Minecraft Players Simulate Being Ship Wrecked on a Deserted Island...

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giant mosquitoes angler fish crocodiles unsorted guy the tarantula hawk [Music] what do all these things have in common they made it very difficult for me to survive seven real life days Shipwrecked on a deserted island myself and a few others will need to survive until the rescue ship arrives and we're playing on Hardcore and I'll tell you right now not everyone makes it out of this one alive I saw I saw a man ripped to shreds by a giant mosquito that man is currently buried and dead on that island he did not make it off in fact not a lot of us made it off this island alive it this was brutal on the island itself there's there's uh dungeons temples uh hidden treasure you gotta dig up and find all over the place uh there's ruins hey even a big cargo ship wonder what's on there probably a bunch of deadly spiders that's I'll tell you that's what's on there if that wasn't enough the water level also increased over time just just kept going up kept flood in the island until uh Creatures got closer and closer and you too can try to survive this murderous Island visit our wonderful volcano or how about stop for a drink on our beautiful cruise ship bring your friends and watch them die take a dip in beautiful ocean waters get up close and personal with the tarantula Hawks but don't just take my word for it listen to what others have had to say who visited this beautiful Island I'm on down today you will have the best time of your life before it ends the map is available on both my patreon for supporters as well as forgelabs.gg Le yeah and if you want a safer experience free from a lot of this stuff you can play this on vanilla Minecraft for more information about the map and how this all works stick around to the end of the video where I what am I I explain how it all worked all right that's it's at the end of the video uncover the secrets of Isla something today Forge Labs Incorporated is not responsible for any death or dismemberment of anyone venturing onto this island do not enter this island it's not safe the premise of this scenario was very simple in seven real life days a rescue ship would arrive and pick up anyone who is Left Alive that's it I was a man with absolutely nothing starting on this small island as far as I could see there wasn't even wood uh well how's a man gonna live without wood the first question I was thinking so I started looking around the island to see if I could find something something to use I was hoping that underneath some of these bushes there would be a logger or something I was also looking for a hidden chest because on each of our Islands there is one and inside of it is a totem of undying which would be very good for a man like me to have extremely good for a man like me to have the problem though was that I didn't want to spend too much energy looking for that now I had very I had no way of making food if I wanted to make a farm I was gonna need wood there's plenty of trees on the mainland however I can't swim over there because the ocean is full of deadly creatures that will just rip me to shreds so I had to just buckle down and look for wood on the island all right there right there right there okay okay I don't know what I'm gonna do [Music] I think that's Kim's Island out there but how is everyone in the Stone Age already are they getting past this first hurdle foreign [Music] should be trying to figure out a farm Let's Move This Grass out of the way I had very little wood so I had to be sure that what I made was the exact thing that I was going to need because I did not want to waste it I just put basically one chance here to get this right I had saplings but I didn't know how long they would take to grow and I didn't know if I'd survived the night so I just I needed to make sure that I got this just right so I started making stone tools and when I started to mine I realized oh it's a little different what is that [Music] what is this [Music] oh my everything comes down but it wasn't only mining that was weird it building it was also hard what what I don't know what I'm doing I needed to get this house built because at night there's a lot of weird things that spawn on this island and there was no way I was getting smoked on day one I didn't want to get smoked at all especially not without that total of undying yet so I need to get this house built and just just hide for the night the house kept falling down exposing me to all sorts of just horrible mobs so I realized okay just stop stop trying to do this just wait for the night and when morning finally came I decided nope not doing not doing the whole building physics thing where I'll keep the water physics not doing the building one because that's just gonna get just turn that right off not so now Mining and building was back to how it usually was but the water was the water was still cool all right anyways I need to get a farm built this was very important and just as I was starting to put seeds into the ground I I heard the unmistakable voice of a Norwegian man tree passing on my land what are you doing over here I actually did love on the goal here a Megalodon was after me I have no Hearts I have no hearts two hearts off my Island there's a Megalodon right there where let's see you can probably see it from the coast do you have any bread no I have nothing I've been struggling because every time I try to do anything the whole server falls on top of my head oh my God right there you see it I saw will oh how did you even get on my Island no I was actually just gonna check out the waves and then the Megalodon was chasing over here basically you gotta be careful there behind you behind you behind me is it trying to get me no he's not trying to get Cuba's into there any kelp all right yeah to your right there I think not the whale uh if I go on the water while I see it yeah it would in a cow inside a kelp I think you see it no I just saw the whale swimming towards me I don't know are you Wheels friendly no follow me they are not friendly they will eat you do you have any food no I need or not I need food Kim yeah desperately I need it now after you okay do you want to work together huh come down here there's food there's berries down here you can split them we gotta work together yeah yeah no I will get it come on down I just can't take any big steps here or die Jim Kim there's something down there there's there's something in there did you see it I'm just gonna close that up hold on there's something in that cave I don't know what it is we're just gonna close it up oh I hear zombie maybe you have a dungeon there I don't know what it is I just want to get those berries Kim and I both desperately needed food and we resorted to eating cave berries we spent a decent amount of time down there Mining and looking for food and when we finally came back out it was night again and uh yeah you did not want to be a man out in the open at night absolutely not you don't want to be in this position there's a flying ghost over there there's literally a flying ghost do you see it in the air oh yeah I see it okay come to my house this way we're gonna die out here like this is the last place in the world I want to be is out here with you right now Phantoms yeah I don't know come on skeleton I have a boat get inside oh you go to Enderman thing after me where's inside I I close it up kill close it oh my goodness that was terrifying it was like an Enderman type of creature I saw I saw there's some weird it took every ounce of strength I had in me not to lock him out of my house and and sacrifice him to whatever that thing was that was chasing us yeah it was so hard for me not to do that to that man I I just have to keep telling myself this is a collaborative scenario this is a collaborative scenario this is a somewhat collab this is kind of this is sometimes a collaborative I just keep saying this over and over my head did not send Kim out to his death calling it a collaborative scenario is uh being a bit being a bit loose with that term you have the option to kill anyone at any time for any reason the question is do you want to do that to your friends and uh most of these guys didn't want to kill each other for now at least because none of them knew that on day 7 it would be announced that the rescue ship only had five seats and with eight people on the island three aren't making it off but of course none of them knew that including Kim here so uh hey hey you know what they're gonna figure that out later it's gonna be gonna be good and I suppose knowing this gives me some sort of an advantage but you know what who cares I'm getting on that ship it was so hard not to screw with Kim this guy's coming into my hole and putting signs up like this yeah I I couldn't believe it I was stuck down here on the deserted island with a Kim you're making Glassman oh so we can see yeah oh smart how'd you do that uh send oh so wise you're always be on your ears Kim I know you've learned from my best Kim what is that oh [Music] what is that thing oh boys looks like the winner I know get your get your glossary out figure out what that thing is here Pokedex I only have a book about animals and monkeys whoa hey this is a subscription checkpoint and a like checkpoint both in one you gotta if you haven't subscribed yet you gotta do it and if you haven't liked yet you gotta you gotta leave no leave a like don't leave you know what I mean please okay see you later Kim and I just waited until the morning and when it came that thing you finally despawned and we left we still needed food though and I had the bright idea just go over to Laguna's Island which was next to mine to see if we could just uh I don't know take a carrot or two from the garden you know what I mean just grab a couple couple little bites uh but that meant getting in a boat on open water which I was terrified to do don't get us killed please please don't just kill them no no I I did come here alive didn't I okay go go fast fast I don't like these waves so good oh he got trees yeah he's got everything close to you I know oh he's got stuff growing hello it's going let's go into stealth mode what no so you're going in the cell phone is how you make enemies Flash oh I'll go no hey hey where are you we need to use your farm why because we're starving to death both Kim and I are we're gonna die we have a ton of seeds we're gonna plant them okay then we'll split food if you're okay with that here oh thank you here yeah oh guess who will stop me with an ax well guess guess who showed up on my Island Uninvited out of my hole I hear who would ever show up on somebody's Island Uninvited I hear them I hear oh my God Megalodon chasing me and then I see Kim [Laughter] so y'all have already been in it okay good yeah I see whoever you told him I found it right here what I gotta go look I gotta I gotta go look for mine I'm coming back here after we'll meet up in a few minutes Kim Get Off My Island don't go to My Island Kim the moment he told us where he had found his Idol Kim and I immediately just stopped talking to one another rushed back to our islands and started searching for it I started hacking away at every Boulder I had on my Island until they cracked one open that had it oh there it is oh oh no no no no no no see that I was just about to get in the water look at that it immediately starts okay oh look at that beautiful absolutely beautiful totem of undying man like me needs something like this into something like this badly because uh let's be honest here it's only a matter of time before I do something dumb and end up needing to use it was very good to have this I absolutely breathtaking to find it I was curious though I wanted to know if Kim had found his yet so uh shortly after getting mine and setting up some crops or something I got in a boat and set sail towards his Island and wow look at the water physics here they're out they're beautiful but they are terrifying especially later when these waves are gonna get way way bigger who said you come here to My Island who said you come here Kim who said who said you come here I have news for you okay um okay uh we can use Laguna's Farm oh yeah furnace and my furnace okay use it yeah put some coal in there please I don't I don't have that I need it working with Kim is like keeping a live crocodile in your house it's funny and entertaining but at the same time it's a massive stinky animal that might do anything at any time so you gotta just gotta keep your eye on him and while I was over here dealing with Kim I was thinking about what everyone else was doing and how things were going on other parts of the island which made me get paranoid that other people might have left their islands and gone to the main island where there was a lot of great loot the problem though was that the main island is lots of dangerous mobs and dungeons way too risky to do it alone and with the only man near me being Kim I realized that I had to convince him this guy to go with me and start looting some dungeons you me getting a vote right and we sell directly south uh to the volcano no to the mainland we Dash across it and pick up as much loot as we can from chess before everyone else does and then we end up on a certain southern island Roberts yeah and we show up with a bunch of stuff and say you work for us now hey I'm actually interested in going to the mainland because there's not much left here so Kim and I packed our stuff and set sail oh oh what do you mean big fish oh a lot of them there we go it didn't take long for us to find one of the main dungeons this was a massive Temple the problem though was that it was crawling with Mobs and Knight was also falling so we needed to take shelter and so yet again I had to spend another night in a small hole with Kim Kim I gotta honor my pole the people don't want me to help you what do you say to the people Kim I say to the people server with looters I'm I'm scared as long as you don't get Robert on board and stuff I'm not worried about you despite the risk I left the hole and started looking around and and that's when I took a took a peep into the temple Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Straight Ahead there's netherite we need diamonds to collect that right I don't know [Music] are you going with me look look to your left just the creepers he's going in he went in remember when I said playing with Kim was like living with an alligator you know I changed my mind playing with those guys like keep it was like Kim is a moth okay he sees a light goes straight for it anyways so I followed him in and uh we got to the netherite and uh I I think this goes without saying but neither Kim or I are the smartest guys in the world and uh what you're about to see is uh definitely not our finest moment we grabbed our iron pickaxes and started talking away at that another right what do we got him I'm trying I can't connect to the right what's in this chest nothing is that another right yes there's two of them one one for each of us how do you get them we're going to see if it breaks it just takes forever there's one behind you see it it's not gonna work then if it's it's gonna you're not gonna get it no I think it's fine have you read you'll finally be us with another right one for first if if it's not here we cover it up if this one breaks we cover it up with it yeah you could drop the other one really don't tell anyone not even Laguna yeah we because we can get there we can get a lot of it together you know drink it [Music] there's so much go on come on come on I I don't know for some reason we thought that we could get it with an iron pickaxe and uh it turns out you cannot you cannot get another ride with an iron pickaxe so we needed to get a diamond pickaxe and we thought maybe we could find one somewhere here in the temple uh so we started exploring looting the rest of the dungeon [Music] foreign [Music] maybe there's maybe there's diamonds further up maybe there's another small dungeon or something that we can do get some more Loot and maybe get some diamonds there so we pressed on and uh yeah yeah it was a bit of a problem though we're very hungry so I had to be careful not to run out of food but we kept going and we found this Outpost thing and killed all the spiders and spawners well not all of them Kim Kim told me that it was clear I walk up to you know a chest nope spawner's still all over the place getting tagged by spiders anyway so uh the chest though there was tons of apples in one of them which was good Kim got a bunch of steaks uh and I even got diamond boots yeah look at that nice beautiful set of diamond boots throw those on feeling good uh but yeah this is good but we couldn't keep pressing her a lot because every time me and Kim tried to do something we'd run into something and we realized we're just gonna get smoked out here if we keep exploring the island who's that [Music] he's shooting fireballs [Laughter] oh I almost just left you yes I had a feeling that you may you may do that so we returned to the temple and decided to mine instead we got our picks and started hacking away I figured we were going to be here for a while it was going to take a very long time to find enough diamonds to make a pickaxe but uh turns out no we found him pretty quickly oh okay so much time is enough of pickaxe for both of us you're perfect oh they're gonna know that we're together right now so we got out split the diamonds we both made diamond pickaxes and we went back into the temple and got the netherite we both walked out of there with two blocks each minus the one that uh we're not gonna talk about that block anyway so we got out and we agreed not to tell anybody about how much netherrite we had or flaunted the idea was not even to put on netherite armor yet we're just gonna take our blocks put them in a chest and forget about him and if we needed to maybe take out one or two ingots and trade them with people and act like we only found just a very a very small amount and I was hoping that Kim would not tell anyone that we had a stack of it not an actual stack but we had a lot of it after all that I sailed back alone to My Island feeling very good yay I had food and protection the only thing I needed now was shelter and for once uh I actually had an idea of what I wanted to build I'm not doing some Mega complicated underwater bunker system I'm making a small survival shelter to get me through the next seven days until the rescue boat arrives so I start putting down some blocks in this small like water pool thing here and I started adding walls on top of them to make these like post things which would be the base of my shelter to get the floor off the ground but as I was building uh I got distracted because I heard that sneeve was over on laguno's island which was very close to mine and I had not chatted with Steve yet I thought hey let's go see what those guys are doing so stay a sailed over oh dang it's not bad at all watch yourself is going to try to kill me can you imagine just smoke a man day one I want to see how they're doing and if they hadn't looted any of the dungeons yet the glowing dagger Steve had told me that uh they must have so I offered him one netherite in exchange for any cool stuff he had and then they both showed me that They too had another right my first thought was oh hey how much you got did you find a block like me I hope not I hope you only got one or two but I didn't tell them I said I only got two or three I only had a few pieces of it to be willing to trade but none of us had anything worth trading now the right four so we just moved past this we decided though that we wanted to go check out some more dungeons since there was three of us and that would give us pretty good odds of taking down anything big and spooky that would be in any of them so we we set sail and started looking for stuff we found this giant cargo ship started to loot it but as it turns out someone already had looted it despite this I still use the opportunity to mess with them a little bit oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh what have you done I think I I think the ship's gonna blow up what [Laughter] I then watched Steve carelessly jump off the top of the cargo ship into Waters that I knew to be infested with hammerhead sharks uh turns out he was fine though so I did it as well and we kept going until I foolishly decided to shoot a whale with an arrow thinking that we could get some good meat as I put it if we took this thing down you know what meat you get eaten by that whale yeah you get a lot of meat for it though he's doing a lot of Health I don't know if we're gonna [Music] oh oh I'm done with that guy [Music] there we go [Music] that'll be cooked well me horrifying [Music] [Applause] did that mean oh oh no what where did that come from oh my God I think that's its cousin shot oh my God hey just like that not going near the whales anymore I was already avoiding them definitely avoiding them now because uh yeah I don't know anyways we didn't get much from this little Endeavor so we all just returned home hey day two real life day two on the island it was uh well there was something a storm had hit the island and little did we know at the time but this was no regular storm because the water level was going to rise in addition to that though the wind with the physics mod was doing some crazy stuff with the mobs oh holy if we're flying I got back to work at my house foundation and I raised it up just a little tiny tiny little bit higher because I was getting worried about those waves but not long into doing that I got distracted by Robert he said that he was at a tower and he wanted to chat so uh against my better judgment I got in a boat and went out and sailed in this this brutal weather just look at this look at these waves this is a man you get lost at sea with these waves and never seen again anyway so I made it to the Tower and I met up with Robert and Shadow get him get him get him boys don't attack anything hello Sean I'm coming I'm coming to trade I offer you one netherite ingot [Music] you can pick it up I do want it I want all you know oh where'd you get that oh yeah I need a dark metal and Bone handles where do you get the dark metal off of big boys [Music] come here big boy [Music] oh wait you gave me Diamonds oh here we go oh give me that you know I think you Shadow you want another right oh nice thanks no problem I got two more now it was It was kind of oh yeah what's that this is where it died Ryan's getting a little sketchy with this Discord why what's going on oh he has a Target yeah what it's the uh the voice is in his head painted a Target on one person that they deemed yeah targetable it's obviously me it's you yeah let's smoke them out then why is it why why is everyone getting sketchy this is not sketchy because Ryan is listening to the voices in his head that could do anything yeah then there's a very easy solution for that we smoke him out Ryan's gone crazy on this island already no here's what we do we strip him down put him in obsidian box and then we tell him once once he once he gets those boys out of the head he can come out of the box yeah let's get obsidian I'm putting I'm putting him in a box yeah he says that I I'm his best friend the voice is in his head tell him that shadow is his best friend okay well that'll work together okay okay well the voices in his head are gonna lead him to a freaking obsidian box so he's gonna be back on soon let's go get let's get some obsidian let's go to his Island put the box in there surround him knock him in and then we seal it up I can't I can't risk a guy planning to kill me and I'm not gonna kill him so I'm gonna put him in a box why aren't you gonna kill him I'm not gonna kill anyone I don't want to kill people the point of this is not to kill people this is not zombies this is not Purge this is island survival and if we're getting off this island I'm not gonna kill someone I'm gonna I'm gonna tie him to a tree until he's normal again and then bring him off the island give him to the police so I can't time for a tree so I'll put them in a box all right let's do it then I got four obsidian all right let's go so I'll take my heart that's my horse no how much you want for it give me another hitting good never wait all right hold on hold on okay okay well I'll give you another reading good let's see it let's see it then stop breaking it I'll break it all for you no hold on I'll give you another dang it what's up oh no no no no no no no yeah that's right that's right binding fatigue why did I get that for how long because you can't mine here oh really yeah give me another anger you can have the horse no he's your horse I don't want that guy he couldn't get him out so you gave him up okay imagine you're playing uh Hardcore Minecraft with your friends and uh you can get yourself a nice little house build you got a beautiful dog and you got some good gear things are going well and uh one of your friends goes I have voices in my head telling me to do things yeah that that man Ryan that man Ryan's gotta go right away so the plan was simple go get some obsidian build a tomb to keep this man locked up so we uh there was a volcano on the island so that means there's lava and if we went there we could get obsidian and we could get this man into prison right away he wants to get in Robert come get in oh oh the shark the shark oh my God feels like get off of this good let's get out of the blue water and that water is gonna get way more dangerous later too why we got to the volcano we climbed up and uh you know I was really hoping it had not been looted yet look at this skulls anything inside of them I don't know oh that's not Hollow it's fake oh look at that right there this reminds me of um when Thanksgiving ends up being on a Thursday oh good luck Robert oh I got Rampage going I'm killing them all it's over I have The High Ground yeah oh my gosh oh Robert there's a lot coming for you Robert [Music] I'm Rampage how did you just take all that damage because that my ax gives me Rampage which strength for speed for regen too holy cow Robert sleep next to me please okay let's get this obsidian [Music] how are we gonna get it what is that run run rubber rubber Rover they're temples should I lose it it's another mom but I don't think oh I don't think what are these things I'm gonna kill it yes oh my gosh down all right oh my God oh my God I'm on a rampage what did I get it's gonna take like 10 years to get this out of here hey three boys tons of obsidian it's gonna it's gonna be good so we need to get the subsidian back to make the uh the prison for Ryan however the last time that we tried we told Ryan to drop his gear uh didn't didn't things didn't work out too well for him Ryan come up who just tried to shoot right in who's right oh my gosh so I was starting to think that maybe Ryan would not be in agreement to this plan but what was the option because this guy's saying he has voices in his head and I didn't want to kill him this is the best option here putting the man in the prison and say stop having the voices it was date the second day of a scenario and this is usually when people start getting a little bit weird in these things and uh it's not me though I'm the same rational man or I don't don't think anyway so we got back to the tower we started building a prison and we planned to keep Ryan in it for at least at least 24 real life hours the good thing about building in this Tower was that the tower was made out of blocks that gave you serious mining fatigue so we basically only needed to make a small little pocket with a window so with that all set up we sat back and waited for Ryan to come meet us hey hey what are you talking like that order the clothes and someone order this guy hey come on in it's a clone I think it's a clown I got you a cloud for your birthday oh it's Orion oh did you bring this clown Ryan uh no uh but you know I tried to get Kim here but now I can get that clown Ryan was here and uh I had to play cool because this man walked in with full netherite something I was not expecting I was kind of hoping he was gonna come walking in with leather or iron or nope hey man came in with full full nether rights so yeah anyway so I asked about the voices and uh he said that they tell him a lot of things what do you mean they tell you a lot of things tell this is the absolute last thing I wanted to hear on the side you know what a lot of things mean a lot of things mean kill Sean so I found out that those voices were actually people in his Discord telling him what to do from a poll and there's no way I'm letting a pole control this man so we needed him in this box problem was with that another right gear was kind of scaring us but after Robert gave him a nice smack with that battle ax he had we weren't so scared oh what happened one of the mechanics in this mod pack is the revive system when a player goes down you have 60 seconds to pick them back up before they fully die so with this you can essentially kill a player then decide if you really want them to Drift Off to Sleep if you want them to be eliminated from them what do we drift off to sleep anyways it's a great way to get your point across and I really needed my point to get across to Ryan that the voices in his head they they had to go the voices to my head and tell me what to do the voices have only said a few things today the voices are to be trusted Sean they told me so themselves that's driving me crazy shot you shouldn't have brought us here I'll let you know what the voices think then because you know this was this was like right before it started so I mean they could just be a little agitated uh you know from the past but now I mean they could be relatively calm so I'll ask the voices I'll consult with them after some persuasion uh we told him to get in the box and give us his pickaxe shout out seal them in and we left to decide what to do next well Kim's Kim's hiding how do you know like near The Dark Tower I know he's been too quiet he's there 100 guarantee you Kim is there that could be true I don't have any food either so this is okay so I got food oh how are we gonna deal with Ryan um well unless he's lying about the pickaxe we can just leave him in there for the next 24 hours no Kim I'm telling you I'm just gonna go there watch I'll just sneak back this is we're getting why it's only day one we're getting so sketchy [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] back hoping to catch Kim sneaking around and Kim wasn't there but Ryan was now outside of the box uh I guess it turns out a man can have more than one pickaxe in his inventory didn't really didn't really think about that so rain was out and worst of all he now posted a new poll in his Discord asking what he should do next and one of the options was put Sean in a box yeah everyone everyone voted for that so now this man was loose and apparently he was planning to put me in a box so just uh I just decided to leave I jumped in the boat and got absolutely battered sailing home this is terrifying who wants to do this Hardcore Minecraft there's sharks in this one this is horrible I have an orange gold right now oh okay oh my okay oh oh oh [Music] foreign [Music] the first thing I did when I got back was I upgraded my new diamond armor into netherright and now that I was planning on saving this stuff but now that there's a man like Ryan walking around full netherrite and he may or may not be planning on putting me in a box on day two was trying to avoid all this stuff uh yeah my full netherright suit was coming out not hiding this stuff anymore not to mention seeing Robert's acts that could essentially one shot a man in full another right there's uh no point in taking any risk of the stuff so with that stuff taken care of I wanted to focus on building my house a little bit more so I I went Mining and I was specifically looking for andersite I don't even know if that's what it's called that's what it's coming up as in my brain when I try to think of it or say it I wanted to increase the the level of the house just a little bit more because those waves were starting to stress me out building this house out in this storm not fun a little bit stress idiot I'm just a man outside in a cold wet storm no no one wants to be out here doing this anyways I got the support stuff the next thing I needed was wood and I didn't want to sail all all the way back to the mainland again and potentially capsizing around so uh whether it's brutal so I popped over to lagundo's Island remembering that he had planted a ton of saplings all right laguno thank you for growing a beautiful forest for me unfortunately I need all of this wood I then proceeded to cut down every single tree that Laguna had planted and it took me like 25 minutes to get every single one but you know what hey I did it [Music] thank you all right [Music] there we go almost forgot this one I can't forget this one before I left I put up a sign at his front door and I signed it from the woodchuck and then because I didn't want him knowing that it was me who stole all of his wood I sailed over to Kim's Island no whoa really close to the edge right now I don't like this I don't like this where's Kim's Island I'm risking my life right now for a prank I'm risking my entire video right now for a prank I then proceeded to plant all of the saplings I got from lagunos Island on Kim's Island so that Laguna would think that Kim was the woodchuck I logged out for day two [Music] hey day three the uh the storm had finally passed and I was still alive but all of that rain flooded the island the water level increased by like five or six blocks like remember that dirt house I made on day one yeah it was now completely underwater I mean just look at this oh flooded very flooded oh Rising water levels was another one of the challenges we faced on this island every day the water level could increase by a random amount of blocks it could be one could be two could be twenty no one no one knew so one day your house could be fine the next day your house could be completely underwater so uh that's good for now my house was not underwater everyone else's I have no idea but I think I think a few people woke up to have their bases being underwater so grab a boat that's what I always say nope never say that anyways uh so I kept working on my house I started to work on the floor or something I I don't know I was I was just working on it for a little while making floorboards and uh then I heard Robert had moved off the main island and probably because well I think it was probably because it's house flooded anyway so he wanted to meet up and talk on the mainland so I got in a boat and sailed over not looking bad at all now it's time to do something very dangerous sailing the water still it still had a man like me very nervous especially I don't know there's more water now there's more water there's there's more creatures swimming around you know so I was sailing over to a part of the island that we had nicknamed booty Bay this will we this part became basically the main Hub of where we'd all like meet up and stuff and Robert had started building a new base right on the shore of it bone chill here's the heck out of me bones oh shoulder like shelters bone Jill hey Robert look up yeah bone chill you got another red armor bone chills world to come to oh you're not another right well I have another ingots but not nearly enough to make them boom chill why do you keep saying bone chill laughs another rest yeah I would you think it's gonna be high enough I don't know if it's day two or three right and it went up five blocks so yeah I hope it's high enough anyways I logged out for a little bit and when I got back on later Robert had this man had built a lot oh look at this man's house he even has a proper storage area this is this to me is a work of art I absolutely never do this and I I I should because I'm a man who's just got stuff everywhere a mixed up lost item I don't know doesn't matter so anyways though in addition to flooding there was another challenge that was introduced on day three and that was random horde events at any time any player at random could trigger a horde event in which case a very large group of various creatures would come storming after them trying to kill them in this particular case Robert and I got a horde of a very angry and hungry alligators trying to come and kill us here they come alligators or crocodiles yeah they're gonna put my house up here they're gonna keep coming what do you mean they're gonna keep coming they're gonna keep coming why why what's going on they're gonna spawn in waves over and over again fortunately for us Robert's base was high up enough and he had walls so these guys weren't they weren't that much of a threat however my man Shadow Mech cannot say the same this man apparently had some trouble with some alligators if you don't watch his video you will you'll see what I'm talking about anyways later that day I came back to Robert's house when uh he was offline and I took a look around I love a house don't mind the Scarecrow keeps birds away huh oh where the hell is this guy I needed food so I harvested a bunch of his wheat and replanted the crops you know it's not stealing if you replant the crops it's fine right then I got back out there I spent a good while cutting down trees getting wood and finally sailing back to my house to work on it more I could not be a man without a house okay yeah you need to have a house and currently I was having a huge problem with food I was having to steal from people's Farms like a little uh little rabbit to go in and had just under Robert so I realized you know okay time to make my own farm and I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it differently this time instead of just making a giant square with a farm stuff I'm gonna I'm gonna make it look more natural so I went over to the coast and I made a hoe and started uh just following the edges of the coast and planting seeds there right next to the water and I thought that it looked pretty good all right that's beautiful and I got back to work in the house and I made some stone brick stairs and uh started making a roof I logged in later that night and immediately was met by a message from Robert and chat Sean their spiders everywhere what I guess Robert had been getting uh Spider hordes that uh that did not did not sound like something that I was interested in but uh hey you know what when a man gets bit a man gets I don't know where I'm going with that anyway so Robert and Shadow were dealing with that uh I was dealing doing this all right Bobo the Clown by the way I was alone on my Island so I got I don't know why I was talking to a clown like that I just watching that clip back I I don't even know why I bothered putting that in my notes that's okay just gonna move on anyway so um I wanted to know what was going on with Robert and Shadow and I I knew that there were spiders but when I hear something like that part of me says stay home and the other part of me says go see the spiders so here I am getting in my potents sailing down to booty Bay again I took a quick stop near Laguna's new house that he had built on the mainland besides Roberts I guess he had also gotten flooded I guess uh and yeah I took some more wood from near Laguna's house hello [Music] what are you doing what are you doing hello I just saw your mic move Robert yeah hey why are you able to take so long to respond and then pretend like your bike's not working yep keep doing it okay [Music] so dumb after hanging out with Robert for a little bit I quickly found out what he was talking about with the spiders oh Robert visitors coming oh you hit the horn yeah oh stuck on the fence don't worry Robert they can get over help us blinker look he's gone look at him oh he's taking him out ah I don't want to hit you over here some liquor I don't think he'll harm you if I'm having a real hard time they're freaking out get off oh yeah oh there's so many of them oh oh my farm my Farm's getting brewed so many spiders rubber is that it yeah right Stop opening times oh my God foreign come here spiders there's so much you guys can't you guys don't have nothing we're taking out the whole horde right here Sean Robert is a floating skeleton with the bomb here but I don't know a ghost oh my God the spiders dude take them all out [Music] no match for this guy perfect for now it was manageable they were slow and stupid they they didn't shoot webs and it was only regular spiders not no there's none of them had Venom yeah later they have venom that was it was not good all right we uh a couple men got tagged badly and here in my notes I can see that I wrote down a time stamp something to do with Robert um so we'll just see what this is I know where the diamonds are okay bring those seeds to Shadow for your reward is there actually a reward if you bring those seeds to Shadow I can show you where the diamonds are okay you you go you get out of here please bring those seats yeah you're kidding me see you later adventurer Are you seriously jumping through the farm please bring these seeds to the shadow get out get out out see you later Adventurer another sign if you'd like to bring these seeds to Shadow I can show you where the diamonds are okay so uh yeah I guess I guess I was in the mood to be a quest Giver or something I don't know what was going anyway so I ended up Mining and uh it didn't take super long for me to find some diamonds I found five stash them in my shack and then got back to work on my roof and after like an hour I was nearly done I was really liking the way my house was looking things were things were going well for now or day four uh I don't know what half of seven is but four seems close or more than half I don't know getting we're getting into the I don't know what half of seven is what am I 3.5 anyways look at my house this thing was looking real good and I was very happy with it uh but unfortunately it was not gonna last because the water was going to rise again soon and uh this whole thing was gonna be underwater so anyway so I got on my boat and sailed to the mainland to meet up with everyone they were in The Dark Tower so I went in and uh lagundo and Robert were there Sean is this really him he's gonna go oh that's about it he's doing it again there it is so Sean Steve is dead Rob while I was offline Steve had apparently been uh eaten by an anaconda killing him uh he was our first Dead Man I think about Steve dying was that he was gone he was now out of the scenario we wouldn't be talking to Steve he wouldn't be there he was just he was just dead and gone dead man anyway so we were waiting for shadow to get a line because the four of us were gonna go loot the military base bring these to Shadow and I'll show you where the diamonds are more and more spiders were spawning and uh they were coming quickly oh my God they're still coming [Music] after Shadow arrived we started walking over the military base when I discovered that there were uh spiders that were underwater so that's uh nay that was good I love that if you go in the wall look look jump in the water and look in the look in the weeds oh oh Here Comes oh oh geez you don't want him to web you down there either oh yeah we got over to the military base and we we slowly walked in noticing that the entire Courtyard had been covered in spiderwebs which was uh a little bit concerning and it it should have acted as a warning for just how absolutely bucknutty things were about to get when we went in there just be careful oh oh my God it's a it's a black widow spider or something yeah you probably don't you probably don't want to get hit by that one I'm just gonna go out on the lemons I'm gonna go ahead and tell you one touch from that and you are dead no way what is it poison yes you actually like no he's lying all right go touch the black widow then Robert I'm not touching it wait is it lethal poison or is it Minecraft Poison it's lethal poison oh look at this they're got it they've got to be in here as well I'm not I'm going around I'm going around I got my little around but Robert I like this oh oh I see oh yeah there's absolutely more spiders foreign giant spiders up here crawling around over there what there's giant spiders what is this spider right Hello Kitty um help him to come lights come oh there's a oh my God yes I took it down they dropped giant string oh but it can hit me yeah use the ball hit me oh oh my God what's happening come here spiders holy crap whoa okay oh wow I want to be honest I think I don't understand be honest what I didn't know they were gonna make this many webs oh my God and I may have just heard a horde sound oh no oh I'm leaving John don't go that way I don't care I'm leaving spider I'm leaving I'm leaving don't leave I'm leaving no they're they're all they're out there outside there's like a thousand spiders you can't even leave I tried to go over there it's all it's all blocked off yeah get up on the roof back oh my God there's so many spiders they're on the roof oh my God where are you guys where are you guys what is that spider I find those spiders get away from me oh this one's all here with me they're climbing up the walls oh my God turn left Shadow turn left I'm stuck [Music] are you guys coming up here where are you guys I'm I'm hanging on for dear life right now that's what I'm doing I'm almost dead I'm almost dead to the [Laughter] I've trapped myself in a hole and I'm being surrounded by spiders right now I'm I'm squatting [Music] we have to get out of here there's so many spiders [Music] oh my God oh my God a spider almost just got into my little hidden hole this is they found me they know I'm in here thank you [Music] I can get out I'm about to go into the Earth that's where I must go I'm digging my way out of here all right I'm gonna head out this way okay The Horde is done I just got that hold on I'm in the wall help me oh my God where you guys going are you leaving me here [Music] hello they left me come back I'm coming out I'm digging my way out I'm digging I'm digging oh no what's wrong I'm just I'm it's not safe it's the mine shaft no it's not I can get you get me out of this come on I gotta do tunnel I got a new tunnel no no no spiders are in every tunnel you gotta be out of this freaking spider nightmare god let's go come on where are you where are you we're here you're here okay come on I'm here okay okay okay go go go go go go go go go go go get rid of the water get rid of the water get rid of the water right now why is your water oh my God [Laughter] where's Kim be safe holy barely there's so many spiders still in there where's Kim I want Kim here Kim wouldn't get out of this Kim said help where is the base someone give Kim coordinates Kim how's it going Kim's here I mean there's spiders after you I have a whole chasing me [Laughter] have you guys had that before oh buddy look at the look at the military base no there is Sean yeah it's about to be night yeah oh yeah yeah Kim oh my god get him get it kill Kim get him no I'm just kidding kidding kidding Kim look ready oh is it nothing it's just scary it's just a little praying did that get your blood pumping Kim yeah I just need a minute [Music] oh there's so many what do you mean it's gonna come for me Tim what did you bring here I told you how to hold the spiders after me we gotta get out of here we can't be here okay let's get back to Robert's face let's get back to Robert's face you guys have food yes come to Robert's face we're close what's happened to the military base cobweb everywhere yeah spiders spiders oh my goodness so you guys have dealt with the spiders before as well I almost died oh my God they're here they're here the hordes here oh they found us freaking spiders they're all over the they're all over the they're everywhere why we decide to come to my house they're gonna leave webs everywhere yes I think that's why Sean decided to come no I'm the tower my house because my house is halfway across the map go to The Dark Tower okay go to the tower okay Tower oh are you guys outside yeah why uh get inside why oh my God whoa what the f was that [Music] burning down is there a fire in the only safe place we have what is that oh my God [Music] oh my God they're coming from the lake can someone save me oh they are look at them look at them I don't know Kim [Music] so bad this is so bad how do you break oh my God stuck up there it'll just fire up there [Music] the tower's on fire Shadow what are you doing what nothing says Shadow why are you breaking the door oh my God oh I didn't do it I watched you I'm getting out of here I'm sorry Kim me like this stop it there's so many spiders what the [ __ ] okay this man right here is scarier than all of the spiders and monsters and water and everything on him sure we started off together and this is a collaborative stereo but this man should never be fully trusted I know people say it's me who causes the some of the should we say conflict but just watch this man closely it's it is always him he starts it every single time and this man is also completely clueless what's going on in the game oh where's Steve what um Kim you don't know what I mean by his pet seems dead huh he died to a curl whatever that is yes whatever that is I never I even I never met him there's five people standing in a circle bunch of jerks huh it's just because it's a bunch of jerks if the spiders crocodile storm sea creatures crazy Ryan if it wasn't all enough of a challenge we also had to deal with Kim this man without a doubt was the biggest threat to my survival over the next three days well I'm gonna die [Music] someone poured lava on me don't know who [Music] it was it was a shark pit until the Gators came and pulled down the sharks nobody [Music] it's done for you what's up I'm no magic guy [Music] that killed me [Music] you used your totem or you used a pearl when you were low on health again later that day I was at Robert's house again which at this point it was starting to kind of feel like it was becoming my house because of how much time I was spending here uh anyways Robert Shadow and I were here when Shadow announced that he had a horde on him and uh it was it was not spiders this time The Horde I heard the horde oh it's over [Music] here I don't know whatever um uh it's not it's not spiders this time it's not spiders this time what is it oh no oh why do I have a text to speech on oh my God oh my God there's so there's so many there's so many they're so oh oh it's not zombie it's on me they're swarming oh okay okay close the door no this is awful I wouldn't know what to do here oh my God I'm about to be drinking my blood just try to distress water them down Robert you got one oh oh my God they're all coming after me I can't I can't do it okay we gotta we got up we're gonna help Robert oh [ __ ] I'm on fire there's more more Shadow what is this listen I'm okay with using magic see I was telling Robert oh I just made crackers on my computer [Music] everywhere [Music] [Applause] behind the house [Music] why are there so men here oh I put it inside Robert Ryan oh my God [Music] wait wait there's actually so many Robert you're gonna do it Robert get inside get away from my house it's over there's so many coming in oh my God [Music] it took us nearly 10 minutes but we managed to kill all of the mosquitoes and I know what you're thinking you guys should have just stayed inside and waited for those things to despawn well you know what uh if a creature is spawned by a horde uh it does not despawn it it and you will see later the sorts of things that don't that never left Robert's house they just stay here forever so we had to take care of them and after we had finished doing that in chat we saw that uh Ryan seemed to also be dealing with them uh wherever he was but for Ryan he was he was about to meet a terribly dark fate oh Ryan's Ryan's seeing them [Laughter] oh my god oh where does he live maybe we can go save him type in the shot does he have it where is this house I don't know he was a second time oh that was 60 Seconds Ryan was dead hey man men were dropping like flies in a span of like two hours uh two people were dead the slaughtered on the island and I was starting to worry that I would be next especially within when a man like Kim is walking around but I'll be honest seeing Ryan die was kind of uh you know what it was not the worst thing to happen first of all let's not forget that this man had voices in his head that were saying to capture me uh so that problem kind of resolved itself and second of all uh as the saying goes when a man gets killed by a mosquito a tragedy turns into a what I I don't know where I was going with that anyways Ryan was dead which meant that his base and all of his stuff was just he was just sitting there on his Island so uh Robert and I immediately got moving towards Ryan's base and like the little goblins we are we picked him clean what the hell happened are they in there what what the hell is going they're all oh I think he's he's a mom mob spawner or something up top and I think they got in up here [Applause] why are they in your house [Music] here's the stuff Robert there's a lot of them Ryan [Music] look his stuff his stuff's all floating around here Ryan the body expires after 30 seconds no Ryan what happened here we're trying to put this you're talking about I'm trying to put the pieces together I got sucked okay it was looking like Ryan didn't have that much because in this little Shack that he had there was a bunch of food and just random items and on his body sure he had another right but it was mostly broken and not much of an upgrade from what I already had which was surprising because when we saw him last it seemed like he had a lot of good stuff but it wasn't in any of his chests or on his body but I kept looking around the island and near whatever it was that he was building up here I found multiple shulker boxes oh Robert I found the motherload I found the good stuff what do you mean you found them on the road I found the good stuff are you a bug okay Robert we gotta split this oh this is the motherload okay yeah I'm not taking anything yet okay I took 60 diamonds what well I'm gonna split up I I IDM as well you just took him you took the 60s how you said you took them I put them back in okay we're splitting and split everything okay okay I'm gonna take 30 diamonds I'm gonna take two ingots okay I'm taking half of the iron I'm taking this war pick because you got to cool up and I'm taking it just going to take a diving suit chest I'm taking that deep City lapis do you have a Death Note no Take that take the death to it almost take another star and we'll make a beacon by my house um did you take the dark metal at all no do you care if I have take it because you have one already no I already split it oh that's yours okay cool oh my God Ryan one of the biggest things that I got from Ryan was this giant stack of diamonds which I could then use to repair my gear and make new pieces of another right gear but also death totem the death totem is very similar to a totem of undying however I mean it's the same thing what am I saying is it pretty much the exact same thing however when you die you come back to life but you use food or something I don't know Ryan had one of these and he had used it when we had briefly killed him so I threw that in my pocket and thought okay you know what this is coming with me so we got back to Robert's house and we stashed everything we had in uh I put them all in a shulker box and then put it in an Ender Chest because if I die there's no way I'm letting these guys pick me clean like we just did to Ryan no way they can find their own stuff Robert Shadow and I wanted to go and explore the there's an underwater temple I didn't know where it was but they apparently knew where it was and we wanted to loot it and see what was going on down there but it's underwater and in my current state uh being underwater not the greatest thing for me because I can't breathe down there both of them had diving suits I had part of a diving suit but not the full thing so I went to Robert's basement and Enchanted my gear here's the thing about enchanting on this island we nerfed it so you cannot get any protection in Chansey only in chance that you can get are like the water stuff and Unbreaking so I just I put on some of that stuff on onto the gear and before we left I I kind of I mentioned to Robert that I guess uh his little pumpkin guys had somehow gotten out and uh I don't know I don't know how that happened or what went on here but somehow they anyways Robert wasn't happy about these guys walking around Robert uh are you aware that your pumpkin people are just not here anymore I killed them no I think I think they're out in the lake right now I can see one walking around over there you let them out you don't close the doors oh my God Sean you're so annoying oh I'll go get the guy yeah yeah close the doors you always leave them open just gonna get my where's the other one I'm getting this guy is that Curtis or Yankees splinter wait where did he go maybe I'll take this guy home with me no oh you can leash them that's great Yonkers it's yoinker I'm not gonna deal with Curtis I'm done with that guy that's mine you don't you don't get to choose no I'm bringing them back to you I'm saying is you don't get to choose who you get to deal with or not I need you Curtis I don't know where Curtis is I don't care about Curtis with all that taken care of we got in our boats and set sail all right you notice how the frames are dropping a little bit yeah I don't like this yeah yeah just be here oh my god look under the water what oh my God Robert one's chasing us how deadly are they I don't know Robert there's three chasing us I'm getting to the island what the heck no we can't do this then I can't breathe underwater with this stuff I thought these Enchanted diving suit I don't have a diving suit do you have Enchanted that you think you can breathe underwater with I have a diving helmet is that good I don't know oh it's in my shoulder box oh oh [Music] [Music] that's that's foreign I lost them and without being able to breathe underwater I didn't want to jump in so I stood in this little platform and fought the anglerfish for a good chunk of night later I got word that the coast was clear so I sailed over and swam down oh oh okay oh my it's like a T-Rex down there what is it I don't know what it is holy crap no damage in that chest oh check the other side oh shellhorn yeah what's the show horn oh my God summons Captain Cornelia oh don't Robert got this horn that let him summon this boss that we could fight and we were going to wait for everyone to get online but if we did that it would mean that we'd probably have to split all of the loot with everyone and uh none of us really wanted to do that kind of wanted to keep it keep it to ourselves so we decided to risk it and we just spawned the boss right here on this little Shore here [Music] oh they're fighting her yeah yeah oh oh gotta be careful we don't hit each other it's out it's out he was pulling me to her she's oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] you need to use splash potion of weakness yeah do you have one I don't have it you got it I'm gonna go in once when she gets the I'll hit her okay now we gotta kill her [Music] I don't want to hit you [Music] keep going keep going he's so weak killer he's gaining Health get her oh no eat the apple I don't have any apples she gained a little help again oh my God I think it's a timed event I think we should set the killer he throwing down the skeletons they're doing damage okay [Music] [Music] we'll do it back up get back get back get back hold on she's gonna do the move just let the skeletons do it sure kill her oh my God she's so close she's so close I don't know if it's gonna work oh she's killing me I'm just staying away I'm staying away I'm staying away she pulled me no the week look everybody we have to hit her all at the same time three two one go yes I killed her we did it oh my God holy crap oh look look that man down no problem at all just using our you know very powerful brains anyway so now we have the key which we could use to open the chest so me Robert and Shadow swam back down and looted the chest I just want to see what it is that's all it's open what the heck are those lots of painting Enchanted Golden Apple emeralds echo of the ship graveyards four ruin of the storm press on take that okay I'll pick the picture who's throwing I'll take a picture too we got back to Robert's house I succumbed to peer pressure and didn't want to be the only person with glowing gear so I removed the enchants now I know what you're thinking that's very stupid and uh yeah it was it was very stupid but at least now I wasn't a glowing guy and people wouldn't be able to swap me and the insurance weren't very good anyway so you know it doesn't who cares okay it doesn't does not matter moving on what does matter is that it started raining again so uh yeah that's I don't know Kim said he wanted to meet up and he posted his chords in the chat so and for some stupid reason I thought that was a good idea to go see him but you know what I didn't get very far because I was attacked by a mosquito myself so I turned back and nearly got killed by a combination of bugs webs and other stuff yeah there's no way I'm going after Kim I don't know why I even bothered doing doesn't matter so I got back to Robert's house and started removing the webs using a water bucket I did that until Robert and Kim showed up so Kim you met you met the mosquitoes eh yeah tell me there's many videos I get there to his house and then a hundred of them chase after me yep that's what exactly what happened to me I was on my way there I see I I was mostly there I hear I just see them flying out from the trees I forgot to warn you both of you what do you think of them Kim oh not so bad when you're inside lots of fun when they stick to your face that's how Ryan died so here's the thing when you get a horde after you the server only alerts you and you alone so no one else knows that The Horde is chasing you unless you tell them now it's very beneficial to announce to everyone that you have a [ __ ] chasing you so they can prepare for it and everyone except for one person did that you know who that was Kim he had this habit of specifically not telling people when he had a horde after him and as a result Robert almost got killed I got Robert and Kim to help me remove all the webs around the base it was way too dangerous having these things all over the place so all it takes is one crazy mob to you get stuck in the web and it's over for you so we got buckets of water and we started going to town on these things but it didn't last long before Kim got he just started he started being Kim again Kim but you're coming down with me I saw a black smoke thing is that what you're talking about what no you got a black smooth guy over there oh what is that what what are you laughing about I thought that the thing no it's a mosquito why is there mosquitoes did you get a horde what Kim [Music] you think it's funny you think that's funny [Music] they're out they're after you they're not after me oh it took a while before that right so on the island we found out about a very precious material known as dark iron dark iron can be used to craft very powerful weapons and gear like remember Robert's giant ax yeah he made that with dark iron the problem is is that you need a lot of it and it has a very low Drop chance off of only a handful of enemies so at night we were outside looking for those enemies to kill Robert Robert I got one first we gotta deal with these little guys [Music] where straight ahead right there oh my God a lot of stuff I might die help me I'm trying I'm coming I hope you can't see you're fine it's gone now there's little mosquitoes I mean I might die um Kim help him take care of Kim I'm doing it I killed the big guy oh my God okay I'm out I'm out oh I'm blind now oh my God get out of this area get out of there what is happening why were you stuck with that guy I don't know he's he stuck me he like grabbed me and I couldn't do any damage yeah he did that to me too that was horrible the little kill the little Kim huh kill the little guys Kim wait go get him yeah oh my God oh yeah see you can't catch him and he just keeps hitting you that's what oh my God this is horrible okay we gotta kill that big guy he's not dead he did no did he get anything yeah I got a pile and a pile of dark metal did you really yeah okay let's split it how many times actually worked that's nine little pieces oh so it's one one phone or one thing come here Siri oh thank you thank you Kim doesn't even know what you gave him I still needed to get my house built because we're getting the time was ticking I still never fully built house but I wanted there's no way it's gonna be able to do it on my own and I needed help doing it but I had a little bit of a plan I kind of found a way to trick Robert and Kim into helping me build it I knew that they wouldn't just sail out and start working on my house for no reason so I told them that there was a ton of dark iron mobs spawning all over my Island specifically and if we went there we could just kill a bunch of them and we'd have all the dark iron we wanted in no time so uh they agreed and we set sail [Music] just attacking you the spider [Music] oh we're gonna flip the boat come on this way you can't you can't flip the boat oh my God the waves are so tall [Music] I knew that was fun oh is that your house wait I just have sign underwater what's that say did you do that Kim why is there a sign right here I'm lagging come on uh Kim's Island go away oh it's flooded before oh yeah yeah that was the argument between us but here's the thing I was lying there weren't any or not there was nothing more here than there was everywhere else on the island it was a regular tiny little island but the reason why I want to get these on here to My Island was because I told them there could be a swarm at any moment mosquitoes would come down so we got to get my house built gotta get that thing built fast gotta get a roof on gotta get Windows up gotta do all sorts of stuff we gotta do it before we look for those dark iron guys so come on get this this get this thing built and you know what it worked I got these guys building my roof my walls my windows Etc everything they was going good these guys were hard at work and that night we look we did look for some dark iron mobs or should I say Robert and I were looking for them uh Kim on the other hand was making himself at home in my base look at your house Kim's Hot Box in your house [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] get rid of these campfires fun they actually look like [Music] we're over here mosquitoes oh my God [Music] I said we're over here oh look they don't they can't get to us there's no way what if I like the water there's still smoke in here man I'm trying to coming yeah oh my god look over there what oh my god oh boy you know the Flight of the Conchords I opened the doors [Music] shut up Sean's getting smoked oh he's getting them look at them are they in did you break that you broke that oh yeah I wanted Kim to Kim you make it so hard to trust you no you're standing in the door they're under they're under this one's under it oh my God look at on the ocean how are we gonna leave oh my God even more in the ocean look at the window whose swarm is this [Music] come on what do you want take me [Music] okay okay [Music] oh my God thank you oh my goodness [Music] I'll bring them away for you yeah we'll eat them away [Music] Robert [Music] oh Kim Kim absolutely psychopath open the door all right come on in [Music] the morning we went out and killed more mosquitoes uh we also told Laguna where we were and waited for him to show up and when he finally did we all got in boats and started sailing over to Shadow's house get ready to pick up so much garbage and shovels on the way storm back whoa yeah so so tomorrow tomorrow um wait is he out of this [ __ ] Kim why'd you get out of your boat someone broke it I didn't shoot it I'm I'm driving sure [Music] [Laughter] I cannot believe you've done this really good after you already tried to murder me like three times straight below straight below this one's coming up there he is keep going just keep going you can't just keep going foreign [Music] it's coming I know I know I'm going oh my God who put that there oh my God it's so dark at least you can see the angler he's still chasing us I don't know where they are there's another one there's another anglerfish terrifying the storm really is terrifying oh my god look to the left we're more Anglers there's four oh my God whoa what is that I don't I don't know Big Fish I don't know just keep moving Shadow's base was not safe I know this because he told Robert and I that he had built a gator pit and a false floor I don't know if he told Laguna yet and I don't know if he told Kim it's yeah and I did not know who he was planning on using it on all I knew was that if I got to his house there was no way I was stepping foot on any marked floors so we got there and uh it was one cautious male Sean what what I know I'm running shadow yes I'm sorry it's me and Robert were here it's okay like I'm in I'm being chased by something good I got it I got it I got it I just broke my helmet get out of here oh there's there's Laguna and oh my God what who's coming and now we're coming you can't say something okay I just keep mayor Kim goes Kim goes I just got it while he's sitting crouched right here like oh my god oh no simply carefully oh no tell it to get inside tell her to get inside now shortly after we got there kipley logged on now the thing about kipley is that kipley joined the scenario very late and it was very likely that at this point in time she didn't even have iron armor and if you look out the window uh it was night there was a storm and there were swarms of mosquitoes let's just say I was getting ready to uh host another obituary for one dead man named kiply but as it turns out uh lagundo offered to go out and save her so that's what he did he just flew out the door and went into the night looking for her and uh while he was doing that we got to see some Shadows Gators they were hiding under the house oh look look look at that look at who's got it oh oh my God he's got a crown what the hell wait where'd you give him a crown from so he's named and if you call him King K Rule and Donkey Kong oh that's like that's like the kangaroo if you need a kangaroo something it gives him a Halo I also saw the pit and uh I had a feeling that there was gonna be a certain man going in there very soon you don't don't build something like that without wanting to get a man in there that's all I'll say so while we were waiting I also wanted to repair some of my gear but there was there's a bit of a problem when I opened up my shulker box I was expecting to see somewhere close to 30 diamonds that I had looted from Ryan's base but they they were all gone Robert yeah I think I did something really dumb all right looks like I am out of armor I I I must have I I don't know what happened what am I I know what happened and you know what happened too they think about the one man on this island who's been giving me problems I didn't know it at the time and you'll see later but this let's just say this man had a lot more diamonds that he anyway so Shadow and Robert gave me some diamonds so I could make new new netherrite gear and after all of that lagundo and kipley returned and uh when they walked in that house there was there's no way I was standing on that floor a dark floor in the middle of Shadow's base and by the looks of it uh neither was uh Shadow Robert or Kim we were all kind of staying away it doesn't no no it doesn't hurt I need two pieces it's just cold we have two pieces of iron what was that get him get him get him get him no guys you gotta help him help oh my God oh my God my guy died okay please oh my God oh my God what's happening what's happening oh we're gonna open your doors everyone get him get him get him get him give him get him oh my God the mosquito I can't get down there because the mosquitoes in the words of shadow somebody broke the floor yeah I I wonder who broke the anyway so Laguna survived somehow really thought that I'd be having an obituary for him right now as well but uh he was alive and this man this man wanted answers I'm just screaming what crocodiles okay what happened who made this plan they're going to ask yourself who made this plan if any usually people suspect me of this stuff uh but you know what I was honestly an innocent man I mean I knew the floor was going to get broken and I knew that there was alligators under any of that but who am I to stop fate from happening I'm a man who just likes to sit back and watch chaos and two so I don't know but the thing was is that after this point in time I don't think anyone really trusted anyone anymore I mean I still trusted everyone because I I had no reason not to but yeah this kind of someone attempted to kill laguno and uh we no one knew who it was and with that I just logged out for the night day five all right the storm passed and yet again the water level increased This Time by a significant amount yeah you booty Bay nearly underwater Oh to the water holy crap oh you joking me A5 also marked a turning point in the scenario because it introduced physical placeable traps a whole bunch of them all right now right across the entire map and these traps range from fake floor pieces to launch pads and the timing was perfect because after last night's uh you know what I'll say let's just call it one of this attempted murder everyone was on edge mixing some traps and you gotta and a whole whole problem about to pop off things were uh things are about to get Buck nutty Laguna definitely knows that you tried to kill him now no no no no no no absolutely noticing you tried to kill the clip he sent you can see in the video it's you with the ax like this yeah well we're doing some farming Robert announced that he had a horde and it wasn't mosquitoes I got a horde you got a horse monkeys where are you where are you get inside get inside get inside what do you mean they are oh my God [Music] they probably just want to say hi oh why are they coming toward me oh my God okay they're coming I can't get over oh oh oh oh no the jump oh they dig they dig no you're not digging Robert that one's digging that one's digging Robert what is it gonna do I I don't I genuinely don't know I genuinely don't have any of these answers I don't know how much damage do they do I don't know what they do I don't know anything about these ones [Music] what are you doing oh you're good here let's go see the monkeys come on they're monkeys what are they gonna do the man [Music] oh my God why do you guys want to go off the monkeys oh my gosh you're so fast [Music] yep there's a monkey over there digging [Music] oh no this is bad [Music] fire oh oh rubber oh my god dude I'm getting battered by you but he's apes look Google [Music] they're all around the house oh my God there's more of them down there there's more coming up [Music] hey it's better than mosquitoes oh they're breaking they're eating your potatoes [Music] it's monkeys how are they gonna do it they're not gonna do anything because they're breaking news no oh my God that one I think is throwing his poop [Music] whatever they're gonna start throwing their poop at you I think oh my God come on let's just take off half my health one monkey probably died of monkeys I'm gonna die of monkeys oh [Music] why are they so fast it was around this time when I started to think about uh I'm thinking about death a little bit it was day five and we were we're getting close to the end and it finally hit me that sneeve and Ryan were both dead or gone usually by this point Steve and Ryan would have both been up to something Ryan would hopefully be in a box and Steve would have built some some some weird structure somewhere and I don't know but both of their bodies were like 10 feet under water at this point well the rest of us were still alive monkeys were now all over the island by the way I'm completely changing the subject here everywhere you want you saw monkeys monkeys and boats monkeys and trees monkeys everywhere and these things were things were annoying oh they're coming they're coming [Music] nope all right you got a monkey with you you got a friend hey he's like oh my god look ahead of us oh yeah these little monkeys we ran away from we were sailing to my now very flooded house I I mean just look at this [Music] there's my house this is oh my God this is your house oh how could this happen is it it's totally here yeah it's submerged whole thing's underwater Oh this room's good oh beautiful perfect hey that's not bad this is wild I can't believe this the reason we were out here was because we were looking for the cargo ship we wanted to loot it and on our way there we got introduced to a new threat on the island very large sea creatures I don't want to abandon my monkey [Music] what is that oh my God what's up that's a mosasaur huh it's a mosasaur it's trying what does it do it's trying to get you okay let's uh do you want that right now it's pronounced mosasaurus I have no idea no one truly knows how it used to pronounce the same way back I mean it's a dinosaur who knows how to pronounce this name I don't know anyway so we were now in the in the Treetops which were the only part of the tree that was not underwater and after that attack we're all scared to jump back in the water but eventually we did and we made it to the boat and then we started looting it where you going Robert I'm going up into the ship there's chess under this in the water right now if you swim around down there long enough I'm sure what let's see something that I don't want to see what is it just stop it's gonna be safer [Music] oh no it's gonna be nighttime soon uh we're not and if it's because I I don't think we should be doing we should leave that's what I think I don't think we should be in this ship at night [Music] wide open I got a piece of dark metal you want it yes please hey I got one Diamond down one one Diamond perfect black widows up here Yep they're all they're all over the ship oh I see this we gotta get rid of that spider first I'm stuck I'm stuck where oh my God Shadow there's a black one I'm trying to get you where it's coming no no you totally webbed up right here same where I am I can see too oh oh where where's the Blackboard it's in this room over here [Music] get in there Robert it's right there oh scooped me out I just hear spiders everywhere there's black widows on the ceiling oh he's on the ceiling let's go back and find Kim look I think Kim's dealing with monkeys right now [Music] I'm about to take the leap of faith I don't want to go a lot scared I'm scared of the black widows oh oh what happened I just got hit by a black widow it's actually Black Widow I'm done see you later in the Escape I lost both Shadow and Robert and then I had a very very difficult time finding my way back there especially at night but sure enough I made it back to booty Bay and then when I walked in Kim and kipley were there in the next series of events will show you exactly why I can't trust Kim oh my God why are there monkeys everywhere I'm still dying why am I still dying can okay I just ate one you must have stepped on a trap what happened Kim you did this what the hell I just walked in here Robert in Shadow you guys left me we all jumped off the boat I jumped off the boat too but you guys went the other way I was just like let's just go back because this is a Mad Max we hadn't we had no choice like I was I was gonna be done I was gonna be in the red oh Kim you've seen the monkeys around yeah yeah I saw them up close and everything in the water and land everywhere this is bad I can't believe here's some of the diamonds I still it was you who stole them Robert remember what I said Robert that I found all these diamonds and someone stole them from me camera you should be tried for that yeah you know why Kim what's he attempting look go give him a great sword or something one of my attention fast okay everyone get in the bed there's two beds over here there's three beds over here everyone grab a bed oh [Music] what up to you shut up you're behind it no I I was working on something it does so much damage holy crap it does like if you get caught two of them dead what's happening here that's getting hurt no it's water it's quite rude you're gonna die what are you doing to us here eat you kick my fence out here [Music] I'm taking that open your pants took my pencil you can you're back where are you [Music] stop oh so how about these traps how long does it damage you for Kim's gonna kill you I just wasted two gold now yes uh totem it's all good I only have one totem all right can you step on this oh wait open it I gotta get off it get off it and then walk on it walk on it oh whoa that's cool Kim drop it [Music] oh what happened I'm gonna kill Kim what happened I'm going to kill Kim thank you what happened Kim spice program bro that was crazy Kim give me my trap back and an idol uh I think Robert has your trap I I don't have the Trap actually Kim give me the Trap Back I'm looking for it Kim I want an idol a what an idol or totem I don't know I just see it as you told you said give me back and I gave it back it's on you I'm happy with someone you've killed me once before Jordan stop you haven't killed me once before [Music] I need a totem who's got extras Robert where's do you have an extra totem Robert yeah yeah oh so funny though what what do you mean that's so funny though it's such a great view to watch because I attempted it first but nothing happened to me but when you jumped in it you food because you hit the roof that thing is sketchy that thing is sketchy water bucket no I don't know nothing I he's gonna he's trying to kill me I don't know why we left this guy in the house okay all right yeah please hold up you guys ready to uh pick her up if she does yeah all right go oh my God that is so funny I got you got you oh surely surely you can understand why I don't trust him and that man Kim needed to die I wasn't sure how or when but I knew that it had to happen he was too much of a threat and if I wanted to get off this island alive Kim couldn't but I had to wait because someone got a new horde after them and it wasn't monkeys this time don't I'm sorry whose is that oh my God damn it wasn't my fault Kim did you get anything got anything to tell us Kim maybe Robert Robert get inside Robert get inside [Music] oh my God open the door for me oh my god get inside open this door open the door oh my God what is those things get them all get a shadow and get Shadow and where are you Shadow you go to the front you're kidding yeah what are those things yikes pretty cool those yellow my God I'm sick of my durability going the crapper monkeys [Music] help me I don't know how to help you don't go out there I died plan on it I'm gonna put this trap right here for him oh exactly that's it save you that's it that's it that's it that's it I I don't care what happens next after The Horde attack and nearly dying I wanted to see at least if I could even the score with Kim he had totems and I didn't so I went on the offensive can you forgive me somehow yeah if you give me your totem you've wasted three of mine you said you were going to kill me yeah as a joke and then you actually did it I don't know I'm gonna I'm not gonna stop trying to kill you until you give me your totem whoa I will go get the I will go get the Tony for you how about that give me your time give me the one that you have right now and you can go get that one let me eat first then okay nope if you keep hitting me now if you drop the totem I'll stop hitting you on the ground [Music] drop the totem I mean you just murdered me they give me the other totem I don't have anything if you die now I die for real I don't want to kill you I'm coming to kill you end up one this will end up wonderful stuff you can stop this John you can't stop this it's not gonna stop it you're gonna die right here on the side of this mountain Kim [Music] it was obvious this stuff was gonna get us both killed so I had to stop but I still wanted this man dead one way or another anyways thankfully Robert gave me another totem and later that day when we got back to Robert's house I I think the stress of the island was starting to get to robbery because this man was now in a spicy mood get off my bed I don't want to hear that next to me I don't want to hear this noise no no don't worry about that what matters is that we we got another horde a horde that included one of the absolute worst animals on the island the tarantula hawk these things would later turn out to be one of the most significant threats we faced as a monkey [Music] I see a bullfrog I see a alligator oh no oh no it worked I see a mosquito did you just make alligators oh my God what is that it's a tarantula hawk no it's gonna kill me Robert side [Music] oh my God the reason they're so bad is they're sting right you ever watched that show with coyote Peterson the world's worst things or whatever's YouTube shows this this man would have turned away from these things it takes you down to half health and it lasts a very long time not to mention it it shreds the durability of your armor imagine like 80 of these things stinging you at once this was just one of them oh my God oh my God what there's so many we're worse we're done for Court I just saw I saw like 30 fly from behind them [Music] Robert [Music] yeah get out there I'm not going out there that thing look at them what [Music] we were sort of stuck in Robert's house no one wanted to leave because it almost certainly meant death and and that's just from these Hawks yeah I haven't even got to start on those big bullfrogs out there down in the water but we waited it out and slowly but surely we killed them all as best as we could from inside and once the coast was clear we left Robert's house and started scaling the or started sailing for the volcano because apparently there was more loot there and uh you know I was still on the hunt for more dark iron so if there was going to be any hopes of getting some it would be this place but on our way we got distracted by this Tower There's a Nightmare stalker right here right behind you what right behind Charlie it's right behind shots oh my God [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh what no no what no no no no no no they can spawn in this room what is that There's a Nightmare stalker spawner up there oh yeah [Music] the only thing that you can do right now is hit a combo [Music] that's how I die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die for this bullfrog I'm gonna die we got to the volcano and things quickly took a very bad turn hey well I'm gonna head back guys you don't want to do it I got another horde I just got hit something special I think it's the Hawks Shadow get out shadow what the Hawks shadow you gotta close it up it's closed I'm underneath you all oh my God no this is not fun I'm trying to mind he just whacked me sideways are you all safely in here is this safe yeah yeah I gotta we got it we were stuck underground and one time you know when you get a bunch of men stuck in a little cave like this and playing on Hardcore you uh I don't know you start thinking about things you could do so as you can see here I kept pulling up kept pulling out TNT just looking at Shadow and then and then put then look putting it away then looking at Shadow getting the teeth putting it away but I didn't ignite it all right I wanted to but I talked myself out of it so we got out of this cave and we all started sailing home and yeah look at this there's me and Robert in the middle of an ocean a stormy night it was good this is horrible that's the idea it wasn't this Volcano Island oh I got a horde I got a horde what no give me out of Robert's boat it's you again yes it keeps giving it to me wait why Just Dance we ought to go underwater no we're still us home you'll beat them you'll beat them they're behind us how many the the flying guys I saw four of them it's bull frogs they can see them is this happening to me we're not gonna well there's no reason to be out here at night in a storm if you're staying with me the whole time that's too many these these waves are gonna flip us that volcano air is inhabitable uninhabitable this is the worst place let's go hide is this your house where's your house we should go hide in here turn right turn right go back to the kind of Direction We Came like yeah that way that way but there's I can see kimono drip oh my God it's a caiman no that thing's so fast yeah they can swim wait that's from the first horde by the way this isn't for my second horde oh my God they've been following us that fast we ended up sailing back to my now flooded house for shelter we parked the boat and swam down and I never thought I'd be swimming down into my house that I started building the first day and uh just as we were getting settled we got another horde I just got a horde yeah what I got a horde okay Robert look at the bullfrogs yeah come up here look you'll see him through the window oh Robert let me up they're already here they're swimming look at them swim Ming yeah foreign oh my God here they go look look at this window hey no matter what happens I'll be okay outside of my now totally underwater house I've been trying to build an underwater house for like three years and here I was with one that I didn't even mean to have it it was good it was outside of this house Army of hungry crocodiles and above them in the air was a ton of tarantula Hawks and those frogs frogs were hopping around too Robert and I were trapped we're gonna die no we're not okay get in Robert it won't work like this oh get back to the house Robert there's a Crocodile here he's gonna grab me [Music] get in get in Sean get in trouble they're moving in on me it wouldn't even get in get in okay oh it would float I thought it would float oh my God I thought it would float did not work the way I thought it would look at the window there's so many crocodiles Robert exit here this way right okay I'm gonna go that way that leads us back to the main island you go down first smack the guy then we go I must connect to that one is there a guy right here yeah Dodge I don't like this Robert go away you ready just follow me follow my lead ready okay this way go I'm getting hit by tarantula Hawks above you now we're gonna go this way we're not safe yet this way Robert over here straight to the trees you're right Robert I'm gonna eat I'm gonna stop the tours are coming every day yeah they're coming multiple times a day now [Music] the flipping yeah I got a horde okay where do we go booty this way booty base should be straight ahead everybody Sean this is uninhabitable this whole place are they behind us they're to the right of us we can't survive anywhere [Music] it's a frog made it back to Roberts just barely because things were getting rough on this island it was the next real life day day six and the storm had passed thankfully the water level didn't rise again although I'll be honest I did try to rise it up and my computer refused to to spawn in the like 32 million water blocks I tried to hey don't remember that anyways Robert and I were now on we're out on calm Waters but we'll sort of calm because we were sailing to Shadows okay we're through the spider is so fast they are really what can we do I don't know keep swimming they're they're faster than us there's one dead keep hitting them [Laughter] they're dropping they're dropping why are they faster than us I don't know we're dragging that one oh my God oh my God Robert what is happening I don't know what this wasn't a thing before just keep it no it wasn't man I'm trying laughs oh my God it's we're going through the woods wow the reason we were sailing to Shadow's base was because he was offline and that's important because we were going to do something that we didn't want him to be online for which was uh set up a trap for him why did we suddenly want to set up a trap for shadow I'm going to be honest I have no idea I did not record the conversation where Robert and I decided to do this and I do not remember why we wanted to do this but here's Robert and I setting up a what would be a fatal chop for shadow it's a nice lethal trap right on the stairs oh look at that and we also did not tell Shadow about this in-game later on or after the game so this very well might be the first time Shadow was seeing this in this video right now so uh Shadow this yeah the Trap right here on your stairs that was Robert and I here there it is okay anyway Shadows just Shadow was logging on just as me and Robert were finishing up foreign [Music] I think I see him in the doorway when we got back to Robert's there was a T-Rex here yeah yeah I'm gonna be honest I have not I'm not sure how that slipped into the mod pack or why it was on the island but you know what sometimes sometimes the T-Rex slips into the mod pack and there it is roaming around walking around but you know what the T-Rex wasn't even the the threat I was worried about him was now also online yeah he was away put me in a room with a T-Rex I'll have a smile on my face put me in a room with Kim I'll be the world's most scared Man Kim was a way bigger threat [Music] guys stop it enough this this man was just stressing me out and so was that T-Rex that was roaming around outside Robert's house and then I realized maybe I could deal with both Kim and the T-Rex at once as Kim once famously said two birds one whack but to do this I was gonna need to convince Kim to get close to the T-Rex so I told him it would be so funny it'd be the funniest thing in the world if if he could get a T-Rex to be launched on one of those pressure pods that he loved all right T-Rex you fly now three where are you going you scaredy him give him a smack on the bomb and then he'll come this way I know I know look at this oh my God again just want to go back to his family or something yeah maybe maybe that's what you want to do just go back to his family oh Robert he tried to okay he almost took a bite out of me so oh oh my God what are you doing now Kim get in there oh yeah oh he's coming after you what he just went after a Kim oh my God Jim all right Kim get in there huh I don't have a lead here you do now all right come get him just run after him oh my God [Music] is right click them whoa come right now look you can just run right up to him get him oh he's in there get him he's in the water he's slow oh did you get him no no oh no it didn't work you didn't get him Kevin just get over there fast man oh my God he's come here stop joking around [Music] Dino come here right here this is the launch Zone all right so if you smack him once does he not come out for you let's try I think we gotta smack him look at all smack him oh he's coming for you oh my God he's 100 coming oh my God oh no Kim just saved himself what happened Kim got launched in here Kim he's interested in you [Music] oh my God [Music] I'm stuck oh oh my God [Music] oh my God I'm stuck in here [Music] you hit him now no who started a fire sure oh he's so fine Robert your Farm's about to get ruined maybe you can break some blocks Jim don't let him in my farm oh [Music] did he beat you no he bit the skeletons one of them I'm flying [Music] oh laughs why do you do this it's too funny to see him in here I can put them here I'm gonna put the pressure plot that down it is perfect spots actually he's gonna ruin my house he's gonna break the house you know he can't even get over the farm door again this is your this is your guy again you know what I'm gonna do it the old-fashioned way no he's dying now I got him I'm the dino killer extra skills nope [Music] can bring him to the corner right here he's down he's down he's down for a count [Music] you're joking me no he's still alive [Music] we killed him [Music] wow later that day I showed up the Shadows base again everyone was there including it there's a bunch of snakes there too nope nope actually oh mom's gonna die he's gonna die no help him help him we can kill we can clear the snakes but I don't run wait the snakes aren't even up here anymore help me John's gonna die help me okay I was getting sick of snakes mosquitoes tarantula Hawks Kim storms fish oh also this whole island was making me feel like the world's craziest man oh and now you now you broke my chess piece [Laughter] Kim what are you doing we're doing up here I'm checking out you just broke my chest piece now I gotta go home Kim can't revive me we can't get up there where are you guys up tall on top of the roof what what are you guys doing up there you know what we're doing you guys are fighting no Kim broke my chess piece I don't I don't essential you came for me I didn't say anything you did to me I launched you you launched me no that's not what happened you launched me three times and now I launched you one time and you retaliate by launching me one time you guys are a mess okay so Kim yeah I'm gonna be honest was not totally at fault that time I may have accidentally or not accidentally very intentional I may have tried to launch him into an ocean while a horde of killer whales had showed up a few moments earlier but you know what still this man was out of control and there are still snakes all over this place so you know what when a man when a man is stressing you out send them to the snakes that's what I always say laughs I don't think you know many are there what the heck oh my God oh my God how many bites anyway so summarize what happened at Shadow's base I lost my last totem when Kim and I fought yet again I killed him on the roof we revived him on the condition that he didn't kill anyone else and then he proceeded to immediately knock me down and break my totem so now I didn't have a totem anymore and I needed one and no one had any more to give me because I at this point I'd wasted like five totems that Robert had given me again all because of Kim this man was the totem killer so we thought okay you know let's let's try to get another one so first we we tried going over to kipley's Island hoping that she had not Founders yet the only problem was that her Island was almost entirely flooded so the chest was likely underwater and under the or and under the ground somewhere so we swam around her Island for a while and looked in rocks in the bushes under some dirt and we eventually found the chest but it was empty meaning she had found it so our next Hope was go to go to the cargo ship since no one had been able to loot it yet due to the massive spider infestation so he climbed in and carefully started making our way to the top there was black widows everywhere Kim Kim Kim Kim yes run what there's black widows look right here black widow she has spider with the red bum yeah go fight it no but we kept going slowly and yeah you know I may have pushed Kim here and there but you know what this man deserved it oh could you what a piece I don't have water I gotta swim off I'm dead I got a three months I don't have water help me I don't have water so I'm gonna get water for her okay but what happened next was entirely Kim's fault he started as a man started seeing dollar signs in his eyes when he got a whiff of a potential chest in a room and this man on his own ventured into an extremely dangerous part of the ship um where are you where are you and we're I'm right over here oh where's he get him get him get him get him I don't want him to die like this I can't I can't no no don't leave me Kim get him get him get him I'm trying oh my God Robert how much time do you have 20 seconds oh oh I can't get to him we're coming 10 seconds get him there's black widows I can't how do you get you off I'm gonna die right hold right click I'm gonna die oh almost zero seconds oh my god oh wow get up here get up here [Laughter] okay be honest if Kim had died in this situation it wouldn't have been the worst thing right this man needs to go and when I saw him go down and then the Clock Was ticking I was my the smile on my face was getting bigger and bigger and bigger thinking that it was fine finally Time to Say Goodbye to this man get him off the island but somehow this man lived by the skin of his teeth still this was nothing compared to what was about to happen to all of us on the ship someone didn't say something someone didn't say something what someone did not say something I have a horde him what hold on I just spawned in I love me robbers are in here I'm running I'm dipping I'll save you sure I don't want to be in here with you Kim yes you will not do that we gotta get off this ship right now how do we get off the ship close the windows slow around no he got off the ship oh okay I'm close to making that joke the other door okay in the other door oh my God close the freaking door right that's all I have oh is it enough no does the other one Kim that's all I have I'm getting out of here oh remember the launch pad yes oh no Kim do you hear that you made it do you hear that Kevin yeah it's a zombie breaking the box to get in oh no they're removing the roof right now all right Kim Kim you have a boat I do have a boat get ready piece of the Horse stopped yeah promise I promise follow me there okay okay I'm gonna put the pressure plate down we're gonna catch aim for the water [Music] all right hey Robert Robert can't save us now oh okay starting again there I was stuck in a room with Kim me and my worst nightmare again I keep getting stuck with this guy we are stuck up here trying to figure out what to do next that's what I suggested him we just got to make a break okay what we need to do is break this and just run run foreign oh my God oh my God they can't make Kim Kim oh no oh no oh no I was one block away from being out of the game I barely made that jump and then even getting away from the Swarm while underwater was no joke still being out here wasn't even safe because there were potentially ocean creatures that could just get me this was brutal I managed to swim underwater back to the cargo ship where it was apparently safe so I met up with everyone under there we gotten our votes and sailed out of there but little did we know we still weren't in the clear it's gonna be it's gonna be nutty when we get out of here go we're good we're good they didn't follow us they're dumb we evaded them my God ah but that is you can't go back to the ship ever again that's not gonna happening that's good what turn around go back oh they're there what's that shaking did you feel it shaking Kim yeah what do we do what do we do I don't know why you come back to my place it's the closest place it's coming for us oh my God it's right there oh wow really [Music] you guys are all the dreams you guys are dying yeah oh my gosh it's right there and it's coming after us what is this yes where oh where [Music] don't go back okay yeah keep going this way oh my gosh oh look at him we made it back to Robert's and after all of that we walked away with it's almost funny after everything that happened and all that we almost all died all we got was one single diamond all of that for for one single Diamond hey you know what hey that's good [Music] this was it this was the final day and somehow I was still alive all that was left for us to do was retrieve two artifacts and then wait for the rescue ship to get us off this island but there was a problem turns out that the the rescue ship yeah and only only had four spots and six of us were still alive which meant that uh two of us were not uh not gonna make it off this island and it was up to us to figure out yeah as it turns out Robert and Shadow had already begun solving that problem by setting up a series of traps all over the island to as they said quote let fate make the decision of who dies well you know what they told me where the traps were so uh fate would not be taking me out of the game The Fate could worry about Kim laguno and kipli it was very good I'm glad they told me where these things were because knowing me and be walking straight into one of those one of the biggest traps that Robert made was his house itself the basement was fully rigged with TNT and the plan was was that if anyone started to get some crazy ideas about killing any of us or killing anyone Robert would signal to me to get out of the house and then he would detonate it from the farm in front of his house the the whole thing almost even blew up when Robert was setting it up because a creeper had walked down there and Robert barely got out another trap that we learned about was quicksand oh quicksand oh it's quicksand does it hurt yeah no it's just it makes your fov crazy well you can't get out too yeah I want to put it somewhere but I I don't know where to put it wait wait look look um oops like can you get out of that can I get so if we do obsidian oh [Laughter] inventory okay this stuff was incredible that there was no way to determine if the sand was quicksand or if it was regular sand it just looked like sand and you step in it boom you're a stuck man no getting out of that so Shadow made a large pit of it right next to Robert's face again for uh fate to decide who would walk into it if the traps didn't work it was likely going to come down to pvps and I wanted to be prepared for that so yeah I cashed in all the dark iron that I'd been stacking up this whole scenario and crafted the reaper ax the very acts that Robert had used to essentially One-Shot Ryan and that was good but I was still out of totems so as a last resort I grabbed the death totem that I got from Ryan after he had been killed by those mosquitoes but I couldn't help but worry that why was this still in his inventory I did I had no idea if it worked or anything like how why was it in his inventory why was he dead you know you don't want to be it doesn't matter some traps set and the weapons made Robert Shadow and I ventured out to this The Dark Tower near Robert space because there was a bunch of pirate zombies near it and we killed them they dropped chest which had a small chance of dropping a totem of undying and unfortunately I did not get any but Robert it was shadowed I can't remember which one and they graciously gave it to me so I was able to swap out my death totem for this and it's good to have it but the thing about having these things with me is that they did not last long and you will see why very soon without other way though we set out to retrieve one of the two artifacts required to get off the island the first one was located in a cave under the water in booty Bay so we swam down and began clearing the place out it was mostly easy especially with this giant ax I had but the only thing that started to give us trouble was here we are giant centipedes down there oh my gosh what is that oh no no no crap it's like a big crab oh it's coming it's coming it's coming no no it's coming up here right it's coming oh Robert I think we're fine what it's right there [Music] there's two I don't like it I feel like I'm like listening yeah after about 15 minutes of clearing this cave out of getting the centipede or Dark Knights miners we got to the bottom of it and spotted the chest containing the artifact the only problem was is that there was Nightmare Stars okay I'm gonna dig that you guys figure out oh guys guys guys guys guys guys guys oh where did that come from [Music] did that come from down there yes this is a nice soccer get in here I'll get in here what is happening uh there goes my totem hey there it goes it was nice of the totem oh my God enjoyed having these things for like 30 seconds every time but the good news was that Robert's Robert had got the artifact from the chest I have yeah I'm gonna be honest I forgot what it was but uh Robert got it and uh that was good there's one of two down that's good well getting down here and retrieving it was one thing getting out and getting home alive was something entirely different because while we were going through the cave one of us I forget who it was doesn't matter they got a horde knowing it was tarantula Hawks we did we we knew we were safe down here in a cave but when we swam back up to the surface it was going to be an absolute nightmare and it was oh my gosh what it's the bugs oh my gosh oh there's so many nope [Music] just dig up here what oh [Music] this is really bad I'm stuck Rover dig me out I remember all this sand is about to come down on my head oh Robert it's all coming down get it get in here what the hell is that angler I know but you don't expect to see that when you're telling you they keep breaking through I'm sitting in the cave and you see that oh my God it's right there there's an angler in the cave come here don't kill it I see it don't kill him I'll see you from here look come here I want Shadow to see this weapon [Music] he's gonna get through oh boy [Music] we can just get out right here whoa that's scary whoa what look at this guy he's just looking right at me I dug through this tunnel I just got interested hey Papa because the easiest way out is just to walk out right here I'm we're not doing that all right well I'm gonna meet you back at home by swimming straight out here the tarantula Hawks from I might they're gone [Music] we're close enough that we can just make the run I think oh yeah there's Anglers oh my God we're almost there we're almost there I just sure just make a boat then we just sail really fast we're almost there Robert will never make it back alive I'm making it back alive you're a dog Robert you're a dog not my dog I don't know digging a hole we're in a little cave [Music] we all good nope hold on I just sung so many times I just got stuck like 15 knives we ended up basically digging our way back to Robert's house and we came up through his TNT trap and you know what no but uh pull out my flint and steel and take a couple looks at Shadow again [Music] what are you doing you're doing it to yourself no one's getting off this island later that day Kim got online and he was in a very very bad spot he was at the temple during a horde attack at night and shortly after he announced that he was in trouble I saw the chat message unsorted guy is bleeding reading that text I had a massive smile on my face Kim Kim was was finally about to die I'm outside Robert's house he's to the left the clock is sticking for kids 30 seconds Robert go big hole get to him I can't you guys have to go I'm I'm stung where's Kim Half-Life guys we're coming five seconds coming three two one cover me you saved my life oh my God oh my God I can't run this way I cannot speed that one heart yeah I got the door open help me how did I survive that goodbye Kim I died I just died Robert your true hero I'm trying to kill I'm good I'm coming wow on my final second again okay it's real dangerous traveling over here [Laughter] man survived again I don't know what was going on with Kim and how he kept cheating death but this man should have been dead then and there and yet here he was alive again just standing around going oh what you guys doing I was so oh my God looking so worked up even thinking about how is this man living through all of this it makes no sense we need all of us needed this guy dead no one realized it Kim needed to die so I hatched a plan quickly to get rid of him the rescue spot was not far from booty Bay in fact it was right in the middle of booty Bay it was four pillars out in the middle of the water and I told Kim that he should sail out there to see what it looks like so when the rescue boat does arrive he can he knows what he knows what to expect when he gets out there I told him it wasn't far and that shadow Robert and I had already gone out there and seen it that he and that he should really go go check it out what I did not tell him was that there was tons just uh a boatload of deadly sea creatures circling around it all right get in that boat and sail straight out there you can cut you can kind of see floating floating lanterns in the distance [Music] you didn't tell me about those things [Laughter] help me all right I'm getting oh no I'm getting stung no no no no no no no so I can't get him out I got stuck I'm getting stuck just one kick him where is he he's down somehow I have no idea Kim survived again how how was this man clinging to life so many times this way Kim was becoming the unkillable man but you know what this man's luck was about to run out he had no idea that he had less than five minutes left what are you guys doing oh he's giving me Flats five minutes left to leave no he did not say that Kim why are you lying he said something about something a little time left Kim can't lie to us Kipling was now online and we were openly discussing who would get to live and who should die and that's when Robert and Shadow announced their contingency plan which up until this point I had no idea about they explained that one of them had taken the artifact and put it in an Ender Chest but wouldn't tell us which of the two of them headed therefore if we killed one of them we couldn't guarantee we weren't killing the person that had it in their inner chest and therefore all of us would be doomed to not get off the island essentially making both of them safe and that's when I decided all right they got a plan time for me to have a plan and on the spot I thought of the absolute best plan I could put forth I told everyone then and there that if I'm not on a pillar I will let's go back turn the clocks back remember when Steve gave me those Wither Skeleton skulls you know what I had been keeping those for just just an occasion like this because I had gotten one more and I told everyone that if I wasn't on that pillar the Wither was spawning and no one was getting off the island but then I made a mistake Robert didn't believe me why I don't know why I wanted to show him I should have just said I got it and you've got either believe me or don't believe me but for some reason I took the skulls out and I put them down and Robert came running over and I should have saw this coming he mined one and stole one and that just launched the whole thing off because now I was desperately trying to get Robert to give me back the skull and while that was all going on Robert started yelling at Kim to get in the house give me this goal back this was mine nope I stole it from me no give me the skull back but you're playing goes away too Robert can get inside okay go close the door close the door the door's closed it's time Sean it's not time it's time to end this give me the third call back Robert Kim huh stay inside kipley doesn't doesn't stress look like a dress from the Eagles oh dude the thing we said we're gonna do Robert Give me the give me this call back close it up close it up Kim get inside [Music] he doesn't know I need that skull back right I will give it to you if you do this for me no you block him in there I will not [Music] but I have to leave I have to go get another skull then I don't know where those I know where another one is you know where another school is just just take this school then pass it back [Music] oh I'm a lag oh what just happened where is he oh my God Robert what happened to your house Man Kim what did you do to my house where is where is Kim I I I don't even have words to explain to you how amazing how incredible it felt just how how happy I was that play that clip back you're putting right look at that you see you see that little dot right there that is Kim's lifeless body flying out of Robert's house and you know what did him in that creeper in the basement Kim being the the nosy guy that he was decided to start go he went digging in Robert's base and he walked right into the creeper and got himself killed yeah this this was too perfect but there was a problem there was a horde of tarantula Hawks now attacking us and we were totally exposed without Robert's base we ended up digging into the ground and we took shelter there it was not safe outside at all there were so many tarantula Hawks at this point over the next 45 minutes we slowly very slowly killed them all and made our way back outside of the ruins of Robert's house lagundo is now online and we just needed the one more artifact before the rescue boat arrived it was in the temple so we rounded everyone up and started going there but remember when Shadow and Robert said they wanted fate to decide who fell for the Trap well guess what fate had made a decision all right what the heck what what Sean what is that help get him out get him out get him out get him out get him out help who's going who's got a spoon it doesn't break there's rocks there walk forward walk forward walk forward walk forward Kipling you're crazy he's in there what is that no okay you know I might have been acting like we weren't trying to save him but if you watch that clip closely you may have noticed that my man Shadow was uh Putting Down rocks just as we were digging trying to try to entomb this man Shadow's gonna stick mine you know anyway so after that we made our way uh out we made our way out of the temple and we made our way what am I saying I'm getting I'm getting excited because I know what's about to happen here we got to the temple and this place was absolutely crawling with Mobs so we took shelter in the same base that Kim the now dead Kim the man who is now whose body was now underground dead they're one dead okay we took shelter in the same base that Kim and I took shelter on day one this is something that Kim said to me information is everything all right everybody out getting the artifact from the temple wasn't easy and you know what I'll spare you the details because it really wasn't that interesting but Shadow and I climbed to the top and guided Robert and lagundo uh to the chest as they dug from underneath Laguna pocketed the artifact which I think was a Megalodon Jaws or something like that and we got out when we got back we sailed to out to the extraction point to see what we were dealing with we're all going on our own boat no one wants to double up no one trusts oh boy there's there's the markers right there is a this is where we'll get saved yep just gotta be standing here and that's it all right fish oh oh yeah I'm out I'm out yo I saw that coming doesn't want us to leave and we're back all right 50 minutes the boat was arriving soon this was not going to be easy when we got back to Robert's ruins we were all shocked and didn't know what to do those four pillars were dangerous and they were gonna get us killed in order to survive the scenario you needed to be standing on a pillar when the rescue boat arrived that was it we needed to figure this out and we needed to figure it out quick so I proposed a plan you know it was a highly dangerous plan and it likely meant that one of us would die but if it worked we could get there safely blow the four pillars or four angler fish spawners and we needed to deal with them the problem was was that they were pretty far underwater and it would take like a year to mine them out since we had the difficult spawners mod on but someone could theoretically build a box around them and prevent them from spawning the only problem was was that it was far down in the water and to spend that much time down there building a box whoever was going down there was going to need to wear a diving suit which significantly reduced the amount of armor you had so I proposed that whoever wanted to volunteer to do it would have a guaranteed spot on a pillar if they survived and Robert stepped up he gave the artifact a shadow bought in a boat and set sail lagundo followed him to be a distraction for the fish despite us to telling him that they would not earn him a spot but I guess you know what if a man wants to go there let a man go out there is what I always say yeah I don't think they're gonna make it I think they're gonna die I think Laguna's already turning around well they're out there I can see them I can see them I see lagundo some time passed and Laguna returned without Robert and while we saw him coming back Shadow and I quickly made a decision to try to eliminate Laguna we ran back to the ruins and put down look Sam at the door and waited [Music] Sean we didn't have enough time to make the pit deeper or thicker or add some spot we didn't we had to we had a very small window to build this trap and therefore Laguna survived listen I didn't want to kill Laguna but someone needed to die for us to get off this island or at least I I what would you do in a situation like this all right so we tried to trap the man didn't work and then we had to pretend like we didn't do it because this we didn't want this man to snap and kill us this was a very dangerous game we were playing this boat was showing up soon and there were still five of us alive someone needed to Die the Clock Was ticking and the pressure was just look at the shore right now like look what was going on down there like what is that how can a man swim out in that and where was Robert I started panicking thinking about about this stuff and so we tried to kill the sea creatures on the shore we managed to kill all the angler fish and then the now giant squids that were apparently in the ocean we killed it all we killed everything we could from the shore it looked like a straight shot to the pillars and enough time had passed that hopefully Robert had made some progress on entrapping the angler fish the boat was going to arrive in like five minutes this was it this was my only shot to get off the island so I got in a boat and set sail [Music] oh he's doing it he's doing it look at him he's over there he's doing it hey Sean no what what on Earth oh the water is not a safe place people it's not it's not a safe place oh my God that thing one shot oh why shut up sorry shadow pick him up shut up [Music] I can save you think about this simply think about this I was good hopefully what you do next we'll change the game [Music] please Someone Save Me I'll remember this [Music] because I'm rising from the depths I'm not going out that easy yep I'm on the ground it's the best I can do five survive each other typically I'm safe typically get me up 30 seconds come over here it's a birthday it's a really rough day I have 20 seconds Robert down here I can't get to you 20 seconds over here I'm on the other pillar all right I can I can't even do it just jump and swim you can do it they're gonna kill me they won't Robert come on after everything we've been through Robert Robert foreign I would have made it off the island I would have made it off the island I would have been safe in the end it was kipley who did me in she shot me with arrows knocking me off the tower and we then we later learned that she was planning to kill us all all along with anvils built above the pillars she had written down all the coordinates of every pillar and built a massive Tower above them and had Anvil set up ready to drop on our heads I I spent the whole game worrying about Kim when the real danger was right in front of me all along it was Kipling Kipling was the absolute Menace of this island I I could not believe it but there it is Robert and Shadow survived everyone else died and uh wow okay I'll tell you how I made it all work okay so uh this scenario took a significant amount of work behind the scenes to get it to function there was a lot of stuff I had to do between recordings uh during recordings you might have seen me pop into creative mode either in my video or someone else's video to fix something on the map or to change one of the server settings or there was a lot of stuff that I had to do behind the scenes to get it to work and I'm going to kind of walk you through some of the stuff that I did show you how some of the mods work and go over how to install the map if you got it so that uh yeah you can play it so first of all the map itself is a vanilla Minecraft map it will work without the mod pack completely fine the dungeons will have mobs that spawn in them they'll have loot the structures that you saw almost all of them with the exception of The Dark Tower in booty Bay they'll all be there full of loot for you to explore and play with your friends all that stuff will be there and you do not need to use a mod pack however if you want the stuff like mosquitoes and crocodiles and the water level and The Horde attacks and the water creatures and all that sort of stuff you need to get the mod back but first of all we'll talk about how to install it in vanilla Minecraft so I have my Minecraft launcher right here I have 19.4 installed the mod pack will only work with 19.2 or later in this case I'm using 19.4 so it's fine um yeah okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go to installations right here then I'm going to go right here and go over to this little folder button click this and this has brought up my Minecraft folder then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go down to saves right here click on it and then I'm going to Simply drag the survival island.zip folder into here in my case I already have it copied so I'm just going to go right click paste and there it is now it will be in a dot zip and you need to do one more thing before you can play it and that is to right click it oh right click and go to extract all and then hit OK and then you'll have Survival Island here as a non-zipped folder now what might happen is you'll click on it and you'll see another folder within it if that's the case what you need to do is grab the folder and pull it back to saves and then what should happen is when you click on this you have this information right here it needs to be like this it will not work unless it looks like this you need survival island is a folder click on it and then you have all of your stuff right here then what you're going to do is go back to your Minecraft launcher and launch the game okay once Minecraft's launched uh the next thing you need to do is just go to single player and survival island should show up there oh look at that works on version 1.17 hey I didn't know that there you go you can use it in version 1.17 or earlier man's finding stuff out right now okay so all I then do is Click play selected world and you're gonna get this errors in currently selected data packs prevent the world from loading you can either try to load it with the only the vanilla data pack safe mode or Bible don't worry about this right just ignore this hit safe mode it's going to take a second because it's doing some stuff just ignore it and there you go you are on the world in that very very tiny screen down here uh you'll spawn in Creative to get out of creative it's very simple just uh go anywhere let's say right here and do slash game mode survival and now you are in survival mode and you can play the map you're good to go and like I said if I come over to this dungeon here dude chests have stuff and uh yeah you're good to go you can start you can start playing you might need to go in your options and make sure your difficulty set to normal but this uh this is a functioning vanilla Minecraft map you get all the stuff that you saw the cargo ship is there the dungeons are there the caves are there the only thing that isn't here is a lot of the modded I mean all of the modded stuff that we use in the video like the mosquitoes the crocodiles the water level that increases the horde events the giant fish um all that stuff won't be in the vanilla Minecraft map there's cows right there we did not have cows we were playing this this would change the whole game uh yeah so now if you want to get all that stuff and you want to play with all the extra crazy mobs and all that stuff you'll have to download the mod pack and uh that is what we'll walk through now okay so here's the mod pack you can find a link to it in the video description uh it's available on curse Forge super simple to install so what you need to do is you need to go to files and I'm assuming that you already have cursed Forge installed if you don't um you'll have to watch a video on how to install curse Forge but basically the mod packs here is called deserted island scenario it's got a little shipwreck emblem there click install then you'll get a pop-up that says uh open curse Forge open curse Forge then you can see right here curse forge on your computer should open up if it's not already running and then it will just install the mod pack and it will go through all of the mods uh there's 34 of them and it will install all of them and get them ready for you so once it's done installing you'll see if you've got your little emblem here you can click on it and then just like before if you want to play on the survival island folder what you need to do is very similar to before click these three dots here click open folder navigate down to saves then simply right click and paste or drag over the survival island.zip right click extract all it's going to make the folder again and I'm going to assume that like before yep it's a folder within a folder so what I need to do is I need to take this folder out move it to the saves tab right here and now when you're in our saves and you click Survival Island all of this stuff is here I can close this and I can go ahead and I can press play and the mod pack will load and you will have all of the crazy stuff in the world now all right like before once it loads go to single player there's the map right there play press play selected world you need to again press safe mode don't worry about that the only time you need to worry about that is if you're loading the map file onto a server um the server won't launch at first because it won't know what to do when it is prompted with that the way you fix that problem is load the map once in a single player get through that screen so do whatever you need to do launch it press safe mode load the map up and then exit out of the game go back to your folder and copy that world folder that you've already played on and put that on your server and that's how you can get a wave around some one of that that error all right so here I am again exact same thing I'm going to fly over to the same spot here and I'm gonna do slash game mode survival and I am good to go to play on this map now I'm going to walk you through some of the stuff that we did to get so the next thing I wanted to talk about was how I got the water level to rise this was by far the most challenging part of this entire scenario I guess wasn't the most challenging it was the most time consuming it took a really long time to get it to work so what you need to do is you need to go to creative mode when you're in creative mode you're going to want to go ahead and grab a wooden ax and bring it to your hot bar here the way I increase the water level was I would fly to one of the corners of the map which took a really long time so I'd start flying in creative and I would fly way way way out into the ocean like this I believe I'm flying over someone's Island here this might have been might have been Shadows Island actually I don't know but you'd fly over the island and you get to the very corner of the map It's gotta be one corner now you'll know you're getting to a corner or you can find a corner very easily when you find a very harsh wall barrier here like this you can see there's nothing on this side and usually there's like some sort of cobblestone kind of trim here I don't know why I wasn't playing full screen okay so the way I raise the water level is I'd go to one of these Corners right here and then I would grab some sort of block doesn't matter which one and I would start placing it on the very very very corner of the map like this and I'd bring it right up to the water level so it's now at whatever level the water is and I would take my ax and I would left click it and you can see it says in chat first position set to 1023.72 1023. then what I would do is I would turn this direction and I would fly for a very very very long time until I got to the uh opposite corner on the map now for the sake of Simplicity for this tutorial I'm not going to go all the way to that corner but I'll give you a demo right here so let's say I got to that corner of the map um and it was right here let's pretend that this is the corner of the map this square right here the opposite corner what I would then do is I would take more blocks and I would start placing them like this and this is where I would determine how much I wanted the water to go up and usually I would just pick a random number a small number of blocks and I would do something like this and what I would do is I would click this top block right here and right click it and now I have my second position set and what's going to happen once I enter the next command is it's going to replace every single AIR block with a water block so this is a decent chunk right here this might take a minute because it's big but you do slash slash replace 0 which stands for air with water and forty one thousand five hundred no 415 000 blocks have been replaced just like that and that is just one square right here that is a very very very small square of the map I would do it to the entire map so I would fly all the way to the other corner of the map and I would replace the blocks and usually it was in the hundreds of millions of blocks that needed to be replaced and so it would take hours sometimes it would take all night of my computer processing that and it was a huge pain it took so long to do and I was sleeping in my computer chair waiting for it to process so that I could get it ready for everyone to play the next day usually what I would do is I would ask everyone if they're done playing for the day on our Discord server I would then take the server offline I would then copy the map folder from the server and transfer it to my single player version of the game and then I would run this command I would fly from this corner all the way to that corner on the map raise the water level by like three or four sometimes five blocks and then let it process basically all night and sleep in my computer chair until it was done and then once it was finally done I would copy the map off of my single player mode and upload it to the server and that way when everyone logged in the next day the water level had increased um I would try not to fly around and look at it too much I would look around a little bit just to make sure there was no problems but I wanted my reaction to be fresh to seeing stuff flooded and as you can see here a little bit of the island did get flooded but you can imagine how long that would take when you have a map this big that is the way I found to raise the water level I'm sure there's a better way of doing it I don't really know much about this stuff but that's the way we did it in the video so now I'm going to talk a little bit about The Horde events and the mobs and how we got them to spawn so most of the time The Horde events were just random events that were would would happen based on what I had set up in the config folder but occasionally I would run manual horde events and the way I did this was in the server console from a laptop that I had in a different room every time I walked past it when I wasn't playing I would without looking at who was online or what was going on or anything like that I would just paste the command into the laptop so that someone whoever was playing may get a random horde event and that way kept it random and fresh and you know you never know what you would get but there is a way to trigger horde events in game that's due slash start hordevent 6 000. now I'm recording this before I record the tutorial on how to set up the config folder so I have no idea what's about to spawn basically you enter that command and that will manually start a horde event and in a moment here oh it is orca whales and anaconda snakes so that's good and now if I were to go if I were to switch to survival mode slash slash game mode survival these things are going to be Agger so the snakes are coming the snakes are coming and the whale should attack me as well maybe not because it's not in water but the snakes definitely okay they're coming they're coming I'm not gonna get away from these things Flash game mode creative I got away so that's how the horde event works and the last thing you'll notice is that the water uh does not look like it did in the video there's no look at the whales oh okay that's not important right now I'm gonna Focus so the water is completely flat it's regular Minecraft water and that's because to get the water to have physics we used the Minecraft physics mod which I'll have a link to in the description I cannot include it in the mod pack because it is a paid for Mob or mod sorry uh and you can get it on there's a patreon that you can get it on not mine it's not my mod I didn't make it I have nothing to do with it we just used it because it was fun obviously and it's a very very cool mod so if you want to play with it I'll link to it in the description and you can add it to your mod pack the way you install any other mod you just drag it to the mods folder look a little chest right here gold carrots and name tag I wonder about that okay so now I'm going to show you how to actually set up the horde event and choose what spawns for the waves and uh configure all that stuff so to get to that setting you have to close Minecraft and go back to the main mod pack folder the same place where you copied the map over to the saves folder you need to go to the root drive there and it'll look like this it's just back one level and then you have all of your folders here now you don't really need to pay attention to most of these you really just need to look at the config folder right here so I'm going to go ahead and open that up and you're looking for two specific uh files here the first one is bad mobs so go ahead and open that one up and you can just minimize that for now then what you want to do is you want to come down to hordes and open that one up you're specifically looking for hordes Dash common so go ahead and open that one up now there's a lot of information here and you can learn about this on your own there's a bunch of stuff you can read online but what I'm going to show you in this video is just how to set up your own horde with whatever mobs you want to spawn and that is all controlled by this line right here a list of entities to spawn followed by the spawn weight then the day they first appear on then the last day higher weight is more common leave the last value to zero to set no Max day entities can have NBT attached to them EG what you want to look for is right here it's a spawn list space equal space and then bracket comma in my case I have this set up right now to spawn grizzly bears and gazelles yeah I I just chose two random mobs but I'll show you how to do other ones so what you want to do is now go ahead and open up that other folder that we had open here in this case it is the uh bad mobs here and I'll move it to the side now this bad mobs config file is really useful because it gives you a list of every entity that is currently in the mod pack and that's useful because it also gives you the name of it like the tag so in this case Minecraft shulker that's really really useful because the hordes config requires like very specific uh lines in order for it to work can think of the word there so what we're going to do is I'm going to go ahead and look for something in Alex's mobs because that seems to work the best um so here we go I've scrolled down to options for the Alex mobs mod and you can see grizzly bear road runner bone serpent uh gazelle crocodile let's do crocodile so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and highlight this one right here spawning option for Alex mobs crocodile not this one not Alex mobs dot crocodile you want this one right here so I'm gonna head go ahead and go copy then I'm going to come back to the hordes Dash common and I'm gonna go back to this line right here and I'm going to highlight this part right here where it says Alex mobs Grizzly Dash 30-0-0 I'm going to hit delete then I'm gonna do control V or paste and now what this reads is Alex mobs crocodile Dash 30-0-0 quote or end quote what that's going to do currently is that's going to spawn a wave of crocodiles and gazelles but let's say I don't want gazelles here let's say I want something different so I'm gonna go back to the the bad mobs file right here and I'm gonna look for let's just choose one at random here gorillas okay so now I'm gonna highlight gorillas and I'm gonna do copy and I'm gonna come over here and I'm gonna go control V and now we've got crocodiles and gorillas but let's say I want three things so the way I do that is I'm going to press comma right after this end quote space open up a new quote then I'm going to go back over to bad mobs we're going to find something else let's do a crimson mosquito this is the big mosquitoes that were really annoying I'm gonna hit Ctrl C to copy it I'm gonna go back to this one right here and after the quotation that I just put down I'm gonna do control V then I'm going to do Dash 30-0-0 and then end quote so now this horde will be a crocodile a gorilla and a mosquito yeah pretty good that's a good wave right there but the numbers you see here 30 60 and 30 that's the weight so the way this is set up right now is gorillas have the highest chance of spawning whereas uh mosquitoes and crocodiles have lower chance but the same so this number right here is just the weight the higher number the higher the weights if I went to like let's say a hundred give me a lot of gorillas and a few mosquitoes and a few crocodiles you can learn about that and you can learn all about the hordes mod in uh another video that goes into some of these other settings and there's like the infection setting and blah blah blah but make sure you go file save and uh you should be good to go make sure you get this line right make sure you have it set up correctly and you should be fine with that okay and then for the water the water physics and you know how you can see waves and wind and all that sort of stuff that is not included in this mod pack and that is because that mod that we used for it is a paid for mod uh that you get on patreon from hobnot uh it's not my mod I didn't make it I have nothing to do with it it's we just included it because I'm subscribed to uh hobn I really hope I'm saying hobno's name right on patreon to get access to it and I included it in the mod pack because it it's a really cool mod it's very fun you saw if you're if you're this far in the video you saw how crazy it is uh yeah so if you want to get that you'll have to get that from here and manually add it to the mod pack and that's how that's included and lastly if you want to run this with your friends on a server you'll have to watch a video on how to host a Minecraft server I barely understand how it works but I use bisect I'll have a link to my affiliate Link in the description if you want to use it server works great got nothing nothing but good stuff to say for bisect that's who we use to host this and yeah it worked really well you'll have to look up how to do that but basically the principle is the same if you know how to get one mod pack on there you know how to get this one on and yeah that's it
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 12,200,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Simulate, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, #minecraft, minecraft song, minecraft music, minecraft video, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft videos, 100 days in minecraft modded, minecraft civilization, 100 players simulate civilization, 100 player minecraft civilization, 100 players minecraft civilization, minecraft civilization experiment, 100 players simulate civilization in minecraft, Medieval Times, Medieval Times Minecraft
Id: K78XdOYH5Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 26sec (12086 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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