Piers Morgan States Facts About Tess Holliday's Cosmo UK Cover on GMB

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yes I think this is all about accepting that women don't come in one particular size eight shape yeah and I think it's actually a good thing really yeah yeah the accepting of life-shortening conditions is a good thing my name is Ellen Roberts this is everyday Fitness life subscribe click the notification right over here share my video subscribe to my second channel Ellen Roberts in my opinon course we can above look in all those places thank you very much that was Piers Morgan and good morning Britain talking about the tes holiday Cosmo UK cover which is up for cover of the year cover of the year because nothing is you know more healthy for our society than to put a morbidly obese person on the cover normalizing obesity now you can call her pretty you can say she's attractive to you you can say all those things but please do include that she is morbidly obese she's morbidly obese that is just a fact I mean if you want if you want to include all the other things please do that's a matter of opinion but the fact is she is morbidly obese she is going to shorten her lifespan being as big as she is it is fact it is just fact I believe that having her on the cover of a magazine like that is harmful to people I am in agreeance with Piers Morgan on that subject it is just harmful to me it truly is I believe it's harmful to our society in that when it used to be if somebody was a beasts they were like oh no I need to do something about this because I am obese and I was short my life but now with the healthy of every size movement which she is a part of which she has been openly stating that you can't tell if a person is healthy by looking at them which is false that is uh not factual that is not factual at all so she is a part of that movement she's a part of the after your beauty standard she's a part of this movement that moved the facts that took movement the money'll and the morbid obesity accept it whatever you want to call it she is one of the figureheads of it when people normalize morbid obesity it causes them to not worry about it as much it causes them to not do something about it therefore it acts hurts people because once a person becomes morbidly obese they think it's normal and they think it's okay and they don't take the steps they need to do something to lengthen their life to actually make themselves healthy again it isn't a problem it is it is a societal problem in a systemic in our society we must do something about it and having this big cover of the year it probably should be covered a year now I think about it it probably should be because it did spark conversation and I am very happy to be one of the people that is having this conversation often to the chagrin of many of my many of my followers that don't want me to talk about fat acceptance as much but I don't see anything more important in our society we with people with both people in Great Britain in America getting obese and unprecedented rates making it normalized making it seem like it's okay making it seem like it is not actually unhealthy that is a problem to me now I was alerted to this video from good morning Britain from looking at Twitter Tess holiday basically tagged Piers Morgan and said hey my covers up for cover the year he actually tweeted back saying I have nothing against you congratulations below bla bla bla but I did see that a couple days later after they discussed this she tags him to get him to talk about it then a couple days later she kind of pulls victim which she does all the time she pulls victim II like I heard I was talked about a good morning Britain well she said why don't you fly me out there and Pearce was like okay well Pearce and good morning Britain I'd love to sit in on that you can Skype me in you can do whatever you want but I would love to do that she has me blocked just about I'm sure blocked on Twitter now - but she has me blocked on most forms of social media but in reality I would love to sit in on that conversation because there's absolutely no way that this can be seen as healthy not but I did want to talk about the video the good morning Britain video a little bit just to uh just to see the conversation that is being had in a country whose national health care system is getting crushed by diabetes and obesity crushed Britain's national health care system is just being destroyed by obesity I just think it's important that people of all shapes and sizes are represented in the media just because women of all shapes and sizes do you exist and it's important that you see yourself represented I completely 100% agree with this lady I completely agree with her our entertainment should represent our reality it should I'd even did a video about that that our entertainment should represent our reality we should see many many many more people that are overweight obese and even super obese on television on our media we should see that all the time we should see it much more often because the majority of people are both great Great Britain and in America are overweight a vast vast vast vast number of people are obese and there are even quite a large percentage of people that are super obese meaning very like BMI of 50 and above that should be shown that should be reflected in our entertainment issues we reflected in our media it absolutely should be just as all the health issues that come along with it should be front and foremost also to all of the health issues that come along with being overweight obese morbidly obese should also be seen if you want representation it should be a true representation of what you actually are it should not be this glamorized effect of you can be a cover model and everything is great and you can't tell if I'm healthy or not no it should be a true representation of what society actually is but if Tess Holloway goes to a doctor he doesn't celebrate her 300-pound size he says to her you're morbidly obese in you're going to die if you don't do something drastic about your weight that's the reality check behind this ridiculous celebration of somebody who is morbidly obese I was rather shocked with how many counterpoints the fact acceptance movement has four points that were brought up in this video he just brought up when you go to a doctor the doctors gonna tell her tell this person to lose weight tell Tess Holliday to lose weight and yes I'm sure they are because being obese and being morbidly obese is very unhealthy for you however I've seen so many average so many articles on fat acceptance how they talked about don't be fat shamed by your doctor you don't even need to be weighed by your doctor as if it to in very very honestly if you are morbidly obese they have a harder time hearing your heartbeat with a stethoscope because there's so much tissue between the stethoscope in your heart it's just fact I mean the problem is that the you are morbidly obese you are carrying vastly too much weight for your frame but in we've been many many many articles and almost every argument scene with you can't tell if I'm healthy or not by looking at me they will even talk about don't listen to your medical professional that's the state we've gotten to and again that is not actual reality so again if we are gonna celebrate this cover as cover the year to the point where she wants to celebrate it and tag Piers Morgan and then claim victim because also he talked about her let's represent it really how it is she is unhealthy as no a doctor I mean normalizing glorifying glamorizing obesity is very dangerous what does she know she's just a doctor because fat is never normal it isn't normal and fat is that Mira it's common though yeah that doesn't make you see I'm coming from a medical point of view then right it's not normal it's common though yes that's actually the problem that is actually the problem this whole thing it is common it is way too common it is far too common and actually glamourizing it putting it on the cover of magazines as if it's awesome makes it more normalized which makes it more common you're like it's a self-defeating argument well it's common there's so many people are obese this person's not talking about how many people there are she's talking about the medical conditions that come with it she's talked about the medical state it puts a person in it be in common is actually the problem because fat is dangerous fat is toxic fat produces a cascade of destructive hormones that cause inflammation all around the body the main thing is that when you're fat your metabolism is hey Wyatt excuse me ma'am but as somebody that's been down this road many many many times the stating of facts about medical conditions that come along with being obese see that is fat phobic and you should question why you as a medical professional would even bring that up there are plenty of models who are very very skinny and that might not be normal or common no that is not the conversations being had however that was an awesome attempt at a diversion but that's equally unhealthy we have the size zero stick insects on the cow all right I'm not discriminate against fat people or very very skinny people right but it's tomato if you're unhealthy you should if you're unhealthy as a body right either painfully thin or painfully fat you should not be celebrated and people to put you on the covers to sell magazines nobody now be winning awards yes you're still a human being if you're extremely unhealthy skinny or morbidly obese you are still a human being you are just going to be one far shorter than somebody of a healthy weight that that's the point that that's the entire point and I wanted to congratulate Piers Morgan for pointing out that they did rise up against that actually when there was super skinny models on the covers of magazines a few years ago or years ago people rose up against the saying was unhealthy standard for women who tried to hit it was an unhealthy standard for women to try to attain it was not a good image for women to try to do and it was damaging young women because it was unhealthy the problem is that people such as Tess Holliday while they can be seen as beautiful they are not being seen for what they actually are which is morbidly obese which is unhealthy has the right to choose what shape she right and she also has the right not to be bullied or shame I agree Marian what we should be I completely 100% agree with her nobody should be bullied or shame for the physical stay 3 nobody that is not a productive line of conversation it's just not we have far too many people that are overweight obese and super obese for that type of ridiculousness to work people should be told the truth people should be told I care about you enough that I want you around for a long time people should be told the truth Tess Holliday I care about you as a human being enough to tell you the truth you are morbidly obese if you are 300 pounds of 5:3 at your age there are so many things you are going to miss out on on the end of your life so many things like grandchildren like grandchildren's weddings so many things you are going to miss out on things like holding your husband's hand as you walk down the beach as an elderly couple watching the sunset there are so many things you will miss because you are burying your head in the sand about the facts of morbid obesity sit a loved one down if you are out there listening sit a loved one down that is morbidly obese and tell you care about them enough that you love them no matter what they look like no matter what weight they are and you love them enough to tell them the truth that being morbidly obese is stealing years you could spend with them from them it is stealing years away from not only them but you and you want more of them that is what the conversation should be had sit a loved one down and tell them I care about you enough I love you enough that I want you to get to a healthy weight so we can be together longer those are the conversations that need to be have questioning is a magazine cynically putting someone like that on the cover to sell copies to get noise and now being put up for awards well I disagree with it why I really do disagree with that is because encouraging unhealthy life choices and denying that there are health risks is not promoting body positivity I need to buy this lady a beer no kidding oh my god that is exactly my point if you want to consider yourself body-positive you will accept the things about your body that you cannot change and you will do your very best to love your body enough to get it to be as healthy as possible because that is truly loving your body yes it's not actually like she's not on the cover saying I'll go out and look like me people who are fat with the disturbed metabolism go on to high blood pressure heart disease diabetes and worst of all cancer she did you hear that if you are morbidly obese a doctor just listed it down not the angry bald man a doctor just listed all those things down if you are morbidly obese listen to the doctor do you feel like this is body shaming like a prejudice against ya who are carrying it away just because once commenting on the the health aspects of obesity cuz it is I don't mean it's beige yeah yeah I'm not a table because I think like it shouldn't be focused around health like at the end of the day so when we're talking about somebody's body health shouldn't enter the conversation somehow talking about the factual health ramifications of somebody's actions or physical state health shouldn't enter the conversation why avoid facts so many people exist who are the size encouraged to do right just live it yes they should be encouraged to live they should be encouraged to live a long time they should be encouraged to do so by losing weight Gordon off person they can decide for themselves like they're an older person and they can decide for themselves I believe she should check the reading demographic of Cosmopolitan UK and Cosmopolitan magazine Moe says it's okay where's the incentive to lose weight but it's not that it's in it's okay it's just saying that this is the woman in a swimsuit on a magazine cover it's not saying anything else narration to go on anyway it is simply not a person on the cover of magazine in a bathing suit it is a person that identifies themself as an influencer saying this is okay saying that this is glamorous saying that this unhealthy body standard is okay that's exactly what it is and it is sitting in the doctor again kills it by saying it is teaching another generation of women that being morbidly obese is completely okay you can be pretty you can be nice you can be smart you can be intelligent you can be president you can be everything you can be anything you want any size you want besides healthy you can be anything you want you can you can't be a professional athlete in some cases because you need to be healthy enough to be professional athlete but you can be any profession you want in today's world and be morbidly obese or super skinny you can be any profession you want but you cannot be healthy that is just not true at every size there's no such thing as healthier your size and that is what this type of magazine cover propagates that you can be healthy and happy at this size I deal with morbidly obese people on a daily basis because I coach people to healthy weights for morbid obesity that's what my wife and I do we coach people morbid obesity two healthy weights as a living that is what we do we do this by not lying to them we do this by saying you should not eat that because you are more badly obese if you want to have children you should lose weight if you want to have you a healthy long life you need to lose weight that's why you shouldn't eat this that's why you shouldn't eat that that is what we do telling people that it is okay to eat whatever you want and be whatever size you want and you're gonna lead a happy healthy life is lying to them it is a lie so I would love to have a debate with Tess Holliday about healthy and every size I would love to sit down with anybody from the healthy to resize movement and have them tell me how it is okay to propagate an unhealthy standard how the facts don't actually matter because I found this extreme I found this whole scenario extremely interesting how Tess Holliday kind of baited Piers Morgan and in talking about it and then [ __ ] that he talked about it I find out amazing but that I digress I find the whole conversation extremely necessary to be had because in reality there is no such thing as healthy every size and putting an obese model on the cover of magazine glamorizing it is dangerous to our society and that's just my two cents of matter my name is Alan Roberts in the epaulettes room I never dimmed a fitness it me up on Twitter it ever gonna be fit I'm also on Facebook and every day I may finish the Internet every damn day fitness net where Tess Holliday has me blocked on most of those goddamn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 337,272
Rating: 4.9430227 out of 5
Keywords: everydamnday, everydamndayfitness, piers morgan, Tess Holliday, tess munster, Good Morning Brittian, GMB, plus size model, plus-size model, tess holliday model, body-positive model, plus size, good morning britain, alan roberts, body positive, fat acceptance, weight loss, body positivity, good morning britain interview, talk show, eff your beauty standards, piers morgan tess holliday, cosmopolitan uk, cosmo, Cosmo Uk, cosmo uk cover, cover of the year
Id: f0SowUNAvGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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