I Must WAKE UP! | Superliminal Ending

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[27:29] Sorry Steph, but you did miss a lot of secrets.

I can't wait to see what kind of lore Mat comes up with for the game.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SongofRolland 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hmm [Applause] hey guys and welcome to gt live summer edition literally live is this our first one in december no we did two and we've done a couple inches well our first live in december december december that's right because we december no i'm like oh we're a couple weeks into december and we did a couple weeks live and we were warming up for the live stream but it was in november and i was like what weeks of december are you talking about who knows also here your your uh your neck is so there you go matt's going to tell you about this later and so i'm just going to flag it right now there it is maybe did that help matt yeah there it is great i knew it was going to happen awesome oh it flipped back up though now it's gonna like it it's gonna get nestled in your chin skin would you just slide it down closer to your chin beautiful your mic is awesome that is that is like your arch nemesis come is just mic placement never had a problem with this before matt matt's holding us to a higher higher standard higher standard he's also holding us to a new background which is very exciting he's holding us to a new background which is very similar to the old background but slightly different 100 less blood spatter 100 less remnant blood splatter from halloween yes also 100 percent less uh angelic halo around my head when i said the center of the cow it was a beautiful shelf though i did like it it just we just need a little asymmetry around here yeah it was just it was just one of those things when i would sit in the middle for couch time you'd be like yeah i looked like you would look like a renaissance painting but no look we're all festive we're decorated for the holidays everyone we've got a new friend yeah matt got us a new friend yeah so there's obviously drama llama we have various iterations of pikachu and then we have ooh we got to come up with a name for him what is his name yeah right what is what is what is this guy i mean he's he's a ski bird first off yeah he's a ski bird from wondershop at target oh skeeper you can remove the tag it's okay we're not gonna return wait hold up who am i talking to right now you can remove the tag sorry yeah stephanie is a notorious tag keeper i'm i'm yeah i'm a tag keeper stephanie has had shirts you're the best stephanie has had shirts you're about to shame me publicly no i'm about to tell the truth about you publicly and if that brings you shame so be it i'm not ashamed i'm not i'm spilling the tea no i'm a tag hoarder i i will leave the tags on clothing for like the first two to three times i wear them um assuming the first time they go into a washing machine obviously you take the tag right off but for a jacket or something like that that you might wear multiple times before it actually goes into the wash that thing could stay on there for months if not like a year it's because it's because i want to make it feel like it's new all the time i don't get new clothes that often and so i want to make i want to make it feel like i'm wearing something new and if you're the tag is in there you're like wow this must be pretty new because the tag's still in it so we're deviating away that oh he has a name his name is apparently that's not fun what is it his name is powell oh no he's 20 20 powell get out of there no what no no i think it's a company name name this bird name the bird name our new bird friend um what name do you have for him matt me yeah bobby bobby bobby bobby baby bobby bobby bobby you got to get married bobby we're we're referencing a musical called it's a musical reference uh being you need someone to hold you too close bobby someone to know you too well oh man someone to ruin your sleep blah blah blah pull you up shorts no you too deep bobby bobby sorry it's a really good music bob it's a really good one but it's not christmasy uh it's one that grows on you as you get older and you start knowing the people in the music and you're like oh oh it makes sense now i get it anyway anyways matt do you know the musical company by stephen sondheim you know that name i don't you don't need to know it until you're over 25 because it's about someone who turns 30 30 30. uh is it his 30th birthday whatever i forget 30-something and he's not married yet and all of his friends are married and they're like get married get married get married and he's like not ready but then throughout the musical he becomes ready to be like oh i know what it means to be a grown-up now well it's not i know what it needs to be a grown-up it's i know what it means to share my life with so it's it's not about growing up and being mature enough to get married it's about like he's he's the swing and single guy who's like why would i need to get married when i can just go with the ladies all the time and it and over the course of the show it's about him understanding what it means to be in a loving relationship as opposed to like a transactional relationship and by the end he's like oh this thing that i thought was just like a leech on your life this leech on your life that is delivering me no value this person who is just obnoxious and with you all the time i get it now i can't get why i get why people want that so that's that is the there you go friends that is the narrative arc company we're so far away from this video game right now so super liminal hey johnny can you bring my phone in no he did do you think he heard me no certainly not johnny go go can you bring my phone in it's on my desk thank you so anyway hey uh we're gonna play video games uh first off this is our first live stream post uh st jude live stream so we thank you all and we've already rambled so much that we can't even talk about it we should have to play no thank you thank you we could do whatever we want to stephanie we are live thank you i appreciate you [Laughter] um so uh first out that you know thank you everyone for supporting the live stream yeah thank you so much it was such an unbelievable event we were so excited about it and also terrified but it came off so well uh yeah we're we're now a little over a week from when it aired and i mean we're still recovering we're still dealing with a lot of the like po like we just got off of a call with the you know jason and amy and everyone on the team to talk about like how it went what could have gone smoother think like the postmortem meetings so all this week has actually been post-mortem meeting with st jude post more meeting with youtube post-mortem meeting with ourselves yeah but like the long short of it is like everyone is so blown away by by you by you and how amazing you were how supportive you were they're like yeah yeah matthew and stephanie you did fine and whatever but you're a but can you believe how much everyone donated they were they were just no everyone everyone's so happy and it like it was such an exciting and and for all the youtubers who were on it across the board like everyone was so proud to be a part of it so excited yeah the show ran about as smooth as we could have hoped for you know given all the challenges of 2020. you know and also i gotta shout out matt najani who you know you know you've met matt johnny uh helps out here he's one of our newer guys uh but man while we were in north carolina these two had to sing or while we were in california these two had to single-handedly like run like a help at mr b studio to run that segment because it was really complicated and there were like a hundred props or something crazy and so they got everything for that they organized it all they like helped his team out through that whole process so it was it was really amazing you guys you guys were champs and happy like and especially for being as new on the team as you are and being thrown into such a difficult like last-minute position where you know because it had to be last minute just because we were hoping other people were taking care of it like we were kind of working under the uh the expectation that other people were taking care of it and then when balls started to get dropped it was like okay well i guess we're the ones catching it and so these guys stepped up so no awesome job yeah seriously woo woo all right cool so all that being said uh we're here to finish off uh super limitless hopefully finish it off this is the game that is portal 2.0 3.0 yeah let's play a game about visual perception shall we without any further ado uh but feel free to hop into the chat because there are two two two ways to engage with the stream what are those ways stephanie one is in the chat which are saying things like e and also i love you guys and also i got a physics unit test soon so i'm just popping in to say hi go back to your homework god uh and also things like uh name him baby bird jackson oh baby [Laughter] you can also engage on twitter using hashtag gtlive i'm going to hop over there right now oh let's see gt live on twitter we have things like at miles winkler who says this is my first live stream can i get a club and a half absolutely you betcha ready clap boom although if this is your first live stream how do you know that clap and half is the thing that exists oh you come from you come from our guideline ask yourself that question uh let's see at laurini06 is did you guys see rewind the musical 2020. i have not seen it what there's a new someone do a musical i'm excited uh let's see and sir doge uh six nine four two zero lol says enough with the witty banter yeah sorry that was too witty much better i kind of accidentally stumbled into that solution but i'm happy with it i i will take it warning um oh pierce is frantically submitting numerous spelling and grammar mistakes into the standard orientation protocol in a desperate attempt to counsel you i have no subroutine to correct these errors but i cannot compromise the integrity of the standard orientation protocol you will not receive these messages okay it would not make sense regardless great well thank you great awesome we have also gotten a lot of questions about the hair cutting robot oh yes so so the haircutting robot was not able to cut through matthew's deep dense locks yeah i think it turns out i think the chain i don't underestimated his hair thickness yeah or or like the he should have maybe like pre-scanned my hair or he's and he changed it to a buzzer rather than scissors and that affected some of the measurements or whatever so it didn't work out quite the way that we were looking for it to that said that being said matthew is committed to getting the haircut that was promised on the live stream so next tuesday on tuesday we have an appointment for this coming tuesday we have an appointment with him at a barber tomorrow tomorrow is not today is not monday oh my gosh it's it's friday my friend i i spent all night at mr beast okay i time is meaningless to me at this point one sleepover and you're just completely lost anyway so anyway so anyway tuesday matthew has a an appointment with a barber who we know can give him the sick fade that was promised by the robot and also we think based on his instagram he should be able to do the carving of the logo so pictures are forthcoming but we will have to give the robot a little bit of a helping hand this time around oh i found a banana ooh a banana very excited about this banana do i get an achievement oh maybe definitely will you give me an achievement for finding a banana yes he's going to secret [Music] you can get a secret handshake for a secret banana secret handshake for singer banana yeah that's a secret when a lot of people are watching no definitely not but it happened in real time uh and oh yeah yeah it bro yeah matthew's hair broke that broke the robot um we are going to i think it's a johnny's barber so if it doesn't turn out well we can we know who to blame wow hashtag jason jason let him so you know uh here we go don't mind me just i'm just solving solving puzzles and taking names steph everyone is excited for bananas oh yes you should be oh big here we go what is this [Music] hey phrasing neuromorality neuromorality is that just like the probably the morality of messing with someone's brain or is it the where morality is situated in the brain oh that's interesting i think it's mine but that's okay are you saying that my explanation is not i think mine makes more sense wow uncalled for cloud insert projection okay this is all stuff that we've seen before great let's continue attention dr pierce continues to input significant errors i will interpret his basic ideas hello my introductions are redundant i am a real doctor who went to doctor school vr has never been a mistake i can help you but i also do not know how transmission ends great great well see that that's all you need is it's getting this is getting us far um is this a soda machine of a soda machine at savon tweets it says that's great at savan tweet says super limitl on twitter says super liminal started out as an idea for a mechanic in portal 2. can we fact check that i like to i like to believe that that is true but i think we should fact check it it lucid dreaming are you a lucid dreamer stephanie uh no what's lucid dreaming again isn't lucid dreaming where you know you're a dream yeah and you're able to manipulate it right yeah i so okay so there are some i know i have attempted to lucid dream because you know when you're having a really good dream but you're like on the verge of waking up or maybe you like already started to wake up and you're like no this is a dream but i just wanted to keep going and then you so you start to you try to like push your dream forward it never really works out the way i would like it to unfortunately but hello yeah name is my pierce i have tried to the sumnersculpt welcome experience team of your care leader patient years 10 development conditions struggle you whatever with professional invention edge science with cutting a tomorrow can bright and but no ifs or not good i look good uh oh uh also i'm sorry breaking down i'm sorry that my banana is slowly getting too large this is too large what if i forget to set the alarm beep emergency exit protocol that would seem like a good idea that sounds like a great idea let me see if i can bring my banana to the next phase oh wait wait i can't miss a totem or no no no no no i missed it shoot oh i missed the fire extinguisher i was doing so well i was getting them all okay now my my streak is broken all right next round oh it's 7 a.m steph it's seven it's no longer six wait a minute shouldn't we have made it through the night by by the rules of fnaf we should have made it through the night by now the game should have ended we should have won no no oh and the new doors everyone in the chat is saying luck good luck good luck good luck my good is luck thank you look good friend oh hello we got all sorts of new stuff now oh cool yes see the game is mixing itself up okay you thought you knew what was going to happen but you thought wrong every winner is also saying big boy banana big boy banana boy he's a tasty big banana slowly as uh grab it sorry i'm like there's no way for me to say that i was like where are you going where are you going man uh this is this is deep lore this is deep lord save this for later so i can zoom in and pixel measure it harper validity says anyone else want matt and steph to play horse prince again just me there are too many micro transactions we got stuck no the world the world needs us to see the ending of horse prince yeah the world demands horse prince stonk snot says did you know this game has a speed run of 24 minutes shut up did you know that i don't care we call it's called witty banter right my name is please continue to do whatever you did most recently and discontinue whatever you were doing immediately prior to that that's great all right okay fantastic oh no we took a side trip and now we're back who are we awake or not the answer is no i'm sure we're not at this point no definitely what else we got okay over here no can i sign my waiver oh do you sign your life away i do thanks but no thanks get my soda hello especially oh hello whoa whoa hey oh hello hey twist oh conference room oh dollhouse are we gonna make doll houses big and small that'd be fun i like it oh yeah wait wait what should i say before you go wait take that doll house blow it up and see what's inside blow it up to a big enough size and see if there's anything else okay i have a feeling that that's yeah yeah i have a feeling that's what we're doing in this level i know that's so so get to it well it seems really fun well sure but let me explore stephanie i don't want to miss a totem or a fire extinguisher or uh oh man we're totally going to be able to walk into that oh wait what's on the bottom of it fred g lay all right yeah there we go oh now we're oh too small is this a house for ants yes it is i'm so teeny oh it has to be small enough so it has to be the right size wait mega extinguisher oh cruel baby boy jackson big board extinguisher here we go there you go that looks pretty good normal slice house here you go nice look at those ups mad they are mad how do you how do you make your ups more mad is it by decreasing gravity is it by making everything around you that much small give me a random soda no no come on mini soda i'm thirsty right no one wants to use that water fountain you are a machine of lies yeah this is not covet safe machine of lies unacceptable what do we got over here wait what this is a different room what no wait we're just going around in circles what happened weird what was that all about oh oh oh oh okay okay so we need to make the house slightly bigger so i can fit through that here we go slightly bigger so fun it's great yeah that way we can hop up on the suitcases great classic platforming action bam nailed it oh man how fun this is so clever it's so good so matt we were gone for now we're getting a little like alice in wonderland what uh what were you doing did you have fun i missed you all did you party with skip sitting around with skip we were talking about how much we missed you all yeah that did you miss us yeah very much so actually skip was skip gets really insecure when we go away told me all of your secrets oh no not our secrets that also makes sense yeah what did he tell you uh i've been sworn to secrecy and i can't break my bond with him he will come after you he those claws are sharp don't believe a word that he says is dr glenn pierce in addition to continuing and discontinuing as mentioned earlier please also disregard any unsettling experiences that you may have recently had everything should have now reverted to being soothing and therapeutic oh boy if this is not the case you may be receiving this message now this is not how electricity works right electricity does not spew out of the thing yeah electricity does not one does not spur electricity wait is this is this a puzzle or is this just go to something well it goes to that tv which is on right the tv so the tv is feeding the power cord the electricity maybe if we plug it in it'll show something it feels like it's an easter egg or something it does i don't know but it doesn't odd they're messing with our head guys that's how we know we're still in a dream because electricity doesn't flow that way uh excuse me electrons would not just spark out like that thank you very much um electrons don't actually it's the flow of it's the flow of charge wow it's not actually a movement of atoms nice stuff anything back here nope strange huh right it felt like there was something there right i felt like there was something we could have done have you seen anything in playthroughs matt all that no although it seems like every playthrough is a little different really weird a choose-your-own adventure more or less i mean it's the same like events but there's different rooms that people seem to find really interesting that's interesting unexpected actually oh jenga do we blow it over with a fan i bet we do that being said though not yet yes awesome that's so cool that's brilliant i love it is there anything on top no what if i make it sleepy i want to see if there's anything at the bottom of the pile actually i don't think there's gonna be but okay okay that didn't work the blocks are too heavy great push look at me i'm so strong i can push it myself but you can't push the blocks no that's irony i want to push the buttons actually ah i can't i can't do it i'm at the higher speed you're gonna get sucked in please do that with ollie you like that i feel like i feel like it's just a requirement of any fan ever in existence yeah that you do the oh hey darth vader voice what's in here huh that's like back to the hotel yeah back to life back to reality back to that's not where we are headed back to subliminality some of the subliminal subliminality subliminality all right well i can pick up that one okay so presumably i need to make this one big so this one is all about making things big and going through them whoa just have it fallen yeah man okay deep man that would have been cool if it would have actually fallen on us and we would have like fallen right into the room well we did i think no yeah oh wait we did oh wait no no no we didn't yeah let's see no oh yeah yeah that's a bummer that would be cool make it really big i guess yeah right hello there we go there it is god forbid we duck ducking come on steph ducking is for losers that's admitting weakness showing a sign of weakness steph uh there's so many things to climb on and yet there's like there's like nowhere to go really right i keep on i keep wanting things oh wait what was that what what was what did you see it steph no i didn't it's another obscure piece of graphical data is it that i'm gonna spend an inordinately long amount of time trying to look at that you see it what's that blue thing see it i think it's behind it is it not no oh it's on top it's on top staff and look you can't see from this angle look at oh there wait oh what was that oh we found a secret what was that there was a secret and we found it i bet i bet in that event it was another secret and we never i just the whole time i was focused on like trying to get to it but maybe i needed to have just grabbed it from a distance secret secret we found a secret oh man what do you think it does i don't know oh hello i also drew a sketch of something huh weird oh we're unlocking all the lore today ladies and gentlemen this is our day this is it the previous playthroughs we've had of this have had like zero luck whoa we've had so much luck stuff big big locker room just turn up the heat it's too cold the heat is on hello showers anybody home no any c any more lore secrets in in here [Music] that's what we're looking for no okay here i wonder if anyone in the chat knows what it was yeah what was it oh kevin brown says it's just a collectible i mean yeah but yeah but it's awesome it's awesome right it's such a make that sound like it's not awesome i'd like to read you my favorite inspiration apparently there are several blueprints that you can you can find is focus on negativity kds says you got the blueprint the cage of death the pain of disease the cruelty of time the cold shell of human nature or the eventual loss of everything you've ever held dear oh whatever you do don't focus on that great ooh huh jazzy honestly says you missed so many secrets oh no what come on that's crazy talk that's crazy i believe you bouncy house ventus ninja says almost at the end and they've already missed so much oh no oh no really ewing gray says how about a sub uh a super liminal lore video for game theory hey right that's i'm all i'm all about that i would like to do that so i'm assuming this is a get here let me make it even bigger in beginning there we go we must inbig into the max can you jump over the railing there you go diving board steph you were a swimmer how did you feel about the divers did the swim team and the dive team have like they were rivalry no there wasn't there was no rivalry because they they were such lesser athletes [Laughter] i'm sorry any sport where you sit in a hot tub right before your event come on come on get warm warmed up stuff get out of town oh that's funny we would have we would like have simultaneous practices with dive teams sometimes and we'd be there for two and a half hours just like like gruelingly like grinding out miles of swimming and they'd be like oh we'll do our dives and we'll be out in 45 minutes or an hour it was like what wait so if i okay so i'm assuming you need to get up there so if i go here and i'm here yeah there it is yeah that makes sense okay cool that wasn't too bad um that said i have to say i always wow you're looking mad here's the thing did i did i think they were lesser athletes yes did they think what they did was cool yeah absolutely yeah i've never seen you do a front black flip twist with a zero splash yeah i absolutely can't do that kind of stuff but if we're ever being chased by a shark i know who would win that oh i can't complete the chopsticks all right so lore here we go lore hello my name is dr glenn pierce and i'd like to thank you for triggering every single one of our 823 emergency protections a problem this will assist us greatly in improving the system for future patients congratulations anyway you're now headed in the right direction fantastic and we should be able to initiate the emergency exit protocol shortly um oh it's important these are it's just portal it's literally portal that's funny that's hilarious oh yeah oh that is a big deal big that's a big big doorway okay so now holy geez wow this is enormous room okay so this one needs to be put on on top of it back up right so that yeah so that it hangs over no you gotta have something for that other leg to land on right i see a little smaller yeah nope wait wait what if i just make this one even bigger hold up wait where are you trying to go to i think there oh i see yeah i know i think you do have to i think you might have to stack them no it feels like it has to stack yeah so that one's big but then this because this one also has to because if they're portals then this one one of them has to face backwards presumably yeah so really and it has to be really close to the door also how do i do okay hold up there there there you go there maybe that'll balance balance i think it also has to be much closer to the wall because even if you balance them from there you'll never make the jump i guess so big oh wait okay can i wait wait hold up can i just walk up this is that curiosity the answer is no ah but there's no bad idea okay so we just need to move that move this guy over all the way over to the wall sure there you go all the way over and then we're going to stack the other guy on top okay so now he's up against the wall that's pretty cool yep that's pretty good so now you now you're gonna have to back up to the other side of the room and drop it on yeah okay come on i also need to change my perspective oh also they're saying maybe if you go in one and you come out bigger outside of the other oh do you come up do you come out to the scale of those because then you could just jump i don't think you do here let's try well no because you still need to be the size of the door like the thing that we're trying to squeeze through i know hear you no you're still small still small okay fair enough so this one here so now we're gonna grab him [Music] okay that's too big clearly so we're gonna scale scale scale this is so cool sorry just throwing it out there this is a cool game nope oh no shoot okay i need you to be teeny teeny okay now are you gonna balance no clue [Music] perfect grab it grab it perfect oh no no push it push it back up there we go i magicked it right oh come on is it supposed to stay is this the yeah is this the way you're supposed to do this oh yes i think so because you need to be like oh no oh no there it goes it's gonna topple oh oh okay is this the way that we're supposed to because okay they're portals that you go through one and you go out the other right yeah so what so we just need to yeah and because i'm always going to come out at the bottom of the door yep no no amount of bigness of the portal is going to translate so what i just need is this just set it up top just set it on up there oh why don't you sit on there you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it man it's so big all right how do i get it small up there okay let me let me maybe farther away okay if i'm here yep there we go then it's really teeny teeny up there just back it up just a little bit anything there there oh because the problem is it's not like bouncing on the top because it because it it it would work if these weren't platforms but there's a gap between the back of the door i'm gonna try it is this really the it's not the most elegant solution oh we're up against the door yeah yeah okay whoa wait whoa okay i'm just where are we oh what am i now where am i what is this world okay so now you're up on the wall you're wait i'm on the wall wait where are you oh yeah cause there's a door there's no oh no no there's you're on the floor now okay you're below it all right okay so maybe you can adjust it from come on here right i know this is like i feel like i have yeah it feels like it needs to just go straight out from the top and then just kind of plop you into the next that into that keyhole is this what if you made it very very very big no no no because again like if it's very big i'm still coming out at the bottom that's true like no amount of big like a portal has to put me out on top of a big thing so i can jump over right i think so because look here i go and look i'm still yeah we're still at the bottom all right and there's the wall yeah so it's one of those things where i need to i think first off i i think there's a couple problems i have right now first off is this one needs to go away i think i need the big one to be as close to the wall as possible so this one is everyone's saying we need to make one of the portals small and put and go in that doorway make one of the portals small and go in what hang on does that make sense wait okay so here oh look at how stupidly large this is it's huge it's so big oh no okay so so here's my stupidly big portal now if i can why are you shifting why are you moving no one wants you to move obey your own physics no stop moving why are you shifting oh no why are you tipping don't tip now is not the time to be tipping people are telling us we're getting smaller we need to make ourselves bigger by going in a small door can we go in that door right there you've got to make it really tiny yeah and then put it in the doorway and then teleport into the tiny portal yeah you got to make this this door really small and then put it up inside that doorway just play take take look look why am i up here that doesn't make any sense but but just put the put the doorway into the other into the keyhole put the doorway you want to go into into the keyhole oh yeah oh that makes sense yeah wait yeah i did shrink the room though yeah now now the room is wait so the room is shrinking too there's like five different mechanics all going on right now okay yeah put this guy up there wait put it make him real teeny yeah there you go teenier can you be team enough to fit in yeah teamier yeah oh there we go okay now make the other one real big there we go there we go okay we got it that was really cool okay and and one of the people who were saying climb the planks on the back we can't we actually tried that i tried that one staying the same size the room is not shrinking we're just getting bigger bigger based on yeah are we proportionally going through yeah i i think that's why i'm a bit confused here because there's like it feels like what the what the base proportion is that everything else is changing yeah i i think that that's the thing that's confusing me right now is because the the doors have been established as portals and the size thing is always the size thing but right but i'm also transitioning side to the size of the door anyway we made it through no we didn't that's the problem how did we not make it through okay wait a minute where are we that's the other question i'm very confused by all of this okay wait so wait why am i why are we in the room we've glitched out something or other oh oh oh no no we've lost everything now everything's gone wait where's the second door we broke the game broke the game over there wait there's a chat oh no that's the shadow of it hold up wait why are you taking it out because i need this i need a door to go through something yeah where's the other one i don't know oh man yeah let's go through that puppy and find out where the other one is right i was gonna say this will help us find the other door hopefully oh my gosh we're so tiny okay so now okay we're here where are we where are we how did this door get here i'm so confused i think this is where we're supposed to i think we broke the game somehow no wait no okay we're in the room with the oh there's the keyhole there it is okay oh we threw it through that we apparently threw it through a wall or something or glitched or something yeah we were in the box and it and it got thrown out of bounds that's so weird weird okay fine i don't care whatever oh this is so cool right being a this is so cool okay so is there anything on this side of the box nope certainly not okay [Music] so now i'm assuming okay here we go here's our big big box big big box fall down oh my gosh i'm so small right so tiny go go go go cat cat says new speed run strat maybe there it is just throw it out of bounds call it the matte strat that's the official name of it your size changes the perspective of the door meaning for cardboard lovers you know what in that room i'm sure that there are all sorts of secrets but uh the biggest secret we found was apparently the shortcut and moon13 says they found a shortcut right i did we though cause really what we discovered was oh tremendous timeline in the chat says i've played this before you make the portals to too big it breaks the game and will teleport the portal somewhere else oh that's what happened that's so funny right because because emergency exit protocol initiated please it's probably a good idea to experience in ten nine eight they're gonna boot up error oh error logged by orientation protocol standby for analysis great so what i was going to say is i mean to be fair like that's one of the things i found most impressive about this game is the fact that it seems like you can like it says yes to a lot of stuff it's like wow i'm gonna make this incredibly huge and the game's like sure you could do that go for it like the fact that you're making objects the size that they are and they're getting as big as they are it's just crazy to me yeah exhibiting signs consistent with an increase in fear hopelessness and frustration oh here this is inconceivable as some nascult therapy is proven to correlate with a decrease in these emotions that's what you think anything back here come on everyone's complaining in the chat about how i miss things right jump behind the wall didn't find any secret pieces or lore or anything no totems no nothing how hello stairway to nothing can you find the stairway there's so many objects that i can interact with maybe that contain whole all sorts of hidden lore block block no is the block not a thing matt's purple hair says i love matthew and stephanie even if they're bad at the game oh my gosh i will have you know that we solved so many puzzles so quickly just not that one hypothesis patient was improperly oriented and also i think our solution was very valid i think if we were able to get the things to stack on top of each other that that would have like i think it would have worked i think i think it could have worked right oh you're just doing it the hard way i like to think that our solution was even more creative than the intended courtney matt patrick says whoa big chest like in harry potter whoa big jazz i keep wanting to let go down all these but i'm learning that none of them have anything interesting so maybe i'll just progress forward with the story as is improved hypothesis patient requires additional sumnas sculpt therapy conclusion emergency exit protocol cannot proceed oh man oh man this is getting this is getting serious he destroyed oh here we go oh man i can't escape anymore oh jeez the games keep me therapy and definitely on an independent basis as all orientation resources have been exhausted this concludes your standard orientation protocol oh oh no oh whoa hey three or three a.m oh we're in the loop backwards there a lot of people that are saying look behind the look go back look behind there look let's see if there's something like a secret or something remember and remember you can grab things and bring them through is there anything you can grab back there back here yeah here no that's just curious no all right never mind they're like oh look behind the gate in the hall but no okay we did we did it we looked behind the gate i don't see anything all right good idea though good thought let's see here we go oh hello oh oh man they're really resetting us now right oh man bug person out of context on twitter drew us a picture of banana pulling the fire alarm it's really cool yeah yeah it's right yeah banana that's awesome that's the new hero of this one what is your actual name bug girl cus it i don't know at bug under scroll under under underscore girl cues dick oh hey let's see ha ha oh jeez oh whoa oh wacky okay that's a weird one all right yeah there we go when our lunchroom uh diet soda oh they did know that this would be my dream diet soda and carrots how did they know so every time i turn this off it resets me it seems like so here before i hit the reset anything up here again i'm looking for the deep lore looking for those deep secrets anyone can solve the puzzles but can anyone find all the easter eggs yes i think i think they can i think it's okay though it's fine it's fine i don't know i like i like taking our time with games you enjoy them the thing is this game is so enjoyable that to rush through it would be doing a disservice i don't know it's nice just take and by rush through it i mean wow we should find an exit somewhere well good job steph now you have all the time that you could possibly want thanks we're stuck because you are stuck in the game again oh there it is oh hello oh there we go there we go take me through let's go take me through the painting bigger bigger make it better yeah there we go squeeze oh nice oh cool crazy get bigger crazy bigger so cool hello hello my name is dr glenn pierce thank you for completing the sunday sculpt standard orientation protocol yeah no problem before you begin the first phase of therapy no no for a face what if we describe the finite and fragile nature of the dream state what's that sound right it's steam or something right ooh cup really nothing i keep looking around for objects that i can just grab and carry with me something to interact with no just keep running through i'm just going to run through here we go here's the chest oh hello whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh we fell we fell oh wow that's so wacky okay boop what what's on the chest thing oh hold up look at the bottom those little nails in it or something so i'm adjusting the world around me at this point yes okay oh whoa so yeah is there anything up there on the oh my gosh it's pretty weird is there anywhere else to go underneath that oh wow oh wow this is so crazy so you get to decide what's floor uh i thought so oh cool yeah it seems like you are kind of i keep trying to flip to other surfaces though hey there's what i do there we go okay hmm weird wait so okay so this is my floor which is still still my floor there oh there we go okay huh hello you can create a ramp presumably right uh there is i think you have to make ramp me ramp me bigger and or like you're gonna mean it a little bit oh might that happen i don't trust that that wasn't there before do you want to create a i want to go through that okay if i can because that's probably a secret exit of some form or something i don't know no [Music] here we go okay no i can't do it why not well are you over the bar what well it won't lay you over the bar no it won't let me like i can't climb up the door oh that sucks it's like too steep right no really i can't get up there i really want to know what it is stephanie i understand i'm with you man i found a thing that glowed earlier i know and that was the most exciting moment it was such a big moment and now we're gonna find another thing that glows i think it's going to be too steep forcing ourselves no no fine we're done just going to move on to the exit how about that how's that for gameplay moving on let's see play the game as intended oh hello ripping them ceiling i go through you oh here we go of course nothing is more challenging than the difficulty of changing perspective of fundamentally altering your perceptions in a way that will enable you to face dire trial by fire scenarios with solutions that could not be found otherwise wait changing perspective man it's almost like this is all intentional wait where is it where is it where is it where's the block where's the block it looks like you're gonna have to get onto the wall or something the funny thing is everything that he's saying feels very appropriate in 2020. changing perspective is difficult and hard for people sometimes oh funny funny funny funny good for them they're like i know what you're gonna try to do and they were right they were so right they read me like a book oh oh i know you're gonna and they're like i know you're gonna try and do it oh this is brilliant this is brilliant that's great it's great i love it it's almost like they know what the player is gonna do too much new cube design no that's we've seen this one okay anything over here oh man you know the music's getting more intense and motivated it's no longer just atmospheric i mean stuff is happening wait where's that door there it is hey we found an elevator elevator nothing fun about this one right very drab it's go time oh very drab oh exit temporarily we're very trapped all right all right all right oh there we go this way i don't believe you perception is not reality oh oh i thought that this wall was going to be i know right like they're setting it right up they're telegraphing it all over the place what about this i'm waiting for the moment where because because again if this game is all about perception being reality or not and playing with that idea at some point what you perceive as solid should not be solid right exactly telling you at some point that is going to be open all three haul one oh back to hole one we're back to hall one okay so we missed the exit apparently yeah i wonder if that other door was back to haul too hmm okay all two hall two and oh now the exit's this way yeah that's what it says oh weird huh so did we just have to go through it a bunch of times i don't know huh was it something we accidentally stumbled into was it something i said okay let's keep going i guess all three okay yeah thanks it's this way come on i'm telling you right no i want the i want the wall to be invisible i want the one oh no we have to follow it or else we go back to hall one oh no wait what okay so then so we get a buzz so hall one the exit is this way but that's not the way no it's not so we have to how do we change the sign because we have to follow what the exit is telling us so so we're gonna get buzzed yeah buzz okay so can you take down the sign i would like to right can you grab it you can't grab it so wait because i get what the puzzle's trying to tell us right yeah we need to go that way but how do we change the sign or here go back to the dead end area again recycling cardboard stop dead end yeah i know perception is not reality sure sure like it seems like i don't have any control over the sign is the thing here look look around is there somewhere else to go uh right like through the wall up is there somewhere to go i can't open the door you can't grab anything through the door it doesn't seem like it huh what and i can't really go backwards like once you're through the door you're through the door right right yeah nothing else well we got through floor three why why was it working and then suddenly it stopped working so what do we need to do to change the directionality of the door see it's is there a button that i need to press or something like right let me think about this on like is there because to me this reads is like oh it's a like use a mirror hold on now milo thomas says you don't need to change this sign every time you go to the no trespassing signs it sends you back to hall one just go through the door each time and keep going well now i can't that was the thing no just no but go go just try again just go through gone through this time just go straight to the door go straight to the door nope wrong way again there you go go straight to the door go straight to the door go to stage to the door we went to the no trespassing sign first so what is so there you go go straight to the door look look first look first look where the door is well how would i know where the door is okay look no that's not it never mind that's not it here here is it just guessing so it'll progress you any time you go the the the the thing is the sign and the door yeah the sign so this will line up okay yeah this will buzz us this this won't will not this will ding us okay so now so now what this will buzz us which will send us back to hall one and they're going against the door but there's nothing i can do about that so now we got buzz and we're all one so what am i supposed to do about this so just walk quickly no that's not it so if it if it tells you to go left first do you go left first i hold up okay i'm so confused yes whatever we look at first becomes no trespassing it seems like so here i need to look away from the yeah that's what it is whatever i look at first is no trespassing oh oh that's so weird and now that's no trespassing out here yeah that's what it is so now it's here and i look left glass no trespassing what so i have to look opposite that that's weird a little bit odd okay okay cool i don't really know i don't it's just a mechanic i guess like i don't really know yeah look opposite the sign first that just seems like a random mechanic okay cool great got it perception perception is not reality i don't know i don't know that's i don't know is that the clue that they can give us yeah why it would work but yeah maybe maybe everybody else saw it i just i didn't get the telegraph okay that is not water that i can swim through here nope needed to be bigger bigger here we go okay there okay oh you know that there's a secret up there you know it you know that there's a secret up wait where'd my dice go oh it's gone nice nice it's up there oh look he's being trolled he's got a little right we'll smile you're being a little you'll be in a little troll there guys natural nice it's cool that's cool always something cool only the coolest things in this game nope how'd that make it smaller because perception is not reality stuff not reality longer is it reality look the wrong way first i think you need to back up and make it even bigger oh you have to get i think you have to get further back i'm not sure oh almost i just needed to like fall like on me because again if it's if it's all perspective right this is as big as like the closer it is to you the bigger it is here we go push push right just move it just a tiny bit really really come on come on i know there's i know it's another secret thing up there shoot i want it so badly i just love the secrets i just want to know this is it too much to ask stephanie for all the secrets all the secrets you just want all the secrets i think if you stand a little further away you'll be able to do it further away from what with the dice but that'll shrink it no it doesn't look see still very big oh fine give up fine fine just continual disappointment and sadness in my life all i want all i want is to see what's on top you can also if you as long as you can get high up enough to see the top you can always just grab it because remember you don't actually have to go over to things you can just grab it so just hop up on it there you go there you go now grab that blueprint or something wait what is it oh it's a blueprint oh yeah it's one of the buffering which i think you have to be close to fine it's fine i'll just suffer in silence sorry and sadness sorry man got my hopes up you're like oh yeah that's right right oh we're so close fine giving up i know we have to i know we have to keep going fine fine i'm totally okay with this i didn't want it anyway so much fun here oh great oh what what get out of here get audi that was crazy that's so whackadoo oh my gosh oh no and i don't know if i they put in a position where i'll never recover it again finally while we respect the unique progress of every patient you must understand that it is possible to completely exhaust your supply of dreams thereby entering a state in which you will not be able to wake up even with the help of triggering mechanisms great that's where i'm at right now no longer able to wake up okay i got this dice over here really need that dice i need to die okay what are you doing i'm trying to get my yellow guy back there you go grab him boop all right cool good enough fair enough i was hoping i would be able to get my other my paint guy back it's just another prank this episode this episode is all about pranks just a prank hand oh cool nice oh man i wonder if we had like jumped off sooner if we would have found something interesting stephanie you keep tempting me with all of these you keep tempting me with all these secrets you know what that does to me blueprint oh nice hey we got one all right we got a blueprint yeah i got a blueprint i'm gonna hop into twitter and say hello while you're you're journeying on uh let's see what what is this does this change the world based on what does this change the world based on what number's on top is that what just happened what number is on top of this oh okay what what is going on is this just this glitch in the floor is this actual oh wacky wacky we're just the people who find every possible way to slow down your gameplay that's us if there's a place to get stuck we get stuck in it if there's you know something that can take up a lot of time with minimal results we're all about it we're here we're here for that gt live we play games as slow as possible at scarlet days with not a lot to show for it it's 4 am but my persistence is high oh that's very nice i was hoping that would change the world i hope your insomnia gets better but thank you for watching uh what the heck all i wanted was that die all i wanted was that block and now you're dropping me into nega worlds right get out of here gay oh man we're so lost we're so deep into our own psyche at this point ethan and a bunch of numbers is still wearing the old old gt live socks which you still have too you and matthew are both wearing those those are quality signs they last for years they hold up to the test of time at leithenin says i love that mechanic i love all the mechanics in this game it's so awesome um you have to like sort them out a little bit but it's really fun yeah i found another one i'm too impressed finding them all finding all of the the fire oh there's one up on the wall there you're gonna get that one i'll throw it there what you're talking about up there stephanie those stephanie those are fire alarm sounds oh oh sorry sorry my bad my v totally oh wait is this my favorite this is my favorite event is there something in it do we see that is there's a secret there i bet it is i bet it's still up there it's still up there oh my gosh this oh but i can't get it i still can't get a desk can you put up what about the alarm clock make that one really oh what yeah oh that's wild that's crazy okay so one side says perception is reality right so look away from that and then elect uh is there a reflection or something that i can see here or no this is good okay oh wait arrow i'm just gonna keep going until i find another arrow i think is the solution here arrow arrow arrow crazy crazy this is awesome this is so cool i love this awesome super fun please listen carefully for the sound of an alarm clock which will automatically play if you are approaching a destabilizing dream weight okay fantastic i hear it come on should i the thing is once i turn it off it's going to do something weird to me and every time i do wait what's this this is more suspicious over here is this i think this is a little light is it is it a door is it a closed door it's just a closed door you think so yeah that's weird right this is this is awfully suspicious right here maybe i need to do the alarm clock to open it yeah yeah they're there okay oh it's so wild oh wild oh well done oh well done game crazy this is nuts uh so cool stair con oh okay outside hello oh jesus oh man like a disney world parking lot so true oh hello oh it's not oh crazy it's so crazy this is so good this game is so cool oh i love it i love this okay so we're in a room yeah we're in a room and we just got to like navigate the walls oh this is nuts but you're totally right this is a disneyland party it's like where's my car beep keep keep firing off letter e sub section 12.5 oh i see stuff that isn't shifting with my perspective what no there it is okay weird there's the alarm there's alarm clock okay we're gonna we're gonna wake up or something remember that time you got lost at the end of cookiecon go around oh my gosh i did get lost at the end of cookiecon so in la i went to an event an actual event called cookiecon which is all about cookies and gave away remarkably few free cookies which was really sad that that honestly is probably the saddest thing about the biggest bummer about you don't you don't you don't throw an event called cookie con and then not give away free cookie samples to all the attendees of cookiecon um but i did get lost on my way out um where oh there we go yes oh yeah oh that was so satisfying um there we go what's gonna happen i got lost in a parking lot for like a half an hour it was unreal it was the worst parking lot experience of my life i was concerned about stephanie i don't know where she i didn't know where she went and my phone had also died and so i couldn't even call anyone it was crazy yeah like la convention center has never been so confusing it appears you have entered this diagnostic framework patients do not have access to this dream paradox behavior oh don't do it never call jungle management music too dang loud central blurry curious burned curry ask for increase okay okay oh hey ooh am i shifting the world or oh yeah oh okay yes so i'm shifting the world now i think we should do that i think we should yeah yeah so this is our own room let's break it diagnostic warning unrealistic freedom objects may result in dream integrity fail states eight states curious what's over here huh conception yikes that's a so yes i'd like to say not reception no conception yes i'd like i'd like to be conceived thank you uh this is my application to uh be conceived thank you very much hello can i go through the store on the side and then the game's gonna be mad at me yes yeah ah there we go okay conception oh man all right do we have to get around what's what's behind uh conception [Music] there wasn't anything on top there's this back here there's a button what about the button on the back buttons never work boop no buttons in this game are meaningless so this has opened up this door back here yeah so what if we go back to the original so wait okay so hmm what are we doing here right so we go through go out this way it's just gonna take me back this is another portal thing maybe so there are three things i have a feeling this is important there are three things open on that wall if i keep going backwards there are three things open on that that did not matter okay i'm like something like that i don't know do i need to do this in a different room potentially i need to turn left over and over oh wait wait ah paradoxical behavior there it is okay good explosive dream overload there it is oh everything's getting so shiny there it is oh man this is getting nice it's all breaking up oh cool sweet oh geez oh man this is so exciting oh cool there we go neat paradox did we did a paradox don't you hate it when you do a paradox and break reality yeah no it's awesome actually this is fun hello whoo here before i go into you i want to the sky weird oh weird super weird oh hello there's oh what's over here oh there are multiple no that one's just a regular doorway though it's a regular doorway but it was cool to think that there might have been multiple right or you could choose to go into the black one or the white one hello oh weird it is okay so it's not real it's a lie huh perception is not reality what happens if you go down one of those like go to look to the left if you go down no no between the between the columns there weird oh wacky oh oh it's like stop it stop doing that thing that you want to do oh this is so pretty here we go this game is crazy this makes me very happy i know i'm not falling it says there you go curse those white openings you don't know if they're beams of light or just empty spaces here we go let's let's move past this shall we there we go my name is dr glenn pierce and many years ago i had a dream i found myself in a place where i understood that each of us begins as nothing where everything i perceived was shaped by seeing it exactly the way i wanted to white space perception is the friends we made along the way let's be honest oh cool oh this is so neat i want to hear more about dr pierce's story i know it seems like he's really enlightened he's a smart guy smart cookie that one nothing all right erase me relax yeah relax yeah relax the art minerals [Music] right get out of this reality this is not the one we wanted not an exit it's symbolic stephanie work is not an exit oh man maybe that's what it's telling us this looks like an exit no oh it was oh it was oh good okay oh hello [Music] i'm not going to fall into your invisible floor trick again he fell into the invisible wall trick i felt i didn't fall for the invisible floor trick but i did fall for the invisible right trick that's great actually here i think you should go through i love that so cool can i go up this way right now i don't think so oh they're now cute it's really cool though i love the i love all the reflections right this is brilliant so cool [Music] let's go through the store you know the way i'm supposed to play the game you know that's fine let's do that thing let's do that thing that we're supposed to do how's that sound i love how you've played the game exactly how it's supposed to be played the whole time despite like every effort you've made not to i'm trying trying steph let's just enjoy the artistry of the game i am actually i'm pers personally i kind of am ah it's so relaxing [Music] i want that thing you want that thing [Music] can i get to that thing it feels like we should be able to get to that thing right we need to be bigger so you say uh oh wait okay so is this i had an idea i'm not 100 sure nope what am i doing here i need to do it like [Music] uh okay oh what there you go cool white space i also faced the greatest challenge i could imagine because with a lifetime of life itself behind me and all of the weight that it carried i realized that seeing things the way i wanted to was not as easy as it used to be [Music] oh man the world's locking him into perception right that's deep your perceptions are all shaped by everything around you you have to break free oh man it's true exciting that's that's been i mean so there's a couple of topics in my life that have always been really interesting to me and that that's always been one of my big ones is how the narrative around you shapes your perceptions of everything oh did you turn off the lights i did apparently i didn't mean to i was just grabbing for stuff whoops what are you gonna do now i'm hoping that's okay oh thank goodness okay like i'm hoping something will appear at a certain point that's one of the things about having a little kid playing with 2d would be actually really cool that's one of the things about having a little kid that's really cool because they have no preconceived notions about anything so anything can be anything it's true that is really fun with ollie and like how anything can be a water tower because anything could be a water talk right and letting him hey that's cool letting him kind of start to define that process for himself can this be a staircase now right there we go there it is nice right oh cool oh so good it's so good but no that's like that's a oh man let me enjoy the brilliance for a minute uh okay what do we want do we want boring board room number one or boring board room number two ooh boring boredom number one good job hallway okay oh try again i guess there we go beautiful this one's so much better than boring boardroom so we're in a loop so we're looping right now totally doing the loop thing [Music] window window maybe just the the wall like you said eventually the wall is just not gonna meet anything there it is there it is nice there it is eventually the walls are completely meaningless yep there we go it's all meaningless think of that this is great this is so good you're well beyond dreaming now and further out than anyone has ever come back from but we hope oh boy get discouraged those are words after all if this is a place of pure perspective isn't it also a place where a different point of view could make anything possible isn't that why you came here [Music] when did this release and why didn't it win a video game award i know was it this year or last year because tell you what man i like it tell you what this is the sort of game that people need like this is the sort of game that people need to be aware of right oh this is wild oh good all these like just shapes that you can walk along right and i think they're supposed to be giant chess pieces right no i think it's just a like there's a water cooler but i think it's supposed to be these kind of like obscure shapes that oh wait i told you you're so smart i didn't see that well no i look stupid i apologize i don't think you have to apologize it's all about your perspective you know where did you see that how did you see that it was a chess piece like all these are just mountains wacky wait where am i supposed to be you're supposed to go around to the door fine get through the door but yeah that's i've always been fascinated by that and like how what you see we just assume is what other people see and things like that it's like oh yeah of course my blue is your blue but like really is it like even if you explain it to other people like are you sure right how do shades work and things like that i've always found all of that sort of thing really fascinating and about how your perception of reality has changed yeah like by your environment or the context around you or by like your the frame of references like that's that's the other thing and you learn about that in human psychology too how like frames of reference completely alter your perception of other things right like to to someone who's never left their house you know the outside you you have no sense of scale with the outside world and so you assume a lot of things oh there we go maybe maybe maybe nope just kidding like there's the avail i i i forget if it's the availability heuristic or whatever but where how big the world seems depends on how much of the world you've seen right that and also like the diversity of people oh yeah ultimately is dependent on like where's the door like people assume that the people in their local sphere are more robust like you don't assume that people are people even though it's like why wouldn't you uh so i just had to walk around that because this is a whole different section oh it is oh wait weird so you see water cool i see water coolers now now i see water coolers no they're definitely water coolers or are they those are chess pieces right there the big tall ones with the blue on top are definitely water coolers okay so which one do we go in this one do you go into the water cooler or the random door hello let's go in this one this one we started i don't know maybe yes where they're like from this one do we go backwards yeah i think so just stop so just run straight ahead they just wanted us to take a tour of the island so wacky just a tour of the island they're like these cones are here for a reason don't stray everyone likes this game so i think it seems like luna oak says this game is fascinating uh oh come on oh i get it so this is solid now oh but i get it okay as soon as you put it down it's solid so that's why you need two so it's solid as long as i assume it's solid so this should be solid now too yes okay so these are solid but as soon as i lift that one up that one becomes it's gonna become yeah so you have to basically create a solid line right what i'm taking them across because as soon as these lift off the ground it's no longer solid so i perceive them as solid while they're sitting oh i see but they're technically not that's so funny okay gotcha yep that makes a lot but as long as both of them are down there it's all open and it's solid huh yeah that's cool that's that's a cool one that is so weird this game is crazy i love it so much this is brilliant i i want i don't know man i want to find out like why more people aren't paying attention to this game it's so hateful so good it's so smartly done it's so well put together okay so what do i need here matt are we close to the end we are close to the end okay i figured we must be right it definitely feels like it what do i have to do so we have to be able to jump on it and then jump off right but this isn't this isn't a door right what is the door where's the door [Music] is it on the block because i won't because i also won't be able to jump on the block what if i crash it [Music] no just like maybe that's the thing there's no door on the block on the side of the block it doesn't seem to be maybe the o is the door i'm wondering because it's weird that it's only an o block right there we go that's it oh i was looking at that too i think i think you went through did you go through no oh right right i thought for sure i'm like oh this is totally good no okay so i need it to be [Music] what do i need you to do can i knock the door off can i [Music] it's that's it's so good okay put this through there so now we've got both it's great oh yeah there's a way to rotate these the cheese stands alone hello here we go oh crazy oh that's so wacky awesome oh cool i just want to keep running through them it's all so cool right uh nope stuck okay okay i'm assuming i'm just continuing to go down over and over are we no i look around maybe there's something else out there oh weird okay there it is whoa ah cool i love it oh man i'm sorry this is just incredible i'm like right this is beautiful this is this is without question one of my favorite games that we played on live stream yeah without question oh absolutely it's so good it's so unique it's so interesting oh oh look we woke up we're maybe gonna wake up nope just get out psych just kidding oh eight o'clock 7 59 come on good one dramatically dramatic dramatic sneeze eight eight o'clock i remember this room right hello my name is dr glenn pierce and by now you may have realized that all of this has happened exactly the does so because they feel that they are no longer in control [Music] the problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from a new perspective oh man this is so good same things again and again and again and then of course we find exactly the failure we were looking for this is so good my failure is my bo at this moment oh gross [Music] oh how nice i love games that take you on a tour of everything you did before but today you have the chance to see things differently oh guys facing obstacles that seemed impossible at first you thought outside the box and you overcame them it became you found your way [Music] oh this is so cool are you crying what are you crying it's okay what okay no it's okay if you're crying i'm i'm totally not crying with you yeah i'm definitely tearing up in solidarity okay i think you're crying but that's okay i'm crying enough for both of us i but he's also a very sentimental soul and that's what i appreciate about him is yes that was so nice yeah so fun totally so maybe i had to get a little mostly no that was so fun what a great game what a great game with a great message it was awesome that was an awesome game i don't know why because it's nice to it's it's nice to have a hopeful message about looking at your problems from a new perspective it's applicable to the broader world it's true you're not running on very much sleep it's also true guys thank you for joining us for the journey of super liminal that was so awesome the mechanics were so so good i just want more i just want more i just like that's the thing with like a lot of games will overstay their welcome with their mechanics each each of these mechanics i'm like it's a game on twitter like a whole other game is it like a level like a whole level unto itself or what it was so good so good so so good ah it was such a great message because it's true right right a lot of times the problem isn't the problem it's your limited perspective of the possible solutions yep exactly because you're trapped in your own box yep and it's it's more about asking what's possible and and then looking in from that so good move you guys thank you for for watching and and play the game like this is a i mean it's obviously like a definite recommend play it's really neat show it to your friends just make everybody happy right it's just a game that makes everybody happy or or how much is this this is twenty dollars it's well worth the twenty dollars absolutely it's also one of those games that you can test your friends with right i know like stephanie testing her boyfriends by playing portal this is your new portal stuff oh i know we can test our employees by playing the game i didn't need to test you wait johnny johnny i don't think it would take us three streams oh wow no johnny you're fine you're fine fine i'm gonna throw you in maybe maybe that's what it is maybe we just throw a bunch of people into this game and see how they solve it that alone would be fascinating oh it'll be so much fun anyway okay that was awesome we have to go good job pillowcat castle right this is so fun this is so fun so great i i please i i don't know how to get this game more attention but it needs it needs a lot more time it's great it's so good speaking of which let us know over on twitter what you thought of the game awards and watch the streamies this weekend because we are presenting and we were also streamies honoree for our st jude live stream last year so um it'll be us there's a whole bunch of people you know and love who will appear there also also let us know what game we should play next yeah because now we're gameless oh man gameless and aimless gameless and aimless yeah so let us know what we should play next yep so thank you guys have a wonderful weekend stay safe get ready for the holidays if you're celebrating hanukkah happy hanukkah right now if you're not celebrating hanukkah happy lead up to whatever holiday you will be celebrating and and yeah have a good one this is so nice what a good way to end the week you guys and in the meantime remember that was a stream a live stream live stream depending on your perception yeah but it was it was a live stream that was that's what it was it was it was literally a live stream bye [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 188,995
Rating: 4.9686055 out of 5
Keywords: superliminal, superliminal gameplay, superliminal speedrun, superliminal trailer, superliminal ost, superliminal secrets, superliminal all endings, superliminal all collectibles, game theorists, game theory, matpat, superliminal markiplier, gtlive, superliminal walkthrough, superliminal game
Id: cal6b6HM3X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 45sec (5925 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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