(Sep 15, 2018) From the Outhouse to the Penthouse: The Ultimate Forgiveness Story

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[Music] we are in the middle of the fall feast you know God has been doing a work here the whole month of July and part of August we got into a discipleship study and I think it was incredibly meaty and then we started to prepare for the fall feasts and the Shabbat before was crazy yom teruah was crazy and wednesday we have yom kippur yes and if you're watching are you here I just want you to know that if you come Wednesday I will be more than happy to buy you lunch for the use of you that are new to the Lord's feasts it's a fast day so I have to tell you because there's always somebody that just comes for the free lunch right yeah being that being that you know yom teruah we went over it it's very simple blow the shofar to remember get ready God just God uses the shofar as a battle cry but but he also uses it to coronate Kings but he mainly it's to wake us up you know a trumpet is a very loud instrument and if it's blown loud it's just piercing so it's it's it's an instrument to wake us up god wants to wake us up listen I know that that many of you feel as though our nation is sleeping and the world is sleeping and you'll like look at the world look at the world it's not the world's issue it's the body of Messiah that fell asleep and she she the church in the United States it's just like you got these guys that are holding you like a little baby and and COO and give you a little bottle give you a little milk and then rocking you back to sleep oh don't forget this they tickle the ears - babies love to have the ears tickled and Hebrews was very emphatic by now but we have to go back to elementary what what rabbi you calling me a baby I'm not calling you nothing listen to me first of all I mean let me say a couple of things about offense okay number one it's the bait of Satan number two if you want to know how spiritually mature you are find out how easily you're offended the easier you are offended the more of a spiritual baby you are that is a litmus test we had a Memorial Tuesday for a lady who was here Lynn Williams a very good friend of my wife's my wife is it just so you know you probably don't know burner that all that well she's attracted to non phonies she can see right through it see right through it so if you're gonna be real she's your girl if you're gonna put on your church face you'll probably find out so you might say she has nothing to do with me maybe you should look into it we just we're the same way we just cut from the same old it's not we got nothing against nobody but we have no time for phone enos people are dying and go to hell you know things have fallen apart the world is spinning out of control people are broken and said we have no time to sit and play games this is not the time to play games okay this is time to get more serious than you've ever been in out the Lord and run this race like there's no tomorrow okay we're in the last days okay it says just like in the days of Noah what does that mean business as usual business as usual and it's business as usual you know with all that being said Lynn Williams most of you knew her but you didn't know what not what you had in your mist Lynn Williams was one of the most devout believers I've ever met and why was she such a devout believer I shared it her memorial because she could not get offended she never took the bait of Satan Lynn was crazy she was crazy in fact even when she died it took us six months have a memorial because we couldn't get her body from Savannah we couldn't find her marriage license get her buried at the military cemetery in Milledgeville like even then even six months after her passing she was still causing me problems but Lynn would sit in the first to second row and yell crazy things out I'd be talking she approach so we we will great friends I mean great friends I took there's real great trends but I said Lynn it doesn't seem like you can help yourself she goes I can't rabbi I said I got an idea maybe because she's so close you feel like you know it's just you and me here maybe if I put you in the back row in my work she goes okay let's try it how many of you would be ok let's try it if I say go to the back row you'd go to the back row at some other church think about it listen you got a deal with the reality of who you are if you're easily offended it's a mess we should be the most in offensive people in the universe by the way what did Jesus tell us to do what was he saying come and when he called the disciples what was you really saying come and die dead men don't get offended Andy wait let me sneak back up here and talk to you I bet Ronna the way you handle things is you're gonna lose people I will lose people but I will not lose God when I go before God he's not gonna say to me so how many came Saturday uh-huh with all that I've done all the orphanages all the evangelism all the congregations all the explosion of things when I go before God I'm not gonna mention any of it I'm gonna bring him the bloodiest schewe period end of story all right so because we're going into Yom Kippur a corporate time of forgiveness a corporate time of repentance the time when we come before God and say daddy I'm so sorry why don't we talk about forgiveness because forgiveness is what we are celebrating you might not know why you're here let me tell you you're here celebrating the forgiveness of God you are here to celebrate God's forgiveness and because some of you haven't really grasped that message you are having a hard time forgiving others and because you're having a hard time forgiving others God will not forgive you he set a system that forces us he says I will not forgive you unless you forgive others and therefore some people don't feel forgiven and when they don't feel forgiven they say why should I forgive him I don't feel forgiven myself right plus if we forgive somebody we let them off the hook we want to keep them off the hook keep reeling them in and kick them cast them out reel and kick them you have no idea what you did and the person's crying and weeping I'm so sorry like not good enough kick them but the thing is a lot of these people don't even say this sorry so you are not forgiving them meanwhile you're not hurting them because they don't even know some of you could be angry at me I don't even know you think I'm sitting there going God who's angry at me first of all the list would be so long somebody wrote me and said I feel like killing you I said get on line alright let's look at Psalm 25 18 just a verse feel my pain and see my trouble forgive all my sins David was a man under the gun yes he created an awful sin right he dishonored his mother and father v he murdered six he committed adultery seven he stole lied and coveted he nailed them five to ten boom once one one swing and Nathan said we're gonna forgive you because you confessed your sin and you want to repent but the sword will never leave your house the sword will be in your house every day for the rest of your life King David and what did he say take the sword from me I can't deal with this he said it's okay just don't take your spirit from me that's a man after God's own heart he takes his punishment and he says yes I will take my punishment just don't leave me and man he had to look over his shoulder his friends his his council everybody betrayed him his son wanted to kill him he wouldn't stop Absalom would not stop till he killed his dad and in all his sorrow how many times you read in the Psalms how long that's what he's saying he's not saying how long he's not speaking King Jimmy how long how long do I have to go through this how long is my distress how long is my sorrow come on give me a break your God sound familiar but in the midst of him crying out to God and begging him to alleviate his pain he says forgive all my sins in the midst of it he had the wherewithal to say I've done so many bad things fool might even ask you to deliver me so David is imploring the Lord begging him for mercy consider all my pain and misery but at the same time he laments for his sin and asked the Lord to forgive all his sins look at the word in the Hebrew I say this all the time Old Testament written in Hebrew New Testament written Greek so far in the New Testament we're gonna look at the lexicon in Greek right now so simply to carry off and to take away real simple right why do I keep looking up these words because in the original Hebrew language it packs a much bigger punch then the way it was translated in a modern-day English okay so forgive we kind of know the word but it means to carry off and take away let's see if that's consistent in the New Testament because I'm here to tell you that the Bible is a universe it's not old and new it's the Word of God and it's all consistent and and and because the first five books are so important you have to look at everything else through the first five books it's the lens of the Lord so let's go to first John because this was a man also after our own heart and this was his favorite disciple he says if we acknowledge our sins then see that if then there's an if we got to do something and then God will do some we go no God buy me a new car and I'll give away my old car God says give away your old car nobody knew it you follow the ifs on us if we acknowledge our sins that just doesn't mean confess anybody can say hey I did the wrong thing that's confession confession gets you to the door of repentance you confess inators the door repent you want to go through the door you got to say god I don't want to do this anymore but you're saying but I can't do that that's right either can I that's why I need the power that all these fair tell me then you go through the door if we acknowledge our sins then since he is trustworthy and just beautiful you'll see that about God Trust or anything just trust what does that mean you could depend on he's never bounced the check if he says he's gonna do something he's gonna do it absolutely promise megha promise Kiba the ultimate he will forgive them that means them is the sins and not only that pure if I cleanse us from all the wrongdoing he'll empower us to get back on the race sound like a good deal it's a great deal okay let's look at the word to make sure it means to send away same principle to carry off to send away so we see that whether it's Hebrew forgive or Greek forgive forgive is forgive okay there's two kinds of figure than this for us just you know I don't want to get technical and I definitely want to make this academic but you need to know this there's judicial forgiveness and parental forgiveness everybody's like I don't know what the heck you're talking about there's judicial forgiveness and judicial forgiveness is one time you you you're born again once you can't be born again again you're born again one time you repent to the Lord for all your sins that takes care of past present and even future ones but you need parental forgiveness because even though we could be forgiven of our sins judicially and not come before God in judgment we can lose fellowship with them key very important some people don't repent and they wonder where's God he didn't leave the building you did you follow it's a very important concept it's not even heavily doctrinal it's just basic judicial forgiveness is one time parental forgiveness takes place throughout all walk so we're not talking about sit we're talking about sins after a person is born again you follow first John 1:9 isn't about being born again he's talking to believers after you're born again everybody with me some of you look like a deer in the headlights forgive me I'm sorry you just like you ready clear in order for us to walk in day-to-day fellowship with God we must drag our sins out in the open and take God's side against them drag them out the enemy's not gonna the enemy's gonna hide them don't worry bad it's not so bad who's gonna know seriously I don't need to know I don't need to know sometimes God shows me something be honest with you and I hate it I don't want to know don't want to see it God's 24/7 he's omniscient he's omnipresent what do you think you hide when you're in your closet it's ridiculous nope so we got to drag him out don't let the enemy hide them drag them out and call them for what they are sins of commission sins of omission sins of thought sins of action secret sins public sins etc etc etc now if God says he will take them away and carry them off take them - we read Psalm 103 12 let's take a look at it this is the whole east-west thing is very interesting because if you see how God made the temple you come in to where the east right and you walk west right that's where you start out a courtyard and then you get into the Holy of Holies west wherever you shoot we're gonna touch down on the Mount of what Olives that's East and where is he gonna walk into the temple where West it's a very important concept east to west isn't say west east there's a reason for everything God is not us he's not so simple sometimes he's deep and if you want to get deep he'll get deep if you want to keep it simple keep it simple no problem the message is still there okay if you travel south according to most people I know there's a big debate going on there on some people whether the earth is round the flat I'm really not gonna get into that right now I think what's important is that you ask God to forgive you of your sins he's not going to test you on science to get into heaven make sure first and foremost you're right with God but according to most scientists if you travel south once you pass an article you'll be heading north if you travel north and you go as far you will start to travel south if you continue to circle the earth going around its poles you'll continue cycling back north and south however you can get on an airplane and fly east for an eternity in every twist if I walk east I will never meet West I'll just keep walking east east east east east east east so where does East meet West it doesn't that's why God said I'll take your sins and put them as far as the East is from the West now somebody say what the heck II know I won't say that that's not nice we're in the south right you know I'll say that you only ought to say that behind closed doors ask me what are you saying rabbi I need everybody to ask me I'll tell you what I'm saying one I'm saying that God has put our sins out of sight look at isaiah 43:25 26 i yes i this is God speaking sound isaiah i yes i and the one who blots out your offences for my own sake not even for your sake for his sake okay you got to catch every word every word is crucial I don't have time but it's important I will not remember your sins this is it by the way just to put in context Israel is coming back to God coming back from coming back from their exile in Babylon but now coming back from the four corners he says east west north south and Isaiah 43 so we're not talking about the Babylon exile we're talking about the last days where they'll receive your schewe as their Messiah so because they're coming back to God God is saying he's talking to Israel but all we grafted in so you can apply these scriptures to your life but make no mistake he's talking to Israel okay I am I who blocks out your offenses for my own sake I will not remember your sins remind me when we're in court together this is really good tell your son make the case that you all right thanks God is saying that he's eager to forgive his people from my own sake it's like God is saying I must I'm a forgiver human beings not so much but I'm a total forgiver I forgive I forget and this is what I want to do I just need you to acknowledge it so you're not entitled I need you to own it a little bit I need you to come to grips with Wow when I did that I really hurt that person we don't sin in secret some people are so hurt by sin they can't function no matter how many psychiatrists they go to see they can't function they're not normal because of what was done to them so the only the reason why God doesn't want us to sin he doesn't want us to hurt each other that's all that's all so he really is eager i'm telling you based on the scriptures i can't tell you based on anything else I can't tell you based on the dream I know some of you like dreams and visions I like the Word of God I must stick to the Word of God because it has more authenticity than dreams and visions dreams and missions are good as long as it goes in line but some of you a dream chasers you know I'm saying this is what the Word of God tells me that God is eager to forgive his people I have felt it personally now he's also saying can they cite any merit in themselves why he should do this he's saying the next time we're in court tell me why I should do it it's grace you're just gonna have to accept it most people can't handle grace you know why because that they received God's grace they got to extend God's grace and they'd rather just be angry to everybody angry at the world angry at the government angry at the church angry at their grandmother it's crazy to go through life like that dude God has blessed you with His grace and you know you didn't deserve it I don't know how bad you were but I know I was pretty bad so he says nope no way you're not gonna be able to present your case it's grace now look at the word blocked because blood sounds a lot sounds like I don't know like like some a bunch of 80 year olds would be like hanging around and doing a painting class and the teacher would go now just block the color right wrong right blood sounds very benign the word in Hebrew is maja and it means to exterminate to annihilate and to obliterate now those are very very very powerful words if somebody says exterminate them annihilate them obliterated that's strong language right so rabbi are you telling me that that's what God is saying that he's gonna do to our sins I'm not telling you he's telling you I'm not telling you nothing I don't have an opinion too utterly and totally destroy and reduce our sins to nothingness that's what he's saying he's gonna do anybody feel good about that okay now let's say even though he like obliterates them and they're in like a gazillion pieces some of us I don't know why but we try to put him back together right well the enemy says come on I mean I know there's a lot of pieces to this puzzle but if we one at a time we can put him back together anybody know what I'm talking about good come on let's get real please let's just get real with this stuff so let's say we could put him back together all we trying to put him back together even if we could put him back together God says he put him out of our reach let me show you Mike a seven same thing Israel's coming back he's talking to Israel they're coming back from the four corners which is happening right now as we speak these prophecies guys although they're 2,700 2,600 and 2500 respectively old they're happening right now Micah means his name means who is God like you it's like a little pun so Mike is saying who is a God like you me huh mocha mocha mocha who is a God like you pardoning the sin and overlooking the crimes of the remnant of his heritage who's his heritage Israel he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in grace now I told you he was eager based on Isaiah I'm not giving you just I'm giving you one verse because we're only here for a short time I can give you thousands thousands not some one one obscure verse that I'm making in theology over thousands he does not retain this anger forever because he delights in grace he will again have compassion on us meaning exiled we're out of fellowship member parental forgiveness we're out of fellowship but he'll have compassion on us again he wants to heat why he loves it why he loves us why just does it's that simple it's like why do I love my kids not because they're good in school not because they play sports none do it did my kids good better and different I love them God and if I could pull that off and be successful love of my kids surely the God of all creation can pull it off now it's beautiful he will again have compassion on us he will subdue our iniquities most people don't even know what to do mean so it's a rough word you will throw all our sins into the depths of the sea so what I'm saying is even if we could he says I'll annihilate exterminate obliterate so let's try to put him back together he goes okay you're gonna put him back together how you gonna get him let's take a look he says he'll subdue he'll put the kibosh he says he treads trample he assaults you know what an assault rifle does you know what happens when a country assaults another you know what happens when a person assaults another god says I will assault your sins yeah man and then he says after I assault them after I hammer them I'm gonna grab them and throw them look what I'm gonna do with them show ah I'm gonna violently hurlan I'm not gonna just go like you know it's not like people driving down price road when they throw their Zaxby's cop out the window and I have to pick it up every dang day because people are disgusting pigs and they don't care about you know I want to get my truck dirty sick it's sick it's God's creation it's sick it's sick and then they wonder whether the values gonna go up and makin when you start taking care of making so anyway where was i before you rudely interrupted me with before you rudely interrupted me with throwing you cups out the window violent did you ever see the hammer throws and Scotland you've seen them okay so you know what I'm talking about they take this and they spin and they spin and when they throw it what are they always do that's a violent hurl after got a soldier sins that's what he does you got it and then and then where does he throw it he's assaulted him and then he violently hurls of where to the depths of the sea that's the very bottom we don't know where the bottom is but what have we been able to calculate this is not with our technology our technology won't do it it's too deep with all our great minds we don't know but in 1961 they sent down a submarine called the tree STIs and they found that that it was over 35,000 feet seven miles does anybody know the world record for scuba diving I bet you don't not even close I hate guessing just so you know don't guess guessing is stupid I said does anybody know I didn't say does anybody guess a mod Gabor in the Red Sea in Egypt 2014 a thousand ninety feet a thousand ninety it's thirty five thousand feet deep so even if you were a world record holder scuba diver you can't get your sense [Applause] and there's always some knuckle as it's gonna say rabbi it's not 35,000 feet the tree stays it was thirty five thousand seven hundred and fifty seven you're right I'm telling you I'll get an email I get any mail people are just they're crazy and listen to me listen to me I was in the world for thirty years now in the the people I meet in the Lord are crazier than the people I met in the world I'm here to tell you I promise you you have it oh thank you talking about all this see and stuff it got me a little thirsty okay so God put all sins out of sight right obliterated them he put him out of reach no let's just say somehow we could go down and we bring them back up we put them together bring them back up right and then we go before God but also God put him out of his mind right so let's say summer because some of us do we we we could scuba dive down and we go up there and we put it back together and then we kill off those with the guilt Rob are you saying that you're free from this I'm saying that I spent most of my believing life beating the snot out of myself and I'm just trying to help some of you not do what I did to me I destroyed myself I would not let my sins go and it killed me and I love you and I don't wanted to kill you but you have did not just confess you gotta repent you gotta try even if you fail you gotta try you gotta try let's take a look at Jeremiah 31 33 34 again he's talking to Israel and he's making the new covenant with them this is what who we are we are New Covenant believers not in New Testament believers New Covenant believers for this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days says I don't I you know I just want you to know something if you don't graft into Israel you don't have the covenants if you don't graft into Israel you don't have the promises it's not just a matter of feasts and food it's bigger than that I will put my Torah within them you can't get any more than within you not talking about your heart your physical heart he's talking about the depths of who you are he's gonna put it on the deepest part of who you are write them on their hearts I will be their God and they will be my people no longer any of them teach his fellow community member brother no I don't know they'll teach them the ways of an annoy like I'm doing they will be expository preachers but I won't have to say do you know the Lord because if you're born again you know the Lord all will know me from the least to them to the greatest because why will they know me I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more let's take a look at the words the huh to call to mind to mention meaning if you go down and you bring up your sin to put it together bring before God look god he's gonna say look at what look God look at what remember when I did remember what let me know anything I don't know you talking about no no you do nothing about come on you've got I don't know what you talking about I know you're talking about our new he talked about the enemy will jump in you come on you got to know what he's talking about you forgave them you got to know why do you forgive him so easy that's disgusting that's deplorable why do you forgive him he's gonna I'm telling you man he's going to assault you and you need an advocate you need a defense attorney you know listen the courts today are deplorable I don't know if there's any lawyers here but you know if you're a lawyer they are disgusting there's deals made over peoples man people on the Golf Course and goes a given three to five so we're meeting for dinner at the Country Club that's how they do it and if it's all who you know if you get the right attorneys who know the right people you you go off scot-free don't matter how much evidence think of that DNA they have blood all over you and you're gonna get off cuz that's the way all court system is it's the best court system there is but it's still incredibly corrupt now if you had a defense attorney that said to you I just want to let you in on something I know you're uptight I know you're nervous to go before the judge but the judge happens to be my father not only that we're kind of like we're one so don't worry about it I got this thing but they got so much evidence against me yeah what's your defense what's that looks like you had a bad accident looks like some nails ones for your wrists I'll tell you more about it let me take care of the case right now this time goes on you'll know more about me how we doing so far Yom Kippur that's why we're getting ready it's a prelude I said prelude not quaaludes some of you send me like I just got born again last week all right here's here's my favorite one of my favorite stories in the Bible I don't really tell you this too often but he's one of my favorite guys I sort of almost gonna relate to him hopefully it won't be like the end of my life but anyway let me show you a little story in acts I call it Saul sees the light acts 9 1 through 6 it says meanwhile what's meanwhile you'll see shall still breathing still breathing murderous threats against the Lord's Talmud Deen those are the Lord's disciples went to the Kohan Hagar Dolan asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus authorizing him to arrest any people he might find whether men or women who belonged to the way and bring them back to you Rousseau I am he was on the road and nearing tamasic when suddenly a light from heaven flashed all around him falling to the ground here to voice saying to him sha sha why do you keep persecuting me sir who are you yes I am Yeshua and you are persecuting me but get up and go into the city and you'll be told what you have to do okay let's break it down meanwhile shell was still breathing murders frets what's the meanwhile it's 35 C E or a D ya yushua leaves after 33 so it's two years after he left okay he already gave the order to have Steven stone okay they put the clothes by by his feet now the good news is after Stephen was stoned it was a dark day for the believers they're like what are we gonna do they're gonna kill all of us so what did God do he scattered them they scattered in fear but it was God's will they weren't gonna leave Jerusalem just like some of us won't leave Macon they're no different than we are they were comfortable there so he scattered them and what happened when he scattered them to Cyrus and Phoenicia they shared the gospel how was the gospel gonna spread there was no internet they had to go but they weren't gonna go so god stirred up the nest God always knows what he's doing what you think is a dark day as a day of light for the Lord well you think why is this happening it's a blessing in disguise I'm telling you God's ways are not ours you just got to go with it you can't fight the current when the currents coming in you're fighting are you fighting God just go with it watch what happens just go with it watch what happens try it just go with it so he's breathing murderous threats this guy was the guy he was the man shot all Saul was the man he was the Jews Jew and he was handpicked to study under Gamaliel who's studied under Hillel which was the greatest rabbi they had hand-picked from the nostril let's look for the best Jewish kid we could find why he'll be the next Nicodemus he'll be the next teacher of Israel he'll teach the teachers Paul was the man you don't think he was the man standing there and they laced Stephens clothes by his feet to honor him he was the man and then he went to the high priest they were like this he went to the high priest he said look give me letters give me letters there's a synagogue in Damascus 135 miles north of Jerusalem six seven day journey give me some letters I'll go there and if you give me the authorization I can go in the synagogue I could find which of these Jews believed in Jesus and I'll bring them back here to stand court before the Sanhedrin you know what happens if they found convicted not ostracized death the first century Jews were dying left and right read the book of Hebrews it's written to Hebrews Jewish believers they were being tortured and killed Paul was gonna bring them back acquittal no problem but if they're found guilty official authorization he had and he's on his way look at acts 9 3 he was on the road very close he's probably feeling it right like the journeys miserable he's tied but he's almost there I'm gonna get him I'm gonna get those Messianic Jews that by the way there's there's no there's no Christians yet the word isn't even known nobody's using it no they used it no they didn't yes they did no they didn't yes they did nothing that Rabbi how do you know because X 11 tells me they didn't use the word Christian till acts 11 where in acts 9 rabbi that's not what I was taught that's not what I believe okay okay I guess you got your own Bible on that's so sarcastic I know something's got to shake you and wake you somes got to shake you out of your religious culture and traditions a man because if I'm sake and I shake are you gonna do one of these things you can either want to beat me up or you're gonna want to change Yeshua did the same thing you don't think it's sarcastic say to somebody oh yeah you see that speck how do you see when you got a plank in your eye he was on the road and nearing tamasic when suddenly imagine that he's almost there like I'm always there I got the letter I'm gonna get him cuz if I bring them back I'm gonna be the man you see he's gonna be the next Nicodemus if I bring these Messianic Jews back to Jerusalem to stand trial they're gonna know I'm the man and then when the vote comes up I'm gonna get the vote I'm gonna be Israel's teacher I'm going for it he loved his Judaism and he loved God how could you love God so much and be so wrong many people are there insincerely right or the sincerely wrong they have the right heart and the wrong information they have the right information the wrong heart it happens to the best of them he loved God you crazy walking 135 miles to find some Michigan of Jews to bring him back you don't think he loved God but suddenly out of nowhere a light from heaven flashes all around them it's not the paparazzi you got to understand this is 35 AD Showell is convinced that Yeshua has been in a tomb in Jerusalem for the past two years he's convinced if he thought he came out of the tomb he wouldn't be doing this so he's thinking since the head is gone right just go after the body and the way is history but all of a sudden a light comes out let's see what this means a light is anything emitting light a lamp any anything anything anything anything but it's metaphorical in the Greek and it means God is light is God shining on him let's take a look x94 falling to the ground a when God's light shines you're gonna hit the dirt not gonna be praising falling to the ground he heard a voice look do you remember in John a little bit we're 18 verse 618 6 when they came after you shew to arrest him they said we're looking for your shoe of Nazareth and he said I am what happened they fell same word light came and they hit not those courtesy drops you get in the newfangled new way they have to shave churches I'm talking about the real deal you don't see him calling for any catches here Paul's about to fall to the clouds are falling to the ground he heard a voice saying to him shall shall why you keep persecuting me look at this word falling it means to be thrust down it means you don't have a choice every knee will bow they will not be a choice they will be thrust down when it comes but metaphorically it means to come on the judgment and condemnation Paul realized how could I be this wrong I am a juice - I love my god I love the Torah I do all I can to live it out I am squeaky-clean and I'm attacking Messianic Jews and he actually is the Messiah how did I miss it so he's under condemnation and judgment but he's such a class act and he's such an honorable man that because he feels the condemnation he's thinking you got to kill me you got to let me die a man of honor I want to go out I want the other Jewish people to know that you took me out I can't face them how am I gonna face the Messianic Jews now how am I gonna face the traditional Jews now here's nowhere to go he's done and he's under condemnation and he is under judgment and then the Lord says you're persecuting me look at the word you're harassing me you're harassing me why listen to me guys this is a good message for you not the whole message this right here pain inflicted on the member of your shoe his body on earth is felt by the head of the body in heaven when you run around and persecuting your brothers and sisters you are persecuting him why do you spend so much time whacking weeds when you should be spending time planting seeds all right let's move on acts 9 5 through 6 sir who are you he wants to know you see in rabbinic tradition which obviously it's not taught about in any seminary but in rabbinic tradition a voice from heaven is understood as the voice of God when you hear a voice from heaven it's God's voice so he knows he's hearing God's voice he's rabbinic but for Saul it had to be doctrine before duty he has to understand his Creed would produce his character he needs to know are you who you really are because if you are I'm going for it you follow he needed to know say said first question who are you I hear who I said God are you right he he found out the truth he said I'm yushua I am Lord I am Savior and then look what Paul did all the sudden we lose Peter right acts 10 we lose him Peters no more round you don't hear about John and Paul takes over he knows who you schewe is and he's gonna let everyone know do you know that new believers make the best evangelist people 30 40 50 years in the faith they stink at evangelism they're always trying to do is trying to use doctrine and trying to one-up them just listen to me show them who you shoe is cut to the chase show em what your shoe is okay now we've got the ultimate forget in this story and we're done let's finish up you ready you ready to finish up you ready to get out of here of course you are here acts 9 10 through 15 the ultimate forgiveness story there was a town Mead in des Masek a disciple in Damascus Ananya Ananias by name and in a vision the Lord said to him hon Anya he said Here I am Lord he nee nee when God calls when God calls the disciple they respond they don't put him on hold they respond the Lord said to him get up and go to straight Street to Judas Yehuda's house and asked for a man from Tarsus name shall rule so he is praying and in a vision he has seen a man named Hernan iya coming and placing his hands on him to restore his sight but hanana answered Lord many many have told me about this man he's in he's in you know he's part of this he's part of the synagogue there's no church no there's a church there's no church there's a church there's no church there's a church there's no church there are traditional Jews and many Messianic Jews and heathens that's what we have so far and he's going to the synagogue to find the Messianic Jews this is a Messianic Jew who's in the synagogue but hung on answer Lord come on we've heard about him like they don't have internet but they know they're like 2 years now like this guy's crazy he's killing Jews who believe in Jesus and he has a warrant from the head Kohanim to arrest everyone who pulls on your name that means I'm gonna get arrested and then I'm gonna go to Jerusalem I'm gonna die but the Lord said to him go imagine that imagine you know somebody's coming to kill you and the Lord says go see him he's my chosen instrument to carry my name to the thank God for Jews huh and to the sons of Israel because whenever he went to a synagogue who'd he preached the first why Romans 1 has Roma 1 changed not to the best of nylons it's changed in the body of Messiah everybody flies over Israel to go to another country but hasn't changed in my Bible still the same alright let's break it down and then you are released acts 9 10 through 12 there was a tell me rabbi what's wrong with you I'm mentally ill that's what's wrong but at least I know it there was a tell me to de Massacre Nonya by name and in a vision the Lord said to her nunya he said Here I am Lord he named me the Lord said to him get up go to straight street this is unbelievable by the way wait you see this this is sickly unbelievable what God is doing with these words a little sick if you if you don't if you're if you don't like get psyched and on fire after this something is radically wrong with you I'm telling you if you don't get excited after this your wood is so wet that the Holy Spirit can't even light you up okay so this is what Hanani is saying he's saying are you sure now how many of you have heard the voice of God and said is it so that how many just me and my wife seriously I know some of you you're super spiritual you always know when it's God's voice right thank you for being so incredibly gifted we have you in all mist Hauk the herald angels sing' this is the deal listen to me he's questioning it because it can't be you're telling me to go to this murderer of Messianic Jews like seriously I could see honey on you're going are you sure it's Han Anya and not Hanna there's a Hana in our group let's send her so he tells him to go to straight straight why why did he send Paul the straight straight look at the word straight it means straight level or right it listen listen listen it is the same word in the Hebrew as s share which is the root word of blessed the word blessed means happy but the root word is a share which means straight level or right why did he need to send him to straight level in right Street course Paul was crooked uneven and wrong and I'm here to tell you something you need to go to straight Street Paul was Paul was unbelievably on fire for God you will probably not meet another like his equal but he was totally wrong some of you on fire for God but your doctrine is just not biblical so he tells him to go to straight street but here why did he pick her Nonya look at what her Nana's word means a name is better chosen it means the Lord is gracious he's gonna live it out he's gonna see that here is this murderer listen listen nothing's worse than a Jew killing another Jew in Israel it almost never happens all the crime is by terrorists it never happens but then a Jew killing God's remnant Messianic Jews this this Jew is going around killing Messianic Jews nothing's worse why do you think he said I'm the chief of sinners it doesn't get worse so this chief of sinner hanami is gonna find out the Lord is gracious on Anya more gracious than you know there's no way God should have forgiven Paul no way unless unless he really is a God of grace unless he really is eager unless he really delights in grace so honey on you goes to see him and he's like anyway acts 9 13 14 yeah he's normal he's normal he's normally that's supa dupa he's normal just like us but her Nana answered Lord you know I mean could you see the picture he knows the news on the believers in Damascus he knows that she'll was coming they was shaking in their boots what do you think they were doing I bet they were praying for divine intervention I bet they were on their faces they did not eat for the whole time he was coming six days they probably didn't eat and they're on their faces but I bet you some of them were going what just deter him you know how we'd pray against the enemies deter them let them fall in the trap that they set for us take them out Lord but there was probably one guy going let rough she'll see the light let Rafa shall see the light what would it benefit if he dies and goes to hell let Rob Sheol see the light a church that doesn't speak to the lost is a lost church and that prayer was answered shall all saw the light man 9:15 this is crazy the last verse but the Lord said to him go because this man is my chosen instrument chosen instrument you chose him and of all the great message like choose me you chose him a murderer I mean it's crazy a guy goes from killing Messianic Jews to becoming a Messianic Jew a guy goes from from the president of the sinners club to the president of the saviors club he goes from the projects to the palace from the outhouse to the penthouse come on who could pull that off we would we would have wrote that guy off a long time ago right I ran into a guy today listen to me not today you with me for lunch remember the guy ran into hey I'm talking to you what oh oh you were looking at that yeah that's cute listen to me I didn't put it up there you see me working the thing one of my magician wanted to pull a rabbit out of my hat remember that guy we ran into big bald head giant guy tatted all over I met this guy when I first moved here okay this guy was like bench and six over six hundred pounds he's a mer he's the biggest guy I bought him the Mabel white with me when I preached there he wore a black shirt he was like 285 bald head and I'm in this church for the first time speaking to all these nice Southern Christians and I said by the way I brought my bodyguard with me Randi can you stand up you stood up and I said you'd better give me some grace but I haven't seen him in forever but when I first met him the Lord told me connect with him I spent a year and a half with this guy every day till he saw the light people said he's the worst let me tell you something he's a beautiful guy now because you know how I saw him I saw him as a trophy of future trophy in God's case of grace everybody in the town said nah man he's done this he's done that and what have you done what have you done you didn't drink while you're in college so now you're squeaky clean hey you could have died for me come on everybody's got potential be saved no you can't count anybody out man do you think I ran into him this week by coincidence I haven't seen him in forever you think it was coincidental it's because God's telling me speak this boy speak this boy okay this is my conclusion we all need to have a Damascus Road experience we need to get blinded by the light and end up on straight street we can't take one somewhere we haven't been ourselves how can we preach God's forgiveness to others if we haven't tasted God's forgiveness for ourselves unforgiveness which is what we're going to deal with on Wednesday is a spiritual umbilical cord that feeds us from the past we eat a steady diet of anger bitterness malice hurt resentment so I'm telling you I know there's at least one person here that I offended and you're like when you said okay so I said one thing to you that was hurtful you want to keep score all the things I said that was a blessing to you so you're telling me I've said 25,000 things and you're gonna remember one thing and discount twenty four thousand nine hundred ninety-nine what kind of person are you you don't think anybody's offended me I'm still here kind of person to you how can you be that person then you can only remember what somebody did to you bad and not remember all the good they've done feel and I'm not referring to me I'm talking about in generalities how could you be that person and then you want to go before God in prayer God forgive me okay how about you forgiving somebody else rabbi it's not easy no it's not but I'm telling you unforgiveness will kill you Oh kill you I have good news though Wednesday's Yom Kippur and guess what we get to do we get to cut the cord together tis the season to be forgiving falala Lala la la la la let's stand together should be a fantastic Wednesday I'm banking on a really really holy spirit time we a blessed guy King a great a great theologian said what a lucky beggar I am until moody said the more I understand God's grace the meaner I am in my own eyes hallelujah we're blessed who invited you to the party how did you get here I don't even know how I got here why me not them I don't know but I am so happy to be at the party and when it all comes down I don't want to go to a Jewish feast and I don't want to go to a Gentile feast I'm going to the wedding feast may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious on to you and may the Lord lift up this very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle piece of schewe Giver Ethicon annoy fish maja you're an annoy point of Aloha Vanessa yes ah I don't know boy poor novela ha we are Sam the home Oh I love you guys shabbat shalom see you Wednesday
Channel: Getzel
Views: 2,296
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Outhouse, Penthouse, Forgive, Forgiveness, Story
Id: S1k1p5kDEj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 35sec (3395 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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