The Meta | #8 | Britons Longbowmen

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so ghostly I'm just gonna click ready random guys it's the game now working fine get for me the game has been working fine all the time Seto if I'm not mistaken this is the my opponent in in adopt a new tournament at a tea as well learn some Doge so far yaha each hub duskie marked spin I'm pleb yet ghost like we I mean we didn't pics it but we got pretty much one of the main sales to go to go for for a ghost Lake shall be sleaze Britain's a mall she was so close he's Frank's toe not a good save classic Britain's versus France or oh boy oh boy cannot build in there so I would love to find a lot of extra sheepies news that why three houses why not I just do it sometimes no reason for it or not some people on YouTube counting as well it's three houses now the new meta yeah totally let's do it I created a new meta my slumbers incoming ham this guy's a good player so I can't let go fool you fool around please post more campaign on YouTube channel which campaign I'm referring to Denish yesterday I posted yesterday I posted a campaign of Van Gogh you're referring to a new campaign stand offs are coming slow and steady I finished a vial already the next one we're gonna do the cumin one I haven't started recording that yet though I meant more frequently they are fun I can't all do I need to I can't over saturate my channel videos man I have so much content I could post but I need to spread it out so it's not spamming [Music] someone new alaric campaign is super tough I will get to those all the Forgotten campaigns man we made from scratch so I'll get to those in due time so I guess it could go try to go longbows it would be suicidal in springs rushing to longbows could try that if you guys want although then I'm sure then I will also be allowed to blame you guys for a loss so that's clear more sheepies she was low HP what do you sound like because I woke up pretty much an hour ago and I haven't even had my coffee yet I just woke up to care the pets went for a walk with Joey's and now we're here again was a long night last night but I got a lot of use of content prepared I prepared I rendered and uploaded so many videos last night and also since my upload speed is so bad it takes forever to upload videos which is why it becomes long night sometimes Tec a me man tackle me man leave me man build why can't I build this do I have to wait for a rubble to disappear before you can build it or what that's cheap dude why does why and is weird like you can't build on this when it's I don't explain it when the it's still collapsing according to the thing is weird mister ledge well I'm looking for sheepies oh I don't know loom still Oh disaster I switched a villager thinking I had loom need to go fast that's not predictable that's what they say Oh chips I'll take them he said he wants a jail game then it goes full lame old man it sound like the animation camp canceled it's weird you delete the past well you should be able to build on there right away but apparently you cannot for some reason uh no you think anyone will try to find it use for the Mesoamerican cab unit do it I will I will find a way to masterpiece debt what is actually useful in any game no it's not but I will definitely try to masterpiece there give me the sheepies I really wonder if he will Oh God great start great start to the game boys first it's the first game of the day thank God I went there like I scouted that I thought this was blocked with the house it was barely open still more guys first game of the day plan is that he does not Tower me now that's the plan he just has his Scouts and can't get into my base and then all is good and I hope I hope to god this is blocked it should be but I can't say for sure Wayland gatherer stop that man let this ship in some nice ruler Creighton buildin what greetin ready English is Dutch there he about and no noobs as I supposed to mean Chuck she's disrespecting what does it mean them do not say that you don't didn't think there were noobs here but nobody likes a tower not gonna be house for a while ready yay I'm proud of this game so far very smooth and professional game players no walls full balls all the good stuff oh they notice he was there can't see it she said our my coke wells but she drinks coke as well sometimes although I admit that is primarily mine I could take gold there I guess my plan is they reach this tower with touching and my plan was correct and I don't have to change my plane he is in the castle age he's gonna go Knights obviously his first game are they always so hard I feel Sharan behave woman stop it family friendly stream all right so we're just building up our beautiful humble army which will be glorious it's gonna have a big night army to compete with us probably so you might think we're in a good spot right now we're probably not in a great spot just an old case bar Canton well forever because like them well did long these long balls I will mumbles mumbles I will be dead immediately like the army will be that what I'm so scared to move out because I know yes scouts nice around you see it's Scout hat just one armor don't because one those your I guess I don't have to be too worried all that they are expected to be more even being debated I don't have bodkin yet I also don't have blood ballistics and it both before I dare to move out are you ever experienced game like like your hotkeys doesn't work to our delight can't say I do that experience that very often nothing springs to mind I presume you have since you were bringing it up BAM all beautiful long bows I don't have a wheelbarrow volcano any ballistics and I'm gonna start moving out a little bit although it's scary I never know what faces you out there long women look great doesn't give us much right now timing a.m. would be proud why not Piper monkey why would I make like some monks when I have long bows we have a good argument against that ah it killed an innocent cheap people oh look at the longbow army boys look at the longbow army they didn't have that many nights I was expecting more I'm gonna start being a little bit more active with my unit show yourself this is scary he's adding more stables Buckley has engaged it means he's not confident still he would beat my arm yet he will have not soon know for sure it's just building up his night numbers mentioned longbows would've seen arrows who wants to imagine that he'll be broken as l-man it stopped in ser house house I wanted to do that increased population a little bit of space in me think we're winning the fight even so where is beautiful [Music] the second wheel he's making Scouts not too shabby these long bows on Khmer to get us in our scores oh I wouldn't mind that how about both why not why just one first volume actually I can do it in castle age we should be in firm control give us all the things I agree give us all the things true I put hot keys on those I'm sure we still win despite we did absolutely not miss Atari I think is a French player not sure what else to say garnet think it would be around 2 km googling something that I don't really know exactly I'm sure people in chat will know better than me so what Wolff is now way more expensive than it used to be it's now 800 would foreign the gold is way more expensive than it used to be we don't like that so some nights down here so much would just want a glorious long Bowl arm is that too much to ask need time to achieve that we found those on da way I'll probably leave a lot of villages as well just to get as many longbows as possible it'll be the way to go here yeah I wish the queue was smart it's not smart a smart few using I'm trying to use the multicooker Thompson's and such more and Comcast late but the queue is still not smart which is a bit frustrating but I mean it doesn't recognize where it should build the next unit according to hammock if there's one castle with a long gone man 90% built and one castellón woman just started it might still queue up the next line woman in the one with the one just started which doesn't make it smart you might have to make trips here see it looks like this cast is on fire but is actually the house behind it they need to fix that as well it's super confusing [Music] time to live villagers you guys guys I hope you're prepared for a massacre we're guys this is just trying to counter a bringing up unis back to the fight more powerful humble man so the range of these bad boys so what now we have about 100 longbows one of 15 long bows like he's a group of Mylar me make it look Laura these incised crossbow long woman army I must say they're played to him as well for letting me not resigning that's the stuff right there boys that's the stuff right there Laura's new sari that nicer what how can you ever engaged this what is trapping me right there leave my trap so did he kill that destroy them great thumbnail oh yes you know guess with longbows you have to play a zoomed-out know that it gives me more population Colombo's does he not realize doesn't that fetching above Kings I couldn't favorite kill the castle with Columbus he's quite easily awesome your thumb the thumb they oughta previous shot oh no no it's the flank [Music] she's gonna call counter-attack fight my army dude we did searching it looks nice nice he did Balkan as well now he's raiding me but I don't have bills to read so that I'm using legacy and this lets faith I yes saying hi sometimes I wash right now I moved to place my screen to make the thumbnails so my camera doesn't block the thumbnail now that's why I had to look there and when I was moving the screen if I do the one go through here so that my camera is actually blocking the screen right after I just your lag it wasn't mean laggy that's the fast and light thing oh there it goes down what I can loose discuss actually not impossible to lose this more longbows trying guys we actually gonna lose this we have an army that's gonna be hard for him to deal with but we're still looking quite not already like a one-game ready combat guys come back boys come back take McCaslin accessibilities relics there's one two three relics there and yeah I tried to say in my castle these are tried like they should loose their damaged air because their caste is falling apart on top of them where's the logic a way to the east not realistic yo pink fluffy penguin thanks for five months also channel well hello plebs all the club viewers from channel one how's it going we are we're absolutely dominating with their long bows here you see how frightened is doesn't even dare to fight my army I should have picked up the relics right now I would say I mean again we have a pretty solid army with 146 long bows but in theory our economy is not the greatest to have Loris districts i need to evacuate because i cannot be caught andris I have three more Rangers he should resign there's no counter to 150 long bows look this coward fight me like a man this situation right here actually had to make economy yeah again he's not ever gonna be able to kill my army I have 100 and God knows how many crossbows longbows man then I feed into the castle hey poor guys can run but you can't okay where are you guys going oh it's dinner christmas came early look at the microbe look at the micro dodging every arrow [Music] nothing whenever if he comes closest losing half his army on the way [Music] I think the end is nigh hmm Laureus I mean I guess once you're up at 150 longbows I think it's hard to fight the army j.cole 86 thank you very much for sub to channel welcome much appreciated yes but look amazing I mean this is also with logo fix but you look amazing 11 puntos let's go baby rainbow Oh No I've got quite a few frames apparently mm-hmm that ain't done represent frames is a lot yeah 162 lodges armies that's what's our longbow count maybe a less realistic honor in him look our graph this is all army the dark the dark so frozen or not how to read the graph dark army dark color is our military and the bright color is economy you can see our focus kind of changes aren't you slightly disappointed by visuals of units in de no everything looks great only thing I have problems with is seeing certain things such as like magnifiers and things like that that I actually struggle with
Channel: TheViper
Views: 352,517
Rating: 4.8834453 out of 5
Id: Oz8MlN1P1WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 36sec (2556 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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