GTeaLive: Spilling the Tea with Matpat and Steph!

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I loved this GTLive stream. The podcast is such an awesome idea. I look forward to the future videos in this series.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live whoo t if someone say only this time the T isn't just a letter that stands for theory instead the T is an actual word and a drink that I'm holding right now and a beverage T EA T today we're kicking it off with a nice Fulton Street or gray simple sorry I should have asked what what are you drinking today Stephanie so I said keeping it simple a nice Earl Grey which is a black teeth with bergamot and orange so you might notice and you don't ask me what I'm drinking I'm drinking unnamed carbonated beverage I can't imagine what it could be what could it be I don't know so this is a bit of a different format I'm like sorry so far though I was just enjoying my unnamed carbonated beverage X so you might notice that things are a little bit different around here today a little bit more laid-back microphone that's a little bit like radio voice on I don't know what's going on over there so so do you Steph you're you're super sultry with your radio voice oh thanks Jason I'm just sick I've got a lot of phlegm hi Jason hey Jason that's his hand they say Jason good job oh there's no such thing as telling you to me too much Stephanie you can turn to me whenever you're in need I think I'm here for you and we're here for you we are so welcome to Tuesday yeah welcome to Tuesday and GT live which is a little bit of an experiment that we're doing here so you'll notice that the microphones are plastered smack dab in front of our face right in our mouth which can only mean one thing we are live filming a podcast right now Wow there are microphones shoved into your mouth hole that usually means that it's probably like a podcast II sort of watching the Internet has taught me anything that's what it is so this is just kind of us experiment to with something different us trying out what a podcast would look like and feel like as a portion of GT live as it currently exists why are we doing that why are we doing that stuff so there are actually a couple reasons one is actually just sort of a practical one so from like literally years of comments Twitter posts everything you guys have sent us you tell us how you watch GT Live and like sort of what contexts you watch it in a lot of you watch it while you're doing homework a lot of you watch it on commutes sometimes covertly at school whether or not that's a good idea I'm not saying we advocate for it I'm saying we're just facilitating it or you sometimes you even wanted to go to sleep on long days when you're sick whatever it is so we wanted to actually give people the opportunity or like an easier way to watch or consume GT Live episodes without having to have like your eyeballs plastered to the screen the entire time we've also heard from a lot of you that honestly just like one of the most touching things we get told about GT live is that like hey I feel like I'm hanging out with friends I feel like just like having someone else in the room with me while I'm eating dinner while I'm doing whatever it is you're doing in your life having company to do that is nice and so again we wanted to sort of meet people where they are when they're watching our live streams so that you could be doing kind of whatever you're doing and if you're watching hey great we're still here we're on screen but if you're not watching you can still know what's going on and you can still kind of hang out with us appreciate what we're talking about and weigh in in the chat still if you want to it's also one of those things to where there are just some topics that we want to talk about and yes I see so many people in the chat they're like I'm doing my homework right now there you go we hear you and we are there for ya and now we're there in audio form as well but I think the other big reason for this is there's a lot of you know news stories that are happening a lot of topics that are that we want to cover a lot of stories that we want to share personal experiences things like that that are maybe better presented by just talking about them by you know just talking about the news by sharing those personal stories and not necessarily having to like split or divide our focus by playing a video game they are not necessarily conducive to funny reactions or like whoa that was so cringy or whatever but rather just like sitting on a couch talking to each other talking to you guys in the chat and on Twitter and really just kind of diving into the meat of what's going on hence the name like that's that's also a very popular term right now and Stephanie propensity for tea so it worked out really well the other one we were honestly debating we're still debating a little bit is actually calling it tea series series te a series you get it but you'll notice I'm just excited I don't know if you saw at the very beginning of the livestream but we have a new logo yeah just for these in this way oh look there it is there it is oh it's but again you don't have to be watching you could just be listening it's it's a it's a green tea cup in the middle of our usual logo yeah instead of the trophy it's great so it's a lot of fun you guys let us know what you think so far actually already you guys are like really positive about this so thank you so much good tell us what you think throughout we're gonna we're going to talk about a lot of stuff I think it's gonna be a lot of fun Helena Ashbaugh sash bow says I love this idea so much I'm doing homework Cassie Thompson says this is a wonderful idea I'm seeing a lot of this like love this yes I love this so hyped for this this is a great idea okay this is awesome here and and you know we're nervous bear with us we're learning a lot here we're not sure how much we should be eating the microphone at any given point in time yeah but you know we're gonna do our best and this is a learning opportunity for all of us we're also in the process of coming up with a new intro it wasn't ready for today the logos we're working on it so what we'll see it's it's a fun experiment if you don't like keep experimenting online you know what do you do what are you doing so like we said let us know what you think and you can also engage the stream podcast eland it's still a live stream you can still hit us up on GT live we're gonna hop over there I still the chat running a mile a minute in front of me so awesome hashtag GTG live over on twitter or over in the chat yep let's do it so that being said what should we talk about when it comes to spilling the tea other than you know some of the news that's happening in and around all the industries that we care about the people that we know and you know that includes everything from like other youtubers gaming just things that affect the internet as a whole there's a lot of stuff going on every single week a lot of it's just for funsies some of its a little bit more serious but it's all gonna be like it's all gonna be like a fun discussion I think it'll be all stuff that all of us here find relatable yeah so the first thing to kind of kick things off is is more of a personal story for us which is that a lot of the channels who were once owned by defy are starting to get picked up oh yeah okay well we're starting in with defy okay so yeah I think we should preface it by saying this is probably not like the day that we're gonna talk about like our own part of the defy media scandal or anything like that like we have videos that are going up on game theory and are talking more about like MCN stuff but to what you just said we knew a lot of people at defy like we we had a ton of friends there we knew the entire Smosh crew the entire Smosh games crew a lot of the clever folks Matthew used to work at defy so like we knew a ton of people there and as angry as we are at like defy and how all that went down the people who work there like had nothing to do with that and a lot of them were really cool content creators who now like need to find other homes to do what they do and there's and it's worth noting and the reason we're starting off with this one is obviously it's been a big issue for us on the game theorist Channel and we've been doing a lot of videos and a lot of work behind the scenes on this whole legal case that's going on but we haven't actually gotten a chance to really sit down and talk about the nuances of the whole thing and there's a lot of misinformation out about what's going on and specifically where we fit in versus how channels like Smosh fit in yeah so the difference between the game theorists and some of the other channels that were affected like pencil nation Studios Islands things like that owner dear what we are most certainly very and clever that is not as cool but the other thing is we didn't sell our channel or our content you defy right so early on in smosh's life they were bought by a larger company they sold the IP and all of their content to what eventually became defy media same thing with clever clever existed as a network of channels all oriented towards female gossip and news and entertainment if I just created that one right they didn't there well they were purchased - oh really clever was purchased as well I thought that they were one that liked someone in defy like thought up the clever channel and then just started doing it no do you know who the founder of the clever channel I mean they were more corporate in nature but that company also got eaten up by define it would defy for a period of time bought a bunch of other companies and kind of their like pac-man eating up a bunch of because they bought escapist and all that so so that was like that clever was like that too this was another one of those yeah and another good example is the warp zone yeah I don't know if you guys are familiar I've done a couple of acapella videos over there but they're another like gaming slash nerd scripted comedy and musical parody channel if you haven't checked them out they're fantastic they're a team of great guys they're wonderful but again early on in their channels life they also sold to defy right so we have always we were always kind of separate from them yeah whereas a lot of these other channels that you know are being talked about in this they were actually properties of defy and in the aftermath they literally like lost their jobs and the channels go blank they go to funked except for small so Smosh has been Smosh has been filming and uploading and they still have like a hundred million views a month which is sort of incredible it's Noah and and we're like I'm really happy for them because one of the yeah because one of the things that we were wondering like like what happens to a massive channel if it just goes blank or goes dark for like a long time like what happens but it's so they've been filming they've been putting up stuff which is smart for a couple of reasons so the first is obviously that just like a shows that they care about their Channel it shows that they care about their fans and all that stuff but behind the scenes defi is trying to sell off Smosh right they've got this channel and they're like hey maybe we could pay off more of our debts if we sold off this channel Smosh clever warps on they're all in the same boat defy is trying to sell them to someone so that they can get cash to like to pay up to pay back people quite honestly pay back a lie pay again like this whole idea like if I has a pot of money that they have to use to pay back yeah people like Li Bank people like us and they have to sell off everything from like the channels they own to like the chairs that all of the employees but swear in to try and get as much money as they can to pay back stuff so they want Smosh to sell for as high a price as possible and they're not going to sell for as high a price if there's nothing on the channel right if that channel has been dark for like months then who note like then who's going to pay for it right which and and this is good news all around right because if these channels do end up getting sold that means all those creators suddenly are back in jobs like actually paying jobs yeah hopefully you know there might be some restructuring or whatever but hopefully everyone's still hired back to work on the channels it hopefully means that defi gets more money to pay back more of the people that they owe them money to yeah so overall it becomes a more positive thing and news came out earlier this week that Hearst the Hearst company is like a massive massive massive a publisher of like magazines and newspapers if you've ever watched Newsies the villain actually the villain of Newsies is William Randolph Hearst right you know this guy who's taken advantage of the Newsboys yeah yeah like so I mean Hearst doesn't really have that the Hearst company doesn't really have that reputation anymore like now they own a lot of literally legitimate news sources but I always like Cosmo yeah they own Cosmo which i think is the one who bought actually bought clever which makes sense cuz it's like a style lay it's like a style channel that's clever they're so Cosmo is all about like you know fashion and style and being cool and so it's clever and so that makes a lot of sense that those two would like kind of see got ya Cosmo attracts like an older audience yes that is the model for cosmopolitan nailed all the logos to flash along the bottom of the screen yeah not not images to actually like reflect what we're talking about just the logos it's just the words but no Cosmo attracts like older women you know to find out what their ideal let's just face it it's I I don't know why we wouldn't be able to talk about that they're literally in at like in the checkout line of every grocery store but they are in the checkout line of every grocery store every seven ways to please your partner and like geez man did you I'm just trying to buy some broccoli here did you know for a period of time stores were required to have blockers to cover up those side titles yeah I don't know I don't know when that legislation kind of got removed but there was a period of time where all stores that were carrying like Cosmo mags or any of those kind of like scandalous like sex quit because they they would actually have to cover up the saw you would only be able to see the image in the middle and they would have to cover up the sides yeah at some point that got revoked because now you can see them again but it's an interesting little little tidbit there Cosmo magazine so clever getting my body micro Starion makes total sense because now all of a sudden they have an outlet to speak to younger audiences younger like tweenager audiences which i think is smart and it's I think more interestingly Smosh is currently being considered to be bought by good mythical morning which we're allowed to talk about because it's in a tube filter our hey that's good or you say what are you saying no I had the look I just gave Matt here was like I one of us is gonna die on this couch that is escort them that would know thank God it actually came out in the news okay so so yeah and there's there have been rumors about it for like a few weeks now but how exciting that we can talk about that that we are allowed to talk about there's no public knowledge we as of today this morning Chris when did that article come out I believe that was today good look at the world so timely about this yeah so we've heard about that kind of rumblings about that under on behind the scenes for a couple weeks now yeah so it's cool that it's starting to be talked about but it's really interesting right because you don't necessarily think of good mythical morning rhett and Link who are on our charity livestream who do probably the most well known talk show here on YouTube challenge show here on YouTube right it's weird that they're we avoid their main competitor is now like hot ones but but yeah so you don't think of those as necessarily going to I when I for Hearst first heard that I was like huh that's a weird one but honestly I was like I don't know if that makes a lot of sense but if you think about it actually so good mythical morning I don't know how many people know this but good mythical morning is like so so much more than rhett and Link and I know that they have good mythical more and you see a lot of their team behind the scenes but they have about 40 people working in that office we've been to their office huge number of its massive that we have like a live streaming like look they have like a live streaming theater it's crazy the kind of like setup they have and they're all beautiful totally do heavy theater yeah that's not an exaggeration they will watch things on a theatrical screen yeah with like multiple rows of seats like that is where they do business it's one of the most beautiful office spaces that we've ever been yeah it's gorgeous if they had a designer like professionally put it together when you go when Matthew is on good mythical morning we went and like they have this like gorgeous green screen with these like they'll bring they bring out I'm not even exaggerating this box of this like basket of snacks that you can like barely lift because there's so much in it and it's so heavy and it's all like beautifully arranged and it's all like organic chips and these like beautiful fruit rolls and stuff and you're like oh my gosh I'm on TV yeah it's amazing quite literally on TV cuz even the cameras you know for us we're using our little gh4 yeah camera when we film stuff for social media it's literally with just our phones Google pixel three they're great but when it comes to like bond this time but when it does come to good mythical morning and how they film all of their videos it's literally like true real TV cameras cinematic yeah the arm the rig that's like the jib they've got they've got a full jib like my shoes man oh I like the cut of your jib yeah that's what I was going for thank you so they've got they've got all sorts of stuff in there they're amazing so so if you think about the setup they've got of any like YouTube channel YouTube studio they've actually got like the chops and and like the structure to take in like a company like Smosh like also rhett and Link have like before they were doing good like obviously everyone knows good mythical morning that's really the thing that caused them to kind of really blow up but even before that when they were just rhettandlink before good mythical morning they specialized in doing comedic sketches parody sketches like if anyone understands kind of what Smosh is doing and kind of short form comedy on YouTube they're a good place to do it it's interesting though because in a lot of ways it's similar to a BuzzFeed style model like what BuzzFeed does where they hire out or buy you know other outside producers like the try guys you know back when the try guys were at BuzzFeed but like they'll they'll bring in these creators who are really talented really smart really funny whatever and just basically hey we will give you funds to do your own thing and we'll be kind of the business that helps run everything that goes around it you know and and we'll take part of the profits or whatever and that's what the try guys did at BuzzFeed that's what you know it seems like good mythical morning is really trying to do now by you know potentially bringing Smosh into the fold yeah so it's it's on one hand it's it's really weird to think about channels eating other channels and all kind of like working together in this internal system but at the same time if I were to see Smosh go anywhere it's good to see it go to another youtubers understands the type of content that they make so yeah and along those lines I got to ask you know man how do you are you spilling the tea so how how do you think the efficiency of Smosh is going to change if they go to another youtuber owned company because and this it like to you but it's like it's it's not really because like the company doesn't even exist anymore when Smosh was at defy we it even the people in Smosh talked about like how many people work on Smosh like so many people at defy worked on Smosh and obviously it wasn't sustainable like they weren't able to pay that many people to work on all of that stuff so like how do you do how is that gonna change when I was at defy I was their Director of Digital Strategy so I would kind of consult them on all the different shows they were producing programming for them recommendations for things to kind of stay topical you know optimizations based on analytics things like that and one of the things that I kept trying to beat over everyone said while I was there was that all they were spending way too much on every production and Smosh was one of them the Smosh videos were so tremendously costly at least during the time that I was working there had so many people I'm like there's no way that you guys are building a sustainable business model here because everything costs way too much to make I don't care of that video it gets 10 million views and is like the most profitable video on YouTube like you're spending way too much on this to earn it back without just massive brand deals but there are other channels that if I had to that that were almost worse than Smosh the the Omni channel while it was incredible because you had in real life blacksmiths literally forging real swords from like fictional IP like we made the cloud Buster Sword we made sephiroth's giant uh you know Masamune yeah yeah no I was trying to decide which way to pronounce it because there some use I know there's so many different ways Mutai yeah if you exit the last letter but it's one of those things where like tens of thousands of dollars would go into every single episode of that show like money-back guys cuz you're never gonna get these numbers and sees how much these are these videos arcing I hope you have other other strategies here so I do think that under mythical mythical entertainment I believe I could see them really kind of like dialing it back or paring down yeah what they're doing to make it more sustainable and hopefully still without losing a lot of the quality that they have but rather like conserving and merging production resources yeah rather than it being all over the place yep totally agree so Keegan says so also like roosterteeth roosterteeth does have a similar model and roosterteeth as is like their amazing amazing business people so smart over there we like Birds is one of my favorite people in Yahoo so incredible he's so nice he's so smart this and that is that is real tea like I've met birdie on multiple occasions we've talked for a while we spent a good number of a good number of luncheons together he's incredible he's so so smart the way he runs that business and his team it's so commendable yeah plus he was on The Amazing Race which makes him even cooler I know okay what maybe maybe for another day let's see so I'll read off a couple of things and then I think we should switch to no I think I think we should oh we are spilling it but I'm also I'm also drinking it there's some that I'm not really and Gabriel Whitmore says I don't watch live and I won't get noticed but I always liked watching lives is the first time and I'm making my own theories thanks for inspiring me that's awesome and then finally how much tea is there to spill says one step squirtle one well let's switch topics and find it let's find out shall we so the other the next topic that we have lined up to talk about is all things subscribe to PewDiePie whoo this is virtual a controversial thing I know this is this is an exciting topic so I mean I know so we're gonna talk about like this whole roblox thing with PewDiePie but I think it's worth mentioning like so I we talked to people about PewDiePie 70s we have a picture of him just in case you didn't recognize him he's this is probably the closest he'll ever be to guesting on GT live so that what he looks like oh my god Wow I thought he was just a fist the fist way along so sold but so we have we have a lot of conversations with brands that we consult about PewDiePie and we'll well maybe a different episode of GT Live will be like spilling the tea on brands that we like do consulting because they are crazy I think that'll be an ongoing case if we do continue that like GT live yeah there's a lot of stories that we can talk about when it comes to the conversations that we have with brands and companies who are looking to understand now who are trying to YouTube and do YouTube or honestly any social video platform yeah because that's because and I think that it's worth calling out at this point like that is a big part of what we do on the side that you would never really see to find out about we mentioned it every once in a while and some of the meta theories but basically you know we're out there helping brands understand their own analytics helping them understand their programming helping them understand how to work with youtubers all of that stuff yeah exactly so we we talked to brands about PewDiePie sometimes and it's so funny to see their reaction because as soon as you say their name we're like oh they're like oh no no no we don't associate with that kind of person and we're like you know what do you mean like popular people who get a lot of views on their videos and they're like no Nazi anti-semites and we're like wow whoa whoa no I mean they're like they're like that kind of person and and we'll ask like have you ever seen a PewDiePie video and then we like no I don't watch that because I'm not a racist and it's like alright maybe maybe maybe before you like jump to some jump to conclusions or before you it like make big assumption maybe you should like watch like a video or two or something and and we'll explain sort of a little bit more than what they've read in the newspaper because all they know about PewDiePie is what they've read on on the news right yeah there are companies that we've worked with who will outright not say his name and not let us say his name or not yeah not let us include him in presentations cuz for some companies will do like here's a quarterly update of everything that like every major event that you should be aware of or know about across all the different platforms not just you to but also like Twitter and Facebook and things like that and obviously PewDiePie very frequently is in the news doing something right right now he's doing you know the pewdiepie versus t-series stuff but I mean there's always some big news story around him and I'll there have been moments where the people that we're talking to at the company will before we give the wider presentation to the whole company and they'll be like no cut those slides yeah we can't acknowledge him it's like you if you are not acknowledging him you are missing out on a huge portion of the internet you might not have to agree with what he is or who you know yeah what he does or who he said some really awful stuff online and it's not not here to judge whether it was meant as a joke or whether it was not and whether he's just has continually said some just like really dumb stuff sometimes but here's the thing he's super influential he's like on top of every meme that goes out there now he does his own commentary on all of YouTube and like all of social video he's hugely important and so for people to not acknowledge him is like I don't even get it it's incredible too because like they will viscerally get mad yeah at us where we have such strong feelings it's crazy enough one of the most memorable things that have happened in one of our consulting sessions is we brought up just merchandise in general yeah and how and how youtubers do merch yeah and it was very like preliminary thing they're like how do youtubers make when I say very preliminary they're like how don't youtubers make money we're like well there's an revenue there's about the Papa Bob right one of them we brought up was merchandise and we're like for instance PewDiePie when he first launched his backpack the the numbers that we got like in the early days of his backpack was like somewhere around 10 million dollars in backpack sales to all his fans who wanted a pewdiepie bro fist back it wasn't like that that's him like that feels like it was too big yeah we thought it was like that we heard the booing heard or read that it was like a couple million you know couple million dollars and that was in like a month it was in some like really short amount of time it was it was an incredible number and literally the the conference room that we were in robbed it they were so angry they were like dude that's not fair yeah could he this is one of this is a budget this is one of the biggest companies in the world in the world like one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world outright being like that's not fair and we're like what do you mean fair they they'd bought backpack not fair or not or not fair that's what people did there were like why like because they like him back it was it was a blue backpack it was a nice bag it was nice back I didn't I didn't see it I don't know they needed something for their book that's usually what a backpack does and why people buy it yeah they were like incensed about this and this was a couple years ago only sort of gotten like I think I think the more people hear about him without actually watching anything he does the more this sort of like idea gets around that he's like untouchable we can't associate with anything that you know even remotely comes near him which is you know I think they're they're like missing the forest for the trees kind of thing like they are refusing to acknowledge that the Internet is you know has a lot fewer rules then then like traditional media companies had and you can screw up on the Internet and you can even screw up pretty big but like the internet does respond when people say they're sorry and does recognize when people try to improve and for Felix's part like he's cut like he's cut some cursing at least from his videos he makes I don't know I I don't know how to Pat like there's no judgement I'm trying to pass on this it's just like he makes fewer racial mistakes and like misogynistic mistakes again I'm not I'm not trying to like pass judgment one way or the other but he's again hugely influential his audience really stands behind him and the pewdiepie versus T series stuff has really just shown how true that is and so if you're not paying attention to him or if you're trying to like block anything associated with him you're missing like this whole T series vs. PewDiePie thing and how like PewDiePie is this like representative for all of the internet culture yeah and we'll come back to that in a minute I think but first all of this kind of relates back to the big news of I guess last week really where PewDiePie got banned from roblox and his audience basically did experiments to figure out like why was he banned in particular when throughout the livestream throughout his time on the service and throughout his time on the game there was nothing really that broke Community Guidelines and by doing a bunch of a/b tests apparently the the big differentiator and the the reason why was because of offensive language and the offensive language was the word PewDiePie yeah that that it was there like blacklist his name which again like jumping to conclusions that's that's a pretty big conclusion to jump yeah like even if you think he's a racist even if whatever like banning banning him and banning you know I mean anything that uses his name is just I it's like it's really unfortunate and sad to pull up your Chris this is an example of someone receiving a warning from roblox for using hi PewDiePie yeah it's it's it's pretty extreme and if you're it's just super sad well and here's the thing like I can understand roblox's decision if they were concerned about spam cuz right now subscribe to PewDiePie is being spammed in a lot of different places and so I could see the phrase subscribe to PewDiePie getting some level of filtering or some level of like added warning or whatever because maybe they see it as just like spam content or bot content or things like that maybe maybe I can give them that benefit of the doubt but - alright just be like hey here's here's a word it's not even just a name of a person like that's the equivalent of just like banning the name you know whatever homage or whatever yeah it could be Trump it could be Bill Gates like it could be any name yeah you to not be able to use a specific name just feels ok so I would I would challenge you and I would challenge one point on that website though Trump is one of those words that gets flagged yeah on YouTube for questionable monetization a lot of cases are using Trump in your title watch out you might be do you monetize yeah you you are actually subject to a greater level of review at least based on our experiments and kind of in the data that we have when we have used Trump in a video title or when we've seen Trump used in a video title more often than not those video videos tend to get yellow monetization buttons yes saying so again PewDiePie and trum same equivalent so I would challenge you I know I have a devil like to play devil's advocate on this I agree but I would say that in our in our own community guidelines for this channel at least better be set to this we have the use of the name Hitler flagged because the only time we see it used is in hate speech in our chat so we have it on a banned list of words if it's not on the banned list put it on it now you have like four seconds before the before the video catches up so so there are certain circumstances where we like we have a name that's on our banned list I would say that that it's unlikely that someone would use that name without it being offensive or hate speech driven so that's why we put it on there and I don't think that they're the equivalent I don't think that Hitler and Trump are equivalent I don't think it Hitler in PewDiePie or equivalent but we do have a name on there well it was also often associated with because it from the live streams we actually learned you learn a lot when you do a live stream especially with comment management and and what you what people do and don't spam the the comments with but we learned that especially in the early days a lot of people would use Hitler's name and then associate it with like emoji Nazi flags Jannik emoji like swastika yeah really bad yeah strange people ask us how we managed to do live streams without moderators and no live stream is perfect like obviously they're there you know sometimes nasty things that come through the chat and whatever but we don't call them out so they don't get attention and and then also we we set like community guidelines around words that we don't think are appropriate for our community and if you know it took us a long time to develop that list like it took us months to develop that list because people are very creative with how they use hate speech yep here's here's a question for you Steph oh so you're asking me these questions I want to I want to toss one back to you obviously the PewDiePie t-series stuff has been ongoing and has lasted longer than I expected Whalum which which I'm happy about quite thank you mr. beast yeah like I think mr. beast said stepping up and kind of doing his part I think like seeing creators really rally around this whole fight of PewDiePie versity series has been awesome and it's not something that I when we did our game theory on PewDiePie versus t-series was not something I was anticipating everyone is now testing out all the evil people they can I was gonna say I knew I knew as soon as you open that door stuff that of course everyone was gonna walk through and Snape and Voldemort those are not on our band lists but if you keep spamming them you must not be named guys okay not to do something yeah I know I know I knew I was bringing it on ourselves but I thought it was an interesting question to raise but but it is so it's so on one hand I'm super super excited to see that it's going on this long I'm I think it's really awesome and very powerful to see so many people rally behind this idea of a native YouTube creator needs to stay at the top of this list yeah just for me symbolic standpoint yeah and it's like it doesn't even matter if like I'm not that big fan of PewDiePie or whatever I'm a fan of the internet and Internet creators and independent internet which obviously I think you know I'm in that camp of like yeah like Internet creators first like this was our platform and you know try and keep it yeah let's you know let's let's try and keep it the same because in keep it you know creator first or at least like creator predominant yeah and even in the video that that we did on t-series vs. PewDiePie and talking about that and talking about where t-series comes from and stuff the end of that video that we wrote were just like kind of a bittersweet or like sad moment where we were like this is this is a native YouTube creator being overtaken by a media company and it's not going to go back right it's not the reverse is not gonna happen I mean PewDiePie and and t-series are gonna fluctuate for a while so they may go back and forth a little bit but overall with a media company at the top media companies are gonna stay at the top yeah that's there's no winning yeah there's bad that battle is not that battles or and I think a lot of people recognize that which is why they're fighting so hard and whether they agree with PewDiePie or not like as a content creator whenever you see them coming out in support of the whole initiative that being said stuff and the question I wanted to pose to you is if it was someone other than pewds someone other than Felix do you think that the internet would be so vehemently rallying behind him so like say so say if it was like a markiplier or a jacksepticeye or top YouTube creator X like you know if it wasn't PewDiePie specifically do you think there would be more support less support I'm curious if there was any other creator check game theory up wishful thinking get him out of here so on the one hand I think that it would be more publicized if it was if it were someone else who was less controversial like you don't see anywhere in the news like this is huge on the Internet like it's a huge deal for YouTube and-and-and like the creator universe but you don't see it anywhere anywhere in mainstream media and I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that PewDiePie is so controversial and no one wants to touch him if it were someone who is like super family-friendly and they were like if it were seated oh no his grandchildren could go to college and he's 14 or whatever so so yeah I do think there would be more mainstream coverage of it and it would be like this this like pulling your heartstrings story of like of like small business or like the little guy and and the internet rallying around the little guy in the same way that like the Internet rallies around you know videos of sick puppies and stuff like that and they're like you know in that kind of cathartic way so I I do think that however on the side of like the support that he's seen and like this grassroots movement I do think there's something to be said and this could just be my imagination I'm just speculating but I think there is something to be said for the fact that he has this like spotted past there is something I think about that that a lot of Internet users are people on the Internet relate to or find more human than someone who's like perfect and presents this like perfect persona PewDiePie has like issues right he's he has I mean I don't know what I don't know whether he has personal issues or not he seems fine he seems like he's very happy person behind the scenes but like but he has this like outward history of like I made mistakes I used to suck I talked openly about the fact that I used to suck and I try and do better he has this like redemption story a little bit in the eyes of the Internet again the media is completely written him off but in the eyes of the Internet and he has this like redemption story that I actually think makes him more sympathetic and people find more relatable as to like hey even if I screw up I can redeem myself people can still be out there supporting me there are you know brighter days and I think that's something that resonates with a lot of people who spend a lot of time on the Internet and have a lot of their like social time tied to like spending time with people on the internet you know what I mean honestly yeah I think if there was one print you know let us know in the chat stuff can look in the chat and let us know what your thoughts are about how would this situation be different if it was a different creator Jake Paul I'm subscribed to Jake was like subscribe or a series would no longer be the villain in that case like nope let's push these series to the top friends I wonder that would be fascinating but I would say you know I agree with you I think you would see more mainstream coverage then you currently are seeing of the PewDiePie T series stuff cuz cuz really the stories that have come out of this are facet fascinating and deserve as much coverage as possible people hacking into accounts to take over printers that say subscribe to PewDiePie buying billboards all over the world a time boat yeah to promote subscribe and keep you back all over India to promote it like PewDiePie himself doing like hey I don't want to be a you know I don't want you guys attacking an Indian channel or the Indian people so I'm gonna do a whole charity donation drive around which is so great so strategic like strategically on point it's it's so great and it's one of those things that like of course no one talks about that stuff right all this fascinating stuff which really should be getting a lot of attention because it just shows the power of the Internet and goes back to what we were talking about before which is there's just whole sections of the world outside of YouTube that refuses to acknowledge his existence period yeah because they're like we've already lost to this guy like they would never say that right but I think there's this animosity this jealousy this it's not fair that he this one kid has been able to like topple all these infrastructures yeah like we're not gonna give it any more attention than it already has this is stupid yeah we're not going to legitimize it response that being said I do think that while you would see more media coverage I don't think you would see the vehement that people currently have if it were another creator just because and I think a lot of it has to do with where PewDiePie is in his content right now where he's no longer a gamer like he'll play the gamer forever play games honey he's still he's in in YouTube's eyes he's still listed under the gaming vertical but he's young and he hasn't been for years yeah he's not a gamer he and he's not just like a commentary person anymore like he's gone through three very distinct phases and right now he's in kind of this like like you said this Redemption arc this this phase 3 is a meme Lord and like a popular events commentate he's the voice of the internet yeah it is it's weird he is the personification of the Internet which i think is one just fascinating and two just brilliant from a Content standpoint but we the people who do work with us and the people that we know like like the the merch guys that we work with are much older than us but they you know actively what they don't watch everything that PewDiePie does but they actively watch pew news yeah you know meanwhile the people who are watching his meme review are younger yeah and so you have in his kind of new programming in the way that he kind of does stuff on his channel now you have this really interesting spread of content yeah something for his old fans you have something for new fans it's it's actually like really smart if you look at his program and we try and tell this to people we're like look at his yeah you don't care if you don't like his content look at his strategy look at his programming strategy I'm not used to a microphone being here I know right um look at his programming strategy look how smart it is and look at why it works and then learn from it and people are like yeah but they but they should so but that's the thing right is I think because of him kind of making the shift prior to all this t-series vs. PewDiePie stuff I think because of that he's able to get more people supporting him from more corners of the internet right and kewda including like James Charles from the beauty community Elon Musk from yeah I just whatever spirit exists from the pot smoking community yeah from and from obviously all the gamers that he kind of like grew up alongside yeah and so he's touched so many different people and his content touches so many different people at this point that it is one of those things that like we're all in this together yeah as opposed to if you did have just a gaming channel or just a beauty channel or whatever it would be big in those communities but would it be as big to the Internet as a whole I would argue not I agree a sister says we all used to suck it just depends on when we decided to change oh that's deep I know that's a tweet right Alex 3 said my parents think that PewDiePie is a Nazi and they won't let me listen when I say he's a when they won't listen when I say he's a good guy let's see people try to learn from what they what they don't even attempt to like or listen to it says Prime Meridian you have to yet you have to listen and like you have to pay attention a lot of times you can learn a lot from people you don't like right I think like that's one of the things we do like him I just but there are a lot of people who don't but could still get a lot out of it yeah it's it's scary and surprising I think nowadays the Internet's in this really interesting gray area and as we do this podcast this is probably something we'll talk about or go back to a lot but then the Internet's in this very interesting inflection points where in the early days it was all about getting people to use your website right it was all about getting more users to Facebook it was all about getting more viewers on YouTube more more creators this and that and now all of a sudden they've won you know everyone and their mother uses Facebook early or mostly everyone's mother uses Facebook yeah you know everyone is getting their entertainment from YouTube to some extent or another Netflix you know all these platforms have tremendous amounts of viewership users and they're all built on these algorithms but the algorithms are designed to serve people stuff that keeps them in their content bubbles yeah it's not forcing them to watch or participate or see stuff that they necessarily disagree with or that is going to challenge their perceptions and humans by their nature you know are just gonna be like I think what I think and I'm not gonna want to like expose myself to different viewpoints and this that in the Internet is kind of facilitated that in a lot of ways and so we're in this weird gray area where the platforms YouTube Facebook whatever have to decide are we going to show people stuff that they might not like are we gonna show people stuff that they might disagree with and thus pop them out of their content bubble but they're gonna be mad about right they're gonna be mad and they're not gonna use our website or they're gonna like you know not be on our website as long but it's better probably ethically and then on the other hand you need like humans people to be like yes I will I'll have an open yeah that's what this is all about right is you know you might not like a piece of content you might not like a certain Creed or whatever but watch them and learn talk to someone else and just get it there's so much to be learned from talking to other people and keeping an open mind about ya talking to people who have a different experience or a different perspective than yours even if you don't like their perspective um Judy Jackson says it really well in the chat I don't like some of the things that peopIe says but he is so smart as a youtuber and that's all you need to know yeah it's a and honestly that's like the same thing with me and I think same thing with jacksepticeye in the in the aftermath of pewds is big skin I would say his biggest one where it was the the death to all Jews fiber skin where he hired people to hold up that sign yeah which was very weird did I think that he had male intent with that no probably not real dumb yeah was it dumb absolute oh my god was it a joke that didn't land or didn't really like fellas it's not over yes it was not okay I would say it like for me personally it was okay no no no it was it's sorry it fell into that kind of like not okay terror yeah yeah like it was not something that that I read as a joke even though I kind of understood it was which is why we did a whole film theory about like how do you tell a joke yeah to make sure not like that it's a joke and and it was interesting because in the aftermath jacksepticeye he you know people are like he came out kind of being like I don't agree with this as a joke like this didn't read as a joke to me like I'm concerned about this and a lot of people raked him over the coals being like PewDiePie's the thing that made you how dare you like aren't you his friend and you can be a friend to someone you can support someone you don't necessarily have to agree with everything that they do and yeah you just need a friend with someone doesn't mean that they're infallible yeah and you can and part of being a friend a lot of times is like calling people out on stuff that's not okay for their own sake yeah that is the essence of friend that's right that's a good friend to being confident enough in your relationship to be like hey I don't think that that was smart I don't agree with you you might want to change the way you think about this or whatever yeah and so yeah anyway I think we have time for one more segment here let's let's talk about that do you want to talk about do you want to talk about fortnight and epic games or do you want to talk about mr. beast oh I think we are conspiracy theories with Shane Dawson those are your options what do you think I leave it in your hands I think we should let's since we're already talking about PewDiePie why don't we just talk about mr. beast for a few minutes oh that's great okay so the big news with mr. beast right that came out recently up this is him there yes there he is coming to a dollar store near you where he's he's giving away like PlayStation fours for a buck or less video god I love mr. beast I know so much of his stuff it's so so fun to watch it's great he liked his again youtubers who like even if you don't watch him even if you like even if you're like oh this seems live just like way over the top and stupid or whatever um it's so smart watch him again well this is one of those things where we tell people like watch him learn from him what he does works and it works for a reason yeah awesome even though I would argue that like some of his like some of his earlier stuff like what's frustrating cuz I'm like this is so quick baby yeah the twenty thousand magnets stopping the bullet I'm like oh come on yeah we get come on come on guys come on you know you know whatever it is but I know his stuff is so great it's it's so clickable and so fun it's so creative it's it's and at the end of the day I love it cuz it in a lot especially his recent stuff is giving back talk about Shane we'll talk well we'll have to save him maybe for like I don't know tomorrow we can talk about yeah well yeah prioritize that as number one because you can't talk about things online right now without talking about chained off but the the reason we called up mr. beast here not only because of like the relationship to PewDiePie and him being kind of like the top general when it comes to subscribe to PewDiePie but because he was claimed and he's brought he's brought up kind of some of the failures of the copyright claiming system right now so last week he was claimed for singing living on a prayer yeah in one of his videos right but the claim wasn't for the song it was for the words living on which was part of someone else's song someone else's song but like just a youtuber who used those two words in a title and in the song itself right and so he made a copyright claim on the video obviously I would assume at this point mr. Bies challenged that and of course what it right but it did start to expose the weaknesses of the copyright system and also how it is being abused which i think is one of those ongoing stories that youtube is constantly looking it's what we talked about at pewdiepie is also talked about it it's well there have been a bunch of people who have really come out and taught and said like hey i get abusive copyright claims for stuff that is obviously unfounded and that like that's literally just belongs to me and we've had this experience - it's suck oh my gosh it sucks so bad if you want a good example of how broken the system is I know I have one - I think I don't know oh really okay so we've had a couple of ones that are really bad so obviously like one of the big ones that gets talked about a lot is like PewDiePie singing des besito - or whatever um but for us this is my favorite one because it shows how broken it is but we had a film theory where we covered Spongebob popular topic yeah it's the last film theory that we did on SpongeBob not true second it was the one where we were exposing his parents lineage of the yeah the lineage of Spongebob who are SpongeBob's parents why they kitchen sponges what are those funny was fascinating film filming game theory take me to research some really fascinating haha scary places sometimes but definitely some fascinating places Jim sterling he is on it says Tribune Ellis we are scribe to him good old Jim position sorry I just saw that when I was like oh people don't call it Jim very much I should talk right Jim go ahead but Jim's another one guy who I find endlessly fascinating and he's again super nice in person for another day but what I was saying is so the intro of that episode this spongebob parent episode is a parody of the spongebob opening right and it's me doing the pirate voice are you all ready kids and then we have like okay it will get claimed on this one too yes and we have a prepackaged sound effect that well the kid being like no you know are you sure like no and then like three hours later oh okay let's just start the episode like that is how all the intro goes it's all you it's all me you saying this that is me doing a pirate voice at the beginning and what got claimed for you know for playing the intro to Spongebob Squarepants which we did not do we can not do and also like we didn't even like say like I even said are you I said are you ready in the pirate esque voice and that is the only things that I said from that point forward after those three words are you ready everything else was completely different completely original yeah whatever and it's just those words said in a pirate voice which is not a copyrightable thing yeah you had copyright that it was copyright it was it was copyrighted claimed we disputed it and it was reinforced so at this point if we want to earn any money off of that video ever again any money off of that video ever again that was claimed off of me doing are you ready we have to take it to court yeah we would have to literally sue like we would have to basically like here's our address sue us like I mean we would have it escalates to that level of now it's a legal thing we'd have to sue them like act like sue a media like a media company or a record label and little like us two people working on the Internet are not not going to sue like Sony records or like Warner Brothers Records like there's no way that we could possibly do that so this kind of stuff happens all the time these kinds of copyright claims happen all the time where the system is really abused either by big companies or in this case just by another youtuber like the other example I was gonna throw out there was this one we got a copyright claim one time and it was from it was literally just from someone who was a troll who just really hated hated Wes whatever we were doing for some reason he put a copyright claim at what video was it I don't even remember it was a so whatever you know there are plenty of people out there who like hate hate the idea of theorizing about things and so you know every once in a while someone come across someone like that you put a copyright claim on the video we sent them an email being like hey did we accidentally use some fan art or did we accidentally do you know use something that you created or over because we were very very careful about this stuff people think that we're not but we aren't extremely that's a whole level of like a whole other thing but we are actually we are so so careful about what we bend over so far backward so much about it anyway it's a story for another day but this guy said we were like what you know what is it in the video and he was like I'm not gonna tell you you're just gonna have to figure it out on your own and we were like what like you can't do that like legally he's at as part of YouTube's Terms there he's legally responsible to tell us what he owns he has to identify the property that's his in this video and he was literally refusing to do that and then not only did he say that he but he was like trash-talking us in this email like really personal just nasty just like a really bad like she's a really bad person and so we actually had to contact you yeah I think I think one of tho what can we do at this I think the opening line was something along the lines of oh you think you're so smart matpat figure it out why I claimed you and this is like it was like the Riddler had copyright claim yeah I have set a trap for you and now you must figure your way out of this copyright strike if you hope to earn money off your video anymore and so by the way if you ever like plan on doing that to a youtuber like you you you can't legally let that's illegal to do you can't do that so count will get suspect like that will be way out ultimately like we had to contact YouTube and be like hey this guy is literally holding our video hostage and it turns out that he hadn't even claimed our video for anything that he owned yeah there was nothing in that video he owned and he had just decided to put a random claim on it just because he thought it would be like a mean thing to do and so we had to contact YouTube that it had to go up like you know five layers of people within YouTube and we're really lucky because we actually have a partner manager over there like a lot of people don't and so if this happened to a lot of people there'd be nowhere for them to go other than to just like fight it out with this troll online and ultimately like it's so because that person you know they were they were breaking YouTube's Terms of Service by harassing us and so their account got deactivated and stuff but oh and then and then after their account got deactivated they sent us like another threatening email being like you're gonna get it now or something and so forgot about this no you're totally right so now we lock our doors at night but but because like they're like how dare you yeah they're suspended or deleted yeah and it was really it's not our choice it wasn't our choice see like they they you know if you break YouTube's Terms of Service they're gonna suspend your account that's not something that we control we didn't ask for his account to be suspended or deleted nothing like that but again it just goes to the point of like this system can be abused so easily mr. beast is a good example of it but it happens all the time and it's really just people who are mean and who are trying to hurt other people because they don't like something they're doing or they're jealous or whatever well it's also one of those things too where there isn't really a requirement to deliver proof if you're claiming something on the other end that's the problem like that's the fundamental issue here that I think YouTube continues to kind of ignore and not really address is the fact that you can go out and copyright claim copyright strike basically whatever you want without any proof that you own things and the fascinating thing about it is when you get a copyright strike you as the creator don't see what would again like here's this kid who who flagged our video and we had to rely on him to tell us why he did it yeah the the strange thing about it is when you're in an MCN and you in an MCN or if you have a what's called a CMS or a content management system which is where all the data all the videos kind of like filter through and you kind of control the copyright claims for like a big business and i got to see this because of my role in TIF I and I've seen it in other companies in the past but basically you get to see hey this this video seems to be using your content and YouTube will actively say like it's between this second and this second and for us it was like a 70% match do you want to clue is this actually your content and do you want to claim it like the system will too when Content ID matches things that's what happens when it's kind of like in a questionable territory and so they will show you like here's the segment that we think is infringing on something that you own is it and is it bad enough that you want to claim it and you can say yes or no like that is what the system delivers to big companies who have CMS's content management systems to manage their their copyrights for youtuber X you know eat no matter how big you are if you're just still a channel like we are and we don't have one of those tools at our disposal we are literally at the mercy of these people who don't have to give proof and likewise you know we are not told by YouTube and we do not get that privilege of this person claimed your video for this reason it was just it was manually claimed figure it out yeah so all of a sudden then where we're talking to old editors and being like every single image and you can imagine for a game theory video or a film theory video that's a huge number of images and we gets every video every video and we're really again we're really careful to use stuff that is not for cop not copy written and is like is civically cleared by google images and by other sources to be reused on the internet and so yeah we're anyway we'll get into that like another another day but like we're really careful about it but then everyone has to scramble to like figure out what the heck could have possibly been claimed so with something that we talked to YouTube about a lot actually like we complain about for on behalf of mr. beast and like everyone including ourselves who this happens to we talk to YouTube about this every chance we get we're like the system is broken you need tools you need at like and hey okay if you don't want to give tools to everybody make their like give a subscriber threshold something that gives people the ability to control their own content because they're always a free point right when you roll it out to everyone that it gets abused and I understand that right like I understand that fear but there's there's a better way because right now the system is very much like guilty until proven innocent as opposed to hey maybe we should actually hold the copyright claim er accountable as well yeah to show some proof and it's it's fascinating too because obviously on the game theorists in the early early early days we had a lot of partner shows now we don't have quite as many but unfortunately I wish we still could but in the early early days we were testing out a lot of different shows including scripted shows tomΓ© is this animated show that we tried on the channel because I'm like oh this is kind of fun it's nerdy it's well produced yeah I think that the audience might enjoy it unfortunately they didn't but you know but it was just one of those things I'm like oh let's share the channel here so that way you can get more views onto you this you know this high quality production that you made and hopefully more money off of it too because of you know more views more Adsense whatever and you know we were working in partnership with the original creator of that series the original animator the guy who had put it together blood sweat and tears and the first episode like from the get-go I'm like this is not going well because not not from the viewership standpoint but because I uploaded it onto YouTube and I'm like monetized and they're like No and I'm like why not and they're like you need permission from the original creator I don't know what it was but something flagged in the system of life we won't monetize this because we don't trust that you have permission from the original creator and I'm like I do like it was it wasn't like a Formica it's like here's your like five prepackaged responses I'm like I have permission from the original creator and I get back like a couple days later and they're like no like no chance for me to upload a letter from the creator being like I give matpat slash the game theorists permission to distribute this and monetize it not like nothing there was no chance for me to prove that everything that I had done for that video was in partnership with this guy and that I had all the rights available I was again guilty until proven innocent even when I had opportunities to like actually respond there was still just like flat-out denial this just happened with with one of our episodes one of Austin's episodes of the science fair where he used he had permission he had licensed a song he had like fully licensed it and uploaded the video it got claimed by the by this like song holder and we went through this whole rigmarole to like get it released and then it was like okay is he gonna be able to monetize this and it took days and days for him to be able to like monetize it again so that he likes so that we could like give him the adsense that came from that video a song that he had out right yeah he had paid for the song and he had so much trouble and it was so anyway the system yeah the system is definitely broken totally feel totally feel the pain mr. beast is like gone gone through although I'm sure I'm sure he got it resolved because that's like an open-and-shut case there's no way it is it is worth calling out though and this is the last thing that we'll say before we have to wrap things up is I I give music every once in a while a hard time in episodes relating to copyright or things like that last time I mentioned and I think was the article 13 episode over on film theorists where I'm like the music industry is kind of a mafia by the way by just to seed it out there there's not really a good opportunity for me to really talk about it but the more and more we learn about music like that's just worse and worse of an industry it is but like literally every element of a song can be like if you do a muse if you just we upload a music video onto your channel you're gonna get claimed three times at least at least three times once for the actual notes in the song once for like the video like the music video and then once for the lyrics there's also the performance and things like that but the fascinating thing is I would have always wanted to do music theory as like the third theorist branch yeah third theory channel but because you can't even address lyrics without opening yourself up to copyright claiming and so we can't even like analyze lyrics in it from music and it's such a shame because there are so many songs that people don't remember anymore or don't realize like that they would love if they understood them thank you that kind of channel could help people appreciate all kinds of music that they've just never been exposed like all sorts of staff notes and compositions yeah chord structure I appreciate how great some of the musicians are that like currently exist or have existed in the past and there's no way to do that's a cool technique and let's learn about there's no way to do that and actually like be able to make your money back yeah just because everything would get claimed by the music label even though it would fall under fair use yeah and it you would be fighting so many legal battles but but again it's one of those things that lyrics can be claimed and it's just this weird idea that like a series of words can be claimed but it's it's treated in much the same way as like a book people are like book theory music they are theater theory we have some ideas we have some ideas yeah but anyway so so so that being said mr. beast might have gotten away with you know this living on idea that you know hopefully he was able to clear the copyright oh yeah crazy but technically if he was truly singing that song he could we get claimed by but and it doesn't even matter if you're singing the song poorly like if you're singing the lyrics to the song more than more than I think it's two lines or something like that just citing the lyrics you could get claimed just from that and then like the the progression of the notes that's why cover artists can't really do covers on YouTube cover artists have such a hard time yeah and a lot of them are like amazing covers but those people can't ever make money off of those you can make like a fraction of a fraction of its really small and the problem like so the other other thing that we like won't get into but like the music labels are always saying like oh these artists deserve to make money if someone else is using their songs but the truth of it is that the artists like the actual music artists see almost zero yeah from that that's probably music labels almost everything they they're so little the the percentage that the actual artists like whether you're Taylor Swift or whether you're like just like an upstart music artist if you're going through a label you see almost none of that so that's also kind of a lie that's that's a whole nother topic but yeah this is t2 spin we're supporting the creators right so yeah or you don't like really you know how much of that bottom line is is the actual creator at the end of the day seeing of that it's a weird weird industry and we've we know people we've worked with people who come from that world and we'll out rights like the stories we hear from them are just unbelievable and as it's actually very much changed my own personal opinions of music like I am much less likely to listen to like popular music on the radio anymore just because like my perception of it has been so sad like everyone you know everyone has to listen to music at some point but I will more than more than not default to listening to just other YouTube videos and stuff as as podcasts like this one right here rather than like listening to the radio in a lot of cases just because I'm like Dwight do I really want to support this industry in any significant way and a lot of times it's hard for me to get over that mental barrier yeah which is sad because music shouldn't be ruined for people I know but that's another story for another day yeah we I'm sure it'll come up again and in the meantime I think there's I mean we have more stories to talk about for next time gratulations Stephanie we covered like we had like a whole bunch of pages of like here all the cool things you know there were how many stories here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight nine ten about ten stories here we covered like three and a half so maybe in the future we'll move through them faster maybe not we don't know like we said we're figuring this out alongside you guys yeah this is all an experiment and you guys have already been giving us feedback in the chat so thank you for that already and thank you for like all of your support and watching this through it seems like a lot of you stuck all the way through from start to finish which is awesome next time we have like lots of other stuff to talk about next time we do this format again it's really important to us that you give your thoughts on what you thought if you want to see more and then if you have requests for our topics if it's like if it's something where you're like yeah definitely do this again and I want you to talk about whatever story it is yeah we're stories that you guys care about yeah and you know the personal histories or whatever or our thoughts on the things that are going on so let us know yeah what you thought of the format did we spend too long on things should we move faster or was this about right how was the length again we're figuring all of this out and yeah when that when we do this next time which will probably be I would assume next Tuesday yeah tea time Tuesday tea Tuesday spill the tea Tuesday GT live Tuesday tea series Tuesday let us know let us know how we can make it better and what you'd like to see and talk about because we are here on the couch to talk about it so with that being said that wraps up our first gt podcast I don't even really have a good I mean I could do the usual site we could we could do a little like we could do like a soft ASMR clap and a half or something wow that's that's weird here's here's a clap and a half for everyone at home that's a good podcast e clap and a half and thank you guys so much for watching and we will see you tomorrow from from the standpoint of the live stream we're back tomorrow 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific time from the standpoint of this potentially being a podcast well that's Tuesday friends hope you liked it time to let us say goodbye in the chat shall we yeah John from Philly watch this TV time Tuesday this is amazing Thank You Diane Bischoff thank you this was really great lovely conversation awesome Terran d7 says make it longer
Channel: GTLive
Views: 189,968
Rating: 4.9456511 out of 5
Keywords: spilling tea, spilling the tea, hot take, spill yea, fortnite, gtealive, pewdiepie, t series, drama, controversy, reddit, clevver, pinstripe, defy, smosh, pinstripe game, copyright, epic games, activision, roblox, banned, tea time, copyright claim, gtlive, Thomas Brush, opportunity rover, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive tea
Id: prhVME-0vLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 40sec (4540 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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