(Jun 2, 2018) Torah Parsha: B'midbar [In the Desert]

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let's look at our torah portion in context because it's poison to look at scription on context numbers three five through nine just a few verses all i have this is going to be this is a wacky day we have twelve screens we have twelve verses we have twelve tribes who have twelve systems our key verse is 1st Corinthians 12:12 yes if you knew what twelve meant you'd be like wow three five through nine just have twelve verses today that's it guys out of noise said to Moshe that's the Lord saying to Moses summon the tribe of letting Levi and assign them to our own the Kohen Aaron the priest said that they can help him they are to carry out his duties and the duties of the whole community before the tent of meeting in performing the service of the tabernacle they had to be in charge of all the furnishings of the tent of meeting and to carry out all the duties of the people of Israel connected with the service of the tabernacle assign the Laveen the Levites saw her own Aaron and his sons their one responsibility how many responsibilities do they have one goddess is deep but he's very simplistic the world is very complex and confusing and shallow God told them look guys one thing serve them that's all serve them crazy no the Levites were servants in charge of the tabernacle look at this word help I just highlighted one word I could have highlighted service and servitude sheriff we look it up in the in the Hebrew because the Old Testament was written in an original use languages Hebrew and the new test was written in Greek so if you want to understand the words in the New Testament you have to use a Greek lexicon to minister to or to serve some of you young people even some of you old people are dying to be ministers because you think a minister gets a microphone and he gets to talk and everybody listens to him you are clueless as to ministry I could give you three sermons a day I get them every morning and I hear from God and that's not what it's about ministry is service it it's changed America has redefined Christianity today it's do your best and have fun love God which is which is sentimentality it's not obey God I give me a whole heart your mind and soul and strength like the Bible says it's just love God like you know I love ice cream I love God it's sentimentality has nothing to it'll beat us and if you put obey God on your website then the chairs are gonna empty don't do that today you don't do that you paint that ceiling black you get a rock band you let the kids play games so they feel like they're on a cruise ship and just love God and are they nice people very nice are they malicious no no are they evil no they're nice guys who love God and then they say you love God and then they tell you do you best you know the motivation the motivational speakers guys I Got News for you there are people on TV some of you watch some of you pay to go see they are not preachers of the gospel of Jesus Christ what they are a motivational speakers so if you want to pay to get motivated then go hear them but don't you dare tell me they're preachers of the gospel my friend Samuel is a preacher of the gospel putting his life on the line serving people day in day out not these knuckleheads flying around in jets while you give them 50 bucks to come to that concert you're out of your mind rabbi how can you say it somebody's got to I don't want to I want to be a good guy I want everybody to love me I want to be invited all those people's houses for free dinners I want to be complimented I want people say rabbi great he's such a great guy what a nice guy you think in the first century people have been running around saying that Jesus he's just a nice guy could you see Jesus right before he ascend on the mount of olives says just one more thing guys almost forgot just have fun that's the church today in America have fun and instead of Shepherds looking out for their sheep Shepherds looking out for their sheep and teaching and training you've got clowns entertaining goats to minister to serve not because it's convenient because it's inconvenient know what love is love is inconvenience and the more inconvenient is the more love it is love is sacrifice love doesn't walk away love doesn't look away look forget if you're a single mom if you got it wit will burn in that and I we fight back to back fight back to back Shana said to me the other day she's not here so I could talk about it by the way you know Bernadette's not here because look at my shirt it's the best one I could find did the underarms test put it on that's that I actually have to call her today to find out how to work the washing machine said where was i before you rudely interrupted me Shana she said to me the other day said you know dad I'm gonna be going to college I said I know Shay what she goes you know if you would have stopped after me you'd be done she said to me listen said dan have you ever thought about that I said ten thousand times a day Shay on Shabbat twenty thousand Oh rabbi I never feel like running away you're just such a perfect parent how do you do it guys you you've been here long enough to know that we're not going to filter everything to make everything nicely wrapped so when your life is falling apart you can go home and look at three little principles and take two scriptures and call me in the morning life is not sanitized and it's not sterile it's messy and dirty so we get down and dirty here serve to be a servant by the way just for the record are there any servers here I used to call them waiters but you can't call them that anymore just like can't call off you got to call a flight attendant a flight attendant right god forbid you clone the stewardess they will they will take you down on the mat right right in the plane they will wrestle you down oh I'm sorry your your flight attendant then how about attending the flight where are you in the basement you answer some that's like again you want another water I'm sorry are you a flight attendant and then if you get up to get yourself Sarah please anyway that's a whole nother story are there are there any service in here restaurant service okay if you're a manager please tell your staff to stop coming over going hi I'm Dave I'll be taking care of you tonight really Dave you need to take care of me well how's this I'm gonna slip off my shoes and let's start with a foot rub because my feet are killing me that would be taking care of me tonight Dave I'm gonna I'm gonna order a hamburger you're gonna go in the kitchen and get it and bring it to me that's our relationship and then they ask you have you been here before what are you a cop and if there's 60 you write 5 you say yes like was the same position yes and then it's always that one person who hasn't been there and the way that looks I'm like what's wrong with you how can he ever been there and what are they we say when you say yes welcome back like you came back from the battlefield I want a burger so I don't worry now I talk to all of them because it's always a chance you ask my kids they're like oh my there's within five minutes they're sitting at the table they're sitting at my table because I want a witness to him I want I want to share the load with them because I know they had like bad experiences but maybe the worst thing is when they say to you they put the menu down they go now on the top of appetizers and then you have the entrees and they turn over your menuing they go on the back of drinks what am i living in a cave you don't think I've ever been to a restaurant it's a menu right I think most of them are obviously working for a gratuity I get it it's a hard job and I give 20% if they stink just because there's no sweat off my back to give them a couple extra bucks what's the big deal but it might help them out plus you know when you give 10% then you try to tell them how generous the Lord is doesn't look good just just throwing that out there to some of you okay but I'm not talking about working for a tip the Levites didn't work for a tip no they didn't get any land and they lived off whatever the Lord gave them they were servants legitimate servants let me show you a little graphic that was the way it was set up he had three tribes on each side around the Levites you had three sons of Levi never I Gershon and Kohath the priests were in the east gate because that's the entrance to the tabernacle they were the priests now Aaron came from Kohath and Moses came from Kohath because they were brothers their father was Levites but Aaron and his sons were priests and the Levites served the priests and they guarded the tabernacle and it was it was the placement of the tribes Israel's encampment was very methodical some people think God's not a God of order then you don't know God God is absolutely a God of water okay he's very methodical very methodical very organized very orderly and incredibly precise have you ever read Exodus 25 to 40 you now specific he is on the sockets on a curtain and you don't think he's oh it's no big deal why do you think signals gets away with did God really say if you don't know what he really said you can agree with him all rabbi it's no big what's the big deal what's what's the big deal it's a big deal little sins lead to major ramifications how many one nights of passions happened where a baby was birth that you couldn't take care of because you can afford it nor were you too selfish to do it so grandma who is exhausted and tired is taking care of your kid while you'll still go out and be a kid the merits they carried the structural components of the tent very specific they took care of the frames the bars the pillars the bases the pegs and the cords the cola fights they took care of the tabernacle sanctuary their job was to take care of the ark the table the lamb stand the altars the vessels and the screens and the gershonites cover the coverings and the hangings to the entrance screens and the courtyard very specific God was can you imagine how technical and specific so we see that each group of the Levites had a very specific order from the Lord as far as their responsibilities are concerned their service but with many hands doing the work the work can be accomplished there's gonna be a hard teaching for some of you because you know I don't know what happened but somehow the mom and a new wave church has redefined Christianity now it's like don't worry just just we'll keep hiring people and you don't have to do nothing just hang out have fun that ain't Christianity you see jesus told his disciples just hang out remember in the in the beginning of the movement greek widows non-jewish speaking widows weren't getting taken care of and they came with the apostles and they said look we gotta we have we're so busy let's get some servants and they raised up deacons know like stephen today you can't raise up deacons first of all nobody nobody wants to be a deacon hire somebody I just want you to know that there's probably not a person here besides myself who knows what tribe they're from right maybe maybe one other but that's not a high percentage listen to what I'm trying to say I'm trying to say since you don't know what tribe you from that means you're all Levites that's good that means you're all servants and if you hear today I as a rabbi and a priest have ordained you you're official I can even get you a card if you want some you're like I wish I didn't come I don't want to be a servant I want to be a prophet I want to get on a plane I want to talk to people I want to be a preacher and a teacher let's go into our New Testament partial portion but before I talk about Corinthians let me just say it was a problem wracked church it was a problem child and it was dysfunctional to the highest degree they were dealing with major divisions they were dealing with idol worship they were dealing with massive immorality they were dealing with marital problems they were dealing with the abuse of the spiritual gifts and they were dealing with legal battles just to name a few so let's take a look at first Corinthians twelve we read from first Corinthians twelve today but I want to give a little context it says in verses six seven this is the section about spiritual gifts if you want to know about tongues and the other spiritual gifts then just read first Corinthians twelve thirteen fourteen that's the quintessential three chapters on the gifts and don't argue with it whatever it says when it says no more than three people can speak in tongues three means three it doesn't mean 303 when it means it has to be an interpretation it means there has to be an interpretation what it means that no two should be speaking at the same time it means what it says just read it it's three little chapters easy then summarize it and you'll you'll have all you need to know about it but you'd be like Oh rabbi no because I go to a place and 400 of us talk and that's that's not public it's not it's not public is everybody else deaf it's public there are different modes of working but it is the same God working them all in everyone moreover to each person that means all of us is given the particular manifestation of the Spirit that will be for common good now before we go to that word listen to me really carefully there is no believer who does not have a function to perform in the body of Messiah you hear that there is not one believer in the body of Messiah that doesn't have some gifting in a function of perform not one not one and the gifts were given for the profit of the entire body they are not given for self display or self gratification too many people that I don't even know how gifted they really are abuse the gift by pointing the attention to themselves the Bible says there for the common good now let me show you that word in the Greek just so you know I'm not fudging this thing it says to bear together to contribute in order to help it means the gifts were given to support one another and to help one another and to serve one another period nothing more nothing less now look at first Corinthians 12:11 it says one and the same spirit is at work in all these things every single gift distributing to each person as he the Holy Spirit chooses and because the Holy Spirit is part of God the spirit of God if you will the gifts are produced distributed and controlled by God period let's say that again the gifts are produced or manufactured distributed and controlled by God now let me give you a word of advice to some of you carries maniacs don't let the gifts take you where your fruits can't keep you I've seen many a gifted people come like a like a baton like men power power and where are they today fizzled out if you believe this first if you believe that God's control you and all a couple of things will happen one it will eliminate all pride because you'll realize that you don't possess the gift by your own accord it was given to you so prides eliminated which is a good thing huh there are some people that actually pride themselves on the humility which is it just a joke to me too it will eliminate discontent because we'll realize that it was God himself who made the decision to give you the gift you have how dare you say to God you don't know what you're doing look I've had a couple of conversations with God like that not that he doesn't know what he's doing but he asked me what are your favorite trees I specifically said palm I know pine sounds like palm and northern accent but I was very happy Norman beach with palm trees and then he turned to the angel said pine send him and I was like no not behind bomb I said bomb too late too late and I overnight I came here overnight electrons where the palm-trees that's why we have palm trees I come here every day and I make-believe I fantasize I'm back in Ormond Beach so eliminate pride to eliminate discontent with most people walk in one of the other they're either discontented with God or life or they're prideful but the best for me is that we'll focus on the gift or not the gift T now if some of you teachers in English I know gift tour is not a word and I know gift T is not a word but I think you get my drift we'll focus on the giver of the gifts not the recipient of the gifts gifts come and go the word of the Lord is forever and if I were you I wouldn't pray for a gift I would just ask God what your gift is and operate in it now 1st Corinthians 12:12 a key verse I told you the number 12 is spoken about a hundred and forty times in the scripture 20 times alone in Revelation 12 is a number in in gematria biblical numerology not you know the psycho friends Network I'm not talking about Dionne Warwick that nut I'm talking about I'm talking about biblical numerology gematria okay 12 is a perfect number and it symbolizes God's power and authority also a governmental foundation you need a government people say we don't need anybody really okay let the kids raise themselves let the school not have a principal let the company not have a CEO let there not be a medical director you're out of your mind and I'll tell you it you're not out of your mind you're rebellious that's the real problem you can't submit to Authority who are they to tell me who is that cop to tell me not to speed he's a law enforcement officer his job is to enforce the law without him it would be chaos thank God for police officers pray for them this says for just as the body is one but has many parts and all the parts of the body though many constitute one body so it is with the Messiah how many people do we have in the medical profession here you live in Macon probably happier right either that you work at the base Gekko forgot guy go we have a couple of doctors here and we have nurses here and we have physicians assistants here and physical therapists here the human body Paul is using and how much did they know about the human body back then not not much I mean God knew because he needed it together but they didn't have the information we have today we have information that we didn't have 20 years ago the human body is an illustration of unity and diversity one with many parts let me show you the human body I think it's interesting it has 12 systems 12 is a number that just keeps coming up circulatory which circulates the blood correct me if I'm wrong doc around the body delivering oxygen to organs and cells and by the way every single one of these in the natural have a spiritual connotation but I do not have time to get in it but anemia is when you lack oxygenated blood and self thought to die oh no Meah is spiritual anemia without the law you start to die spiritually you get it in that beautiful God is unbelievable the digestive system provides nutrients via the mouth the esophagus stomach intestines and the Crenn system provides chemical communications within the body using hormones and some of you are using your hormones a little too much integumentary system skin hair nails sweat and exocrine glands lymphatic system and network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins really important immune system portions of many systems that fight disease muscular system enables the body to move using muscles nervous system collects and processes info from the senses via nerves in the brain renal system the system where the kidneys filter blood reproductive system the sex organs required for the production of offspring respiratory system the lungs and the trachea that bring air into and out of the body and the skeletal system bones supporting the body and it's organs you have any idea how intricate these systems are albert einstein who was a genius as genius when he was just discovering some of these things about the AI he fell on his knees and asked God to forgive him not giving him enough credit many scientists Capernaum Copernicus many scientists Galileo would god-fearers science doesn't deny God it confirms God the only thing it doesn't confirm in science is their theory is because they're wrong 80% of the time but scientific truths confirm the Bible it's not one of the other as many scientists are the god-fearers my point about this is although all believers are different and perform different functions they all combine to make one functioning unit the head of the body is messiah and he resides in heaven guys he's not here he's not here he's only with you in spirit he said I'm leaving he's at the right hand of father he can't be at the right hand of the Father and at your right hand so set the spirit so guess what the spirits supposed to do you're supposed to perform the miracles when you see somebody in need you don't pray don't pray for a sandwich to fall out of heaven because I've never seen one get um a sandwich Messiah resides in heaven but his body us resides on the earth just as the human body is a vehicle by which a person expresses himself to others if I don't have a body I can express myself so the body of Messiah us is the vehicle by which Yeshua chooses to make himself known to the world you're a god rep you represent God man if that doesn't while you I don't know what the heck is going to we're almost done we have three verses first Corinthians 12:14 for indeed the body is not one part but many without a variety of parts we went through it you could not have a healthy functioning human body you know when one thing is off it affects everything it's so complex and we try to fix this and you go to this doctor he says take this and this doctor says take this and nobody's communicating and you're on 47 pills and in no time you're dead dead rabbi that's not nice look some of you are my best friends and you're doctors I'm telling you that you are amazing people and you do wonderful work but we have to communicate with one another so that there's many parts and although one's different from the other they all still work together in obedience to the head the brain runs the show and in cooperation with one another what what is Paul saying here he's sitting with servants and we have to work together rabbi you're gonna lose people listen to me I don't want to lose nobody but if you're not doing nothing what are we losing [Applause] Semyon helping some yarn given you just taken up room we can use the parking spaces I'm not trying to be mean but really what are you doing when we see that diversity is essential to a normal healthy body it will save us from two very very serious dangers one from belittling ourselves look at first Corinthians twelve sixteen and if the ear says I'm not an eye so I'm not part of the body that doesn't make it stop being part of the body the ear the ears belittling itself it's saying I wish I was an eye I wish I was an eye if your ear wasn't I then your mouth would keep saying what what come again you follow let me try it again for for those that I don't know no one's school if the ear was an eye your mouth would say what because you don't have an ear so you should never belittle yourself with the gift God's given you no matter how little is let me give you an explanation is Julie right here jewelry I'm gonna embarrass you and I could care less how old are you Julie right I'm making you we've been friends for 14 years don't you deny me how old you 25 that would have been the good answer 70 and how old are you gerald 76 and these to come and do Lance it now let me tell you do I care about landscape plants when they look at me they drop dead come see my yard it's said I just don't have the green thumb but let me tell you something okay I come here every day sometimes twice a day sometimes I come at night just to pray at the wall and you have no idea how much joy the landscape brings me now why the heck is a 70 and a 76 year old the only one doing it when all you young studs won't lift a finger because it's below you [Applause] Bravo you're crazy I'm not crazy it's true it's true I'm not crazy right never belittle yourself Julie Ray might go hah I'm just I'm just doing some landscape you making me really happy I used to clean up price road for years I cleaned the price road I used to make my kids come out clean a price road anything on price road then we found out that Union actually called the city I wish I would have known that three years prior so you don't want to belittle yourself because whatever gift you have I'm telling you it's more important than you realize especially if the gift comes from God don't ever tell God he doesn't know what he's doing and the gift isn't important everything is important too it will prevent you from belittling others first Corinthians 12 21 so the I cannot say to the hand I don't need you can the I save the hand I don't need you the I can see what needs to be done but can the I go I'm gonna move the couch or for some of you who watched xx superhero movies I'm gonna move the couch know that I can't believe the hand it needs the hand what sees what needs to be done it has to communicate to the hand hey I need a hand when there's a good performance no he says give an I say gimme a hand right do you see how simple these little verses are and how we skip over them and belittle them because we just don't take time to look at them we want to get into deep things we want to get into deep things we want to get into eschatology we want to understand why every socket on the curtain was this size listen to me let me tell you what's deep serving each other and because most people don't want to do that they decide to go into deep things so they sit home for six hours on the internet finding out about every pagan thing and what's so pagan is their attitude about not helping anybody [Applause] you're not gonna hear this from Joel Olsteen I got I guarantee you uh-uh he likes that jet ain't gonna lose that jet gosh what if the body consisted of only a tongue I thought about this this morning now truth be told I have met some bodies that consisted of only a tongue which reminds me of a conversation from The Wizard of Oz between Dorothy and the Scarecrow it goes like this scarecrow says I haven't got a brain only straw Dorothy says how can you talk if you haven't got a brain scarecrow says I don't know but some people without brains do an awful lot of talking don't they you guys are laughing cuz you you know some people like that right they might even be pretty close to you Dorothy says well I guess you're right guys the Ross said to me I love you see this is this is Greg god I don't know what I'm doing God I'm not even worthy to doing him don't know what I'm doing that's the truth I feel that way every day whether you believe it or not it doesn't matter it's the truth I wouldn't lie in the house of God I don't know what I'm doing and I don't feel worthy to do what I don't know what I'm doing well I ask God to do is to make it obvious to me blatant and if he makes it obvious to me then I'll do it last week God told me I want you to to acknowledge some of the people in your congregation who do stuff okay I heard it loud and clear I went with it but I still I wasn't looking for a confirm a tenth on a fleece but God is so good to me that he gives me confirm then Jason sends me the Torah Pacha a couple of days later do you know that that Torah partial was two weeks ago anybody know that that's not the Torah posture for today Jason has never blown it in the ten years he's speaking tour of horses this is the first time but I knew when he sent me that tore apart about the Levite serving it was an absolute confirm to do what God wanted done so when I call your name don't tell me that you're embarrassed when God wants to say thank you this is a very busy ministry I know some of you just come and eat and run but there's so much that goes on here it's totally totally overwhelming so first and foremost when I first came here this place was just meeting they were having meetings they had no no nothing established and the leaders that were in position would just I'll never forget I first came and I went to one meeting I called Bernadette I said because we were living in Milledgeville we had no place to live I came overnight I said Bern these leaders they don't even know God what are we gonna do what did God do this to us and then the Lord said I will take them out one by one you can't do it let me do it and one by one I think God gave me David Johnston and Joseph Marx and they've been incredibly supportive abuse truly soon have you come up here [Music] that are kind of guys when I call them and I say somebody's in need rabbi is it a good idea yes we need to help them do it that's our meeting not get the Finance Committee check out their w2 see what they've given ridiculous David also takes care of p1 12 which is Psalm 112 which is all about being a holy man a good man of God besides militia he takes care of that as well daughters of Zion Gail freya and mabel kendall I know Mabel's not here but keith is going to stand in house deed is that correct number two and then messy moms history for young mothers if Lauren would come forward [Applause] Gail came to my house like 14 years ago knocked on my door and said the Lord told me that I'm to take care of your kids I said well you better redial because I'm gonna pray really hard about that I'm very protective and she helped raise my youngest all of them she always watched and gave me a night out wood burned that for years and that's why I'm a little teary-eyed prayer for Lisa Vincent and um and and Rose rose you're gonna stand in for her is that what's happening and Lisa could not be here today because she's take care of a fall that was going through chemo but I know Lisa 15 years since I got here and that's Felisa and you'll get yours in a in a minute Oh are you gonna get yours corporate prayer this is different this isn't the prayer force you get all your notifications about when you need prayer but these are people that come every Tuesday and they it's a seed prayers from the wall and prayers to the congregation and they cry out like it's their own it's a gifting I'm sorry thank you Judy Shockley you just lost your gift yes and they pray for placing anything else so that beep our first when you come forward [Applause] okay moving right along I gotta move around along because you guys will be in forever but I want you to get an idea of what's going on here so you don't think it's just I sit in my office and and and and get ready for a sermon praise and worship a guy who's been with me through thick and thin I've I've had more praise and worship leaders than caught a head liver pills but I don't know if Darren has nowhere to go but he hangs around so Darren you want to come up here [Applause] and then we have Shabbat school I can't tell you how important this is we've had some great Shabbat school leaders in the past and our current one is no less Robin Overby I'll say she's probably mr. botsko here while you guys were enjoying she's back there doing I know you do I know you do and that's the nicest thing to do it with a joy is really wonderful but I got news for you if I need something to be moved and you're miserable but you want to move it I'll take your misery and you can move it with me Sean machine and World Missions John raspberry he was just deployed keep me in your prayers so Margie is going to come up for him is that correct John's John's been here since I've been here and Margie as well we'll get to you in a minute you're welcome dear and next we have our Hebrew liturgy melody Malone and Jason White did Jason did here oh he's still here okay I know I know you haven't you're going out of town so and there's also something in there about picking the Torah posh or immediately so something in their Hebrew instruction mark Ritchie I always I always laugh when I call you only not because first of all you're absolutely lovely but I will never forget the first time you came here and you know me I don't really have a filter and I was I tried to set tell a joke and I said you know there's two things I can't stand one is ethnic prejudice and the other is the Dutch and Helene was here for the first time she comes up to me she goes I am from Holland so you would expect me to say I'm so sorry you know it was just a joke I said yeah you're from how long do you drink Heineken you live in a you live in a windmill where's your clogs and there's your clogs and you stayed quickly I love you too which shows you have a thick skin I like people with a thick skin yeah hard to find these days huh I'm offended I'm offended I'm offended next door of Hope our spiritual counseling JB and Anne Mason are they around boy with these guys lifesavers you have no idea I was doing this on Tuesday all day I had from 8:00 to 5:00 every hour on the hour and I came home and I'm telling you on the way home I lived of course the I said burn that hide the steak knives man is it hard to you you'd want to talk about getting trained listening to everybody's problem so I can't thank you enough come on stand up here building maintenance Joe marks is already up here Ben fryer who's johnny-on-the-spot just changed my lock this week come on up here Ben and Gerald gray come on you guys are here in a moment's notice when something goes on always looking to repair stuff and help us out and it's it's very very very important I had a cold man to hang the picture that you see I couldn't hang the picture that's a sad state of affairs that's how you know I'm Jewish we're almost there guys be patient this is important we do it you know once in a while technology Jason's already up there yeah Jason he investigated all this I didn't have time he investigated all all the projectors and the different systems and which ones go it so he does a lot of work behind the scenes hospitality and green is Cindy Henderson where art thou I love you too [Applause] you see there's more to it than just me huh that's the point you're getting the point hospital visitation Rose core man have you saved me I go when I can but I can't go all the time I just can't and you go and man has that been a blessing Pulaski state prison Susie vaughne cannot be here but Judy Shockley judy judy judy do you love me judy judy judy [Applause] I love you - love you - Judy uh McCrea Correctional Facility Bonnie Conklin she couldn't be here she's doing something at the prison but she runs McCrea prison ministry do we have Bonnie's do we have Bonnie's Susie do you have Susie's Judy let me see the little sticker yes you have Susie's and this is yours and do we have monies no that's in the office okay we're getting there I promise all right I'm not gonna talk too much more media ministry where is Margie Margie she sits in the back she comes here for hours and put CDs together for Samuel for Steven for Arnie and Australia for the prison ministries she sits back there and just quickly of all those CDs we give them out for free it's not a money-making thing in fact we lose but but but people seem to be blessed with it I'm not sure how or why but it doesn't matter multimedia sound camera projection all those thousands of people who watch they couldn't watch if it wasn't for these guys John Frazier could not be here but Curtis Lee Darrell Oy and Elisha Basha where art thou darah see if this is you yes Curtis come on stand up the Elijah thank you so very much we have a group ministry our small groups because you know it's it's a ministry it's very important for people to get in small groups and connect so you had a group ministry and fellowship faith tingles and we're out thou [Music] does your husband like your hair does he like the new haircut he told you to cut it and you listened to him what a you are very submissive yes yes you are I could just see if I said to burn you need to cut your hair I definitely say it while I was moving and then we have young adult you Claud the young adult ministry is taken care of by Jessica Thompson Jessica she does a beautiful job with them and me Somoza you know somebody told me the other day they said well you said something now coffee shops and other congregations you have a coffee shop yeah but we don't charge for the coffee Vienna which is you know I never thought about it but Vienna is the heck of a roast it really is which makes all the sense clean team David Johnson he's already up here landscape Gerald and Julie [Applause] no this should be you I think what's that name on there your name is thank you right Julie okay yes Gerald should have his already and then in case somebody potentially is almost kicking the bucket we have the medical emergency team Carol Hoffman [Applause] [Music] this look oh I see reflexes and we have a special a special events coordinator she does a lot of things and a lot of design for a lot of our special events Laura Lee where are you thanks dearest hello b2 and last but not least my other two right-hand men that's with me all the time and always watching my back and I've seen a lot of assistant and associate rabbis in my time but not like them too I mean they work so hard you have no idea I wish you would come here one day and sit in that office and watch how unbelievably busy they are it's unbelievable Roxanne and Denise [Applause] [Music] Oh or as or as I affectionately refer to them as ebony and ivory we're together in perfect harmony yeah I wrote a special note for everybody a personal note so it's it wasn't like one of these thank-you things yeah make sure you take now I want to tell you two quick things one is before I I really knew that I can ask people for help Bernadette and I did all these jobs and I kid you not she was home home schooling answering the phone we had no office so phone I was counseling I was teaching we were cleaning it was it was ridiculous and we both lost ourselves we lost our minds we lost our family and we lost ourselves we really did and if you would have seen me back then and you would ask me how things going I would have told you horrible but I think if this is what God wants I'll do it but it was horrible and then you know these guys came along and and really changed our lives since we got into the new facility people asked me rabbi what can I do for you they asked me that I know I don't not sure if they really mean it but they asked me and this is what I would tell you don't ask Betsy sure what it can do for you ask yourself what you could do for Beth you sure we live in a world where everybody takes even in the spiritual community they take and they take and they take and they take and they take and they take and then they take some more trying to give right now we need people on the clean team do you realize if we had eight clean teams you would have to clean the synagogue twice a year Dave the elder has his hand in the toilet that you guys urinate him and he's here too much because nobody else will help when help with Shabbat school sometimes Robin is calling people in the morning to see if they can come in some of you have your kids in Shabbat school you've never taught a class think about that we need help with your hard faith is looking for an assistant John desperately need help with sha machine projection we need more help and sound ministry we can use an experienced sound person now I can guilt you real easy but I don't they don't want this one I want to ask you what do I have to do tell me I'll do it I mean my wife cleans the synagogue we're not above anybody never was never will be we just need help it's just too many that come but with that being said there are a lot of people hoping and I know a lot of you were helping behind the scenes I want to leave you with this letter that I just received from the CEO of Hertzog Medical Center doctor it has self Kane an Orthodox Jew who years ago would probably spit on me and there's the letter we get dear rabbi Gregg on behalf of our children and all the other patients who will benefit from the donation of the custom-design wheelchairs we would like to thank Betty Shu International imagine the CEO of the number one hospital in Jerusalem is saying Betty shoe a house of Jesus for this incredible expression of generosity and support we can all agree that the sight of the children sitting up for the first time in their special wheelchairs was most moving the wheelchairs have given them a new life as now they will not just lie in bed all day they can now sit up go outside for fresh air and see their environment for the first time just by being able to sit up they are seeing a whole new world that's just the world around their bed they could even see you unless you stood over them in their bed all they saw was the ceiling all day long and all night long in addition and this is something medical he's a doctor just by sitting up and being more mobile the wheelchairs are improving their health the test said which is a Hebrew term for tender loving kindness everyone at Beth yoshua International has done should bring all of you much blessing you have literally changed the lives of all those who will benefit from the wheelchairs thank you especially for highlighting the wheelchairs to Israel and Hertzog Hospital on your website we are grateful for your visit we are sure that you enjoyed the rest of your time in our beautiful Israel all members of Betty show international and any of your friends and family have an open invitation to visit Hertzog hospital on their future trips to Israel sign doctor Yehezkel cane CEO director-general Hertzog medical subjects [Applause] [Music] you want to know what a miracle is I don't know I've been all over the world I've seen a lot of spiritual things did you ever hear of a person in a maybe a house that was flooding and all of a sudden God opened up the roof and it would catapult it out to heaven on a cloud and then he gave them some kind of angelic parachute and they parachuted back down to safety or did hear about something that goes in there to save him God operates through his people period and if your motive behavior is to just stay home read and then point your finger at everybody who's doing the wrong thing in the spiritual realm it's a sad existence I know some of you I see you when you come and cut the grass it's not unnoticed I see when you come in you do things at Beth yushua or you help out in the coffee shop or whatever I could have many more if you stand up here please if I forgot anybody who you feel like well I do some things I know I know in Berna that's not even here because she would be so embarrassed if I told her to come up she's just a ton of stuff for Betty schewe a ton and in a lot of ways she's my sounding board she's a lot more wisdom than I do on many occasions so I I don't want you to be forced to get involved but again if we had eight clean teams twice a year twice a year once every six months you'd come in on a Sunday for a couple of hours can you imagine many hands lighten the load right one hand washes the other and they both wash the face all I'm saying is you know don't listen to me right I'm sure if you're supposed to the Lord will let you know it's not telling me no then it's off me right then you're telling him no and that's a whole different ballgame I know some of you come from far away it's not doable I get it send me a single mom says that don't do it don't do it don't do it don't don't ever put your family at risk or your job at risk I'm not saying that but I'm saying especially some of your single folks what do you do with all your time so just think about it it's it's a wonderful congregation you guys are doing a beautiful thing even you guys at home you Europe Europe you're a major part of that whole Hertzog Hospital thing and I think I really think we're just scratching the surface I'd bet you sure I really do and I'm not even an optimistic person but I feel like the best is yet to come amen let's stand together a little longer than usual obviously I apologize but this is done once in a while hopefully you can appreciate all their hard work and efforts now be the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord let the Missouri countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle PC sure evil can annoy face maratha your erred annoyed pono Valletta there who now yes I don't know hoy por novela ha the assembly hall chalo I love you guys shabbat shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 1,257
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: B'midbar, Numbers, desert, where God speaks, Hershberg
Id: FN_p4TZoS-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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