May 23, 2020 - Mind Makeover

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I want to preempt this message by saying I am NOT a licensed counselor I'm not I'm not a licensed therapist or psychologist today a pastor I don't know how this happened he's expected to be a financial guru to be able to budget things he's expected to be a psychologist he's expected to to show up anyway there's an issue but I really believe and I believe this because you know when I tell you what I believe personally I say it out of evidence in the Bible if I tell you I well I very rarely say what I believe personally but if I say I believe something it's it's because I've seen a biblical precedent for it okay similar to music there was music in the temple what was the music there for no wasn't a warm-up band but it was there to break up the fallow ground in a person's heart so they can receive the message because I'm here to tell you something and I really don't want you to take this the wrong way but the most important thing for a minister a pastor a rabbi to do is to give a message and let me tell you why that's biblical okay first of all it says that faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God secondarily if you remember when when was the movement of God at its purest when was it at its height when was it absolutely stunning in the book of Acts these would direct descendents if you will you know it's like a martial arts system you know a guy develops a martial art system and then teaches it like yep man teaches it to his five dragons and they teach it to people and they teach it to people but as the years go on things change it's not as pure it gets a little defiled if you will well we have the book of Acts we know was it the birth of the body of Messiah yes but it was also the way we should act if we wonder how to act as a believer as a Christian whatever you want to call yourself a Messianic Gentile I don't really care about titles I could care less but this is how we should act and if you remember in act 6 the disciples were told that there were widows that weren't being served and they said look do you want us to not serve the Word of God to serve them is it better for our time spent serving the tables giving them food and not serving the Word of God and not spending time with the Lord and meditating and hearing from God and the answer is unequivocably and rhetorically of course not you go serve them go serve them you just told me they're not being served be a deacon be a servant fine men of good repute filled with the Holy Spirit we just don't want anybody and let him serve Him could I visit everybody in a hospital probably not but if I did I wouldn't be able to spend time where it's most needed so let's be a let's be honest I mean that's a biblical president so it's important with that being said I'm going to talk about a subject today that I don't have expertise in I just don't it's not like I was a clinical psychologist then became it's not like if I talk about medicine there are Vera in in our movement in the NJ there are a bunch of doctors md's there are engineers there's a nuclear physicist there's they can talk about their expertise I don't have any so god drops this in my lap and he says I want you to talk about the mind and I'm like wow okay so what am I going to do am I going to talk about it from a secular perspective from a scientific perspective the only way I talk about it from sign different perspective is if it agreed with the Word of God which science is agreeing with the Word of God more and more they just don't realize it but I I know the Bible pretty good so I could talk about it from God's perspective right and that's why I intend to do because I'm here to tell you this is crucial so very crucial this isn't just about Sinbad get more the Holy Spirit and be led by no no that's yeah we know that one that's a given this is very serious and I'm gonna tell you something I think the timing of it is perfect because people's minds are being plagued your mind can be your best friend or your absolute worst nightmare now does anybody know what I'm talking about your mind also is Satan's playground nobody plays more mind games better than the enemy of our souls this is one of those messages that not only every believer can say Amen I want to hear what you have to say but guess what every non-believer and say the same that's what's amazing about this so forgive me for not being an expert in this category but I tried to listen to God I tried to hear what he had to say I'm sure that if I worked on this for months I could come up with something a little neater packaged but I did not have months I'm busy how if things going on and I was able to spend the Sunday less sunny with the Lord on this and hopefully you'll glean something out of it hopefully you'll walk out of here and and hopefully you'll also look at this thing a second and a third time because it is proven that no matter what you hear today the best you'll remember the second you walk out of that door is 50% tomorrow morning you're a number 25% a week from today you'll remember 10% so if I talk to 15 minutes you're in number five that's what you'll hole so this one is just one I unless listen you know I am I'm I'm easy man if this is just you know hogwash then then don't listen the second time but no no way you know if this is like now no whatever no work you're not gonna hurt trust me you're not gonna hurt my feelings all I'm trying to do is hear from God and give you what I hear but I'm here to tell you that I I think there's few people out there whose mind has been messed around with as much as mine so I I could totally relate to this and I'm here to tell you that that your attitude totally determines your altitude how high you soul will be determined by your thought processes and remember it says don't give the devil a foothold well if you're flying how is he gonna grab your foot so here goes first and foremost there are great many words in both the Hebrew language and the Greek language that a translated mind so many words in Hebrew you look up and it translates mind many words in the Greek it translates mind in the Bible in our Bible in the Word of God the word that is often translated mind is the word for heart which is which is interesting because a lot of times people think that the mind is my thoughts and the heart is my feelings right you think your heart you don't think of the physical heart you think of well my feelings is my heart so often often today in our society we set the mind and the heart against each other for instance you might hear the saying well even though he knew in his mind it was a bad idea he had to follow his heart right you've heard this you've even heard people tell you like you got to follow your heart which is crazy when you realize that the Bible says the heart is deceitful of a whole things who can trust it people well I had to go with my heart on this had to go up my gut you're listening to your stomach seriously you've got the Word of God in its entirety nothing could be added nothing could be taken away its complete and as opposed to this you're going with your gut well I had a gut feel I felt lead think about it guys you're out of your mind no pun intended the idea that the heart and mind that your thoughts and your feelings are separate is simply a modern invention it's just a modern invention that differentiates intellect from emotions in ancient times biblical times this modern-day distinction was much less emphasized for example Yeshua tells us that we should love the Lord with all our heart mind soul he wasn't compartmentalizing he's not highlighting various aspects of our personality love God with your feelings love God with your intellect love GaN your decisions you think he was a psychologist you think he was talking to um her aunt's common people and you think he was talking in Psychological terminology you you think you're crazy he was totally simplistic totally not confusing no way he isn't highlighting various aspects of our personality nor is he differentiating between emotion and intellect rather all he's saying is that love for God should be all-inclusive in other words we should love God with the totality of who we are all of our being that's all he's saying it's quite simple and they knew that we with our intellects taught to compartmentalize what does he mean by heart how do I love God with all my heart you're making it way too difficult way too difficult okay don't don't let all the intellects infiltrate the simplicity of the Word of God according to the International Standard Bible encyclopedia which has a ton of scholarship and highly regarded the mind is simply the inner being or the sum total of all our mental emotional and spiritual faculties , without drawing fine distinctions between them okay I'm gonna give you a few scriptures there's not a lot just a few scriptures to kind of highlight what the Bible speaks about our mind our thoughts the process of cognitive thinking and then I'm gonna give you some practicality because it makes no sense for me to tell you about the mind and not tell you how to control it because that would be like you telling me hey you got a flat tire and I know nothing about changing the tire and you go hey man you got a flat tire and you walk away this is what happens today in the in the body sometimes hey you got a flat tire yeah I know all right well if you don't tell me how to fix it then I'm going nowhere fast and let me print this message by saying I I was involved in martial arts a long time and I respected Bruce Lee not just because he was world-renowned but because Bruce Lee took a lesson and then went into the worst neighborhoods in China and started a fight to see if it worked now I'm not promoting fighting but what I'm trying to give you an analogy an illustration of something you can relate to if it didn't work he got rid of it I tried this this week and I'm here to tell you it works okay it works this isn't just some intellect to some message I'm giving so I can go on to next week's message no this is way bigger than this this is a download and I think it's kind of life-changing and you're talking to somebody whose mind has been played for a long time very long first and foremost let's take a look at Deuteronomy 30:19 you know toward the end of the Torah it says I call on heaven and earth to witness against you today that I've presented you with life and death you'll notice in the Bible there's only two categories there's never a third choice I've told you this all all four years now that there's just two choices and they're very opposite this sand and rock is narrow and wide as light and dark as heaven and hell as she goats it's that's the beauty of the but to me I'm a simpleton so I give me two choices don't only give me two choices don't tell me I could have a black or a red car tell me this is a good choice and that's a bad choice in that in that beautiful isn't that beautiful of God thank you Father for giving us just two choices and one being good at one being bed every thought you have every decision you have either good or bad will come from it there is no neutrality I presented you with life sounds good and death not good you know I'm gonna go with the live one the blessing sounds good everybody wants to be blessed the curse nobody wants to be cursed anybody pray for curses therefore choose life or choose the blessing so that you will live you and your descendants first and foremost before we go on we must know and believe that love joy peace etc are based on choices it's not autopilot no God the Holy Spirit looks Shavuot is coming and I want to tell you that this message I was working on shovel yesterday and I can't believe how they're connected this message dovetails running to chavo shovel is crucial the Holy Spirit is crucial when when you have access to the spirit you are tripartite yes human being you are tripartite your threefold you have a spirit even people that are unsaved have a spirit I hope you know that I hope you don't think that they're spiritless every human being has a spirit every human being has a soul and every human being has a body that's easy that's not hard to understand once you're born again you're connected to God's Spirit do you realize at that point you have your own personal issue ax C if your shoe was here right now he would tell me everything to do he would tell me what not to do what to do I'd have total access to him you follow what he's left the building but I still have access to him through his spirit but the spirit can't force you to do anything any more than you're sure would you follow so these are choices you have a choice there's a human cyclist don't be so spiritual that you're no earthly good there's no logic in that well I'm just gonna let the spirit lead me first of all make sure it's the spirit secondly make sure it's biblical and third for God's sakes use some logic and wisdom for God's sakes for God's sakes use some logic and wisdom our thought patterns our choices are directly connected with our thought patterns or our thinking whichever one you prefer it's synonymous that is why guys your thought patterns our thought patterns our thoughts of thinking is crucial is the most important thing to think about because our thoughts determine our choices Creed produces character character does not produce creed simply stated if we think it long enough and we believe it we're gonna do it if we think it if we think it long enough right and we believe it doesn't matter you're gonna do it so that's before we get going it's a choice don't blame it on Rio don't blame it on the devil don't blame it on your grandmother don't blame it on the church don't blame it on the synagogue don't blame it on me don't blame it on your wife stop it's a choice so far so good okay romans 12:2 1 through 2 I tried to put in a little bit of context ok it says I exhort you therefore brothers therefore something-something he's a flamenco based on what he's already said in the letter in view of God's mercies as we've seen God's tender loving kindness he's saying because I've just displayed to you which by the way in chapters 1 through 11 that's what he did he explained to them that God's presence and God's power is is obvious all the Fortin all are fallen short of the glory of God but while we were still sinners God gave His only begotten Son should we send more so grace can demand more heaven forbid is it a struggle Oh wretched man and my who will save me there is no condemnation then he goes into 9 10 and 11 which kind of gets pulled out of a lot of theology it talks about Israel's past she had the pay truck she had the Covenant she had the promises Israel's present confess with your lips and believe in your heart and then Israel's future all Israel be saved and then based on all that he says brothers in view of God's mercies Romans 1 chapters 1 through 11 in view of all this mercy all of his tender loving kindness live set apart for God live set apart for God I mean you know why because it will please him oh how do I please you Lord how do I please you live for him O Lord what do I need to live for him rabbi what does that mean I don't know that could mean putting food in in in the hands of Africans and Indians that could mean a lot of things but mainly it means having an ear always open to him and his direction you know why it's logical temple worship you want to know how to worship God not with your hands up not on your knees set apart in other words do not let yourselves be conformed so would that be enough ok I'm not going to be conformed that's not good enough I'm not going to do that see that's neutrality ok I'm not gonna steal are you gonna give I'm not gonna curse so you're gonna be a blessing you follow it doesn't work with God just don't do there's a lot of doodoos there's there's a great sin of omission we think about the sin of whole mission and what do we think well I shouldn't steal I shouldn't lie shouldn't commit adultery what about all the sins of omission the things we omit from doing it's just as rotten so he says don't be conformed to the standards of the olam Hosea this world instead see that's that's key it's like well I don't steal I don't like not good enough instead keep letting present progressive meaning you can't do it just for a day keep letting yourselves be transformed by the renewing of your mind now Romans is the quintessential theological letter I've told this is a million times Romans twelve begins the answer to the question this Romans twelve to the end the sixteen answers the question how should those who have been justified by grace respond in their everyday lives this is what Paul is saying to his audience to us he's saying so based on God's mercy you want to know how you should what you should do this is what you should do and and this is where it starts the answer is not to let the world squeeze you the world is trying to squeeze you do you see how aggressively God is being vacuumed out of our society so it's trying to squeeze you the world has a mold and it wants to shape you will want to shape your mind it wants to control your mind if it can get at your mind it can get you once the world gets your mind it's got you there's nothing you can do about it nothing so once they get in your mind it wants to squeeze you into its mold when we come to the kingdom of God we need to abandon abandon the thought patterns of the world I was totally secular I was totally worldly when I got saved I knew that wasn't gonna work it was very radical but I just knew I was born again I had like a new heart a new spirit in me by the way you get the Holy Spirit at inception of salvation not twenty years later that is the most ridiculous the ology forgive me but what kind of God would we have that saves you and then gives you a holy spirit 20 years later I'm gonna save you but I'm not gonna guide you for 20 years no the problem is and I'll explain this in Shaba that most people don't know the difference when the indwelling of the Spirit the anointing of the Spirit and the filling of the Spirit they're different that's the issue the world is the Society or the system that man has built in order to make himself happy without God yes if you're worldly and you're in the world you could be happy without God you can't it's going a lot of trips and do a lot of stuff and get into cool things and experience things Live Love Laugh live love left yadda yadda yadda but that's the system guys that's the system the kingdom of man or the world is totally antagonistic to God it hates God and it hates godly people and it hates godliness hates detest why would I be a friend to a system that hates my lord why would I make a truce with a system that does all it can to try to put down my god what are you doing man whose side you on whose side do you want well it's just what nope we should not only be separated from the world like in verse one but here's the kicker we have to be transformed by the renewing of our minds making it new every day one day won't work if you renew your mind today it won't work for tomorrow which means what does it mean what's the fancy how do i how do I renew my mind all it means is we have to think the way God thinks as revealed in the Bible we know how God thinks we know he tells us he tells us what's good what's not good he tells us what's right what's not right he tells us what's glorious and deplorable he tells us so oh we got how does God think and we should be thinking like him like father like son d chips off the old block changing the way we think will change our perspective which changes how we act in the world it all starts here if you change your thinking then you'll change the way you see things and you'll change your walk simple that's the way it works and the Lord challenges us to change our thinking and hear me because regardless of how many times we read through the Bible if our minds don't change we won't regardless of how many times you sit and read this thing if your mind doesn't change you will not change either period this isn't an amulet or something magical we just read it poof you know when's the last time you read a book on diet and exercise and you lost weight after you finished reading it I'm begging you to be logical begging it's it's high time we became logical I I've come across too many that love the Lord but they're down to lunch man yeah out to lunch okay next next scripture 2nd Corinthians 10:5 you know this all too well it says we take every thought captive this isn't a challenge it's not a suggestion it's not even a commandment it's the monster we take every would believe is man we take every thought captive and make it obey the Messiah do do we taking every thought captive sounds like a great idea it does I mean it all agree no one's gonna say now that's not a good idea why would you take every thought captive but I know what you're thinking is it possible I've meditated on this a lot this week a lot first of all if we trust God in this word then it's possible what are you going to tell me that God's lying I'll believe you it's crazy no it is possible there are many human thoughts out there speculations and man-made philosophies that if entertained it will hold you in bondage no question things like the theory of evolution secular humanism which is humanity capable of morality and self fulfilment without the belief in God existentialism birth before essence colt's false religions they have created thinking that have imprisoned the minds of millions and millions of people all men's teachings and speculations must be judged in the light of the teachings of the Lord Yeshua we must not allow off thinking to be in defiance to the Word of God you literally have to take your thoughts and arrest them like a cop if that thought if you're not sure where that thought is coming from or you're not sure if that thoughts of God then you handcuff it you bring it to the word or you bring it to the father or you bring it before the Holy Spirit you say father is this of you know then cast it out you have time I want to I want to put an addendum on this because I think this is more important than anything I've said so far if you have to do that with every thought every second of the day that means your connections bad you hear me I'm gonna teach this shovel it but ok you're born again you have a spirit now the Spirit of God is connected to your spirit ok your spirits floating around in some way but it's connected you're connected it's wireless it's like when you get on Wi-Fi someway now like I'm connected I get all this info now God can download his thoughts to you ok once that's downloaded from his spirit to your spirit then and only then can you dictate to your soul not hard your decision-maker just thing you got a spirit and now your spirit that's being influenced by God is going to influence your decision maker which will create the right walk but if you've got to take every thought it means there's something wrong with the connection something's wrong with the Wi-Fi but it's not wrong with the transmitter something's wrong with the receiver it could be sin it could be different issues you're not going to be walking in sin and hear from God every minute of the day it's not gonna happen so with that being said though with that being said we can arrest thoughts now there's some thoughts you know it's not of God you know well the Holy Spirit told me to divorce my wife I know the familiar spirit told you that now there are there are some reasons why you're entitled because there's some betrayals that are so hard to live like that you would you would be in worse bondage seriously that's why God understands I mean somebody betrays you with what what do they say today in the fair and the fair sounds to me like you don't have somebody over 40 now you have sex with some of the other than your wife or husband but anyway that's a betrayal that's hard too hard to swallow so some people can't live with that anymore and the Lord understands because the pain is so much that it just will kill you day in day out so he understands but with that being said we know we know the Word of God you know what's of God and not but when you you know I got to be careful but seriously please use some logic when you make a decision that's so god-awful illogical and you think it's just gonna work out because you think God told you to do that you you think that's faith but seriously sometimes it's faith but sometimes it's just no lack of total wisdom and prayer it's sometimes you're not connected so great to the spirit so what do you do the Spirit of God is not controlling or influencing you you are and in your soul your decision maker you want what you want this is what I want to do I want to go overseas and live in the commune and this is what you'd want to do and what happens it doesn't work out you know how many guys I knew Jewish guys that believe in Yeshua that moved to Israel but they were enamored with living in Israel and the year later they were back they just forgot about something it's called the job and they came back because they they didn't hear from God they wanted it they wanted it and when you want something what did I tell you when you feel it and believe it you're gonna do it that's why the mind is crucial crucial I can't stress enough let's look at another scripture Philippians 4:8 another group that were being persecuted he says in conclusion brothers so come to the body believers they in Philippi focus your thoughts here it is again on what is true noble righteous pure lovable or admirable on some virtue or on something praiseworthy so you can look these words up I'm not going to do that but obviously this is good stuff so if your thoughts are focused on bad stuff is that of God hippy the Apostle here is giving a closing bit of advice concerning the thought life concerning the thought life how you think your mind the Bible everywhere and I'm saying everywhere teaches that we can control what we think it is useless and I repeat it is useless to adopt a defeatist attitude saying that we simply cannot help it when our minds are filled with unwelcome thoughts you have people say all the time well I'm 70 years old what do you want for me I just can't change why not where's there written at 70 no change my Bible says the only time you can't change is when you close your eyes meaning when you pass can you be forgiven at 70 so why can't you change you can't be born again at 70 look I've been this way for seven years I know by the way it's killing me so change not true don't buy it it's a lie from the pit of hell the fact of the matter is we can help it we can do something about it and the secret lies in positive thinking and hold on because I'm gonna tell you about biblical positive thinking and unbiblical positive thinking okay and it's very important I know this is it's it's so it's I know it sounds academic but hang with me okay a person cannot entertain this is science evil thoughts and thoughts about you shoo at the same time your your brain can't work like that your mind can't work with it you can't entertain two thoughts at the same time unless you're a schizophrenic okay if an evil thought should come in he should immediately get rid of it by meditating on the person and work of Yeshua we have all come across people that are different right and what I mean by that is they're calm nothing seems to shake them they're almost impossible to offend and they listen much more than they talk they love everyone even their enemies and their joy and that peace is infectious and what happens when we meet these people and we come away from them what do we think what are they on and how do I get some I remember when we moved here obviously we had to get licenses and things we were here a day and I was walking into SunTrust which I'm still a part of after 18 19 year 18 year years and I remember I was walking in and this was you know I was naive I I saw sadly enough I saw the churches I thought this is a total believing community these are all my brothers I was I couldn't have been happier I remember : Bernie I go this is gonna be the greatest place you can ever live there's so many believers burn their brethren I thought brethren you know you're my brother even if we disagree a little bit on eschatology let me tell you today people are so easily offended like nothing I've the seam and the body of Messiah is like really rough now I know what you're saying how dare you say that rabbi I say that based on my 30 years in the body I've watched it if you're sitting and talking with somebody and like you're agreeing and the agreement and the second you just go I'm kind of pre-wrath when it comes to rapture that's it done take 10 spaces and then turn around and shoot like guys you got to learn how to agree disagreeably and agree you know about disagreements it's okay not everybody's gonna have your exact theology but if you just hang around with people that are exactly like you you'll be alone you won't hang around anybody and that's what we have today we have everybody who's just they've cut their losses I don't really want to be around people I don't want to be around people it's safe I've been hurt by too many people I know you all know what I'm talking about that's why social media is so popular social meter is totally anti-social but you get the feel that you're socializing when in reality you're absolutely not we're totally hoodwinked but I get it I mean I don't want to compare notes with you but if you would like I will compare how many times I've been bit by the Sharks compared to how many times you have and I think you're gonna be amazed but by the grace of God I'm still standing because you can't run away from yourself oh I'm sorry IAD deed on you for a minute thank you lord so I was walking in the bank and I was saying hello to everybody I was talking to everybody I still kind of do but a little less now a little less I'm sorry I talked to everybody I witnessed to everybody a little less now and I'll get into that in a minute that's one of the things we need to take care of immediately if we want our mind to be solid and this lady was coming I said hi how you doing and she goes well I have cancer and I immediately said may I pray for you and she said it's okay I'm not worried about it at all but my daughter's very worried can you pray for her I'm not worried about it at all I have a friend Bernadette's watching she we know him very well when he got his the doctor came and said mr. so-and-so you have cancer and he goes the lab he goes how receive that it was a little crazy but he did end up living a lot longer without chemo than I think he would have lived with forgive me I'm no doctor but it's just he was in control of his thoughts he just was now let me talk about positive thinking a little bit because there's a different swing just like this dip between biblical numerology and numerology there's a difference between positive thinking biblically and positive thinking in general positive one definition of positive thinking is the act of renewing thought processes in order to identify areas that need improvement there's nothing wrong with that like if you have if you if you start to think about how you think and you realize you're thinking very negative about this one area thinking very negative about the future you can redefine that okay so you're identifying areas that need improvement that's all good and then once you identify the area that needs improvement use some appropriate tools to change those thoughts in a positive goal-oriented way I've been going to the prisons for years and I have yet to meet one man in literally 25 years who told me he had a decent relationship with his father okay now of course positive thinking is not wrong however the problem associated with positive thinking is in believing that there is some kind of supernatural power in positive thinking Yemi let me explain in the age that we live in of rampant false doctrine and watered-down theology let me repeat that ramp it false doctrine and watered-down theology the power of positive thinking has stood out as one of the more popular errors of our age the idea of the power of positive thinking was popularized you might have seen the book I never read it I wouldn't buy dr. Norman Vincent Peale he was a minister and he wrote a book in 1952 called the power of positive thinking it's still popular today according to Pele people can change future outcomes and events by thinking them into existence which forgive me but sometimes I think some of these faith movements but the name then claim it is just positive thinking and and it seems so some of these leaders that are flying in jets it's pretty positive for them it's worked out Peale wrote and I quote when you expect the best you release a magnetic force in your mind you realize how he influenced people here's a minister which Bible the law of attraction tends to bring the best to you so if you think it it will happen now of course there is nothing biblical about one's mind emanating a magnetic force that pulls good things into your orbit nothing in the Bible so what he was saying was totally unbiblical in fact there's no notion it's it's not even neutralized it's totally unbiblical to think this way in the power of positive thinking Peale used flawless religious concepts and subjective psychological theories to advance a false version of faith and hope his theory is part of the self-help movement whereby person tries to create his own reality with human effort proper mental images and willpower but reality is truth and the truth is found in the Bible pills theory is flawed because he did not base it on truth now if I had this thought if I read that let's say I did read the book and I had it what do you do arrest it take the thought captive bring it to the word bring it to the Lord in the Lord would say but they didn't they trusted peel over messiah mistake mistake let's let's look at the bible add a verse that fosters positive thinking but biblical positive thinking okay just one verse it's in the Proverbs of course if you want wisdom that's that's where to go right it says in proverbs 23:7 and I used the New King James New King James Version forgive me for for a reason I also showed it to you here on the screen in the new American Standard Version both very popular is a reason for as he thinks in his heart so he is eat and drink he says to you but his heart is not with you okay again it says for as he thinks within himself now how many times have you heard somebody quote out of context as a man thinks so he is come on that's one of the most popular sayings as a man thinks so he is as a man thinks so he is that's that's Peale no first of all just so you know it's kind of interesting I'm giving you a teen context I got a letter from a nine year old this week that thanked me for teaching in context nine nine proverbs 23 the whole of the proverb gives advice on how to react in certain situations a father like he's talking to his son verses one two three it says if you how to act if you have a meal with a ruler verses four to five it's advice against working too hard to be rich and verses six to eight tells you how to behave in the presence of a grudging host so let's take a look at the king of this cjb the complete Jewish Bible I think they do a beautiful job I don't like for as a man thinks in his heart so he is it says for if he is like someone who keeps accounts his father's talking to a son and he's saying look if you go over a house to eat and if the guy who's supposedly being hospitable is keeping accounts and he says eat a you know eat drink he says to you but it doesn't really mean it be careful son because best-case scenario his heart's not in it his hospitality is on the jet worst case scenario he's got an ulterior motive and he's gonna throw it back in your face I tell you a lot that I don't like to take gifts unless I know that there's no strings attached because I just don't want to I just don't want to be manipulated like that I mean I love all of you I don't need something to to love you more well if you don't give me something that loves you less I don't I don't I don't work like that I don't think anybody should now I don't have the gift of hospitality you come to my house and you spend you know we used to have people over all the time it was it was different and I'll explain that in a little bit too I want you to understand but we just have people all the time people would come by come through and stay with us I don't have the gift of hospitality at the end of the weekend when you were leaving I was crying not because I was missing you so if you're watching and you stayed over no my tears with tears of God Virna that has the gift of hospitality there are spiritual gifts in 1st Corinthians 12 and there are administrative gifts in Romans 12 I don't think they're exhaustive but nevertheless they're pretty inclusive urn that has a gift of hospitality the only question I ever have for her is why do these strangers get the good towels and I got to use the crappy ones but she gives you her best and not not my wife not so you can talk about her not you you don't ever see her take front cent it's not her style she does it because she's it's a gift some people have that gift you know what I'm talking about they're crazy generous they're happy when you're happy my mother had a gift that very few human beings possess this is what I love most about my mother if my mother's world was falling apart you came to visit my mom I brought you and I said mom this is so and so my mom would look at you and go how you doing she could have just got a cancer diagnosis and if you'd had said I'm doing well she'd grab your hand and say oh my Kent I'm so glad for you she had ability to be happy for you even when she was unhappy that's a tough one think about it you don't meet too many like that right rabbi why are you always honoring your mom she's long gone not my heart she's not right here not long gone so he's saying here as a man thinks oh is this verse like many others that are not read in context of so often mistranslated and therefore misunderstood I'm not being difficult I'm just being a teacher doing what I'm supposed to do taken out of context this verse is used to support self-confidence and positive thinking so if I think it in other words if I if you think yourself is rich you'll be rich if you think yourself as poor you'll be poor does that mean I get start fires with my mind no no you can't so this is a faulty interpretation and has nothing to do with the proverb 23:7 but when we look at it in context this passage advises against taking up an offer that is not genuinely from the heart the point of the statement as a man thinks so he is is that out what actions can be deceiving but a person's heart determines what a person is really like meaning just because he says take eat it's deceptive because he doesn't feel this way it's not what a man says that counts it's what he thinks that counts that's why again we use the scripture not just to show the faulty interpretation and show how dangerous non biblical positive thinking can be but also what a person thinks is who they are what a person it doesn't matter what he says it doesn't matter what a guy says I'll listen to you for a while I'd rather watch your life there's people today I mean I'm not on Instagram I'm not on Twitter I've never seen Facebook I'm not saying this things wrong with them they have a place I'm sure and I keep in touch with some people through texting overseas and through whatsapp so it's not that technology is bad it's it's the fact that everybody is a self-proclaimed expert today and there's so much fighting going on it's vicious from what I hear I don't notice I don't get into it God put me on the bond Twitter for a while and I think he put me on there to see what goes on and then he said get off and I I got off the day he you know like boom I'm done but it's not what a person says they have all these platforms everybody has a platform now YouTube channels and this and that and I have a platform and I have this many likes and this many follows who are you who I'm sorry who are you and with all the lights and all the phones and they all the advertisements you're getting and all the money that's rolling in what are you doing with it oh are you taking care of you oh good okay I'm glad it's what a man thinks again the the essence of this is with focusing on the mind now before I get into a couple of practical things and there's just a couple it's not exhaustive this isn't a six-month course in school in psychology school it's something basic but there are some principles you can adopt that I promise you will change your thinking and I would like you to try to do it it's not gonna change me if you change you in fact I might though actually that's not gonna deal with you so it is a good idea to do it that reason too okay last but not least 1st Corinthians 2:14 I mentioned it earlier and this is also the section that says we need to get the mind of Messiah that's why this is so applicable it says now the natural man this is the unregenerate the unsaved the one that's not connected to God's Spirit does not receive the things from the Spirit of God nonsense moreover he is unable to grasp them because they are evaluated through the spirit okay the reason guys I mean I know look I witnessed my head off and I learned the hard way that some people you just got to pray hard and love him hard and at some point they might just like come around and hang out with you a little bit I told you the five guys that I led to the Lord that were the most impossible took years just took years of me visiting and visiting them at their place of business helping them out with stuff just loving on him and loving on him and showing showing them that showing them that provoking in the jealousy if you will they were like I want what you have once they ask that they're in they're in but non-believers the reason why non-believers do not respond to biblical truth is your it is your you know giving it is that they cannot discern biblical truth you're like I don't understand how you don't get that they're not connected they're not connected because you're not connected to Wi-Fi you can't get YouTube why are you going I don't understand why I can't get YouTube you're not connected they're not connected it's simple these truths that you're trying to administer can only be discerned by the power of the Spirit of God but if they're not connected to the Spirit of God are they going to get it trying to explain God's program to an unregenerate man is like trying to describe a sunset to a blind man or maybe something you can relate to I don't know how many blind people you know we have a whole school in the blind that we're trying to help in Israel how about trying to discuss nuclear physics with a monument in the park we're in the south there's a lot of monuments go ahead bill this afternoon I took them about thermodynamics see how far you get so why do I say this because before we go into application first and foremost one must be born again to get the mind of Messiah and if you are born again there's no reason why have the mind of Messiah no reason unless the connections off well there's a kink in the hose now I'm sure when I when I moved to him sure some of you are familiar with Vacation Bible School when I first moved here my kids were very young and I put him in every single Vacation Bible School in Macon everyone they'll tell you every single one now now this is no disrespect they have to get who they can get to teach right they need bodies sometimes I don't think they're trained as good as maybe they should be and what do they do they they want a decision so they're Russia so they do ABC's admit believe confess done I don't think that's a good idea to rush it because because it's it's not because the gospel is a call for the unbeliever to repent of a sin and embrace the issue of my faith repent the word repentance carries the notion of a change of mind changing your mind that's what repentance mean I'm changing my mind why because only if you change your mind will you change your walk only if you change your mind will you change your walk so though basically our thinking must be changed from old ungodly ways of thinking which I thought very ungodly to new godly ways of thinking there has to be a change of thinking or what we know in our minds to be true forms a conviction in our hearts of that truth and that conviction in our hearts translates into action you have a thought you believe it it convicts you and you take care of it but listen to me guys there are no shortcuts I can't give you a pill I can't say take two scriptures and call me in the morning there's no shortcuts to this so if you're looking for a shortcut you're barking up the wrong tree there's no magical formula for changing one's thinking just as it is futile to take antibiotic after aunt if the antibiotic for recurring infection to attack a fruitless thinking at the fundamental level we have to attack it at the fundamental level if you're taking antibiotic after antibiotic something's wrong with your immune system we need to strengthen the immune system to fight okay we need to change an attack off fruitless thinking at the base level rather than wait for it to become rooted on our lives and then trying to pull it out weeds are miserable now based on Scripture ministry and living life for over 60 years I'm convinced that the battlefield is the mind convinced more than anything besides your shoe is Lord here are some basics okay number one and you've heard me say this a gazillion times stay in the word stay in the word now I want to I want to UM did you did we change that you forgot okay forget the first verse we get the first verse for a minute listen God spoke to me about three days ago you know how I'm always pushing about reading the word reading the word please don't take this the wrong way but you know what he told me a lot of people don't like to Greg I was like wow really in other words let's say you hate exercise which most people do unless you're in great shape right and you tell people you gotta exercise you gotta exercise and they and they join right they join a gym and they go for a week and they don't really see any results really not much but they kind of go a little bit more and then before you know it you know 80 to 90% of your gym membership never use it and gyms are shutting down because people need like personal training or group classes they just can't do it because they hate it they hate it and if you tell somebody the greatest way to lose weight is running what if they hate running how you think you're gonna run for the next 30 40 years you're gonna run away from running so it doesn't work I realize that look look I'm a freak I I have tried everything I've tried scuba diving I've tried surfing I've tried downhill skiing I've tried jumping out of a plane I've tried everything bungee jumping you know people do that they jump out of a plane in the neck they get addicted and they go every weekend or somebody scuba dives and they get addicted every vacation they go scoop down everything scooped up they hang out dive shops dive mix everything I tried I was like yeah everything yeah I don't know I just I wanted to find something because there's nothing wrong with having a passion it's exciting you know it identifies you gives you purpose what are you got I got together but I never did for whatever reason when I when I got born again I start reading the Bible I totally loved it not because I think I was a great guy not because I think I was spiritual I don't know God gave me a love for His Word I'm not taking any credit for it guys none and and this is coming from somebody who's never read a book because I had a Dede and when I read a book I couldn't understand what I read so my reading comprehension wasn't there so I figured why read so all that to say is I want to apologize to you for being so pushy but going a whole week or a month and not reading the word at all that's a problem that's a real problem okay it says that Yeshua gave up his life for her the body to make her holy that's why he did to sanctify us and clean washed by the cleansing of God's Word in the New Living Translation the lives of believers are cleansed as they hear the word of God and obey it now just hear the word of God I could be I'm speaking to you the Word of God right now it's not going to cleanse you but if you take it to heart you apply it cleansed now I've seen people be brainwashed I've seen cults I was involved in one brainwashing conditions and influences and persuades all beliefs and attitudes look at Reverend Jim Jones Indiana he was touted as a great minister Jimmy caught he gave him praise and look what happened look what happened so brainwashing it does it conditions it influences I'm trying to influence you no question about it I'm not hiding it I'm trying to influence you that's what leadership does so so so but brainwashing or you've got to be careful who's influenced you because it persuades our beliefs and our attitudes our thinking our mind there's something called Bible washing it's different than brainwashing it's similar but you're being washed by the word we can only recognize what is not of God by knowing what is of God I read it a lot so when I get a thought in and I arrest it I know wait a minute you're not from my father like if somebody said something to my kids hey your dad said they'd be like no he didn't they've heard me eight billion times they know he and say that oh you're dead Oh Maxie your dad said or shada she'd be like get out get lost take a hike that's not my dad so you got to know your dad man you got to know his words but we'll only know that we'll only know the truth if we know what's counterfeit but here's the deal guys the fact is we need to know the truth ahead of time so we can attack the lie head-on you follow once that lie gets in there it's dangerous okay number two simple right get get into the word here and there for God's sakes please - we have to live dependently on God this is an easy one proverbs 21 28 26 says whoever trusted his own mind his mind is a fool a fool but he who walks in wisdom guys I can't tell you enough seriously God forgive me you don't understand how many spiritual people I've met in my travels and I don't know everything but there's some people that are blatantly like lost and yet so it spiritually deep they know all about us khatallah gee they know the hour in the day right here from God they discern they prophesy but they can't love their neighbor you know sometimes the simplest things in the faith of the most difficult and Yeshua said they won't know you belong to me if you understand what I'm coming back they won't know if you belong to me if you keep the feasts they won't know you belong to me if you don't need pork they wouldn't I can go on and on and on and on he who walks in wisdom will be livid okay trusting in your own wisdom hear me it's like casting your anchor inside the boat I'm not a boat guy but I know the anchor goes outside I have scuba dived and I have been on friends boats and and they weigh anchor and that keeps the boat from moving if you put your anchor inside the boat meaning leaning on your own understanding you will drift incessantly now I lived on the beach twice in my life once in New York once in Florida in Florida it was ten years I was in at the beach every day I swam with the lifeguards because I was training so I asked them can I swim here and they like show I made friends of the head lifeguard and I swam every morning with them if you ever gone to the beach and you go out in the water and you go straight from you from your blankie right you go out in the water and you're playing with your kid your plan and your dog patter and then maybe 20 minutes 30 minutes later you're like let's go I'm hungry let's go in and you walk out how come you a blankets a quarter mile down the way you drifted but you didn't know you were drifting because there was no massive wind but there was an undercurrent you didn't feel the undercurrent Satan has a very very powerful on the current and if you lean on your own understanding you will drift but he's so good at it that you don't even realize you're drifting that's his game get in your head in your head trusting others not only is trusting yourself ridiculous but trusting others is just as futile I'm gonna say something that might upset you your spouse may be a good spouse they may be a good spouse but they will prove to be a lousy issue now some of you think your spouse's walk on water I'm here to tell you that you need a checkup from the neck up you're you're obviously denial is not just a river in Egypt I happen to think Bernadette's a wonderful person on so many different levels and I'd like to think she thinks I'm the same well let me tell you something we will fall short of your shoe at every day of the week only God and God alone can give you all you need that's why it says trust in the Lord with all your heart not your spouse trust in the Lord before your heart don't lean on your own understanding don't cast anchor in the boat acknowledge him and everything use some wisdom and then he will guide your life number three we're almost there blue is the time go you all what you eat everybody's talking nutrition today right everything is nutrition everything is nutrition everything is nutrition and there's merit to it because the truth is you are what you eat you just are that's the way it is but proverbs says it this way above everything else guard your heart mind remember I told it ends are changeable so it is the source of life's consequences wow what a word of wisdom I mean man that's like one sentence and it's so packed in other words God through Solomon is saying the heart and the mind is the fountain from which the action spring forth if the fountain is pure the stream that flows from it is pure in other words if the mind is good the actions will be good all thoughts produce our actions or thoughts produce our actions we have to be careful listen to me guys when I was talking about swimming with the lifeguards they would always swim against the tide these guys had to save people man they were one of the busiest beaches in the world Daytona Beach there to save people constantly you can't just get a little knucklehead out there you got to get a junker person who knew how to swim and save people so they swam against the tide I don't know how many of you swam to get swim against taya but when I was doing traplines I swam against the tide for training purposes it's not easy I'd much rather swim with the tide I much rather ride my bike with a tailwind than a headwind but you know salmon swim against the tide to spawn their babies there's a reason why they do that but I'll tell you what I think this is gonna be a little harsh but I think most believers do not want to swim against the tide I think they want to go to a water park and sit in a raft and the lazy river it's fun you just sit they just relax I'm telling you right now you getting that lazy river and Satan will nail you now somebody's saying are you saying we should go to water parks this is where wisdom comes in is where a little logic comes in if your kids are looking Oh mommy we went to a lazy river less you did Satan infiltrate me and my possessed no Rosemary's Baby you're not possessed what I'm saying is I'm giving you what's called an illustration to illustrate these biblical truths it's part of preaching and I'm trying to tell you that the enemy will nail you today you cannot go with the flow guys it won't work it won't work he'll nail you you got to be on guard you got a fight you got to be ready you got to be ready I'm telling you to be careful of periodicals of videos of websites of conversations and situations that will set you up to a fall we should also avoid spending time with those who would encourage us down the wrong paths look I will preach the gospel to a secular person every day of the week but I'm not gonna hang out with them and have them lead me into their lifestyle your health will not make them well but this sickness will get to you yes I have no problem with being in the world but not of the world yes I'll witness and preach but I'm not gonna go on vacation with them and do what they do why you for just two more we're done this is an important one practice thought replacement you know how I feel about replacement theology we need replacement thought ology this is very very crucial and you'll see why in a minute it says in Ephesians 4:22 23 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life which is corrupted by lust and deception instead so remember I said it's not good enough just to take something out you got it you can't just cast something out remember what the Bible says your shoe's says have you cast it out more demons are coming they've dip pissed off they're angry you can't just kick somebody out of a bar without expecting them to wait for you in the parking lot I used to work security they're gonna come back and they're gonna come back with some friends this is what the enemy does because they are terrorists they're a bully you kick one out they're getting seven of their friends to come see you better occupy it you can't just cast out you got a cast in that's thought replacement I'm talking mentally I'm talking the mind here it says instead let the spirit renew your thoughts and your attitudes your thinking patterns we need to do a complete about-face in our thinking over and over again rabbi this is so tiring not necessarily when you see results it's not tiring people are trying to exercise and dive but unless you change your mindset it won't work look I I was a diet and exercise psychopath I knew about diet and nutrition I was a vegan before they even knew what the term was they didn't even coined the term I was going to health food stores in the 70s when everybody looked like they were dying the people in the health woods though it's a really wacky time but all that to say it was my mindset but then what happened I got this aneurysm I got this artery disease kidney disease this that in the other and then you know what I started thinking what's the point what's the point how do I want to go out I don't even have tomorrow I'm gonna die this year so you know what I don't want to go out eating kale I want to go out a new scooter pies and ding-dongs and all that stuff right that's what I was thinking stuff I know I just said ah screw it and that was it 46 and that's what I was doing but now I have to change my mindset not not not just because I don't have control over when my time is done but the last thing I want you saying when you come to my funeral is wow you look great I mean you got to change your mindset it doesn't work just trying to change your actions without changing your mindset it doesn't work it will never work not even with your faith it won't work so the Spirit of God influences all thought processes to reason from God's standpoint not from man's we ought to pursue hard after God we ought to go after God hard we are there's nothing wrong it don't make any excuses don't anybody say man you really pursue it doesn't everybody pursue what they love don't people in business pursue their business don't people in sports pursue their sports don't people pursue their activities don't you pursue what you love so so if you love God pursue hard but we have to replace sinful thoughts with godly pursuits in mindsets for instance when tempted to hate someone and the temptations always there we replace those hateful thoughts with godly actions we do good to them speak well of them wait a minute that's crazy you say I'm saying that if you just go I'm not gonna hate you no there's no neutral you'll still hate them there's no question about it try it just go well I'm not gonna hate you how you gonna do that I'm just not gonna how you gonna do that you don't like them you don't like them well I'll just make-believe make-believe how you gonna make believe it's a fantasy it's not gonna work you know it come on I've been here so long how many people have just left not same thing and then I run into like well I see them I see them in Walmart and they just these are people who could probably walk and all of a sudden they're doing a you know a 10-second hundred it's weird it's weird I know some of you might be watching it sweet isn't it weird instead of just coming up and going man it was really weird what happened yeah man it was weird it was strange it was a bad deal let's just kiss and make up the Torah portion is all about forgiveness I'm gonna teach about that listen to me unforgiveness is a spiritual epidemic pandemic in the body of Messiah it's worse than kovat will ever be I don't even think we understand what it means I don't even think we understand what forgiveness means I think we think forgiveness means well I've got to forgive and forget it's impossible I think we think forgiveness means well why do I still why do I still have some ill feelings towards a person well because you might not be able to trust them right away but you don't have to hold their sense to them and if you do you will feed your life with an invisible and bulletin cord from the past and you will feast on anger malice and bitterness and it won't hurt them one bit but it will kill you and kill your mind all these next three messages are very as far as I'm concerned all right from the throne and crucial to our walk absolutely crucial to our walk last but not least fellowship so we go stay in the word live dependently on the spirit be careful about where you're going what you read and what you do practice thought replacement fellowship Hebrews 10 24 25 and let us keep paying attention to one another present progressive every day in order to spur each other on to love and good deeds not neglecting our own congregational meetings as some have made a practice this is nothing new they were doing this 2,000 years ago this isn't a new phenomenon well today it's no no you know why because people of people but rather here we go just not don't just neglect it rather encouraging each other and let us do this all the more as we see the day why is the day capitalized because it's talking about the return of Messiah at the end of the seven years of tribulation so let me ask you something if Paul or we don't know if it's Paul but if God is pushing the Messianic Jews to stay together be in the synagogue and encourage each other 2,000 years ago how much more should he be encouraging us now to do this since we're two thousand years closing when we get back together which hopefully will be very soon I'm just waiting for the go-ahead from God we're gonna have a whole new zoo review here okay no more is there gonna be issues between you guys you guys gonna work it out no more am I gonna have somebody who used to sit next somebody here that now sits there and bringing that weird vibe in this congregation it's not gonna happen okay no more am I gonna have a family it used to come and now watch online because you you said something Dobie focus on loving each other focus on encouraging each other realize we're in this together I mean isn't it bad enough that the whole body is so fragmented isn't it bad enough that the whole body is fragmented isn't it bad enough that the Messianic community is fragmented you want Beth you sure to be fragmented come on guys come on man we got it we got it when we get back together we have to discover ways of encouraging each other to manifest love and engage in good works why do you think I show this to engage you biblically speaking love is not an emotion but an act of the will we are commanded to love therefore it's something we can and must do love is the root and good works of the fruit we should continue to meet together and not desert local fellowship I know some of you don't come anymore but I know you watch because you had a falling-out look you might not be best friends with that person but you can hug them and love them and want the best for them by not holding their sins to them you've done it too you've said the wrong things to you got it we got to get this out of our hearts forget about the day or the hour I'm not concerned what's the good of celebrating a feast with somebody you don't like not everybody's your cup of tea you will gravitate toward certain people that's okay and if some of these steals from this ministry don't think I'm gonna have them count doesn't mean I have to trust them but it doesn't it doesn't mean I have to hate because it's just a sin and if somebody repents how dare you don't you understand God's system it's a system that he set up that forces you to forgive you don't have a choice you don't have a choice because if you don't he won't and that will hinder your relationship do you know what it's like not hearing from God you know it's like loving God but feeling like he's distant you know that it's like having a big fight with your wife and you're laying in bed laying in bed queen-size bed but your queen is miles away it's poison it's the worst so god forced this system on us forced it forced it back to something the court said what are you going to do I you what you got to be free man don't let your mind be taken hostage by the enemy I know I told you from the jump if anybody knows how to have their mind mess with I'm telling you I'm not saying I know it more than anybody else but I'm up there with the best of them I'm convinced I'm convinced without question the local Fellowship is where we find strength comfort nourishment and joy in collective worship and service there is always the temptation to isolate ourselves come on some of you are close to my age what do we do amen I've been there I'm just gonna cut my losses right ministers I know ministers there beautiful guys but they don't come out you won't see them you know why cuz they're safe they feel safe are they happy no in isolation we're not happy but we're safe you follow because expectation - reality equals disappointment and we're tired of being disappointed the Lord put me in isolation for three weeks these last three weeks he put me in isolation I didn't even text anybody back I didn't I didn't know what he was doing but he was showing me something isolation is poison it's a slow death being quarantined and away from everybody was detrimental to the well-being of my mind as I said it's very tempting to go into isolation but don't take the forbidden fruit we desperately need each other and I think in these last days as things get worse we're gonna have to focus on loving encouraging and spurring on to keep running the race keep fighting the fight and keeping the faith it's imperative I know what the Bible says I don't know much but I know it said back in Genesis 2:16 it's not good for man to be alone I'm gonna go with God on this one I know that Moses had his Aaron and David had his Jonathan Paul had his Barnabas and they broke up but then he found Silas and they started going steady Yeshua could have sent out the disciples in 12 different directions but he sent them out two at a time the proverb is to a better than one I know this to be true not everybody is is my cup of tea and I'm not everybody's cup of tea I get it you might be like I don't really like his personality I understand I do understand but this is Who I am that you know and and what's more important is God likes me obviously so those are our practicality now in conclusion all thoughts have a great power thoughts in line with the Word of God will protect us but negative thoughts will cost us dearly thoughts can come into our mind from all sides but we make the choice we choose what will stay and what will be cast out according to medical science toxic thoughts such as stress worry fear anger and most importantly unforgiveness actually cause damage to the brain they see it in CT scans and MRIs chemicals are released into the brain causing chaos and damage who made the brain the Lord he said this there so we would come out of this activity in a spiritual sense these toxic thoughts connect you to the curse when we renew our minds to the fact that thoughts matter we begin to detox our brains and switch over from fear worry and anger to power love and a sound mind we have to be intentional about being intentional rome wasn't built in a day and neither will our minds be rebuilt in a day it's gonna take time but you're gonna love the process because it works do not give in and do not give up full with God all things are possible let's stand together we have our Shavuot meeting on Friday I know some people think it should be a different day the Sadducees say it was a high it was after the high Shiva the Pharisees say it was always supposed to be on the first day of the week I could care less I like the fact that we celebrate it and I like the fact that we can be filled with the holy spirit and be guided by his love that's what I like so we're going to meet Friday at 10 o'clock if you're tuning in we'll send Roxanne we'll send out an e-blast I think everybody know a couple of times during the week but I think it should be a humdinger because it really connects to the message today and then the Torah Pacha connects to the message as well so I think once again hopefully God's up to something I believe it now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace and the name of the principle piece of schewe give a rest on annoy the East Morelle your Illinois probe ellika the who now yes I don't know how or novela they are somewhere Oh watch alone guys I love you peace
Channel: Getzel
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Length: 84min 39sec (5079 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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