Actors Give Advice on Diet & Exercise

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I can relate to their eating pains: I had been frequently told by my trainer and other lifters I needed to feed myself more protein. The 60-90g I was getting was not enough.

So I tried to hit at least 130 one day - that extra 40 was hard. I was just constantly eating - plain shrimp, plain chicken, boiled egg, cottage cheese, almonds. Ideally the protein should come from actual food, but I'm settling for whey/caesin-based drinks because I just cannot eat that much food, and I'm lifting for myself rather than a job or performance.

Edit: FYI some of the diets these actors are describing (except for The Rock, lol) are like keto on steroids. Cutting out as much sugar and carbs in particular - Hugh Jackman mentioned he was eating a ton of meat, steamed veggies, and the occasional brown rice. No sugar, no alcohol. If he went into detail the steamed veggies would likely be things like spinach, bok choy, collard greens, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce greens, brussels sprouts, peppers, zucchini, asparagus, and mushrooms. Absolutely no potatoes, corn, carrots, or any root vegetable of any kind (with the exception of radish) unless you are doing a ton of cardio for HITT workouts, then a keto level of 50g a day allows for small portions of whole carbs, nothing processed.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TechniChara 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2018 🗫︎ replies
I've never particularly been asked to do transformations but you know you just go you just get it in your head then you just go I need to that's that's what I need that they were about three months we trained in Boston and it was a couple hours a day and it was brutal the tricky part was eating a lot just eating everything all the time it sounds awful see think I sound a nice but it's not just like cheeseburgers you mean you have to eat like these just bland naked pieces of chicken and rice and then it's it's it's not that appetizing you just so four words it's it's a pretty uncomfortable feeling eating is the key 70% is eating it's about 4,000 calories a day maybe four and a half as I'm bulking up and then it gets chopped stairs I'm leaning up drops down to about three three and a half thousand calories not the fun calories this is the chicken fish maybe steak always protein six times a day protein steamed vegetables and occasionally some brown rice or some like that protein shakes and just like that no alcohol no sugar pretty nothing pretty much nothing that's fun okay did you start to psychologically lose it what is what you believe or not the hardest part was physically eating that amount of food I had to put on about 17 pounds it was crazy I mean aside from the training which which was literally it was it consumed my life for a while very intense a lot of a lot of heavy lifting I went into that point the hardest part was eating you know you just have to eat a ton a ton of calories and it was all hard hard calories it was a lot of chicken breasts I was eating so much chicken breast it the hardest part about it was actually chewing it all so I would just put it into a blender blend it all up and just drink chicken it's not gross it's your what's your diet like you said you're eating chicken but what specifically like what like if you get up at 3:00 in the morning what do you eat it egg whites Ezekiel bread almond butter and then I'll work out then I'll have yogurt and the street yogurt and shake and then I'll have I'll be having chicken cooking family in a rotisserie chicken then I'll eat turkey burgers I don't eat a fish I eat probably 780 meals a day every half hours cuz it because when you're gonna die at a Superman what a Superman e's he's a lot of things name what I mean okay depends if I'm s building then all all you burgers and stuff building yeah see this different we're different yeah math building us of the call yeah yeah so the you trying to get your arms bigger exact yeah yeah that's cool but then with you it's transforming yourself is really not hard it's just you just it requires consistency and dedication and you have to be Caitlyn willing to sacrifice the things that you want you to trade things that are fun like alcohol consumption you know meals at restaurants things like that for you know long arduous periods of time exercising and physically exhausting and grueling work it's you know anyone is I was capable of doing and I think anybody could do it if they wanted to but unless you had to I don't see why yeah you're fine stop saying Chris prod it's no five is that true no I plenty of fat I eat plenty of fun yes Chris Pratt eats no sugar that is more true gave me a cheat day but it was on a Sunday and we were we shot the movie in London and we were at the gym and lifting weights and I guess he just saw that my will to live was fading him and uh and magnet and it's been five months of broccoli chicken breast and yeah that kind of stuff and and he was like Alex let me take you to lunch put down the weights let's listen and he took me to this Italian restaurant and sat me down and said what do you want and I was like what do you mean what like chicken breast or salmon he's like know whatever you want on the menu order so I got to eat pizza pasta to Remy soon I get emotional just talking about it I'm someone who likes I train my myself actually that's not a pride thing it's I just prefer it I just like it more I I worked with a trainer named Don Saladino in New York who gave me a plan and then I just do that plan on my own and then the diet yeah I do that I've done it enough that I know how to do it yeah okay okay it's probably more difficult than actual filming it was my body doesn't sit naturally at that white you know that was consuming many many calories and protein you know being the main one and working out six 7s what do you do for cardio nocardia I know I run that's the same real answer yeah so what is the real answer you I think they do I think it's a very long complicated process with a lot of knowledge required to achieve the thing that's why we have our trainers who do all that and just tell us what to do it tell us what they eat I would say as far as a tipper for the person who's being trained is when it starts to hurt badly and you want to quit that's really when you shouldn't quit yeah I think that's I mean it's just about you know the discipline of continuing to do something that you don't want to do and forcing yourself to show up and keep exercising I mean it's kind of that simple you know it's it's not that it's not pleasant it's you know you feel like you don't want to do it anymore and that's when you have to keep going I wake up at 3 I go down in the kitchen I make egg whites Ezekiel bread almond butter with a little avocado every morning every morning I go downstairs I work out for about an hour with my buddy Jonathan I come up I have a shake and then I have I make a salad and my food to go for the morning and then I have turkey burgers and sweet potato and then I go to the golf course at 6 o'clock I play till 8 o'clock then I rush home to meet my wife after she drops off the kids we have our little alone time and then I do whatever else I got to do Wow then I'm in bed by 7 in my wife thinks I'm an old boy so you got it that was good and my question was what time do you go to bed if you get up at 3:00 you go to bed 7 8 hours yes so every day you eat that cleanly yes and that's what she so you don't have a chef you do all your cooking yourself we have somebody cooks during the week for the kids when they'll make me a little piece of fish or something but he makes dinner Wow you you were really disciplined and also I had to eat like a ton of food so there are these prepackaged meals from this company called Zen foods and they just put like six thousand calories into containers and we're just to me all six thousand up to 6,000 calories a day I did I remember the first day I was in pretty good shape when I came into this movie I was skinnier but I was in good shape and I thought you know I know what I'm doing here he wanted to make sure that I left my ego at the door so one of our first days of training he was like all right 200 pull-ups 200 push-ups and you're done and then he just walked out and I was left there to do 200 pull-up how can you feel like a million bucks when you're in shape when you're always exhausted like you're when you're always working out you never feel what it's like to be you know fully strong I just always feel like oh god my chest feels like somebody like drove a truck over it you know so wait I don't know now for the stunt work you have to be in top shape and you are looking at fun in this film so what kind of what do you do to stay in shape I work out pretty much every day I've tried to change the routine I'm always looking for a new bodybuilding routines and and and I have so now I've got it done it's like an hour a day five times a week but most it's all diet what you eat is what you is so I take it you're not ordering pizza for room service how'd you know but you are right I caught you already I knew it no if you eat great really great Monday to Friday from Saturday to Sunday you can turn into the biggest hog in the universe and you won't gain an ounce and you letting you get it all out of your system so as it does it'd be good for like 4 and 1/2 days during the week I really wanted to look the part just like 10 meals a day plus the weight gainer and all this stuff it was it was fun for like two weeks because the first movie I did I had to really kind of get thin but after that it was like I know more what was the one food that you got totally tired of eating chicken loads and chicken pounds and pounds I would eat at least two rotisserie chickens a day myself this is you this is obviously you at your shirt off now how long yeah I don't know what you don't like beforehand but like how long did it take to be that to get to that stage it took five months of pre-production training and that was about four months into shooting yeah so nine months for a Wolverine did you do three hours a day three hours ago so two hours in the morning and about 45 minutes in the afternoon okay and what is very tough what do you is this where you get to eat everything you have 600 calories a day yes this is the I literally rang Dwayne Johnson the rock okay man I've seen you in some movie I said what's going on what do I do he's he went through the dime and it was 6,000 calories eating every two hours basically unfortunately no one nachos and a [ __ ] but no it's I mean we'll look like two chicken breasts steamed broccoli some maybe some carbs Bartok training it was a few months and I'm used to doing it now but there is that element at the beginning where you actually do have to put down the Cheetos and the cheeseburgers and you know here we go but it's great yeah I don't know what kind of shape I would be and if I wasn't an actor because I think these things in front of me and whether it's learning to surf or learning to fight are getting your body and trim it's it's a great thing to dangle in front of you yeah it is but then like once the shoot is over do you slack off just terrible the worst and every time I see I'm not gonna do it I'm gonna stay fit I'm gonna stay trip and it go with normally within two or three weeks but if somebody asked you to spot them it's really easy can you come and spot me the answer is very easy and it's great gym etiquette you could be comfortable with telling them say now go [ __ ] yourself do you try and gain a little weight between films I try to do it blue tonight I overdo it on the weekends during the week it's almost all protein in by Friday night I'm ravenous and then I'll bulk up and then by Monday I'm back on the regime that way my body at least is a piece a little bit but never bulk up for me I didn't want some fists and I've never had a more difficult time I like taking it off oh boy how many calories calories are with the day are you taking sometimes I'll be down to 1,100 yeah I'll be down 1100 and and then on the weekend I could be up to like 9,000 I mean we're talking tons of french toast we're talking peanut butter in my hair you know think yeah the very first movie I had no idea I was basically a skinny guy I was doing Oklahoma here in London I got the part I went and I had three weeks and I was like cool three weeks I'll be able to turn into Wolverine just shoot if you watch x-men one their very first scene I shot as me coming down in the mansion downstairs down there blue hallway running down with my shirt off and he had to shoot around me because it's just really not good and so they shot the very first scene at the very end four months later so for this one I rang Dwayne Johnson the rock night is I had to delay Mears I lost some weight for that and I said what do I have to do and he said you gotta have minimum six months and actually I really had some time before lamb is so I started the training probably a year a year out but so I eat 6,000 calories a day I train for about three hours I train every day but I don't do weight today we wait like five days no pretty much free weights yeah the free weights are much better to stay injury-free yeah I seem to get injuries more when I'm on the machines but you know the key things like deadlifts and squats and you know obviously benchpress and one-armed Rose military press things wow you're on like some crazy diet right now I heard cuz you're shooting a couple of small salads a couple of small pieces of protein and it's kind of hit and you go to bed hungry and then you have a fasting period of like 15 hours like you stopped eating completely and then you have little meals through the day you should be skinny for the next Thor movie like a really like a really like scrawny and starved for character piece wouldn't it be depressed about two very important co-stars your biceps they make they make an appearance every time you're about to shoot are you just like pump in before before you roll uh that day we were you know I'm not gonna pretend I wasn't yeah yeah the day we did the helicopter thing you know you're in t-shirt you know you want to look good I'm not gonna try and pretend that I just walk around like that yeah you you you you prepare is there a lot of pressure to keep up yeah the answer is yes yeah you want to make sure you look the role and you want to make sure that you know it's tough reading those comic books because in the comic books he's like 64 240 or something is it is huge I'm nowhere near that so you know you want to make sure that you do your best to at least get close to the the idea that some of these comic book fans have in their head it'd look really good I'll put 40 back on after that yeah 40 back on really you look better going good so that's that's back to normal then I've got another about eight to go did it this is healthy way as possible I mean I met with two nutritionist so I found out how I could lose three and a half pounds a week so I gave myself whatever that is three four months and I had eight meals how do you say small meals like what what did you eat five ounces of fish couple of vegetables a little something else three times a day and I also had my red wine at night started off exercising really hard you know going for two-hour runs burning lots of calories and then I injured my ankle so I couldn't do it for about ten days but I stayed on my diet I lost just as much weight and I said well forget that I'm not at the workout was a lot of a lot of work had a great trainer guy named Walter Norton and and he you know he just it was about showing up every day really that's the thing and sometimes I had to do it like you know early in the mornings or whatever before so I was working on another movie I was doing gone girl before I I did this and so I'd be shooting that movie and then have to work out and you know get ready in the mornings before gong gross is this about like getting out of bed in the morning being willing to do it even when you hate it you know and I would have totally given up if I didn't know that you know I had to be on camera so I couldn't cheat I had to like get up there and do it otherwise you know it would be you know you got to be Maldives expect you to look like a superhero obviously you want to look so every time they yelled cut offset and that they brought some weights on the set for me so every time we had a break and telling me I would run off and just are lifting weights but as a result you know you're working out pretty much the entire day for multiple days so by the end of the sequence I was exhausted I think the number one thing that a lot of people for whatever reason become adverse to carbs are your friend I like the way you come on carbs are good carbs I was torture I'm not writing any but I'm not in shape you know I mean I'm not even good shape and I I hate to exercise but I knew that if I didn't get together the movie wouldn't work I wouldn't seem tough or intimidating or like a professional athlete or a guy who was that had taken all that energy and you know put it into working out so you know and to me it started to become a measure of like how hard am i working on this movie how much am I willing to give and it was an external manifestation of that so I worked out I worked out like crazy I'm actually okay at first I was really like you know I feel like throwing up every time and I felt incredibly lazy and I hated doing it but like anything the beginning of it's the hardest like the first day is the hardest second days is second hardest and what's he going it actually established for me like a kind of a discipline where if I if I did that if I worked out and I would tend to get other stuff accomplished like that I needed to get it to get done and so it helped me focus for the movie end up training twice a day because I had five months and I thought how do I expand five months into longer you train twice a day than it's ten months you know and then that's ten months of learning in five months and so I just I just trained and trained and trained and obviously in order to learn more once you start to learn more you need your body to be in a place where you can continue to do it it's an all-year thing I probably spend eighteen months doing it really and we wrapped the film and I went straight back into training devs like you're obsessed you've finished the film most yeah but I'm on minded to do it again there I finally had to give up that idea that you can do it all in an hour hour and a quarter a day so eating is the case 70% is eating that's a good way to do it but for me I just lose to my saw is doing Crossfit so I have to do two hours in the morning an hour of cardio Arab weights and then I do a weights cardio mix in the afternoon more like a cross beam element but I have to do some heavy whites and all the things you don't want like the rowing machine Moya the front squats like what was your diet like to get into the shape that you got in for Batman it was a lot of protein and not a lot of carbs but just you know eating like four or five times a day and you know you have to keep your calories up to build muscle that was the hardest part and you just get sick of food and you don't want to eat anymore like orange roughy you know or Sidwell or white fish or chicken and but you have to sort of keep a steady diet of that and then just lifting weights you know for a couple hours a day and gets old like literally you know brown rice protein broccoli a gallon and a half of water a day and working out two or three times a day six days a week for about a year and a half your body will change it will definitely change four o'clock in the morning I wake up have my cat and by 4:30 4:45 I'm doing some sort of cardio I do this and then I'll have breakfast and then I will go do all my strength and conditioning training at a gym for about an hour and then I'll go to set between cardio strength and resistance training stretching maybe about an hour and 45 minutes okay that's not too bad not too bad too bad it's not all in one shot I think the structure of the diet all starts with whatever the goal is a diet is structured and it is a it's probably somewhere between five and seven thousand calories a day that's very balanced of carbohydrates fats and proteins and greens and things like that when you are on the set 12 14 plus hours a day how are you able to then sleep and then also make time for the gym this is what happens okay you get yourself as big as you can and then as you're shooting you slowly get smaller this is what happens throughout the movie you just slowly lose your mass so you need to come to set as big as you can possibly get yourself in anticipation of exhaustion I yeah I mean that's the thing I think after eight weeks and I could have got in pretty good shape but after seven months that's how you like like I did eventually because you just keep stepping over little barriers where do you think okay I would honestly think right I can't get this is great and then the next minute you'd be like a while if I've surpassed that and and then you're enjoying it because you know I would never be like this again so you think well how much more can i push it and that was the the Spartan element is that the main conditioning as well training for me has become very defining has become part of my life lifestyle it's defined me in many ways when I was 14 years old I started training and I thought to myself I can I want to be successful in the way I know how to be successful I think of the men I admire and those men in my life were pro wrestlers who were my uncle's of my dad and then they were also Arnold Schwarzenegger and Stallone favorite wrestlers and they were kid my dad Rocky Johnson my uncle Jimmy Superfly Snuka the wild Samoans joke oh yeah so these men were like big men who always trained and got things done with their hands well basically training for three hours a day and eat a lot of protein a lot of food and I actually got the diet from Dwayne the rock Johnson has made of mine and every day what I do is I eat for eight hours and I fast for sixteen and so from about 10:00 in the morning till 6:00 for this I eat way too much and then nothing after that alright Dwayne what was your training like for this film what was your routine my routine for this film was training six times a week George Farah and many people who go on and calm know who might strengthen conditioning coaches let's have a training coaching Dave Ramsey who and we put together and this this was I a hell of a prep for a movie like this where it it revolves around the world of bodybuilding and that culture of bodybuilding that we love by the way that we grew up on so the prep was a good I don't know eight to ten week six times six times a six times a week training twice do my cardio in the morning oh god well once I sign on to do in the movie I was like I was I was committed to getting as big as possible and that just meant going back to doing what I used to do when I was really young and lifting as heavy as possible and eating 10 to 12 meals a day and you know I drink two or three mass gainer shakes a day and my calorie intake was pretty damn high my gas was he did call me and say well you know how do you look right now you know why how how am I gonna seriously be able to suggest to Warner Brothers that you could play Batman ever if you know you're that skinny perfect fit he then proceeded to put on a lot of weight in muscle terms and really Tron bulk up because I had impressed upon him media the idea that for Bruce Wayne to really fill that suit he was gonna have to be very very large I was just stuff in my face all day long and lifting heavy weights and eating more and and eventually went went up to like 220 pounds I just listen to what he said about get as big as you possibly can so that's what I did you know that's the problem is people want to know what the secret is the secret is you can't do it in a month thank you I like that it takes eight months and or a year or a lifetime to of consistency working out every single day and eating properly and truly feeding yourself not starving yourself but giving yourself proper nutrition to heal you have to burn off all the crap you put in your body and you have to replace it with really good food and fuel and it takes a long time but really eight months it's not that long I mean what were you doing in May right yeah that was yesterday right and when you're looking back eight months goes by really quickly when you're looking forward it seems like a lot it's crazy so long across but even eight hours seems can be right but just takes a little bit of consistency and time is gonna go by just as fast whether you're doing it or not so who do you want to be eight months from now you want to read your diet you want to be in good shape then get on it today [Music]
Channel: Radoslav Detchev
Views: 9,642,679
Rating: 4.8699174 out of 5
Keywords: actors give advice on diet and exercise, how to get a celebrity body, how actors get in shape for movies, how to get in celebrity shape, celebrity transformations, celebrity fitness, chris hemsworth in shape, how do actors get in shape, how to train like a movie star, celebrity body transformation, epicmashups, biggest celebrity transformation, mark wahlberg diet, celebrity trainer, dwayne johnson, bodybuilding motivation, radoslav detchev,
Id: rF3ixuORPaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2017
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