Maximized Prayer: Praying for Your Success

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all right this is the day the lord's made i'll rejoice and be glad in him and it glad in it welcome to maximize prayer mom amen come on in the room ready for tonight hey cheryl come on in the room y'all don't peep in the door don't pee through the window come in the room all right i see y'all coming in hey patrick all right good conversation with you today cara evelyn hey evelyn how are you yes praise the lord excited about this evening we believe that we're going to have a great crowd this evening even though it's a holiday amen how many no we don't take a holiday from prayer we don't take we don't think holidays are praying amen and uh we don't take a holiday from the word so i'm looking at all of y'all who are joining us and if you're joining us for the first time please let me know and of course it's always good just let me know where you're joining us from all right come on in the room let me know let me know all right hey demesha uh my victor i see some of my uh our regulars out there amen but no trey said hey tracy how are you girl all right amen so it's like i saw you from afar traces yes sunday were you at church sunday i don't know if i saw it you had far from a far longer i thought it looked like you but you know when people got their masks on i cannot i don't know hey i say lady b lady b yes you know i cook some red beans and rice today lady b ate some of my red beans and rice some of my barbecued uh i barbecued chicken she ate a little bit of that you followed me but i had a taste of some red beans and rice did they never cooked them but i cooked them today and of course they were good all right i see some people from baltimore uh garland texas south carolina atlanta love this venue that we're able to reach so many people in so many places we're able to do it live get feedback orlando florida tonight is going to be an exceptional night come on just a little bit earlier so we can talk it up with you now we're at seven o'clock so i need you to like and share it and let's get our numbers uh where they need to be uh for this life portion now we do know that later on people come and and they watch it later oh my god when i look at our numbers how they end up at the end of the week it is always good it's always good so come on like and share it let's get our numbers there i wanted to i wanted to want you to yes i want you to yes indeed there we go there we go all right all righty good good good all right now in dallas texas portland oregon and i said plant city florida austin texas hello austin love austin amen chicagoland checking in all right like and share tonight we're going to be talking about uh we're going to talk about success that's the lord told me talk to your night about success i'm going to be praying for your success uh labor day weekends are always exciting for me it's exciting for me because uh what uh what happened for me labor day weekend several years ago a lot younger than i can't believe it 37 years ago can you believe that 37 years ago 37 years ago i'm 20 i'm 30 i think i'm 32 man yeah 37 years ago i'm 32 hey devin and uh i'm uh god has given me an assignment to start the church to break from the tradition and to break from my denomination now back then oh my god you break out of the oh my lord vivian in the room all right i see you girl listen uh and so lady being i made the bold step to get out of my denomination i don't tell everybody do that hey elizabeth and we start a new like church world outreach and worship sense oh my god you would have thought that we had left that we you thought that we had uh had had changed the persecution that we got and that they said and they said tracy that we would not succeed in fact there were people praying for us not to succeed can you imagine that because we had what they thought was a radical gospel because i am teaching now and i you know on purpose quit hooping and singing and entertaining on purpose i began to deliberately teach people how to succeed in life and all of my peers and even those who were uh who were you know mentors fathers in faith all of them told me nobody would come to listen to me explain the bible they were wrong i'll tell you they were wrong that's what they told me they said nobody's gonna come and and and of course they said and waste their time listening to you explain the bible you gotta give the people some gravy and you've got to and i said no i am going to obey god told me to stand flat-footed and teach the bible and that is what i'm going to do and i expect god to confirm his word with signs following amen amen so they said hell yeah it won't last 30 days that's what they said hilliard won't last 30 days in fact my uh my uh my home church pastor got him he just didn't understand got up and said that i had bridget caught up in mess pray fight ira yeah i mean had the church pray for me cause i was caught up in some mess and i had bridget i was i was i was a little off that's what he said i was off and he got bridget caught up in it hey peggy i love you girl and uh and uh that was on a sunday morning he said that with her mother sitting there my mother sitting there but we had heard we'd heard from god ah and we made the whole step now two other pastors were with us at that time we had prayed and they said god told them to do the same thing but neither one of them chose to obey god now we meet joseph well he said god told him to do it that's what he said the same move god told me to make move that they said god told them to make we've been praying all week long and that sunday night i called them and they said we have too much to lose or roberts told me once but a man will compromise what a man will compromise to keep he will eventually lose and i'm not calling names because that's not the point but each one of them eventually lost what they have compromised to keep amen but we were willing to obey god and because we were willing to obey god look what the lord has done amen i don't know i don't know if my producer kenya moore is my producer tonight i don't know if kenya has the uh the red brick building but if you have that red brick building can you if you put that up there for me if you don't i'm gonna you know ain't gonna be no big deal but uh listen i'm telling you we were in the jensen building and that is where they are there thank you darling that is where we made the bold step that little sign of course that's another church there uh the church side but we've changed the sign that sunday morning people came to church and and they saw a new sign and i explained to them when i stood up we would be no longer a new light missionary baptist church but would be new like church world outreach and worship centers i had one member walk up to me and ask me who gave you the right to change the name of this church one person and i told them kenneth get a lot i told him i said god did and she said okay fine and she's still with us today amen she's still with us today all because we chose to obey god and uh hey dorothy i see dorothy listen i'm looking at some familiar names tonight we want to talk about succeeding because i did not grow up thinking success especially in the realm of church i didn't grow up thinking that way but i had an encounter with god and it changed and and now everything i do i expect to succeed and i want you to have that same kind of mentality and that kind of mentality has to be cultivated you mean everything okay yeah i said everything uh somebody said they got married there really okay hey andrea love you girl uh van i see you too um so god began to teach me over in the little raggedy building he began to teach me that was in 1980 the bill and you saw the red but that yeah that's in 1980 i'm 28 there uh now we didn't stay that long we uh when our faith began the work we moved and then eventually we got the building on on uh on on on jensen road and that building now jensen road was a whole lot better but god began to then to let me know he had much more for me uh he had i had understood the principles of success but now he wanted me to take it to another level so i'm talking to many of you now who have been walking in faith understand faith uh but it's now time to take faith to another level so that there can be more manifestations and now we mean more and so you can do more for the kingdom of god as a result there in 1984 of us boldly obeying god stepping out of the bounds of tradition we were able to accomplish a whole lot i can't show you the souls that we have have touched but um if you put the collage of churches up there buildings up there licks that that's amazing look at all of those buildings and then that's not all because the building uh uh the uh uh airport hangar is not up there and that sort of thing but hey listen that's an amazing thing hey brandy and and we were able to accomplish all of that to the glory of god because we believed uh and we began to live by faith and we began to trust god at another level so every project that god's given us we've succeeded that yeah every project god's given us we succeeded uh yeah we have yeah every project we we've succeeded um and and and i'm still working on one project and it's been a 20-year price 20-plus year project and that's love city and it's okay hey tristan i see you buddy but it's okay i mean we're still we're just about there pretty soon you're going to be seeing some things from love city that's going to really really excite you because see i don't listen to what folks say i got i mean i i remember one person told me god didn't tell me how you gonna tell me what god told me that is so well i gotta watch you know i don't curse i don't curse i don't i never curse i never learned to curse i i don't i don't have no victory over cursing because i never learned the curse i was a boy preacher but i stupid for you to tell me after all i have heard from god and have come to pass for you to tell me god didn't tell me something see and that's stupid and uh [Laughter] i talked to them they got proven wrong and boy i'm telling you uh it's just a joy to my heart to watch god prove folk wrong amen amen so they gave me a church 30 days and here we are 37 years later somebody ought to say amen somebody ought to save man he was 37 years later and dr i preached a powerful message on yesterday that just really blessed everybody's heart blessed everybody's heart now so let's let's talk about praying for success because that's our assignment tonight to pray for your success and so when we look and joshua chapter one and verse eight it says this book of the lord shall not depart out of thy mouth thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for them thou shalt make thy way prosperous uh and then ye shall deal wisely and have good success now i was quoting that really from king james but the amplified is right there now i want you to understand that here's what we do if you join us for the first time and we all will have always have first timers i teach the word of god then we pray it i teach it and then of course after i teach it we know what it word says and we pray according to his will what's his will we'll found his word and then we pray i remember now when god began to open this scripture up to me and give me illumination all my life i really was brought up in church and i thought my outcome was up to god i really did i thought my outcome was up to god but once i read this scripture i saw that my outcome had a lot to do with what i would do i see some of y'all putting that in the in the comment section uh dr i started the series on yesterday bold series i make the difference that was bold that's a bowl so that's a bowl but you cannot argue with it in the shadow of uh of uh first uh the first chapter of joshua put it back up there it says now this book the law shall depart out of shall not a part of your mouth you shall meditate on it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein watch this for then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success now a light went off in me years ago i think i'm in the little raggedy building at that time and kenneth i saw here i am waiting on god and god is waiting on me i'm talking to somebody because you were misinformed they told you was up to god and god says no it ain't up to me it says you make your way prosperous and you would have good success as a result of following the word that you would make your way prosperous and you'd have good success so uh that is when the journey started for me the journey started for me when i realized i had a responsibility that is the series i'm going to give them give you a lesson uh on taking responsibility for success and so i want to build you up in faith for success and then we're going to pray for your success tonight you know it revolutionized my life when i found out and i knew god wanted me to succeed and was willing to help me succeed that i didn't have to beg and convince him i was worthy of it he wanted to help me it was all his idea amen so first let's talk about the revelation of kingdom success now third john i love this i'm going to i'm going to quote it first in the in the king james and then i'm going to read it uh out of the uh passion translation it says beloved worship of all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as even as your soul prospers now here it is out of the passion beloved friend i pray that you are prospering every way i pray now you pray according to the will of god the same john now who wrote that passage that you continually enjoy good health just as your soul is prospering now this is the same writer who wrote to us we must pray according to his will so if he's praying this he must know what the will of god is for them now kingdom success is our working definition kingdom success is the only ongoing pursuit of accomplishing predetermined goals and objectives with a lifestyle balance which provides the ability to enjoy the pursuit while glorifying god i know that's a long definition and many of you may have to come back and look at it again but when we talk about success we're not we're talking about a an ongoing pursuit that's why i'm ongoing yeah i am i've been called to preachers as a team uh since i was ten years old nine years old i called preacher first sermon at 10 when i understood and understood faith i began this pursuit of kingdom success and it's ongoing here i am 37 years later and i'm still ongoing you see so it's not just an event it's a journey it's a journey can i give you all some insight dr i has a brilliant idea oh my god every time i talk to you about it it's just amazing a brilliant idea of the journey she is a contemporary way she wants to package ministering at another level on uh on your faith journey man and i think she's about to roll that thing out but when she does you'll understand that success is not a an event but it's that's it a journey now it says when i understand kingdom success i have to understand that i'm a spirit being i'm a spiritual being functioning in the kingdom of god principles which have the power to dominate life situations let's look at the reality of kingdom success i want you to hold on to what i just said because i'm going to come back to it because watch this the reality of kingdom success has to do with what the bible teaches us about the kingdom of god and by what god promises and it is so clear when we talk about the kingdom of god the bible teaches us we the bible teaches about the kingdom of heaven and it teaches us about the kingdom of god those are the two phrases of kingdom that you'll see throughout the bible but what does it mean when we talk about the kingdom of god first the kingdom of heaven has to do with the universal uh uh uh yeah the whole universal eternal reign of god here on the earth that jesus will eventually come back to set up when you see kingdom of heaven that's what it's referring to but when you see kingdom of god it is referring to a universal spiritual system all right it's a system of god that governs the earth that's what it does it's the and and it also will govern the kingdom of heaven when the when the earthly kingdom has set up here now i want you to get that when we talk about the kingdom of god will somebody write that down somebody write that down the kingdom of god is a system it is god's system uh that the guard system of principles and concepts and strategies that will give me dominion power and dominion position in the earth see we have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of his dear son and this kingdom that we're in we are kingdom people paul writes and says all things become new so we are not the average normal individual i knew something strange about it yeah i know it i know it so i am operating kingdom principles that will give me the power to dominate any situation amen and amen now the reality of kingdom success it is a spiritual and watch this it it is a creative promise when god spoke in genesis chapter 1 and verse 28 he says you know we're to multiply we're to replenish he was speaking that over all of creation which included you and me this is it's a covenant promise job 36 and 11 if they obey and serve him they'll spend their days and prosperity and their years in pleasure now what i what i'm trying to get across sheila is that you have to have a mentality so that you understand that you have a right to kingdom success that it's not only a creative promise but it is a covenant promise that i see throughout the word of god i can do what all things through christ who strengthens me but love i wish above all things that thou may as prosper be in health even as i so prosperous it's my right i have a right to kingdom success i have a right to practice godly principles in every area of my life and come out on top i have a right to i have a right to it now see i'm not just saying that i really believe that and that's why i've got to get you is that you got to believe whatever situation you're facing now and it's not no it's not god's best you know what i'm selling for that no no no no no no no no no you don't settle for that no no because you have a right to succeed i think that's arrogant i don't care what you think i'm telling you it's truth i have a right jesus died so that i could be free of the bondages of thus of the devil so i could win in life he's come that i might have life and have it more abundantly what's so hard about that so when i understand this when i understand this my whole mentality changes you know back then in 19 1984 all the preachers called me the dreamer you know what these bible says they joseph brothers here come the dream that's what they used to say about me yeah he come the dreamer he ain't nothing but a dreamer here you when you gonna face reality because see i told them i intended to win in life i i was both somebody need to put that in come on dude come on if you got that would you come at i intend to win in life i intend to win or if you just want to get real bold come on i'm winning in life hallelujah praise the lord amen and amen come on help me now now so i got to understand that it is the will of god for me to win in life i'm looking i don't see i don't see anybody putting the message up maybe maybe maybe maybe i'm behind i want to see i want to see y'all put the message up amen and the message yeah i want yeah i'm sorry i'm behind i'm behind i see it i'm winning in life i intend to win thank you tom yeah that's it that's it because i need you to be interactive with me ask us when we our prayer will be more of declaration tonight but see that was my mentality and i remember one preacher said when you gonna face reality and i told him my dreams are my reality if i was bold i wouldn't i wouldn't i never i never backed down why because i was at a place karen sheila will i was at a place of being fully persuaded see and so i was not just mimicking somebody man i believed this with all my heart look then it says and thou shalt remember the lord thy god see the power of the is he that give the power to get wealth well wealth must not be something wrong must not be anything wrong with wealth god will give me the power to get it all right look at psalms 5 12 it says and the lord will bless the uncompromisingly righteous uh him who who is upright and right standing with you as with the shield you will surround him with goodwill pleasure and favor so i believe i'm surrounded by faith i'm surrounded by for this favor see we can say some words that really don't really register i'm i believe i am surrounded by people that god has assigned to help me favors the willingness of others to use their power their ability and their influence to help me that's what favor is favor so watch this you need to declare i'm surrounded by people god has a sign to help me come on let's have an empowerment moment right there i am surrounded that's because of psalms 5 and 12 i'm surrounded by people now you may not see them you may not see them right now you may not see them they may not have come to focus right now but you got to believe you are surrounded by people that god has assigned to help you and they are stepping forth to help you in jesus name amen what are we doing now we're cultivating this mentality of success that i'm supposed to win i'm supposed to succeed you know when lady b uses the you know her i always win well a lot of people wear that that's just a good slogan no no no that's not a slogan that is what we believe amen amen all right watch this now here's another passage psalms 1 verse 1. blessed is the man walking out of the council and god not stand for his sins not sinners he's going for his lies and more lord lord and in these laws that he meditate day and night now watch us he's going to be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring him forth in his fruit and this season his leaf also shall not wither now i don't know how people miss this and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper tracy you got that that bible says whatsoever he do whatsoever this man who studies the word this man who meditates in the word and believes this man watch this be like a tree planted by the rivers of water have all the resources that he needs watch this and whatever he does prosper now i took on that i believe whatever i do prosper i've i believe and i've had people say you know look at anything you put your hands to that process supposed to and we said i think you're arrogant no i'm not arrogant i'm just agreeing with the word i just read it out of the bible troy i just read it out the bible joyce it's in the bible and so i believe it i'm supposed to win i'm supposed to succeed i'm supposed to prosper that's the will of god if it's not the end manifestation yet i could be an opposed i got something on that i could be being opposed by the devil or it is in the process of coming to pass so now the last one psalms 112 says bless you the lord blessed is the man that feareth the lord that the light is greater than his commandments all right his seed will be mighty upon the earth generation upright shall be blessed wealth and riches shall be in his house and his righteousness endureth forever wealth and rich is supposed to be in your house now before i tell you when i got that years ago lady bridget and our house was nowhere where it is now and we would walk around and we would talk to our furniture what jesus talked to trees we would tell our fellowship without you out of god's will we have no right being in here wealth and rich is supposed to be his house you are part of a cabor with veneer on top you are not it is not the will of god for you to be here amen we will talk to our virtue we call every plan i call you replaced in jesus name i think that's extreme okay i ain't gonna prying i have no problem with you and no problem with you because we were very extreme when our faith now when we read the bible we see reports it is consistent order of god to prosper covenant people talking about you uh what does god what god does for one in principle he'll do for another otherwise he'd be a respecter person so david rises from shepherd to king he has victory ziglag and nehemiah rises from being a cupboar to being the governor wins a battle i mean he wins over all of the naysayers gideon rises uh from a farmer to an emancipator and a general in the army joseph rises from being sold as a slave to prime minister in uh in in in egypt mary rises um from a woman of low estate to the mother of a movement and all through the bible i love the widow of sucking kings she rises from a person in debt to owning a successful oil company and then pray praise the lord i don't know any of them i know you don't know but i'm talking about listen uh we rose we roll we rose from the little raggedy building to the i mean the building on jensen and then on to where we are today we rose there 37 years later here we are successful amen successful amen glory now so what is the restriction what is it keeping you holding your back that's what i've been trying to get to what is it that holds you back because i'm surprised after all of these years of teaching faith and after all of these years of uh reading seeing it in the bible and more than one scripture how is it that people and really the religious community in some cases just can't get it i just what is it what is it well i believe it's satanic bible says let the lessons the devil get advantage of us because we're not even his devices and that is his device is to work to keep you from believing you are supposed to succeed you're supposed to turn the corner you're supposed to overcome see that's the mentality i have because even when things get tough and tight see a lot of people the only thing they no no you don't get at this level and not have serious battles no serious battles no you don't get this level not have serious battles but we overcome them we overcome them all right watch this so there's this eternal strat external strategy that the devil has is i call it external resistance that's the voice of the critics man the goal i'll tell you again people said they ain't gonna make it they're gonna make it they're gonna make it the voice of the critics uh uh the haters and the persecution persecution came after at us i was at a funeral the other day uh general um from the previous generation passed away a doctor uh s j gilbert mount sinai baptist church gave me an opportunity to preach what i was get but i got a chance to be around many of my peers got it those who said i was not going to make it many of them who persecuted me many of them all right who were critics and hate us got it but now of course you cannot argue with what god has done and the whole point is i never opened my mouth against them you know individually i just obeyed god because the bible says he'll deliver us so number one people quit and they don't think they're successful they can be successful because the voice of the critics second the voice of statistics the voice of statistics has to do with unfavorable odds what's the chances what's the odds of a little raggedy church on jensen road becoming a mega church when initially 277 walked off kevin yeah yeah vivian 277 left 92 percent of the members left in one week it don't look like you're going look like you're going down but you understand we did not look at statistics statistics did not bother our criteria of faith we press forward and so many of you you look at your statistic your condition and because you look at your condition you think success is not possible and he says as a song say the devil is a lie number three is the voice of traditions and the voice of tradition are the denominational naysayers who ignore what scripture says and i'm amazed at that that you people can read the bible and still say that ain't the will of god i've been one preacher telling me when i said the blessing of the lord make it rich and he had no sorrow he said uh and now you ought to be quick y'all quit giving people false hope i say well i didn't write the bible i'm just reading it the bible says the blessing of the lord make it rich and he added no sorrow bible says that so i'm not giving people false hope i'm just reading about he said that ain't for everybody well who is it not for who who is it not for see that's the voice of tradition all right and i had to overcome that in my own mind because i grew up and they told me i wasn't supposed to have but have blessings i was supposed to take a vow of poverty i've looked in my bible from genesis to revelation i don't see that i'm supposed to take a vow of poverty then there's the voice of society and that's those negative and they are i mean i mean they believe everybody else ought to be success ought to be successful but not the preacher oh no not the preacher and who gives them the right to tell me what i ought to be and hope not to be you ain't even a christian i mean you don't even you don't even you don't even say you're a christian you don't even but you think you have the right to tell me what i can and cannot believe for not on your life i won't let you then there's the internal resistance and that's the insecurities that you have yourself and that's really comes from conditioning that is many times as people are trying to live by faith trying to succeed sheila here's what happened they have they have shocking conditional evidence in other words that this belief is that that success is not possible for me why look how far i am behind i understand that then there's no timely manifestation they'll be trying to live in faith and they try but they don't mean you know they have failed attempts they all failed attempts or the failed attempts of others that discourages them from believing they could be successful number three the shallow word foundation and that is they are not grooted or grounded in the word and in all of those passages there in joshua 1 and 8 there in psalms 1 and verses 1-3 it talks about the word of god has to be the center and because they did not get a good foundation in the word the bible says they can't it won't last long that that their attempt that journey won't last long then silas and the critics many people think well they can't take it they want the acceptance from the critics so they will back off that they back off the word back off what they believe for back off of their dream thinking it's going to silence a critic but scaling back does not silence the critics it does not amen and then that's prophetic malpractice whoo what is prophetic malpractice that's when you go and you hear some flakey prophet prophely over you hmm and people don't understand that and that's why you have to keep being rooted and grounded in a great church good church teach the word god because uh it's been so so many tragic things have happened because people heard a prophet say something and they went with it in one situation years ago this lady was prophesied that she was healed of uh she was healed of diabetes and the prophet told her don't take her medicine anymore now that was wrong that was wrong and she hurt him and she did not take a medicine and she died what that's right she died that's prophetic male practice and many times prophets think they got to say something the lord didn't say anything to you not all the prophets i know i tell them this if the lord don't tell you not don't make nothing up just be quiet just be quiet i'm telling you and so you can see prophetic malpractice all around when people are making stuff up amen and of course you know they don't know they they basically won't come around me because i you know you know hey praise the lord all right let's move on because y'all don't get me on that then there's the failure preconceived strategies people back away from success and believing for success because how they thought god was going to work it didn't work out that way but i got to tell you that's why you never put god in a box however god wants to make it happen and let it make it happen and then it's the personal choice well i just don't want to do that i'm okay fine i i concede your right to to go to heaven broke if that's what you want to do i got a problem uh i could you concede your right to go to heaven you know uh uh however you want to go and then there's a shackle of denominational traditions the inability to detach yourself from unbeliefs finally let's look at the resolve for kingdom success you're kingdom believer you have kingdom principles and you got to have the tenacity to go after it that's what i'm called to tonight i'm calling that group to say i want it amen all right so this is this resolve for success is through priorities get this now get the forget the priorities because i talked i taught it in the belief seminar number one i got to have this uh success for a signed projects what when what i mean when god gives me an assignment i gotta have i gotta stay with it that's that's i suppose i use my faith for the kingdom first had one of my uh uh one of my uh uh oh but his long standing member he said you know i've been given the same thing on giving day every for four years you know i'm supposed to use my i didn't i didn't i would i didn't tell him nothing about giving day we were talking about something else he just said the lord has spoken to him and that you know hate this giving day he's supposed to believe for more he said i've been doing that for years he said uh and so i'm supposed to believe for more for the kingdom so we put the king in the first second and for the appropriation uh for appropriation uh promises in other words i appropriate the promises uh i release my faith i want to have success in getting healed success in having peace success in my marriage and success in my career i want i want to appropriate the promises that he gave me and then finally uh for the uh what i call the aspirations and aspiration pleasures and that is the things that i dream of that i want just i just want to have them why because god said i could ask for it now i know i know that a lot of folk don't like that but you cannot argue with the bible and that's what i'm saying all people say i don't believe but you can't talk with the bible he says ask what you will that's what he said i mean john it says you've not chosen me but i've chosen you you go and bring forth fruit so that whenever you ask the father in my name he'll do it what got it they like thyself also in the lord he'll give you the desires of your heart that's bible and i tell everybody don't get upset with me because i'm willing to ask god for stuff hallelujah i'm believing i'm willing to believe god for for for things how are you none of those things okay you can leave it on the table if you want to but the bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you amen so my resolve is to succeed through purpose that i understand purpose of my success is so i can advance the kingdom of god appropriate the promises of god watch this and also the aspirations and pleasures that i'll have job 36 11 says obeying serving you spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure i'm supposed to have or have i convinced you tonight have i convinced you tonight only when fulfillment is a part of a success a paradigm is it truly is it truly success and that so that's the whole point is i'm supposed to succeed so i can be a blessing to others i'm supposed to succeed to be a blessing to others so this result resolved to succeed is through principles i overcome through principles i overcome my resolve is a spiritual discipline strength of mind to obey through delays and hardships and adversity without wavering in faith until promise manifests in other words you gotta want it you gotta you gotta be so willing that you're gonna you're not gonna stop you're not gonna quit you gotta want it somebody put in there you got to want it and then put some exclamation parts behind points behind all right watch this see this resolve understands that this is not get rich quick this is not cadillac gospel look what he says for mark chapter four and we're going to pray and he said so is the kingdom of god as if a man cast seed into the ground so he says now this is how the kingdom operates christie remember we kingdom prince we're kingdom people so this is how the kingdom operates but you need to share this with somebody this is how the kingdom operates as if a man cast seed into the ground watch this and should sleep and rise night and day the seed should spring grew up in north not how so he says listen when i'm starting out in faith i don't know how good god don't cause me to succeed but that's all right and then he talks about the progression for the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself the earth earth representing the spirit of man because these are spiritual principles when i choose the tissue to operate in faith i am tapping into kingdom dynamics i set in the motion kingdom dynamics to bring it to pass i don't know how god's going to do it i don't put god in a box but i know at the end i'm coming out on top first the blade then the ear after that the full coin in ear that means this thing is going to be progressing so kingdom principles are they give you incredible results somebody put that down incredible results and watch this indiscriminate results what he does for one he'll do for another and then watch this incremental results that is going to come progressively amen and then our resolve is through our pathways i'm going to teach my pastors this on tomorrow we're gonna go a little deeper into this hey ladies i love you girl watch this remember oh in joshua chapter 1 verse 8. he says and you'll make your way prosperous your pathway so it means you can prosper on your pathway your pathway may not be my pathway but whatever your pathway is you can prosper in that pathway and then my resolve is succeed through prayer wow and in that day you'll ask me nothing very available but whatsoever he asked the father in my name he'll give it you that's petition prayer this is the confidence we have in him we ask anything according to his will he heareth us and if we know we hear us whatsoever we ask we know we have the petitions we desired of him it's prayer time children i got to pray according to this will i got gotta pray in the name of jesus come on can you put it up there i gotta pray according to his will i gotta pray watch this in the name in the name of jesus i gotta pray in faith believing what if whatsoever you ask in prayer believing all right and i got to pray without shame or intimidation i love that jesus prayer j-ban says oh the tower would have blessed me indeed i love that no shame no shame see when you believe you have a right to it then there's no shame there's no intimidation i used to talk to my little rag in the car see this thing i talked to my car i had a regular car my god and i talked to my car and i tell my car you are not god's best for me no you're not god's best for me i'll call you replace but until you replace you will get me where i'm going and back without problems see i said i'm bo i was bold i'm bold telling people about my success and they said that boy is successful you see a little raggedy church he's at but you see i wasn't intimidated so i did all of this teaching tonight to get you beyond intimidation beyond shame about asking god to cause you to prosper to cause you to succeed to cause you to have more than enough and be at that place of wealth and riches i i hope i've done a good job i've done it with the word i've given the holy ghost something to work with it's time to pray but we're gonna be praying according to the will of god and he says now with everything that we pray we do so with the thanksgiving so our prayer will follow that model it says be careful for nothing in philippians chapter four but with in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god that passes all understanding oh my god will keep your hearts and minds through jesus christ so we're gonna be praying boldly i want you to be bold i'm going to ask you for some bold things and comments yeah bold things yes i said that's what we're going to do we're believing for bold things all right so father in the name of jesus we come to you and we do thank you for the privilege of prayer and you said that we would come we should come and when we come holy is your name we should honor your name your name is your character and so father we thank you that you're a god who cannot lie and we have your word and we thank you father you're our shepherd and you told us that as our shepherd we should not want and so father you are all knowing you're all powerful holy is your name and we thank you father that we can enter into the presence of prayer through your name and you said that we should make our request come on y'all y'all know how we pray now y'all know this is not this is not spectator time this is not spectator time i need y'all to be in agreement with me as we're praying now because first thing we're going to be praying for wisdom for seeking promotion wisdom for seeking promotion to rise from a stagnant place who is that need to rise from a stagnant place i need you to say i'm claiming this one i'm claiming this when i good to yours come on i'm claiming this and i agree i need wisdom lord how do i need to get promoted what steps do i need to take in the name of jesus father as we're in faith we believe for a plan of action and i thank you father you are giving strategies tonight and wisdom tonight for promotions and success lord we thank you for wisdom create and to create extra income yes indeed lord as that widow came to the prophet and asked the prophet to help her get out of debt i come loud to lord tonight in the name of jesus agreeing for extra income who needs extra income come on let me agree with you come on put it there on the chat extra income extra income i'm claiming this amen extra income come on extra income extra income thank you father extra income for the kingdom and extra income for me and so father i thank you boldly father and that is not my portion don't don't know life is not my portion in the name of jesus hallelujah no no no no life is not my portion it's the will of god for me to have more than enough and so father i want to thank you for increased income amen so i declare in jesus name more money in my hands than i've had in a long long time more money in my hands than i've had in a long long time who can declare that more money in my hands than i've had in a long long time lord thank you for money for my schooling and money to get out of debt and money father just to have replaced my reserves and money just so far wealth and riches can be in my house who's bold enough to who's who's bold enough barbara i see you out there amen amen karen i see you marlene i see you latanya i see you amen amen tiffany i see you in jesus name tracy i see you more money and i see i expected i believe it i'm expecting him listen i don't know how it's going to come but the kingdom principle see i don't have to know i got to believe it i got to declare it hey i've done that and i'm expecting i am expected in jesus name lord now i thank you for wisdom for solving problems so that i can get promoted solving problems so i can get promoted amen lord i thank you that he who solves problems gets paid and i thank you father in jesus name just as just as joseph was a problem solver and got paid and nehemiah was a problem solver and got paid i thank you father in jesus name like the widow was a problem solver and got paid i'm thank you lord that when problems arise in jesus name i thank you that i'll have the solution amen and wealth transfer will take place because they will come to my wisdom in jesus name amen who's claiming that problem solving grace in jesus name thank you lord a glory to god amen and amen lord and thank you for family success devil you have no right to cause confusion in my family our family will succeed and we will work together in unity and when we work together in unity nothing will be restrained that we imagine to do and i'm claiming family unity who's going to have that who's going for family unity tonight family unity god thank you for family unity in jesus name all right i see d all right i see a ar terror i see all right i see terry yeah terry king i see you amen in jesus name lord i thank you for success in every area of my life everything i put my hands to prosper everything i put my hands to prosper who can put that in there everything i put my hands to prosper everything i put come on sandra everything i put my hands to succeed come on regina everything i put my i believe it i believe that's what's supposed to happen you just keep rising up and going to bed when they used to persecute me and here just a dreamer here i said just keep going to bed and just keep cutting getting up and you just keep watching god working my life everything i do prosper who's going who's going to claim that with me tonight everything oh i see somebody got that somebody's being specific i saw somebody being specific then i seen somebody saying a new house a new home or i missed it everything i do prosper come on let's be suspicious let's be specific now what we want god to do for us come on and i'm setting myself in agreement with you i'm setting myself everything i put my hands to prosper as arthur and that's bernal and that's sheila everything i put my hands to prosper in jesus name my family prospers my home prospers amen glory to god i'm prospering on my job i'm proud you just saying that's that's what you think but what you don't understand i'm a speaking spirit and as a speaking spirit i call things that be not as though the world and they come to pass glory be to god everything thank you andre i see you got that thing everything i put my hands to prosper i succeed and and and i i succeed in amazing ways amen to amen i succeed in amazing ways to the glory of god i succeed in amazing ways to the glory of god somebody said ten thousand square feet one more raymond ramon i agree with you ten thousand square foot for a live church i agree with you successful podcast in jesus name i agree with you my body sculpture and business will prosper kiwana i agree with you in jesus name come on give me some more give me some more here amen it's flooding now it's flooded i can't call him up anthony i agree with you lola i agree with you hallelujah amen and amen hallelujah amen i succeeded in amazing ways to glory yes that's it that's it hallelujah amen nine warehouses for kiana oh all right amen hallelujah where that what is it whether that you want god to do amen that's the exceeding abundant above what is it that you want god to do come on let's put it in the comment section amen what is it you want i already declared now i'm believing to triple my net in my net worth in five years in the next five years i'm in believe i'm in i'm in faith to triple my net worth now not so i can just have it for myself so i can be a greater blessing that's it my goal is one day to be able to walk into a church and write a check for who one million dollars glory to god amen amen amen all right [Music] what is it you want god to do amen prosperous business in three years help my children pay bills amen and i need a car uh under grace uh yeah i need a car hey man i've been there i've been there i need a car arthur yes oh i needed i mean i needed a car too i'm telling you what i did i believed god that's what i did i used my faith i got pictures of gods i told god what i needed i believed i received it and i watched god work my investment business will prosper i do agree with you in jesus name amen increasing my business i agree with you in jesus name byron everything i do prosper whatever my hand touch prosper you got to say it you got to believe it my children to quit acting brand new hey vaughn i don't know what all that means but girl i know you know that word amen triple my net worth in the kingdom in jesus name all right all right that's dollar she's pretty she's believing like i'm believing amen all right my youth foundation i'm claiming it i pay off pay my call fifteen thousand dollars in jesus debt freedom i'm agreeing with you i agree with you i can agree with you because i want it for you as bad as you want it for yourself in jesus name for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen and amen hallelujah now what i plan to do is i plan to go back and look at this so i can agree with all of you if i didn't call you or not out now i'll call it out later in jesus name but i'm believing everybody who are bold enough to have a jabez moment with me and declare god's blessing over their lives we'll see manifestation and the bible says and god granted him what he requested and i'm believing that we have set in motion kingdom dynamics to bring it to pass in jesus name hallelujah well i prayed and took a little bit more than my time i had allotted for it but hey listen i believe if you have this mentality of success and that if you declare it and believe it you begin to see manifestations i believe these next four months are going to be dynamic months i really do i believe these next four months are going to be most dynamic amen and amen i'm looking at the list it's still going they're still going well it's offering time y'all ready to give hey i know you're on a gift tonight amen with this revelation i know you want to sow a seed tonight and i don't know what you want to name your seed tonight i guess you can call it a succeed but whatever you want to call it it's time to give amen we know when we give we're sitting in motion the kingdom principles of favor abounding toward us the bible says that when we give god loves a cheer for giving and god is able to make all grace abound toward us taught my business towards my family all grace so that i'll always have sufficiency in all things so that i may abound to every good work remember one of my resolve is the resolve of believing for success through principles and this is a powerful principle and so tonight let's do what we do those of you who may be watching for the first time and you never had an opportunity to sow into the ministry hey it's good time to do so all right there it is on the bottom of the screen so in the new light church so directly into my life if you desire to do that or listen there are other ways that you can give they'll put those ways on the screen you can give online you can give text new light 271441 you can use giblify you can use in fellowship members and then uh by new light members or you can use paypal or if you desire you can use zell or you can drop it in the mail or you can drop it by the office but listen let's name our seed i want to see how you gonna name your seed tonight name your seed and uh and then get back online uh but so so you see name you see get back online i'm planning a jab seed i i'll hear your sheila yes my family uh is healed i agree with you kiwana in jesus name a wisdom and increased seed s seed sown tell you to name that seed i want to know how you gonna name your seed amen one 000 families to partner with the tpc amen all right we agree in jesus name all right yeah yes indeed i'll renovate my home and and pay it off in jesus name i'm telling you got to get bold come on now you have not because you asked not and the bible says when you ask you ask a miss well we're not asking a miss tonight because we believe it's our right to be successful okay what nobody say i don't care what i hate to say i don't care what nobody say i am supposed to be happy i'm supposed to be prosperous i'm supposed to be successful why because the bible says so hey j bass seeds manifestation seed wisdom and success seedless ladies says come on let's show our see how much you're gonna sow y'all know how much this soap you're gonna listen listen if i were you tonight listen if i were you tonight i would not miss this opportunity and listen if you're saying well you know some of y'all know y'all gonna show you 100 i know some of y'all going so bored and that y'all do it all the time y'all do it every week i applaud you but listen if you've never sown at all and you're thinking ah i really want some listen we don't was on the other night and boy bishop mckissick talked about that see that isaac seed and that 22 seed saying i'm getting back in faith uh for my for what uh that that uh for for what i believe god promised and so if you don't do anything tonight won't you so that i want to just sow that amen now if that's that's not this that don't mean you back off some of y'all my 52 people 52 seat in my ministry is what god told me he was going to bless and he does that so let's that's somebody else jabez seed i'm watching you i'm watching you name your seed sow your seed let's get back on now we don't buy blessings from the lord now know that but bless so and puts me in a position to be blessed of the lord i i sow because it's expected when the bible says we gather it says we ought to bring an offering and this is a gathering yes listen this is a gathering secondly i so why because the bible teaches me that it's an expression of my lordship i so because he asked me to i so because i expressed my lordship yes i so because it attacks my lack who needs to attack some lack tonight who needs to attack some lack tonight and so i so also become not attacking my lack because when i give it's going to come back to me good measure press down shake it together run over men's going to get in my business and then i saw hey doug see you buddy well uh i thought i saw paul out there too paul did i see you and that then when i saw also it's an expression of of my love amen i i show my love so my success seed amen it's my cheerful giver seed everything i do prosper seed amen my breakthrough for my 15 year old granddaughter favor for financial increase yes i see you katrina i got it i got it i agree with you i attacked my lack see dorothy i saw doris i attacked my left seat i'm seeing you yes yes he said well you looking at the side that's got a bigger screen here on the side that i can look at so when i'm not looking straight at you i'm looking at my screen where i can see it everything yeah paul i thought i saw you amen who's going to show tonight who's going to sow tonight and listen listen i i want you to set your faith if you can't i'm just going to be hard for me to sacrifice sacrifice that 22 seed said i'm back in faith i'm back believing god amen and amen and amen obeying god's seed uh see pay off my car amen no more black seed amen i saw yes indeed amen amen yes i'm watching you give well why do you think giving is so important that's what god taught me seriously i've always i'm always asked why am i so passionate about the giving moment because that's part of it that's part of the principles for success i'm here putting my regular building back up that dollar and then we're gonna wrap it up but i'm here in this little raggedy building and god asked me for a specific seed i had never heard about i had never heard about i had sewing and reaping and all that god taught me that right here and he's taught me that and he asked me to see god asked me back then was for ten thousand dollars true wow and he showed me how to get to 10 or so and i did and and watch this favor broke over my life favor came on my life and lady b and i start prospering right there so i i'm a living witness to tell you if you'll obey god and do it his way and giving is part of it you will watch god start things will start breaking in your life things will begin to happen he he makes them happen favor he raises up people to use their power and their ability and their influence to help you i would rob you if i did not give you an opportunity to give amen and amen thank you so much for tonight i definitely enjoyed our meeting tonight i would not cancel it because of the holidays i don't think we take off i tell you i thought that we take the time off like that for the holiday i i'm old school i'm up i think we just keep pressing somebody say it's a debt-free seed i make the difference seed amen i'll elect that i'll show the night amen all right these digs i show that yes amen yeah praise the lord amen amen find something to sow baby find something to sow amen amen find something to sow i don't care what it is because it's a sacrifice to you everybody's got something everybody's got something and please and as you download taking responsibility for success the azure download that's free that i'm giving to you and uh whether you uh sow anything or not i want to give that to you put that in your hand and i want you to listen to it because it's going to build your faith many of the things i said tonight are included in that but all of this is to build your faith up in jesus name now you keep seeing me put the believe and believing series up there and that's because that's the series that i taught during the revolutionary faith summit and if you did not get those teachings you need to go back and get those teachings and i call it i call it i call uh that type of teaching the millionaire maker because i've seen a group of guys young men take it and listen to the believing how to believe big and how and watch it in their path in that way thy way prosperous and obama work on that god's got your way that god has assigned to you will be a way of prosperity if you will work it you see so god is not asking me to change the way he gave me he gave me and this is what i i understood way back then i'm gonna let you go out y'all know i talk too much sometimes but god gave me that i'm supposed to prosper being a pr a pastor man of god a man of god i'm supposed to prosper in ministry that's what he told me that's what i'm supposed to i'm post a prosperous ministry i remember in the early days i tried to do a little bit man he said no no this is what i told you to do now will you believe me for what i told you i said okay god i will and i started watching it happen and i'm saying the way you're going the way that god has instructed you passionately put on your heart can be a prosperous passion pathway for your blessing father we want to thank you you're the kingdom you're the glory forever and ever and i set myself in full agreement with every petition that has been offered up in jesus name now god amazed us with the manifestations in jesus name amen and amen good night y'all i got to go i got to go on over my time uh but i i trust that you have been blessed tonight all right all right got to go got to go sow your seed and watch god work amen
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 344
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: HLD7mdLL5Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 1sec (4261 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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