Born to Serve

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good morning i'll i'll i'll agree with that good morning everybody surprise eddie paul and cindy gill we're back already with another video the lord laid something on my heart that i don't think it can wait so get your bibles and get ready and before we do of course we're gonna sing a song called born to serve the lord i want to say there is someone some minis not just one but you need to be reminded that you were born to serve him and some of you are fighting such hard difficulties it's like how lord how can i do what you've called me to do when i'm struggling so so when i call one name it's not that that's the only name but that is the name that the lord put on my heart lucas i've been praying for you out of the depths of my soul that you would be encouraged to know that what god has called you to he will bring it forth even if you can't see it praise him realize that through this whole journey you've not journeyed it alone he is with you and he is very mindful of you in jesus name blessed be the lord o blessed be the name of the lord [Music] from the dust of the earth [Music] a living soul [Music] and god so loved the world he gave his only son and that is why i love him i was saved in his likeness created in his image [Music] i will always walk beside [Music] my hands were made to help my neighbor my eyes were made to read god's word [Music] my feet were made to walk [Music] would is in his likeness created his image [Music] to serve the lord and i can deny him i will always walk beside him for i was born amen amen thank you sin again now some of you may clearly believe it that that's the first song that i ever learned when i was but a boy nearly 60 years ago my mama made me get up in church and i was trembling and shaking and scared to death but my mama made me get up and sing and the more i sang the more i quit being scared i'm not scared anymore but i thank the lord for the message the song many of you watching us today you were born yes born to serve the lord the bible says he created us for his pleasure and keep in mind before he chose you he knew how you would stumble and fall and do some stupid things he knew that he knew eddie paul would give him a hard time and i have but he called you anyway because he knew without him we can do nothing so if you're flying high today and you're selling good it's because of him and what he's done in you if you're struggling you need to hear this message i've got my bible madison elisha and madeleine i hope you've got your bible turn with me today you can see i've marked my place turn with me today to first samuel chapter 16. [Laughter] oh lord help us first samuel chapter 16. he's not done with you no he's not done with me i'm 69 years old and he's not done with me so don't you feel left out because you're struggling that's a part of the journey that's a part of the journey it helps us to be mindful that we can't do it without him first samuel and i want to read verses 1 through 12 first samuel 16 got my bible verses 1 through 12. now at this point ins in the book of samuel saul the king has disobeyed god and god tells the prophet samuel i have rejected him from being king and if you look at verse 35 just in front of verse 1 15 and 35 samuel parted from saul and the bible says he never saw him again and it said in verse 35 and samuel came no more to see saul until the day of his death nevertheless samuel mourned for saul king saul look at this and the lord repented that he had made saul king over israel there's only one other place in the bible that i find that god repented and that's in genesis chapter 6 where the bible says in the days of noah god repented that he made man but god had a backup plan and it comes out in sam first samuel 16 verse 1 and the lord said unto samuel how long wilt thou mourn for saul seeing that i have rejected him from reigning over israel feel thine horn with oil and go i will send thee to jesse the bethlehem for i have provided me a king among his sons you see you're watching me you don't think much of yourself and you think how could god use but you're the kind he's looking for he don't want those full of pride he don't want those that are highly educated they depend on their education they depend on their place in the church they depend on their uh lifestyle they're saying god here am i a golden vessel use me god's not looking for golden vessels he looking for vessels of clay that will humble themselves before him and let god mold and make them into what he wants out of them not what they have become i've met a many a preacher who made it because of circumstances but it wasn't because of god's blessings on that preacher's life they have big churches they got lots of people they make lots of money but god is still not pleased god is pleased when you don't feel qualified to do what you're doing but you get up dust yourself off and offer yourself unto the lord knowing that unless he cleans you up and uses you you'll do nothing i quote it every morning in my prayer time without him we can do nothing but the bible says i eddie paul can do all things through christ who strengtheneth me you can do it today with the help of god you can do it today with the grace of god amen get up shake yourself off declare yourself born to serve the lord you're a king's kid you've been through the valley you've been through the war you've been through some dark times haven't we all the bible says there's no temptation come upon you but what is common to men a successful man is a man who when he falls down gets back up god told the prophet samuel i have provided me a king in jesse's house and samuel said verse 2 how can i go if saul hear it he will kill me and the lord said take and heifer with thee and say i am come to sacrifice to the lord because back then when the prophets of god uh represented god when people saw the prophet coming they didn't know whether it was going to be good news or bad news excuse me so the lord told samuel when you go take a young cow tell them you've come to sacrifice you've come in peace there's no need for them to be afraid verse three and god told samuel and call jesse to the sacrifice and i will show thee what thou shalt do now please understand right there that samuel didn't know before he got there what he was going to do it's still one day at a time one step at a time you take a step god will show you where to go you take another step god will show you where you're going you take another step and god will show you what to do i can't tell you how many times god has used me that i had no idea how when and where he was going to do it but when i got where i was supposed to go god revealed his plan and i did what he wanted don't you sit there and look at me and say well brother eddie i don't know what to do you don't have to know what to do you say brother eddie i feel led to go see my family but i don't know what i'm going to say you don't need to know what you're going to say when you get when you get there god will put the words in your mouth he don't want you to know he wants you to depend on him you see if you know everything you don't need him and if you think you know everything that's not good some of these preachers i've met they know everything they know the greek they know the hebrew they know this edition that edition they know it all and yet when they get up in the pulpit as an orator and they preach a sermon of 30 minutes you're 29 or whatever so they can let the people out by 12 o'clock they've said a lot but said nothing your soul is not fed your soul is not healed your burdens are not lifted because there's no anointing in their preaching they're sharing with you what they know not what thus saith the lord verse 3 and god tells samuel and call jesse to the sacrifice and i will show thee what to do and thou shalt anoint unto me him whom i name unto thee in other words god was telling sammy when you get there take your anointing oil you're going to anoint somebody in jesse's house and when you get there i'll tell you which one see there's where faith comes in that you go with your anointing all let me give you a short story and an example many years ago when i was working in kannapolis north carolina in a concrete block plant i worked there for four years making concrete plot plot concrete blocks as god was preparing me for ministry my hands were rough i could handle concrete blocks without a glove my hands were so rough and as anybody that knows me knows eddie paul has been a happy goodman fan since i was a teenager and there was a man who worked in the block company who knew me he came to our plant to work on stuff and he lived in tennessee and i lived in north carolina and he knew that i loved the happy goodman family so he called me one day and said eddie paul guess what the happy goodman family are coming to sing in knoxville tennessee and i just want to tell you if you'll get up here you could stay at my house eat at my table and we'll go see the happy goodmans well that was music to my ears i wanted to go to knoxville and i wanted to uh hear the goodman sing and i had an old chevrolet nova at that time and the clutch wasn't so good and i just prayed and i said lord if you want me to go to knoxville tennessee of course he knew i wanted to go but i needed to know if he wanted me to go and i said lord if you want me to go i don't think my car is going to get there i said lord if you want me to go i need to fly from charlotte to knoxville just a short flight but i said lord i need to get on an airplane and get up there because i need to get up there and get back here so i'm going to be back at work on mine see i'm telling the lord what i need at least i thought so the lord was very good to me the lord spoke to my heart and said all right book a flight well back then in the 1980s you could call the airport book a flight show up for the flight pay for it when you got there say eddie paul called piedmont airlines charlotte north carolina and booked a round-trip flight from charlotte to knoxville tennessee to go up and stay with my friend and go to a happy goodman concert oh i just i tell you i was just excited so i called the airline made the appointment and i didn't have enough money to pay for the ticket i think the ticket was 104 round trip i'd saved up 50 dollars to buy oil for my heater for the winter it was in february by the way i'd save 50 and i needed 54 more dollars to pay for that plane ticket and i didn't have it well my flight was supposed to leave saturday morning at 9 30 out of charlotte and i didn't have the money so friday night i was at a church and i was ministering and they didn't take an offering for me they didn't give me any money and i was very very disappointed and heavy-hearted as i was leaving the church to go get in my car because lord i only needed 54 to pay for that plane ticket and i knew that if i didn't show up for the flight somebody else would get my seat so i was really trusting god for 54 but as i left the church i was mumbling and groaning and complaining because i expected them to take an offer and at least give me 54. you ever just try to figure out how god's supposed to do it and he don't the very person that you're expecting to do something most often will not i've got family members that to this day have never for the first time never give me one dollar not one family i thought surely my family would support me but oftentimes it's somebody that don't even know me somebody that i don't even know that help but as i was walking across the parking lot at that church that night a lady walked up to me who had been in the service to shake my hand and what i didn't know she had put some money in her hand and when i shook hands with her she lifted her hand above mine and left it in my hand that's that's a pentecostal handshake by the way i've had it to happen a number of times i didn't i thanked her for it just preached and put it in my pocket and then another lady came up before i could get to my car and she had put a piece of money in her hand and when we shook hands she flipped my hand over and left it in my hand and i thanked her and put it in my pocket and i got in my car and went home would you believe when i got home i had 55 dollars [Laughter] i asked god excuse me for 54 and i got 55 a little more than i needed but i got on this plane on saturday morning and i flew to knoxville tennessee and my friend saturday night took me to an auditorium where the happy goodmans were singing at the beginning of the song singing sam goodman if you'll remember some of the older folks you remember sam and rusty and vestal and howard goodman sam goodman stepped up to the microphone and told the people how sick he was that he didn't feel like singing he didn't feel like being on the stage but he just couldn't stay on the bus he told the people he said so if i'm not myself tonight please understand the reason why excuse me is because i'm sick what i didn't tell you a moment ago is before i left north carolina the lord told me eddie paul take that little bottle of anointing oil with you i knew i'm sitting in the auditorium happy goodman concert and i've got a bottle of oil in my pocket because the lord told me to bring it not knowing i would use it so when sam goodman told the people that he was sick and couldn't sing but he was going to do his best i'm sitting in my seat with my friends and i told the lord i said lord i got my anointing oil if you'll let me i'll anoint that man and pray for him if you'll bring it about lord i can pray for him and lord you can heal him guess what they sang the first half of the concert sam didn't act so good because he was sick and then they had an intermission to give them a break and they announced that the goodmans were going to be out in the lobby shaking hands signing autographs and selling their music so i really went out to the lobby at the halftime to meet sam goodman to offer to pray for him but he wasn't there so i went up to rusty goodman and i asked him i said where's sam and rusty pointed he said he's backstage he's sick he don't feel good he didn't want to come out here so i explained to rusty how that i had flown on an airplane from north carolina to knoxville tennessee brought my little bottle of oil the lord had brought me there and i wanted to pray for sam well i guess the lord must have confirmed it in his heart and he pointed to a door and he said if you'll go through that door and just follow on around behind the stage you'll find sam he's standing back there to try to make a longer story short or some of you need to hear this story when i got to the back of the stage there stood sam goodman standing all by himself in a dim light in the back of the stage just standing there i approached him slowly because he didn't know me and i didn't know him i knew who he was but he didn't know who i was i introduced myself and i told him i said sir and i told him the story how god put me on an airplane and brought me to knoxville tennessee and told me to bring my little bottle of anointing oil sam goodman told me you anoint me and pray for me and let god do his work i took out my little bottle of oil i anointed my fingers i reached up and i touched sam goodman on the top of his head and i prayed a little prayer faith he thanked me and i went back to the auditorium and sit down with my friends as the concert was getting underway sam goodman came out on sam goodman came out on the stage and he was just full of himself funny singing he was just sam goodman that we knew and at the end of the concert as the goodmans were ready to bow out and leave the stage sam goodman walked up to the microphone and said let's all stand and we're gonna pray but before we pray sam goodman said i want to tell you something he said i've told you when i got here tonight that i was sick that i didn't feel like singing that i didn't feel like coming out on the stage but i just didn't want to sit out there on the bus he said i came in here and sang i didn't feel good he said but durian during the intermission he said god sent a young man on an airplane from charlotte north carolina to knoxville tennessee and he brought a little bottle of oil and he came backstage and anointed me and he said when he prayed for me he said god healed me and i want to give glory to god for bringing a touch to knoxville tennessee for sam goodman can you imagine how my little heart rejoiced to hear that man testify of what god had just done he didn't call my name he didn't have to call my name i knew my friends knew that god gave me 55 and put me on a plane and flew me to knoxville tennessee to lay hands on sam goodman in a concert god can use you if you'll just take a step of faith and do what you know to do you don't have to have enough money you don't have to know where to go you don't know you don't have to know what you're going to do when you get there all you got to do is get up off your honey and go i could keep you all day telling stories how god spoke to me and gail in february of 2019 to get ready to leave it all behind and in four weeks four weeks we gave up our home our furniture our appliances everything we had bottled camper and headed to tennessee and then headed to rutland vermont and here we've been for two years now and god has opened the door to a worldwide ministry because we did what god said do maybe you're at where you are cause you haven't taken that first step you need to get up and take that step and do what god's put in your heart don't worry about family family didn't call you family's not going to reward you don't let family hold you back you're born to serve the lord god told samuel to anoint the one whom i name unto you in first samuel 16-3 and samuel did that which the lord spake in verse 4 and came to bethlehem and the elders of the town trembled at his coming and said cometh thou peaceably they didn't know if he's coming with good news or bad because he was friends with the king verse 5 and samuel responded peaceably i am come to sacrifice unto the lord sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice and he sanctified jesse and his sons and called them to the sacrifice and it came to pass when they were come that he looked at a liab one of the sons of jesse and said surely the lord's anointed is before him he was tall and good-looking verse 7 but the lord said unto samuel look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature because i have refused him god don't pick somebody because they already talented or good-looking look at me i didn't qualify but the lord said unto samuel look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature because i have refused him for the lord seeth not as man saith for man looketh on the outward appearance look at this but the lord looketh on the heart if god has chosen you that's because he's approved your heart you may have acne all over your face and i remember a preacher years ago i helped him button his shirt and put up his tie dave rover was it reaver dave reaver he was a soldier burned by a phosphorus grenade in vietnam his face was ugly scary looking but he came to our church and before the service he asked me to button the top button and slide his tie up i didn't want to touch him i told him my hands were cold he said i've been burned and i can't feel it so i buttoned his shirt and slid the knot up on his tie so he could go out on the stage and preach dave reaver some of you older folks remember that man burned in vietnam fell in the out of the boat into the water and kept burning because it was a phosphorus grenade you don't have to be pretty you don't have to be good looking you don't have to be tall i'm five foot six you don't have to be skinny i'm 200 pounds god chooses a man by wha or a woman by what's in their heart verse eight then jesse called abinadab and made him pass before samuel and he said the lord told samuel neither hath the lord chosen this man he ain't it either some of you pastors who've got buildings you call churches things ain't going right because you've put people in office because they're talented or good looking or you just like them and god's not pleased and god's not going to bless not going to hear me he ain't going to because you have chosen people based on their outward appearance or because you have approved of them or you've put people in position cause they're family maybe your son-in-law is the minister of music maybe your daughter's the minister of music maybe your wife is president of the ladies ministries or maybe you've got a son who's your associate pastor so the church will pay him for you you're going to answer to god because you've kept the right man out of his job lord jesus i feel that gail [Laughter] no wonder there's no power in the buildings they call the church eliot was not it abinadab was not it and then in verse 9 then jesse made shama to pass by and the lord said neither hath the lord chosen this one again jesse made seven of his sons to pass before samuel and samuel said unto jesse the lord have not chosen any one of these seven boys went before samuel and god said not a one of them not a one of them i don't want them i'm telling you there are people in position of ministry and god tried to tell you i don't want them but you get it anyway and you wonder why your church ain't growing you wonder why there's no power in your church you wonder why people aren't getting saved healed and delivered that's because you've done things your way verse 10 first samuel 16 and 10. again jesse made seven of his sons to pass before uh samuel and samuel said unto jesse the lord had not chosen these verse 11 and samuel said unto jesse are here all thy children and jesse said there remaineth yet the youngest and behold he keepeth the sheep my younger boy my baby boy is just a shepherd he's out in the field tending to the sheep and samuel said unto jesse send and fetch him for we will not sit down till he come hither jesse was holding things up having the youngest son out in the field being a shepherd boy verse 12 and he sent and brought him in now he was ready rudy reddish in other words probably had red hair probably had freckles i don't know but he was ready and with look at this and wiffle of a beautiful countenance he was a good-looking boy no wonder saul's daughter fell in love with him he was good-looking and goodly to look to in other words the shepherd boy david was pleasant to the eyes see sometimes god does choose pretty people sometimes he does and the lord said arise and anoint him for this is he now i'm not going to read all the rest of it but god chooses a man based on his heart not based on what he looks like now if any of you watching this video know the story of david in your bible you know that david later had a man killed to cover up his affair with his wife yet god used david to rule israel until his death and stated that his seed would sit on the throne david the bible says was a man after god's own heart yet he committed adultery and he committed murder now you better wake up and realize god knew that was going to happen god knew that david would do that and god still chose david to be his servant but you need to keep in mind that jesus himself is of the seed of david because god knew when he put his hand on david that in his loins was the seed that was going to produce jesus of nazareth of course we know that jesus was immaculately conceived with a virgin called mary but he was of the seed of david another example that came to my mind preparing for this message was moses the bible says moses had a speech impediment he committed murder and god used him to deliver israel from egypt think about it abraham the father of faith he was impatient with god who promised the son and went and slept with hagar but god kept his promise and gave him isaac the father of faith became impatient yet god used him and fulfilled his promise in him the wisest man the bible said that ever lived named solomon over time he became foolish in his desire for a thousand women yet god chose and used him to rule over israel and to build the tabernacle of god solomon in all his wisdom was not perfect either eddie paul and gail were not perfect no we're not sometimes we we remind each other we're not perfect saul of tarsus was a murderer of christians but had an encounter with jesus that forever changed him after which he became the apostle paul who entered introduced jesus to the gentiles wrote half the new testament but he lost his head in the end paul a murderer of christians became the greatest apostle that ever lived because he had an encounter with jesus christ some of you just need to have an encounter with jesus and let him change your life i'm thinking of a girl in north carolina you need to have an encounter with jesus and let jesus change you from who you have been to who you can be there's a lot of you watching me right now you need to let go of yourself and let god have his way with you amen for samuel told saul obedience is better than sacrifice whatever god's asking you to do just do it just do it and see what god will do there was a time in paul's life that he was called of god to minister with another prophet of god called barnabas and the bible says that they were working in the ministry and they had a helper named john mark and at some point in time i don't know what happened the bible don't tell me john mark the bible says went back home he walked out on the job he went back home apparently later he joined paul and barnabas again and then after he joined them again the bible says that paul suggested that they go and go to the towns and cities where they had already been and check on things and the bible says that paul and barnabas disagreed because barnabas wanted to take john mark but paul didn't the bible says there was so much contention between barnabas and paul that they split up and barnabas went his way with john mark and paul chose silas and took silas with him you remember it was paul and silas in the jail in the midnight hour that when they sang and worshiped and praised god that uh god shook the prison it says in acts chapter 15 verse 37 and barnabas determined to take them john whose surname was mark but paul thought not good to take him with them who departed from them from femphilia and went not with them to work in other words as far as paul was concerned john mark was a quitter look at acts 15 and 39 and the contention was so sharp between them paul and barnabas that they departed asunder one from the other so barnabas took mark and sailed to cyprus and paul chose silas and departed being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of god say well brother eddie why did you read that even if you've split up with somebody you couldn't get along with go do the work that god's called you to do some just have to grow up even though you thought you had linked up with somebody that you could work with in the work of the lord and it didn't work out and they went their way and you've gone your doesn't mean it's over it does not mean it's over go on with god he'll give you the help you need that's why paul wrote in philippians 1 and 6 being confident of this very thing that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it unto the day of jesus christ if you have faith in god he'll finish what he started in you amen and as gail said in the beginning of this video lucas lucas god's gonna finish in you what he started lift up your chin and praise him and worship him and see him get you out of the mess you think you're in thank you lord you're gonna make it lucas don't let the enemy tell you that because you've fallen that you're out of the race no you're not you may for a time sit on the sideline get up get back in the race god is still on your side you were born to serve the lord he will finish what he started in you if you get back in there tell the devil tell your enemies tell your family that god's not finished with me yet yeah i remember gail when we were kids i used to when not kids young people we heard the children sing in church he's still working on me to make me what i ought to be remember that song i barely do god's still working on you god's still working on eddie paul god's still working on gail god's still working on my children god's still working on you you ain't done yet quit watering in yourself pity and get up shake yourself off and take a step of faith and do what god has called you to do you say well brother eddie i don't know what to do then wait on the lord wait on the lord in my 41 years of serving the lord he's told me where to go he's told me what room he's told me what person he's told me how much money to give or whatever god has directed my steps and it is written trust in the lord with all of your heart lean not under your understanding but in all of your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths yes please accept the fact that you don't have to know you don't have to know he'll give it to you when you need to know father you know who i'm talking to today you led them to this video you've caused them to sit still and watch it to the end and father i pray today that you will lift up the heavy hearts and make them lighter father that you will shine in the dark places where people find themselves father that you will save the lost heal the sick cast out devils raise the dead and set the captives free in jesus name and father those that may be weary in their journey i pray lord that you'd touch them today and give them the strength that comes from god strength from within and without to get up and get back in the race to get back on the road to their journey father to get back where they belong so they can finish their course in the name of jesus father people need to finish what they've started because you don't give up thank you father that you don't quit on people you're with them jesus said to the end of the world i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you said jesus in the book of hebrews i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you said jesus in the book of hebrews he has not and he will not leave you again he has not left you you may not have felt him for a while that's because you ain't where you need to be but he has not changed his place he's standing with you today purpose in your heart you're going to lay it all down and follow the lord whatever it takes whatever it takes that you're going to follow the lord in jesus name now you who have watched our videos before know that we normally record and upload our videos on thursday so that people can have them in time for the weekend i normally work on my messages monday tuesday wednesday record on thursday that's normally what we do but we recorded a vizio video thursday and thursday night when i went to bed the lord gave me this message thursday night he gave me this message it's normally sunday or monday or tuesday before i get a message so i worked on it over the weekend this morning here it's sunday morning and here we are doing a video i don't know if we're going to do another video thursday i don't know it depends if he gives me a message i'll be back but i knew when he gave me this message it could not wait till thursday that me and gail needed to do it now galatea he gave us the song born to serve the lord gail come back over here we going to sing it again god gave us the message god gave us the song i want to sing it again for you i was the first song i ever learned as a boy 60 years ago and hear this song one more time born to serve the lord [Music] from the dust of the earth my god created man his breath made man a living soul and god so loved the world he gave his only son and that is why i love him so [Music] i was made in his likeness created his image for i was lord deserve the lord [Music] and i can't deny him i'll always walk beside him for i was born to serve my hands were made to help my neighbor my eyes were made to read god's word my feet were made to all in his footsteps my body is [Music] i was made in his likeness created [Music] foreign [Music] can deny him i'll always walk beside him for i was born [Music] you were born yes to serve the lord yes got any more to add sin to guilt yes i do oh she did [Music] many things when you were speaking about those that had had done things and had had murdered people and i heard in my hearing something i never murdered anybody i want you to pay attention to what your words have spoken that you don't know really carried the weight of murder you know the bible talks about in the new testament that if you hate your brother you've murdered him it it's like some of us just need to step back and say lord show me me i used to think i was a good kid because i wanted to follow the rules i wanted to be obedient number one i didn't want a weapon whooping as i called it when i was little but even in that i was a desperately wicked person god knew god knew my heart the heart i didn't even know i've wounded a lot of people i guess in my life by things that i have spoken attitudes that i've had god must not please but even in that god does not kick you out the door as they say in the south they don't throw the baby out with the that water as barnabas nurtured john mark you know he did some some of us may take a little longer for the lord to shape us to be at the place that we can deliver and do what he's called us to do some are like bulls in a china shop they'll they'll get it they'll get it together god has a way to just bring them to their knees and when they see jesus they're you know it's like oh i get that and they're able to move on judge yourself against the word of god have god really reveal you to you that you can truly repent sometimes we say i'm sorry and we are for this thing up here but the lord zeroes in on your heart and he said do you repent for that as well because the heart holds the issues of life oh my goodness he wants to move in you not because you've journeyed through and earned it it's because the season is late the bible says work for the night is coming we must be about our father's business that we can exalt and lift high his precious son who died and shed his blood to cover our sins sometimes we fail to even remember that we can only approach god in his holiness because of the blood he is holy and he is righteous and the bible says be holy for i am holy does that mean that we'll never make a mistake sad to say no but it means his forgiveness is 70 times seven it just it flows he knows we are but flesh keep your heart rate before him don't be looking at other people and say lord i'm i'm i've lived a better life or lord i've really had a hard life i don't think we really know and understand hardness as hardness is coming but you have been born with a purpose and that purpose is to serve the lord blessed be the name of the lord [Music] thank you god bless you we're a team thank you to the people who communicate with us this week i've heard from northwestern pennsylvania we're neighbors new hampshire new york way down in chattanooga tennessee and georgia gail and i went to college at least she went to college i was there but i didn't learn nothing i learned some lessons but not in the classroom thank you for those of you who write who comment all the way from south africa the southern coast of australia got some friends in england learned i've got some in poland we've even got friends in india wow the lord told me many years ago that the walls of the church could not or the walls could not contain his church it's true thank you so thank you [Music] and as always if gail and i have been a blessing to you would you be willing to share it thank you with others because the bible says when the gospel is preached into all the earth the end comes so until next time eddie paul and lovely sandy gail thank you we love you and god bless
Channel: Eddie Paul Flowers
Views: 1,747
Rating: 4.9820628 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 58sec (3718 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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