The Fitness Addict Makes ANOTHER "Protein" Shake

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what's poppy youtube it's boy ty bro and today guys i'm going to show you how to make your own homemade protein shake yeah i said it home protein shake i just don't know why it keeps making [Music] i don't [Music] my name is alan roberts this is every damn day fitness like subscribe click the notification right over here share my videos subscribe to my second channel allen robertson my opinion of course i'm going to bumbleton and all those places and by the way that is where you can find the old roasts of this young man tyrone essex otherwise known as the fitness addict um i normally when i make future content about him i normally just put it on my comedy channel because this [ __ ] is free [ __ ] comedy he is it is so good that he lives at home with his mama i mean i know it sucks being like a mid-20s late 20s person you know uh having to live at home with your parents but in reality they are more like caretakers i mean there's a few videos if you are not familiar he has a few cooking videos where i don't even know how he literally survived making the video uh and that's not even a joke i mean it is a joke because he's a joke but that's not even really a joke he is just one of the more i don't know stupid people i've ever come across and uh i actually stopped making videos on him for a while because my wife felt like i was picking on somebody that like was that [ __ ] stupid uh and then she saw a video of him making fun of other people and it's [ __ ] game on again so what's up tyrone how the [ __ ] you doing you had me blocked everywhere but i'm sure you're going to watch this because most [ __ ] do but the reason why he's on the main channel right now is because i normally reserve the main channel for people that are either bullshitting about fitness giving poor fitness advice or generalized fitness advice in general he is giving dangerous fitness advice often like the last video i did about him was on the on the other channel you can go check that out link the button both down all those places go check it out like and subscribe make sure you hit the notification bell um it was him showing up drunk at three o'clock in the morning working out like i mean it's just stupid [ __ ] you know i mean i i understand like when i entered tyrone's life his channel was doing really really good and i [ __ ] decimated it because i pointed out that he's just a [ __ ] ignorant idiot uh and i still would like an explanation from chris jones next time we talk on offline chris jones i want an explanation of why you brought this [ __ ] to our lives um what's up chris uh congratulations on the baby so but this video he's making another protein shake he did a homemade protein shake video before where he had some difficulties deciding whether they were what he was putting in was raspberry or strawberries um and by difficulties i mean it says raspberries on the [ __ ] box on the [ __ ] container and he's still calling strawberries over [ __ ] over again anyway um but he's going to continue to make uh make his videos and here is his newest homemade protein shake anyways like i keep telling y'all average person eats for taste guys i do not eat for taste i eat for looks i want to look like a million bucks okay so i gotta eat right why does it sound like tyrod is making this video on the set of an old kung fu movie okay anybody can do this at home so i don't want you guys to waste your money on protein shakes i don't do many supplements i do drink protein shakes occasionally and that's out of convenience however if you are looking to lose weight by the way you should just eat your food you very very honestly should you should eat your food because if you're trying to lose weight you're going to want to get all the food in you you can so just eat your food protein shakes are inexpensive relatively per gram of protein and convenient that's the thing you can carry the protein shake along with you you cannot you know in the form of a powder and just mix water or whatever you can't really carry a steak in your pocket most of the time it's actually kind of tough but you can carry like a little thing of a protein powder with you very very convenient for people that are on the go and that sort of thing this i will point out that his shake you cannot take with you and check out the hottest merch also in the game check it out i'm sure you guys know the website fitness check it out it's on the website get your merch anyways enough talking let's go straight in this video yes people don't waste money on protein shakes instead buy the merch of a youtuber who probably looks for velcro shoes instead of ones with laces because the laces are awfully [ __ ] complicated who has literally almost no he's like the court jester of fitness when it comes to you know fitness online he is widely known as a [ __ ] joke but make sure you get that merch guys the first thing you guys need is your blender okay nice and simple why is there a blender in his parents living room so i have my blender here and what i want you guys to do is put ice in it let's put ice in it let's put ice in your blender that seemed a little unclear to me should we put ice in the blender okay so i put ice in it the next thing is you need your frozen fruits okay so these are my frozen fruits that's all you need okay that's all what you need frozen fruit with ice and a blender in the living room on an easy boy chair all right guys nice and simple and you guys can get this at any store i repeat any store walmart any store your frozen fruits you guys can get them this is something that has always amazed me about this fool he doesn't realize he like he himself does not realize how much of an idiot he is he talks to other people like his instructional videos are hilarious he actually speaks to people as if he's smarter than them i would honestly say like what environment would it take for tyrone to be the smartest person in the room what environment would it be comment below what environment it would be for tyrone to be the smart instructional one and i'm gonna pour a bit i'm gonna pour a bit let's watch me guys yeah i'm gonna pour a bit i'm wondering how much he's gonna pour in there maybe a bit inside the oh it's melting just a bit it's a bit there you go how long did it take him to prep this video in his parents living room that the frozen fruit melted like and a bit you mean half the [ __ ] bag [Music] that's enough yep that's enough [Music] put a bit of your frozen fruits inside the blender just a bit i.e half the bag of frozen fruits inside of blender so far protein content on this protein shake pretty [ __ ] low but the sugar content very [ __ ] high next thing is one cup of milk that's all what you need one cup of milk when did all of you learn that eight ounces were in a cup i wha and what grade i think it was like second grade or something like that for me i'd have to like look back into like the history of time because i'm ancient but i believe in second grade or so we learned like our different measurements like what's a teaspoon what's a tablespoon what's a cup that is clearly a glass probably 12 ounces this it's so [ __ ] painful how this [ __ ] is like it's a cup one cup give one cup one cup hey one cup i one cup make sure it's one cup all right let me pour that [Music] one cup of milk somebody quick before the ninjas attack tyrone let him know that that's a glass next thing on your list is almond nuts guys you need to have your almond nuts okay just to let y'all know this is how i make my homemade protein shake okay one almonds or seeds not nuts but i don't expect tyrona to have that because they hold that information in like books and [ __ ] and two why the [ __ ] are you putting nuts into a [ __ ] protein shake that you're about to blend up yourself so far we have a decent amount of fats in here from the nuts and from the milk a very [ __ ] high sugar content so far from the you know fruit syrup melted fruit syrup and the frozen fruit in a glass of milk it where's the [ __ ] protein come in you have to have almond notes just to let y'all know and i'm and i'm gonna take three handfuls of the almonds okay so for those of you watching most people in case you're not one of them most people normally have protein shakes because you get about 25 to 30 grams of protein in about 150 to 200 calories normally that's if it's way or away iceland or something like that and that's that's about the average day you don't want anything else that most people just want to supplement their protein when they think of a protein shake and tyrone here now has about uh 18 grams of protein in the three [ __ ] handfuls the close to 500 calories worth of almond seeds dumbass that he put in there he's got you know very minimal very very minimal protein from the syrup and frozen fruit because the idiot let the bag melt and he has about 10 grams of protein in the glass not glass of milk and about another 11 grams of saturated fat so he's looking at somewhere around 25 grams of protein right now for around 900 calories that's how [ __ ] idiotic this could classify as a meal replacement shake but it is not a protein shake now we are not even at the [ __ ] dangerous portion yet but this gets so he is so detached from understanding what he is actually [ __ ] doing this kid is lean by accident i i have raised the hypothesis before that he is fed like i mean like he does actually very little on his own like his handlers meaning his family and his coaches or whatever they they tell him what to eat they give him the food he's allowed uh they they actually take care of him they tie his shoes that sort of thing they pay his bills because he has no clearly no [ __ ] idea what he's talking about all right that's one that's two that's three almond seeds almond seeds it's almond seeds almond seeds don't let it get to you allen don't let it get you okay three handfuls okay of almond nuts so far this is what you see on seeds third thing oatmeal oatmeal my protein shakes i like to have oatmeal so i'm gonna throw oatmeal and and these are i'll say this is like two two cups of oatmeal oatmeal in a protein shake i'm [ __ ] believable you know and again he's not real good with the measurements so i'm gonna put that at three cups it looked closer to four cups to me but we're gonna just call it three cups of protein or three cups of oatmeal excuse me that's got about 32 grams of protein in it so we did increase the protein quantity of this you know decently uh now you know with the 900 added calories in oatmeal we're about 1800 calories for a little over 50 grams of protein [ __ ] rock star you [ __ ] idiot um and again that's about 140 grams of carbohydrates in that close to like over it's definitely over close to a thousand calories in oatmeal this [ __ ] idiot just put in his protein shake okay so right now we have our frozen fruits one cup one cup of milk are you writing this down we have one cup of milk we have three handfuls of almond seeds we have three cups of [ __ ] oatmeal and about a half a bag of frozen fruit and the syrup it came in how again to the person that first sent me the very first tyrone video that was the guarantee the 20 push-up guarantee [ __ ] you almond nuts okay and our ice and now we're going straight to our eggs okay they are almond seeds and here we go with a straight up crazy ridiculous [ __ ] [Music] eggs just to let you all know and like i said guys this is simple he just went eggs just to let you all know as if you [ __ ] don't know what an egg looks like it's comedy that writes itself it's not hard it's not complicated and it's quick it's not hard it's not complicated no [ __ ] [ __ ] because you wouldn't be doing it if it was you stupid-ass [ __ ] just to let y'all know because people see me on time look at your body tyrone you look shredded you look good tyrone what do you do guys this is what i have in the morning i call [ __ ] just like any good little boy who lives with his parents into his 20s he eats whatever his mama puts on the table for him in the morning because you don't refuse food from your mom and you better eat all that [ __ ] too dude because you should be very thankful that they allowed you to stay with them into your age bracket because trust me if you had to live on your own your life expectancy would be extremely [ __ ] low okay next thing is your eggs i'm gonna put five full eggs in the in my shake five full raw eggs in with some other [ __ ] we're gonna be cooking this just to let y'all know okay five that's one [Music] that's one okay okay that's two i don't know a bunch of people say why five guys i have to get my pro team man three we're three that's the counting record for this video so far you can do it tyrone get to four [Music] four four keep going strong keep going strong [Music] oh five there we go five nice and simple okay we've got five raw eggs for about 36 grams of protein what is he gonna do with this salmonella shake now i'm just saying this from experience guys so this is it right now five eggs four eggs and now i'm gonna put it on my blender just watch it hold on on the blender on the end table next to his dad's easy boy chair in his parents living room i would whip my son's ass so remove the camera so you guys can see it yep nice and simple put on my blender remember guys blend it up for at least like maybe like two i'll say like two to three minutes yes i would imagine that all the oatmeal and nuts involved in this protein shake would need blended for quite a while because i want everything to blend very very well like nice and smooth just to let you all know but it all depends on you guys and i don't want to taste the eggs also so i want to make sure everything blends well the eggs along with the salmonella that could possibly be in there with them unless they bought pasteurized eggs which i highly [ __ ] doubt they did the eggs and the possible salmonella are still gonna be in there no matter how long you blend it you dumb [ __ ] so at least three to two minutes okay guys three to two minutes can you imagine having a sit down conversation with this [ __ ] dude as a matter of fact tyrone i know you're gonna be watching this just to be real i know you're gonna watch so i cordially invite you to have a one-on-one conversation with me on my podcast we can do it live uh i would love to have a conversation with you to hear your infinite wisdom and what makes you a [ __ ] fitness addict you you can even take it from your parents dining room dude like i keep telling her it's not hard i hate when i see other fitness youtubers thing it's complicated you gotta do this you gotta do that guys this shake is gonna last me at least i'll say at least for three days three days uncooked with raw eggs in it this 2200 calorie shake that has 95 grams of protein about 200 grams of carbohydrates and a little under 100 grams of fat in it estimated is going to last you for three days in the refrigerator again with non-pasteurized cracked eggs in it you [ __ ] injured so that's basically a little over 700 calories like 733 calories per day with about 30 grams of protein about 31 31.75 grams of protein in it you're a [ __ ] idiot three to four days and i'm gonna have this every single morning okay i have one cup that's all i'm gonna have i repeat i'm just gonna have one cup every single morning four days now for 200 calories shake that makes it 550 calories a day with about 24 grams of protein in it 23.57 whatever you know and like what so 50 grams of carbohydrates and about 33 grams of [ __ ] fats in it congratulations genius that is not a [ __ ] protein shake and the fourth day allows the salmonella bacteria and stuff like that to actually build up you know more better more food poisoning possibilities in your [ __ ] shake great [ __ ] job idiot and guys you save money everything i just bought i'll say at least this is under 25 bucks yes you dumb [ __ ] but at most for a high-end protein powder you can get that amount of protein 100 grams of protein for four days without running the risk of giving yourself salmonella and it would cost you at most for [ __ ] dollars you are this is the [ __ ] issue not only is this advice dangerous it's just [ __ ] stupid i mean like so we are to believe that tyrone the fitness addict has 550 calories shake in the [ __ ] morning i he has no he he does not actually do this [ __ ] that's the [ __ ] problem that's a huge problem people put a [ __ ] camera in front of them and they act like it is not important you know we have this dumb [ __ ] this other [ __ ] complete ass agent talking about natty verified we need iq verified for some fitness professionals seriously we need your credential verified we need iq verified we nee need knowing your [ __ ] verified because these dumb [ __ ] just say [ __ ] they just say [ __ ] i'll put [ __ ] out there to [ __ ] get just to [ __ ] put information out and hopefully get an audience the idea is you want to educate your audience not give them stupid [ __ ] advice like this dumbass [ __ ] shake so tyrone my offer is very genuine you can sit down at your mama's dining room table and me and you can do a live you know skype conversation and we can record it or we can just go live right on [ __ ] youtube or whatever and i would love to hear how you are some sort of [ __ ] genius that has figured out all the [ __ ] secrets and you want to make it simple for everybody because trust me [ __ ] anything you say is [ __ ] simple because you are one simple [ __ ] and that's just my two cents a matter my name is alan roberts hit me up on instagram every day fitness hit me up on twitter and everything i'm also on facebook and every damn day fitness on my internet whatever it and tyrone has been blocked on almost all those things god damn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 626,240
Rating: 4.8092585 out of 5
Keywords: everydamnday, everydamndayfitness, fitness addict, tyrone esix, alan roberts, protein shake, cheap protein shake, no protein powder, homemade protein shake, high protein, protein shake without protein powder, weight loss, fat loss, greg ogallagher, youtube fitness, eddf, comedy, kinobody
Id: jhLkai2OrCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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