10 Ways to MESS WITH PLAYERS in Minecraft!

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I could already tell that this videos going to be a lot of fun because they were going to take a look at ten ways in which you can mess with your friends in Minecraft now the point of this video is not to cause harm okay we're not going to be blowing up any houses we're not gonna be setting anything fire we're not going to be causing damage to anyone's hard work instead these are designed to just be a little bit of fun a harmless way in which you can prank your friends in Minecraft make them question their sanity a little bit in certain cases it's gonna be quite interesting so this is our friend's house and this poor chap is going to be the victim of all of the pranks for today's video the first one is to do with their storage system so if we pop inside here you can see that they've got themselves a little storage system we've got some items inside all these chests we've also got a little bed there and if we take a look inside this chest you can see that we have got some items now I'm playing creative mode so let's just quickly chuck a few more items inside this chess maybe that now have you noticed anything different I'm imagining you probably haven't let's open it up again and you've been catching your eye in the slightest let's open this chest up again and again and again are you seeing anything gradually every single time we close this chest one item gets removed from it now this is incredibly subtle and if the player only accesses the chest every now and again they're really going to struggle to spot it is gonna take them ages before they discover some funny business is going on but in terms of the actual redstone it's incredibly simple to create all we have is another chest down on the bottom here where all the items go down into and when we open up this trap chest it will power that redstone dust and when we close it it will then power this redstone torch which will send an update through this observer which will send a redstone output through this repeater up into this redstone torch which will briefly unpowered unparent as hopper allowing one item to pass through from this chest down into the bottom chest it's really simple to build this next one that is a little bit more involved redstone wise but I would say it's well worth it first off you need to go down to the description and check out the tutorial for this machine that you can find there and then if we activate it you will see that something rather odd happens now just to kind of break all of your dreams unfortunately that is not actually duplicating at that diamond block what we've created here is we have created some ghost blocks so what you're going to do is you're going to tell your friend hey come over to your base I've just given you an awesome gift you're going to clear up with this redstone contraption but you're going to leave all of these ghost blocks just sitting there in fact we can even place in a sign saying enjoy your gift then of course they're going to come over incredibly excited and they're probably going to be even more excited when they see all of these diamond blocks ready for them and then that's weird - hmm these diamond blocks they don't drop anything they're literally just they're existing in the Minecraft world but they're not actually there it's a really strange thing happens but I can tell you that's going to be crushing for your poor friend and I think it's only gonna get worse for them from there because well now they've decided to go afk and like a good minecraft player they've put all of their armor and all of their tools and everything into this chest so that if they were to die which seems pretty likely considering whether gang they won't lose all of their stuff but that has that has opened them up to something if we just grab ourselves an anvil and put a pumpkin on the inside then get a curse of binding book and you know say hey from mumbo and chuck that inside a dispenser and then power said dispenser that has now been attached to the player and they will not be able to remove that pumpkin head until they die oh I can't think of anything more frustrating actually I could think of one more thing that would arguably be more frustrating just give me a couple seconds so we got slime there we've got sticky piston there okay we're gonna need an observer so that will power this piston that's all good and then yet that will drag that other sticky piston up which means that when we place in this observer that should send your friend off into orbit Oh up they go nice and quickly they're going to go right the way up to y equals 256 I do believe that is the build height of Minecraft world they're going to get there relatively swiftly and I'm sure when they come back whenever they were planning on coming back they're going to get a bit of a surprise because not only do they have a pumpkin head on so they can't really see too much but also the land seems to be very very far away from where they were originally sitting fantastic I love this sort of thing I'm just gonna throw it out there you could let me know down in the comment section if I've taken this one too far because this one could be considered a little bit sick and sadistic okay I'm just I'm just pretty warning you with that one because what I've done is I've turned the other players base into a pet killer so as they come into their house they see their lovely dog begin to drop down into lava which I mean that is the saddest I've ever seen so upset but what they have to do is they have to solve this combination before their dog drops down into the lava and then they will be able to stop it from dying essentially which I imagine is going to be a very panicked couple of seconds because you know you don't actually get that much time what probably about 3540 seconds I've been said there is only what two four eight possible combinations so yeah it should be quite easy now this one doesn't actually take place in the players base instead it takes place in their nether tunnel because most minecraft players use nether tunnels to get around quickly so here we are on their mind card track and as you can see I've decided to kind of divert their minecart track through into a lava lake but as I said earlier on we're not killing the players here so what I've done it is I placed in some slime blocks and some fire resistance oceans to stop them from dying so they're just gonna get a massive fright as they're falling through the hat anyway moving on from that slight vocal pothole there this is easy as pie to build all we've got is a three by two by three Roma with signs across the top stop the lava from flowing in we've got slime blocks at the bottom to prevent full damage and then we have our chest that is filled up with potions of fire resistance it's quite important that you don't forget those otherwise you're just killing your friend and that's no fun but if you don't even want to run the risk of killing your friend and you just want to have some classically funny prank action then this is definitely the one for you so you need to make sure that your friend actually has some redstone doors inside their base and all you do is swap them so when you stand on the pressure plate to open this door it opens before the door when we stand on the pressure plate to open this door it opens maybe it's very simple mind but I find this sort of thing so hilarious and what makes it even better is that of course the redstone is really really easy all you have to do is wear up the pressure plate into the opposite door now the one thing to mention if you're using something like iron doors it is placing them is a little bit tricky because if you plays it dead straight on then it's going to do something like that so instead you have to come in from an angle and place it up against that wall and then it will function properly this next one is another one that's based on nether and also is hopefully going to be one of those psychological mind benders so I'm currently sat up in my little den I'll explain this a little bit further on I'm going to send a message to my friends saying that they should come to my new place and they should go through the new nether tunnel then the friend rocks up I'm currently playing the friend and they go okay this is a new nether tunnel and they start making their way around now they've gotten gradually further away from where I was standing and at this point I as the prank builder again currently holding shift flicks this lever and then flicks this lever now what that will do is it will open up one passageway and close off the passageway so they actually came in to mean that we now have ourselves a loop and now the poor friend completely oblivious to what's going on is travelling around in circles and they're going to be doing this until they work out what's going on now obviously on such a small scale it's going to become quite obvious quite quickly exactly what's happened but if you were to build this on a much bigger scale I'm talking hundreds of blocks it's gonna take them quite a long time and one way that you can slightly improve the result is by warning them before they enter that it's going to be a bit of a long trip so picture your friend at this point in time they're a little bit bewildered after what seemed like an endless journey through the nether to no avail they're still also a little bit in pain having witnessed their dog almost fall into lava they're also aching because they've just done a massive jump from a platform in the sky and they've also had to remove a pumpkin that was very much stuck to their head they're a bit confused as to why the diamond blocks that were given to them didn't seem to yield any items and the middle chest of their storage system seems to be just losing items out of nowhere for no real reason and to top it all off they've just come back to their house to find this just a single item of diorite just sat there in the middle of the room what what does it mean how did it get there who's been here to place that the answer is no one's been here if we head underneath the base you can see that we have got ourselves an incredibly long hopper timer which runs into a dropper which sends up the Darr right through this item elevator which ends up on the floor now this hopper time it is a chained hopper timer so we have got 64 items inside it which means that every single time these 64 items ping back and forth we got ourselves a redstone output which allows one item to move from this hopper into the other hopper and eventually after this hopper clock has been back and forth 64 times all of the items will have moved from this hopper into the other hopper which means this redstone block will switch over meaning that we get one item dropped out so that means every now and again very occasionally a piece of diorite will just randomly and spontaneously appear on the floor of your vans base and it's gonna be one of those things that they're going to feel that they're going crazy because it happens so occasionally but it just doesn't seem to make much and this of course is to find a way that you can mess with your friend the entire house covered in lava now I know what you're thinking remember what happened I thought you said at the start of the video that you weren't going to be doing anything destructive but here's the thing I didn't do this it turns out I mess with my friends so much that they they set fire to everything and stops playing Minecraft with me which can only mean one thing I did a really good job you see blowing up someone's build or saying fire to someone's house that just makes them angry whereas months upon months of psychological torment that lasts a lifetime which in a way makes him more evil than just doing the simple and obvious thing and on that note I think it's time to end today's video I hope that you enjoyed if you did please wasn't that like man and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is the Mambo I'm out I'll see you later oh and filming channel stuff you know what to do in the end scream [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,708,185
Rating: 4.9395881 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: Uzl2KraNIWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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