Aug 21, 2021 - Be an Organ Donor...Give Your Heart To God ( P2)

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i want you to know i mean this from the bottom of my heart two things one if not for the love and grace and mercy of god i would not be standing up here if not for the love and grace and mercy of god bernadette and i would not be together we um you know there's a there's a human side to this where you know god helps those who help themselves you know you can't put it on autopilot you really can't you have to do the work you have to put in the work you have to be committed and devoted but if you do your part god will definitely do his part you know we're here to tell you that um you know when bernadette and i first dated uh we probably fell in lust and we were very secular and um when we got married and we got saved on our honeymoon there was so much stuff that needed to be carved out and it doesn't get carved out overnight you know the scripture that says all things are new yeah they're renewed and renewed because god has to go back and carve out and carve out and carve out you know um dr bernardo isn't here but she's a fine dentist and you ask her when there's decay in a tooth she has to drill it before she could fill it right god has to drill you before he could fill you that's the way it works and um you know we're here to tell you that i never thought i could be this much in love with somebody and god was definitely the third strand that made that happen i can't begin to tell you enough about that and so i just wanted to give god glory about that the other thing i want to tell you is i speak so well of this place i don't know if it's too well i don't know i don't know if i'm just a proud parent but everywhere i go you know just yesterday i was witnessing to some guy ended up being a truck driver just passing through and he ended up being a devout believer everything he was saying i was like i was just laughing he goes what are you laughing about i go you get it you totally get it man and he said to me he said you know i i love god so much he said i love my wife but i love god more and i said your wife is a blessed blessed blessed woman because of it and i told him about you guys and i tell everybody about you guys wherever i go i speak so so well of you um i haven't been to it you know every congregation but i've been to hundreds i've not seen a place like this before never it's amazing and i'm just so honored and downright so appreciative to god for putting this together and and letting it turn out the way it did you know removing some people and helicoptering in some people and putting together a ragtag weird crew that works so well together um last week we got into a subject and we had this intro about how the bible says from start to finish we're to love god with all our heart mind soul and strength we talked about how it's the very essence of judaism in the shema and how yeshua repeated the shema when asked what was the most important commandment and we went over the first point we only have two other points to go over and the first point was this to love god is to put him first that's that's the first and foremost point he has to be numero uno he has to i mean i'm not kidding you like i told you you can love other things some people think well if i if i if i love my wife if i love my children that's a bad thing the bible says to love your wife and love your children and you could love hiking but you know take god with you on the hike make sure you're praising him all the way through the hike you know when bernard and i go places we use our marriage as a witnessing tool because young people today don't believe in marriage they don't believe it it works and and why doesn't it work because we showed them that it doesn't work sadly enough and so you know i'll tell the the server male or female i go 37 years together we still got the heat and they'd be like well you're married 37 years i said we're married 32 but we've been together 37 and they always stand amazed because you know you know what i mean they think of you together five years it's amazing in california it's three and i always say don't you want to know our secret and you know the young person always wants to know the secret and boom i mean is that not an intro on god like she just played into my hand man and just reeled her in let's reel they're in and um even if bernadette's here in my world god is still here even if she's right there you know what i mean even if she's right there still it can't be this way it's totally out of order so we went over all that it's you know it's i'm sure it's on youtube and our live stream and our website and all that other good stuff on getzel it's there point two is simply this once once you put him first once you put him first it's it's not enough to you know to um forget about how much you love him you ever hear the same you know the honeymoons over quick you know on the honeymoon you're taking all these pictures and you're seeing all these wonderful places and then 20 years later you're like what happened like you guys were crazy in love you don't even forget about you don't even like each other like how did that happen but it happens right it happens if we let it happen we should we me and you and again let me reiterate for the thousandth time because this is the thousandth sermon i'm not preaching to you you got it all wrong he's preaching to us i just happen to be up here delivering the message but i'm hearing the message sometimes a lot before you heard it we should desire god now you might be in a state right now where you're not desiring him you're desiring other things i'm i'm not assailing you or accusing you nope it happens to the best of us if you say it never happened to you you're lying we should desire him we should have this longing for him downright we should just want him forget about all the cute little theological terms we should just want them and i couldn't think of another verse that describes this better than psalm 42 look at the first verse just as a deer longs for running streams god i long for you now growing up in new york city i i never saw a deer i didn't know anybody who hunted you know deers don't run around on concrete you know there's no woods just the way it is man part of the reason there was two reasons i came back to macon one was to see greenery because in long beach there's no greenery and two i miss perspiring it was awful it was 75 degrees i didn't sweat once and i was like golly i so miss sweating as soon as i go out and having a shower and shower so i came back now david wrote this psalm and these were songs and you know every songwriter writes from experience so david was experiencing something was this a time when david was hiding from king saul in the caves and get and getting i believe so can't prove it but i believe so i've been in getty 15 times you know i've been to the caves there i could see it man i could see it because there's these ibex these deer that is uh just found in israel and i've seen them where they're where they're just parched and i could just see david on the run in this cave he did nothing wrong he's only blessed saul and they're looking to kill him and why is he why is he so upset he just wants to get back to the temple he just wants to get back to worshiping god with his peeps he's miserable in that cave by the way if you're in a cave right now get out as soon as you can you might think but i'm all messed up rabbi and i'm just going to hurt people and i don't want them to see me like this because it's a bad witness listen to me 10 out of 10 times if you go into the cave it will get worse you hear me a hundred percent of the time get out of the cave if if your if your believing family can't appreciate that you're going through it and that you're not in good spirits then they're a messed up believing family because they shall go through it as well some think this was a time when david was wandering in exile during the rebellion of his son absalom could be this is a stretch but others say it's the voice of messiah during the time of his rejection and suffering i don't believe this this is a prophetic psalm at all not at all but you're entitled to what you want to believe still others say it's the wailing of the remnant during the future tribulation period again application not interpretation people like to imagine things you know believers that imagine things i can only imagine they're imagining a little too much but let's look at this simplistically which is the way i like to look at things in the scripture maybe just maybe it's you and me looking back on the days when we were so close with god so close that nothing could get in the way we thought about him constantly we looked from first thing in the morning we couldn't be without him and we miss him we just missed that our souls longing for fellowship with god is compared to the craving of a deer if you've ever seen it it's wild when they're running through the parched countryside and their sides are throbbing and their breathing is quickened and they're desperately looking for some cool water from the from the brooks just imagine if we long for god like that look at psalm 34 8 another verse from david he says taste and see that aranoi is good that word i've told you a million times you've got to look that up in hebrew man because you know we in america can you go back a sec that word good and we in america when we think of the word good we use good for everything even when something's kind of bad i think it was good right we might say it was good but we also say who's good you hear what i'm saying we flagrantly throw that word around for everything the potato salad was good when you say god is good you're saying he's majestic he's excellent he's superior he's uncomparable he's unfathomable there's no one like him that's the word good in hebrew tobe she says taste and see that god is all that how blessed are those and there's an exclamation point how blessed there are people that will argue about god his existence it happens all the time in theological circles it happens when theological people talk to the people of the world they talk about these external evidences right they found chariot wheels in the red sea it must be and you're telling people this and they're like yeah i don't get it news flash spiritual things have to be spiritually discerned you can lift him up but only god can draw them see if you could draw them then you'd get the glory and that's a no-no trust me i'm a witnessing maniac i came up with every witnessing tool you can imagine it doesn't work it doesn't work sometimes we see what the universe provides we use science and we're like how do these doctors don't get it or we resort to logic come on what's so bad if it's not true at least you had a better life which is a horrific witness if it's not true come again don't ever say that but it's only when his love and presence touches our hearts that we can really know him this is the personal encounters i was talking about last week let's look at the word taste in the hebrew just means to perceive which is a neat word but the word taste in the hebrews used as a metaphor to mean personal experience personal experience for years the church wasn't having any personal experiences they weren't they were just religious and went through the motions but once we taste the lord through a personal experience and we see his goodness for ourselves not if i tell you about his goodness forget about the preacher we can't help but to want more i don't go to buffets that often very rare almost never first of all i think they're disgusting just people just running up to the food truck it just turns me off especially when they're sneezing but it's not for me i just went to a doctor this week again and the doctor says how's your dieting i said well i eat when i'm stressed and she said oh and i go i eat when i'm happy i eat when i'm breathing and then i found out get this the size of a serving of pasta or rice is a tennis ball i said are you sure that's not a basketball a tennis ball a tennis ball a tennis ball and the size of a serving of meat is a deck of cards i was thinking it was a few decks of cards and then they said cheese do you like cheese who doesn't like cheese everybody likes cheese for dice dice i've been cutting my cheese the size of rubik's cubes what do i know but when you do go to a buffet you tend to put everything on your plate right and then after you taste it what do you do you go where do you go and you go back and you get what's mmm anybody know what i'm talking about you all know what i'm talking about your little liars well once you taste the lord you've got to go back you've got to go back nobody can hold you back from that because there's nothing like it nothing like it look at this little teenage girl named miriam in the bible luke 10 i'll just give you two verses it says on their way yeshua and his talmudin came to a village bethany bethany's not far several miles from jerusalem it's by the way it's where they kept the sheep for yom kippur and there was these two women there obviously there was no parent so maybe their parents passed away but they were young back in this day they got married very very young and these were his friends yes yeshua had friends yep he was a fully normal breathing human being and he had friends and these were his buds and when he came through town he wanted to see his buds and of course they look who's here marielle look who's there your shoe is here i don't know if martha came to the door or not you know how that works she had a sister called miriam who also sat at the lord's feet and heard what he had to say so here in this context martha came to the door she was so excited and she yelled for miriam look who's here wasn't the other way around right because it says on their way a woman named arthur welcomed him into a home so she opened the door so you should have said rabbi we know who opened the door it says it right there this is how you have to read scripture put yourself right in the story forget memorizing verses nonsense be in the verse taste and see perceive it feel it be there she also had a sister called miriam who also sat at the lord's feet what does that mean sad at the lord's feet it's hebraic rabbinic augmentation first century every rabbi remember had a teaching and every rabbi had students called talmudin there was thousands of rabbis there still are thousands and thousands of rabbis who have teachings and have students and to sit at the defeat is a metaphor for listening to what he had to say it didn't really mean to necessarily per se but that's what it meant it's not so much about mary amanda's feet although three times she shows up in scripture and where is she three times at his feet it's not it's you could be yeshua's feet and stop and still not obey what he says you hear what i'm saying let me repeat that you could be at his his feet you could be crying i love you i love you then stop doing that bernie you know i love you you know i love you well then if you love me i asked you 20 times stop so saying you love him and crying before him is not the answer do you follow what i'm saying i'm not saying there's anything wrong with that per se but if that's just what's happening it's not enough so miriam was sitting at his feet she was listening she wanted to hear what he had to say and her intentions was to carry out the orders that was the be she was she was not so smart she was a simple little girl she wasn't all that well educated she didn't go to the fine schools women didn't go to theological schools back then what did she know she only knew what yeshua said and did what he said no big deal but then was distracted by all what her preparations her preparations not what he told her to do what she wanted to do always in the kitchen i mean it's nice that she was preparing a meal for him but i don't even know if he asked for a meal maybe he was full maybe just ate it was well intentioned but what this teaches us is that yeshua prizes our affections above our service he prizes our affections over our service if we love the lord then we'd be found at his feet listening to what he has to say yeshua just doesn't want to convert worldly people into godly people he wants to convert mothers into mary's i know that everywhere you go today there's a screen they have screens in bathrooms now we are a distracted people if that door opens right now half of you will turn around and you talk about young kids on their phones your kids on the you're on your phone you're now on your phone all the time you can't get off it all those millenniums what's your excuse you're 75 put down the phone in order to personally encounter god we need to carve out time nobody is that busy where they can't carve out time for the lord nobody we all have the same 24 hours and we need to set aside all hear me and any distractions if you're spending time with the lord and your phone is going ding ding ding ding do you really think you're spending time with the lord do you remember when we went to that conference in florida and i went down to have breakfast because i had to teach a course and i went down early and there was a woman there and she was with her mother mother had to be in the 80s and this is what 15 20 years ago maybe 20. and she was on the phone and she goes she was some big shot at some conference and she said i i'm having breakfast with my mom and then she got another call i'm having it that's how she started the conversation and i walked up to her and i said madam you're not going to like me but then again there's a lot of people that don't i just want to let you in on a little news flash i miss my mother desperately you are not having breakfast with your mom you're having breakfast with your phone somebody had to tell her so many distractions today i see kids with their phone reading a book with the television on and you call it multitasking i call that confusion you don't learn through osmosis you learn through concentration i know trust me i am the poster child my friend that passed away he was the the expert on add he said you're the poster child man nobody has it worse than you so i have to purposely focus i can't hear a tap if there's a tap it will drop like where's that coming from ask my kids remember when you used to just go like this with the bottle and the younger ones were coming up the old ones go don't do that you tried to give them a little tutelage thank you you've got to sit patiently you got to wait on the lord i waited patiently for the lord to incline and hear my cry we are email no more snail mail email boom text boom and people expect i text you 15 seconds ago why didn't you text me back we have to be at everybody's beck and call and we think god is at our beck and call and we are wrong dreadfully wrong not the way it works prayer and bible reading is crucial to a good relationship with god crucial you familiar with grand central station in new york city 250 000 people commute through there i commuted through there for 10 years 750 000 people visited daily it's unbelievable do you remember the nun the roman catholic nun how old was she 147 150 the oldest woman you've ever seen at the top of that landing where grand central comes in i passed it for years and this was before we were saved remember what you used to say when you read when you read the bible no no when you pray you speak to god when you read the bible he speaks to us and she repeated that a million times she sat there all day long and i didn't know what she was talking about i know now oh i know now yeah yeah this is why i'm such a big fan of regular bible reading look at psalm 19 10. the word of god that says here is more desirable than gold that's what psalm 19 is all about by the way the word of god then much fine gold also sweeter than honey or drippings from the honeycomb look at how they're making this distinction you know 14g gold is good for jewelry but it's not even close to being pure 24 karat is 99.9 percent fewer so he's saying there's gold which is gold is good right look how much it look how expensive it is some of you have gold you think you're gonna buy food with gold i don't know why you're crazy but okay it's a good investment you're making some money but then there's fine gold the word of god isn't just gold it's not a treasure it's the finest of treasures now i don't know about you but i love honey i have hot honey i have regular honey i have all kinds of honeys and i love honey but then he's saying this is something even sweeter than just regular honey look at the distinction god is going out of his way in his word to try to communicate how great his word is the value of god's word cannot be computed in terms of gold but it does have this one thing in common with gold and that is you gotta dig to find its treasure great wealth guys great wealth is hidden in the pages of this book millions and millions and millions of people have died burned trying to preserve this thing it is in our best interest to search for these treasures you know that feeling you get when you're reading god's word and all of a sudden bam the holy spirit reveals something to you like for the very first time anybody know what i'm talking about then act like you know what i'm talking about it's an incredible feeling when you discover this treasure and then only to realize after the fact god you put that in there just for me just for me the purest honey is that which drips from the comb do you know that that which drips from the comb then that which is pressed out it's easier to press out honey you gotta wait to get the drippings what's god telling us hurry slowly everybody's running at breakneck speeds i got to do this and i got to do that and i got to go here you're all a bunch of lunatics rabbi that's the way it is slow down we're supposed to get filled with the holy spirit try pouring a glass of milk while you're running it takes time to glean from god's word and we should get excited about finding treasure some you have gold and when it goes up an ounce you get crazy right there's a lot more gold in these hills man suppose a man goes overseas to fight a war and he receives a letter from his beloved wife he takes no time in in ripping open the envelope and he pours himself into reading what it says his love for his wife causes him to love correspondence from her the same should be true with all love for god's word because we love the author we love what he has to say last point to love god is to obey him i know it's redundant put them first long for them but the bottom line is you could put them first you get long from and still not obama this is the kicker and we'll use yeshua's words john 14 15. he's about ready to depart the premises this is his last will and testament very important what he has to say washes defeat in 13 14 15 16 he says his final devise in 17 it's his final prayer he says if you love me guys it doesn't get more simple than this you don't have to go to a bible college to understand what he's saying here i mean bernadette would say if you love me greg you'd help me you'd want to make my life easier you know many hands lighten the load you'd want to not make my life harder our kids they pitch in why because we made them they'll get old they'll leave the house and they'll probably get married at some point and have kids in their own they'll figure it out but i think our tutelage will be impressed upon them hopefully yeshua was about to leave and of course he knew his disciples would be incredibly incredibly sad this was their everything this was their everything so how would they express their love to him how would they show their love the answer was by doing what he said they would not love him with their tears but with their obedience and then again he repeats himself in the 21st verse of the same chapter he says whoever has my commands and keeps them not just whoever has them whoever has them and keeps them this is the one who loves me he's giving a definition and he says get this now that would be enough period good okay if i keep your commands i love you and the one who loves me will be loved by my father meaning keep the commands then then my father's gonna love you and i will love you too and will give more revelation of myself to you the real proof of one's love to the lord is obedience it's useless to talk about loving him if we don't want to obey him in one sense the father loves all the world he does but he has a special love for those who love his son you know i'm a daddy it'd be really hard for you to come up to me after service and go i just want to tell you something so glad you're back so glad bernadette's back i wish your kids weren't back the more we look to obey yeshua's teachings and live like him the more we will be able to say that we truly love him and last verse in the same chapter 14 23 yeshua answers if someone loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him what you see the building of this guys are you seeing what i'm seeing maybe it's for the first time look at how the crescendo this is a crescendo and we will come to him what you will come to me and you'll make your home your tabernacle with me that's a wow man the father loves those who's willing to obey his son without question or reservations both the father and the son are especially close to people like these obeying god is not a matter of merely following rules and regulations which i think some of you have come into in this messianic movement of ours it is about knowing god and loving god and having his love permanently written on our hearts a person naturally a human being naturally desires to please those they love yes it's human nature look at psalm 41 7 and 8 it says so then i said here i am i am coming people think this is david or us no no in the scroll of a book it is written about me doing your will my god is my joy your torah is on my inmost being when messiah became a man it was not with indifference but with wholehearted delight from cover to cover in the old testament it was foretold not only that messiah would come into the world but that he would come with an eager ready spirit to do god's will the will of god was not just in his head it was inscribed in his heart and he was all in well that's good for him but what about us jeremiah 31 33 says for this is the covenant i will make with the house of israel after those days says i don't know i will put my torah within them and write it inscribe it it's going to be permanently inscribed on our hearts and there will be intimacy no more people teaching me they will know me from the least to the greatest for i will be their god and they will be my people we will be in relationship and it will be tight through this new birth no longer is it just in our heads it's not religion it's inscribed on our hearts it's an intimate deep loving relationship and now all we want to really do is god's will but we need some help the desire isn't enough we all desire to do god's will and that's where ezekiel comes in i will give you a new heart okay he agrees with jeremiah but i'm going to take it to the to the next level i'm going to put a new spirit in you i'm going to remove your stony heart i'm going to take it right out of you and i'm going to give you a heart of flesh a soft heart a compassionate heart a caring heart i will put my spirit right in you and cause you cause you you'll be like why am i doing this you told me to go over there and tell that guy i don't want to do it you can't control me oh yeah try walking away you're gonna do it see because if you decide when to do it and when not to do it then when you do it who gets the glory uh uh stop taking the glory freak it's god he found you he rebirthed you he inscribed his laws in you he put the new spirit in you so not only does ezekiel say we're cleansed from past sins but we get a new spirit in order to save us from future sins and all of this was made possible by the selfless sacrificial death of messiah yeshua how in the world can you not fall in love with a god such as this now i'd be more than happy to stop here and i'm sure some of you would be even happier but when god gave me this message i was on starting a walk i used to bike ride a lot i can't bike ride like i used to body doesn't work like i used to so i walk now and i said lord i'm i'm fine with giving this message i'm finally giving any message but i'm struggling with something and he knew i was struggling with it anyway so he says tell me about it i should have said you already know but i was in a you know really intimate conversation and i said um look this is fine i'll tell the people to put you first and to long for you like you can force somebody along for somebody and tell them it's all about obedience like they never heard that before i said but they really need to know how much you love them in order for that to work and i know a lot of you don't you say you do you want to really believe you do but you don't and sometimes when you go to the cross you leave feeling less worthy right less worthy so i was like i'm gonna need something here i need something here i have something to confess to you um since i got saved i feel like i've been on probation i've never been totally secure in god's love not 100 i hope i'm not alone there's some that are too secure in god's love you know these are the charismaniacs who think they just got to say it and god's at their beck and call name it and claim it man come on i'm your baby boy when you go up to heaven and i look on the refrigerator to my picture that's on it right but there's a lot of people that and i just felt i'll never get it right because i have a sin nature and the sin nature sins and i'm not going to get rid of that sin nature until i go where he comes is there anybody in this house that knows what i'm talking about could i just see a hand if that's you praise the lord so then this is not for naught then this is very important right this is i think for this day not this shabbat this time that we're living in the most important thing we need to know hear me this is this is very relevant to right now we have to be eternally secure in god's love if we're going to make it because this virus is child's play compared to what's coming and i know you don't want to hear it somebody like i wish you wouldn't say it i have to say it i'm sorry i know i know i told my wife this morning there's three kinds of people today in the body there's those who absolutely see what's happening and they're trying to prepare there's those that see what's happening but they put their head in the sand and there's those that have no clue what's happening so when i told them this i just had started my walk and i was by the okmulgee river and all of a sudden i see this picture and it was my hand and before i reached up i was going down for the third time and i yelled please god save me and then i felt his hand grab me i'm watching this like it's a movie guys i promise you i'm not making it up i couldn't make this up i mean i could but i wouldn't you know last week remember the guy that came and i told you about that ex-navy seal that i took me in the woods he was here last week and i thank god because he came up to a lot of you and he said i met this guy march 5th march 6th i was going to kill myself he saved my life and that's when the lord said not everybody believes you when you tell them a story i was like wow that stinks can you tell me which ones i would like to talk to them um if only so he pulled me out and he pulled me on the water out of the water and he put me on the concrete i'm watching this and he one compression and he breathed into me and he said this is the breath of life and he says you're going to be swimming differently kid it's going to be rough you're going to be swimming against the tide but you'll never swim alone and that was my salvation story but that's your salvation story too you were drowning absolutely drowning then as i walking a little further he shows me another movie that only he could know jeremy was two years old and there was this little underground forest opposite the beach where we lived in florida we lived right at the beach and i used to take jeremy in there all the time i worked monday wednesday and friday like 15 16 hours i set it up just so i can have off tuesday thursday because i wanted to be with them all day i was really relentless with them and i used to take them in there and um i don't know why i did this this particular day but god showed it to me i was like wow i forgot that man that was 25 years ago we were in this little forest and i decided to hide from him a little bit just playing and all of a sudden he started going where are you daddy and he started to cry where are you daddy and then god showed me that that's how we feel a lot of times we feel like lost in the woods we think he's not there but then god told me you were hiding from jeremy i'll never hide from you i'm always there even if you think i'm not i'm there i'll never leave you i won't and i started to feel so secure and i started to cry so much and i thought guys this is really important i know a lot of you are concerned about what's coming and how am i going to make it you can't train for it hear me you can't train for it no amount of canned goods and guns are going to prepare you for what's coming but god through his amazing grace will give you the power to stand in your hour of need now hear me why can't we train for it because then if you train for it when you're standing who gets the credit god wants the full-blown credit for your deliverance do you hear me [Applause] we have learned how to train for everything in life our security teams trains i train some of you do fitness and train and train for your job and some of you are accomplished physicians and you train and you get more experience this is an event that you can't train for your gun this is an event that you're just gonna have to trust for after i saw myself getting saved and after i saw that the lord would never leave me i was buried i started to cry my knees buckled there were a few people that were like wow he's really having a hard time because i was crying loud and then i was like okay and then all of a sudden you know how the lord works in threes he shows me another picture and i'm in this i'm in this sheepfold i'm in this sheepfold and the sheepfold only has one door and it's open but the shepherd always in israel always sits in the doorway this way he doesn't ever have his back to the sheepfold or back to outside he can see both and yeshua was there in the sheepfold i mean i'm watching this like a movie and he's sleeping and all the other sheep are sleeping but we're not sheep with people and i kind of woke up and i was tired of being in the sheet pen i wanted to go out see what the outside has to offer so i gingerly climbed over his legs and then the lord said look back and yeshua opened an eye he wasn't sleeping because he doesn't slumber or sleep the lord and that's when i started to cry and said i'm gonna fall short i've tried my darndest not a feather in my cap but i'm very disciplined you know ask people that know me i could i could you know train for an event at four in the morning i'm very disciplined and even in my psycho disciplined mentality and obsession i knew i was going to fall short i knew i was going to wander and that's when i heard the lord say when you get into trouble and you cry to me i will come to you i will find you and i will bring you back home safe and sound and no matter how long you're gone i will keep your bed warm for you saved us he'll never leave us and we cry out he'll always come to find us that's security men that's what so few children have even in their own homes constantly all of us constantly on stage constantly needing to hear somebody say to us you're great thank you so much it's okay it's okay to to hear that but it's like we're addicted to it we need to be the best dad and some of us are miserable because we're trying too hard my kids told me that when they used to have people over i wanted to do so much for them i want to have a bible study for them and i want to see them saved and i wanted to make them have the the best of foods and the best of everything and my kids would say when once they got older say you didn't really have to do that you didn't have to go to that length you'd have to be that crazy you could have just relaxed dad i need to relax in the lord's love this month i'm not going to do the feast like i used to i'm not going to teach every little nuance for a change i'm going to celebrate them [Applause] i'm just not going to be rabbi greg i'm going to be a child of god enjoying my father i hope some of these visions that the lord asked me to share with you you can embrace for yourself and and feel and leave here a little bit more secure in god's great love for us let's stand up together may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the prince of all peace yeshua everest is [Music] shabbat shalom guys love you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 1,808
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Id: bt9TrzSdShs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 5sec (3065 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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