(May 26, 2018) Drink Up! Keep on Being Filled With the Spirit

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[Music] let's get to Ephesians 5 please says here in 518 and you know that we last week Saturday we talked about acts 1 we did a prelude to the Holy Spirit acts 2 we talked about the Holy Spirit coming today it's gonna be a little academic a little bit more mechanical than I would like but we have to try to incinerate some myths about the Holy Spirit because they are prevalent and I think most people don't really understand they understand how vital the Holy Spirit is hopefully especially after last weekend you realize your shoe was adamant he said don't make a move don't make a move until you get what the father promised he spoke about it in John 14 15 16 all about this coming of the Holy Spirit and those were his last his last will and testament was John 14 he didn't speak chapters guys I know you he nobody spoke chapters who doesn't do I am i speaking chapters we had to put the chapters in verses in for teaching purposes but there was one discussion he had as he was leaving and it was John 14 15 16 last words John 17 he prays write the whole chapters of prayer and then John 18 he's arrested and murdered correct so these were his last words you know if you get to speak to somebody on their deathbed and they have some last words it's probably a good idea listen up and then in the end of Luke's Gospel he says look I'm out of here okay this was a summary of the 40 day teaching that he had an axe with his disciples don't make a move don't go nowhere to get the Holy Spirit do you think he would tell his disciples that and not tell us that we're disciples there's no difference we're address a little differently eat a little differently what with disciples nothing's changed God hasn't changed he's the same yesterday and forever listen to me some of these newfangled churches out there I Got News for you if it's new it's not true and if it's true it's not new we don't need to listen you know we need the Holy Spirit we don't need a gimmick we don't need drama we need the power of the Holy Spirit it is crucial and not to be a goofball okay I listen I've been to services all over the world I've seen so much counterfeit that it's pathetic and then if you see the counterfeit you say some somebody say you're judging no sweetpea I'm discerning the spirit which is what the Bible tells me and if it's a familiar spirit over the Holy Spirit I'm not going to subject me or my family to it you follow I mean you see these people doing humble sorts and Cooling like a pigeon look you know get some pigeons and go take gymnastics don't you understand what the power of the Holy Spirit is really for to prevent us from sinning cities poison has anybody ever sinned and felt good about it have you been happy about your sin do you regret your sin so the whole point of the power of the Holy Spirit is to help us to be holy would that be why the spirit of holiness would come oh don't don't say holy today oh you don't talk don't you dare say that in the 21st century Church you're not going to fill up the seats well thank God we're not looking to fill up seats don't get drunk with wine because it makes you lose control instead she's replacing it instead as a word replacement God doesn't just say like stop doing that he always says don't do that do this you ever sit on meetings and people like the negatives the naysayers this won't work because they're not and that won't work comes to this and this won't work less or not and that one I always say tell me what will work or you telling me is what won't work well I don't know then shut up that's why we don't have committees here we have three elders and when God tells us to do something we do it what's it a pray about should we really feed those orphans let's pray about it don't get drunk with wine because it makes you lose control instead replace it with being filled with the Holy Spirit look at the word drunk I highlighted these words we're looking at Greek words why cuz we're reading the New Testament in Greek to intoxicate to affect temporarily with diminished physical and mental control isn't it wild how God is so like black and white how everything in the Bible is contrasted there's no gray so if getting intoxicated affects us temporarily would diminish physical mental control then getting intoxicated with the holy spirit affects us permanently with exceeding an abundant spiritual control doesn't that make sense it's the opposite don't you want to be controlled by the Spirit of God okay so it makes sense he says instead be filled let's see what that word is it's very basic it means to make full to fill up and to filter the full okay no argument there and we're being filled with the spirit now there's many definitions for the spirit I'm gonna give you three main definitions okay one it's the Holy Spirit co-equal Co eternal with the father and the son okay - it's the vital power by which human beings feel thinks and decides well the soul a lot of times in the Bible the spirit and the soul are used interchangeably okay three the influence which fills and governs the soul of anybody that's what he's talking about that's the one he's talking about in this context when you look up a word it can have three definitions and you have to read in context to know otherwise you're gonna obliterate the definition he's saying being filled God wants us to be influenced and govern our soul your soul is your decision maker every single person in here has a soul and every single person here will make decisions some of us make hundreds of decisions a day depending on their function but we all make decisions the idea is you're going to walk out whatever you decide in other words Creed produces character not the other way around your character won't produce what you believe whatever you believe I always when I talk to people I'm like what what do you believe because I know that's gonna produce character so whatever you believe whatever that is and everybody believes differently here no two theologies alike and that's okay that's okay we can have some unity without absolute uniformity we don't have to agree eschatologically but there are some basic things we have to agree on and one of the basic things and the most important thing in the universe for a believer is to get filled with the Holy Spirit nothing's more important than that post salvation nothing did you say that yes nothing nothing because it's going to govern your decisions you need a spirit to govern your soul and whatever whatever your soul believes in thinks that's how you going to walk and there are only two spirits out there that's the spirit of god and the spirit of satan and there's no third choice it's one of the other so God is telling us to be filled so in order to influence our souls we can't influence our souls on our own and if we make soulless decisions without the spirit which we've all done has anybody made Souls decisions I'm going to take this job because it's twenty five thousand more year your family falls apart but you got 25 more g's after taxes it's about 17 change your life we make soulless decisions and and the danger is our souls are so strong with such emotional beings that we can actually think that God's telling us to do it because Satan doesn't need to deceive us will deceive ourselves this is crazy this is crazy we're on one verse now I'm not going to go into a symposium on alcohol okay you're welcome however I want to address a couple of things okay the Scriptures do not condemn the use of wine it condemns the abuse of wine do you understand the reason why there's there's a denomination with 215 million people in the world I love them I love them the Assemblies I love them I have a friend whose father retired one of my best friends took me on my first mission trip they absolutely believe that in John 2 he turned it to grape juice although when you look up the word in the Greek it means effervescence which is a bubbly fermented alcohol you can't deny the definition because if they believe that then if Jesus turned the water into wine he created a sin but it's wine you have a wedding in the first century seven days what do you think happens at a wedding for seven days with warning people get intoxicated so what happens you're at the wedding's third fourth day and you're wasted and so they could serve you anything and you'd be fine with it you shoe it turns on the third day little it's a third day the water into wine and there's a wine steward there's a wine steward like it made a deed a wedding he sets up the tables and the food and the wine and then he serves this wine to the bridegroom and the bride groom says what's going on nobody serves the best wine last guys if you all wasted you won't know the difference between Chateau Latour 66 in Mad Dog 2020 so their logic is off their study is off however some of you tip the glass a little too much I don't drink not because of her religious purposes I don't like to taste that much I've tried but it is not in the Bible to not drink no matter what you've been taught you have to go to the manual you can't get involved in man-made plans and traditions of men and man-made rules it's the only thing Yeshua hated and so many denominations are built on man now did Noah get drunk was it a good thing did Locke get drunk his daughters got him drunk and they committed incest with him look I worked in bars many years security I've never seen anybody drunk to a good thing just just my experience okay my little experience now some of you had alcoholics as parents maybe some of you still do some of your sons might so I'm not instance insensitive but I want to show you some of you recovering alcohol so I want to show you a biblical description in Proverbs of a drunk it may be you've never seen it proverbs 29 23 29 35 it says who has misery who has regret who fights who complains all the time who gets bruised for no good reason you ever heard a whiskey muscle I worked in a ball with three of the meanest biggest guys I've ever seen in my life they were actually the most void raging guys in the universe and I'm telling you whisky muscle is terrible because you actually think when you're drunk you could take those guys those who spend their time of a wine those always trying out mixed drinks some people go there sir there are fundamental Christians ago well it says don't excessive wine what about beer come on you that fundamental said don't gaze at the red wine is it its color to the cup you ever see some people and they just stare at it this is gonna be good they're gonna be real good ain't no way I'm stopping - one glass it may guide down smoothly now but in the end it bites like a serpent yes it strikes like a poisonous snake you know this if you have this it's a genetic thing if you have this in your family stay away if you can't control yourself on the computer get rid of your computer it's an easy fix rabbi then I'll admit I'm weak we're all weak join the club we're all weak and fragile in different areas all of us you Rick you ready nobody's strong here God is strong your eyes will see peculiar things your mind will other nonsense talking about de lyric you ever see something look I me personally I've never been drunk but I've heard so maybe some of you could help me out yeah you know I got saved that just stopped you drunk but I started getting drunk at 13 my daughter's 13 she innocent as days long 13 me and my friends were hanging out and guys were going to the liquor store buyers look and then we go into the park 13 you get delirious you lose your mental faculties and you feel like you're lying on the waves have you ever been drunk lately just like you feel like you're on a ship but ya know they hit me but I didn't feel it you will in the morning I did they beat me up and I didn't is this amazing this is 3,000 years ago nothing is new Under the Sun guys we keep looking for something new because we can't do what's old we want new stuff we want exciting stuff we want to find out where the Ark is how about loving your neighbor a screw that I want to find out where the Ark is if you find out where the Ark is will you love your neighbor I'll find it when will I wake up and then when I do I'll get another drink crazy huh so when it leads to excess it's a problem when it becomes habit-forming first Corinthians 6:12 you say for me everything is permitted maybe not everything is helpful for me everything is permitted maybe but as far as I'm concerned I'm not going to let anything game told me it's permitted but it's the abuse 2015 the American diabetic Association says 30 million Americans suffer with diabetes now listen I'm addicted to sugar I love sugar I get pop Reese's peanut butter cups like Pez I'm very obsessive so I either got to have none or I have all and I got tired of having none because you just get tired of eating steamed broccoli listen anybody anybody who thinks team broccoli tastes good tell me I'm gonna slap you right now plus it doesn't it doesn't now if you dip it in egg breadcrumbs fried and put some ranch dressing on it I like steamed broccoli I'm gonna have steamed broccoli just can you fry it dip it in guys what I'm saying is we're addicted to sugar it's in that's epidemic type-2 diabetes is an epidemic it's 10% of the population it costs us three hundred ninety two billion dollars it could be avoided you know we blame God right Oh Lord you took them why did you take them now the spirit of Kentucky Fried Chicken took them so there are things that are lawful but not beneficial okay also we have to be careful when it offends the conscience of another believer look at Romans 1413 we got to think of others in our actions let's stop passing judgment on each other instead make this one judgment not to put a stumbling block you don't want to be responsible for another person's sin it's it's bad enough being responsible for your sin but when you turn another person away from the Lord into man that's messed up so we should not do anything to hinder a brother his or her spiritual progress or cause one to sin okay and last when it hurts a believers testimony and doesn't bring glory to God look at first Corinthians 10:31 I'm just giving you scriptures it's not my opinion well whatever you do whether it's eating or drinking or anything else do it all to bring glory to God so we should always ask ourselves will this action magnify the Lord and if the answer is no the Holy Spirit should say no then listen I can teach about the Holy Spirit I just got a call from a pastor in Tennessee can you come up and do a do a on the Holy Spirit I could teach on it all day long but what's the good of it if we don't kneel to it right I mean you could believe exercise is good but it's will you do a push-up you're not gonna get any results so I can't make and you can't make me yield the Holy Spirit can't even make us yield what stands at the door knocks stands at the door knocks yep that's God he's gentlemen we're not so gentle man is he makes suggestions he tells you that this is gonna bring great harm and still the human being it's hard to figure out human nature is unbelievable so Paul makes this stark contrast between wine and the Holy Spirit why does he use wine first of all people have been getting drunk since the beginning of time so he probably knew plenty of people who you know tip the glass a little too much when you're drunk or filled with the Holy Spirit the person is under a power outside themselves the word in the Greek is called energiya which we get the word energy and it's a superhuman power whether of God or the devil you're kind of controlled anybody a police officer you pull anybody over for DUI driving under the influence the Holy Spirit's an influence the reason why he uses alcohol in the Holy Spirit the person is fervent fervor in the Hebrew it zazo it's a metaphor and it's used as zeal for what is good or bad so when you're drunk you're fervent usually not for good stuff when you're filled with the Holy Spirit you're fervent always for good stuff and the person's walk is affected right one physically right and the other one spiritually one leads to sin the other one leads to purity one leads to being out of control and the other leads to self-control right fruits of the spirit Galatians self-control one of them so if I'm being filled with the spirit and the word is written on my heart and it's feeding like water to a plant and taking root then it's going to germinate and bring forth fruits of the spirit know when you're born again it says in Jeremiah that he would write his ways on our hearts so the Torah or the Word of God would not be written on some tablets of stone it go right on your heart that's how you know it's on your heart nothing's better than on your heart it's the deepest party it's not the organ the physical organ the heart it's not the cardia it's the innermost part of a person so the words written then he says he would send the Holy Spirit and it would water the word it would give energiya energy to the word it would it would give power to the word and then you would bear fruit according to the spirits it's really quite simple people make it so academically impossible to understand it's really quite simple so we need to we already have the word if we're born again but we need fillings to give power to the word so that our life would be walked out and guided and led by the Holy Spirit sound sound right sound sound like it makes perfect biblical sense okay Ephesians 5:18 let's go back to it for a minute don't get drunk with wine because it makes you lose control instead keep on being filled with the holy spirit now let me tell you some some incredible and some of you might get angry with me because you've operated in different different denominations that are going to teach theologically what I'm not teaching you so give me an ear let it in line it up let the Holy Spirit manifest if it's not let it go no no worries if you find it's heretical tell me tell me if you could show me in the scripture where it's heretic 'el we'll talk first of all the baptism of the holy spirit is not the same as being filled with the Holy Spirit I know that's gonna hurt some of you because you're gonna say no no in 1977 when I was in Israel I got yeah you got a big filling you got a big filling is that a type of baptism were you immersed no it went into you you didn't go into it the baptism of the Holy Spirit according to the scripture happens when you're saved does it what let me ask you a question I'm sorry I don't want to use the word idiot how about what kind of would send their kid into battle right right max go to war but I'm gonna give you a gun ten years from now so you're gonna get saved but you're not gonna get the power of the Holy Spirit for ten years well how did you buy into that what God would I wouldn't do that and I'm basically evil you think God's gonna do that how did you buy into that theology you sat under it and you believed it because you never studied it to know for yourself well let's obliterate some of these myths cuz they piss me off the baptism of the holy spirit this is the work of the spirit that incorporates the believer in the body of Messiah first Corinthians 12:13 I'll give you a scripture for it was by one spirit that we were all immersed into one body whether Jews or Gentiles slays the free black and white I don't care keep the list going all given the one spirit to drink if you're given that it's salvation then it's there it's salvation when we're born again we become members of the body of Messiah by divine operation so we may bear the fruits of the spirit you can't bear the fruits of the spirit till you have the holy spirit so you're gonna get saved and they get the holy spirit ten years now so for 10 years your fruits will virtual prunes guys this is this is insane insane in sanity I know some you're like I don't care that's what I believe no fillings every day not one time on a mountain every day I'll show you hang in there hang in there if you if you're getting mad already III forgive you the guarantee in the seal okay the seal speaks of ownership a seal in in in back in the first centuries ownership and security look at Ephesians 1:13 14 furthermore you have heard the message of the truth the good news offering your deliverance and you put your trust in the Messiah he was sealed by him when did you put your trust in Messiah at the time of being born again the promise Ross ha'qodesh the Holy Spirit who guarantees our inheritance until we come into possession of it God is giving you like a down payment on a house when you put a down payment you are guaranteeing through a mortgage that you're gonna pay off that house to the bank now a lot of people default you think God's gonna default no he's never bounced a check so in other words like a down payment he gives us a foretaste of the coming glory through the holy spirit and when Messiah comes he makes our salvation complete hallelujah but we have it at the time of salvation next the indwelling last one the indwelling okay the comforter takes up residence in the believer and empowers him for holiness worship and service look at John 14:16 this is gonna really wreck you Samia somebody's gonna wreck you I will ask the Father and He will give you another comforting counsel like me the Spirit of Truth to be with you how long guys if you're born again you can't lose the Holy Spirit it could become a smoldering wick but you can't lose it rabbi that's insane no it's not you can lose fellowship you can't lose relationship would you want your kid how would your kid how would you feel forget your kid if you had a parent that says every day I don't know if you're gonna be my son anymore I'm gonna disown you today I don't like what you did and tomorrow you did good you're my son and the next day I'm gonna disown you and pack your bag and send you away send you packing do you know how nuts you'd become do you know how insecure that sicknesses do you really think God's doing that some of you can't handle grace you can't handle it I couldn't handle grace for 25 years I could not accept that God could love me that much what I am trying to do is prevent you from reading the havoc in your tabernacle that yours truly wreaked for 25 years 25 years of doing sick after F crazy ministry to prove to God that I was worthy 25 years going to God was taking places putting my life on the line so I could prove to God prove to myself and prove to you that I'm a good person it killed me it sucked the life out of me and killed me and I don't want you to go through that torture learn learn from my mistakes okay it says we'll be with you forever when you get saved you get the indwelling it says we'll be with you forever now you could you be out of fellowship all the time all the time you send the kid to your tears room you're like what you did buddy just I don't want to talk to you right now go get away from me right is he still my son how come I never see my daughter they do nothing wrong I thought girls eyes I thought girls were gonna be horrific you know what I mean and I thought boys I would just wrestle with them and play ball they were gonna be the greatest thing that has ever happened guys but you say get away from me right hit away from me right now we're out of fellowship right now but that's still my son and I'm still his dad and if he gets into trouble and screams even if I had a fellowship guess where I'm going I'm going to help if I could do that how much more do you think God would do that people tell me all the time well I don't have relationship you don't have fellowship you could be very saved and very unempowered and very miserable look at just look I don't want to argue with you but just look at the words forever just so we're on the same you know what that word how do you pronounce that word perpetuity who said that ah you must be a grammatical expert perpetuity that's a very fancy word you want me to tell you what it means forever sometimes I really like a Greek lexicon forever doesn't mean you can't just say forever perpetuity a perpetuity of time forever okay so so so so so so although the spirit is forever although it's forever it can be grieved it's very sad very sad Ephesians 4:30 says don't cause grief to God's holy spirit so he has stamped you he has sealed you as his property you're his property until the day of final redemption until the day comes back we just spoke about this right that's a foretaste it's it's a downpayment till he comes back and makes your salvation complete look at the word grief just so you know lupillo means to make said now I want to show you something maybe you've never seen maybe you have so you gonna be like big deal but if you haven't this is rich I'm hot to make said this shows this definition this little simple definition that you can make the Holy Spirit said shows that the Holy Spirit is a personality not just an influence you can't make an influence head it has to have a personality the Holy Spirit is a person it's a personality it's part of its God's personality it's his personality it's how he communicates with his children through his spirit it's how he sends messages to us through his spirit we have to be connected thank god he's wireless right but he does he does send communication and some people hear him better than others and I'm gonna tell you why they're just more obedient they just do what he wants so he's gonna call on the people look if I got guys in my unit whatever it is and I know that's the go-to guy that's my right-hand man I'm calling him what's the other guys are gonna like well I don't know I got this to go on and I know he's gonna go got it done I look for people who are gonna make it happen if I know you wave or drag your feet are you praying forever I won't you won't hear from me I'm gonna I want to get it done I got no time for tomorrow I wanted to just get it done let's get it done not only does it show that the Holy Spirit is a personality but it also shows the Holy Spirit loves us because only a person who loves can be grieved that's crazy that's crazy God loves us through his holy spirit and it's his personality man you want to know why you shoe said you'd better get ahold of it not only can the spirit be grieved and that I have grieved it this times I agree that this times I've just gotten so angry and I lost control but you know sometimes when I cry out to God about grieving the spirit he's very gentle and he says you know you've made me very happy too in that nice such a good good father knows what to say now and only can you grieve the Holy Spirit first Corinthians a 1st Thessalonians 5:19 you can quench it now I'm going to tell you something this is an epidemic in churches in fact sadly enough the spirit in some churches is nowhere to be found so they don't even know it's quench because it was never there they were founded through division and so God didn't burthen in the first place so I don't care you didn't bring Chris Tomlin and you could you can bring in the best music and you could have the most eloquent preacher guess what the Holy Spirit's still a better singer and the Holy Spirit's still a better preacher and you don't have to be talented you don't have to be smart you don't have to be well-trained if the Holy Spirit wants to use you you could just be a ventriloquist dummy that's the beauty of it the beauty of it is you don't have to take yourself too seriously because you're just you and the universe isn't depending on you it's depending on God so you could be so holy one minute and then watch a stupid movie with your kids and not feel like an idiot because the Holy Spirit's telling you it's okay you're just you I'm God I'm God you could be a ventriloquist dummy you don't have to be that schooled is something wrong with schooling there's only something wrong with it when you pride yourself on your intellectualism tell me what school did Moses go to he did pretty good the school of hard knocks he was a shepherd 40 years in Midian and lost his vision in his dream look at this word quench it's it's very emphatic says don't quench it means to extinguish a fire but metaphorically how it's being used here it's don't suppress or stifle divine influence if divine influence is coming and don't stifle it well we don't do it this way you remember when we first got here look Bernadette and I will low-key we were running a little messianic congregation we were just trying to love on families and we had little kids no big deal we come here and they asked us to preach so Scott seculow who has a synagogue up in Atlanta his brother Jay Sekulow who's one of trumps attorneys we preached at his synagogue I don't know what happened the Holy Spirit told us to pray for people so we did and people started falling all over the place but it wasn't there was no catches they were hitting hard now I never seen it per se we never moved in that it wasn't important I didn't even know what was going on I just knew I was pray for people the next morning we came to Beth yushua they had a few people and we felt the need to pray remember and that one guy that idiot that was on the board that board that board was so horrible but he said he said uh he said we're a Baptist and we don't fall and Scott said all I know is you better get some people behind him and number you walked up to that lady we were so shy we were so nothing like we are today but shy and burned that looks at the lady goes are you ready and she just explodes should even we didn't even put hands I don't know what was going on I think God was just trying to say this is your place you know you know what I mean but you can't decide you can't figure it out you don't know sometimes what God is doing I don't understand it always you know what I'm saying but when you decide that you're going to go according to your plan you'll stifle the Holy Spirit you'll have a nice service nice teaching good three-point sermon two hymns into her and then we got a lunch I don't have time for I mean I don't have time it's an exercise in futility it's a waste of time let me tell you what quenches the Holy Spirit number one sin if there's a lot of sin in the camp Holy Spirit takes off it's a pee stuff it's just it's not comfortable around it man-made rules man-made traditions and unsympathetic criticism when you're lacing it to somebody not to build them up just to knock them down you know these people they're very prevalent in the church around here they love to tell everybody how they're wrong and they love to look at people through the eyes of the law and they love to ask God to look at them through the eyes of grace yeah it's like it mmm now the ass-full mentioned ministries of the Holy Spirit the baptism of Holy Spirit the guarantee and the indwelling they all realized the moment that a person is saved but the feeling is different that's why the Bible says keep on being filled if it was a one-time thing it went it wouldn't use that grammar the grammar is present progressive terminology right present progressive keep on being filled this tells us that being filled is a continuous process that needs to be sort out daily to be filled with the Holy Spirit speaks of freedom it's not bondage it's freedom for the Lord to occupy every part of our lives guiding us and controlling us it means the Holy Spirit is having his way in your life in my life that's freedom man that's not bondage the enemy wants to put you in bondage the Lord wants to free you now this would be fine if we stop now I'm sure some of you would be like make them stop I get it but it would be inappropriate for me to stop without telling you how you can be filled plus right now you're like okay I get it the Holy Spirit's very very important I'm supposed to be filled great rabbi thanks what's the good if you don't kind of know how so it is again it this is not going to be exhaustive it's gonna go very fast and you'll you'll be at SNS cafeteria in no time watch one is Galatians 2:20 empty yourself when the Messiah was executed on the stake is a criminal I was too so that my proud ego no longer lives but the Messiah lives in me and the life I now live is in my body I live by the same trusting faithfulness I was a martial arts not an expert now I can't even fight my 13 year old daughter but I was that was my expertise and Bruce Lee was the guy who brought it to the forefront and he was unlit Utley unbelievable forget his movies legit ibly unbelievable Bruce Lee made his own own article cheap and all the way the incepting fistin he took all the things he studied and he would go into the worst neighborhoods in China and he would take on a gang 1214 people and if it didn't work he threw it out and if it worked he kept it amazing thinking about that real deal like wolfy you want to talk about MMA this was not even with the gloves or a referee okay gangs so he was really unbelievable so he made a name for himself in Hollywood and very famous people would go to study with him and they would spend a fortune to take a lesson from him but this is what they would do ordinarily they would come to him and they would say I just want you to know something bout myself I've got a black belt in Taekwondo I got a black coat and Bruce Lee would always say if you don't empty your cup how can I fill it you follow now some of your full alright but it's not necessarily with the Holy Spirit so put that thing said I want to tell you that there's only so much room in our Tabernacles so there are people I meet them all the time hey their theology is complete they've got it all figured out I think they call Baptists no I'm only kidding they my best friends a Baptist minister he'll tell me all the time goes sometimes it's hard to because it's ironclad there's nothing to learn how could you even think that about yourself when the greatest apostle that ever lived 10 years into his salvation said I haven't arrived and he met him I mean guys I'm not trying to break you down I'm just trying to be realistic here I think you have to hive opinion about yourself and what you know I mean what do we know we get into trouble we're a mess I mean God created the universe we can't take care of our families just I'm not saying to beat yourself up I'm just saying to be realistic but we have to empty ourselves in order for God to fill us if we're full then there's no room for him it's crucial the believer has to live by dependence on Messiah and the way you live by dependence on my site first you empty and then you yield look at Romans 12:1 this is the crescendo in the best book we have on being born again this is the quintessential theological book and we just went through 11 chapters all about how good god is as mercy as grace there's no condemnation goes into Israel's past in Romans nine Israel's present Romans 10 Israel's future holders will be saved and it's unbelievable and pulls issuing all this great theology and then he comes to this point he goes based on what you've heard the great I exhort you I employ you brothers sisters in view of God's mercy his loving-kindness offer yourself a sacrifice living set apart this will put how can I please you this will please him he's saying it's logical he's not even talking big theology it just makes sense this is the worship God is looking for in other words if Messiah has died for us then let's at least live for him people say I'd die for the Lord forget dying for him how about living for him Isaac Watts 1,600 him the dist him the dis not hypnotist a him that this is somebody writes good I mean I wasn't raised with hymns I wasn't raised here I don't know from hymns I know home from her break music but you can't deny the verse and when I survey the the cross the wondrous cross love so amazing love so divine demands my heart my life my all great song to sing but it's a heck of a lot that if you walk it out just give up surrender I know some of you have businesses and you're brilliant you've done very well and I'm proud of you and I'm sure God is all the more but that's that's what you do for a living that's not your life just surrender just God I don't know what I'm doing I know you've given me some logic but I really don't know do you know I say that every Saturday morning for hours my kids in my family can't talk to me sad because I'm in another world and I just go before God for hours and I say I don't know what I'm doing and what frustrates me God is they think I do and it's very frustrating for me you know I don't and I know I don't so please I'm begging you so I need you I need to learn something need to be changed doesn't matter if nobody else does really I need to I want to be changed so empty yourself yield and then you got to get in the word yeah got to Colossians 3:16 let the word of the Messiah know let's richest living you as you teach and counsel each other in old wisdom as you sing Psalm songs or pray songs hymns as songs about the Lord spiritual songs could be songs you know in the greatness and gratitude to God what he's saying is read it don't stop there study it break it down so you know what it's doing which is what we're doing and then obey it reading it won't work reading and studying won't work reading studying obey you have a look at the word obedience you ever see the middle word its die when this happens when you read it study it and do your best to obey it when you're trying to obey it God's gonna give you more of the Holy Spirit to obey you follow if the desire of your heart is to obey the word why would God not give you the power to a man because without the power you can't so as you're obeying it more he's gonna give you power as you obey it Moi's gonna give you a power if you now toe bang it's not gonna give you power for what I mean if you've got a car that's sitting in your garage and you never intend to drive it why are you gonna fill it up with gas so empty yield read study obey the Word of God and most importantly confess and put away sin first john 1 5 and 8 9 3 vs. all this and this is the message which we have heard from him and proclaim to you john saying i heard it from you schewe i'm telling you like he told me god is light there's no darkness in him none light total light and light doesn't mix with darkness none if we claim not to have sin we are deceiving ourselves so you can put on your church face and you put you know you to fish on the back of the car carry a Bible in a beautiful case if we acknowledge our sins then since he is trustworthy in that beautiful he will forgive them and purify us from all wrongdoing Wow so we're talking about maintaining fellowship when not talking about salvation guys I told you the baptism the indwelling the comforter the seal it's there we're talking about maintaining fellowship intimacy with God hearing his voice feeling one with him going on a beautiful journey with him in his spirit the favorite Ministry of the Holy Spirit there's a lot of different ministries one is evangelism evangelism right so you be my witnesses acts 1:8 you see power and how to be but let me tell you as far as I'm concerned the favorite Ministry of the Holy Spirit bar none is to change a person into issue is likeness the favorite Ministry of the Holy Spirit if you think the favorite ministry is do summersaults and talks in tongues you wow-wow to change us into the image of your schewe only the power of God can do that if we could do that then we can take credit if we could take credit then God doesn't get the glory it has to be through his power to change us because then when we realize you're changing me hallelujah and we give God the glory and that's something he won't share with no one when there's sin the Holy Spirit has to change it's ministry from transformative to restorative what the Holy Spirit wants to do is be transforming us but when there's sin in the camp it has to change sadly enough it grieves him to see a believers life interrupted by sin so what I'm saying is although we all sin don't stay in it too long if you're in a sinful lifestyle get out of it I'm not talking about sins that interrupt our lives here and there but if you're doing something that's absolutely downright against God's Word you're just gonna be totally out of fellowship and who what's that that's crazy now last but not least we're almost there five minutes man we're out of here does a person know when he is filled does a person know when he is filled the closer we get to the Lord this is just my opinion my walk but the closer we get to the lord I should say the closer I get but I don't want to make it personal we become more aware of our complete unworthiness and sinfulness I say this all the time so I sound like a broken record if some of your plumber for 35 years or you own a business or you're doing collision like Tommy you're doing some for 30 40 years yeah you've got expertise there's no ifs ands or buts and you've learned something right but when it comes to God the more you spend time with him the more you realize how little you know and the more unworthy you feel as anybody with me on this just give me an amen so I feel like I'm not talking to a painting if so everybody's experience this pretty much right and sometimes we beat ourselves up and no it's a beautiful brokenness it's a beautiful place to come to that place it's beautiful for the world that's not and don't beat yourself up don't go I'm a bum I'm lousy no a wretch doesn't mean a bum a wrecks means that you fight that you have this war inside your soul between the Spirit of God in the spirit of the world and sometimes the world wins you're just admitting to who you are man the church needs to get real you don't need to you don't need to watch reality shows you just got to go to a real church our own complete done worthless look let me give you a couple of verses Isaiah six almost there in the air King Uzziah is death King Uzziah he was a king and Judith over-50 as a righteous man but at the end of his life sadly enough it's not we just thought at the end of his life he burned unlawful incense when the priests they said don't do it the minute he did it and he didn't listen to a priest he turned lepers and he died of leprosy but you know what I see in this and I don't want to spiritualize for for Isaiah to see the real king the other kings in his life had to die some of us have too many kings too many things on our throne if your shoe is gonna be a shoe has to be on the throne alone it says in the year that I saw the death I saw how the noise sitting I saw the Lord sitting on high lofty throne imagine that he's being commissioned to be the voice of God to God's children Israel he needed to see something and man did he seek new many of you were just in the air and you all by yourself in all of a sudden just put yourself in it man this is real put yourself in it feel it smell it taste it these are just not words on a page the hem of his robe filled the temple the hem filled the temple Seraphim Seraphim angels it means to burn their holy angels they got their guardians of God's glory guardians of his glory they stood over him they stood over Isaiah with each with six wings two covering their face two covering his feet and two for flying what do you think that means two covering the face two covering the feet in reverence holiness they'd feed a dirty before the Lord take off your shoes that covering their feet and they can't even look at him and then two for flying for service so it's a two to one ratio you've got to minister to the Lord in holiness and reverence before you can minister to others you've got to get with the Lord and get the spirit before you can go and fly makes sense they will cry out to each other more holy then the holiest of holiness is I don't know it's civil out yelling back and forth the earth is filled with his glory they get it they get it the doorpost shook at the sound of their shouting and the house was filled with smoke you want to talk about Isaac now what happens in all this he doesn't go that's cool this this was a great man of God this was the principle prophets this was the prophet of all prophets 66 chapters in his prophecy the longest of prophets I mean you get more Messianic prophecy in Isaiah than and all the other prophetic books combined and this great man of God says woe to me I am doomed all I'm saying is if he could say that where do we go off going I got this woe to me I am doomed I mean I'm a goner dead I'm a dead man I'm not gonna get out of here alive why is he doomed he confesses on the man of unclean lips what how many times do you hear that in a church or synagogue these days living among a people with unclean lips and I've seen with my own eyes the king man golly jeepers they're celebrating the holiness of God and they're telling Isaiah you better be cleansed before you serve Him and he says what do I do and he says get the coal man in God's presence we find nothing of ourselves to be proud of you think this is just an Old Testament thing one more verse and we're done Luke 5:8 shamone keifa Peter sees the holiness of your shoe and he falls at his knees and says please you're killing me get away the great Apostle Peter oh I just thank you I'm being so blessed I love being humble I love feeling broken I love not thinking I have this I can't I can't do this when I lived alone I could barely do my own life I could pay my little bills have my little stupid apartment my little car and I could barely do that does anybody know what I'm talking about and I was convinced my plan was absolutely no marriage I loved Bernadette but I kept on putting it off just I couldn't I couldn't fathom I knew that I didn't have the ability to be responsible for anybody I was just too selfish at least I was admitting who I was the idea that God has given me a wife and four kids and a congregation with international exposure trust me I have to no I can't do this I'm not saying this you can go wow he really is humble if you think that you absolutely don't know me I'm being thoroughly and deliberately honest to tell you I can't do this and if you know anybody who knows me ask me what I say all the time I'm overwhelmed I'm always overwhelmed always I never feel like I have it never and it's always something project is breaking leaks and that's just the building and then this one needs help and this one's marriage falling apart and this one son just committed sort and then who could do it it's insane if I didn't depend on the Lord I well I've already lost my mind but I would definitely have a breakdown I mean if you if you got life man I'm proud of you help me out write a book I'll read it it's it's the same with us guys what Peter experienced what Isaiah experienced it's the same with us deal moody said the more I grow on grace the minha I am in my own eyes last but not least when we are filled with the Holy Spirit we have no sense of any spiritual superiority over all this to hear I can tell you if you feel more if you even Lane you better go I have a really good relationship with God I'm better than those other people in my church you're not filled with Holy Spirit I'm being when you are filled you you have no sense of spiritual superiority and you have no sense of having arrived just the opposite you feel inferior and you feel like you have so far to go is this resonating with anybody but here's the good time it has the good news at the same time of feeling maybe unworthy you see things clicking you see things happening miraculously that you know there's no way it could be happening any other way except by God's power you sense that things are moving on some kind of divine timetable that is beyond your understanding and comprehension you have a peace in the midst of a storm that you know you and you know I couldn't have this what's happening what's what's going on here you realize it's totally supernatural and it's beyond you it's like you haven't an out-of-body experience or something and your sense God is working through you right you know that's happening but you feel strangely detached from it all and as far as taking any credit for it you wouldn't dare you know it's not you any true man of God look through the history since your shoe or left any real man a woman that God understands that these clowns on TV they're clowns on TV you don't have Shepherds in the pulpit feeding the Sheep you got clowns entertaining the goats you know our inmost being we know beyond the shadows of that when we're filled with the Holy Spirit that it's all the Lord you don't you don't say that to just be humble you say that because you want to make sure that nobody misunderstands because you wouldn't dare take credit for what God is doing in his presence no but even though you know it's all the Lord you still fall on your knees and say thank you God thank you that you're using such an unworthy wretch like me because when you the Lord you just want to glorify him and when you love the people you just want to see them set free we had a I just leave you with this yesterday Kay Kay's husband passed away I didn't know him because he only started coming very late in his life in 1999 he had a stroke massive stroke and he lost the power and half the side of his body i sat at this funeral the funeral was three and a half hours I ask Kay please she didn't have an officiant and I said I don't think it's appropriate for me to officiate I don't she's been coming here for a while I just don't please get people who knew this man to speak about this man let's speak about this man I don't I don't believe it's a time to witness I believe it's a time to speak about the person and honor them one day right these guys got up they made first of all I was like where do I sit there was 400 people there they sat me in this drone literally did you see that I was did you see how thoughtful I was see me keep hiding behind the speakers I was like I didn't want to upset Kay or anybody at the funeral but I was so I'll never ever do that again ever but these guys came up to speak I was blown away by this man's life the man was born and raised in the area he was an expert on the Civil War he has more civil a memorabilia than anybody in the country he's an experts expert he played football for Georgia Tech he got signed by the New England Patriots had an injury then went to pharmacy school and built a nuclear pharmacy business a multi mega million-dollar business all over the southeast I I didn't know and a brilliant guy never smoked never drank never curse never looked at another woman met Kate fifteen got married at 18 they were married 48 years everybody's describing him one guy said I lived my life with what would Steve do I'm hearing a disc listen I'm hearing a description of Jesus kind of like a Jesus type they said he was like a superhero the guy was a righteous man but he would have nothing to do a church I don't know if you've noticed that but it's an epidemic I can't tell you how many people I meet every day just the other day I met a lady she's a pianist at a at a nice church Calvinism came in now she says my son's an atheist and might don't step foot in church and doesn't want to talk about God do you know how many people we've ruined by not being real honest loving and trying to take on a character of Yeshua killing people and I don't know if you realize it but the church in America is not growing okay the mega church might be growing you know that 90% of all churches have less than 350 people but half the people in America go to mega churches mega churches have fun they don't ask you for anything don't give any money don't give nothing just have a good time we got a staff in 97 thousand people well well whatever you need you got a friend who has one eye and she's a lesbian we've got a pastor who works with one-eyed lesbians we'll get him out there to you you don't have to do nothing no accountability no service nothing don't do anything it's a new way they have to shave how's your missions well I mean we keep we keep hidden seats it's a good mission just look at Acts and look at them and see if they're acting like Acts don't fall for it man and so all these people are talking and you know Kay told me he came to the Lord through this ministry she said this was the first place that he ever came back twice and he was 68 years old and he went to every Church in town after hearing about him I was blown away I felt so complimented by our ministry and new people I felt so complemented by real-deal people who when people come you love on them and care about them and there's a legitimate expression of messiahs love here I applaud you that this guy who is brilliant off the trucks I didn't know I didn't know I had lunch at him one time for two hours all I knew is their marriage was a storybook marriage something you'd see in a movie never seen two people in love with each other like this one other time and you know who I'm talking about father Joan Katharine and us of course step Steve doesn't have to put up with case crap like I got now kidding but when I got up to speak I didn't know what to say I thought it was gonna be 12 people there was like Elvis I thought it was give me 12 people I don't have kids I was gonna say a little nice prayer and wish them well and and I saw these people are so overwhelmed and all they talked about was hunting and fishing he brought elk back to Georgia he raised 400 elk that you should have seen the pictures he and the Civil War outfits he was civil laughs it's all the time and all they do is hunt and fish called the son of the South college football I'm from New York City there's no college football your chess team at University of Georgia could beat all college football Damon I don't know from a ah--this farming and he has he lives on a place called Dixie land plantation so I get up to talk and I'm like I don't know I've been we've been there for three and a half hours I know they're you know they want to leave they're hungry to tie this born to people I just go hi listen I am blown away by this man's character I understand that now he has the character of Yeshua but didn't say the profession all these other people he meets a the profession but they don't have the character and he would never insult anybody I was told by his brother he if you gave him a line of crap he'd see it he wouldn't insult you he would just kindly gentlemanly like walk away and go Oh unbelievable I got up and said I'm so impressed with this guy's life and I understand that he came to faith at Beth yushua he came when he was so sick he had no business coming here he couldn't control his bowels at this point in all this he would have accents but he would beg his wife bring me to Beth to show off that beautiful that's so touching you never know you never know when you express this love and you're trying to be like mist on your real how you can get to somebody and I'd is what I said to all his family and these are like there's all these doctors I mean these are southern one that was dressed up he saw the song he's sung to him dressed up and and Confederate gear I'm like I just hope I can get out of here alive you know I'm saying and all I said was look I am I all I want to say is one thing what is the shot if any of you said to Steve putt know 20 years ago Steve one day you're gonna pass away and there's gonna be a Jewish rabbi from New York City speaking at your funeral Steve would have passed away right then and there the son of the South he would had a coronary but I said if you don't think God is real and he works in mysterious ways you're crazy and I said I am sorry that there's so much lousy representation with that being said I want to share one thing with the end we're gone okay I have done a lot of acts of righteousness a ton I've shared the gospel with tens of thousands of people I've shared it all over the world and I've never missed an opportunity I've put together four orphanages and schools and and done a lot of right things but revelation 20 talks about a great white throne judgment and it talks about a book and then it talks about books the book it's referring to is the book of life the books are yours in my life everybody has a book and if you're gonna go before God and take out your book of righteousness and mine is big probably bigger than most he's gonna take out my book of unrighteousness and I'm here to tell you with all my righteous acts my book of unrighteousness is way bigger than my book of righteousness so make sure your name is written in the book of life because you don't want him to take out your book and the beautiful thing about it it's like an etch-a-sketch anybody know what netiquette is anybody really old are you old 1960 still around though isn't that beautiful still around look guys look no computer screen what do you do you don't have to charge it like not like frowny-face but no matter what your sins are I'm telling you I promise you even if I don't believe it as much as I need to he just just gets him away every time don't leave him on the screen get your name legitimately written in the book of life you don't want to miss out on that party amen let's stand together stop your wine it's only 12 o'clock I need a drink any water I'm so thirsty so let me just drink this real quick okay very important I love you very much very very much I know I don't get to hang out with you individually like when we were 24 people I get it don't don't take it the wrong way when your mother passes away when you have a situation and I get prayer requests I pray every time I'm involved I can't be there for each of you okay it's impossible I'm one person okay don't take it personally rabbis busy that's right bingo why are you taking it personally you know what God never give you a busy signal I've always pointed you to him are you there for me are you busy right where do you think I go whom do I have but you just get close to God okay may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious onto you may the Lord lift up is very countenance upon you and give you peace on the name of the Prince of Peace even annoy for yeast maratha your Illinois point of a letter Vanessa yes I don't know ho poor novela ha the assembly hall Oh shabbat shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 4,215
Rating: 4.8657718 out of 5
Keywords: Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh, Shavuot, drink
Id: gsPvj_NF9xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 7sec (4027 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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