Minecraft Social Experiment: The Lying Test

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there's no such thing as a good lie if you want to be someone special be someone honest that's a good lie [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to my social experiment I hope you're all having a lovely evening day I don't know where you are in the world it's about to get a lot worse it's called The Lying Game you are currently on a platform which I will henceforth be calling the bridge on each side of you are two compartments the blue compartment and the red compartment I will be asking you a series of questions after you've chosen which option you choose the blue option or the red option the one with the most people will be killed and the people remaining will move on to the next round so you may be thinking that's pretty simple I just you just need to answer the question so for instance if I say go in the blue section if you like chocolate the red section if you prefer sugar cream I don't know what that is but if you prefer it you go in the red right you may be thinking oh that's simple I'll just look where everyone else goes wrong I can see you so you may be thinking okay well I I prefer chocolate so I'm just gonna go in the blue section because I like chocolate wrong again [ __ ] you have to use your logic and specious reasoning to decide which option you think the least people will be in because if I may remind you the option with the most people will be killed do you all understand good your first question go in the blue test tube if you prefer dogs go in the red test tube if you prefer cats remember pick the option you think will have the least choices the bridge will be being deleted in three two one well sorry darks it darksit didn't doxit didn't pick aside welcome to your decisions are you ready to see each other kablam meet your Compadres blue and okay well there there goes two of them meet your Compadres blue and red team the people you see in the test tube with you all agreed with you and currently looking at the selections it's looking pretty 50 50. so look upon your friends look upon each other and realize that this may be your team for the rest of the game or it's going to be the team you die with now let's find out which test tube has the most people drum roll please show us which test tube has the most there are 49 of you in red and 40s is a three person difference that means blue team goes on to play another round of red team you may as well throw yourself in them you may as well throw yourself in the toxic liquid you you've you've ruined it you were just you are fools look at you all you should have seen it coming well as you won't jump I'll do it for you see you around guys well blue team now you've seen what will happen to you get back on my nice expensive Bridge welcome welcome dog team that's what I'm calling you dog team let me make you all invisible the next question go in the blue compartment if you like diamond blocks more the red compartment if you like never right remember you're choosing the one you think the least people will have chosen are you ready to see each other it's another 50 50 it looks like [Music] 50. red has 25 people blue has 23. it's a two person difference red just just to end it just end it red go on you I'm gonna drop you anyway well bye bye red again Diamond dog team get out here Diamond dog team welcome take a look at each other in fact let's get let's give you all some I'm gonna give you a stack of signs what do you all have to say to us how are you feeling about how far you've come already here we are we have someone here they say amalgus I didn't I I sorry I didn't see where they went uh this one says ah thank you fenroe but bear I beat you at Geo against the twice will LOL Laden why do you have so many signs Calypso who gave um signs I love the room we all know you were constipated will did you not see what happened to all the other people who wronged me Eclipse though you're lucky that I think this is two blocks deep I like men Wilbur I am gay good good for you old yogurt pot I'm I'm happy for you this is worse than being in Bedrock for two hours it's you I put you in a box for two hours I remember this who remembers block wobble from a video from 2020 I put you in a Bedrock box for two hours and I'll do it again I am colorblind and anxious oh my God I forgot the colorblind people oh no next question for all of you blue for tea red for coffee red team how are you feeling it looks you look quite popular again red team I don't I don't know why I mean you're colorblind Peach Mills so you can just did you mean blue Peach Mills did you mean yeah you meant blue okay let me bring you over everyone's like no please don't add more people I hope that didn't swing the vote oh the results are in on team red there are 12 people on team blue there are 10 people blue team wins once more red team begin your suicide you you got this far bearman all the people in red right now all these losers were correct on everything up until now look at them go there they go oh God they're a bit they're a bit more suicidal than the last groups well old yogurt pot and oh okay we've got one red remaining look at me red uncrouched but MOA is typing well you know what ashimura is typing you get you get off scot-free there actually you've been fine come on now the rest of you look at Moa remember they're a fool so uh uh Diamond uh Diamond tea dogs the next question I'm gonna ask you is Jazz for Blue Soul for red what will you choose okay this is this is interesting this is very interesting peachy melz you sure you're picking the right color you that's what you meant right you meant to go to that side yeah I'm not giving you a second chance okay before I make you all uninvisible blue team how do you think you did do you think you chose the right option they're saying no red do you think he chose the right option also they're also saying no okay this is I don't think I'm gonna need to do the calculator for this one look upon yourselves foreign Ty just red team's just throwing themselves off two people on blue and eight people on Red well red team I'm looking at you and peachy Mills and block wobble you've had your moment in the sun you're kind of you kind of look you kind of look there's like you're very close friends right now you're sort of like leaning into each other you friends yeah blob wobble is just emotionless he knows he's going into an eternal Darkness look at those eyes he knows it's over he knows he's going into the Eternal Darkness tonight well red team you are dead I'm very sorry you had a good run and thus and then there were two come on out you two this is where it gets interesting I think I I don't actually know what to do at this stage in the game you know where there's literally either both of you die or neither of you die it's Calypso I I didn't realize it's you you're the sign lover listen up YouTube finalists what are you doing stop why do you always have signs get on the bridge this is how the final round is going to go let me make you invisible on the count of three you're going to run to the same color if you fail I'm killing both of you three two one go to the same color [Music] okay clips though do you think you've chosen the correct color no soaring Leaf what about you do you think you've chosen the correct color oh Clips those changing their mind well time to make you visible you fell for my my room calypso Spyglass and you thought that was what it was well you're a fool just like all the others I'm gonna take great pleasure in this you've technically survived the longest but you failed at the exact hurdle I knew you'd fall for you were both in the same color you were both there goodbye calypso and thus there were none that was a good experiment I feel like I learned nothing well that was group one this let's bring in the next subjects hello hello brand new set of hands for my social experiment we got swim fellow we've got Hobbit Hobbit Kitty you are terrifying I hope you die very soon with giggle champ I really like you giggle champ kablamo go in the blue side if you want to lose the round go in the red side if you want to win the round foreign you're locked in well guys it currently seems to be a pretty even split oh one of you 've Fallen what do you think blue side how do you feel about this do you feel like you you've you've got the right choice what about you red side tell you what swissy Lovejoy good job on having Lovejoy in your Minecraft username come on this little platform I'm making for you there you go come on swissy Lovejoy nope you I was gonna give I always get Lovejoy Victoria you've you've got lovejoying your name come on as you you part of it all right you're gonna live no matter what oh on red team there are 69 people yeah some of you who can do maths hey you get what what are you doing no that's cheating you're not you don't have love joining oh my God this is bad okay with blue blue team you have you have 61 apparently I don't know how that works oh my God okay red team you're dead get out of here see your red team I should have really thought of the whole you know like like you could probably jump to the to the platform well it's Atari and it was tari and someone else got an illegitimate win froggy meat Froakie frog me what's wrong [ __ ] me [ __ ] me frog me come up here frog me come on frog me hey man look look where you are look this is this is only you you're the only person to have been up here don't press any of the buttons please tell us what how are you what's wrong frog me don't be gone you can write right on the sign man I'm so scared Wilbur [ __ ] me I can I can help you do you want me to calm you down do you wanna do you wanna do you want to press the toggle invisibility button do you want to make everyone invisible you right click it yeah come on there you go look at that now now everyone's gone you happy no yeah yeah that's enough that's enough with the buttons come come back hey frogmas had a great time he's feeling better uh it's just another kind of similar it's just something really simple blue for Christmas red for Halloween I'm gonna remove the bridge very soon Delson Miracle you you're you're on thin ice literally okay Bridge being removed Miracle made it despite just not moving for half that time good job Delson Miracle nice choice are you even here Delson Miracle can you like nod for me are you uh blue team Christmas lovers uh Halloween you like Halloween not if you like Halloween yeah where's where's frog me frog me come there you are frog me you don't like Halloween is it too scary for you no yes it kind of he's doing a circle well let's have a look I think you're all going to be pretty surprised I'm pretty sure red team has lost red team you can oh you can start throwing yourselves off now I'm only gonna do the calculation after you finish throwing yourselves off which so you could lower yourself to lower than blue team if you if enough of you kill yourselves okay on the blue side there are 25 people and on the red side there are 33 you're gonna die sorry red team see ya welcome welcome Christmas fans let's give you all a sign I want to hear what you have to say what we got here let's have a quick let's have a lookie Lou crispy normal says I'm just not happy to be here well I can just I can just break the box below you crispy normal if you want and then you can just no okay I went jinxed cosplay says Hi Will I uh I don't know yay can you say hi to drinks hi jinx bye jinx that I thought it was funnier in my head making it this far is such a cool birthday gift happy birthday admirious happy birthday admirious happy birthday admirers happy birthday at Marius congratulations it's okay tell you what if you live the next round I'll let you push the kill button to mess says I hate Christmas and he's just bare spinning keep doing that keep doing that I don't want to see you stop doing that says I guess I'm just lucky for once you are one chunky fella what's under there take remove the remove the Hat layer this is one this is this is a multi-layered skin come on I want to see what's under the Hat okay we'll move on we move on tame mine says I never wa to live this kill me Will Wait move off the sign I never wanted to live this long kill me Wilbur I'm not gonna I'll give you can give you a little pat on the head good luck uh was who said Orca bird did you say straight people sad face who said straight people's sad face come on who did this oh what'd you say frog mate we'll berserk The Edge calls me you're just kind of not fun to talk to frog me I'm sorry you're just not you're just kind of a bit of a bit of a downer and hit ski says 1v1 me will the Nobles okay I win invisibility time welcome everyone to the invisibility here's your next round are you prepared I wanna see blue if you like the color red more and red if you like the color blue more look look upon each other it's a pretty 50 50 split I would say how do you all feel happy with this I mean blue you should be happy because you like you like red don't you but you want red to win right two mess keep that up all right keep that up too mess oh no red team has 12. oh no blue team you have 10 blue team you survive so so blue team survives and frog me frog me come come over here no come on I'm gonna I'm gonna break it under your feet I'm sorry frog me come with me uh Red Team stand on this lower level if you want frog meat to die with the rest of you and on the higher level if you want frog me to live frog me it's your lucky day you want to live don't you frog me yeah you do come on let's bring you down to normal level well red team it was an absolute honor but who's the birthday person where are you will show me your cake oh it's admirious see that red button there admirius I need you to press that go on do it do it go on and now look look at the red that was you you did that and Terry how the Terry you have picked the wrong answer twice how are you still [ __ ] alive okay let's hope let's make this one of the last questions all right I'm gonna make this purposefully hard here's how this one's gonna work I'm actually going to dunk the one with the least people this time go Blue if you believe me go red if you don't believe me welcome everyone so I do want to say uh that if I was telling the truth blue would be fine blue would be safe Blues Blue wins and if I was if I was lying if I was actually lying red would be safe now I think you're forgetting guys this is called The Lying Game The Lying Game right you understand but I'm not a contestant I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want good job blue team you called my bluff good job if Terry's in this [ __ ] group I am going to be so oh my God Harry how are you alive you've picked the wrong one three times all right new one time invisibility whichever side tarry is on is gonna get dunked begin go Terry's on the blue side but the blue side also has the most people two mess keeps spinning man I didn't tell you to stop Terry we finally got rid of you admiris I hope you've had a great birthday but you're about to [ __ ] die with the rest of them frog me look at me the void has come for you finally oh and there goes crispy normal well I mean if enough of you jump we could okay that's okay well if if three more of you would okay well if two more of you were to jump that would make Terry win again and I I don't want that to happen it's a if one more of you jumps I'm gonna make it a 50 50. as long as no as long as it's I'm sick of this come on come on you four I'm sick of this tarry has four top four times you've I guess this is probably the final I do I can't imagine it it coming more than that you're hopefully the final question blue if you like Minecraft red if you hate Minecraft [Music] set your final make sure it's your final one okay the decision has been made [Music] I'm pissed I'm pissed I hate to do it I hate to do it I but you you've disappointed me tell you what two mess stop spinning you're free now you're free of your curse I've got to kill you I'm sorry it's over I'm sorry blue team okay what the [ __ ] foreign like green squishy are my subscribers on Twitch so if you want to take part just make sure you subscribe to me on twitch.tv Wilbur okay are you ready for your first question um actually don't worry don't choose one go to Blue if you just if you just don't care go to Red if you just you just you're just so apathetic you're just miserable and stay on the bridge if you just want me to drop you into the water underneath well I'm gonna delete the bridge good job on them you got what you wanted right uninvisible it was a trick I was I actually was not apathetic and there's like an even amount of you that oh look there goes Mio Mio has left now I've got a feeling red might be winning though by quite a big margin hey red team I'm gonna get one last look at you before you oh there goes Firebase oh and there goes but oh my God stop stop stop jumping so you're gonna okay I'm gonna do the calculation so that we've got that set in stone okay oh a shake-up red team has 63. blue team has 73. [Applause] foreign it was a lie red team actually had 73 I just wanted to see how many would throw themselves off before they found out the truth you guys here are patient congratulations you passed my first test sorry if you threw yourselves off thinking it was over one uh for now at least because now it's the next round go to the blue side if you think I actually did lie and that I switched the numbers around go to the red side if you think I actually told the truth and that you guys shouldn't all be alive right now have a look at yourselves I think blue might be winning this one personally what do you guys think what do you guys think red let me come down to you hey red team hail doing Red Team yeah yeah tell you what it's parkour time parkour time yeah we love parkour look at them go come on Capco time parkour time parkour time yeah go on last one hey nice work ancient oh urchins you did well the rest of you failed urchin I'll tell you what look at me urchin that was a good Neo that was pretty sick that was your first time right you did really well look uh if red team ends up losing I'm gonna let you push the button and kill all your comrades look at them all down there you're gonna be the reason they all die but let's find out are you ready red has 30. blue has 27. now here's the catch guys urchin hi nice to see you man you may be thinking oh well I guess Red's gone this is where you come in urchin I want you to make the decision who do you want to dunk see these two buttons red and blue please choose which one I'm not even gonna look I'm gonna look at the at the platform you choose will you be honest he was honest he dunked his own team because he knew it was right hi guys congratulations on Surviving yeah who we got we've got diorsh I'm giving you all another sign I want you to write on the sign a joke put a joke on the sign funniest joke wins [Music] okay let's read some of the jokes shall we who we got catnip Q says so funny I didn't laugh I didn't laugh at that did I count them key no I didn't void queen says does your computer have curtains runs on Windows good joke boomika says what do you call a lumberjack a Luba Jack this guy just says foreign says the funniest joke here is my life I predicted it deviant says how do you make a tissue dance put a boogie in it good joke uh a joke my life who was that own up own up what about you catnip Q my life catnip Q you need to stand still catnip Q I need you to catnip cute catnip come back here [ __ ] you you you know you did get over here oh I can't get you in here it's two blocks can't impute I can't do anything [ __ ] you who have I missed a man walked to town on Friday and left three days later he was gay what I get you can I believe I understand I believe you I just don't does that I'm scared we're gonna begin the next question um you're all invisible now uh uh blue if you're happy you ready to be sad happy gang happy gang happy gang happy gang look at happy gang hey how ironic that the happy ones will be the ones to die tell you what happy gang I'm gonna I I I'm sorry happy gang but you are definitely the losers here sad gang sad gang have kind of blown you out of the water you can you shake ahead all you want I've given you all so many chances Taco one last parkour get one of you through yeah some great things blue team it's putting great things happy gang if you're so happy if you're so happy tarzania tarzaria you can do parkour right if you're so happy won't you tazaria yes you will what about you if you make it through blue like the sky I'll also let you have it okay okay anyone who does the Neo okay it's closed blue light the sky I'm gonna be destroyed okay well happy gang look upon look upon the queen of happy and and cry come on up it's a zarya just like last time cesaria uh you get to make the choice who dies you did that you just killed a room full of happy people go go join the sad people put that on your head you're now the queen of happy everyone else look upon them they're happier than you hello sad people and to zarya don't give out don't give out crowns oh okay fine are you ready for your next question it's invisible time your next question which color am I going to press red or blue uh oh looks like blue was right bye how you doing Red Team Masters of deduction Here country bat and dios but there can be only one winner now in the spirit of how I've done this before I'm gonna be asking you to wait no I can't understand way cooler than this dios pick a color right now country bat you choose to you pick red deals you pick red immediately okay country bat if you go to the same color that dios goes to you win deos if you choose a color that country bat does not choose you win understood deals you chose red right go to your colors [Music] are you happy with your decision okay the winner of this group is deal bye bye dios what did your [ __ ] joke mean to put it what did your joke mean what did it mean okay so my friend really likes the riddle but then the pride month I still don't understand this was a disaster this was a failure I just I don't even know what to think anymore what's the point now the next social experiment I'm just gonna just gonna I'm just gonna shove them into a big meat grinder in the next experiment so it's over shut it down shut it down you three come on it's over I'll just yeah okay foreign
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 3,008,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: lW7VOqIo33Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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