Living Beyond the Intimidation of Shame #3

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well hello this is apostle i trust all is well my my my times have changed and everyone has to make adjustments to be successful it's happening in every area uh it's happening in business in education and industry everyone is retooling to remain on the cutting edge now we the church we must not be left behind and therefore we must retrieve for revival and to flourish in the coming days for the past 25 years i've hosted 25 years i'm hosting the strategies conference in houston equipping and empowering people in uh for ministry to be excellent and to be effective this year the strategist conference october the 18th through the 21st will be a hybrid experience people both in person and in the virtual audience pastors evangelists and other firefold ministry leaders will be here and i want you to come let me show you how to improve your staff to help you accomplish more i'll be covering topics like retooling your staff and your workers retooling evangelism strategies for expansion retooling financial strategies for increase retooling church for revival retooling social media for greater impact and much more i've made the registration most affordable uh for you and your staff now you have a choice you can either be here and experience it in person and that's going to be that's going to be epic or you can be in the virtual audience there will be both day and night events which will be on demand online as well all registered so you can view them at your convenience but you've got to be registered go to for early registration and more information registration has begun i'm saving a seat for you go to it's time to retool ministry for revival meet me and lady b in this hybrid 2021 strategist conference it will be an experience like none other [Music] through faith we build our lives [Music] [Applause] well this is the day the lord's made i'll rejoice and be glad in it thank you for joining our program today listen we have a powerful message of faith that i know is going to bless your life and to all of you listen who say yes i need more and i want more well we have more prepared for you i want you to subscribe to my my youtube channel i'm working on building it it's going to be great we'll be launching it soon but and we have information and we have sermons out there already but i have a launch date plan that's going to really be exceptional now those of you men who want to be a part of my course that i'm teaching on men at work man-to-man that course is started now and you'll be able to go out to uh our website and you'll be able to go there and get the book of course i've got the book men at work and i'm teaching it every second and fourth uh sunday evening follow us along there's a certificate that you're going to get at the end of it it's going to be great i'm showing men how to be men how to be men of god amen and amen of course the announcer will come and give you some information on other products that we have and that's how you need to invest in those products it'll bless you now those of you who say listen i want that i want to be a part of your partner base so i can receive those faith-building letters well they'll put that on the screen as well and when you have a faith you have a faith fight you're in i'd like to know you have a prayer request i'd like to know and so when you uh follow through and you you make the call you'll get my voice i'll tell you how to leave your faith uh a request there i'll pray for you i'll send you my faith building letters and many people say they arrive right on time all right let's get into the lesson for today and then we'll be right back after this life is a journey and in life there is no easier way to get to your destination than with a road map call 1-800-926-6526 to request your road map to victory by bishop hilder this road map has detailed instructions on moving from where you are to where god wants you to be call now 1-800-926-6526 with your most urgent prayer request or fate situation and request your road map to victory and be on your way today shame living under the shadow of shame now the bible teaches us that go to psalms 31 now those of you who may not have bibles we always try to put the uh the scripture lessons up on the screen because uh you know we may be sitting on the road with a person who got a bomb they can find it real fast we don't want you to be intimidated because they didn't come here like that many people came here now you know we didn't even have a bible but over a period of time they've learned how to become very proficient in finding the scripture so we don't want you to be intimidated that's why we'll put it on the screen hopefully of course you can go back and listen to it a second time when we re-air it online and then of course get your bible and then study with us and as you as at in time you will become very proficient as well amen we're at bible teaching church we believe that you ought to come to church and have more than an emotional experience but you ought to come and learn how to improve the quality of your life and that is my assignment as a teacher i want to open your understanding and when you leave here today you're going to leave here equipped to live an exceptional life need a better amen than that all right all right all right now now now watch this watch this so when we talk about this whole shame thing shame is this intensifying demoralizing emotional pain caused by a consciousness of guilt dishonor defeat and failure and shortcoming and all of us have done some things that we are shame of everybody amen everybody everybody all right now what the devil likes to do is take those shame moments he catalogs them and then he wants to really keep you keep you focused on those things that shamed you so that you can experience this pain over and over again and the end result of it you become ashamed now becoming ashamed mean i have accepted the state of shame and i now devalue who i am i allow that to define who i am and then it really messes up my life i cannot live a life of confidence because i become ashamed and so the scripture teaches over and over again that the believer should not be ashamed yes we've done some things we're unhappy about yes we've done some things that you know we wish if we hadn't done people have done things to us that they had no right to do but the devil will take that and use that against you to sour your life right now but not anymore everybody say not anymore because we will see that jesus took shame to the cross the pain of past mistakes he took to the cross shed his blood paid the price for it now so as a result now shame has no claim on me amen amen amen i'm not going to let the devil define me by something that happened in my past are you there in psalms now psalms 31 and verse 1. watch this psalm 31 and verse 1 because if i say shame cannot shadow me anymore all right we're going to leave you only with that victory verse 1 says in thee o lord do i put my trust now remember the scripture we just read it says those who believe on him shall not be ashamed watch this in the o lord do i put my trust let me never be ashamed deliver me in thy what in thy righteousness all right so i'm delivered from shame not by something that i have done but by something that he did for me amen something he has done for me amen now so when we talk about shame what does it mean to be ashamed to be ashamed means i carry this painful memory of uh a shame episode uh that torments me tears me down stigmatizes me causes me to have toxic thoughts about myself i devalue myself i'm even depressed and causes me watch this to to have shame based thinking if i say shame-based thinking yeah shame-based thinking is now my life is altered by something that happened in the past and since i don't want to experience that again it's going to cause me to make certain decisions that i would not have made if shame had not been shadowing me i'm preaching better than you saying amen in ephesians chapter 6 and verse 16 it talks about the fiery darts of the wicked the fiery darts has to do with thoughts that the devil will flood your mind with see most believers don't know when they are under spiritual attack you are not under spiritual attack when the devil shows up with a in a red suit horns and pitchfork he never shows up that way but he shows up in the arena of your mind shows up with thoughts that invade your mind to tell you you must not be as good as why did this happen to you we talked about being shamed based on abuse somebody may have raped you somebody may have abused you and you're carrying that around thinking that you're not valuable anymore your value does not change based on what folk do to you somebody need to say man on that your value does not change based on what folk have done to you you are still valuable to the kingdom of god i think one women's conference uh that uh uh pastor tina uh took uh took uh i think was a hundred dollar bill and she took that hundred dollar bill and she balled it up and then she she put mud all on it and uh and i mean she just did everything she could to it and uh then she asked who wanted it everybody still wanted it because though it had been through all of that it was still worth a hundred dollars so no matter what has happened to you no matter what anybody has i'm talking to somebody this morning no matter what has happened to you or what folk have done to you your value with god has not changed that shouting that's shouting stuff right there now what i mean let's see if we can't get real on that you know you've gone through a divorce now and because of that divorce you're carrying shame you understand because uh you know why'd you everybody else all yours friends married now now why you why your marriage didn't work that's how the devil talks that's the fiery dart everybody said that's the fiery dart yeah yeah uh you got pregnant out of wedlock folk can count when you tell them how old your children are and the devil tell you everybody's counting everybody ain't count some folk don't even care but you're carrying a shame are y'all listening to me yeah yeah yeah you know you've been to one of them hospitals am i too real i mean you know one of them hospitals where they have to deal with you your head you've been in therapy well some folks needed to go they just didn't but you carried are y'all listening to me you lost your job all your other friends are working but you got fired you got laid off and the devil is telling you it must be something wrong with you your car got repossessed now everybody asks you where's your car wait so so what you withdraw you don't want to be around anybody who knows about you because you don't want to feel the pain of shame amen amen amen yeah yes indeed you filed bankruptcy and they put it in the paper and then somebody call you is this your name oh glory amen amen your children are acting a fool right now i don't know are you the one been confessing my kids all the you know disciples are the lord you know so you've been doing all that confession and now now your children out there running crazy understand but now you carrying the shame amen all right hey glory can i get a little can i go a little deeper you've been trying to lose weight and can't do it [Applause] [Music] and some of y'all shame that you're black [Applause] that you got you can watch people try to hold their lip in let that lip out god made that lip [Applause] man i need to picture up my old little rag of the church everybody i said there go again there you go again there you go again that's my level and that's why god taught me a whole lot of things i'm teaching today it was in that place let's go on the inside so they can see what it looked like on the inside yes indeed because that was my inside i couldn't get 50 folk to come but i was in that state go back to the front of the building i was in that state and i was shamed i was shamed because i had been the pastor of a big brick church and a lot of people and now i can't get 50 people come to church my friends are laughing at me everybody i felt was against me jesus i know what it's like to carry the shadow of shame my car had been repossessed now folks asking me where you call i won't talk about it so i stayed away from people i know what it's like see i'm trying to tell you i know what it's like and so the devil's got a catalog of all your shame episodes so he brought up that i was a divorcee and now god wasn't going to use me because of my past but watch this watch this you're not blessed because of your righteousness hey but you're blessed because of his righteousness all right now let's go to that third picture go to that third picture because i want to show you something see see all that now a third picture shows you all of the uh well not all of but several of the buildings that we were able to build see this was my destiny that the devil was trying to steal from me when i was in that shame state and see i believe that there are things on the inside of you that cannot be released until you get beyond shame hallelujah amen all right now i'll go to first john chapter 3 first john chapter three because my little simple lesson today is the lesson that god taught me in the little building because god comes to me one day and i was in that state because i'd gone through a church fight i won the fight but then the next sunday i got up and clowned and acted fool i preached the sermon you met your match yeah i i i did embarrass folk and that sort of thing i got to my study and god said now what was that and i knew i was in trouble i didn't know it was gonna fire me that day but he said uh you know i said well lord i'm just trying to set the house and not he said no they were wrong for what they did to you but they steal my people and you had no right to do that now you get your stuff at leave and i went what you fired me because of one thing i did and you let them do all the stuff they did to me i went to jail on sunday morning for trespassing in my own church these folks were wicked i mean they had bullies to come in the church to try to terrorize the people it was amazing i found out how much god loves people oh you didn't hear me i found out how much god loves his people and i gotta tell you if you ever hear i mistreated somebody they lied god taught me that years ago i don't mistreat god's folk cause i know how much he loves him amen he fired me once and he'll ain't gonna never let him fight me again over that thing hallelujah all right now watch this but god taught me some things because what the devil will do is he will cause you to condemn yourself all right now are you in first john amen all right first of all what i tell you chapter 1 chapter 3 look at verse 21 all right first john chapter 3 and verse 21 it says beloved if our heart condemn us not then we have confidence toward god so my confidence door toward god is predicated on my heart not condemning me but if my heart condemns me i can't have confidence toward god so what the devil the trick he tries to work is to get you to devalue yourself based on the stuff you have dabbled with all right everybody say dabble dab yeah yeah the stuff you dabble with you know because coming up you experience stuff and you dabble and stuff but what you have dabbled with does not define you hallelujah amen now let's talk about this because it's a real pain it's a real pain this whole thing by shame is real pain because what it does is it creates a barrier it's to keep you from where god wants you to go and so it alters your demeanor when a person is under the shame attack what happens is they withdraw you know they're not happy they're unfriendly and many times they are prideful because they're trying to protect themselves uh it alters your decisions there's certain decisions that you won't be able to make because you're trying to protect yourself that i'll never be brought to shame again are you listening to me yeah it's all it it really affects you in your next relationship you go to another relationship you remember what the other person did you remember how shame you was some people i'm not ever getting married again why because you're carrying the pain of that old shame but today you're gonna get free amen amen some of you cannot give your all to the new employer that you're working for why because the other employer did not treat you right and you're carrying the shadow of that shame you have become ashamed amen amen all right and it's hard to believe that god it's it alters not only your demeanor your decisions but your destiny it's hard for you to believe that god can bless you god can use you god can raise you up god can do anything significant with you because you're not as good as amen it alters your defenses how you become overly defensive it's easy for folk to step on your toes it's easier for you to become offended because you think folk got it in for you or because of the pain of your past amen amen everybody said good news good news go to psalms 119 because we got some good news and the good news is for the devil to keep you ashamed for the devil to keep rehearsing that pain he has to have your participation oh yes yes everybody said we're not going to help him after the day yeah no no no we're not going to help the devil after the day and boy you about to go to a whole nother level yes verse 46 says i will speak of thy testimonies before kings and will not be ashamed everybody say will not everybody say stay with him stay with us then yeah yeah we'll not so to be ashamed is a matter of my will so if it's a matter of my will i can reverse it see if it was a matter of somebody else then i'd be at that mercy but this whole thing about you living beyond a shame moment is up to you it's totally up to you but nobody told you everybody say the difference between ministry and therapy is therapy relieves you ministry delivers you and and this will be a day of y'all got that right deliverance say amen amen amen all right amen all right now uh uh so it's a matter of my will so what god taught me back then was that my worth and value how's the person that said you got to get this got to get this that my worth and value was not based on my pedigree i had a lot of friends who had fathers who were preachers brothers who was preachers you know my great-grandfather was a preacher but nobody knew about it you got it my performance it was not based on how well i could do anything my worth and value was not based on my position because now i'm in a little raggedy building put my big one up there one more time here my 5x5 closet office folk passing about laughing at me but the lord tell me my value had nothing to do with the size church i got it it has nothing to do with my possessions i lost so much amen house was in foreclosure at that time ah glory but it had to do with the price that was paid watch this only the maker of a thing has the right to determine everything about the thing made so god made me so he has the right to state how i am valued and i'm valued based on the price paid for me and the price paid for me was the blood of jesus and that's the price paid for everybody else so that means we're all on the same level my my my times have changed and everyone has to make adjustments to be successful it's happening in every area in business and education and industry everyone is retooling to remain on the cutting edge now we the church must not be left behind and must retool for revival and to flourish in the coming days now for the past 25 years i've hosted the strategies conference in houston equipping and empowering people in ministry to be excellent and effective now this year the strategist conference october 18th 21st will be a hybrid experience with people both in person and in the virtual audience now the three powerful days of retooling for revival with workshops and times of intense ministry and uh dialogue interaction music spiritual motivation that would be like nobody now i sincerely believe that god has a retooling faith strategy for your ministry that will enhance your staff and your church calls it to have greater productivity now i've made the registration costs most affordable and you and your staff have a choice to either be here in houston and experience it in person or be in the virtual audience now go to strategy on the screen for early registration and more information registration has begun i'm saving a seat for you go to and i want you to be with us it's time to retool for about what we want to break in and you have a good time to break in and listen you'll be able to go out of course and hear the whole lesson but i want to i want to really encourage you to connect with me i want you to pick up the phone and make the call and when you make the calls up i want those faith building letters i mean it's like me talking with you i take i take time to write those letters out and they arrive right on time there's a faith exercise there that stimulates your faith listen i don't want you to miss out amen now so when you see them asking for prayer requests or your faith fight that's how you become a part of it i want you to pick up the phone and make the call now if you want a lot of our books and other things that we have you can narrow this on the screen ask the screen yeah bk i hvh and you'll be able to see the teachings that i have as well as those uh that my wife have done i have something that i want you to take advantage of and it's called hilliard faith university and we have a summer summer launch that we're going to do those lessons i have taught before and those i mean those sessions that we've had had tremendous enrollment we want you to enroll for this summer there is the leadership course that's powerful pastors are raving about it and then there is the sermon preparation and presentation course it's amazing i'll help you be a better communicator and then i'm working on the third course conflict resolution all right go to our website and you'll get more information on it and uh i've got to tell you it's going to be hey let's get back to the lesson i'll come with closing comments uh at the close so here i'm in this building and then god comes to me and uh go to hebrews chapter 9 and verse 14 and he comes to me and he visits me and i've been able to hear the voice of god all my life since i was a little kid as i started preaching at nine years old i got called to preach at nine years old i heard the voice of god and so god talks to me now i'm in a real bad state there sometimes i'm even suicidal i want to end it all because i'm shame and shame will do that to you you want to withdraw you want to take flight everybody say take flight yeah i was talking to a person and they were saying listen i'm going to leave town and you know just because there's some things they had been through and he was going to try to go to and i said i remember i wanted to go do that i wanted to go and live in idabel oklahoma anybody know what ibelle is i got only a few people anybody know why the audible folk who know why the bell oklahoma here look at all out all the thousand people here ain't gonna have that's where i was going because i knew most folk didn't know i had had a great uncle who was there in ida bell and i was gonna go to iba i was taking flight i was running i wanted to run and that's what people do when they're feeling shame they want to run when your marriage ain't working you want to run amen when there's pressure on the job want to run hallelujah but you got to remember and that's what i told a person you take you with you so running is not the answer everybody say running this is not the answer yeah because i've had i gone out of bed i'm taking me to out of bed i'm taking all my hang-ups out of the bail and the devil would fix it while somebody in idabel was gonna know me amen but now here's what god taught me here's what god taught me are you in hebrews chapter 9 all right hebrews chapter 9 verse 14. and this is the power this is why you hear believers talking about the blood all right this is what he taught me right here in verse verse 14 how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god he died on the cross all for himself purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living god he says now watch this it's the power of the blood of jesus hunts the person next thing he don't have long he don't have lung now it's the power of the blood of jesus that has the power to cleanse the emotional pain you have now and i i hear some glory in here i hear some some amen's in here because listen this is this is i mean it was the key because listen i remember because you know when they put me in jail uh that's sunday for trespassing i don't know i'm gonna be a trespasser at my own church because my name on the sign my name on all the buses my name is even on program to preach that day but they had a security guard arrest me i won in court you understand but he arrest me for trespassing but i remember when i was in jail at this at the uh a substation there on uh on shepherd north shepherd and i was looking out the bars where the deacons had come and they were raising their hands swearing against me i could close my eyes and i could still see it day after day after day and i feel the pain of it i hated them wanted them all to die i wanted their children to die okay go on judgement go on jail not gonna tell you where i was you understand i'm messed up i'm seriously messed up god says son i can't use you with your heart like it is then he said he taught me how to forgive he says you got to forgive him i said lord it ain't about the forgiveness it's about the pain every time i remember it i heard all over again then that's when he said you must apply the blood jesus uh okay now what does that mean what does that mean apply the blood now watch this he says now you gotta say out of your mouth god thank you for the blood that cleanses my mind cleanses my heart takes away the pain [Applause] when you're doing this you're doing this everybody's like this is supernatural yeah this is the supernatural breakthrough and the manifestation that you will experience is that you have to say it everybody say you got to say it you got to see it it's one thing to shout about the blood but it's another thing to apply so i began to say that every day see it was radical it was a radical thing because it was very radical everybody say radical radical it was i never heard anything like this i didn't grow up in the church that taught me about this so it's a radical thing that i'm saying something out of my mouth i don't know the principles that many of you know that death and life is in the power of tongue i have no idea of that but god has given me a regiment before he gives me revelation thank you jesus so i'm saying every day oh thank you for the blood i think we need to have a moment right now but we just thank him for the blood if i say cleanse this my mind takes away the pain in jesus name amen amen give the lord a shout won't you hallelujah hey glory glory glory glory thank you lord and so daily i would do it go to my little office there and daily i thank him for the blood daily i'm thanking him for the see it's not magic so it don't work just boom you got to keep doing it the scripture says you have what you saith not what you just say one time but what you continue to do and it's like scrubbing something you know you got a pot that's got some got some got some old stuff on it you just can't you just can't take you know a little light rag and wipe it off some things you got to scrub so every day when i'm saying it there's a scrubbing going on on there amen amen amen all right now watch this go in your bibles now to first thessalonians chapter two first thessalonians chapter two this supernatural manifestation the manifestation of supernatural breakthrough is based on embracing this revelation on the power of the tongue the power of the tongue one thing to know it it's another thing to do it and after i kept doing it and kept doing it and kept doing it then one day i never forget i saw one of those people in the store and i walked up to it and i stopped talking to him asking how's his family and that sort of thing and really you know because you know they were kind of and he was kind of like you know didn't know how i was going i was going to respond i was going but i'm talking to him you know i put my hand on his shoulder man how's things going with you you know and then when i walked away i said ah i don't hate him no more i mean it was like oh that's the dude you used to hate that's the dude that led the fight that's the dude that took you to do that's the guy who took you to court but it was gone [Music] it was gone the pain was gone was the memory there yeah i remembered it but the pain i was totally free and that's what god wants to do to some of y'all in the house he wants to get you beyond the pain when you get beyond the pain making decisions is no longer difficult jesus you know i made an appeal just a few moments ago several people raised their hands some people were too shamed to raise their hands amen all right you're letting the devil steal from you you're letting the devil steal an amazing experience that god has for you but you're gonna have another opportunity because at the close of the message i'm gonna ask people to come forward and i got to some of you who raised your hand that's the moment the devil will come to you and with this shame intimidation you don't want to go down there you know that's what everybody doing on easter they make us make a new commitment well why not i'd rather go on record making my commitment than to let them walk to my car and and having been ashamed to step forward to say god i need your help you got to decide what kind of life you're going to live a life of the supernatural a life with god on your side or living a life trying to make it on your own hallelujah what did i tell you to go first thessalonians right all right all right because i got to close this boy y'all been such a good i mean telling you this is such a anybody getting blessed besides me y'all be shouting all by myself now watch this watch this because he says something here and what'd i tell you first thessalonians look at chapter 2 and and watch this because paul he he commends them in verse 13. he says for this cause also uh thank we god without ceasing because when you received the word of god which you heard of us you received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the word of god which effectually worketh also in you that believe now watch this here's the test because what i'm about to tell you you've heard before i want you to receive it and act on it i am now what is this so i just talk about how i have to open my mouth there's a power in your mouth in your words in proverbs chapter 18 i should just go to proverbs chapter 18 and let's look there in verse 20. proverbs 18 and 20. here is the principle i want you to receive this and act on everybody say we're going to act on it yeah because what i just told you is what brought me deliverance from that day to this day that is me opening my mouth said father thank you for the blood of jesus it's more than just the historical blood that he shared it meant something it has supernatural power it has supernatural power to heal your emotions amen and see their families here for the first time and they're people who are watching for the first time but they never heard a message on shame they never heard anybody deal with that but shame is what jesus took to the cross all right ah all right look at verse 20 a man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his lips with the fruit of a mouth with fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips everybody say the increase yeah what you say out of your mouth in an increased way what shall it be filled so my mouth is going to determine what my life is filled with my mouth is going to determine what my life is filled with that's what's going to be the determining factor what am i saying out of my mouth so if i keep saying these children gonna worry me to death your life will be filled with them wearing you to death because you have come on what you say so i gotta understand now the power of what i do when i leave here amen amen because my words have spiritual power everybody say spiritual power my words release spiritual authority my words release spiritual angels my words released are restricted spiritual adversaries my words i'm restrained spiritual adversaries my words receive spiritual acquisition i require things with my words and my words release spiritual activity everybody say my words are powerful jesus says in john 6 63 the words i speak to you their spirit and their life so then we have to establish these promises the promise out of the bible we've got to establish every promise of the bible is established by your words so the promise of salvation romans 10 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus believe in thine heart god raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved but i got to say it everybody say got to see him see that word confess means to say the same thing as so i've got to listen to discipline myself as a believer to quit saying stuff i don't want to happen and begin to say with discipline that which i want to happen amen so when it comes to abundant life and that's why i gave you the exceptional living kit because when you go there first of all you're going to see me there explaining what you need to do but then there are lessons there i've hand-picked these lessons about abundant living about living an exceptional life and what you need to do is you'll need to say it out of your mouth you got to say it out beyond remember the woman with the issue of blood what the bible says listen her miracle came because she said it amen no no no she said it she said if i touched but the hem of his garment i know i'll be made whole everybody say she said it i was looking at the lesson i was uh studying of course um in in in matthew uh uh when when uh they come to the tomb the resurrection tomb and and and the angel is there watch this and the angel says he is risen watch this as he said oh thank you jesus used the power of his faith for the resurrection because everything jesus functioned as a man so for things to happen for him he had to use his faith remember back in mark chapter 11 he says whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he say now he established the principle and then the next scripture says therefore i say yeah oh you get it did you get it did you get it did you get it he first stated the principle whosoever shall say he said now this is the principle and then he follows that we're saying therefore because of this principle i say unto you everybody say he said it now all throughout the bible you'll see that when it came to the resurrection it wasn't something that just haphazardly happened it had been prophesied but he had to say it go to matthew real quick matthew real quick and we'll we'll be we'll wrap it up matthew here well go to matthew chapter 12 matthew everybody say he said it he said it and that's what you got to do you got to say it jesus just kept saying it throughout this whole ministry he said it everybody say he said it oh i need some passion say he said it all right matthew chapter 12 and verse 40. matthew chapter 12 and verse 40. all right says for our uh for as jonah uh was in three was was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth everybody said he said it go to matthew chapter 16 matthew chapter 16. everybody said he said it he said this didn't happen he used his faith for his resurrection like you got to use your faith for your deliverance verse 21 it says ah glory to god and from that from that time forth again come forth from that time forth began jesus to show unto his disciples how that he must go to jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised again the third day if i say he said it go in the bibles of matthew chapter where did we just live let's go to 17 and verse 22 17 and verse 22. he says and uh and while they abold in gil and galilee jesus uh said unto them the son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men and they shall kill him and the third day he shall be raised again everybody said he said it all right let's go again matthew chapter 20. everybody say he said it matthew chapter 20 and verse 17. all throughout the scripture so i'm going to let you i'm trying to get you to see for jesus resurrection to take place he had to use his faith by saying even though it had been prophesied he had to say it amen all right verse 18 behold we go out up to jerusalem and the son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and the scribes and they shall condemn him to death and shall deliver him to the gentiles to mark and scourge and crucify him and the third day he shall be he shall rise everybody said he said it now i could go to some other scriptures but i got to wrap this thing up can you see it all throughout his ministry he's telling them what's going to happen because he had to say it because my life is going to be filled with what i say so that's why when resurrection occurred all the other people that got raised from the dead had to have some intermediary jesus but jesus no natural intermediary was there ah okay all right watch this remember the the soldiers were running and they threw uh uh uh uh one of their soldiers who was dead on the bones of the prophet and was the bones of the prophet that was the conduit and the guy came alive the widow's son died the woman shoot him now shoot him like her son died watch this and the prophet had to lay on him for his life to come back the widow of name watch this they're going on the procession the funeral procession jesus just touched the casket and the boy jumped out outside of lazarus tomb jesus called lazarus name and lazarus came forth but when it comes to the resurrection that's why i say only jesus was resurrected because all of these other folk died again i called that resuscitation but only jesus was resurrected but he had used his faith all along i'm getting up at the grave they're going to kill me but on the third day i'm going to get up on the third day i'm going to get up on the third day i'm going to get up he said it he said it he said it i challenge you today if you just start saying thank you for the blood thank you for the power of the blood [Applause] story told of a little boy who had a paper out on his paper right the dogs were chasing finally he came home told his daddy about the dogs on the paper route so his daddy said son let me go on the route with you so that evening the daddy went on the route with the boy and he picked up his stick and as they were going on the paper route the houses where the dogs were yeah they came out but the daddy would beat them back and then when the dogs would run back and look daddy would just shake the stick house at the house at the house so when they got back the little boy said well daddy are you going in the morning with me on my route they said now son i got stuff to do i got to go to work so i can't go with you but listen i'm going to give you my stick and every dog got beat down when they see the stick they gonna understand the power that's behind the stick what am i saying today i'm saying i wish i could leave here and go with you which i could go with you for the next attack of the devil on your life but i can't go but i'm giving you my stick if you just keep saying it then keep saying it and keep saying it you will be amazed at what god will do in your life father well we're out of time never out of message never out of content but we're out of time listen i've asked you to do several things i want you to connect and stay connected with me all right first of all i want you to join me every monday night oh my god every monday night at uh at 7 00 p.m central time 7 p.m central time for my maximized prayer moment i teach a lesson and we pray in agreement it's powerful thousands join me i want you to be a part of that secondly i want you to be a part of the hilliard faith university if you're a christian leader i have a leadership course if you're a minister of the gospel preaching the word and you want to know how to be a better a communicator or a teacher then i have a course on sermon preparation and presentation that is amazing and so listen for the summer we have a special for the summer that i want you to participate in and it's going to be amazing and then the upcoming course that i have on conflict resolution i've talked to you already about the uh men's course that i have i want your opinion why you have so many things because i'm a teacher and i want you to grow in the things of god and so if you want to uh participate in that go to bk i h b h and that's where you can get your paper back men at work i had a special edition printed just for you ladies i want you to invest an announcer giving information but i want you to invest in the man in your life and give them that book oh my god it's going to really bless them now if you have a prayer request let me pray with you let me agree with you let me have apostolic agreement with you and you'll watch god change things in your life all right hey listen then now to give you more information about more things but until next time you stay safe you stay in faith and watch god [Applause] life is a journey and in life there is no easier way to get to your destination than with a road map call 1-800-926-6526 to request your road map to victory by bishop hilder this road map has detailed instructions on moving from where you are to where god wants you to be call now 1-800-926-6526 with your most urgent prayer request or fate situation and request your road map to victory and be on your way today i got mine i got mine i got mine i've got mine now what these men are bragging about that they have is my newly reprinted men and workbook and paperback form thousands of men have committed to read this book to get insight on male excellence that god revealed to me years ago i've spoken at men's conferences and retreats and i've taken the essence of those powerful times in ministry and capsulized them into this literary work now it's a manual for christian manhood with simple truths that i've learned and have mentored men in for years well what's in it well it talks about a man and his maker a man in his mountain a man and his mouth a man and his morals a man and his maintenance a man and his mistakes a man and his mentor a man and his ministry a man and his money a man and his mind a man and his marriage a man and his mantle ladies make this investment in yourself to get an understanding of the male perspective and make this investment in the males in your life uh get it for your husband your son your grandson your nephews or other meaningful men in your life men you make this investment in your own life it's simple reading and then you live according to god's direction faithfully lovingly and spiritually you'll be amazed at what's going to happen in your life now these are time-tested truths and they are the real god for spiritual and biblical masculinity that it's just a mentoring that this new generation of men desire order yours today by simply texting b k i h b h 2 7 1 4 4 1 b k there it is on the screen b k i h b h 7 1 4 4 1 and it'll be rushed to you today [Music] something exciting is happening at hilliard faith university that i want you to be a part of now you probably heard you know when we had the initial launch of hillywood faith university and we had the leadership course and then we also had the course for uh the sermon preparation and presentation well listen this summer i want you to mark the date june the 21st june the 21st is the summer session what that's right it's the summer session and i want you to be a part of it perhaps you could make the initial launch when we talk leadership how to be strong leaders and how to support the vision of the pastor the man of god the woman of god that you are seated up under well the leadership course is six powerful lessons and pastors have been raving about how it has helped uh them in their though those that are around them let me teach you how to be a better person uh to serve your man or woman of god and it rebounds back into your life and so there it is that's the registration there for that remember we're going to launch it afresh on june the 21st and then listen that session that i did oh the whole course on sermon preparation and presentation it was like none other and of course it's an investment i want you to make that investment let me help you become a more capable communicator of the gospel of jesus christ i walk through every point of showing you how to study the word of god how to prepare a lesson how to write the lesson and how to present the lesson and how to be more effective in your communication perhaps that's somebody you want to sow this into june the 21st that is the launch date he said well i want to take both of them you can if you desire you can take both of them because it is all virtual that's right it is virtual and you'll be able to go there and at the end you will be able to receive your certificate and display it with great joy and godly pridefulness that you completed it let me help you now you know i'm a teacher and this setting is taught far different than me preaching to you it is a session where you get your workbook what that's right you get your workbook you get the notes and you follow along with me it's amazing nothing like the specialty university here i'm telling you i can hardly wait to have you as one of my students on that's it june 21st this is the summer session got special stuff for the summer session this is the summer session special discount and listen i'm telling you if you missed it the first time get it this time because in the fall it goes back up that's right in the fall it goes back up but we have something special for you now i'm working on a course right now oh i'm working on this course it's called conflict resolution oh my god all of us have to deal whether you're a housewife or a business person or administrator oh my god parent you know what happened you know what i mean married folk we all have conflict that has to be resolved let me give you god's wisdom on that you'll be hearing more about this class on conflict resolution oh it's going to be awesome all right for the summer session get the summer discount june the 21st i'm looking for your registration it's going to be amazing [Music] my my my times have changed and everyone has to make adjustments to be successful it's happening in every area in business in education and industry everyone is retooling to remain on the cutting edge now we the church must not be left behind and must retool for revival and to flourish in the coming days now for the past 25 years i've hosted the strategies conference in houston equipping and empowering people in ministry to be excellent and effective now this year the strategist conference october 18th 21st will be a hybrid experience people both in person and in the virtual audience now the three powerful days of retooling for revival with workshops and times of intense ministry and dialogue interaction music spiritual motivation that would be like other now i sincerely believe that god has a retooling faith strategy for your ministry that will enhance your staff and your church cause it to have greater productivity now i've made the registration costs most affordable and you and your staff have a choice to either be here in houston and experience it in person or be in the virtual audience now go to strategy on the screen for early registration and more information registration has begun i'm saving a seat for you go to and i want you to be with us it's time to retool for revive partners thank you for your support all contributions will be used to support the ministries and outreaches of new life church as needed this has been maximized living today
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 52
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: PpC0j3Rr-mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 34sec (3514 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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