Briton Longbowmen in 2020?!

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what's going on youtube and welcome to an age of empires 2 game but before we get to the game a word from our sponsor i'm kidding there's no sponsor um i i just watched uh a youtube video from a another youtuber he's not a gamer or anything uh but i you know i needed to find an answer to something so i went to youtube and looked and that happened and i was really really grateful that i don't have to do that i mean that i get it like there's nothing wrong with creating a channel um growing a community and then if a sponsor you believe in or just a reputable sponsor offers you money to do that blah blah blah it's the business right and it might be the norm across all of youtube but i don't really encounter all of youtube but i'm super grateful that i don't have to do that i mean i could i suppose you should see some of the emails man the mobile games they really want me to tell you guys all about it but i guess thank you for supporting me and watching my content uh on both twitch and youtube so i don't have to do that like man it's like i i want to watch a 10 minute video but the first 60 seconds are talking about soap or something i don't even remember what it was but okay back to the game here i have been recording games non-stop after spending about five hours doing research for good games to upload for you all and uh this is over this will be uploaded over my christmas break where i will be eating way too much food and taking way too many naps and missing age of empires so so much so i will probably uh i don't know what i'm going to do but i will have massive withdrawal so it only makes sense that i would binge prior to that break a few days ago when i uploaded that video without playing bulgarians i talked about how that would have a game where he would go for a very special unique unit and try his castle drops so i might as well talk about it now you might even see it in the in the video title and thumbnail already doubt's gonna try some craziness here and as i said in the previous game um brepard has been picking tatars he's a top 100 player but this guy uh boosted his rating by about 100 elo just picking tatars after the most recent patch there's more food on these sheep for tatars that's always been the case but you get additional sheep when you arrive in feudal and when you build new town centers that combined with their hill bonus combined with all their bonuses make them a tricky save to play against right now now britain's they look they're pretty solid against a sieve like tatars um dallas only attacking this villager by the way because repart is a huge lamer i don't think doubt would do that i don't think doubt would come forward to try and steal resources either if ripard didn't do that himself but um anyhoo has now doubts being attacked don't tell me doubt's gonna lose a fill yeah it's down he's gonna lose that okay so dow loose is a villager and repair loses the scout but anyways i think britain's are pretty good against tatars because britain's are pretty darn good against any civilization but just a bit of backstory there uh it's not as if ripard is a scrub he's top 100 and the tar is certainly not a poor sieve by any stretch the imagination now because you save so much food uh going for a drush always does make sense and ripard has done that in virtually every game he's playing with tatars uh i wonder if her part will lose a build here okay oh it looked close i noticed that these villagers were weak but he did garrison them yeah the barracks is going up and if i'm not wrong doubt scouted that no i am wrong gal didn't scout that adult is making militia at home and doubt is going to be pushing forward with his own rush rush equals dark age rush equals militia in dark age for anyone who's brands knew and drush fast castle is quite simply buy yourself time kill as much as you can delay as much as you can and wall up but after the most recent patch that is much more difficult to accomplish because the walling does take longer and actually i've asked my twitch audience questions about that but i'm curious what you guys think on youtube about the the fact that walls still cost the same but take longer to build now because i mean there's this is a really complicated topic because balance is always balanced from the top levels down but i feel like wondering is already a really difficult task for mid to low eat lows right so i imagine this does affect mid to low elos greater than it does a higher even um so that's one aspect of it you're doubt engaging as the scout but the part still has a ville there that's it's going good for gal in the sense that he's being offensive but doesn't seem like he'll be able to kill a vill oh hold the phone hold the phone revenge she dead okay well doubt had to sacrifice to militia to get that villager kill but i'd say that was worth it anyways we'll see if they go up to futile age from here but my point is tell me what you think um my personal suggestion and my hope prior to that balance change was that they would do the other option and they would go for oh that's going to stone wait a second what could that mean i really wanted them to just up the cost because walling is a difficult task walling is not so easy for a lot of levels and i feel like higher level players are going to wall their base anyways like what's going to happen now is while it does take longer we're probably just going to see players and i've already seen it just quick wall and partially hit the palisades earlier or send three villagers to wall instead of one so i think allow the walls walling is really important but just make it cost one or two more wood per palisade i think it's currently two wood per palisade i wonder if making it four would do a lot i mean that is that sounds like it's a lot then players have to start thinking about investment they might change the build orders too which could be super cool for such an old game doubt uh i think since this was his third or fourth game against repard he felt like he knew what was gonna do off this and so he's gone to the forward stone the part remember lost the scout ripard doesn't know about that stone that otherwise probably would not be taking that and now the militia go down for her apart as well or pard might be thinking doubt's going drush into fast castle into crossbows and that's already something that you should fear from britain's town hasn't even worried about walling up this side yet and dowd is actually going to try and pull off the long boats a unit that i used to think was the best unit in the game that in the teutonic knight which funny enough like teutonic knight is is less rare than the longbow nowadays because crossbows are so dominant it rarely makes sense to make the longbows which is sad i mean i get it a unit with that much range you don't want it to be all that strong and you also never want to buff a civilization that is already strong so i don't want to see longbows buffed just for the sake of it because britain's are already pretty freaking cool but we'll see what happens here there's the range for apart or part might want to consider some skirmishers but repart is going in blinds to castle age as doubt just places the market places the blacksmith might buy some food here yep bought sold and boom on the way to the castle age pretty decent time from doubt doubt also using the scout to push in the deer now also doubt we'll be able to see what we're parts going for and i don't think losing the scout to kill a villager in dark age was worth it forever apart especially because delt was able to get revenge with that one villager snipe there's the range for a part and he's making crossbows or will be crossbows excuse me there's the second archery range this is pretty standard stuff from her part uh no massive surprises with tatars if you want to go cav archers you might want to go for a third range just because cav archers are pretty expensive but they're really tanky if you get a lot of them and i think three-range investment is what you need to do that said just two ranges and maybe some booming on the cards for repair what's downed up to well he's not really using his scalp i really i really want to hammer this point home about how scouting is important and how he could see what he's doing and blah blah blah blah but doubt's just sitting over here it's so funny too because i don't really know what else he was doing right now he wasn't walling i don't know maybe he was streaming this and he was talking to his viewers or something but hasn't really checked him but i think reparts pretty predictable he's been playing with tatars all month so plus doubt probably feels confident against ripard having won a few games against him before this i believe now dallas taking a look that will see that they're both in castle age and out making a castle at home so very uh safe to place that castle at home and the scout actually stays alive one hp dealt doing the right move here if he goes for a forward castle it would be the most out of all doubt castles and it would go down uh but now he's gone for a defensive castle which gives him cover fire over some of the woodline not really any of the woodline sorry but give some cover fire over the stone and also the gold now fun fact for you when comparing britain are blessed to the longbow the arbolest with full imperial age upgrades is actually better stat wise than the longbow is before it's elite so if you really want to see longbows made more frequently i think that would have to change because you need so many castles to produce the longbows and it just makes more sense to go for ranges early power spike is what it's all about nowadays but yeah a lot of people don't realize that does arboles have 40 hp and the longbow has 35 hp so i suppose the big thing there is the hp just something to keep in mind with bod canero a longbow in castle age has eight range the difference is the base attack though so it's uh while it's eight range for a crossbow as well in this spot as britain's and wow we're part really doing damage now it is six base attack for longer so longbow has a bit more damage output plus the longbow's just it it's more fun report ahead in eco and has a sieve which will spawn sheep for free and the food will last longer from the sheep from those new town centers so doubt really needs to make the military count and ballistics is already in this is not the first time that i've actually heard ballistics is on the way um this is not the first time that i've watched ripard play tatars and there's a little bit of a theme here i'm curious how quickly he's gonna get ballistics and i suppose he's already ahead right he's he's killed some units and he's idle villagers but i'm gonna be fascinated if he does go for three tcs before ballistics it's so greedy man it's so greedy three town centers before ballistics did lose one force and let's see if he can be sneaky enough and use this force to get a an even bigger bill lead over dell now you're always going to be tempted to snipe villagers in this situation and there's certainly some benefit to doing that and great microphone repair look at that what on earth is happening there fine i'll micro the ballistics doing a decent job but also too fancy for his own good but anyways if you snipe let's say five villagers with 10 crossbows and then lose the crossbows that feels worth it in some situation but it's only worth it if you then have an answer to the extra military the opposition's gonna have so we'll see what happens we're part with a 10 villager lead doubt has longbows one town center and is sending the longbows forward now reparts doing the right thing to continue to try and keep doubt at home by sending these patches forward but i don't know about four crossbows looking over at the eco forward part it's looking good another range coming up cav archers will be the choice have archers having six range instead of seven on the crossbows and then the longbows have eight bongos are a half the hp of a cav archer though and britain's do not get thumb rings so the firing speed pretty slow on the longbow i i love down he could have easily gone three town centers because britain town centers are cheaper and boomed it out but it's a rated game you know he's gonna give the people what they want and here he comes with villagers he didn't even drop off the gold with that villager he doesn't care and five villagers here to drop a castle to make things interesting when he's 20 villagers behind i don't know the exact date i'm uploading this i think i have a fast love upload on christmas and this is probably after the fact but happy holidays everybody this game is a it's a treat an absolute gift without having to protect himself here and micro just trying to use the range doing an okay job and here's the castle so now we're apart you have all these villagers that's great but do you have what it takes to take out the longboats this is suddenly extremely awkward this town center will eventually be shot down villagers need to run into the back corner apart under pressure and you can see because he's pop capped now add the houses and uh pretty consistent with what i've seen from her part he will add you'll get ballistics after he starts falling behind with military i just think the logic is is a bit wrong from her part here you get ballistics to get ahead in military um and then prioritize tcs second tc is fine second tc at the time he did it is fine it ballistics after that then go for three tcs get three or four ranges then go for three tc's hold the map with a slight eco lead don't try and get a 20-fill lead just to start falling apart against one of the most aggressive castle droppers in the freaking game but it's easy for me to say sitting up here in my caster's chair and i've played plenty of games where things have not been ideal in fact that's every game because i'm far from the best now it has two castles to produce the longbows from and let's see now uh no there's the stable for a part he wants to get bloodlines so the cav archers will have 70 hp they're currently on 50. idols are everywhere for repardon town with 24 military is on two town centre eco with eight farms not too shabby eight farms that's actually not enough to keep villagers producing i have two dc's he's probably buying food at this point but it's so evident that he is on two tcs and that he's not prioritizing his economy much because he's able to focus on these two groups hard with 62 villagers now it's 50 for doubt so doubt has certainly caught up ripard does have a decent mass of cav archers still no bloodlines probably an upgrade that he is thinking of clicking soon or thought he's already clicked so lacking the hp trying to dodge it's in close that's a very nice move for a part it doesn't seem like it's going to be enough there as doubt just camps out the farms in this position it's making it look so easy 52 villagers for the lord 59 for repard he deletes the mills so he can close in on the longbows yeah the downside of doubt splitting up groups like this is that the cav archers can justify running and close like this so this is good for ripard he can produce his units out of archery ranges dalton needs to use castles and one of those castles is at home and that was actually a pretty hefty loss for doubt how little hp is on the long bows is the problem do you have to kill a lot before those units arrive if you used to play 1v1 black forest and sit in choke points with longbows like i did uh it was hard for people to use their mobility in those instances so is having to move around that's not it's not their forte and oh boy repard brevard do you know who you're up against he's been castle drops by doubt and now he's dropping a castle to save himself now this is this is beautiful the timeline has been reversed 83 89 94 and doubt realizes okay i have completed a few castles in my time i know that one's going up and he loses a few units as he backs away but now dell who is only on two town centers that entire time and could actually make another castle soon these villagers stop dancing but i mean he has the economy lead in terms of villagers the castles have denied woodlines they have denied stones and golds and he has 21 military and it's just one military for poor report i think if you think of how uh players tend to get victories against the high level players it's actually the reverse of what ripard's going for ultimately you need to rely on extremes as doubt walks in here but ripard went for the boom extreme i think you have to go for a lot of military and the pros have to be more defensive i think that's your best bet but then again as doubt's getting yeoman that's so expensive youtube check this out this freaking memer man he doesn't need it he doesn't need it look 750 wood 450 gold in the freaking castle age i don't know that's pretty cool nine range i remember the first time i saw that upgrade come in in castle because that used to actually be the only unique tech for britain's and it was only available in him but yeah that castle will go up these villagers have really seen the world in this game and repard scrambling looking for resources what i like about repart is he's not one to give up easily um sure you'll see games where you know he's kind of dead and it feels over and this would definitely be one of them but what's worse someone who resigns really easily and tilts and then doesn't try or someone who continues to try even when the going gets rough in here he's obviously having a little bit of fun as well he's out microing some of these shots yeah look at that he probably knows i'm up against owl i tried my extreme it didn't work out that six longbowmen and repard says this might go to youtube i need to make sure we finish this on a funny note and so this is not him not giving up this is him giving up in a fun way oh hey the longbows have low hp let's attack them with the villagers let's go actually maybe get some kills here but he's losing a lot and ripard is probably sick of playing dow and uh maybe he needs to make a bit more military calls to gigi that of course would have responded that wasn't stored because the recorded game ends when the resign comes in and what what a fun little game there man i mean i really envy doubt because he make he made something look so easy i know what would have happened if i would be in delta position i would go drush fc into two range crossbows i probably played repart about 50 times by the way over the last couple years so i'd go into crossbows um it might be a competitive crossbow match i might get the edge there but then ripard's three town center greed would give him an eco lead and then maybe he could switch into skirms and nights later and it would be a 50 50 game but the way doubt just thought let's get control of military combined with repard not investing enough into military just made this a perfect game for dell it really was sick and it makes me sick because on the flip side if i tried to go for long pose i don't think i ever would have been comfortable doing so and i don't think i ever would have been able to do quite as good a job that was such a great job from doubt and he's a fun player to watch kills for doubt 54 units lost 39 largest army and that was all longbows uh i have a video which is pretty popular it's like mass longbows and aoe2 it brought a lot of people into the channel actually thanks to the youtube algorithm but uh you know that was a couple years ago and even that that was it almost made more sense if i recall how that game went this one here you didn't have to do it if your doubt doubt just did it anyways because he could so i picked that one from many many games that i looked through i hope you guys enjoyed watching that i hope you guys will make longbows in the future i'm not saying it'll work but we need to see more of that across our community and across our game thanks for watching leave a like if you enjoyed if you didn't like it also dislike it because i need to know i will see you next time guys you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 93,677
Rating: 4.9433427 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Aoe, AoE, AoE2, aoe2, ridiculous, insane, age of empires, age of empires 2, lmao, lul, DauT, repard, Bitons, Britons, Brittish, British, Briton, Longbow, Longbowmen, Long Bow, Longbow man, Long bow man, Longbows, Long bows, exciting, unique, unique unit
Id: 6d1N7fJm4vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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