(Jun 9, 2019) Shavuot 5779 (Pentecost 2019)

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[Music] I want to UM I want to ask you if any of you can relate to this how many of you have a really really awful not not bad but an awful sense of direction okay that's two hands so I'm not alone I if you give me directions to your house and there's one turn I will have to ask you for those directions oh I don't know what it is no matter how and sometimes I just take it I got this and I get lost every time and then there's some of you that have great senses of direction I'm sure I Bernadette has a great sense of direction you tella how to get someplace once every time it's it's just incredible I mean you're familiar with the team Lewis and Clark people like what is that the other guys that went west of the Mississippi River in 1804 under the then President Thomas Jefferson because we bought Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803 for fifteen million dollars that's American history man there's still America right okay well if if the famous expedition was Lewis clock and Hirschberg we'd still be walking around st. Charles Missouri besides salvation that GPS was the best gift I ever got I will I will never forget the first time I will never ever forget it I was with a friend of mine dr. Dineen one of my best friends he's a urologist in a Norman B tries to live well my dearest friends Mike my kids call them uncle Marty named Mary and they're incredibly close to us and you know he's he's done very well for himself he he doesn't have one office he has tons offices he's a world-renowned doctors so we were in one of those fancy-schmancy cars you know and I didn't know anything about a GPS and he was eally somewhere in Jacksonville and and she started talking I was blown away the do you remember the first time I mean I didn't even know about a Gorman or anything do you remember the first time you you experienced that do you remember it I was just flap against especially somebody with such a horrible sense of direction and and and this little person inside his dashboard who happened to have I think an Australian accent which is lovely was telling him what he didn't have to pay attention remember in the days of old you're gonna go buy a bank and then there's gonna be a mail box I mean look for all these landmarks in these signs remember when you had to write it down and you're driving and you're looking you know thank God now when we drive we never look down anyway anyway I couldn't believe it and I almost thought is this are you controlled by this like do you have to get off when she says to get off do you have to I don't know if there's a car I don't know I didn't know totally ignorant to it so he said no and I said what happens if you miss your turn he said it will recalculate and turn you around now I'm everything to me is spiritual everything I don't care what it is I don't care if you blow candles on your birthday cake I'm gonna find the spiritual connotation to it every single time it does not matter you know listen there's many bushes that are ablaze but only those who are looking for them will take off their shoes there their God is in everything and these constantly trying to send you messages you just not listen so I'm thinking this is unbelievable this is so likened to the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is so good that even when you get off course it will turn you around now you have to be willing you really do have to be willing the Holy Spirit will not will not put you in a headlock every now and then somebody somebody's in a situation where it's like it's almost the choice of no choice but even Jonah had a choice he still did not have to go to Nineveh even in the predicament he was in so this is this was the greatest gift from God to to Rabbi Greg Hirschberg for for sure and you realize when it comes to the Holy Spirit the only way you can get lost is by not obeying it's that's it otherwise you'll never be lost and so today today we we not only celebrate will commemorate the coming of the Spirit because that's what happened on this day but the writing of the ways of God on our hearts which is I don't know if you can picture the Israelites the the Hebrews the the children of God in the Old Testament they did not have access to the Holy Spirit that's hard for us to even believe or understand or fathom we can't wrap our minds around that what would we do without the Holy Spirit and they didn't have the ways of God on their hearts like we do it's internalized they had to go seek Moses and says is this okay is this okay once they knew the law didn't a little bit we have it on the inside of us you know I mean engraved on the deepest part of us when we say on our heart it's not the organ it's the deepest part of who you are it's it's there and then the Holy Spirit comes in to energize that and bring it to life and help us walk this thing out one of the better definitions that I've ever heard the difference between the Old Testament the New Testament was was brought to my attention by a guy Charles Finney Charles Finney was a brilliant Philadelphia lawyer absolutely brilliant and he was a believer I think at the time he was a Presbyterian and he wanted to get a hold of the Holy Spirit and once he did he said the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament is then in the New Testament God provides a power to walk out what the Old Testament required but didn't give the power to do so it's about as good as it gets because it's not like the laws of God went away it's not like it's okay to kill the committed dolt I should say murder its kill is different but we need this power we you just need the power and let me just tell you some I know that it's like wouldn't it be cool rabbi if when they were playing the song and the roof fell in no that would cost fifty grand that would not be cool at all and I know you're like wow wouldn't it be cool it's like you're you're speaking rabbi and you're speaking x2 and bam it hits and then we start talking in tongues what will that do for you will that make your marriage better some of you need to tame your tongue before you talk and talk that will make your marriage better some of you need some real help when it comes to your marriage you need to wake the heck up and smell the dang coffee and start being nice lay hands on yourself and ask for deliverance I mean I know BAM and then it hit rabbi wouldn't be cool if it hit what would you do with the Holy Spirit the purpose of the Holy Spirit's to lead you into truth what's truth God's Word is truth it says so right in the Bible the whole point of the Holy Spirit is to create an obedient life because the obedient life is a glory to God and it's a blessing to you and everybody else around you that's the point of the Holy Spirit it's not it's not to give you power to play games or to speak in an unknown language if I start speaking in unknown language that can't edify any of you I mean you I think you really need to read first Corinthians 13:14 and just get down what did--what tongues are really about and how to use them and how to not use them it says so right in the back and it's clear I mean I don't know what the confusion is people for years basically rabbi about tongues it it's right there in the verses it's it's it's it's not difficult to understand the enemy is constantly telling us the Bible is hard to understand it is absolutely not hard to understand no way no how I want to show you a couple of verses in the Old Testament for a minute Ezekiel just you know how I'm a little nuts about context this is describing Israel's spiritual regeneration in the future it is but there's an absolute application for us today but there's no question this is what Ezekiel is prophesying to the nation of Israel he's saying some time in the future he's foretelling he's not fourth Telling he's not giving them a message for the present although the prophets did give more messages for the present about how Israel should return to God then foretelling future events but this is he's foretelling he says for I will meaning somewhere in the future we don't know they didn't know if it's gonna be next week or you know he said this almost 600 BC it really didn't happen for a long time for I will take you from among the nation's so you're gonna be dispersed and Deuteronomy prophesied that you're gonna be dispersed you're gonna be all over the world but then I'm gonna take you from among the nation's I will gather you from all the countries and return you to your own soil this is happening as we speak there's gonna be a plane landing this week with immigrants from other countries to Israel this is this is happening this is crazy guys you're in the midst of of the greatest prophetic time known to man then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean talking about justification obviously salvation I will cleanse you from all your uncleanness and from all your idols all your sin I'll wash away your sin I'll forgive you of your sin just I'm not being born again I will give you a new heart I will put a new spirit inside you say that's the born-again experience you get a new heart with the ways of God on your heart and you get connected I I know there's a difference of opinion people say well I was born again in 1982 I got the spirit in 1992 that's not what the Bible says the Bible says that when you're born again you're connected to God and he starts sending the spirit into your tabernacle you could have different times where the spirit drops on you heavily that's I think you're confusing that I remember we were in a meeting one time I was in India and all of a sudden the spirit dropped heavily yes that happened and that happened in the Old Testament but if you connected you know I'm saying read acts 2:38 I mean repent be immersed in the name of Yeshua for the forgiveness of your sins and receive not future so I just want to clear the air about that because that is really a bad teaching okay it's not it why is it a bad teaching because it that's not what the Bible says forgive me okay it was just a man-made thing I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside you I know somebody's mad at me right now it's okay I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you a new heart of flesh and I will put my spirit inside you and cause you the word is Omar it means you're gonna do it you can't make me you're gonna do it do you know what I'm talking about no no I'm not I'm not going back to pick up that paper then why when you go home you have no peace until you go back and do it you got to give God a little bit more credit than you're giving your your really over emphasizing your own free will not a good idea I'm gonna cause you to live by my laws what that sounds almost controlling why would God want to cause his children to live by his laws the same reason why you want to cause your children to live by your laws because you're trying to protect them if we could get out of our evangelical denominational miserable religiosity and stop thinking that God's laws a bad as opposed to ways of pleasantness peace and protection we'd be so now if you've been coming here for a long time you've been indoctrinated in that I mean can you imagine saying to God like your laws are not good they're really abusive who would say that do you read his laws what's abusive about taking care of the gray-headed what's abusive about not charging usury what's abusive about looking out for the poor the widow when they often what's abusive you guys got to be kidding me you've just some of you have been taught that law off bad no laws a great especially look some man-made laws are questionable but God's laws I totally disagree you will live by my laws respect my rulings and obey them now just so you know this describes Israel's spiritual regeneration but this is my story I don't want to get into it but in 1989 I was in the diaspora right I know we don't think of America as part of the Diaspora but America is not Israel Israel's Israel I know people think oh well I was in Russia and then I went to Israel got saved that's legit America is a country guys in the Diaspora so I was in this country and God called me to Israel and I got saved on a mountain in Israel and the laws written on my heart and the spirit entered in me immediately so this is this is I'm I'm a witness that God's Word is true but with that being said this is also what I call the gospel according to the prophet Ezekiel the coming of the Spirit was prophesied in the Old Testament many many times I could give you a plethora of Scripture but that's not important just giving you a piece it said that God would cleanse us from our sins which corresponds to justification as a theological person understands but is not to be confounded with sanctification these are two totally different issues the cleansing is followed by renewal with the Holy Spirit it takes away this stone eNOS this hardness now even believers get hard believers get hard-hearted I've seen it they just angry you know I was telling a friend of mine yesterday who I'm kind of disciple in a bit I said whenever I don't do counselling anymore thank God we have a beautiful couple who does counselling here and they're doing a magnificent job and they've caused me a lot less grief because when I would do counseling on a hold-down Tuesday it would take me until Saturday to recover if you have a chef it's heart you feel the person's pain and you just can't you can't deal with it it's very hard if your professional counsel out there in the world you can go and then I was gonna kill him to iearnt time up but you can't do that you know when you're born again you just can't so it was I was such a great thing when they took this thing over but what I used to do is somebody would come in and tell me how abused they were always right they loved to tell you that the the victim story oh how the church hurt them I have the church hurt them you hear this all the time and so what I would do is I would play this little scenario and I would make believe sorry some of you experienced this I would make believe that I had a had to go out and make a phone call I said look I got to make a phone call it's gonna be no more than 10 minutes I hope you don't mind I'm so sorry and they would they would have this legal pad I said if you don't mind in the 10 minutes couldn't can you write down maybe make a list of anybody you might have hurt and then I would come back cuz we don't think about that we always talk about how we were hurt but we never think about how many people we've heard how many fouls we've broken how much of our word we didn't keep how we didn't say we were sorry we don't want to think about that we want to think about with a victim right Oh what was me you can't live like that you can't just remember what somebody did bad towards you and forget about the hundred nice things they did that's so of the nature of the flesh that has nothing to do with it can you imagine if God threw it up in your face all the time that's what you like about God right he forgets why don't you be more like him that's the idea that you would become more like him so God takes away this old heart of flesh so that we can fulfill his commandments and walk in this newness of life a heart of flesh is a stony heart is different but a heart of flesh is known for its sensitivity to sin a heart of flesh is very sensitive when it sins it feels horrible when it hurts somebody it feels so there's so much remorse and grief and that's a good thing I know guilt in an extended form is not good but if there's no guilt there will be no repentance the only way you can come to the door of repentance is through guilt of course you want to go through the door and be forgiven but you'll never get that there's no guilty I don't want any guilt well you're never gonna repent and the last I checked human beings need to repent daily so a moment of folly to a heart of flesh a godly heart it's enough to make the heart sick just and I'm sure all of you know what I'm talking about a heart of flesh is very tender to God's will it wants to please the Lord and a heart of flesh has tenderness of affection they're very moved by people's pain if us burnin at night we've been here 17 years ministry a lot more than that but if you ask us what's the most painful thing it's when you're hurting it's not that hard putting it together when you connect it to God it's not that hard getting a message from him it's not but it's hard seeing somebody in pain and knowing there's nothing you could do about it it's awful the heart of flesh says Lord you know I love you but help me love you more and the heart of flesh is always looking for the Lord's return always always always so this is describing all borning an experience and then you know Yeshua tells his students his disciples I'll be leaving they're distraught can you imagine living with him for three years spending time with him almost daily and then realizing that he's not gonna be around anymore who is your go-to guy they can't go back to the synagogue the robbers are the sending of it what do they do and he says to them you must wait I'm not gonna leave you as an orphan you mutt don't make a move don't do anything now I'm saying this emphatically to tell you how do you go out and Minister without being saturated in the holy spirit now professionals can do it was they're professionals but there's no legitimate anointing to that bells and whistles it's not legitimate so here we are in Acts first chapter and it says when they were together okay obviously David this is post resurrection they meaning issuer and the disciples they asked him and it's a very very legitimate question I would ask the same thing okay Lord are you at this time okay we understand you had to die for the sins of the world you understand you had a resurrect based on Psalm 16 it had to come to pass because we'd have no hope that's our Blessed hope that will resurrect as well but are you going to restore self-rule because Israel and the Jewish people who are oppressed we're oppressed by our government they're just professionals they don't let us know what being oppressed because you know we can kind of do what we want but the oppression here was very very different these people were being abused physically emotionally and spiritually they could not make decisions they could not hold certain offices they could not get certain jobs Rome was totally opressing them and they're saying look we know about Messiah you want him when he would come we understand he was going to set up his kingdom what we look forward to called the millennial reign when when restoration happens and finally finally we have a white house so you can't blame them in their oppression saying please take the throne and he says you don't need to know the dates all the times now there are people that spend their life finding out the dates of the times I'm amazed that here Yeshua says you don't need to know it and they're like yeah well says you the father has kept these under his own authority it's almost like I don't know I don't know when I'm going to be sent back that's up to the father not me I can't make that decision but nevertheless you'll receive power when the raw ha'qodesh when the Holy Spirit comes upon you it wasn't given yet you will be my witnesses both in Yerushalayim in Yehuda Judah and sham Rhone Samaria and to the ends of the earth I don't know if you realize this if nothing else if nothing else you should say thank a Jew for Gentile it's the fact that without them you wouldn't be saved they sent the gospel to you I mean I know this isn't something that's taught in your mainline denominational churches sadly enough like a lot of things aren't taught but man it's right smack in the book of Acts first chapter so here you have Yeshua suppressing the disciples curiosity he didn't chastise them how dare us it wasn't that he's like look let's move on to what's immediate let's get to what's most important okay let all the superfluous stuff let's put on the side forget about dates and times and eschatology right now there's something very immediate and the immediate is your mission to send this gospel to the whole world I have other children not of this tribe that needs to come into my kingdom and when that is in its fullness I will come back but not until then should go out and get them you can't build a building and hope they come this isn't the field of dreams so the key though to this the key to be a witness is to be filled with the Holy Spirit anybody can any I know guys that know scripture so well they don't live it that well but they really know it and let's be honest nobody knows scripture better than Satan so it's not that impressive let me show you a great couple of verses in Ephesians 1718 it says so don't be foolish but try to understand what the will of the Lord is don't get drunk with wine because it makes you lose control instead keep on being filled with the spirit now let me just say this let me just get this out of the way okay I don't drink because I don't like the taste of liquor okay but I do not not drink because of religious reasons it is not biblical now there are people that hold to their guns and say that's not real wine sweetheart there are 215 million members of a denomination that swear that's grape juice you could not get drunk on grape juice if you can it's called mental illness and see somebody now I know I looks I have this conversation my friend he's on the Executive Committee of the southern bet we go back and forth and he goes well we don't know if it's fermented [Applause] I know you're not watching because you're in the middle of service but I know you watch on Saturday please somebody call this man and tell him the watch I love him he's my best friend I love him but when you schewe turned the water into wine and when though there's a wine tested a part of the Jewish wedding it's seven days people get pretty looped because because there's a great joy in the wedding because these people didn't have intercourse remember those days back in the day the church used to pray for the kids to be pure now they pray for the kids not to get knocked up it said you've given in you've given you said well this is the way it is rabbi it's not the way it is in a spiritual Kingdom don't give in you gave in and that's what happened so they weren't having intercourse they got married to have intercourse isn't the course good I would say it's very good [Applause] oh boy well I guess I won't be speaking of the Southern Baptist Convention next week in Birmingham so they got married and then they had intercourse and then they had children but the offspring in Jewish thinking was this is gonna be another one we're gonna race in the ways of the Lord and they will glorify God one more voice on the earth trying to shout over the four living creatures holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty another witness declaring the glory and the greatness of our Heavenly Father that was the thinking so you had wine tasters like today we have party planners and things like this there was a wine taster and the wine tasted tasted that wine toward the end of the wedding said wait a minute nobody serves the best wine towards the end why don't you serve the best wine towards the end guys because when you're inebriated you wouldn't know the difference between Chateau Latour 66 and Mad Dog 2020 and you have to be a religious buffoon to hold on to your guns and go you know I don't care it's not so you have these Baptists that go away on vacation to have a glass of wine because if that pastor saw them they'd be embarrassed are you kidding you're part of that it says don't get drunk a glass of wine or two at dinner will not get you drunk now some of you need to check yourself well with that being said I'm very very staunch about the Word of God and I ain't gonna let no man mess with it now let's let's break this down because I think this is crucial let's just go to the first verses don't be foolish so before we even get into the Holy Spirit don't be foolish but try to understand what the will of the Lord is now listen to me for a minute let me tell you why this is crucial especially today because of the abounding evil and it is abounding and the shortness of time and time is short we might be tempted to spend our days in frantic and feverish activity of our own choosing but this would amount to nothing but wasted energy there's a reason why we call when we're new berated being wasted but a lot of you even though you don't drink you're wasted you are spending a an amazing amount of time on waste which is not getting you any closer to God everybody wants to get close to God well you've got to put a little effort in sweetheart he's not gonna sprinkle faith dust on you he's not he's not gonna sprinkle intimacy dust on you it's not the way it works you could pray all day long it is all too possible also listen to me now please because I'm sure I want to help to carry on godly work according to our own ideas and in our own strength and be completely out of the will of God I've watched people try to pastor they wanted it so bad they had no business being a pastor I've watched people teach at seminary they had no business heats at seminary some of those teaches in the seminary should have been past as some of those pastors should have been teaches in the seminary I've watched people move it look people told me for years look you know pastor they told me that early on they said you're a you're a born evangelist human so that's what I did all the time I mean I did okay pastoring they were wrong God was right you got to be careful on who you're talking to too but sometimes we have a thing that we want to do and it don't matter what God says this is what you want and you're gonna ask enough people till that one says yep that's your calling that's what you're supposed to do the path of wisdom is to find out God's will for our individual lives and then obey it to the hilt that's what 5:17 says so before we even go on that's crucial now 5:18 says this don't get drunk with wine because it makes you lose control now I don't exactly know what that means because I've never been drunk this week no I look I was getting drunk by the time I was doing drugs and getting drunk by the time I was 13 it's the boogie down bronx man you know you raised in the projects there's drugs everywhere everywhere selling drugs people say to me I met this nice I meant when I met you a pastor Tommy and what a nice guy such a gentleman he such got a good heart he's such a sweet guy really is and he looked at me with his nice golf shirt and his khaki pants and he said couldn't you gravitate toward nice people I said dude I lived in the Bronx it's not like they were everybody was a tough guy the Bronx was crazy the project's was crazier my my I'm telling you my childhood was the Shawshank Redemption except I didn't have an elderly black man to tell my problems to it was it was like a really crazy and so by 13 yeah totally and then you move on you progressed from there you know you start out slow with little Boone's Farm and pot and then you move on from there but thank God you know God kept me alive a lot of my friends didn't make it a lot of my friends are so burned out they can't communicate they can't function and after my dad died when I was 15 a couple years later my mom moved me out of the Bronx thank God and I went back to the Bronx a couple of times and some of my some of my friends mothers none of them came from two-parent households I remember one in particular she said how you doing Greg I said I'm doing right before I'm doing all right and they'll forget this she said stay away from Vinnie over Owen you said it was it was just a bad deal so I went to college and you know still still partied a bit but more recreationally on the weekends and you know then I met the Lord and that was that was the party of all parties for me you know like I always say there ain't no high like the most high I get wasted every day now usually by 5:00 in the morning so I think this is this is this is such a great piece of scripture because Paul's making the connection between being drunk with wine and being filled with the spirit because in both conditions the person is under a power outside themselves right DUI driving under the influence there's an influence of the spirits and there's an influence of the spirit so so they can relate to this I know some of you probably can't but you're really you're really controlled when you drunk you know and the crazy thing is don't you're so happy you're so stupidly happy and you think you have it together but I've never seen anybody doing anything good when they were drunk so here we have it let's look at acts 2 2 1 4 I wasn't gonna do this but it's ok this is this is great stuff man this is this this is this is you know when when the body of Messiah was birthed and this is how they acted these are the original guys you got to go back to the original we don't we don't need to improve anything people go I want to go past acts I'm like how about if we go to acts let's do that first so the festival of Shavuot right some of you if you new here or is this 2 verse 8 Shavuot is feast of weeks Pentecost is 50 days Pentecost that's just a Greek term same thing there there and where are they they're in the synagogue what's Peter in and and Paulie and Madi doing in the synagogue cuz they're Jews sweet they didn't stop being Jewish Jesus listen to me Jesus did not come to start a new religion he came to resurrect an old one period and you'll see because of your saved when he comes back you're gonna see there's not gonna be a Baptist table or a Methodist table they definitely ain't no Episcopalian table let's be honest the festival Schiavone had arrived and the believers all gathered together in one place you know if you go to Israel you're gonna go to Israel with me I don't even take you to the Upper Room because it can't be the Upper Room okay you can't get a hundred and twenty bulimic pygmies in that Upper Room it's this big where were they they were coming into the temple nine o'clock they will coming in on the southern steps you I take you there all the time you can get thousand people there it was the entrance to the synagogue but rabbi the service starts at 9:00 I know they were late nothing's new Under the Sun suddenly they came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then they saw what looked like tons of fire I mean there's all different interpretation of this what's happening look you're a menorah you know and when oils in the menorah you got a flame on top of it you know it was was it was an actual flame I don't know but when you're filled with the juice you know you're gonna bear a flame and the more juice you have the more of a flame that's where they go bad guys on fire but even a smoldering wick he won't snuff out so if today you have a smoldering wick man if you got a pilot light the pilot could make it happen they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to talk in different languages isn't that it isn't that different then untie your bow tie and ohan die trust me guys I have friends I have friends in high places I have one friend that they used to be a guy in this church that would to give a tongue and then the same lady would give an interpretation and when he left they had to find a new one to do it read your Bible you know the first and most important gift of the Spirit is is wisdom the lastest tongues because you can't counterfeit wisdom as the spirit enabled them to speak here let's continue so you could see what was going on okay what kind of tongues are we talking about those tongues could mean a lot of different things now they were staying in Jerusalem religious Jews from every nation under heaven why were they staying there because in the law Jews from all over the world wherever they were had to come to Jerusalem for Shabbat is a law like hey three times a year chill oh Sh raiga lien for the three holy feasts I needed to come here and you come for Passover the Shabbat and Tabernacles to God who was who is and who is to come three times yeah that's it I needed to show up so they were there from all over when they heard this sound I don't know what kind of sound that was but obviously it startled everybody a crowd gathered they were confused because each one heard the believe is speaking in their own language now that's impressive that's impressive if I take an Indian you start speaking Telugu you're gonna impress me but if you talk to the Indian believers and you go shunned at a hundred I thought it's gibberish to them you're not going to edify them do you know how many people in the carriage maniac world put on people that if you don't do that you're not filled with the Holy Spirit which almost means you're not saved and people walked around and they take you in the back room and they go just do this little ROM ROM ROM ROM I wouldn't do that with a five-year-old Rama you really hit it hard because these things have to be exposed for the untruths they are were they well-intentioned I'm sure do they love the Lord I'm sure are they saved salvation is nothing do it tongues so I'm sure but still wrong is wrong and right is right the Bible is the truth we have to use that as a barometer what's going on here though is whack how is it possible aren't these people who are speaking from the Galil they're all the Galil these guys are from the Galilee they speak Hebrew that's their native tongue how is it that we hear them speaking in our native languages we are Parthians they have their own language Medes own language elements only Mesopotamia their own language you who - Cappadocia Pontus Asia / Gaia Pamphylia Egypt parts of Libya near Cyrene visitors from Rome they're speaking our language Wow how did that happen that's crazy Jews by birth and proselytes how about that Gentiles who became Jews Jews from Crete from Arabia they speak what in Arabia Arabic good when I went to Australia people in the synagogue said how're you gonna speak their language look I don't speak the best English but I think they'll understand me how is it that we hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things God has done that's a phenomenon just a phenomena last two verses in acts 2 12 through 13 it says amazed and confused they all went ask each other what can this mean what's going on like what is going on this is something totally new but others made fun of them and said they've just had too much wine they've had too much grape juice you know what happens when you have too much rape juice you start speaking in Arabic I know I do just the other day second glass of Welch's man I'm starting to go off with Arabic and there are men of God with PhDs and T HDS who are a lot smarter than you and I who swear by this I remember like it was yesterday I went to Australia and I was invited there by the head of the Southern Baptist Convention in Australia and went to his house a nice guy very bright doctorate of course and you know you know it's uncomfortable go to somebody's house you don't know them and he said mate would you like a beer now I really didn't want to be honest but I was trying to be hospitable I was the guys offered me be he obviously wants to treat me to a really good beer but I said to him I said I think don't we have your beer in in America it's called Foster's he starts laughing goes we would never drink forces we export that to you guys goes let me check so I drank a beer with him and they said would you like another I said you're gonna have another yes I drank the second be with him and then he puts the four bottles in a beer bag and he says to me come on mate let's take a ride I'm when I go someplace I'm at their disposal if he told me to pick up leaves I'll pick up leaves I don't care ok they're the gatekeeper they invited me there word goes so I I said ok we're driving and he's got the bag in the car I don't say anything but then I kind of figure it out I said don't do not have garbage pickup well you're the beautiful home beautiful there's no poverty in Australia it's a ridiculous place he said know me if the garbageman seemed to be a boss I don't one of the biggest Church a can lose my job and so that's when we lost all potential friendship because you know me right there's right and there's wrong and I'm not gonna kiss your butt to win you over you could forget that that will never happen I'm not gonna suck up to you because I think it's deplorable it's a disrespect to you it's a disrespect to me and it's disrespect to God I'm not being honest I said to him look I know we just met however if this is wrong then why are we hiding it why are we doing it if it's right then why are we why are we afraid to put them in the garbage can which one is it but in that denominational understanding you don't drink at all not not you don't touch it right anybody know what I'm saying come on some of you just came here just you can drink I know that you don't care about Miss James Jude restoration of Israel Yeshua coming back who cares I want to get looped and they won't say anything about it over there Beth yushua it's just it's just crazy but they were so taken by the holy spirit so controlled by this power they didn't know what the other people the Jewish guys in the synagogue don't know what's going on all they know is these guys are wasted they drunk that's what they think both conditions not only as a person under an influence with the Holy Spirit and alcohol but both conditions the person is fervent and bold I worked in bars for a long time with two guys that were anyway I was trying to be the peacemaker but I was a lot bigger than and I was an expert martial artist and I worked in a barn let me taste some of this something called whiskey muscle does anybody know I'm talking about you know I could take you and then three days later in the hospital when you have a broken jaw and a broken eye socket and you know one of your lungs a punctured I guess it didn't work out like the liquor thought it would right it's cool it's called whiskey muscle you know but look at acts 4:13 this is what happens when the Holy Spirit when they saw whose day Pharisees Sadducees when they saw how bold Kiefel and Jochen Anwar John and Peter bold even though they were untrained on her ex I'm heretic commoners there they're not ecclesiastical they're not intelligent they weren't well trained they don't go to right schools they don't have the right lineage they don't have the right contacts commoners that's what it means commoners I'm hurts people of the land that's the definition they were amazed they're blown away also they recognize them as having been with you Xuan now let me tell you something about that okay before we go to the bowling having vent days were like they've been with you shouldn't have they don't know what they were saying but the word Messiah is mushiya mushiya or Christos in the Greek just means Anointed One the inert one the one who was filled with the Holy Spirit that talks about Messiah he was filled right he received the spirit without measure kept coming and coming there was never one part where he was empty it just kept coming and coming and coming filled to the brim but the root word more shock means to spread or to smear or to rub I'm telling you the only way you're gonna get that spread and rubbed and smear on you if you stay close to him and his word no other way you can you can you can do whatever you want it's not gonna happen promise absolutely promise now this word bold let's take a look at that I did a lot of work on this because I used a lot of different concordances and I just love what this says free and fearless confidence now there are times that many people thought Paul was arrogant and full himself there are times I know you think that about me but let me just tell you something it proves to me just how ignorant you are in the spirit because I am confident in God I am absolutely totally and unequivocably yes Bernadette you asked my family they live with me they will not lie to you I am totally not confident myself I don't trust myself one iota I don't trust myself one iota I only trust the God in me and anything I do that's good is from God and anything I do that's bad is from Gregg period and I will hold to that firmly but it's a free I am free I don't care about your stupid opinion you can't control me man you can't control me we have enough money that if all you left we pay our bills for 20 years you can't control me with your pocketbook with your stupid talk I could care less I play to an audience of one and I will sit before God and He will determine to my treasures in heaven not you I am free I've been indoctrinated in your criticism so much that I'm free they kept getting to me and getting to me and God said why are you letting they get to you don't you care what I say I said of course but he goes no buts cheerful courage being happy about it not nervous about it happy about it unreserve in this in speech know that means being unedited some of you don't even know how to communicate anymore you know why you do an email and go well this doesn't sound right well this will offend them oh you're not being real your texts aren't real you you you've got a text a little wait a minute I didn't mean that you're not when are you gonna talk from your heart it's too filtered when it's too filtered it's phony well I can't say that rabbi because then they won't like me then they weren't your friend to begin with I'm not talking about being mean I'm not sure about blatantly saying something like oh my god you're wearing that I'm not talking about that I'm not talking about being mean-spirited that's awful you're trying to hurt you're trying to be hurtful but I'm talking about you asked me a question did you not want my honest reply Wow what a sad state of affairs today everything is edited edited edited edited nobody wants to hurt any feelings don't laugh at blacks don't laugh at whites don't laugh at Jews don't laugh at blondes don't laugh at polish hey we're all funny get with it okay because if you want to laugh at this group you've got to be willing to laugh at your own group okay mr. sensitive we're supposed to be the the we're supposed to be the toughest people on the planet and we get offended every little what do you say to my son what do you say to my daughter what would you say man so you know what that I'm telling you the litmus test for how spiritually mature you are is how easily or not easily you're offended so both conditions you're under power outside yourself both conditions creates fervency and boldness both conditions a person's walk is affected when you're drunk your walks affected right anybody know what I'm talking about come on some of you know Saturday night last night all right like this is a Wednesday but he's talking about the physical versus spiritual they can all relate because they all got drunk they all got drunk at weddings and affairs and things of this nature they knew what it was to lose control she's saying but God's looking for that drunkenness in the spirit where you'll walk spiritually is affected this is what he's saying look at acts 4:20 as for us when they questioned them they said the spokesman said as for us we can't help talking about what we have actually seen and heard notice it doesn't say we will not it wasn't a matter of the will the Holy Spirit done took over and they said we can't stop can't stop man can't we're gonna kill you can't stop we're gonna beat you can't stop we're gonna take your stuff away can't stop can't stop no can do it wasn't a matter of our choice we done been possessed by the Spirit of God we are now the temple of God's holy spirit now just if you want to really get into the Holy Spirit let me give you one more scripture poor people loved this one all the many believers were one in heart and soul and no one claimed any of his possessions for himself let me tell you something when you could do this you got the Holy Spirit when you could share your stuff with everybody else you got the Holy Spirit rich people hate this verse I'm not gonna put in I'm not gonna ante up this poor soul they were they were they were they were so taken by the Holy Spirit they were so overwhelmed by the power and the love of God that they just couldn't help it forward they couldn't help themselves it was a joy they were all one they were together there was no denominations there was no fighting over baptism they were just one heart and it was all for the glory of God what a beautiful time it will happen again it will happen again for sure Ephesians 5:18 again the believer is commanded to be filled with the spirit the filling is not a once and for all but a present progressive continuous process whatever filling you got yesterday will not work for today it will not no more than when you fill up your car with gas and and it comes to e you got to fill up man some of us are operating on fumes I know we're tired I know the world right now the body of believers is about as tired as it's ever been it's tired all you do is ask me how you doing I'm so tired I'm so tired I feel so tired I mean don't you see everywhere you go these energy drinks and Red Bulls made a billion dollars and and everybody's so tired why are we so tired what's going on what have we bought into that's causing us to be so tired and lose our fervency because we're using our energy in the wrong way really it's absolutely insane I mean do we take a Shabbat rest even check with the manufacturer man you guys run out of hand you got a million things to do check with the manufacturers label he made you said six on one totally off you need to be you know regenerate even your cells need to replicate it's science if it doesn't you're gonna have problems now let me just tell you for this to happen it just is my opinion for us to be filled with the holy spirit daily there's three months and one of them is not you must finish right now because I'm hungry and I want to get out of here there are three months and I think this is really important and you can disagree you can this this comes from a lot of time with the Lord a lot of study and this is the way I see what the Bible is telling us and I'm not a three-point sermon guy but I see three absolute months that have to happen requisites to be filled with the Holy Spirit first and foremost we must confess and put away all known sin there is no way the Holy Spirit's gonna reside in your sinfulness okay first John 1:5 9 look this is a beautiful piece of Scripture it says and this is the message we've here heard and proclaim to you we heard it and now we're giving it to you God is light there is no darkness in him none if we claim to have fellowship with him while we are walking in the darkness we are lying and not living out the truth but if we all walking in the light as he is in the light then we have fellowship with each other and the blood of a son Yeshua purifies us from all sin if we claim not to have sin we are deceiving ourselves self-deception is worse than satanic deception and the truth is not in us if we acknowledge our sins then since he is trustworthy injest he will forgive them and purify us from all wrongdoing let's break it down quickly I know I'm I know I'm staying overstaying my welcome if you have to leave you're not gonna embarrass me or yourself don't worry about it no problem I got to finish this first John 1:5 it says is the message which we have heard from him and proclaim to you God it's like there's no darkness in him okay John undertakes what it means to maintain fellowship with God this is what he's driving I goes this is what its gonna take guys to maintain relationship and intimacy with your father your heavenly Father God is light in him there's no darkness God is absolutely holy God is absolutely righteous and God is absolutely pure God cannot look with favor on any kind of scent period period okay first John 1:6 if we claimed that fellowship with him while we were walking in the darkness we align and not living out the truth in order for a person being fellowship with God there can be no hiding of sin light and darkness cannot coexist a man who habitually walks in darkness was never saved at all rabbi how can you say that I didn't the Bible that I said habitually not you know you're driving somebody's tailgating you and and you give him the finger okay that does not mean that I'm not safe thank you a man who habitually habitually I'm talking about this is his way of life don't misunderstand cuz you might say well I'm I'm kind of in the sin situation right now rabbi and I haven't really repented and might not say not this I said habitually just walking flagrantly and sin his whole life not saved please don't misunderstand because I don't want the enemy to take what I'm saying and twisted have you leave here with fear and condemnation there's not condemnation we can repent any moment any day over and over and over and over and over again people may not forgive you but God will forgive you every time okay that's what he does he wants you to be overwhelmed by his forgiveness so you know why we'll get to in a minute there's gonna be there's gonna be juicy okay okay the story is told of the grocer who apparently was a pious fraud we've met them right we've met them okay he lived in an apartment above his store and if you have seen this but in the Bronx it's very popular every morning he would pull down to his assistant John yes sir have you watered down the milk yes sir how do you colored the butter yes sir have you put chicory in the coffee yes sir very well come up for morning devotions you can't be living in a house with kids are you trying to raise in the Lord and lie through your teeth and then tell them not to lie to you this is how I do it somebody calls I don't want to talk Birna to tell them I'm not in the mood to talk not I'm not here not I'm sick why can't I say that why am I not allowed to say that maybe something just happened maybe I just got some who's that I just can't deal maybe I'm exhausted isn't that better then I lie if I say I'm sick and then you go to Kroger and I'm at Kroger and I look fine what are you thinking he's a liar what else is he lying about stop it if they can't take it it's on them you're messed up but I can't be honest with you that's why I don't have a lot of friends first John 1:7 it says but if we are walking in the light as he is in the light then we have fellowship with each other see how important is to have fellowship in each other it's not just saying with him God's after us getting along and the blood of his son purifies us from all sin all God's forgiveness is based on the blood of Yeshua all of it all of it there's nothing else you could bring him not your works not your goodness ain't no check you can write them it's all on the bloody issue but sin cannot be overlooked or brushed under the rug it cannot be excused you think no God excuse it no he transfers it sin has to be painful because God is holy and just somebody's got to do it every time you repent a little bitty issue his Bloods thrown over it every time that's all you got Yeshua's blood it might only be a molecule of it but it's enough it's enough but then what happens when you're forgiven why repentance is so important why confession of someone why it's good to drag the sin out because when you're forgiven you're overwhelmed with God's love and maybe just maybe you'll become a forgiver for the life of me I don't understand how two believers can be at war with each other so much and not forgive and move on I I don't get it you're a dang believer you've been saved by God and his son and the blood of sacrifice undeservedly so it's so overwhelming how can you withhold it listen to me you want to know a theology you must forgive period that's my theology on that first John 1:8 John makes a very important distinction between sin and sins and when you hear that there is a huge distinction theologically between sin and sins he said if we claim that to have sinned you didn't say sins we are deceiving ourselves when the truth is not in us this distinction in verse 8 has to do with a corrupt evil sinful nature not the things we do our nature sadly enough I know this is a sad part of the story being born again doesn't eradicate our sin nature I know I tried I actually believe that could be 100 percent holy I believed it I believed it and I am the most disciplined psychopathic person you'll ever meet and I'm telling you I tried you ask my wife I tried I absolutely tried I tried to be completely holy I believed I could be completely holy and I tried and I failed but that doesn't mean I don't look at the beginning of the day to absolutely walk in God's ways and be holy you follow I suppress my sin nature through the power of the Holy Spirit because through this power in implants a new nature and that power gives us the power to say nope it's a great change when you're born again I know some of you might have been raised in the church now I'm pretty pretty much the same old gal something's radically wrong I could tell you people that I didn't like I love things I used to do I don't do things I would never done I do on my wedding I had 12 Usher's 12 crazy guys that I used to run with and I got saved on my honeymoon and a couple came up to me and said I gonna do this and I said I don't know Keith or one Keith or one yeah his his yeah these were crazy guys man his mother was the mistress to the head of the Gambino crime family crazy guys I said I don't know but you know what great change since I've been born again but it's 30 years and I'm clear and free clear and free she's my only girl and she'll be my only girl til I finish this race God changes a person and you know what the beautiful thing is I so need more change and he's doing it he's changing me daily it doesn't matter if you see it it doesn't matter my mother saw it it was the greatest witness to my mother you could tell a scripture I love Greg I don't know this I don't understand this is the way I'm but I cannot deny what's going home with you I can't deny it Greg I can't tell the old Jewish ladies that you're a rabbi because they'll have a stroke son that's what she would say to me first John 1:9 in order to walk in fellowship with God day by day we need to confess our sins sins of omission sins of commission sins of thought sins of Acts secret sins private sins public sins dragon out in the open man not before people drag them out before the light call them for what they are lawless acts against the Word of God lawless acts against the Word of God lawless acts against Word of God stop reading it stop preaching it they're lawless acts against the Word of God God is faithful he wants to forgive he's dying for you to drag it out he's dying to skim it off the top raise it that he wants to get rid of it he loves you he wants you to be free of that he loves you it's a no-brainer for him it's not hard for him to do he wants to do it this is him mo man this is the way he operates he wants to get that crap out he wants you to have abundant life he wants to be blessed he wants your family bless your kids to be blessed that doesn't mean financially that means is your soul prospers as your mind prospers this is what the Lord wants now the forgiveness John is talking about this parental not judicial that sounds very theological it is but I want you to understand that there's a driven swing parental forgiveness and judicial forgiveness okay judicial forgiveness means that forgiveness from the penalties of sin when you were born again we'll forgiving you understand you will forgive and save signed sealed delivered because God was acting as judge and now he's not going to judge you okay you're covered by the blood however we need parental forgiveness because see my kids are my kids right they're always gonna be my kids I'm never gonna not be their father biologically legally in every other way I'm their dad but you know what sometimes you go you know what just go to your room because you don't want to you don't feel the intimacy right now you want them to think about maybe what they did right that's when they need parental forgiveness that's when we need it this time God goes just think about this man he's like begging us you know sometimes you just want your kids to just come down and number one time Jeremy lied to me that I knew it was blatant and he went upstairs and I wasn't gonna say anything I knew and then he came down the stairs he came down the stairs a couple of minutes later remember you never forget it right he said dad I lied too I was like so happy and he was convicted it meant so much to me and then all the kids they just came to the conclusion that the Holy Spirit speaks to dad the Holy Spirit so one time Jeremy did something wrong again and he tried to get them in and they said flat out the Holy Spirit speaks to dad you're on your own kid and they did they wouldn't go with him on it burn listen get ahold of the Holy Spirit you'll be such a better parent I mean it there's no there's no there's no question about it so one got a confession since - I told you three months we must saturate our hearts and minds with God's holy word must you will not get the Holy Spirit without saturating your hearts and minds with God's Word period I dare you show me show me how you gonna do that look at Colossians 3:16 it says let the word of Messiah God's Word in all its richness it's saying it's rich living you as you teach and counsel each other in all wisdom and as you sing psalms hymns spiritual what does that mean it doesn't matter but for those who really need to know Psalms are music to the Psalms hymns are songs to yoshua to God spiritual songs are poetry about what it is to be a believer okay just classify them is that important no not at all with gratitude to God in your hearts look being filled with the spirit and being filled with God's Word are both requisites they're requisites for living joyful useful fruitful lives rabbi I'm tired rabbi I'm not that happy when's the last time you opened up your Bible sweepy we shall not be filled with the spirit unless we are saturated with God's Word and the study of God's Word will not be effective unless we yield up our inmost being to the control of the Holy Spirit so we can conclude that to be filled with the spirit means to be filled with God's Word it is not some mysterious emotional crisis that comes into life but rather day-by-day feeding on the scriptures meditating on them obeying them and living by them period last and not least we must yield to its control we must Romans 12:1 through 2 this is the quintessential letter on theology for the Gentile folks but it's also for any folks he gets to the end of this doxology in Romans 11 he goes I exhort you based on all that God has done based on the first eleven chapters I exhort you brothers in view of God's mercies and view of his tender loving-kindness all for yourself as a sacrifice living set apart for God this will please them it is logical with logical with rational human beings we have deductive reasoning animals don't have this guy's some people are so super spiritual they know earthly good they hear from God all the time their families erect the kids are erect their life is a wreck they're in debt up to their eyeballs but the Lord said the Lord said you need to wake up and smell the coffee this will please him it is the logical temple worship for you in other words do not let yourselves be conformed to the standards of the llamas that this were instead keep present progressive keep this is not a one-time deal guys I'm on the construction man but I love it you know why because I know if I keep pressing keep reading keep trying I'm gonna be different tomorrow I might slip up and then some joke is gonna say look you're the same old no I'm not the same old this guess what that was my life habitually and now I just slip up so don't tell me who I am I know who I was and I knew who I am and I know where I'm going don't let these naysayers don't let man believe it could be the worst you know what I'm saying golly man you're just not even nice be encouraging simulate the person see them making progress you know I see some couples and they have this massive breakup with others problem and then they get back together and it's almost like they got a legal pair just waiting for them to do something wrong aha what where's the Spirit of God in that if somebody's trying and they mess up come on say look man usually used to go crazy used to lose your temper every day all day you just lost it once this week you're doing good see what I'm saying if there's no encouragement how are you gonna get them to press on it's crazy man do not let yourself look let's break it down then we're out of here 12:1 I exhort you brothers in view of God's mercy to all facilities look this is the bottom line if the Son of God died for me or you then the least we can do is live for him it's the only legit temple worship this not this not on your face not the it's the right thing forget about external religious ritual forget about it forget about sunsets and sunrises God wants your heart he wants your heart that's it man what father doesn't want their kids heart you don't think I want my kids to be like look my dad's crazy he's nuts but he loves the Lord he loves us there's nothing he wouldn't do for me my dad's a great guy that's all I want to hear I don't give a crap about accolades or words I could care less and my funeral law wants somebody to come up and say Rabbi Greg was nuts but he was legit he loved God but my let my heads don't say that here's a man who loved God that's it man that's all I care about that's all we want Romans 12:2 don't let the world squeeze you into its mold that's what it's trying to do it's trying to teach you that you could be happy without God you can't impossible the world has its own politics its own art its own music its own religion philosophies amusements thought patterns lifestyles it would be absolutely disloyal to the Lord for believers to love the world we should think the way God thinks is revealed in his word and let the spirit navigate us through life a theologian once said and I quote we should put our faith on trial with the following questions do I read my Bible with a humble desire to have God rebuke me teach me and change me am i anxious to have my tongue bridled do I justify my temper or do I want victory over it does my faith manifest itself and deeds of kindness to those who can't repay me we desperately need to cultivate the habit of joyfully depending upon and obeying the Holy Spirit expect him to guide us and lightness reprove us teach us and use us in other words we need to die the self-management I'm gonna tell you something that the Holy Spirit told me this morning here's a guy Billy acne 90 flippin years old he's been in ministry for over 60 years he can't minister anymore because he's just too dang old it would take him out okay but he just get paid in chicken livers there's guys on TV that you watch stepping into Rolls Royces man Rolls Royces they could care less about you this guy might not be famous like those guys but I'm telling you in heaven he's famous I would like to conclude with a question can a person know when he or she is filled can a person know yes absolutely you can okay because one becomes more conscious of their own unworthiness and sinfulness remember Isaiah he saw the Lord High and lifted up this was a prophets prophet he was a man of God highly gifted highly anointed and what did he say when he saw God I'm a man of unclean lips what did Peter say when Yeshua got in the boat Oh couldn't handle it man that's how you know you filled the Holy Spirit when you realize your own underwear this and sinfulness in God's presence we find nothing in and of ourselves to be proud of yet at the same time this is the story of my life nothing yet at the same time we see God using us in a supernatural way we don't know why we don't know how we don't understand it but he's doing it lives are being touched for God I don't get it events move according to God's timetable I don't get it and circumstances just seemed to click miraculously I don't understand it I go away what Bernadette for one night in the morning we're gonna check in the hotel two o'clock your room isn't ready sir there's no problem it's okay they're not used to that especially a fancy hotel you know did not use that what do you mean my rooms not ready I'm a black card holder oh why don't you take your black card and go to another hotel few rooms not ready I remember God once I'm in the effort I'll never forget this he was lacing into this girl and this was an Atlanta girl you know I'm saying and I'm not talking I'm you know what I'm saying and Atlanta girl she could care less if she kept a job with Delta and he goes Do You Know Who I am Do You Know Who I am and I'm thinking if you're that important man why are you flying commercial she gets on the PM she goes I need help does anybody know who this man is he obviously doesn't know who he is [Applause] it's not like the customers right anymore the custom is wrong and nobody cares they're not doing their job for a career this is just passing through so you got to understand let me tell you some first of all you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar secondly you're representing the king how could you conduct yourself the way you do and then expect to witness it's horrible so I'm like it's okay sweeping we're good we're happy was so happy just to be here next thing I know she comes up with four drink cards 1718 dollars a drink then then we go out in the morning for breakfast and I see this lady who works at this this this pie don't knowa but I say some nice things to her I told the Lord loves her I give her a sugar she's calling me sugar and stuff like that and and and hugging me the next thing I know she's giving us discounts I'm not doing it for that reason I'm doing it for the Lord then we're checking out the next day I'm standing on the line there's one person in front of me you know the concierge costs the urge you know suit and tie the whole thing sir can I help you oh no no I'm okay we're just checking out they don't no problem he goes well you can come over to my desk we could check out I said come over sit down I said I want to tell you something everybody who was so hospitable I'm not a mover and a shaker I'm a nobody I got this room for $137 on Hotwire okay I'm just we just you know every now and then me and my wife like to get away just to be with each other and and he said I said you were so hospitable everybody did their job so well I can tell you he said here's my card I said okay and he said I want you to call me the next time you come and I said okay any particular reason he says well let's just say that room on Hotwire I could turn into a suite and I said how can you do that he says let's just say I have the keys to the kingdom what an intro well this is funny I have the keys to the kingdom too let's let's talk about your keys and my keys anyway guys you see just things you don't understand it right like why would God use a bum a bum I think of myself as a hack I'm trained on that well-schooled I come from the wrong family the wrong side of the tracks and I know he's doing something but I'm it's a head scratcher it's a head scratcher I just don't get it so what do you realize you you see all this but yet you feel completely detached does anybody know I'm talking about please somebody so I don't think I'm crazy you see it happening but yet you don't feel part of it you feel like you're watching it I feel out of myself and I'm watching me do things unlike huh you feel detached completely detached personally because you realize it's all the Lord you realize it's all him you just want to stand clear the glory look when people perform this stage right right just stay stage right do you know why the dances are over there not here you think that wasn't by design do you know why the band isn't up on the stage do you know why I stand here and there's levels to go up to the glory of God guys it's all by design the Lord is front and center everybody else just stay state right I'd like to close with what I call the triple B and it's not that new chain big bad breakfast okay it's what I call the most beautiful biblical benediction let's stand together in Jude at the very end is what he says now to the one who can keep you from falling the only one and set you without defect he's doing it and full of joy he's doing it in the presence of his Shekinah to God alone our deliverer through Yeshua the Messiah our Lord be glory Majesty power and authority before all time now and forever amen how's the mouth guys remember I wanna I wanna I want to tell you I don't want to challenge you I don't know if I want to beg you please make a commitment to read your Bible every day please do it this week do it this week do it this week please five minutes I don't care read your Bible every day and write to me and tell me if things stayed the same please I'm begging you it's it's your lifeblood in the spiritual realm confess your sins don't go days and weeks without it it's crazy how do you do that don't don't and yield if the Holy Spirit says go over to that person tell don't ask any questions and don't pray just do it watch what happens you're gonna be blown away you're gonna be blowing a gonna go and it's gonna be a all these things gonna be a faith injection reading the word confessing your sins doing what God tells you doing seeing the fruit faith injection faith objection that's what we need that's why we're tired we're killing ourselves we're killing ourselves were shooting ourselves in the foot wasting time on nonsense everybody needs a little nonsense everybody needs to watch a stupid movie everybody needs to relax I get it we have four kids a busy ministry I get it but don't keep running away from God run towards him may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you it alone lift up is very countenance upon you and give you peace in the name of the principle peace issuer evil can annoy the East mereka your errand or novela ha ha yes ah I don't know hoy por novella ha the Assembly Hall chalo [Music] not shabbat shalom cog Samia
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Views: 2,623
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Keywords: Shavuot, Pentecost, fire, Holy Spirit, Ruach ha Kodesh
Id: ktHGwUpzCQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 7sec (4987 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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