Are you Bad at Minecraft?

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Yes, I totally suck

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lonesomespaghetti 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nenaudojamas 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
i don't mean to blow my own trumpet but i'd say i'm pretty decent at minecraft you know you'd hope so with the number of hours that i've put into this thing i've probably put thousands thousands upon thousands of hours into i mean i've made 2 000 videos on the game i've definitely done my time i'd turn them all right i'm like an 8 out of 10 player 9 out of 10 on a really good day and on my worst days i'm probably like a 3 out of 10. i can really fall off the bandwagon pretty quick but that's enough about me because this video is actually all about you i want to establish how good my audience is at minecraft because you know i'm doing like doing videos on all this technical stuff talking in professional terms and things but you could all be out out there as two out of tens one out of 10's even you could all be terrible and all my videos would be pointless that would be an incredibly disappointing revelation if that was the case i know ignorance is bliss but sometimes you've got to find out the truth even if it does hurt so i'm going to ask you guys 30 questions i want you to answer the questions in your head and keep a tally of how many of the questions you've got correct and then at the end of the video there's going to be a link to a poll down in the description you can submit your score don't cheat okay because well this test doesn't matter does it what's the point in cheating on a test that literally it doesn't it doesn't affect anything i'm not going to give you a job off the back of this if you get 30 out of 30 don't expect to be working on my youtube channel this is just for fun and of course if you don't want to do the test and you don't want to do the poll that's fine as well this video is going to be fun anyway anyway let's get this started shall we question number one we're starting things off with the redstone one is this an and gate a not gate an or gate or an alley gate and of course you have to be careful when combining an alley gate with a nor gate because then you might end up with you end up with an alley gay tour gate oh that's the cheesiest joke i think i've ever told about youtube channel i'll give you a few more seconds for that joke to sink in most importantly but also if you think of your answers and that should be enough time answer is and gate and with that let's move on how many diamonds do you need to get a full set of diamond armor if you're a good minecraft player this number should be ingrained in your head so your options are 32 18 24 or too much i'm i'm poor give it a thing give it a think i'm sure there's some people doing some wild finger counting right now it's like is this many for a helmet i think it's as many for a boots the answer is 24 diamonds you need 24 diamonds to get a full set of diamond armor it's not that much is it in fact if you've got a minecraft world where you don't have a full set of diamond armor then you're disqualified from being good at minecraft question number three does the crafting recipe for a detector rail include a pressure plate now this is going to be interesting because a lot of new minecraft players have never actually had to experience life without the crafting book so you don't know any of the crafting recipes off by heart so this could be interesting five four three two one no time for google in here yes it involves a stone pressure plate oh yeah i i placed the stone pressure plate inside the chest and i was gonna use that as my reveal for the answer but i guess it's all done and dusted now moving on to question number four how long does a full minecraft day last that includes the day and also going through to the night you've got four options 15 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes or one one day as if it's like real time can you imagine how weirdly cool that would be like you join your minecraft world at night and it's night and you join in the morning and it's morning that'll actually be pretty good anyway the real answer is 20 minutes i hope you're all keeping score we are now on question number five how far does a creeper have to fall the minimum number of blocks that it has to fall to die 10 blocks 18 blocks 22 blocks or oh dear it's blown up before i could drop it and now i've lost everything and yes the cheesy jokes as the final option are going to continue throughout this entire video so brace yourselves and the answer is 22 blocks 22 blocks to take 20 hearts of damage now i'm gonna be frankly honest i had to google this one i wish pain upon you what type of potion is blaze powder used for strength fire resistance healing or nausea and if you're wondering what nausea looks like it's something a little bit like this this is going to escalate oh my goodness i'm starting to feel this is making me feel a bit ill right i've got i've got to give out the answer before i actually be sick uh it's it's oh what is it it's strength yeah it's strength turn this off i apologize to anyone who's watching that in vr because he probably just died and i guess it's a little bit redundant apologizing to someone who has just died given the fact that they have died they're probably not really going to appreciate the apology very much anyway moving swiftly on will this redstone lamp no it's not going to get powered is it because i've just broken it will this redstone lamp get powered we've got a comparator running into a piston a repeater running into the block everything's all connected up will it turn on yes no maybe depends on the redstone lamps mood let's give it a test yes it does redstone lamp powers on because a comparator has a slightly ever so slightly shorter delay than a repeater that little circuit right there actually gives us a zero tick which is incredibly useful for a large number of things this now the portal is located at 40 by 240 in the overworld where would i have to place a nether portal in the nether to make it link up you've got 20 by 120 you've got 10 by 60 5x30 or i hate you for asking this question i hate maths i'm unsubscribing i'm leaving this video i can't help but feel like there'll be a decent number of number fours watching right now well they've probably stopped watching right now anyway the answer is 5 by 30. i just double checked my dividing by 8 once again yes 5 by 30. which one out of this four right here is the best fuel source per item to use inside a furnace we've got coal blaze rods logs or the kelp blocks i must admit i got a little bit caught off guard by this one i'm very very glad that i quickly googled the correct answer because i was very confident with my answer it was totally wrong it was absolutely totally wrong it turns out that it's kelp blocks i genuinely thought they were worse than all of these but it turns out they're actually quite good they can smell 200 items wow i also managed to get that wrong even though i've got the google screen up next to me it's 200 seconds not 200 items that'd be so overpowered i hope you're all keeping track of your scores because we are now on question number 10 and that is can you break bedrock in survival minecraft playing survival minecraft can you break bread brock blunt bread rock yep we can break bread rock but maybe not bedrock yes no still trying it's been four years you know i've been working really hard at it uh i still have hope that it will break eventually i love the thought of someone doing that the true answer is yes you can but it's not with a big hex you have to do it with piston weirdness it's a bit of a bug but it's still possible moving on to question number 11 now what light level do mobs start spawning at is it light level four is it like level seven is it like level nine is it what's uh what's the light level i don't know what a light level is i'll give you a little hint okay was that good enough does that has that answered your question hopefully that's answered your question okay real answer three two one it is like level seven now be honest with me here how many of you are still on zero if you're still on zero please put a sunglass emoji down in the comment section we're gonna stay in the mob spawning zone here because the next question is to do with mobs spawning on slabs can mobs spawn on slabs yes no yes but only if they're upside down take some time to think about this one really wreck your brain have you ever seen a mob spawning on a slab have you have you really looked back you know into the canals of the brain stem just go right back there the answer is yes they actually can spawn on slabs but only if they're upside down you thought my joke last one was always gonna be a joke last one but occasionally it's gonna be correct i'm gonna throw in the curveballs oh no that's the sound of you hitting a curveball i don't want that it's just this one's a bit of a weird one i will admit okay but i promise it's not a trick question which one of these blocks here is considered a solid or non-transparent block in minecraft so we've got the observer we've got the redstone block we've got the honey block and we've got the slime block which one out of these is considered non-transparent take a real good look at them which one looks the least transparent to you which one looks the most solid and ignore that because it's actually it's the slime block despite the fact that you can see through it this is considered a non-transparent solid block minecraft minecraft is weird sometimes and you don't have to accept that what does the key combination of f3 and n do pressing f3 and n at the same time what does it do okay there's a number of things just become mobile options okay you could clear the chat it could swap between game mode and spectator mode so the game mode you're in spectator mode it could show the chunk boundaries or it could download more ram i can use a bit of that just kidding got 128 gigabytes it has the definition of a weird flex isn't it it's totally unnecessary anyway f3 and n it swaps you between game modes it's not the most com it's the most useful command to know please remember this one i get so many questions asking how i so quickly change between game modes that's how i do it that key combination write it down somewhere have i done this have i done this have i named it jeb have i renamed it to dinner bone have i given an awkward potion or have i imported it from australia i don't know if that joke is cheesier than the alligator joke it might be yeah i might have just topped it anyway as i'm sure you all know dinner bone of course come on i mean if you didn't get that one i'm sorry you're gonna have to show yourself out you're gonna have to leave we now find ourselves at the halfway point we've got 15 questions done 15 questions left to go i'm very curious to know what your results are currently i'm sure there's some with 15 there's some who have cheated who have 15 and there's some who legitimately have zero and i do feel slightly sorry for you guys but let's keep the ball rolling here let's move on to question number 16. if i use fortune 3 on this diamond door right here what is the maximum number of diamonds i can get from it you've got two diamonds three diamonds four diamonds or hopefully 20 diamonds to be honest this question kind of has two correct answers because realistically it is number four i mean hopefully 20 diamonds is technically a correct answer because i am hoping for it but realistically the maximum you can get is four i did not get four it's the story of my life really to be honest ah this one's a little bit painful to look at i'm sorry there was nothing i could do okay there's nothing i can do to make this look good i i couldn't get it on center i suppose i could rotate it but now it's all center in the opposite direction this is horrible let's get this over quickly okay how many slots are there how many slots what items are there 48 57 64. oh i don't really know i kind of came up with the i don't know one on the fly that's not really a very good option for your answer to a question anyway if you know you know it's 57 slots 6 times 9 calculators are coming out left right and center and now they're being put away left right and center because you don't need them for this question which one of these is the correct crafting recipe for a piston redstone on top or redstone down on the bottom i actually had to double check this and that's embarrassing because i've been playing minecraft for eight years and i've crafted probably many thousands of pistons i still get confused it's this one of course it is that's like a little piston arm type thing i mean it makes more sense i suppose all i'll say is i'm very thankful for the little crafting book that we get these days i i used to have to remember these off by heart which one of these is not a way to create an infinite water source so take a real good look at them notice that there are slabs involved here so we've got some waterlogged blocks this is all waterlogged here which one of these is not going to create an infinite water source one two three or four let's give it a while shall we cool cool [Music] cool not so cool that one's not working and that's another one that embarrassingly i got wrong i didn't realize you could create infinite sources out of slabs a bit of a technical one here but it's an interesting one what is the default random tick speed of minecraft so you've got one three five and what what on earth is tick speed i don't even know what you're talking about the random ticks what i really like the idea of someone actually being sat at home having that exact reaction when i read out the question anyway let's go through this this should display the random tick speed and it is currently set to three so that is the default and if you're wondering random tick speed basically governs how fast grass spreads and how fast leaf decay and fire spread and things like that that was a bit of an accidental crazy dramatic zoom in and out there but i'm going to roll with it and i can't even mention him that we are now 20 questions down if you are still on zero i want you to put a flexing arm emoji down in the comment section i appreciate you even if you are totally and utterly useless like really no that's a bit harsh but i'm going to keep it in because it's all in the name of fun anyway how many ender eyes do you need to create a full end portal get it all summoned up you got four options as always eight ten twelve or sixteen do your maths rank your brains do your workings out long form you know i want to see want to see calculations written on paper and things the answer is 12 it's three times four it's 12. i even gave you a massive hint by having one quarter of the end portal frame in place i mean if you didn't get that one i feel sorry for you once again that sounded a little bit harsh didn't it i've gone on a bit of a mean streak here right let's be happy if i put the items into this chest here where they're going to end up are they going to stay in that chest they're not going to go anywhere are they going to go into this chest are they going to go into the bottom chest are they going to be evenly dispersed between the two chests let's find out let's find out get your answers locked in and okay they're clearly coming out that chest they're not going there they're going to the bottom and that's because a hopper will always take from above before it pushes across so this one is grabbing the items from this hopper before we can push them across useful minecraft knowledge oh gosh how many of the little meat sticks does one of these steaks take up the meat sticks are those things that i don't know what they're officially called how many does it refill you've got multiple answers as always two three four or i'm vegan this is a genuine question i'm not joking if you're a hardcore vegan do you eat meat in video games i know nothing's being harmed but is it the principle i'm honestly curious to find out anyway the answer is four four meat sticks and it's delicious are steaks still the best food in minecraft or is something beaten them i'd be curious to find out what is the build limit in minecraft how tall can you build things before you reach the build limit we must be getting close by now is it going to tell me if i reach the top room i just not going to be able to place them anymore i might have hit it by now it's really difficult to know i should say your options for this question are 128 blocks 256 blocks 512 blocks or really high up mate oh there it is the high limit for building is 256 blocks that's way taller than i expected it to be i mean i know what the build limit is don't be wrong i knew what it was but i think just seeing it in scaffold that makes it look ridiculous oh my goodness i couldn't possibly not show this ah that is a thing of you that is the best feeling ever just watching that happen right let's stop faffing around okay move on to the next question which one of these is going to deactivate last so we've got the redstone line running into the redstone torch that's number one we've got the redstone torch running into a line of pistons that is number two and then for number three we've got a piston that is going to extend into this redstone torch right here which one is going to turn off last one two three or are they all going to turn off at once wreck your brains rack your brains rack your brains what option are you going to go for let's find out that one is the last one because pistons actually retract instantly which means that this is actually an instant line of redstone so that means that this this is the slowest because the piston takes one tick to extend and then we have one tick of delay with the redstone torch out the back technical minecraft knowledge with mumbo how many blocks do you need to make up the pyramid of a full-size beacon it's not one of these piddly ones you know i've never built one of these before this is the first time i've done this because i'm a good minecraft player and i never built small ones like this now a sized beacon you've got a few options here two stacks and 12 blocks two stacks and 36 blocks two stacks and 54 blocks or 350 350 blocks do your trigonometry work out yeah your measurements your volume get your scales out drop it into water you know that's how you do these things isn't it the answer is two stacks and 36 blocks it's actually quite a bit isn't it you know another right beacon that would be that's actually quite impressive in it question number 27. we're on the home street now which one of these items is not a piglet trade for those who don't know minecraft 1.16 if you love a piece of gold uh piglin he will give you back an item which one of these is not an item that you will receive from a piglet i gotta say i'm really loving these crying obsidian textures they've really grown on me it's a totally wild block so different from anything else that you can get in minecraft and it's so cool that you can get it from piglen trades quartz blocks on the other hand definitely can't be getting those but you can get them from villager trades though so it's not all bad which one of these doesn't prevent mobs from spawning so we've got snow layer we've got a leaf block we've got a button and we've got redstone which one of these allows mobs to spawn on it going to give you a little bit of time to think on this one because i actually got it wrong i genuinely thought the mobs could spawn on redstone but it turns out they can't they can't spawn on redstone they can't swallow buttons they can't spawn on leaves but they can spawn on a single snow layer as soon as it goes above one snow layer up to two three to seven can't spawn but on a single snow layer they can actually spawn on it i guess it's starting to it's starting to come out that maybe i'm not as good at minecraft as i first thought if i wanted to pick up this chest and also keep all of this mbt data then how would i do that would i press shift middle click would i press ctrl middle click would i press f3 and i or would i ask myself what on earth is mbt data what what enough is he talking about once again i'm sure there's a decent number of people who are watching this video right now who are asking the exact question but the true answer is control middle click that allows me to place down a chest with all of the items that are inside the chest still in there once again a bit like f3 and n probably one of the most useful little key combinations to know but anyway we've managed to do it we've managed to reach question 30 and this is arguably the most important one okay so prepare yourselves if you were to press shift would you do it with your thumb or would you do it with your pinky finger because truly good minecraft players use a specific one and let's be honest it's your pinky finger isn't it i'm i was doing so well i was doing so well and then i reached the end and i messed up on the last and most important one yeah i press shift with my thumb everyone knows this but it gets brought up a lot down in the comment section i don't think i can ever be considered a truly good minecraft player anyway i hope i hope you did well i hope you've answered all the questions and i hope you've kept your score so head down to the link down in the description there's a poll there you can enter your score and we can see how you stack up with everyone else you should get a graph at the end we should be able to see the distribution of of results and things it's gonna be interesting it's gonna be interesting to see how good my viewers are at minecraft anyway this has been a fun one to record let me know down in the comment section if you want to see more of this sort of thing but i'll catch you in the next one see ya whew that surprisingly took a very very long time to plan out and record this has been a whole day project writing out the questions finding out the answers and then recording everything it's currently oh it's now tomorrow it's gone past midnight i'm knackered i'm creating crackered i'm bamboozled
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,902,357
Rating: 4.9184833 out of 5
Keywords: Are you Bad at Minecraft?, Bad at Minecraft, Minecraft, good at Minecraft, best Minecraft player in the world, best Minecraft player, best Minecraft, Minecraft player, King of Minecraft, minecraft test, Technical Minecraft, Minecraft survival, Minecraft survival skills, Minecraft redstone, Minecraft crafting, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Minecraft test, Mumbo bad at Minecraft, Mumbo bad, Mumbo awful, Awful, Minecraft awful
Id: 1_0PD3ziPR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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