Maximized Prayer: Praying for Boldness to Act

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this is the day the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it amen hallelujah hey cheryl cheryl hello linda melinda collins how's my girl doing how's your kids hey heard about the good fortune for you too linda you know i'm always excited i believe i'm in i'm in i'm in faith agreement with you okay y'all come on in the room now remember we said hey don't peep in the room by just watching come on in the room by by adding the chat and maybe becoming a part of the comments just say hello if this is your first time let me know it's your first time you get we get we're going to get busy tonight though tonight is it tonight we're not we of course we don't shuck and drive at any time but tonight we're going to be we're going to get busy hey my girl shalotta how are you enchilada and tyrone hey uh darren all right y'all ready look like y'all coming on in the room tonight and it's going to be very good uh you know today is has been a oh it's been a great day today and i'm look i'm really looking forward to as i said i was i'm very looking forward to uh tonight and what we're doing tonight let's see i'm trying to get my see bring me bring me my bring my light all the way up you know i'm of the deep dark chocolate variety so i have to have all my life hello sir sharon and uh amen amen amen shirley oh my god look at all the people if you're watching this for the first time you join us for the first time why don't you just let me know that you're from your first timer and where you're from i see somebody from the south location somebody from lima ohio yeah columbus georgia is in the house hey uh apostle james possibly not no that's that's different lewis all right hey sorry about that buddy amen glory uh california is in the house amen all right listen listen listen i got some housekeeping things we want to try to uh take care of before we uh we get into uh tonight's study but um i always like to try to you know and i know hey tracy i saw you ron about possible hey buddy amen try to do i try to you know make sure that everybody okay you say you james lewis's son all right all right good good good all right that's it you see i'm watching this i'm watching it hey john john uh john moore hey son uh we need to talk i'll probably give you a call either tonight or tomorrow uh but i listen all things are really going i'm sure you went out to love city if you haven't been out there i know you're going back out there and look at it and oh man they are doing some amazing work we are rounding the corner with that project and i'm so excited what we do is we teach a principle and then we pray that principle and for this whole month i have been teaching on strategic guidance from the lord getting strategic guidance from the lord and how to apply that guidance that's what i've been teaching on that's what i'm going to teach on tonight so what i need everybody to do now is to like and share it like and share it and of course with the pandemic having you know i say over but you know we got a whole new way because people won't go get vaccinated my god go on and get vaccinated do that praise the lord um um but but with that of course you know our numbers uh during the program are one thing but then they go up exponentially as people got back home and and be able to watch when we're doing it during the pandemic of course our numbers were very large while we were doing it but this series i think is probably uh one of the most unique teachings that i've done and i am going to couple it with the upcoming uh faith summit the upcoming faith summit if i tell you god's giving me revelation on this the faith summon it's called revolutionary faith revolutionary faith i've total faith on many subjects but in revolutionary faith this is going to probably be just that a level of insight into the word of god that is going to revolutionize your life and take your results to new levels i was in in a meeting this week i was meeting this weekend uh one of my son's spiritual sons who is um not a pastor but he's a minister i mean he's a minister uh but he's not past his business man and uh in fact i've had him on here a couple of times and uh boy he had a meeting with about so i think what he went about i think he had about three thousand three or four thousand people young people uh and he's teaching them principles that i've taught him it's an amazing thing i'm telling you it was awesome saw several pastors there hey my girl caller amen hey ma carla how you doing amen and kenneth locke hey the apostle yes and uh i was sitting there and i was just amazed at how he's taken these principles and done so much with them and um and what i'm getting back to and i was able to not talk on on sunday well i did an exhortation for them on sunday night that was amazing it was a black tie event some of y'all may have seen some of the post doctor i posted me with her lady b and her at the evening with the black child it was great it was really great uh but but when i'm telling you and listen what they said would say they said some of those young men a young man and they oh several men young millionaires they can hardly wait to come to the faith summit that's right they said we got to be there we've learned all of this from you all these years and to be able to sit at your feet live is something that they value so we went to lunch today with several of them of course i couldn't hardly eat because they was asking me questions and but the joy of my heart is they're taking the revelation and they're running with it okay let's do some like and share i think they have the uh the uh promo spot if they'll run that and then we're gonna come back and teach that word come on dares run well hello i'm apostle hilliard with good news about the upcoming master class 2021 faith summit i've had many faith teaching assignments in the past but nothing like what will happen at the 2021 faith summit august the 19th and the 20th here at new life church in houston i'll be teaching on a revolutionary faith it's about taking responsibility for your future that lesson is going to be amazing it's a lesson that god taught me years ago that have catapulted my life into success in so many areas and it's caused me to be a blessing let me show you how i have showed others how to exercise revolutionary faith to transform their family life their married life their finances their businesses and their future now don't miss this moment of faith mentoring in this hybrid experience yes there will be people in service as well as watching on the line listen registration is absolutely free but please register now to be in either the virtual audience or in the in-person audience there it is on the screen mc21tfs271441 to receive your free study guide so you can study along with us i can hardly wait for my team and i that those two nights to give you an experience in revolutionary faith uh on the evenings of august the 19th and the 20th that will be like none other [Music] oh so i'm sure you can you can almost feel the energy in that uh but i'm also adding that friday morning it's going to be a virtual setting uh we're going to do it from the studio and i'm going to have a session where if i were you how would i apply fate in a situation they're going to give me faith situations and uh i've got some facilitators there it's going to be wow it's going to be good i want you to be a part of it now you need to go and register come on let's not wait until the last minute let's go and register i saw some names that were popping up of people there hey carlton out of bull mountain hey brother uh you know i love you son and hey shirley amen good to see shirley of course some of you all your names i don't catch him every week you are here every week but when i do catch him it's very very very good and refreshing so i i need you all to get the word out i'm going to be talking to pastors this coming uh not not this well this coming tuesday not tomorrow but this coming tuesday uh next tuesday i'll be talking so i said that they already registered uh i'll be talking to pastors because i'm having them join in because uh you don't want to stop short of what god has for you now let's get into this you know i've been i want you all to get your pen and your paper or your note-taking device and let's get ready to study this because uh i know how revolutionary this is going to be and as i've said we have been talking about this all along and then i'm going to put it here and uh and maybe i won't make noise uh and uh my notes i got my notes in front of me um but i want to i want you to clearly understand uh that we have been progressive in our teaching uh we started talking about uh strategic guidance from the lord uh asking god to guide you strategically from uh and uh and uh i shared uh intimate testimonies of how i have been guided by the lord over the years of my of my ministry and then um in our last time together i last maximized prayer moment i began to talk about how we need to understand the spirit of god and how he communicates with our human spirit hey andrea uh andre and and and and then how that is revealed to my mind and then from my mind my thoughts follow me i have to vet the thoughts that left will be one of the strategic ways that god will lead me and that is the primary way that i have been strategically led by god but i wanted you to clearly understand i taught you how to vet those thoughts in other words i cannot you know i i cannot control the thoughts that come into my mind and you come from various ways i taught you those various ways but then after i have vetted the thought and i know this is a thought from god and it calls for action but i'm petrified because god is asking me to do something that i am not at all sure of you are then in miracle territory you're in supernatural territory and what to night is about tonight is about teaching you how to get that boldness to act on that thought that you have uh from the lord that thought remember proverbs 16 and 3 says that if i'll commit myself to him he will cause my thoughts to become agreeable with his will so that my plans will be established and succeed all right so we've got to get that now that he will cause my thoughts that's how god leads us that's how he guides us and he teaches us how to monitor and manage and manage the thoughts of our minds so now i've got the head of boldness when i've got that thought to do something that god tells me to do something i can have the boldness to act the boldness and the willingness to make the call that he tells me to make the willingness to uh uh to have that conversation with a person the willingness to to go and ask management to what do i need to do to get a raise you understand that that boldness i'm talking about when god is strategically guiding you and directing you i've got to have the boldness when god tells me to sort of see that the willingness to sow the appropriate seed the willingness when he just says wait on me to exercise patience and that is what i'm talking about i agree with your valor she says that's a very frightening place because i'm afraid i'll mess it up valerie i got some news for you tonight in this lesson that's going to remove all of that that's why god wanted me to teach it because he knew valerie would be on here and would need to hear about the safety net now valerie write this down there is a safety net that will that that that god has put in his word that he has put so that we will not be fearful about falling a man and a man now see i'm not talking about the stuff of this but i'm talking about that intimidation factor when god asks you to boldly trust him and take a step in jesus name let's look at this tree this this statement this this um the statement that i have without action the benefit of without uh without action the benefits of that action are forfeited though they exist and could powerfully impact the moment in other words god says do something make a call god said dude go like i was in i was driving god said go in the bank now go in this bank now i have never been in that bank going this thing now ask for this person really now he didn't give me the person's name he said the president so i do that but listen had i not done it i would not have i would have forfeited the benefit of the action what do you mean i go in there and ask for the president they said the president is not here but this guy is taking his call would you like to talk to him then i get a yes witness yes and so i sit down and talk to this guy and it's the guy i need to talk to because i wanted to buy a bus for a bus ministry and this guy is the bus ministry captain at his church this was not coincidental i'm telling you this was a strategic move of god but here's the point if i do not take the actions i will forfeit the benefit of that action do you hear me now if i don't take the action i'm going to forfeit the benefit of the action though that benefit exists and could powerfully impact the moment our first point tonight is the spiritual preparation for bold action this is going to be kind of a review here but um when i talk about trusting god i'm talking about more than a mental ascent more than mental that's going here yeah i trusted money no no no i'm talking about more than that i'm talking about the ability to act on it let me tell you how powerful your actions are your path reaction i want to get this that's right carla i must take action let me show you you know i could have a plate of food you know dr price used to use this all the time he said i could have a plate of food here and i couldn't believe that that plate of food if i ate the food i would not die of starvation i can believe and what i'm believing is true that if i would eat the food that's on the plate i would not die of starvation it's true i believe it but if i won't eat the food i could sit there with a plate of food and never act on it on what i believe and what i say and i could die of starvation y'all got this got this got this i see roland saying trembling and trusting yes sir watch this and so i got to be spiritually prepared to trust god and so what is this trusting because trusting involves confidence and conviction trusting is the discipline rational deliberation involving the god factors arriving at a faith-based listen to me now a faith-based word-based love-based decision with a restful confidence and a positive outcome did you get that come on now i want you to get it then when i'm talking about trusting god i'm not talking about oh i believe that god exists i don't know i'm talking about you have made this deliberation i'm going to teach you how to go through this deliberation but you have gone through this deliberation involving god factors god said it his word endorses it i've got testimony that the word will work and i have arrived at a faith-based i'm trusting the word of god a word based i found the word that validated a love based i know he loves me and that's the impetus for why he wants to bless me therefore i am resting and i have a confidence of a positive outcome amen amen amen or watch this watch this so now here are the things that i have to do to put myself in this spiritual state of trusting obedience i've got to now i've given them to you before this is repeat this is this is repeat but repetition is good i got to have a pencil almost spirit all right this is my consecration moment i have a revelation of god's willingness he wants to do it i have to have a relationship with others that will not negate my faith and i can't have people speaking negatively in my ear i've got to be in the right environment i gotta have reputation my reputation must be secondary to pleasing god in other words i am not um i'm not all about protecting my reputation i don't care if you laugh at me that sort of thing don't bother me and i gotta have a resting resolve void of anxiety i'm not gonna worry i'm trusting god i'm i'm i'm walking in step with what god that's i gotta have this readiness to obey divine instruction i know god is synchronizing this obedience all right because he's telling me i got a person in place i need you to get to this place i need to do this sort of thing make the call god has been doing it then i rely on inspired responsive thoughts in the moment all right bring me back man so now god taught me how to live like this when i'm in the little raggedy building let's put it back up there y'all know i got to show it i might show it another time but this is my god taught me how to get out of that state and taught me how to trust him so i could live at another level and that's why god has you on here tonight charlotte hello uh he got you here tonight because there's a whole nother level that he wants to bring you to so now let's look at the scriptural concept of this boldness because there's an indisputable relationship between the holy spirit's ministry to the believer and the boldness to take action as this relationship and so when i look at the scriptures i can see god teaching the believer to be bold all right let's look at some scripture first we look at kingdom boldness kingdom boldness all right that's my definition acting with courageous confidence on the word of god whether it's in service or being god and service in speech saying what i need to say you know sacrifice or in sharing or in sowing or in standing anchored in a trusting love of god you see i keep putting that trusting love of god in there simply because i need to understand that god wants to do this for me all right i know he's dead don't like that sound but god wants to do this for me he does and i got to know that god wants to do it he wants to do it he somebody somebody captured that in in the comment he wants to do this so i understand that's his willingness let's look at let's look at some of these scriptures on boldness but the first one up there says the wicked fleet when no man pursue it but the righteous of both are bold that's a line so if god says you are bold you're the righteous that says you're bold you are who god says you are can somebody say that i am bold as a lion come on let's make a confession out of that i believe i believe i'm i believe i'm bold as a lion i i thank god i'm bold as a lion come on let's make a confession out of that secondly it says watch this hearing is the hearing i love this here herein is a love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment see he links my boldness with my understanding of god's love he links my boldness my understanding how much god loves me he loves you cynthia jalen he loves you too much to let you fail you got to get that all right let's look at another scripture let's look at i know i'm moving i'm moving it says look there he talks to joshua there and he says joshua only be thou strong and very courageous these are synonymous terms for bold that thou mayest observe to do what i'm bold to do i'm courageous to do i'm strong what to do according to all the law which moses my servant commanded thee don't turn not from it to the right hand or to the left without miss prospering those whatsoever about going uh uh where the servant thought this book the law should not part of thy mouth i shall meditate that in day and night why that thou may substitute all this written therein for then thou shalt make their way prosper then i shall have good success then he goes on have i not commanded thee be strong another synonymous turn for both and and be not afraid be not dismayed don't get confused the lord thy god is with thee whether so ever thou goes i want you to hold on to this now let's look at some scriptures on trusting god trust him first trusting is this discipline rational deliberation we talked about it earlier i'm just bringing it back to your mind involving god factors arriving at a faith-based word-based love-based decision with rest for confidence in god so all through the bible we see these scriptures saying trust god why am i reading scriptures the power is in the word the power can somebody somebody put that down the power is in the word that's where the power is and that's where the anointing flows he says that what time i'm afraid this is psalms 56 i will trust in thee in god will i praise his word in god have have i put i gotta intentionally do this look at the next one that we should be to the praise of his glory this is an efficient new testament scripture who first trusted in christ whom also now look at this we also trusted how after we heard it we heard it then we trusted uh the word of truth the gospel of your salvation all right in whom also after that we believe we heard we trust we heard we believe we trust it and we're sealed with the holy spirit of promise so let's look at another passage here i'll keep you in perfect peace whose mind has stayed on dean why because he trusted the real i'm showing you the relationship now between peace and trust in god all right once it's it's a peace factor all right now let's look at some situations of practice uh situational practice of boldly trusting god we're talking about people acting we're talking about people acting on the word of god so the bible tells us in hebrews 6 and 12 that we be not flawful here's the amplified in order that you may not know all that you may not grow disinterested or become spiritual sluggers but imitators having the haven as do those who through faith by their leaning of the entire personality on god in christ in absolute trust and confidence in his power in wisdom and goodness and by practice of patience endurance waiting are now inheriting the promises hebrews 6 and 12. all right the imp that's the amplified king james most of y'all know that it says uh uh yeah it says uh you know that we follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises and that's what we're gonna do we're learning how to look at these examples and follow examples trusting trusting action of joshua that had me i mean god tells joshua take the people marked around the wall once a day for six days then on the seventh day walk around seven days holly at the wall what kind of sense that me it's not sense but his faith he obeys takes a boldness to do that because all these people out there and walls don't fall they're going to look at joshua you made a fool out of us but he obeyed god and god went to work all right then that noah noah builds the ark god gives him specific instructions build it this high do this that that builds it according to god's instructions and waits on god and this went on for years can you imagine how people laughed that noah at first but he because he obeyed he was able to see god work trusting god uh and this these are what are called chronicle situations situations that are chronicled in the bible i can stay all night and talk about them because there's so many things you know we see uh jesus tells peter get out the boat and peter uh gets out of the boat and literally walks on water why because he had the boldness to act on uh the word of god and then david that bill passage repair bill pesaram uh the place of breakthrough what happens god gives them specific specific instructions do this do this do that in my own life contemporary situation that's why i share them with you so you understand this is not just stuff that happens in the bible but it's things that can happen in your life when you learn to live this way and act this way kingdom principle when i bought my first car after walking by faith god gave me instruction do this dude they told me it's time when i knew it was time i got a piece about it he says first i was gonna do it i'm learning now i'm gonna do it on my own i went from here and there with the banks you know and god said and then i got discouraged and i went back to god remember what i told you i'm gonna give you the safety net and that was a safe safe net built into this where god would not let me fail though i went off the wrong way i wasn't looking for banks on my own i never asked god which bank to go to and when i did he put the right bank on my mind i went to that bank and god gave me tremendous favor all right then when we purchase the east campus uh where we have love city somebody said their feed is buffering i don't think that's our i think that you might have checked your feet out but roland uh hey this is good go back and listen to that next time because i'm telling this is good this is good watch the question so god tells me i mean i'm not even thinking about buying these campers uh joel is getting ready to move to the compact center i mean you know we've been friends of the family and all of that i wouldn't even think about going by buying that and god says i want you to purchase it well how did that come angel didn't show up that one i wouldn't show up i didn't hear god's voice no no no he talks to me through his spirit and by his spirit and i know the voice of the spirit that inner voice conveyed to my thoughts and i understood that this was a thought from the lord and i gotta act on it got it so ebola act on it and step by step god led me to it so these are some contemporary examples but these are the kinds of ways that it will happen for you but you have to have the boldness to make the step all right so let's look at the scope of this process this whole process not a process i want to walk through this now because remember i talked to you about deliberation and so trusting is a deliberate act in other words we're not talking about just hauling off but we're talking about to deliberately thinking through this so what i want to trust something let's say i need somebody to work on a car work on my house or do something for me i have a criteria amen i have a criteria for trusting them one number one criteria is a prominent reference if somebody had referred them good reference well i've got good references from god that amen amen that he will come through that he's trustworthy number two i'm going to trust based on the process resident regiment in other words if a person tells me how they are going to get it done you follow me i go to restaurants you know i cook myself so when i talk to the uh server or many times they will go get the cook for me and i will want them i want a certain dish but i will ask him how do you plan to pay or prepare it and when he walks me through his process okay i can trust him because i understand that process all right number two the proven results in other words if a person has done it before they have they have done it before i believe i can trust them to do it a second time around and then watch this here's the next one that is personal relationship i can trust others based on a relationship with them and their character and how much more can we trust god because of his character and that he cannot lie he cannot make a mistake so it is a deliberate act but then it's a disciplined act hey diana i see there uh andrews listen this is one thing that dr price drilled into me and that is discipline discipline is enforced obedience void of feelings but ain't good um whoo my god but anchored in truth it's a lot of people and boy i see it so happening people think i feel good i feel good and a lot of things that's hype that's hype but real faith is discipline i do it because the word says it i don't have to feel like it or not i have laid hands on people sending them healed and felt absolutely nothing all right trusting is a decisive act now what do you mean a decisive act that is i've gone through this deliberation and i'm deciding i'm going to act amen it is delightful act why because i have the expectation of better uh because i have done so it's the life lag because it's fun i'm following the peace of god i know this thing is going to come out all right when you learn to walk like this it is so amazing and then it's a demonstrated act it is that's that tangible action that you've got to do now i'm not about to wrap this up because let's talk about the steadfast practice of bold trusting obedience it's time to get it's time to do it here's the real question the real question is can i really pray for boldness and courage and courage to act can i really pray to god for that because if i can't pray to god why why waste our time tonight so i want to show you that trusting god after trusting him action bold action courage is something we can pray for and expect what yes that's what my prayer to you tonight i've been waiting all day to pray for you in this way tonight because no matter the revelation god let me know this no matter the revelation if there is no resolve to obey and take the step there will be no supernatural ah amen so i'm in a little regular bill and god says now son you gotta act you gotta act like this word is so you gotta happen now folks folk won't understand you but you've already made them yes i'm getting a little loud now you've already made of yourself no reputation stay with me stay with me i'm going to i'm going to get to the safety net in just a moment you got to stay with me but he says now nothing is going to happen until you act on this thing oh watch this watch this now we have the criteria for praying for a bold trusting action here's the criteria because when it comes to prayer god gives us strict uh put strict criteria in the word first john 5 4 14. all right says this the confidence we have in him or the assurance and the privilege of boldness there it is that we have in him if we sure if we're sure that if we ask anything make any request according to his will he heareth us all right so i understand now he will hear me when i ask according to his will question is it his will for you to be bold yes is it his will for you to be courageous yes why we can see it throughout the bible and it says if i know that he hear me whatsoever i ask i know i have the petition we desired of him so because of this criteria for prayer courage trusting and boldness meets the criteria why because it's in the word of god now so i got the criteria watch this of it being practiced in scripture oh really oh you got to see this come on come on you got to see this in king james uh uh version of uh of uh acts chapter four and now lord behold that threatens now they're praying now uh grant under thy servants that with all boldness oh that we may speak thy word by stretching forth thine hand to yield and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy of thy holy child jesus and when they had prayed the place was shaken while they assumed themselves and they will all feel with the holy ghost and they spake the word of god we're boldness can you see this caller can you see this sandra can you see this they prayed for a boldness and boldness showed up well i couldn't wait to get that to you tonight and i know that's simple but that is so profound they prayed for boldness and boldness showed up we're going to pray for boldness for you and guess what boldness must show up we got the precept of it there in scripture we got the practice of it in scripture so we understand we have the right tonight we got the right tonight to pray to receive that boldness to act that boldness to make that phone call that boldness to walk in there intelligently and ask question once i've got this witness from the lord what do i need to do to become more valuable to the company because god said that bone is to trust god that boldness to act now i i gotta answer the question i think it was valerie actor asked early she said but i don't want to mess up why not valerie i think it was she said but but it's a scary thing what you're telling me i understand that valerie but listen listen here is the safety net this is what i've been trying to get to tonight here is the safety net i call it the comfort and passionate bold trusting action here it is here it is here it is here it is here it is here it is all right it is this precept that's it of a safety net and what is this what a safety net look in psalms 37 they gonna put that on the screen and you probably have to you might need to put on the seat belt because rolling because i know you're gonna be about to shout on this one i know you're about to shout on this look look at this look what it says now the steps of the good of a good man are ordered by the lord that sounds like strategic guidance and he delighted in his way up but though he fought he missed it he shall not be utterly cast down for the lord of holding him with his hand did you see that oh you didn't get it you i thought you go get you get lit listen listen look what he said look what he said he says the strategic upsteps of a good man jumps of a person or ordered by the lord god's tip makes a call do this do this but if by chance you miss it uh submit it to the strategic guidance of the lord he says i'm not gonna let you be utterly cast down i got you he says i got you it's still gonna work out for your good so he's taking away the fear of failure to live by faith whoo about to shout up in here about to shout up in here he taking that away now do we have answer because if we can find an example we're really ready to go with this thing so watch this peter says lord if it if it be thou bit me come walk with me on the water and when he was come down so peter all right watch this hurt jesus said come and when people come down out of the ship he walked on the water all right to go to jesus what did he do he acted on the word he acted he was bold enough courageous enough with the winds blowing he was courageous enough to let his step be ordered by the lord god out of the boat but when he saw the wind ball stressed oh he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried lord save me safety net and immediately jesus stretched forth his hand and called him a very bad listen i'm telling you you got a safety net that god says even if you miss it if you just keep listening to him if you just keep understanding the magnitude magnitude of his love that is swift recovery you got to believe it you got to believe it i'm going to be teaching on believing in your believing you got to believe it but that has been what has anchored my boldness nothing supernatural happens until you take the step somebody ought to share this with somebody right now this thing's good nothing supernatural happens until you take the step the red sea does not roll back until moses stretches out the rod as god says take the step i'm looking at your testimonies if we about to pray we about to pray cause y'all got this safe tonight y'all got it tonight thank you jesus the walls of jericho don't fall until the people walk and shout at the walls take the step somebody say i'm ready to take the step somebody go and document things say i'm ready to take the step all right the meal the meal barrel and the oil does not multiply and overflow until the widow makes the cake she takes the step the healing of naaman does not come to pass until naaman is willing to go down that seventh time and come up muddy but clean take the step amen and amen the blind man does not receive his sight until he goes to the pool of siloam and washes out the mud like jesus says he took the step who am i talking to tonight says i'm ready to take the step i see you i'm ready i'm ready to take the step i'm ready to follow what we mean by taking the step i am really to follow that witness that i have from the lord i'll make the call yeah i'll write the letter i'll make the i'm gonna do it i am going to act on this this is just what i needed y'all know how i got the clothes it is no secret we got to go got to go it is no secret what god can do what he's done for others he'll do for you let's pray come on this is not spectator time i'm going to pray and i'm getting agreement with you but you're gonna take the step you're gonna make the call you're gonna do what you got to do amen you're gonna sow the seed you're gonna do what you got to do you're going to have the conversation you're going to exercise patience if god set weight to say okay i'm just going to wait are you willing to take the step tonight is the night of transformation father your word says we come to you with thanksgiving and so we pray tonight with thanksgiving you say let our requests be made known to you and we first enter into your gates with thanksgiving that we come to you as you talk to the disciples to pray your holy is your name your righteousness you're our peace and tonight tonight we come in agreement with all of our partners and friends and members we come in agreement for the boldness the courageousness uh the trusting uh action to act on what you have put in their hearts to do the thoughts of their mind as you are guiding us that's what we're coming in agreement with now tonight that you would give them the strength and the boldness to act on that strategic guidance that you've given them concerning trouble matters and so we claim the boldness to act only we act on that strategic guidance concerning ministry matters father in the name of jesus i thank you that you're leading us and so we're willing to act make the call knock on the door do that thing that you tell us to do concerning ministry thank you lord for guidance in relationship matters amen even as you showed me years ago how to maintain the relationship of my marriage thank you father that i'll be the boldness for humility the boldness amen to do what the amen amen thank you lord thank you father uh for the boldness and the the courage to act on that word that witness that thought concerning our career in jesus name and to your glory your honor father we thank you right now uh that we will see the supernatural the hand of god the fingerprint of you on our career where we will be able to say this is the lord's doing marvelous in our eyes lord thank you that will have the boldness to act in concerning financial matters and the courage is there and you will not let us fall even when you ask us for seed father even when you tell us to give to others we will not go under the father because we act on your love you love us too much in jesus name to let us come up short and so we thank you for guidance inherent health matters those simple things you tell us to do that others may not understand but because you said it we do it and we experience the supernatural manifestation of healing in our lives in jesus name and so father we count it down tonight set ourselves an agreement and we are looking forward uh in the next in the next seven days father as we do this as we make that call we do that action in the next seven days of action it will set in motion the next 52 days of change in our lives we call it done now in jesus name amen thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen and amen i have agreed with you in jesus name things are about to change things shall not remain as they have been there is a change being made hallelujah amen amen and amen all right amen did you get blessed tonight come on did you get blessed tonight well y'all know it's time to sow y'all know it's time to sow i believe it's sown tonight but this was good amen i see some of your documentary y'all got that down amen all right we're going to show the night we're going to what god put on your heart all right let's show god see here's the thing and i said it earlier when i when god sees i'm willing to follow his instructions he's willing to give me more instructions so i just want you to follow the instruction god gives you tonight concerning someone just follow instruction you know you have the option of course you can sort of do like church you can sort directly into my life if you desire those that's my cash app that's new like cash app and of course you know uh i appreciate the seed that you sow into my life i do praise the lord so directly to the church and that's where you get all of your you know your um um your credit and you know um all of the things that you know you get for sowing into the kingdom of god through your local church uh the tax reduction and all that sort of thing so but listen there are other ways uh you can give a new or you can give new light.give all by giving platforms of that uh text seven one four four one new like two seven four four one four four one or you can give uh give life that's dr ice picture there give the new light our members can go on in fellowship paypal zell or or all of the other ways to give mail it bring it by the office most of all let's so i see get back online let's so i see get back online linda says obey god linda says obey god boy i to tell you listen there's some incredible testimonies that are going around now about how god has blessed people with more money in their hands than they've had in a long long time amen praise the lord and uh i just shout for joking you know i'm always like this i don't care how god chooses to bless me who he chooses to use amen just so it happens all right somebody say thanks for the powerful teaching apostle i'm so excited about being a part of this ministry yes gloria and it excites me when you get excited and when you are thankful for it amen this message i know is something that others need hey let's show our seed tonight come on bonus how you gonna name your seed let's name the seed some somebody calling the debt free seat let's name our seed tonight and then of course we know that we're going to uh we always have uh a download and the download tonight is in keeping with what we have been teaching about trusting the plan of god for your life yes and so i want you to get the download you get the freedom if you don't give you get to download but i want to have record giving tonight i want to have having confidence in the plan of god part four it's the giving link of course you can give go out there and give or you can just go out there and just let me know uh of course just you know pull it down and let me know what you want me to pray for and that sort of thing i just want you to really understand this principle and i want you to get off the bench and take the step take the step what trust in god i understand that after i take one step that's when i'm going to get the next step and i always know that god is putting things together that's it that is the fate that you have to have that i see that's felicia she's saying she's calling it her boldness and encourage courageously song i'm grateful for your teaching and thank you claudia uh some changes are about to go down i love that i love that amen and amen now i get a witness some of you need to sow a seed out of your business out of your business out of your business yeah out of your church this is a night to sow seed out of your business out of your church listen to god listen to god boldness seed song thank you carla i just saw mama this is carla and um her family you know um her her father was one of my mentors and uh i just love that i had the opportunity to uh to teach them the things of faith and the things of god watching their lives blossom their children and all it's just been amazing and that mother was my mother's best friend my mother went to be with the lord and their mother you know she kind of watches over me this is so good amen y'all know i love y'all like my sisters so all right y'all this has been good i got to wrap it up but this has been so good i'm i'm looking for somebody call it a supernatural seed courage boldness obedience seed listen i'm looking i don't believe you can watch this and get this revelation and not sow a seed i don't believe you can do that not tonight i don't believe you can do that i believe if you watch this please i don't know how to get the downloads please well listen uh i don't know how to i mean i think if you call my office or something or maybe uh maybe um there's you might have to direct me on how to tell somebody how to get the downloads but i want you to get it because it's going to bless you all right i need you all to sign up need y'all to sign up for the uh upcoming uh upcoming um uh faith summit it's going to be like none other and uh i need y'all that they put it back up there on how to sign how to get the download but uh i i want you to do that i'm gonna go off tonight with that with that uh with that spot there's gonna put the spot on and then i want you to just uh shut us off after the spot but the point is i need you to go register now a lot of y'all seeing me you're not registering but i want you to be able to have uh the scriptures in advance because how i'm going to teach is going to be totally different it's going to be kind of off the chain on how i'm going to do this it's going to be totally different it's not going to be like the regular seminar i want to get this to you thank you somebody put the in in the download chris uh that uh listen so this i wanna i want you i wanna i wanna get this to you so so if you were gonna get it and then you can start getting those scriptures down on the inside of you when i begin to teach it it's gonna come on with you you're going to catch on faster you're going to catch on faster you're going to accelerate your results by getting it ahead of time that way it's free i just wait until i just wait no you know you're not you're not working with me you're not you're not letting you're not working with me you got to go on and get it now it's okay dez why don't you do that y'all know i love you and uh hey listen uh i don't believe if you're watching this later i don't believe you can watch this and not act in faith and i need you to so we'll see and so what god tells you and watch god work amen somebody wants to know how do they register and so uh you'll see that on the upcoming spot okay dez god bless i'll see you all later well hello i'm apostle hilliard with good news about the upcoming master class 2021 faith summit i've had many faith teaching assignments in the past but nothing like what will happen at the 2021 faith summit august the 19th and the 20th here at new life church in houston i'll be teaching on revolutionary faith it's about taking responsibility for your future that lesson is going to be amazing it's a lesson that god taught me years ago that have catapulted my life into success in so many areas and it's caused me to be a blessing let me show you how i have showed others how to exercise revolutionary faith to transform their family life their married life their finances their businesses and their future now don't miss this moment of faith mentoring in this hybrid experience yes there will be people in service as well as watching online listen registration is absolutely free but please register now to be in either the virtual audience or in the in-person audience there it is on the screen mc21 to receive your free study guide so you can study along with us i can hardly wait for my team and i that those two nights to give you an experience and revolutionary faith on the evenings of august the 19th and the 20th that will be like none other you
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 405
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ewNBSPO_8j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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