a 9 out of 10 finally the highlight of episode 69 would probably be the new Titan cameraman so of course I had to upgrade our old old Titan cameraman next the difference between this Titan and the last is of course the missing arm that I added right here and also these brand new cannons that I added on his back and a few more Minor Details to make him look a little bit better there is one major difference in game though and that is that the Titan cameraman can no longer thumbs up either I know I could have just moved the animation to his other arm but honestly it's funnier this way so I'm keeping it you may have also noticed that this version of the Titan cameraman can no longer fly and this is because it was more of a problem than a good feature I mean where was he going the Titan cameraman is still one of the most powerful mobs in the game and if you kill the Titan cameraman you can get this power for yourself as he drops a Titan cameraman core the Titan cameraman core basically just gives you a bunch of different potion effects that make you super op just like him unfortunately I couldn't make it actually turn me into a Titan though overall I think the new Titan cameraman is a lot better than the old and because of this I'm going to give him a 9 out of 10 I added every character from Wednesday to Minecraft starting with Wednesday the main character of the show I made her head and gave her some hair and then I spent 20 minutes trying to make her face after making a face that didn't look terrible I colored in her clothes and added her braids and finally I put a little more detail in her clothes and I was done I added her to the game and she had these massive arms that I couldn't figure out how to fix so I gave her some new arms instead and it just made things worse eventually I figured out how to fix it and this is how Wednesday looks in game having her arms on the side like this actually looks more accurate cuz she walks like this in the show also because I made her from a witch I decided to recreate the opening scene by turning the potions into piranhas and then having throw them at me in the pool next I'm making thing who is my personal favorite character because of his Advanced dialogue he said it not me I bent his fingers gave him a thumb and then added the wrist thing on the top after that I colored him in and added some cuts and stitches all around him I kind of forgot that spider's legs aren't straight so I had to remove the original legs and add them to the body instead but after that he was still walking sideways and floating so I had to fix that as well finally I added him to the game and nothing was wrong well except for the fact that his fingers don't move but it's that or this also thing is massive when compared to Wednesday I'm not really sure how this works next I made my actual favorite character Eugene Eugene is this kid who really likes bees so I decided to make him from a bee I squished the bee into a body and then I gave it some legs and a head I added his puffy hair and then I gave him a face and next I added his glasses I then gave him a gray shirt and added some detail to the shirt and I almost forgot to give him arms so finally I gave him some arms I think if you ignore the fact that he's able to fly he looks pretty good Eugene usually takes care of the bees but now the bees will take care of him now it's time to make my actual actual favorite character Uncle Fester Uncle Fester is this weird guy who can make electricity so I made him from a creeper you'll see why I turned the creeper body into a human body and then I colored his shirt and added the collar on top I then gave him a face and I tried to blend the dark parts around his eyes into his skin and it ended up looking kind of weird next I gave him some ears and finally I colored in his pants I'm not going to lie he kind of looks like the McDonald's villain because Uncle Fester conducts electricity I decided to edit edit the charge creeper to fit him and it was surprisingly easier than I thought in the show Uncle Fester is also shown Downing an entire bottle of ketchup so I retextured the potions to ketchup bottles out of respect for him this is how Uncle Fester looks when he's surrounded in electricity and this is how much damage he does when you aren't paying attention the charge made Uncle Fester too dangerous so I decided to put him in prison for the various crimes he committed in the show next we'll make Enid and she's a wolf so I'm going to make her from a wolf creating a person from a wolf isn't the easiest thing to do so I basically deleted all the body parts and made her body myself I then added her hair with the fancy colors on the side and I gave her a face after that I made her a striped sweater and finally I put her hands in a claw position or something surprisingly she isn't too broken in game except for her fingers I'm trying to find out why I put both thumbs on the same side I put Enid next to Wednesday and there is a really weird height difference I mean look guys she's even taller than me I also tried to tame her because she's a wolf in the show there is a monster and it looks kind of goofy but it's supposed to be scary so I made it from the the scariest mob the warden I gave it a big Hunchback and then I repositioned all of its body parts I then gave him a big mouth and some funny looking eyes and then I filled his mouth with teeth finally I colored the rest of him blue and gave him a little bit of hair on his head just like he has in the show okay it seems there's a little bit of a problem with his body parts I fixed his body and he still looked terribly messed up because of the warden's animations so I decided to just leave it mainly because I don't know how to change animations all right now we can see who will win Wednesday and Enid versus the highve okay this is a really good fight guys the next character we'll be making is Tyler for no reason of course I made Tyler from a piglin because well I don't know I just did it I gave him some hair and then I drew his face and I decided to make him from the coffee shop so I gave him a brown shirt and then I added his apron and finally I gave him some black pants I added him to the game and I noticed that I made his head way too big also there is something wrong with his apron but I'm not fixing it I don't care now that I had made Tyler I decided to recreate the dance scene I had to build it in the nether because well you know I used quartz and black concrete to make the checkered floor design and then I added the stage with speakers on it after that I added these tables on the side and I filled the entire roof with black concrete next I made the walls blue and I added these chandelier things on the roof I edited Wednesday's model to make her wearing a dress instead and then I edited Tyler's model to make him wearing a suit finally I spawned a bunch of random people on the side and then I spawn Tyler and Wednesday oh yeah I forgot about her arms now unfortunately I don't know how to make Wednesday dance but I do know how to make Tyler dance if that helps next let's add Xavier Exavier I forgot how to say it Xavier is a magician or something so I decided to make him from an illusioner I added his long hair and then I gave him some eyes and a mouth next I colored his shirt blue and added some details to the front the school uniform has a bunch of stripes on it so I added some black stripes all around his shirt and finally I colored in his pants I spawned him in the game and this is how he looks honestly it looks pretty good I think his head might be a little too big but I keep doing that so it's fine in the show Xavier is shown doing archery so I decided to see how good of a shot he is okay that's one hit all right now he's missing every shot oh he hit me again let's see what happens if I hit him oh that wasn't a good idea yeah that's probably why they never added this mob next I'm going to be making The Adams Family characters we'll start with Gomez who is a very successful businessman so I made him for my favorite businessman the wandering traitor first I removed his clothes and I don't know what I was doing here but next I made his body a little larger and gave him some hair and added his mustache which makes look like he has rabbit teeth I then colored in his clothes and gave him a fancy collar and finally I added some Stripes all around his suit for some reason his arms are kind of busted and his teeth look more like rabbit's teeth than ever but I think he looked fine okay maybe that's a problem apparently Gomez is worth $2 billion so I went to check what he was selling to try to be like him but I just found a bunch of useless items I guess the secret to being a billionaire is selling lily pads and also having a llama that's taller than you next let's make mortia and mortia is supposed to be a witch but I I already used the witch so I used the evoker cuz that's kind of similar right I removed all this stuff and gave her some hair and some face and then I colored her dress fully black and extended it down to the floor because it's very long I don't really think this one looked that good and the dress on the floor really doesn't help why did I do that her neck is also not attached but that's probably normal for The Adams Family I also tried to spawn her with Gomez but she just tries to kill him next let's make Pugsley and in the show Pugsley gets bullied so I made him from a chicken I moved all the chicken's body parts to make a human body and then I gave him some hair and added his face next I gave him a black and white striped shirt and unfortunately I decided to change the chicken legs to human legs instead I added him to the game and he was still flapping his wings like a chicken but his head was completely broken so I had to fix his head I'm honestly surprised that he looks pretty normal other than the flapping wings even baby Pugsley doesn't look broken I then decided to put Pugsley in a locker just like in the opening scene wait I didn't mean it next we're going to make Lurch and Lurch is a really tall Butler who kind of looks like a zombie so I I had to make him from a giant I gave him a thin and Tall head and then I gave him a little bit of hair next I added his face which doesn't really look like him at all and then I colored his clothes finally I added a bit of detail to the collar area and I added them to the game I have to stop making Giants they literally do nothing also we're just ignoring the hands there's nothing wrong with them next instead of making a character I'm going to turn the Ender Dragon Into The Adams Family Car first I deleted all the dragon body parts and then I added some windows and a grill on the front next I added some tires and then I extended out the side above the tires finally I made the back of the car slant down a little bit and then I added some lights to the front of the car I tried to make Lurch Drive the car but I don't think that will be possible also the car is flying so that's kind of yeah all right now that we've created all the characters it's time to put them all against the hide okay I guess they don't really like each other so we'll have to do it like this all right this isn't going to work this is completely useless I'm going to be remaking Minecraft Mobs into popular horror movie characters first I'm going to make Pennywise and we'll make him from a Pillager let's color shirt light green now let's color his face white and we'll give him some eyes now let's draw his mouth and we'll give him a nose and we'll give him some hair now let's make his forehead bigger and we'll add the thing around his neck now let's extend his sleeves out a bit now we'll add the red things on his chest now finally let's give him some shoes and I think that looks really good let's see it in game that actually looks really good but his face is off by a bit unfortunately this guy actually looks really scary I'm not really liking him pointing his bow at me like this let's spawn an army of Pennywise okay why are they all pointing their bows at me let's watch these Penny wises attack a villager I'm sorry villager yeah they're all going to kill each other before they kill him okay they finally got him okay they need to stop pointing their bows at me let's spawn an iron golem to take care of them oh wait this is not an iron golem I'm using a spooky texture pack so I guess they made a pumpkin Golem oh God he just took a ton of fall damage oh the Iron Golem couldn't kill them all all right I'm going to give Pennywise a 10 out of 10 he's literally terrifying it's time for the next mob next next we're going to make Michael Myers for this one we'll use a piglin brute let's remove all this stuff and we'll make his head a bit smaller now let's color his body blue and we'll color his head white now let's give him some eyes and we'll give him a mouth as well and we'll give him some brown hair now let's give him a nose and we'll add a neck to his shirt now let's give him a pocket and a belt and we'll color in his hands now finally let's give him some shoes and I think we're done let's see this in game oh that is not him okay that is much scarier he's going to turn into a piglin though so we have to go to the nether okay this is better let's spawn a baby Michael oh piglin bruts don't have babies let's get chased by Michael Myers oh God he's kind of fast okay we got away let's see if Michael Myers can beat Pennywise never mind they both just want to kill me I guess let's spawn more Michael Myers's and let's see if they can beat the warden okay seriously they won't fight the warden either they'll fight me though seriously Pennywise too I don't even have a weapon can't kill me now oh God not the regular piglin all right I'm also going to give Michael Myers a 10 out of 10 he looks really good it's time for the next mob next we'll make jigsaw for him we are going to use a regular piglin let's change the shape of his head and we'll color his body black now let's color his head white now let's give him some eyes and we'll draw his mouth next let's give him a nose and we'll extend his cheeks out a bit and we'll draw the circles on them now let's give him some hair and we'll extend it out on the sides next let's draw his red bow tie and finally we'll give him some red shoes all right I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay he has gold pants why is he flexing on me like that okay this actually looks really good he's definitely not as scary as Pennywise but he's pretty scary let's see a baby jigsaw P his head in the roof let's spawn an army of jigsaws I think this guy needs to take off the helmet I don't think he can see let me wear some drips so I PL in with them what are you looking at why do they all want to go over here sorry guys I'm not actually one of you oh God this is bad never mind they don't know how to jump all right I give jigsaw a 10 out of 10 he looks really good as well it's time for the next mob next we'll make ghost face for this one we'll use a Vindicator let's color his body fully black and we'll change the shape of his head now let's color his head white and we'll add his eyes and his nose and his large mouth now let had his hood over his mask and we'll make this part look like it's ripped now finally let's extend out his shoes and I think we're done let's see it in game finally we can go back to the Overworld okay his mouth is sideways and there's also some problems with his hood let's watch him chase a villager if I gave him a knife this would be 10 times better rip villager is that an orange creeper speaking of orange creepers you should subscribe we are so close to 300K let's spawn an army of ghost faces and let's see if they can beat the Pumpkin Golem okay the pumpkin Golem literally had no chance what about two pumpkin golems okay ghost face is just too powerful I'm going to give Ghost Face an 8 out of 10 he's kind of broken it's time for the next mob next we're going to make Jason for him we are going to use a skeleton let's make his arms bigger and we'll do the same for his legs now let's color in his head and we'll extend out out his mask now it's add some red details to his mask now let's give him some brown hair and we'll color his pants a darker gray and we put his yellow jacket on the outside now finally we'll extend out his shoes and that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay that looks pretty good his head is a little big though but I actually like how his mask turned out okay why is there scary chickens let's see if Jason can take down a wolf okay he's just running maybe it's because we gave him a bow and not a sword nope he still runs with the sword he runs from the wolf but he won't run from me he's getting destroyed even with the other mobs chasing me maybe next time he should run from me but honestly he looks pretty cool with the sword I won't lie let's spawn an army of Jason's and let's see if they can beat the Pumpkin Golem oh no why did they shoot the creeper okay they're literally all just fighting each other oh there's zombies coming in they have backup the zombie stole the Kill from them that's embarrassing all right I'm going to give Jason a 9 out of 10 his head was a little big it's time for the next mob next we'll make Frankenstein for this one we're obviously going to use a zombie let's make his head a bit big bigger and we'll color his body black now let's color his head green and we'll give him some eyes and a mouth and we'll add his red scar on his forehead now let's give him some black hair and we'll give him a couple of ears next let's add the screws coming out of his neck now finally we'll give him some shoes and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay he doesn't look too bad he kind of just looks like a zombie variant though well I guess that's basically what he is let's see a baby Frankenstein okay baby Frankenstein is very fast let's see what he looks like with speed too okay now he won't move oh my God that is way too fast let's spawn an army of Frankenstein okay now these are just zombies he's not special anymore let's watch them all try to kill a villager they can't reach this is Frankenstein IQ is Frankenstein supposed to be stupid I'm not even sure all right I give Frankenstein a 7 out of 10 he looked average it's time for the next mob next we're going to make Dracula for this one let's use a villager let's color his body black and we'll make his head a bit smaller now let's color his head and we'll give him some red eyes now let's draw his mouth and we'll add his vampire teeth next let's give him a nose and we'll add his eyebrows now let's give him some hair and we'll add his cloak next let's give him a white shirt and we'll give him a red tie now finally let's color in his hands and I think we're done let's see him in game okay there's something wrong with his arms but other than that he looks pretty good I'm sorry Dracula okay he's already dead wait this Dracula is still running away if only he could turn into a bat and fly away let's see what baby Dracula looks like yeah this looks like a kid in a costume he's so small let's spawn an army of Draculas okay I don't know why I did this I just wanted to bully them surprisingly they're actually getting away and the penny wises are just killing each other wait what is this yellow thing in the tree okay the tree literally has an eye all right I'm going to give Dracula an 8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob next we are going to make a mummy and for this one we'll use a husk let's color his body grayish yellow and we'll give him some red eyes now let's draw a bit of a mask around his eyes and we'll add different color Stripes around his body now let's give him some different color hands and we'll do the same for his feet I'm actually going to change the first color we added cuz I don't really like it and we'll make sure to color the inside of his legs and the inside of his arms and finally let's add some detail on his back and that doesn't look too bad let's see it in game okay how did I go from the other mobs to this I mean to be fair there's not much you can do to a mummy let's see a baby mummy I think the baby looks a bit better I wonder if Minecraft will ever add mummies they could defend desert pyramids or something they could add something like this okay maybe with less mummies but still let's spawn a Dracula in here oh he has desert clothes on I don't know why I did that that was mean who can catch Dracula faster the mummy or Frankenstein apparently neither of them they are very slow oh no Dracula is stuck how is he still alive and the mummies win I mean it was a baby so it wasn't really fair but whatever all right I'm going to give the mummy a 6 out of 10 compared to the other mobs it wasn't that good I'm going to be remaking Minecraft Mobs into the entities from Roblox stores first we're going to make seek and I'm going to use a warden to to make him let's remove all this stuff and we'll make his body smaller now let's also shrink his legs and we'll make his arms smaller as well now let's shrink his head and we'll Color Him fully black now let's draw his eye and we'll expand his face out on the side a little bit finally let's add some red spots on his body and we'll put a few on his legs all right that looks good let's see it in game we'll just act like I didn't forget to texture the bottom of the head honestly I think this looks pretty good I think his proportions are kind of off though yo why is he attacking the Sheep what did the Sheep do let's find seek in the deep dark and of course we'll watch him emerge from the ground oh he's kind of stuck in a block this would be way more terrifying than the warden imagine you're walking around in a cave and then you see this thing chasing you let's spawn an army of siks and let's see if they can defeat the Wither oh no they're already surrounding the Wither oh my God the Wither is getting launched yeah the Wither literally has no chance I don't think the Wither even killed one of them all right I'm going to give seek an 8 out of 10 he could have been better it's time for the the next mob next we'll make figure and I'm going to make him from an Enderman let's Color Him brownish red and we'll extend his face out a bit and we'll also extend out the other sides now let's give him some teeth and we'll move them to every side of his mouth next let's color the back of his mouth and we'll add his white ribs and let's copy those down two more times and I think that looks good let's see it in game I'm not going to lie the particles kind of Ruin him that looks better now if you look in an Ender's eyes it will get mad at you but seek has no eyes so what will happen okay the same thing happens I like how his head is just floating now let's go find figure in the end okay there's a ton of these guys in here let's see if figure can beat seek okay figure had no chance I honestly thought he would teleport away at least okay seek has to go oh God they're catching up to me okay I see why this guy is scary now oh no I got stuck I give figure a 9 out of 10 he turned out pretty good it's time for the next moob next we'll make Screech and I'm going to use a guardian to make him let's remove his tail and we'll also remove these orange spikes now let's make the body a bit smaller and we'll color it fully black now let's give him a big red mouth and we'll add some darker Lips next let's draw his teeth and we'll add the black spots oozing down now let's add his eyes and we'll add the squiggly things coming from his body and I think we're done let's see it in game oh my God he's moving really fast and the way he's bouncing around like this honestly makes him 10 times scarier like what are you doing if you see this thing coming after you okay he's dying oh well I guess he's in the water now honestly he might might be even scarier underwater let's spawn an army of screeches that looks so weird and let's see if they can kill me wait what are they all doing to me this is actually terrifying oh God I'm on half a heart yeah hopefully nothing like this is ever added to the game I'm going to give Screech a 10 out of 10 he was scary it's time for the next mob next we'll make glitch and I'm going to make him from an iron golem let's make his body smaller and we'll also shrink his legs now let's do the same for his arms and we'll color his body fully black now let's add some purple spots around his body and we'll add some on his arms and legs as well now let's add some blue spots too and we'll also add some yellow spots and I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay part of his face is not part of his face but honestly he's supposed to look glitched out so I think that's fine somehow I actually think this looks pretty good let's see if glitch can beat Screech never mind it looks like Screech didn't want to fight let's try this again away from the cave okay that was too easy and he dropped raw Cod that's kind of weird let's see if glitch can beat seek okay okay that was a really unfair fight let's spawn 10 glitches and see if they can beat seek okay they're not doing too bad oh they got him only four of them died surprisingly all right I'm going to give glitch a 9 out of 10 he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob next we'll make rush and I'm going to use a b to make him let's remove all this stuff and we'll make his body thinner now let's extend his body out a bit and we'll extend out the sides to make him look circular and we'll also do this on the top and bottom now let's add his dark gray mouth and we'll add his eyes and his nose thing now let's give him some yellow teeth and we'll add some teeth on the bottom as well now let's add some detail to his face and we'll make it a bit darker under his teeth and I think that's good let's see it in game oh that is not what we want okay that looks better honestly this might be the scariest mob we've made yet the way he flies is terrifying let's see a baby Rush okay that's not as bad at least it looks like I could beat this one in a fight let's spawn an army of rushes and let's see if I can get away from them oh God I'm still on half a heart okay now we're ready okay he's not as scary now that I know how slow he moves this would still be terrifying if I saw this in the game all right I'm going to give Rush a 10 out of 10 he turned out really good it's time for the next mob next we'll make Jack and I'm going to make him from a skeleton let's color his body fully black and we'll add his nose and we'll shape his mouth and eye now let's add his teeth okay this doesn't look good let's add his nose again and we'll also draw his mouth now let's add his eye and we'll add some small yellow teeth and now we'll color the sides of his head half white and half black and I think that looks good let's see it in game oh yeah night time okay that's better honestly I don't know whether I like this or not I feel like the yellow teeth kind of ruin it like it just looks like he hasn't been to the dentist in a while let's spawn an army of Jacks and let's see if the Jack Army can beat glitch oh God they're all shooting each other glitch is just down here getting three kills cuz half of them are fighting okay glitch basically won it's up to these five Jacks over here who don't seem to be interested in fighting him oh they actually did it I'm surprised they won that considering half of them killed each other all right I'm going to give Jack an 8 out of 10 he doesn't look that good in Minecraft I added Pokémon to Minecraft first I made lukia Let's remove his legs and we'll make his body a lot smaller now let's give him a neck now finally let's add the blue Parts on his back and I think that looks good let's see it in game wo he is really big okay I think he actually looks really good there is one problem with him though he literally just doesn't move it makes him look so menacing when he's flying around though let's find Lugia in the nether oh there's one literally right there this is so weird cuz normally Lugia would be found in the water I guess this is a special Lugia then let's spawn an army of lugas it's hard to spawn them cuz they're so big okay I think there's a few too many lugas around here let's catch a Lugia and a Pokeball I don't think it's working what about a master ball nope still won't work all right I'm going to give Lugia 7 out of 10 he can't move it's time for the next mob next I made quackley let's move his body next let's Color Him white and we'll color his beak yellow and we'll give him some eyes and I think that looks good let's see it in game okay something is wrong with his arms okay that only made the problem worse okay I don't I don't know how to fix this this is good enough all right his head moves really weird as well but other than that I think he looks fine okay I'm lying it's definitely not fine let's spawn a baby quackley okay this is even worse what is wrong with his head I'm getting rid of this one let's see if I can catch quackley in a Pokeball okay this joke really isn't funny let's spawn a quackley army and let's have them all follow me I finally have my own duck Army subscribe to join the duck Army all right I'm going to give quax Ley a 5 out of 10 I like him but he's too broken it's time for the next mob next I made Magikarp let's make his body smaller and we'll Color Him orange now let's color in his fins and we'll color his back fin white now let's give him some eyes and that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay I should probably spawn him in water honestly I'm surprised with how this turned out he looks really good let's spawn a Magikarp Army is there a baby salmon no there isn't I wonder if these guys will fight an axel no but the Axel will fight them let's try to grow him into a Gyarados okay this isn't working I guess Magikarp is boring in Minecraft as well I almost forgot the Pokeball test this doesn't even make sense how am I throwing snowballs in water all right I'm going to give Magikarp an 8 out of 10 he looks good but he's boring it's time for the next mob next I made Charizard let's color his body fully orange and we'll turn these spikes into his ears now let's color his head orange and we'll make his mouth light red now let's give him some teeth and we'll also add his eyes all right I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay that actually looks pretty good although I have no idea why he has two tails he didn't even have a tail in block bench also his neck looks different as well that's so weird let's see if we can catch Charizard in a Pokeball all right it's not not working Charizard is probably more of a master ball type anyway okay Charizard is perching just imagine he's breathing fire right now all right I'm going to give Charizard an 8 out of 10 I think he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob next I me Mew let's remove the legs and we'll add a head now let's color the head and body pink and we'll add his legs now let's add his arms and we'll rotate his arms and legs a little bit and I think that turned out pretty good let's see it in game okay that doesn't actually look bad but the eyes are off center somehow out of all the Pokémon I've made Mew definitely looks the best The Sounds he makes is really weird though let's see a baby Mew oh my God it's literally so small this is probably an accurate size for a bee though let's spawn an army of MW okay the sound has gotten way worse what if I attack a Mew oh God this is not good the sound has gotten even worse now it sounds like a tiny airplane trying to take off all right I give Mew an 8 out of 10 it turned out pretty good it's time for the next mob next I made Charmander let's delete his back legs and we'll change his body shape a bit now let's make his mouth look open and we'll color the back of his mouth pink now let's give him some eyes and we'll give him a couple nostrils as well okay okay that looks kind of weird let's see it in game okay this just doesn't look like Charmander I think this is the Digimon version honestly he looks kind of like the car insurance guy and of course the texture is broken in random places let's see a baby Charmander I don't know why I always try to spawn a baby creeper let's spawn a Charmander Army now let's see if Charmander can defeat an enemy Squirtle wow this fight is amazing Pokeball test nope let's see the supercharg Charmander how is he burning he's literally a fire Pokémon this is probably the best the charge has looked on any custom creeper Charmander use self-destruct oh no he killed the other Charged Creeper wait that dropped a creeper head though all right I give Charmander a 6 out of 10 he looks kind of strange it's time for the next mob next I made Squirtle let's color his head and arm thingies blue and we'll also color his legs now we'll add a white outline around the shell and it'll Trace over the Shell with different shades of brown all right just one more color left that looks pretty good now we'll make his head a bit bigger and we'll give him some purple eyes and we'll add white to the outside next let's give him some tiny eyebrows and we'll give him a smile that doesn't look weird at all now let's make his spiraly tail and that looks good let's see him in game okay let me know if you guys see the problem it's kind of hard to spot I don't really know how this happened so I guess we'll just ignore that but other than that he looks fine how does the baby look I was hoping the baby was the size of a regular Squirtle because this guy is clearly too big all right Squirtle Army okay I have to fix the floating thing okay that looks a lot better Squirtle use bubble beam or whatever move he has oh wait I have to catch him first nope the pokeballs still don't work I wish I had made him smaller because right now he's bigger than Blastoise all right I give Squirtle a 6 out of 10 he just doesn't look that good it's time for the next mob next I made Psyduck all right let's delete all this and we'll just get rid of his eyes as well now let's try to shape this into a duck and we'll color it all in yellow now let's give him duck feet and we'll color them a lightest yellow now we can give him a beak and we'll color this the same color as his feet now we can add some little arms on each side and we'll make his lizard like tail now we can add the black tfts of hair to the top of his head and we'll give him some eyes all right that doesn't look terrible let's see it in game oh my god that actually looks good other than the walking animation okay that might not be normal to be fair the walking animation would kind of fit him if it wasn't broken let's see a baby frog oh yeah that's a tadpole let's see Psyduck eat a slime okay the Slime probably has to be smaller oh my God that is so cursed isn't this an achievement or something oh I give Psyduck a 6 out of 10 he's just too cursed it's time for the next mob next I made Pikachu let's Color Him fully yellow and we'll make his nose black now let's add his eyes and we'll give him his red cheeks and a little pink mouth now let shrink his ears a bit and we'll color the top of them black and now we can add his lightning bolt tail and we'll move this there that shape looks pretty good now we just need to color it in and we'll make sure the bottom of his tail is brown that looks good let's see it in game okay he actually turned out pretty good look at the baby one look how small he is Pokeball test why does it never work Pikachu Army one fox could ruin it all Pikachu use Thunderbolt oh what is he doing right now I just can't believe how small the baby Pikachu is it's like a mouse I give Pikachu a 10 out of 10 I mean how how could you not it's time for the next mob next I made Snorlax let's Color Him in greenish blue first now we'll change the shape of his ears let's make his face whitish and we'll do the same for his belly now we can add his sleeping eyes and we'll give him a smile with a couple of teeth now we can color his legs the same color as his face and we'll add little brown circles to them as well and now finally we can give him some Claws and we'll color them white I think that looks decent let's see it in the game yo that actually looks pretty cool and baby Snorlax yo he's doing a roll ignore the missing texture on his head let's give them some bamboo apparently the small ones don't eat it I don't know what you're talking about the head is fine I'm pretty sure Snorlax is supposed to be sleeping we have to do a Pokeball test nope all right I give Snorlax an 8 out of 10 it would be a 10 if he could sleep time for the next mob next I made Gengar let's delete his body and back legs and we'll move his head down now let's Color Him light purple and we'll add some tiny arms on the side now let's add the spiky Parts on his head and we'll give him some red eyes now let's draw his mouth and we'll give him some some Angry Eyebrows and finally let's give him some pupils and I think that looks good let's see it in game okay I don't know if that looks good or bad I have no idea why his face is off center oh God why does his head move like that when he's walking let's see if Ash can catch Gengar okay I don't think he's interested let's see if I can catch Gengar nope it's still not working let's spawn an army of gengars okay now Ash is interested in the Gengar let's see a supercharged Gengar oh God they're all on fire I don't know why I keep doing this it never works let's see if Gengar can kill Ash yeah I don't think that's what happens in the show all right I give Gengar a 6 out of 10 I don't know why his face isn't centered
Channel: Eider 2
Views: 2,588,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: up8d1GNcGPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 25sec (12025 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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