Jan 2, 2021 - Torah Parsha: Vayechi (He Lived)

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um i would like to tell you something as we're starting the new year um many of you know me pretty well and listen to me for a long time i say this in all in all humility but i have a prophetic edge to my tongue i was told that from when i first got saved i met with some the lord was very gracious and gave me some people to meet that were very mature that had establishes congregations and churches all over the united states and they sat with me and they wanted to get to know me and they said to me on many occasions you have a prophetic edge which does not make me a prophet by no means but a prophetic edge is a sharp edge to the words it's sharp they're cutting no matter how much i try to dull that it doesn't work i try now i know some of you say please don't please don't that's why we're here i get it but there's a lot of people that can't handle that because when the cutting comes they think the cutting comes from the person when it's really coming from the word of god that's being breathed on by the holy spirit so they make it personal and there's nothing personal about the bible there's nothing personal about the word of god it is what it is um i try very hard to get you to be as good as you possibly can you know this in the world there are coaches there are coaches who work very hard you know them i don't watch sports but you know who these coaches are they have great reputations because they get the most out of their players that's what makes them great coaches that's what makes them winning coaches when you're a leader in a congregation basically you're a coach that's what you're doing you're trying to get the most out of your players you guys are the players so i raise the bar high and there's a line that i draw and i try to get you guys to that line sadly enough sometimes i go over that line that's just the way it is when you set the ball low you never make it so if you set the ball low it's a sad situation you don't say that to any of your children you don't say set the ball low in life just you know third place is okay there's nothing wrong with it you don't do that and i won't do that i'm not going to be able to do that i've tried i just can't so with that being said i would like to ask you going into this new year to give me a little grace because if 95 percent of the stuff i say appears from god and five percent some greg you you really want to nail me for the five percent do you think that's fair and right do you think that's loving do you think that's something yeshua would do so instead of being so pharisaical and so analytical and so legal why don't you just hear what the word is saying to you from the holy spirit and just deal with that and what is from god take and what is from greg licka is that fair because i don't want to set the bar low i want to set it high for myself and high for you the bar has been said high by the bible we're supposed to be like yeshua that's a pretty high bar correct so so again i'm just saying if this past year went by and i pushed it too hard and i went over the line i'm sorry i'm sorry i really am i don't come in here to hurt you or to accuse you or to make you feel bad never never in a million years i can't begin to tell you how many saturdays over the last 25 years of my life that i went home crying because i felt like i hurt somebody's feelings it's a tough job having a prophetic tongue it's a tough job speaking for god it's really really a lot tougher than most of you think so again take what's from god let go what's from greg and be the best you can be okay all right with that being said let's get on to the torah pasha because it's about as juicy as they come before i try to explain the old testament reading i want you to know that if if you want to be even remotely scholarly like just a little it was a sad state of affairs that you know places like the jehovah witnesses and and other organizations like this they're so scholarly they study their scriptures way more than a christian ever would they're able to defend their scriptures way better than a christian would which is a sad state of affairs correct but if you need to know this is the foundation your god the god you serve is a covenant making and a covenant keeping god it's called the bible is called covenant theology and you should know if you've been here any length of time that god has made five covenants you have to know this this is this is as basic as it comes this is this is faith 101 this is kindergarten faith there are five covenants there's the abrahamic covenant there is the mosaic covenant there is the israeli covenant the davidic covenant and the new covenant five so all you need to know okay a covenant or a theocratic covenant theo from theos is an everlasting alliance or treaty or agreement for the defense that god makes with a person or a group of people on behalf of other people so god made this treaty agreement with with abraham he said abraham i'm making an agreement with you on behalf of all of israel and the world which is going to be fulfilled when yeshua came right so he makes this treaty with abraham and israel for the sake of the world the mosaic covenant he makes with moses for the sake of the children of israel and the world the israeli covenant obviously he makes with israel for the sake of israel the davidic covenant he makes with israel for the sake of israel and the world and the new covenant he makes with israel before i go any further god only has five covenants they're everlasting you can't repudiate them they're everlasting he made them all with israel how could any theologian i don't care how many phds they have i don't care how nice their accent is i don't care how eloquent they are i don't care what schools they went to i could care less how could any legitimate bloodborne christian dabble in replacement theology and yet they all have listen to me every denomination in america has they all bought in the only ones that kind of have it and i'm being i'm not being accusatory of the southern baptist but the southern baptist i'm going to tell you right the way it is i don't care if you're a southern baptist pastor listen to me sir the southern baptists embrace israel from a political standpoint not a heart standpoint they love israel because the bible says to listen i don't want to love my wife because our covenant said so i want to love my wife with all my heart because that will make for a happy marriage the pentecostals the assemblies of god they were all in in the 80s and 90s i met the president of northwestern he showed me a letter that he wrote to every single solitary church in america they are now replacement theological you say how you say that i i just spoke to somebody three weeks ago who is a key leader in the assemblies of god ki they're all over the church books replacement theological now some of these people don't even know the replacement theological they don't even know what replacement theo theology is replacement theology is when god all the promises made to israel they're kind of null and void and gave him to the church guys if if you want a couple of verses deuteronomy 11 12 first kings 9 3 first kings 10 9 you will see that god's love for israel is everlasting it's just biblical you god hates divorce you think he's going to divorce his wife oh my goodness that's it's it's really blasphemy replacement theology is not just bad theology it's not a bad doctrine it's not like you got it wrong it's called a demonic doctrine so let's go to the first theocratic covenant real quick genesis twelve one through three it says now adenoid is the lord talking to abram this is him speaking that's why there's the quotes he says the lord says to him get yourself out of your country or the chaldeans away from your kinsmen leave your family leave everybody away from your father's house by the way his father was a very rich man they've uncovered his house in iraq and it had 18 rooms it was the only house with indoor plumbing and believe it or not i have a piece of that indoor plumbing because a friend of mine broke it off illegally but it is now in my possession and go to the land that i will show you he was doing well why because his father was an idol maker and when you live in a country that's idolatrous you make a lot of money i will make you a great nation i will bless you i will make your name great and you want to be a blessing don't don't lose that part a lot of people want to be blessed but they don't want to share the blessing i will bless those who bless you but make no mistake i will curse those who curse you and by you by you abraham all the families of the earth will be blessed this is the most important covenant of the five you might say rabbi that doesn't make sense the new covenant should be the most important covenant no the new covenant is the most essential covenant you've got to make a promise before you fulfill it the promise was unbelievable okay he's prophesying here big time some people see there's a seven part blessing i don't they see the simple place they go i will make you a great nation one i will bless you i will make your name great you want to be a blessing i will bless those who bless you i will curse those who curse you by all the families so they see seven it's three part it's tripartite there's no ifs ands or buts three part there's an individual blessing to abraham you're going to have a great name does he have a great name he's the father of three major religions judaism recognized him as the father christianity recognized him as the father and islam recognizing the father he's got a great name so god was right if anything god nailed it right you should be able to see that even if you're secular okay the second blessing is a natural blessing he says i will make you a great nation what's that nation guys it's israel it's not italy it's not india he loves italy and india and he loves italians and indians but this blessing was to israel and then he says through this nation the whole world will be blessed so you have an individual blessing a national blessing and a universal blessing it's huge and it builds how could any christian when i say krishna use that term loosely how can any christian know this maybe they don't know it how do they not know the most important covenant that god makes how could they not know that because they weren't taught it and the guys that come out of the cemeteries i mean the seminaries weren't taught it so they don't know to teach it but you have no excuse because you have the bible you can't blame it on your pastor or your grandma or rio you have your bible you were supposed to study to show yourself approved i gotta tell you i'm watching people spend way more time with the news than they ever would with the word of god and i don't mean a little bit more some of you haven't read your bible in weeks why you didn't miss your show you didn't miss the game what do you what do you want so i guess you don't want a good relationship with god you're good with a peripheral relationship i had somebody say to me this week they said you know rabbi sometimes a whole day goes by and i don't even talk to god to recognize god and i realized that at night and i thought i'm not trying to be a sheriff and i thought how the heck does that happen how does that happen don't you wake up first thing in the morning looking for him you know my dad we lived in the projects i told you and you know you can imagine all we could do is play hide-and-go-seek i was a little boy he always hid behind the drapes we had drapes but he always stuck his feet out so i could find him you'll always be able to find god if you look for him it breaks my heart what can we expect from the world when the body of believers aren't even looking for him okay so he makes this covenant and then look at genesis 17 we might be here for a little bit i'm sorry you know some people have come how many people have come driven out of state yeah i don't think you're too worried about if i spend ten extra minutes right okay um he's reconfirming the covenant with abraham here this is very important when abraham was 99 so he made the promise way before i don't know he appeared to him again i am el shaddai el shaddai god almighty very important shaddai is spelled it's an acronym for shomer thou told israel the guardian of the gates of israel that's what shaddai means the guardian of the gates of israel that's rich why you see a shin on every mezuzah it stands for shiddai shin dalit yid shalma dalton israel in my presence and be pure hearted so you're saying to abraham look it's not going to work if you just do your own thing i want you to be blameless i will make my covenant between me and you very personally he's making an agreement he's sticking his hand out and shaking with abraham handshake notice that no lawyers around try that today do you know why you need lawyers today because man doesn't hold his word said said that we need them i will make my covenant between me and you i will increase your numbers greatly mind you his wife is old okay sarah is old 90. her womb is a tomb he doesn't understand what's going on here abraham fell on his face that's good that's really good next time god speaks to you all on your face it's good he might speak some more and god continued speaking with him ah what do you know i didn't even see that i love that that's so cool he just told me if you fall on your face i'll speak more to you and then it says that right there in the in it's biblical it's not just my opinion that's cool what's the matter with you you should be excited some of you haven't read your bible in weeks so you're not excited that's right you're too busy with your own life and nothing's going well and you wonder why don't wonder as for me this is my covenant with you you'll be the father of many nations imagine 99 it's wife's 90 and they have no children what would you be thinking your name will no longer be avraham exalted father your name will be avraham father of many because i have made you the father of many nations it's true it came true i will cause you to be very fruitful i would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he came back to his house and said hey sarah i got to tell you something and wisdom once again is spoken yeah yeah if she yeah the bernadette herzberg version is dust off that womb i don't think he would have said that but would just yeah i said it but you're talking for abraham let us continue i will make nations of you can you imagine it would have been enough to just say sarah's going to get pregnant she's been infertile her whole life and it's not like she's you know she's 32 years old and she's in fertilin and the clock is ticking the clock done tick tock over and then he says he has the nerve to say kings not just anybody kings will come from you kings that's crazy so the many nations here the reason why i italicized it it represents the spiritual descendants of abraham it represents a lot of you gentile believers will be grafted into the family of god that's good it is that's why it says abraham's seed it doesn't say seeds there's no distinction between jew and gentile one in messiah abraham's seed the bible says king so in order to understand this a little bit better we have to fast forward 150 years to genesis 49 which happens to be our tour of harsha where jacob spoke words of prophecy and blessings over his twelve sons so i just want you to see this was his first prophecy to his firstborn reuben he i would think kings would come from him yes sure but this is what he prophesies over reuben rouven you're my firstborn can you imagine i could see him crying he's at the end of his life and he's wailing you're my firstborn my strength we spent so much time together it was just you and me you know i've spent tons of time with my kids we have dinner every night together i love it but my firstborn i had him for five years and i spent so much time with him i i you know i play great man-to-man defense when i used to play basketball but i hated zone because if you flood my zone i get delirious you were my firstborn my strength the first fruits of my manhood though superior you were superior to your brother's invigorating power you're so unstable as water did you ever try to catch water try it so your superiority will end how sad on his deathbed because you climbed into your father's bed and defiled it he climbed onto my concubine's couch so reuben held the place of primacy and power yes the birthright with its double portion was his but reuben forfeited his preeminence by sleeping with his father's concubine so who's next simeon and levi he prophesies over them he says shimon and levi you're brothers but you're related by weapons of violence let me not enter their counsel so sad so dysfunctional let my honor not be connected with their people i don't want to know from your children for in their anger they killed men and at their whim they maimed cattle cursed be their anger but it has been fierce their fury it has been cruel i will divide them in yakov and scatter them in israel yaakov was another name for israel so simeon and levi cruelly killed the men of shechem and hamstrung oxen it was overkill it was not an eye for an eye it was deplorable and they're scattering just to let you know this prophecy did come to pass simeon was absorbed by judah and you could see that in joshua 19 1. i'm not going to put it up for you but you can go home and see it and levy was dispersed throughout the land in joshua 14 4. so now we come to the next guy on deck judah and if you know his story he didn't start out out of the gate so well but listen to this stunning prophecy yehudah your brothers will acknowledge you your hand will be on the neck of your enemies your father's sons will bow down before you yahooda is a lion's cub my son you stand over the prey he crouches down and stretches like a lion like a lioness who dares to provoke him the scepter will not pass from yehuda nor the rule of staff from between his legs until he comes to whom obedience belongs and it is he whom the peoples will obey man and the crimes of the three elder of his sons had not put the dying patriarch totally out of sorts he had a blessing ready for judah let's break it down a little bit 49 8 yehuda your brothers will acknowledge you your hand will be on the neck of your enemies your father's sons will bow down before you all judah's brethren will praise him judas shall be successful in war and be superior to the rest of the tribes the prerogatives of the birthright which reuben had forfeited was bestowed upon judah along with the excellences of dignity honor and power we just sign a song yeshua is known as the line of not reuben not simeon not levi of judah the line of judah look at 49 it's priceless judah is a lions cub my son you stand over the prey he crouches down and stretches like a lion like a lioness who dare to provoke him judah is likened to a lion when the lion roars he sends terror throughout the forest how many knows when a lion roars how many miles could it be heard five five correct who said that way to go fred you're uh you're up on your your the animal kingdom knowledge and that's good no i'm not kidding around you know when you when you hear when when you hear references to lion and eagle you should study them god didn't make those references have hazard man he he handpicked those references you should know you should know you should know when when the lion sees its prey none can resist them i was in africa in the wild you got to see when a lion attacks i don't care who that animal is it ain't getting away it ain't getting away none can resist and when he goes up from his prey when he finishes none will dare pursue him to revenge it none not all the brothers of the other animals will come after that lion it's a done deal judah is compared not to a lion raging he's not raging but to a lion enjoying the satisfaction of his power and success without creating aggravation to others this is very important guys i hope you just heard that i hope you heard that because judah will obtain his victories for the seek of peace not war yeshua is not coming back just to declare war because he's a warmonger he's coming to establish peace through his battle do you understand this is quite quite important 49 10 the last verse of our torah pasha the scepter if you're looking at the window will not pass from judah uh kings will come and kings will come and kings will come all the kings came from judah every king in israel right until he some if you're reading other versions you might see the word shiloh okay until he comes to whom obedience belongs which is another word for sharlow and it is he whom the peoples will obey judah will be the royal tribe or the tribe from which the messiah prince will come rulership and kingship would continue in his tribe until he who comes to whom obedience belongs which is another another name for the messiah that's what they're describing that's shiloh dying jacob saw messiah's day at a great distance can you imagine the comfort it was for him on his deathbed in these words jacob predicts the great empire of david the kingship and the greater kingdom and empire of messiah the prophecy is further prophesied in the book of daniel i so badly wanted to share this with you a couple of weeks ago during hanukkah but the lord just won't let me but now i get to share it so i'm real happy i've been holding on to it look at daniel 7 9. as i watch daniel says thrones was set in place and the ancient one took his seat man i'm gonna get so excited ever since i met the lord i've been waiting for this every single day of my life his clothing was white as snow the hair on his head was like pure wool his throne was fiery flames with wheels of burning fire remember a couple weeks ago i talked about the four four beasts and the four kingdoms representing the four world empires i couldn't get to you but this is the fifth world empire this is the best one guys this will be the final world empire the ancient one is god himself clothing why the snow depicts god's uncompromising and radiant purity his hair like pure wool is symbolic of wisdom personified that comes with great age and his fiery throne and wheels of burning fire images of his divine fearsome power in order to destroy all his enemies you got it it'll be recorded look at it this week look at this instead of some of the knucklehead things you're listening to these two-bit prophets that are prophesying nonsense about trump and biden read the prophecies in the bible man i'm just telling you as a friend daniel 7 11 i kept watching then because of the arrogant words which the horn was speaking remember the little one he becomes the antichrist i watched as the animal was killed its body was destroyed and it was given over to be burned up completely the little horn the final beast the antichrist with his boastful arrogant horn continued to mouth off defiance in god's heavenly court but he was quick slain swiftly his body thrown into the fire and his entire empire was totally destroyed somebody for the love of god say hallelujah 7 13 it's getting good i kept watching it's building the night visions when i saw coming with the clouds of heaven someone like a son of man he approached the ancient one see there's a lot of bad theology out there the ancient one they think is yeshua how could you approach yeshua and these guys are scholars they went to much better schools than i ever did i didn't go to any school i went to the school of the holy spirit you can go there too you know he approached the ancient one and was led into his presence coming on the clouds it's a clear symbol of divine authority the son of man the son of man the son of man combines in one person both human and divine traits you'll read it elsewhere this apparent discrepancy about the son of man like in ezekiel 2 1 but that's just to distinguish mere human beings from god the son of man is none other than yeshua the messiah look at the next verse 714 to him was given rulership glory in a kingdom so that all peoples you're not going to heaven kid heaven is coming to him was given rulership a real kingdom on earth don't we pray isn't that the prayer when they asked how to pray let your kingdom come let your will be done i mean my god catholics charismatics you name it and everything in between has been praying this prayer and yet they don't understand it it's so simple to him was given rulership glory and a kingdom so that all peoples nations and languages should serve him this is no ordinary king his rulership is eternal it will not pass away and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed yeshua's kingdom will be over all peoples all nations all languages therefore he's much more than just a personified representative of israel no creative being would have the right to rule the entire world forever this prophecy is ultimately fulfilled when yeshua comes at the end of the age to judge the world to judge the world and to rule the nations make no mistake which brings us to our new testament reading the fulfillment this is perfect revelation 19 11-13 next i saw heaven opened and there before me was one was a white horse sitting on it was the one called faithful and true and it is in righteousness that he passes judgment and goes to battle there's not a president in america that could claim that amen you're ready for this there's not a person in this sanctuary that can claim this there's not a person who ever lived that could claim this his eyes were like a fiery flame i hear people singing songs like he's gonna come back his fiery flame is for his love for the bride his fiery flame is so he can judge the nations even bad theology and songs guys listen to your songs if it doesn't line up with the bible get rid of it dump it don't sing it his eyes were like a fiery flame and on his head were many royal crowns and he had a name written which no one knows but himself that includes everyone nobody knows it you're in that category okay i know some of you well well the name could be don't don't he was wearing a robe that had been soaked in blood and the name by which he is called is the word of god let's break this down it's worthy 1911 we got it next i saw heaven opened and there before me was a white horse sitting on it was one called faithful and true and it is in righteousness that he passes judgment goes to battle finally finally finally we reached the event to the rest of the book has been looking forward to the whole bible all roads lead to this in the bible which is none other than the coming the glorious coming of yeshua the messiah to earth he comes to put down his enemies and to set up his kingdom the white horse it's a war horse he's coming to conquer his enemies faithful and true he's faithful to his promises and he's true to his character guys i don't know if you understand this but he can only rule over a kingdom where the people are willing to live under a reign of righteousness therefore he must remove everything that is not do you understand it's not a prayer that's going to get you in it's not it's making him lord of your life and subjecting yourself to his rule and reign now now not when he comes now get ready now revelation 19 12 his eyes were like a fiery flame that depicts penetrating power of his judgment many royal crowns others may wear a crown of victory but only yeshua is spoken of as wearing a crown of royalty a name no one knows except himself guys i'm sorry some of you dealt too deep you're like a submarine a periscope every now and then there are just too many mysteries sometimes with yeshua it's just too many and no created being will be able to comprehend it i could care less i just want to worship him revelation 19 13 this is deep he had a robe soaked in blood some people say oh rabbi is that the bloody of golgotha no no no it's the blood he's gonna shed when he tramples his enemies in the winepress of god's wrath he is called the word of god a word is a way of expressing thought and in messiah god has fully expressed himself to man make no mistake now here comes the juicy part so the torah pause is simple right jacob prophesies that kings will come from judah and then revelation 19 says yep it's him it's yeshua he's the king of all kings good but there's something much deeper to this whole message today and i really don't want you to miss it okay i really don't it came on a good day zechariah 12 9 through 10 13 1 this is what it says when that day comes which is talking about when yeshua comes same thing as revelation revelation 19 okay it's another beautiful prophetic book about the coming of messiah when that day comes when yeshua comes i will seek to destroy all nations attacking yerushalayim i will pour out on the house of david and those living in jerusalem israel a spirit of grace and prayer how could any you know what i mean theologian not see this what are they reading i mean how many times could you teach on the parable of the sowers get a new teaching and they will look to me they will look to yeshua whom they pierced they will they will mourn what gives you the right to repent before god and be forgiven and not give that right to others they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only son there's no greater mourning in judaism than when you lose your son they will be in bitterness on his behalf like the bitterness for a firstborn son thanks again when that day comes a spring will be opened up for the house of david and the people living in jerusalem to cleanse them from sin and impurity guys here we have this gorgeous prophecy when messiah yeshua will come and he will reveal himself to his brothers remember joseph remember the story what did joseph say to his brothers ani yourself i am yourself and they cried what's going to happen he said don't cry it's okay god sent me here to save you i love you it's going to be the same thing they don't recognize them because the church stole them they shaved his beard they cut off its zitzits they made them not jewish they made a methodist a baptist they changed the calendar they got a meeting pork loin how could you recognize them but they will they will he will say ani yeshua our knee yeshua and his brothers will repent and they will be forgiven and all israel will be saved make no mistake remember when we kept reading that yeshua is coming back right to judge the nation remember look at this long section i just need to be patient in matthew 25 matthew 24 yeshua explains about the end of the age matthew 25 he speaks about his judgment now now you you've got to try to pick this up because it's been misinterpreted for centuries okay read with me matthew 25 31-40 when the sun man comes in his glory again the same event right we're at the same place that we were in revelation 19 or zechariah 12 accompanied by all the angels this is the end of time he will sit on his glorious throne all the nations will be assembled before him and he will separate people one from another as a separate as a shepherd separates sheep from goats the sheep he will place at his right hand and the goats at his left then the king will say to those on his right the king meaning yeshua come you whom my father has blessed take your inheritance the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world he meant for none to perish the kingdom was prepared from the very first day the world came into being it was already there you understand this wasn't an afterthought let's continue for i was hungry and you gave me food watch how poorly this has been interpreted guys you're almost going to be ashamed but don't be for i was hungry and you gave me food i was thirsty and you gave me something to drink i was a stranger and you made me a guest i needed clothes and you provided them i was sick you took care of me i was in prison you visited me then the people who have done what god wants the nations that did the right thing they'll say lord when did we see you hungry and feed you you've been gone or thirsty and give you something to drink when did we see you as strange and make you our guest or needing clothes and provide them when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you the king will say to them yes i tell you that whenever you did these things for one the least important of these brothers of mine the application which a lot of people fall prey to is take care of the needy but that is not the interpretation not even close let's look up the word brothers a brother born of the same parents can't be a gentile a brother born of the same mother or father nope having the same national ancestry kinship nope guys he is talking here in this section of matthew 25 about brothers by blood as opposed to brothers by fellowship it is irrefutable i don't care how scholarly you are it is irrefutable the nations will be judged according to their treatment of messiah yeshua's jewish brethren during the time of the tribulation what i'm saying to you is get on the right side now and what i'm saying to you is tell your pastor tell your cousin tell your grandmother to get on the right side because there will be a separation make no mistake and i don't care how much they love jesus they got the wrong one if they don't love his brethren think of think of how incredibly deceptive satan is that you could love jesus with all your heart and not love what he loves namely the jewish people that's deception at its highest that's incredible and only satan could pull that off now if you don't think this is true go ahead with the anti-semitic bull and see what happens when yeshua comes back maybe you would have said at that point i should have listened to that big mouth chew from new york one more section we're out of here luke 8 is one of my favorite sections you know what can you can you go back to matthew 25 one minute the reason why i was crying when i read that i'll tell you in a minute um go back to that second section this is the holocaust guys i was hungry it was starving to death i was thirsty i was a stranger i needed clothes they were naked i was sick they were sick i was in prison this is the story of the jewish people throughout the centuries but in the tribulation it's going to be bad if you think you're going to be out of here okay nobody really knows but listen to me before you get out of here get on the right side today man let's go to luke 8. now what's happening here is luke uh yeshua is curing the incurable and he's raising the dead look that's incredible enough for me now hear me i potentially see something happening here that's different that coincides what i just taught you listen to me i have to submit to you that you might think i'm spiritualizing here and you are entitled to think that you know i don't like to spiritualize you know i just teach the word of god but i'm going to let you be the judge i'm going to let you be the judge when yeshua got back he was in the gitorins right that's like six miles southeast of the galley so he's in the gentile section of the northern part of israel he comes back to the jewish section he comes back to the west side of the galley okay the crowd's welcome he didn't want to leave in the first place because he's doing all these miracles you know but they were all expecting so they're waiting on them he healed the demoniac he comes back then there came a man named my ear you know what bernie can i get a tissue i'm just gonna need one because i won't make it but you know if nancy was here she would help me blow my nose where were you on that what are you gonna do okay listen to this this is so rich that i i lost my mind the first time i noticed this and this was way before i came here i just want to tell you this is not a new revelation but it's very new to me as i read it last night there came a man named yahya who was the president of the senator the president of the synagogue in judaism even from the first century they run the show if you know anything about traditional judaism they run the show they make all the decisions not the rabbi his name was yatir you know what yahya means god enlightens light is about to come into this jewish president of the synagogue in the galway falling at yeshua's feet he hears he sees what's going on he knows he's a miracle worker he can't deny it he doesn't know him as messiah but it doesn't matter he just needs a healing for his daughter you follow falling at your feet which is a good place to be when you want something from god he plead begging begging please come to my house my little daughter she's so sick please come to my house he had only one daughter 12 years old is that significant to the story in other words if you didn't know she was 12 what would matter why did god throw that in there if you take that out nothing changes up yeshua heals his little daughter great uh-uh only daughter all throughout the scriptures the daughter of zion is the jewish people all throughout the scriptures she's 12 12 is gematria for the number of tribes of israel it represents god's government israel she was dying that's what all the replacement the theologians say israel's dying that's what they've said she's dying she doesn't get it i'm here how could they say that as he went with the crowds on every side so he's walking he's going he's going to his house they were choking him you know he'll may heal me a woman who had a hemorrhage for how long why why put it in it's significant she has an issue of blood she has a blood issue israel has a blood issue they do but she could not be healed by anyone nobody would heal it because nobody cares about her she came up behind him and touched now what does all your versions say the fringe you've read this a million times what did you think the hem he had some cool hem like the beatles in the 70s he had these seriously though you did think that you thought nothing of it he touches him who cares touches callahan it's so significant guys the fringe is sits it why would he be wearing it since it because it was the law if he breaks the law he's a sinner if he's a sin and we're not saved he's a jews jew he wasn't jewish and he converted he's as jewish as they come you gotta graft in not graft us out it's not weird what we do here you're weird you think it's weird because you don't get it you know why you don't get it because you don't read the scriptures and you don't understand them so that's why it's weird to you she came behind him and touched you know what look up that word it means to grab onto to seize she didn't touch his sits it no she grabbed it and held on now why is that significant you'll see in a minute hang with me instantly her bleeding stopped instantly the minute she grabbed onto it sits it let's continue yeshua asked who touched me he felt the tug why because it wasn't like this the tally that was attached to his cloak if you grab my shirt i'm going to feel it they all deny doing it kepha said rabbi the crowds are hemming you in they're jostling you but yeshua said uh-uh no no no no keeper someone grandma says it because i felt power go after me the woman was trying to keep it low key but seeing she could not escape she's caught the woman quaking would fear threw herself down before her and confessed in front of everyone why she touched him and how she had been instantly healed he said to my daughter your trust has saved you go in peace let's continue while yeshua was still speaking a man came from the synagogue's president's house your daughter has died that's what the church says israel's died does not just die she's dead don't bother the rabbi anymore but on hearing this yeshua answered him don't be afraid just go on trusting just go on believing everything i said and she'll be made well when he arrived at the house he didn't allow anyone to go in no one would go in except for kiefer peter yochanan john and yaakov james and the child's father mother that's it all the people were wailing in mourning for her but he said don't weep she hasn't died she's sleeping i'm telling you don't you weep israel has not died she's just sleeping and let me tell you something mr mrs christian for those who watching do you know why god put it to sleep so you can get grafted on the tree thank god he put it asleep thank god he put it asleep because if he didn't put her to sleep he would have took his throne and the millennium would have started 2 000 years ago aren't you glad they jaded him like mocking him she's dead man she's not breathing she's dead certifiably dead let's continue but he took her by the hand i'm the yeshua it's prophetic right there in the gospel little girl little israel get up and her spirit returned she stood up at once and he directed that something be given to her serva our parents were astounded but instructed to tell no one what happened he let the parents in the room which represents the patriarchs but he only let kefa yohanan and yaakov who does kefa represent he represents faith he was the first one to to claim yeshua is the messiah right we know this peter's faith and yokonan represents love the disciple i love and yakult he writes for the hope of the nations in his letter what is he saying guys i'm telling you i i looked at this from way back when i first started reading the bible and it came to me and i tried teaching it many times and nobody believed me and you might not believe me either but i'm telling you what yeshua is saying he's saying if you don't have faith for her if you don't have love for her and you don't have hope for her stay out of the room just stay out what are the replacement theologians say to all this what about the future of israel is it true that god is through with israel and the church is now the israel of god and the promises of israel now apply to the church romans chapter 11 emphatically emphatically clears up this theological and doctrinal lie god's plan for israel stands and her destiny is assured in my humble opinion we need to rid ourselves going forward of this antichrist spirit that is so prevalent in so many christian circles today in these last days make no mistake the nations of the world will become the enemies of god israel will be totally surrounded and once again she will find herself out gunned outmanned and against all odds and you know what will happen then look at zechariah 14 3 then then illinois will go out and fight those enemies fighting on a day of battle yeshua that's going to get him to return when the nations all surround israel he's going to return and he's going to grab them and say get your filthy hands off my wife and then what let's stand together then i don't know it will be king over the whole world on that day i don't know i will be the only one and his name will be the only one before we go into the hebrew i want to i want to show you something thank you look at this picture that sits it do you notice that there are five knots i'll go over it real quick with you you're brilliant first knot second knot third not fourth not fifth knot do you see the windings they're specific there's seven windings eight windings eleven windings and thirteen windings it adds to thirty nine that sits it in hebrew and gamatri is six hundred the five knots and the eight strands adds to 613 the commandments of god that's what's supposed to remind us remind us to obey obey obey obey but when somebody grabs on to it it's said grabbing on to the 39 windings and gematria means the lord is one that woman who is bleeding grabbed on to yeshua she said you are one with god you are the messiah israel is grabbing on it's growing my friends in israel are getting it jews are coming to faith left and right it's happening we are in the last days they are grabbing on to the 39 windings they're saying you are the messiah it's happening guys so this is how it's all going to end the lord will come back he will fight for israel he loves israel it's eternal we will graft in we have to love israel figure out how you're going to fall in love with her not because i said so know this about israel she has given you the bible she has given you one god and she has given you the messiah to me that would be enough for me to fall in love with her now let's put up the hebrew say it with me the haya agonizing a my hallelujah if you grab hand to one i'll give you the final blessing and you're free to go may he come soon and speedily in our days and everybody said amen now may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle of peace yeshua everest happy junior
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,754
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Id: lpLDF6aB04E
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Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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