Minecraft but I Own A City

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crazy story a villager asked for my help their Village had been ransacked by pillagers and they need a new mayor to help bring the city back to life I'll be able to use emeralds to make upgrades to this beautiful city to make it the best anyone has ever seen and here is my Village oh gosh it looks terrible dude it's on fire man am I the mayor or the firefighter what's up Village boys I must gain favor with the elders to become mayor are you guys the elders Elder life librarian Elder farmer Elder Mason and Elder Frank okay well nice to meet you Frank so I guess I have to trade with you guys to gain favor all right no problem I'll be back I'll need bones clay paper and sticks so that shouldn't actually be too much of a problem it's kind of an easy way to gain favor man give me two bones and you can be mayor the lowest requirements of all time we shall start with Clay I'm so excited to be mayor man I have a lot of ideas for this city there's some beautiful clay the clay balls there are ringing let's find some sugar cane um sugar cane hello ah there you are hey buddy are you a little lonely sugar cane oh no is it just two sugar cane ah that poor lonely Moy the illustrious four block tall sugar cane trying to flex on us come on man I get it you're 6' one there's our paper there's our sticks now it's bone time wait fight guys no fighting I'm going to tell Mom can I borrow some bones thank you guys all right we got everything greetings Elders I would be honored to be your mayor oh gosh there we go there's the sticks clay and Bones thank you Frank and there it is the deed to the Village I'm mayor dudes congratulations you're now the village mayor mayor crafty good luck keeping all the citizens happy that sounds a little ominous oh no I have a happiness counter increase happiness to get taxpayer funds interesting looks like I can buy an agriculture District which would be nice but I have no emeralds dude well I have 20 but that's not enough I can trade the elders to get some emeralds but for now let's put out the fires and see if this helps don't worry mayor crafty is on duty come on yeah I got a little bit of happiness oh the more happy the villagers are the more passive income I get ah very nice don't worry boys I will make this place as good as new as good as better than new and I'm fire resistant for some reason that's just the powers of being mayor 100 emeralds we can now afford our agriculture District let's see what we got around here we have some Farm plots although they don't look very useful right now looking pretty empty got to do something about this as the mayor ah yes hello farmer what's going on here dude uh you need something need a either he needs a sapling or he has an idea about trees no worries I got you hey there we go got it mayor crafty here there you go buddy hey Tree Farm unlocked oh oh sweet that was easy we got a nice little tree farm he just took one sapling he's like I'm taking it from here buddy okay he needs a bit of wheat here um should I tell him is is he going to notice buddy do you not know that hay bales have hay in them all right fine I won't steal at least from you howdy ho there neighbors you mind if I borrow some wheat I promise I'll give it back I don't speak villager but I will assume her means yes there you go buddy boy Wheat Farm unlocked nice looking good dude I don't think this can feed the entire town but it's a good start next up you need an egg unless that guy's trying to pull a prank on you no problem I assume that's for the chicken coup over here hi little buddy do you mind pooping out an egg for me please I will use it to make a bunch of little 's just watching him so close give me that egg give it to me he's a little egg shy I'll give you some privacy buddy is it done yeah there it is and now I'm guessing we have a chicken farm unless he just makes an omelet out of it he's like M yes thank you I was hungry yeah oh my goodness look at the chicken Coupe dude fully upgraded the agriculture District so hopefully our boys can eat now our happiness has certainly gone up it seems that food is the key more people are here hey buddies pay taxes and become citizens ah we have more people moving in heck yeah well hope you like eating Breads and chicken is the only thing we have around here now what next can I buy I can buy the food generator interesting we'll go ahead and grab that bad boy please be good I did spend all the taxpayers money on this so it'd be a little embarrassing if this just kind of sucked so looks like I get charges by scanning animals there we go thank you Mr Piggy I promise this doesn't hurt him one bit scanning animal scanning okay and now I just right click it to shoot out food here you go little tree you want some grub there you go buddy open wide Jeremy got some food for you n n that's awesome wait a second he's giving me 50 emeralds every time I feed him heck yeah man open wide good to know that that's a good way to get emeralds and also to feed my rich villagers that's how I prefer my food shot directly in my mouth from a projectile launcher just a couple more emeralds and yes the Entertainment District is purchased you know after food the second most important thing entertainment oh gosh let me just take care of this real quick everybody needs good entertainment in their life hey Bunko oh this place is fun we got a little Open Mic think of me think of me fondly what so you sir looking for a leather chest plate all right I can do that I don't know why a leather chest plate is a part of entertainment but sure nobody look a mayor's got to do what a mayor's got to do there is our chest plate that we borrowed from those cows there you are buddy boy Warrior armor unlocked what um okay nice okay we have like an animatronic now yeah cuz that's never gone wrong before oh no my happiness is going down really fast not happy with animatronic understood let me get some Stone real quick see if that's any better I'm kind of regretting my decision to get an Entertainment District so early but you know what I just want my people to be happy you know there's our Stone there you go buddy boy and oh my gosh the Entertainment District fully upgraded looks like I unlocked this building here very nice can I do anything with it no come on man please be entertaining boredom button push buttons equals fun no that's it I spent 1,000 emeralds of taxpayer money to press a button the Elder is going to be so mad at me dude and there's nobody here nobody wants to become a citizen where the only entertainment is a button to press I will make it up to you I promise a movie now that's more like it I can't quite afford the star power though if you don't have enough money for it yet I'll pay for it and you can just owe me for a bit sure man that's fine that's fine we'll take a little loan here but at the very least our villagers will be happy I've become a celebrity from star power no I thought it was going to be movies I didn't know that I was going to make myself famous and put our whole town in debt uh hey gentlemen oh gosh no I can explain I can explain I'm sorry I'm sorry guys oh okay oh no I really messed up dude and I'm very in debt trust in you is at an all-time low win back the villager's trust to be able to manage the town hall again well I have an idea we're not gaining any more passive emeralds from the villagers taxes but I can charge up my food generator here and we can feed the local villagers to get ourselves a little bit of emeralds here there you go boys there you go not too shabby just need a little bit more excuse me bunnies can I charge this up oh gosh come back here I need to charge up my food thing thank you boys all right that should be enough food for you and food for you how hungry is this guy man I'm just feeding one villager and yeah we're finally in the net positive I will make it up to my villagers there we go 700 emeralds at least I paid back for my star power here which I don't think does anything oh wait no it does have a power if I hold it on my off hand I can jump and then I have like an explosive Landing I guess I mean definitely a waste of 1,000 emeralds but at least it's not completely useless are you guys still mad at me well they're at least not attacking me so that's good I will earn back their trust I will put out their fires I will clean up the city and maybe one day oh I saw a little bit of happiness it's working it's working yes they're paying taxes again okay we're back baby I promise you Elder Frank I won't let you down again a few moments later disaster approaches a zombie horde hungers for The Village's brains oh no well now is my chance hurry get inside mayor crafty is here tell all your friends I'm here to save the day and stuff please I'd like you guys to be happy there they are get him stand back evil monsters I will protect this Village at all costs there's two more of lingering don't you eat my bacon that's for me hey yeah come on and yeah disaster reverted the happy villagers have donated to the Village yes dude all I had to do was risk my life for the happiness of my people look at the bar yeah feels so good dude the villagers trust you again you can now access the town hall feels good to be back boys oh snap we can out buy the secretary Chester what's up buddy he'll make sure I stay organized and stuff there we go the villagers are much more confident in the combined effort of you and secretary Chester okay I see how it is all income in the city is now multiplied that's nice heck yeah dude look at how happy everybody is including me I got a new friend now Chester what's my 5:00 I have nothing scheduled for 5:00 uh go find me a wife and then tell her I love her yes dude look at all these villagers ready to become citizens of our glorious city did you guys know we have a button you can press for entertainment very nice they all just leave looks like the next thing I can reasonably get is going to be the Services District here for 10,000 but that may take a bit so let's do some work around here at the Village we'll grab some of these we'll clear out this area a little bit do a little bit of lawn mowing and we'll build something we're definitely missing in this Village here oh we have our first guest hold on buddy I'm not quite done with the build just yet he just left through the window and here is our build this will be our school for uh orphaned puppies yep orphaned puppies you know a thing every village needs come on happiness yeah yeah yeah they like my new orphanage word on the street is a rich person is thinking of moving into the village oh sick if they're impressed they'll move in and donate to the Village oh snap I got to impress them watch out boys I'm looking for a rich boy you guys seem pretty poor little peasants I'm just kidding I'm the mayor and I like to make jokes around here don't it's fine that must be them hello boys yes Welcome to our village I I'm humbled to have you here yes as the village mayor here's my secretary we like to do oh no come back Chester how do I impress these guys man I guess I can um if you move in here we can make you Superstars check this out oh oh he like that look at this a mighty stick um would you like an apple no uh did it work did it work welcome to your new home rich person we'll make sure your place is quite nice I know this is your home uh just just bear with me dude I'll give you a better house yes take your shoes off stay for a while dude look at that our currency is going up by 50 now every second having rich people in your town certainly helps with the taxes we can now buy our services District come on Chester keep up buddy let's see what we have here hello sir looks like you need a water bottle huh little thirsty no worries the mayor will provide we love a mayor who gets his hands dirty you know some nice fresh spring water I hope that quenches your thirst my boy Firehouse unlocked oh sick yeah dude check it out we have our own Firehouse I just gave him one bottle of water he's like all good we got it what else can I do for you dude a glistening melon oh that's a little harder than a water a bottle of water a bottle of water a a bottle of water there we go no worries dude glistening melon coming right up oh grab some gold gosh dang it I don't have an iron pickaxe we'll try that again we'll grab our gold grab some melons and there's your glistening melon my boy come on a hospital oh yes that's so good now we're talking free healthc care for every every one see it's not so hard you get free healthare and you get free healthare maybe not you nah I'm just kidding okay buddy what's next the pumpkin no problem I saw one earlier there's a little pumpkin boy and what does this unlock this unlocks Iron Golems will Patrol the streets and a new item is available in the town hall oh my gosh seems a little Overkill there's like more iron golems and villagers oh my gosh oh my goodness is this the line to become citizens okay yeah maybe the Iron Golems make sense now now oh my gosh yes dude everyone wants to move in here man free health care for all and free chicken sandwiches every Tuesday next up we can buy our helpful helpers looks like it summons three helpful helpers that heal nearby players put out fires and attack Hostile Mobs oh yeah nice job boys I like how they sparkle what are they Twilight vampires hey check it out we even have villagers at the karaoke bar is the IR go I'm going to do some standup some jokes about irony come on helpful helpers do a dance where'd they go why did they go on the roof they're a little shy they're not built for the stage like I am and now we can buy ourself the public transporter ah there she is it only holds like one villager at a time it's not the largest of public transportation but it's better than nothing coming through anyone want to be transported hello gentlemen would you like to be transported somewhere oh no they don't want to okay that's fine I did just spend 20,000 and emeralds on this I hope it's useful hey boys you want to be transported no oh gosh wait I have an idea it might be that my villagers don't want to be transported cuz they're already happy in their Village so maybe I can pick up these guys hello sir yes villager was sent to the main village liked it and became a citizen ah I see come to crafty land there's free healthc care and bread join our civilization because one day wait do I get 5,000 emeralds every time I get a new citizen oh all right that just made things interesting do you boys really want to be stuck in this desert don't you want to be surrounded by safety of thousands of iron golems apparently everyone is welcome to the craft onia craft craftopia that's it yes look at all these villagers man we might need to build new houses here pretty soon they're already forming relationships might need to build a wedding venue too these guys are getting close a law office we'll have to elect a president man we're building a whole civilization the next district is the mining district and in five 4 uh zero Boom the mining District unlocked here it is let's see what we got around here pretty much no villagers just Iron Golems might have to make this place a little more hospitable there are two Dand Lions I don't know I'd move in what do we have here oh goodness there's a man with a cobble on his head sir are you okay Cobblestone is not a hat my man what's up buddy boy I assume you need some Cobblestone huh as if that's so impossible to get no worries I will put in the work for you done there we are we have cobblestone streets now yeah dude check it out this looks so nice I like how I just handed him one piece of cobblestone he's like I'll take it from here oh this is so nice I'm so proud of my city ouch what else do you need buddy boy uh iron ingot I think I have one of those yeah there you go my dude unlocked an iron vein and my pickaxe has been upgraded I see wow that better late than ever but thank you w yeah we got some infinite iron I guess or a large iron vein keep mining my boys they don't look very efficient but they're getting there our village will be rich with iron in no time and now you need a diamond no worries I got you boo oh no oh no no thank you no thank you would you like to join our city we have a new daycare for zombies okay oh actually our iron pickax is Fortune as well which is pretty nice not sure how many diamonds I'll need but that's good to know and there's a diamond for you my boy I've unlocked a bang Vault and my pickaxe has been upgraded new item available let's go check it out we have a bank vault now I guess we have a whole currency system oh I love our little village it's looking so nice look at look at our line of villagers we've even have old babies they've been waiting in line for so long they've started breeding be patient my boys we're still building houses for all you guys the next upgrade is at 250,000 I don't have quite that yet but give me a second here looks like I have a oh here's my bank fault underneath the main Town Hall yeah we got some diamonds some gold very nice with the bank vault back in the city you're C have much more income yeah look at that I'm getting 1,000 emeralds a second now thank you for your taxes my boys I will put it back into the city look at our Rich citizen just smoing up the new guys don't be weird dude you're going to scare off the new citizens we have more than enough currency we can buy our item automator oh interesting so if I place a block down I can place a villager down and he'll mine the block basically infinitely so from One log I can get thousands of Oak planks I can do this in the bank vault I can multiply our money so if I place a villager here and he mines the diamond block do I get infinite yep infinite diamond blocks dude oh not infinite okay so he mines a stack of blocks well that's all right can we just do this yeah I can use multiple at the same time keep mining boys infinite money for the citizens of our town dude at this point who's not going to want to move in here man here you go boys a nice signing bonus for joining our city thanks for waiting in line my friends and some money for you and some money for you that'll cover a nice house payment that'll cover Jerry's gambling addiction that'll cover Steven's crippling student loan debt and for Phillip a year supply of Oreos and there it is half a million emeralds will get us our final upgrade I'm pretty sure the science and Magic district oh it's a whole area upstairs oh snap hold on stay here boys some official mayor duties don't don't laugh cuz I said duties what's going on up here oh snap hello good man look at this we've sent our village to the 22nd Century look at this man we have a whole science lab up here what's up buddy you need some obsidian I got you there's some lava there's our obsidian and there's your obsidian I've unlocked a nether portal interesting well I need a blaze rod so let's go get one of those just the nether portal chilling out here step right up citizens who makes it through the trial of the nether will get to enter into our city yeah there's your Blaze Rod good sir science and Magic research has been upgraded what the heck I have to get an end portal frame aren't those unbreakable dude oh wait I might be able to use our item automator let's try that all right let's see if this works use our item automator and is it working yeah it's working I can get my end portal frames oh my goodness all right well we got what we need uh you can stay here for a while if you want just staring at it with an iron pickaxe the most overpowered Miner of all time we'll give you the portal frame science and Magic has been fully upgraded I can now purchase the dragon protector oh and we have a little Dragon portal here that's good I guess every town needs a Dragon portal and now for 1 million emeralds I've got the dragon protector y we've done it boys your village has become the most advanced City we've got everything a village could possibly need including a literal Dragon to keep it safe I would say we've done a great job turning this dirty Village into the Subscribe button I mean a beautiful safe Village for anyone to live in
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,588,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, minecraft marketplace, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.20 update, minecraft city, minecraft city mod, minecraft cities, minecraft mayor
Id: tWe2XJFzj2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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