(Jul 28, 2018) THE DISCIPLE (Part 3): The Call, The Character, The Cost

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[Music] we've been the last two weeks on this journey of I would call discipleship which is the most important thing there is in all faiths it really is it's all about you know following Yeshua and it's it's really I want to tell you something men of God theologians people with PhDs not that I think PhD is a bad thing it's good to pursue education but sometimes it's Pilate higher and deeper and men of God have taken the beautiful profound incredibly deep simplicity's of God and complicated them to the point where all they are is a bunch of knowledge and all knowledge does is puff up and so I've always tried here for the last 15 going on 16 years to take these esoteric theological terms and make them very very simple so you can get it but I want to make sure that they're deep because they are deep I don't want to be a mile wide and an inch deep like the church in America is today because God is very very deep and and you have to get deep if you want to get with God so we've been on this little journey we're gonna be on it for two more weeks this week and next week the first week in August and if any of you have a boxed you know I box when I was a kid and I did kickboxing and if anybody if you box you know that the knockout is always a left hook it always this for the most part you jab you jab your right cross and then it's the left hook that knocks the eye out next week will be the big left hook we've been on the same eleven verses of Scripture so if you don't mind without being redundant I just want to go back to our text for a minute okay and it's in Luke and it's on the fifth chapter if you have Bibles by all means if you don't just look at the screens I'm just gonna read these 11 verses that's what we got it says one day very early this is like the starting of Yeshua's second year of ministry his first year in ministry you'll find it in John chapters 2 through 5 where he ministered in Judea after he was anointed then he left Judea and went back up to his hometown the the Galilee one day is a shoe was standing on the show of Lake Kinneret aka the Sea of Galilee Canaris Hebrew for harp its heart shaped with the people pressing in all around him in order to hear the word of God obviously he had something that they wanted he noticed two boats pulled up on the beach left there by the fishermen it was in the morning they had finished fishing they were commercial fishermen who were cleaning their nets he got into one of the boats the one belonging to shamone shamone shamone is is Hebrew for Simon okay Simon it's always shamone keifa he had two names sometimes God will change your name right like like Jacob to Israel Yaakov to Israel sometimes God changed name but he had two names because you shoe had changed his name shoe said for now on Shamu and I will call you keifa right keifa is just Aaron is is the Greek okay cassis is the hair made for rock so just so you know it's good to know because otherwise you just read things like I have no idea and then after a while you like well what's the difference who cares to know I think it's in there for a reason I think you should know he asked to be put out a little from the shore so he's using his his boat actually as a pulpit then he sat down and taught the people from the boat when he had finished speaking he said to Simon put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch let's continue shamone answered we've worked hard all night rabbi you know like I'm a commercial fisherman no offense but we did our thing we know what we're doing you know we're doing it for years and years and years we haven't caught anything it's just it's not all day but if you say so which is listen it's okay to question God I say that I say that flippantly it's really not good to question God but if you do at least if he then says something couldn't you at least say okay if you say so you know what I mean you know because he talks to me sometimes and he'll say I'll be like and he'll say it might not am I not being clear don't you say that to your kid have I'm sorry a we or we misunderstanding Who I am and who you are so so you want your that relationship with your kid why don't you want that lay with your Lord so they did this they listened and they took in so many fish their nets began to tear amazing so they motioned to their partners right James and John those were their partners it was probably shamone and Andrew his brother and James and John two boats they said come on man come on oh look at this is unbelievable and they came and filled both the boats with fish to the point that it was starting to sink little wooden boats you know little that's what they were and there was so much fish in the boat it was heavy when he saw this shamone keifa Simon Peter fell at Yeshua's knees and said get away from me sir because I'm a sinner finishing up for astonishment has seized him and everyone with him at the catch of the fish they had taken and likewise both Yaakov and Yokohama say it's not something I'm making up Jacob right James and John Shem owns partners don't they were all amazed they were all blown away don't be frightened Yeshua said - shamone from now on you'll be catching men alive and and and what a fisherman he became right he spread the gospel he was the head honcho he was the gospel spread it to the Jews in Judea right Paul to the Gentiles Peter to the Jews unbelievable ministry if you don't believe me read Acts first ten chapters and as soon as they had beached their boats they left everything behind and they followed him now these are the lessons thus far that we've gotten okay one is whatever we yield to the Lord he'll use that was Luke five one through three right just just give them whatever you got don't hold nothing back you'll be amazed at how he uses it for his glory - we have to quit hugging the shore faith has deep waters Luke five four look playing it safe is to me as synonymous for the word regret - many people have regrets in their life stop being so conservative stop being so afraid don't you want to see if God's God you're not going to learn him he's bigger than a God in the book he's bigger than that the book can't even contain him three leaning on one's own understanding is futile it's an exercise in futility I know some of you have some small in business and and other things some of you coaches you understand the X's in the O's and some of you will brilliant some of your brilliant scientists and surgeons and everything else trust me when it comes to God you know very little the secret for success is to you know be God's voice Luke 5:5 and last week being a disciple is about sacrifice and effective sacrifice is always costly love is sacrifice the greater the sacrifice the greater the love I think God proved his love with his sacrifice yes I think we need to be like wise and be a little sacrificial okay don't don't make it too easy for yourself sweetpea be a little tough alright Luke five six or seven so what do we have left we only have a few verses so let's let's hit this next verse because this next verses the others are like yeah the good lessons excellent application I get it but this is oh if something doesn't blow up in your tabernacle let me tell you let me tell you there's no way this verse would make it through tsa no way this is absolutely positively Dunamis this is this is a bomb and it's ticking and and I hope it just explodes in your tabernacle when he saw this when shamone keep a sword he fell down at Yeshua's knees and said get away from me sir because I am a sinner let's look up that word sinner first of all it's we look it up in the Greek lexicon why in the Greek lexicon because we're in the New Testament New Testament is written in Greek if we were any in the you know in the Old Testament we'd be looking up the word in the Hebrew lexicon is that important devoted to sin it's a lifestyle it doesn't mean intermittent sin please don't mistake that because we all fall short of the glory at times but there are people they could be in this congregation today that are living a lifestyle of sin they're involved in something that is a sinful issue and they're just living in it and that's a problem to God not a problem to me it's no problem to me it's not a problem I'd swear you know that Who am I I have no it's it's not an issue for me you follow it's not an issue for me but I'm here to tell you that if I have a sin issue that I'm living in it's an issue to God okay make no mistake don't fall trap - oh the grace will cover it not exactly it's not what the Bible says it's stained with certain vices and crime stained polluted polluted so Simon's reaction is totally appropriate he says sir go back to Luke 5:8 for a minute get away from me sir why did he call whiny call him Lord he didn't know who's Lord yet guys I don't know where you're at but it didn't happen yet he's not even gotten the revelation that he's the Messiah he's a rabbi and this is one of his students there was hundreds and hundreds of rabbis all over Israel and they had students talmud dean and these students followed their teaching and they taught him daily it was called walking in the footsteps of the rabbi so much so that they say they'd walked so close they were like an apprentice that the dust from the rabbi's sandals would end up on their ankles and they'd sit with them and spend the day with them and see how this rabbi lived so they were practicing journeyman if you will so he knew him but let me tell you when this thing happens when he saw what happened he was blown away still didn't say you are the Messiah but the son of the Living God you were the Holy One of Israel still then say that so can you imagine even though he didn't know him as Messiah he still falls on his knees falls on his knees in a boat full of fish so all he knew is let me tell you what he knew rabbi you sounds so arrogant how do you know what he knew because he doesn't know him as Messiah and he falls on his knees and the Bible is clear when people fell before an angel the angel said get up remember John he fell before the angel revelation what the Angels say he's an angel and he says get up I'm just an angel I'm just an angel you hear what I'm saying God would never let you bow down before anything but God worship the Lord your God and him only don't bow before men don't bow before rich people don't but don't bow and if you're and if and don't you allow anybody to bow that's on you if the people are ignorant and they don't know why you letting them you have to say get I'm just a guy but you know what he knew about this guy this guy's holy not power not oh he knew where the fish was no it's not about that it's like because even if he knew he was powerful why would he say get away from me I'm a sinner why when he just like wow you really know where the fish is I'm taking with you every day because I'm a commercial fisherman this is big bucks read the text take your time put yourself on the boat get the picture man it's not just about studying get feel it feel it smell the fish see Peter just fall on his knees didn't pressure he fell down sit felt you shoot his knees why because he got on his knees and when you're on your knees you're looking at the other person's knees and all of a sudden he realizes you're holy and I'm so not and stop putting on your little holy face push you're not fooling God so holy please go away from me go away from me please you're killing me just leave well I'm gonna leave his reaction was so right when we see the of glory in his beauty in his majesty in his power you know what comes into plain sight our own unworthiness and listen to me listen to Rabbi Greg it's beautiful it's the most beautiful thing that could ever happen to your spiritual walk it's beautiful I can't even explain it I'm sorry I'm pretty good with painting words but I'm telling you I am lost for words in trying to explain how beautiful this experience is it happens to me so many times so many times I'm just fall on my knees and yet even though it's it kind of hurts it's beautiful does anybody know what I'm talking about please please help me I feel like I'm talking to a painting and I'm losing my mind does anybody know what I'm talking about well say something so beautiful I don't I know I'm not the only one so I need to know I'm not crazy just a lot of times I think I'm crazy shut up yeah thank God amazing so because I can't explain it I'm gonna try to let the Bible explain it with other people who experience the same thing and these are giants Abraham he's the father of three major religions he's the father of Islam the father of Judaism and the father of Christianity everybody knows Abraham he's one of the most famous in the Bible the first theocratic Covenant made with man was called the Abrahamic covenant God prophesied him that through yo loins I'm gonna send the savior of the world everybody knows Abraham right he brought his son the most poignant story besides Golgotha besides Calvary the most poignant story in the Bible was when he brought his son to be sacrificed Abraham was an amazing man of God right amazing look at this Genesis 18 this is unbelievable I'm losing it 25 27 is this far be it from you to do such a thing what's going on here God just gave him the promise in Genesis 15 then he reconfirmed the promise in Genesis 17 and then three angels come to visit him three angels come to visit him and he has one of those angels is who the Lord why do I know that because he boughs down how come she wish people could believe that the Lord made a physical appearance to Abraham but he can't make a physical appearance in your show what am I missing or what I'm missing and what you're missing is the fact that they don't read the Bible so if they don't read the Bible they would never know the stories ninety nine ninety five percentages don't even know the story and and I'm being conservative guess what most Christians don't know the story either there's a new famine in the land it's called the famine of the knowledge of the word of God new famine it's a sad state of affairs when cults know their Bible better than you know yours we make fun of the Jehovah Witnesses they knocking on doors what are you doing far be it from you to do such a thing to kill the righteous along with the wicked he's negotiating with God what is he thinking he God says look I'm gonna just I'm taking out Sodom their evil is is is too much I gotta take him out so Abraham is interceding for Sodom far be it from you exclamation point like you wouldn't do this shouldn't the judge he's kind of buttering him up shooting the judge of all the earth to what it's just what you're seeing a God he should do it is just what are you thinking listen all I know is if I was with Abraham he said that I'd be like I'm out of here listen because lightning is coming right lightning is coming you know house lightning is 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit it moves it 140,000 miles per hour it has 1 billion Giga joules of energy okay I would just be like oh right Abe see you and I just and even if God said where are you going I just can't hear you I'm out of here what do you think you're saying God what you do what is just what are you an idiot I don't know I said I'll tell you what if I find in Sodom 50 who'll righteous just 50 that's not much then I'll forgive the whole place for the sake of the 50 what a good God and then he keeps on negotiating right he gets him down to ten cuz Abraham knows chances are you're not gonna find 50 places messed up Abraham but what happens in the midst of this negotiation Abraham he gets it like Peter got it he figures it out what happens he says I'm but dust and ashes I've taken meaning he's overwhelmed he's he's got this beautiful prayer of intercession it's beautiful it's a beautiful heart he's concerned about the righteous and solemn he's even concerned about the unrighteous in Sodom he cares he's compassionate which we can learn from let's kill off all the sinners you go to you have to kill yourself just saying just something to think about Holy One so he's he's basing the righteous character of the judge of the earth and he's pleading with him in a sense but Abraham's kind of bold if you ask me he's a little bold no offense so then he says he gets it I'm in dust look at these words it's not like I just put a little dust on me I'm garbage he didn't say I put on dust and ashes he said I am he says he's garbage look at ashes it means ashes but he's using it in the figurative Hebrew sense which means I am garbage worthless oh we don't say that we tell our kids you are perfect you can do any honey you're the best thing since sliced bread listen if you're telling your daughter that please don't let her marry my son you hear what I'm saying they're not perfect and these were you and either I if Abraham can get this he says I'm garbage not that in the midst of why cuz God is holy that's why because he he sees God he realizes God is holy who what am I thinking how do I why how am I negotiating with and saying wouldn't you shouldn't you be just why did one of my thinking today was so flippant we throw god's name around we'd call him my buddy it's so irreverent it's so not right it puts you in a bad place man this is unbelievable Abraham all of a sudden realizes how am i speaking to the all-knowing all-powerful creator and sustainer of the universe why is he even allowing me to talk this way what doesn't he just done squashed what Oh God what a God so we got Simon Peter he got hit right he got a revelation of God's holiness we got Abraham how about Joel how about the guy who's considered the most holy man in the whole scripture is he that's what they say pretty impressive story no huh loses ten kids in one day and he says the Lord gives the Lord takes away blessed be the name of the Lord nobody's been able to do that sense let's take a look at Jobe this is at the very end of his story it says you ask that's the Lord I'm reading from Joe 42 the last chapter the last few verses Jobe says you asked meaning God God you asked who is this meaning him hiding counsel without having knowledge he gets it he got upset he said you know what you need to come down here we need to talk now listen he broke very very late in the game most of us would have broke away earlier correct way earlier correct way earlier correct Amen rabbi he broke very late in the game but he broke okay if the glory is there and I fall short here and you get to here guess what you still need somebody to get the ball in the end zone right but that but but listen why do you want to fall so short is that how you would play a football game I used to play football I mean I want to get as close to go on as possible right least maybe get a field either deal so just just just because we all fall short of the glory I think we should we should go for the glory does that make sense all right so we're on the same page good I won't get any nasty letters so far he says listen how beautiful is this same thing it's the same thread yes he says I spoke meaning me Joe without understanding of one this far beyond me which I didn't even know in other words I didn't even know what I was talking about please listen and I will speak you said I will ask questions meaning God said okay you ask me questions now it's my turn and you give me answers job he said I've heard about you with my ears that's what happens to a person who reads they read they read they study they read they heard about God what there is not good enough job says but now I've seen you I've seen you therefore based on seeing you I've heard about you I never felt like this but now that I kind of know who you are I hate myself this is the opposite of what the world tells you don't you see how the world has creeped into your faith you didn't even see it did you cuz you said I it's okay let her watch that no biggie that's exactly what the devil wants you to think he's so sly sly than you could ever be he's so good at deception that he takes people out I watched him all the time but pull taking out believers taking out believe it's taken out believers killing that testimony killing their lives killing their family killing the glory of God killing the glory he got killing the glory to God he says I detest myself and repent there it is again let's look up the word same same words I'm garbage ashes I'm worthless job is disgusted with himself and he can only find comfort in dust and ashes it's like he's trying to cover himself now he's not saying he's dust that he's covering himself with it it's like he's trying to hide why because God is holy and do I sound redundant do I sound like a broken record I'm sorry I'm sorry God is holy holy now I sound like a broken record some of you like what's a record what's a record can I buy one on iTunes No and and if you ever listen to a record you'd hear real music because there's things on a record that you can hear on a CD boom another way he got ripped off okay so we got Simon Peter right he got it we got Abraham a giant joke and how about the prophet of all prophets there were there were legitimate prophets in the Bible there wasn't that many count them up there was that many but the prophet of all prophets by far as Isaiah crazy right 66 chapters in his book 66 books in the Bible 40 in the Old Testament the first 40 talks about a sin problem and the remaining books how many in the New Testament 39 and 27 and the remaining chapters talk about Messiah the answer to that same problem it's absolutely astounding look at what Isaiah said it says an ear of King use the yahoos you Zayas death I saw I don't know I sitting on a high lofty throne he was in the temple and all of a sudden he got a vision from God and he sees God on his throne the hem of his robe filled the temple now I got to tell you real quick some of you know what that is because I taught it to you some of you don't I I want you to see how rich the Word of God is when kingdoms four kingdoms the victorious King would always have the the non victorious King if you will come before him they would drag the king and listen it was ugly but you're talking war and the king the victorious King would put his foot on the other Kings neck he would be handed a sword and he would cut off a piece of his garment like to let him know we won you lost and now what I'm gonna do is take a piece of your garment and put it on my hem of my garment so the more the the longer a Kings garment was the more victorious he was look what that says the hem of God's robe filled the entire you Wow you want to talk about a victorious King see Jewish people knew this but 21st century Gentiles don't because somehow the devil D Judea is the faith he vacuumed out everything Jewish about it and it's kind of when you think that Jesus not was Jewish he is and still is the 12 disciples were and still are Stephen Paul tens of thousands in the books of Acts I mean how can you deegeu DI zit it's part of it right and then there's some though that put so much Jewish into it that their identity becomes idolatry and they go off the other way Seraphim Seraphim and angelic hosts the guardians of the glory if you will stood over him each with six wings to four covering his face and to four covering his feet and tuefel flying they were crying they were crying not just though the Lord is up crying yelling with tears declaring more holy than the holiest of holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth this is what they're saying over and over again does this sound familiar don't we have that in Revelation for this is isaiah revelation floors john john has an angelic host right the living creatures here Seraphim and they're saying the same thing they repeated three times holy holy holy there's nowhere else in the Bible that's repeated three times said those two places when God says something three times which is a rarity he's saying man I'm trying to make a point there's power this passion is intensity power passion intensity the Seraphim the angelic host are covering their eyes and covering their feet six wings flying flying but two covering their faces what I'm saying is the Seraphim holy angels of showing reverence to God where do we get off pop it into us often saying what's up pops hey jesus is my homie you're crazy Jesus is not your homie he's the king of the universe and again if I'm talking to you and you're even thinking Jesus you're homie please let me know so I can walk away before that lightning bolt comes down they were crying out to each other the whole earth is still the doorpost shook imagine how awesome this was he sees God on his throne his his train fills the temple the Seraphim are hiding their face the doorpost is shaking dude what would you do I know what you do thank God for depends huh the doorpost shook at the sound of their shouting the house was filled with smoke this is unbelievable guys if you could believe it I know a lot of us believe in the belief in it but if you could believe it then I said finally I said he hasn't spoken the whole drop he hasn't spoken to six chapters he has said nothing on his own all of a sudden he speaks then I said woe to me I am I too AM doomed because I am a man with unclean lips same thing did you see the thread Peter Abraham job is the last example don't worry you won't be here for too long I'm a man of unclean lips living among the people with unclean lips I've seen with my own eyes there you go again more than a book more than more than something on Wikipedia it's got to be it's got to be it's got to be see them with my own eyes the King I don't know that's that's a very powerful term on revolt that means the Lord of the hosts of heavens meaning he's the master of all his warriors whoo let's look at this word okay now you've heard Jewish people go ie but they use it incorrectly they're using their own Hebrew word incorrectly some of you have any of you said boy yes you have yes you you bend down your back boy boy hey hey this is so heavy hi honey I just got a flat ie I got away for triple a boy I broke a nail oh yeah I have nothing to wear hey it's getting hot in here no that's not Oh see that's why that's why you rabbi tells you look up the words so you can understand the meaning is a passionate cry of despair if you break a nail and you have a passionate cry of despair something is radically wrong with you a passionate cry of despair you know what that means I'm hopeless I have absolutely no hope that's what boy is and then he says I'm unclean to may undefiled um I have no hope because I am stained I am filthy dirty this is unbelievable the vision produces this deep conviction of sin and if you keep reading go home and keep reading what happens God and His infinite mercy says to one of the Seraphim take a cold burn his lips cleanse him what happens if he gets cleansed he confesses he gets cleansed what happens that's when he gets his commission that's when he gets his commission God's not going to send them before God is crazy guys crazy the the revelation of the Holy One three times holy holy holy is so disturbing for this man of God this great man of God that he doesn't know which way to turn I mean he this is the like I said the first time he speaks and it's a prophetic woe against himself you know prophets always pointing their finger at people he's pointing it back to himself he's saying it's on me not you you know I tell you this you don't you know first of all in 15 years I've never pointed you to me ever not once not ever nobody can say that to me tell me on all the CDs where I once pointed in fact I even expose things for you so you don't even put me on a pedestal that's number one always number two I always tell you that I'm not preaching to you this preaches you know how long this preach to me yesterday for hours and hours and hours I had to hear this hours and hours and hours and hours and hours I had to hear this and feel my own boy and I didn't break any nails by the way he's saying I'm dirty ethically religiously and every other with twenty so here we have Simon Peter we have Abraham Joel Isaiah the greats what's the common thread they all said I'm done I'm ruined I'm buried but why cuz they realize God is holy I can't even explain holiness to you there's no explanation for it rabbi that's crazy oh yeah it's not crazy the holiness of God is the most difficult thing of all of God's attributes to to explain there are attributes because we're made in His image that we can share we can be loving right we can be compassionate to a lesser extent not not to the level that God is but we can we could be merciful right we could be faithful right we could be forgiving right but we can't be holy we could strive to holiness but God's holiness is inerrant it's a given we have to pursue holiness you follow it's crazy holiness belongs to God and God alone it's the oven as' of God there's no way to explain it holiness is beyond some people say well rabbi no it means perfection so beyond perfection it means sinless purity oh it's so beyond that rabbi then what do you tell me I can't explain it that's right why can't I because first of all you're not and second of all you finite and some things don't need to be explained they need to be felt some things don't need to be explained they need to be experienced I don't like being a spectator I like to play I don't like to watch never did never will I want to play it's even beyond the fact that God is omniscient we're not a mission we're not omnipotent we're not I'm the president fancy words for all-knowing all-powerful and everywhere but it's beyond that God's holiness embodies a mystery of God's awesomeness his transcendence the fact that he's eternal he's incomparable he's infinite he's matchless he's majestic he's supreme he's surpassing he's unequaled unrivaled and altogether wonderful and when you see him that's what goes through your heart and soul and you have no choice but to hit the deck but to think this is crazy in the midst of this holiness it causes us homes to hate ourselves because we see our own unholiness but to think that God causes us to feel this way but at the same time imputes his holiness on us through the sacrifice of Yeshua is an incredible level of love love that we again we can't understand God's love because when you experience this unworthiness and you also sprains his love you realize his love provided what His Holiness demanded but only his love could provide that so you're you you you're a mess you don't know what to do you're like I'm unworthy but you love me I don't have anything worth but you say you are I don't feel like I should be redeemed but you're more than happy to redeem me I'm not just acquitted you want me you have messing me up you're ruining me so once you're ruined what do you do then like Yeshua said you guys leaving - where we gonna go you ruined us it's a beautiful thing to be ruined by God it's the most beautiful thing that could ever happen to a human being if you've never been ruined by God I pray today he ruins you you'll never be the same it's amazing alright I promise I'll do this real quick it's 10:00 to 12:00 don't worry chick-fil-a can wait a little bit let me give you the last two scriptures because when I come back I want to hit you with the last verse we're just gonna focus on Luke 5:11 because that's that's the essence that's the crescendo look at the next two verses yeah it says for astonishment has seized them so now he has his experience he sees he sees holiness he falls down he's a mess he's done I think he would like no more than to just drown himself or you she would he just leave he can't leave he can't get up so he's like please go away plot begging you go away from me you're killing me right is that not what's happening that's what's happening and I don't think he was necessarily a horrible person I don't think so but that's your problem you think as you pray and he speaks a couple people out God you know you're God's gift to the world you're missing it you're missing it you're missing the connection that you could have with the Lord God God put his Grace on the humble but he opposes he he pushes away the arrogant it's detestable to him it says Isana shman had seized him they were blown away and everyone with him his two buddies his partner and the other two probably Andrew he doesn't mention angel but definitely they mentioned James and John and Peter everyone with him at the catch they had taken them likewise both James and John and Simon don't be frightened yushua says they were scared they were scared just like John was scared in Revelation but Yeshua said don't be frightened like almost like I know this is crazy right I'm holy and you're not and you think you're gonna explode that's what happens but you know what I love you what how beautiful is that John was freaking out but Yeshua came to him in Revelation one said it's okay I want to show you something let me take you up to the 3rd heavens and show you something what I want to show you something but it's ok I know you think you're not gonna you're not gonna survive seeing it I got you so you sure said he put his hand on him if your shoe his hand is on you you go into the throne with God if it isn't don't bother going in you can only get in by being escorted you know they were there were clubs in New York City that I used to go to when I I knew the guy at the head guy at the door so he would say he's good let your schewe say you're good don't you say you're good you follow I'm saying if you shoot his hand is on you let him is skort you into his Father's throne room songs fantasies don't be frightening she was said Sloan from now on you'll be catching men alive ok the the last point today is what are all the fish in the ocean some of you are avid fishermen and that's beautiful but what is all the fish in the ocean compared to the incomparable privilege of seeing one soul one for the Lord tell me some of you love fishing and some of you maybe have led somebody to the Lord how's that compared huh no there's no comparison of course not I know that look at Matthew 28:19 20 these are our last two verses and we're out of here he says at the very end of this gospel based on everything God has done now that you might disciples here's your marching orders real simple go and make people from all nations into Tom Medina two disciples immersing them into the reality of the Father the Son and the rococo - the Holy Spirit teaching them to obey everything that I've commanded you remember I'll be with you always yes even to the end of the age beautiful beautiful beautiful as head of the new creation yeshua issue of this great commission by the way it has now become the great omission i'll tell you why in a minute these are the standing orders make no mistake i don't care what you call yourself what do you want to call yourself know yourself Pentecostal knock yourself out jesus wouldn't call you a Pentecostal but have at it a baptist wanna call yourself a baptist Jesus won't call you Baptist but knock yourself out Methodists well but whatever you're how about a believer a disciple of wood that's what he would call you if if if you fit that bill okay and as a believer and it's like when what these your marching orders whether you're a Jewish believer Gentile believer or a black believer white believer a rich believer poor believer smart believer not so educated believer an athletic believer I'm not athletic believer doesn't matter these are the marching orders for all believers this is what connects us that's why we have so many different flavors here because we stick with the word of God and and Yeshua doesn't have a preference to color ethnicity or any of that crap we we messed that up but I don't messed it up because I could care less if you have the heart of God you'll kill us so he gives these marching orders standing orders from the time of his ascension which is called the Apostolic age okay from the time of his second Advent that's that's the that's the window we have to do this that's it okay your window is even shorter than that if you know what I mean you might not be here during the second Advent right you'll show up hopefully hopefully I don't you know I hope you show cuz that he'd say you know I always wondered about that person burn I guess I don't need to wonder anymore now the Commission contains three commands not three suggestions I spoke to a very very let's say very powerful man of God in the Southern Baptist Convention very powerful yesterday and I said can I just ask you something what's with you guys always giving challenges I challenge you you you know does anyone know what so uh come on you're in the south how many times you've been challenged you know that's so weak first of all you should never challenged anybody he give them a command never challenged anybody close challenge is like well if you don't do it you just weren't up for the challenge but if you don't do a command you're in violation and in sin but nobody wants to do that nobody wants it I just want to challenge you God sent me to a website of a church this is crazy this is the new mission statement love God love people what does that even mean to love God means to obey Him or we can't say obey don't use that word that's that's too strong the Millennials won't they'll freak out their skinny jeans will explode don't tell them you know they'll crush the alot say right in the hands candy jeans explode big watch flies all hair goes out of place gel disappears we're gonna do he said obey that's what it loves this one loves driving up a lot say did you put some nutmeg on top I like nutmeg you gotta be kidding me you know freaking have you ever had like a shovel in your hands or in your hands have you got him in water all day commands not suggestions and not challenges stop so he gives three commands real simple first command goal make disciples that's the first command goal me look what the word go is it means to pursue the journey on which you have entered when you became a believer you went on this journey if you don't want to go on this journey don't be a believer go he says go go okay by preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven the disciples what to see others become followers in other words calling people to commit not sit not to go to heaven to commit to your schewe as master and lord everybody wants to savor when they drown nobody wants the Lord when they get back on shore now let me tell you why and I shared this with a couple of pastors why I believe we are stymied today number one we're depending on the preacher to preach the gospel Yeshua never ever preached the gospel in the temple now is it wrong to preach the gospel and in the church no not necessarily but come on when you give a 40 minute sermon about something else like being a good husband and then 2 minutes left you say does anybody want to to go to heaven invite Jesus thank you sir thank god bless you got what are you crazy man so because we're we believe that's the preachers job I never figured I came here 15 years ago burn somebody comes to me goes my cousin's here and he's unsaved I said [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] let me tell you why secondly I asked share this with my friend my two pastor friends I don't know how they received it you know because like I can have that edge right but but but but I'm not I'm not ashamed of the gospel or the Word of God or the Holy Spirit when the pastor shares even if he gives a good thorough gospel message and somebody repents of their sins and receives Yeshua as for the forgiveness of their sins and receives the Holy Spirit they picked the fruit that people were praying and speaking to for years so if you're in a church especially in the south and you see him just picking the fruit you think this is instantaneous so you run out and if you don't get instantaneous results you don't want to put in the time you follow what I'm saying maybe I gotta explain another way with emails and Instagram and all the other crap that we get instantaneous gratification today instantly we're gratified we're not willing to work for nothing every single solitary person I have it's led to the Lord took sometimes years years I'll give you some names bill see Brian C Scott L Richard M Patsy F and let me tell you something every one of these guys are in ministry and they're not in ministry in the church outside sharing the gospel around the world being presidents cops to Christ things like that some of them it took me three four years visiting them going to their stupid ball games with them listening to their dopey jokes helping them move a couch that broke my back and if you're listening yeah it sucked okay [Applause] got to keep it real but do you hear what I'm saying if you think it's the pastor's job you won't do it and if you think it's instantaneous you definitely won't do it I'm here to tell you it's not the pestis job it's all of our jobs that marching orders was not to the pastor it was to believers and it's gonna take time invest the time then it says immersing them I don't think he was talking about just in water that's no big deal it's easy to put somebody in water that's not what he was saying he was saying in the reality let them know that God is their Father let them know that your schewe is their Lord and Savior let them know that the Holy Spirit is the one who indwells them empowers them teaches guides corrects instructs and changes them into the image of Yeshua Paul writes to his spiritual son his legitimate son Timothy in the second letter and this is what he says we can expect in the last days when the less they start as soon as you sure left they started 2,000 years ago however listen to this this is what he says that this description that will exist prior to the Lord's coming people will love only themselves and their money just just hear this this was written 2,000 years ago they will love themselves and love their money they will be self promoting oh I have a website oh I have a website oh I have a website shot up they will be unloving unforgiving and unappreciative anybody know what I'm talking about they will have uncontrolled passions and lusts and they will see pleasure at every turn in other words as far as I'm concerned they'll be bloated windbag addicted to lust and money and allergic to God outwardly they seem religious and they make a profession to Christianity but their actions speak louder than their words and he says they'll keep a form of religion but they'll deny the power not a power to speak in some unknown language now they'll reject the power that could make them holy they'll reject the power which is the only way we could ever emulate God with the power of His Holy Spirit it's a new paganism and it's masking orating itself under the name of Christianity 3 and last teaching them to obey the commandments we got to go beyond evangelism we can't allow these new believers to fend for themselves when I go to India Africa you think if I preach the gospel and a hundred people come running and crying and they receive the Lord you think I go ok I got to go back to America what do we do now wing it join a church and serve read your Bible they need a systematic teaching of discipleship systematic that sounds so theological what can I tell you a systematic teaching and helping them submit to the word the reason why we're not motivated today to share the Gospel message outside the church walls is because we're not hearing the Gospel message being preached faithfully and fully within the church walls the Christian message is being made more marketable by the way that website love God love people you ready for the next to do the best you can do the best you can do you say that to your kids you know what excuses that is they won't do the best they can another go I'm doing the best I can don't tell them that let them see their full potential I did the best I can can you believe this on a Christian website love God love people do the best you can you ready for the fourth one this this was unbelievable this is unbelievable I came this close to going me I'm gonna go there I'm gonna go there I'm just waiting for God ready for the fourth one have fun can you imagine Jesus sitting when it's 12 ago now listen to me you're all gonna die but do the best you can you're gonna die they're gonna kill you for your faith but with that being said guys do the best you can to have fun where you going I'm ascending I'm out of here since Saturday spiritual insanity the Christian message is being made more marketable and palatable for modern sensibilities the cross was not made out of memory foam preaching about saying judgment hell and salvation three issue is not being emphasized so what is being emphasized how Christianity can make our lives better step up receive Jesus and have the greatest life ever to have that work out for you how it can improve our marriages how it can help raise our children and how it can assist us in eliminating bad habits souls are one not through promises of a better life in the here and now but through the power of the Cross a witness is one who tells what they have seen heard and experienced if you haven't seen it you can't tell it let's get out there and tell them keeping in mind that souls are not won by persuasion but by power you got it so go push it's over let's stand together next week Luke 5:11 read it meditate on it ask the Lord what he's showing you he might show you something that I just didn't even see which will be beautiful get with it look up these things look at these things if anything you hear is not biblical and does not resonate with the Holy Spirit call the office and let me know Denise and Roxanne if you hear if anybody calls the office I'm not here okay thank you and remember there's no such thing is a question I won't answer or question that I think is stupid does anybody have any questions I'm not gonna answer that anybody else that's a stupid question may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace and then even the Prince of all PC Shore evil can annoy fish Maury ha your Illinois pono Valletta Vilna ha yes I don't know hi poor novela ha via Sam ha ha chalo people are paying for you I love you shabbat shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,815
Rating: 4.8938055 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Disciple, Call, Character, Cost, part 3
Id: l-zns9pw2hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 9sec (3489 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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