Martial Arts OR Heavy Weapons? - Kenshi

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foreign [Music] we're going to talk about the question is heavy weapons better than martial arts oh my gosh there is we're going to look through the strengths and weaknesses of both find out which is easier to train compare the stats and finally find out the answer first up we're going to look at martial arts stabbing people has only been around for what by a thousand years but punching people and that's been happening since we were selling through us to gen densis these what yeah you're going to want to put some thought into who is becoming your martial artist although you can use skeletons or a Shack or however's like beep and especially Scorch Landers have some great Buffs for martial arts training and that will speed up the process a ton when you first start out in kenshi you're not very rich buying almost anything is difficult and a good sword can cost an arm or a leg literally martial arts though you've already got your weapon fists what you could do to improve your baby EMA is by giving them some just Rags even a shoddy pair of ninja racks that cost less than a thousand they'll drastically increase your stats but if you really can't find anything just plain nothing will do all man's training for martial arts can be done pretty quickly in vain using the hiver town to capture a gorilla putting it in a bed and punching it for days on end this will easily get you to the 70s of martial arts but it's not the best Training Method punching gorillas all day won't train your Dodge your dexterity or your strength so we're gonna have to do something else by the way remember to save strength training for later trust me it's going to make training for everything else so much easier while you have low strength later on in the playthrough when you have your own Outpost you can build a small training area using multiple Camp beds and enemies like big things you can train martial arts at record speeds going up into the 90s but with these new training grounds you can also use a controlled enemy to train Dodge and use a katana trained dexterity as it speeds up your dodging speed the last thing for martial arts training is strength by just carrying rocks like iron or maybe copper around you can get more damage for your Martial Arts you don't need a fancy training area so you can do this anytime in your playthrough although I would recommend doing it after you've done all the other training once you've done all of this you're probably in a position to get some better gear the best martial artists will have some recessive Rags for Dodge and dexterity maybe some GI pads for that little buff to martial arts shoes and hats don't matter unless it's something heavy that has all these debuffs if you're just using something like Drifters shoes or maybe nothing it won't do anything bad and also won't do anything good now of the best equipment the best training and the best character for the job you can now take down the biggest of the big a level 80 martial artist combined with higher Dodge and dexterity will tear through any of the usual enemies and they'll still punch holes through people like the Bug Master catlon is possible but it's a bit of a stretch they'll get hit every now and again by a catalon and their lack of armor will eventually get them down large groups of tough enemies like adult beat things or fishmen could also down your martial artist as the group will get hits in every once in a while and the lack of armor does nothing to stop the damage of course the best character for heavy weapons is the opposite of martial arts Shacks uh and skeletons both have training Buffs for heavy weapons like a shex buff for strength and a skeleton's buff for heavy weapons itself out of the two I'd say the best character for this is not the uh Shack it's the skeleton sharks have a lot of debuffs including a dexterity one but they're still a viable option if you really want to but skeletons they have no debuffs that affect heavy weapons and they only ever buff for heavy weapons now when you're starting out with heavy weapons it's difficult every single heavy weapon will be at least 20 kilograms and with a strength in single digits you're not going to do well heavy weapons do not come cheap if you plan on buying your first one you'll be set back a few grand unless it's really shitty you could try stealing one if you've got a thief on hand a place like cartoon has a big selection most of the time including a heavy weapon and unlike the scrap house it's not hard to steal from if you know how heavy armor goes very well with a heavy weapon but it's not needed at this stage most heavy weapon you'll find is god-awful and a shoddy piece of Samurai armor won't protect anyone so just use what you can training without a training area is pretty difficult for heavy weapons you could do the gorilla thing again but one gorilla won't get you very far with the higher damage of these weapons I just let my heavy guy passively train until I got an outpost when you finally get a training error your heavy will skyrocketing skill still using the same techniques as martial arts training of course I would say train defense up first as without a high attack or damage defense training will be much much easier all of this will get you into the 80s for both defense and attack and then combining this with some good quality heavy armor like Samurai armor or whatnot you'll get a character who can fight catlon well fire catalon for at least a while until catalon Downs them every weapon users are suited for fighting large groups of enemies my heavy has taken down nests of big things in seconds now I'm not saying that he's incapable of killing solo bosses or other enemies you might have even seen old Soldier my heavy weapons guy kill this wizard in a single hit now let's compare the two as I said heavy weapons is better at taking down groups while martial arts is better at taking down solo enemies heavy weapons is also more expensive to buy the armor and weapon rather than racks you would want for martial arts but I would say that heavy weapons is safer if you're worried about getting down as the armor you can wear while using heavy weapons can absorb as much as half of the damage you get compared to the nothing that the Saturn's racks absorbs but again assassin's rags and other light armor that you would wear as a martial artist will let you run a lot faster so you could use it to run away from fights you don't want for the final answer is heavy weapons better or is martial arts better in the end both are I'm joking it would be annoying if you watch until now for an answer and I just say some [ __ ] like both are very good I have no opinion at all in my real opinion martial arts are better just remember that kenshi has a variety of characters weapons and armor for a reason and well bye no don't make me kill myself
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Id: yN2A8d6HKSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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