Tess Holliday's Logic: Plastic Surgery is Body Positive but Weight Loss is Not

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so let me see if I keep up getting your lips plumped up body-positive losing weight toxic my name is Ellen Roberts this is everyday fitness like subscribe to Jennifer right over here share my videos subscribe to my second channel Alan Roberts in my opinion course might the bubble ot and all those places thank you very much so the mental gymnastics test holiday uses to justify her actions versus what she expect some other people have always amazed me this woman again I I have said before I believe she is one of the most manipulative people I've ever seen in my life the test holiday that appears on camera for all of her interviews is extremely different than a test holiday that appears on her Twitter and on her Instagram I did want to congratulate tests on her obvious weight loss even though months ago she literally ostracized somebody from her circle for a losing weight to get healthy because they had all sorts of medical conditions from gaining too much weight ostracized the person Tess's fans pretty much tried to troll the person off the internet all sorts of stuff but I did want to congratulate Tess on what I believe - she I believe she's looking thinner so congratulations on getting healthy tests because in reality we all know that's what's happening you're not just working out just to feel strong you're gonna lose weight unless you actually make up for the calories that you are burning from working out it's just physics so what did was say that I'm gonna start a new movement based off of Tess's comments and outlook on different things that are body positive and different things that are toxic and I'm gonna call f your logic standards f3 logic standards because Tess Holliday does not need logic to feel right about herself today or yesterday I just I got it this morning she posted how she was at a plastic surgeon's office for a non-surgical procedure you know non surgery refresh I believe she called it and here's the post the post says visited my I'm going to scratch his name out because it's not his fault for a little non search for fresh people like to say that getting plastic surgery can't be body-positive but of course it can be it's your body to present how do you wish what is it body-positive is getting cosmetic procedures and not being honest about it because that just sets up another unattainable beauty standard however this young lady often times often I mean I could find dozens and dozens probably hundreds of instances where she says that losing weight is toxic is the person not just presenting themselves how they want if the is the person like she has openly said that before-and-after pictures are extremely toxic is that just about the person presenting themselves how they want so when this woman goes in to get a refresh get her lips done that's that's awesome that that's how that's how that should be but when other people lose weight for their health that's toxic she goes on to say just make sure that you're doing it for you and not because of what other people think I'm sorry but you're getting your lips done for you I highly highly doubt that but if you are getting them done for you what is the difference between you getting your lips done for you and somebody else losing a hundred pounds for them for their health your lips are a very that's an aesthetic thing that is just a visual thing that is not no bearing on your health at all whatsoever as a matter of fact many people to argue that that's not healthy for you because you're having a foreign substance put in your body strictly for aesthetics but when somebody else loses weight that's a problem the mental gymnastics it must take for her to get there it's ridiculous and the problem is she has millions of people that look up to her that is the issue because this this proves that she will say and do whatever she can just so she can do and say whatever she can logic does not matter it simply does logic logic has left the building with this woman who and it would be different it'll be different if she was just trying to have people if it was a you know if your lips standard and people could have bigger or smaller lips that's one thing but what happens is this is a health-based thing weight is a health-based thing there's no such thing as health in every size as is seen in her comment section because our comment section is a treasure trove of really really disturbing comments one of which and I'm going to block out all the names besides Tessa's because it's not again not not these women's fault but these there's a comment strain in here of women that are talking about having lymphedema and having surgery for it and afraid about it it goes on to read like this I'm struggling with this looking into surgery for my lymphedema but feeling like a sellout it's [ __ ] with me test hobby then says why do you feel like a sellout if it's something that won't Hampshire quality of life then I would consider it I am going to point out once again that Tess Holliday openly openly shunned one of her longtime fans somebody she knew personally somebody that had paid her for a photoshoot at one point I'm openly shunned this woman and kind of had her fans know after this woman for losing weight for enhancing the quality of her life by losing weight openly that's not an opinion that is fact period I mean the comments are still there so what is the difference now this woman can have a surgical procedure Tessa say and look into it because it will Hampshire our quality of life you don't want to Hance everybody's quality of life that's in this comment section it's talking about lymphedema losing weight that I don't Hance your quality of life losing weight another commenter goes I'm saying you don't anybody any kind of power of your body babe do what makes you happy there's nothing sellout about it test says agreed so by history this applies for everything besides losing weight for your health another commoner says I'm so sorry your struggles lymphedema I know it's painful this is not a vanity choice it's a walking without chronic pain choice walking with freedom can't remember what that feels like but I'm determined it to get back to that this is not meant to be mean but lose weight that walking if you have gained so much weight than you it has given you lymphedema where you have lymphedema or for any other reason losing weight will definitely help you walk without pain the thought the aversion to losing weight that this movement that test holidays movement has brought about is damaging these people in the comment section it is damaging to them they are struggling with the fact of getting surgery to remove pain from their life from their choices that were led to by having extra weight they're struggling with this because they don't want to be shunned by this group in my opinion of course the original poster says test holiday thank you it's totally going to improve my quality of life I think I'm struggling because lymphedema treatment is liposuction which brings me back to a time when I wanted to make myself smaller to please other people I'm trying to change my mindset to see that this surgery as part of my self-acceptance journey my fat body is worthy of care and being more comfortable it's just taking time to get there your posts help so much you have no idea they helped so much the original poster also says it's a special kind of liposuction that can remove fat tissue from around the lymph nodes and help them to function it can also improve appearance around your knees and upper arms you know what else can do that not getting heavy in the first place or losing weight for your health you know what else besides the surgery besides going for a surgical procedure if you don't get heavy in the first place and or you lose weight to avoid having lymphedema it'll be good for your credit your respiratory system if it's good for your bones it's good for every other aspect of your life it's good for your mental health too it is good for so many things in your life and that my friends is the problem with this movement this is not just something for the angry bald man to talk about on a weekly basis it's not the problem is [ __ ] like this the suspension of a logic this person does not want to lose weight because they want to be accepted to the point where they are now unhealthy that's an issue that it is that's the thing we need to separate health from aesthetics period because you can be beautiful and you can you know you can love yourself any way you look you can love yourself any way you look that has nothing to do with your health and this comment section proves it because these people are supposedly completely by the acceptance they buy they accept themselves their fat acceptance people the issue is that they're not healthy because of their weight they're not period that's not an argument it's fact the suspension of logic when it comes to this is the problem with this movement it is why people are going to die young it's why the life expectancy is actually going to go down in the next decades in the next growing decades because we have this type of suspension of logic which apparently tests Holliday can flip-flop on whatever she wants whenever she wants at all and I am not surprised because this woman is very hypocritical very very hypocritical she I mean I've seen her watch her followers body shame other people if everybody was important it's one thing to go after the person's words don't like that but if you are so against body shaming that's something she should not stand for and you can find it in almost every comment section whenever anybody mentions Tess's weight her fans go immediately after what the person looks like almost every single time it is ridiculous this whole movement is ridiculous f your beauty standards I agree f your beauty standards you can be beautiful whatever you want f you are [ __ ] logic standards for making it seem like it is okay to be the obese and there's nothing wrong with it and you can be healthy and then I was sudden telling people well it's okay to have surgical procedure for your lips you know I mean that's fine but losing weight toxic is [ __ ] another commenter goes on to say I totally understand this feeling I have lymphedema too I decided to have a series of surgeries because it's a progressive disease and I saw what it did to my grandmother and that's not the life I want that's what made sense to me you'll find your own way and what other people think is inconsequential another commenter goes on to say if it's going to benefit you in a positive way then you owe no explanation to anyone do what's right for you by the way I totally agree but for some reason when somebody from this movement decides to lose weight it is a big thing that's these women are worried about how they're gonna be viewed for getting this surgery because it's a weight loss thing they're worried about it like they're worried how they're going to be perceived by this movement this is toxic this is what's toxic it's toxic is a word that gets used way too much it is like the shaming thing like if you disagree with something here denies a phobic about it your your your shaming people or whatever the truth is the truth period is if you say if somebody says the truth and malice that's on them but the truth is absolutely the truth and the truth is being overweight is unhealthy it does not matter if somebody says that and you call them fat phobic they can beat that phobic but saying that being hundreds of pounds overweight is unhealthy is still a fact another color says please don't feel like that I also have lymphedema and just went to talk to the surgeon today but he treated me like a regular person that wants to be skinny not like someone struggling with lymphedema I of course am NOT the surgeon but I would imagine he's treating you like that because he want you to lose weight because it's what's causing your lymphedema another comment says lymphedema will affect your health I think that it's vastly different from cosmetic and the last commoner than I have here says dude lymphedema is a medical condition anything you get done to relieve it is a medical procedure maybe reframing it that way will help you feel better about it and I absolutely agree that should make anybody feel better about it and the thing is if you do not get obese if you do not get there or you lose weight it will also help with this and many many many other conditions it will help with lymphedema it will help avoid many types of cancer diabetes you can avoid that stuff you can avoid them having to clip off your toes because you have loss of sensation you can't you can it is so ridiculous that this conversation needs we had it is so ridiculous that in the comments section of somebody with 1.9 million followers that is just not said look it is because we're overweight that we have this condition almost certainly almost certainly it is because we are overweight have the procedure not to be pain-free but lose the weight and test if you were more interested in your followers like you say you are then you just being famous you would point that out but you don't seem to give a [ __ ] so f your logic standards and that's just my two cents no matter my name is Alan Roberts hit me up on Instagram I never named a fitness hit me up on Twitter and video also on Facebook and every day fitness on my Internet at every damn day fitness net god damn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 249,041
Rating: 4.9496307 out of 5
Keywords: everydamnday, everydamndayfitness, tess holliday, body positivity, fat acceptance, plus size, body positive, tess holliday cosmopolitan, weight loss, plus size model, body acceptance, tess munster, tess holliday model, fat loss, tess holliday interview, alan roberts, eddf, eff your beauty standards, healthy at every size, healthy and any size, h3h3, h3 podcast, plastic surgery, lip plumping, lymphedema, in my opinion of course
Id: VnW9EIzA_2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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