Do You Know Everything About The Basics of Kenshi?

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I spent over one year learning how to dominate in the world of kenshi I also learned how to overcome all of the challenges that come with it things like getting the most out of your UI defeating Bandits creating a base and so much more so stick around and I'll show you everything you need to know in this guide is just the beginning there's going to be so many more guides to come that have all kinds of useful information especially for kenshi so make sure to drop a like And subscribe to the channel there's going to be so much more coming and you won't want to miss it a good game starts right here at the creation screen initially there's going to be so many choices of starts that you can choose from and they're all great later on once you've played through kenshi a little bit you should give them a try but to begin we're gonna start with The Wanderer that's the most basic intro and gives you a huge variety of choices at the beginning so that you can create the character and the game that you want to create before you click Start you're going to want to take a look at the settings there's a few different options here the biggest one though is the hunger drain rate if you raise this you're going to reduce the amount of food you need to eat which is not a super big deal early on in the game but if you do decide to make your own colony and grow your own food keeping up with all of it is just a nightmare so raising this just makes that a little bit easier now that we've done that we can talk about moving on to creating a character there's a bunch of different races in kenshi and they all have Perks and they all have drawbacks there are some that are better at fighting some that are better at crafting some that are better at farming and everything in between let's start though with the greenlander these are humans that really don't have much in the way of bonuses there's a couple here but they also don't have drawbacks and their hunger drain rate is pretty normal meaning they won't chew through food so you know this is the one that I would usually recommend starting with now let's move on to the user interface there's a lot to take in but you'll be an expert in no time let's start on the bottom left of the screen this is your character status it starts with how healthy they are what they're doing and how good they are at doing it below that you'll have your combat related stats this is one of the biggest challenges in country is getting these levels up especially early on and later on we'll learn how to overcome that challenge moving on you've got your character's Health each body part has its own health pool but rather than going into each body part in detail let's talk about the two different types there are because at the end of the day all nine of these body parts fall into one of these two categories there's the most obvious one which are the limbs that's the arms and legs if the health of one of these goes below zero that limb is useless but if it goes below minus 100 there's a high risk of losing that Limb and it's gonna have to be replaced later on you've also got your critical body parts and if they go below zero you'll pass out but if they go below negative 100 there's a high chance of dying if any of your limbs aren't at full health you're gonna suffer from a performance loss and everything goes slower in the center you've got your characters and squads now right now in the beginning you're only going to have the one character as time goes on though you can develop up to 32 and so it gets a little bit convoluted trying to keep track of all of them one screen that's why kenshi has a squads list now right now you'll see that we only have one Squad with an awful name nameless zero But as time goes on you'll be able to add developed squads and relegate those different squads to different tasks like wandering fighting and exploring oh and you can do that using this button here the right side has a lot of the most important and detailed bits of information you're gonna need to know starting at the top you've got the floor marker and the different buildings in country can have up to four or even five floors so you just go up and down using this next you've got the time flow you can space to pause or unpause the game and then F2 through F4 to speed it up kind of like Sim style you've got your money and day marker as well as time of day shops do close and you will get arrested for trying to break in after hours and to the right of that finally you've got your build menu button and this is how you build your own colony or even before that advert Furniture to a house you might purchase within an already established Colony these are all expandable menu options the first two are character specific this is how you access the character's inventory and this is how you would see their stats there's a whole ton of stats and they're a lot broader than just the combat stats we talked about earlier below that you have access to your map underneath that is the tech tree or all of the research you have unlocked later on you'll be able to unlock more research opportunities as you upgrade your research bench then you've got the squads menu and that's how you would adjust the squads that we talked about earlier and finally you've got a help button last but not least you've got what I like to call the behaviors tab this is where you tell your characters what to do when you're not directly micromanaging them the most important one is on the bottom left that's the character movement speed because every character is going to have a different top speed you need to select the one that has two characters running together that means that all of the characters you select are going to only go as fast as the slowest member that way they all stick together because they can get overwhelmed very easily when they're running solo up above that you've got some check boxes these will either allow or disable specific behaviors block sets your character in a defensive position so they won't ever attack but they'll take a lot less damage hold means that they won't move from their position they'll stay right around where they are passive means that they won't engage in a fight jobs are how you tell characters to perform specific actions so that you don't have to micromanage them like farming mining or crafting items ranged means your character will prioritize using a ranged weapon if they have one taunt is pretty common in video games it tells your characters to encourage the enemies to attack that character so if you have a character who has a lot of armor and a bunch of other characters who can do a lot of damage you can kind of balance out the fight a little better sneak is pretty self-explanatory it's what allows you to well sneak but also pickpocket steal items break into different places your ability to do these things successfully improve as the sneaking skills improve finally you've got rescue medic and Prospect these are all specific action that your characters could take when you click the button so for instance rescue allows you to rescue characters who are laying down to out on the battlefield medic allows you to heal characters who've already been rescued and Prospects scans the area for the naturally occurring resources you'll need throughout the game earlier we talked about enabling jobs this is where you'll find what jobs a character will do you can schedule almost anything to be done and it gets really useful after you start playing with time flow and more than one or two characters when you first load up a game spend a couple of minutes getting used to the different menus the inventory screen the stat screen and then the text screen they can all be a little bit complicated but are really easy and they have great scroll over functionality so if you have a question about something just put your mouse cursor over it I bet your question gets answered and speaking of the mouse when you're actually playing the game not in menus the mouse has great scroll over functionality there as well so if you're trying to find a rock to mine and you can't figure out which one it is scroll your mouse around over the different rocks until the pickaxe shows up during the beginning of the game when you're still getting used to everything scroll over everything in the game that you can kenshi has a bunch of hidden gems that you'll only find by doing that and when you're wandering around you can press the ALT key and that'll show you all of the items laying on the ground anything in red is an owned item and you will get a bounty if you take it that should cover just about everything UI wise so let's move on to the game you're going to start off the game in a town called the Hub it was recently destroyed it now just hides some Outlaws in a bunch of broken buildings you'll find that there's only one bar and a den of Shinobi thieves way off in the corner with so many challenges to kenshi I was really struggling on where to start this guide out on but I think we're going to head over first thing to the bar this is where you'll find first aid kits and food which are the two Essentials that you'll need to survive your first days in country you can find the bar right over here it's pretty quick and easy to get to you're going to start the game with a thousand cats which is the currency in kenshi and by the way in case you didn't know kenshi is the name of the planet we're living on I guess it's actually a moon but same difference one thing you can do to get a little extra money very early on is head over to this abandoned building in the hub there's going to be a bunch of items on the floor that you can just pick up and sell in the bar it's not stealing and if you close the door in the front of the building you can actually break into the chest behind you seal all those items since nobody's there to see you you won't get caught and you won't get a bounty you can sell any soil and goods you have in the hub and it's no problem you might even find some food in there and that's how this character went from a thousand cats to 3 000 cats so quickly so once you have a little extra money you can buy a first aid kit that's really all I would buy at this point but when you get hungry or your hunger bar starts to fall below 250 you could definitely pick up some meat from the bar as well really the only other thing I would consider buying from the bar is a backpack and they don't always have them in stock so if you see one pick it up what you're really looking for and is considered one of the better backpacks for hauling is a wooden backpack they allow you to stack items you'll see in the inventory here that you can't do that normally these wooden backpacks allow you to put 5 10 15 sometimes even 50 different items on top of each other and it gives you a lot of extra storage space after buying all these items you're gonna realize pretty quickly that you're running out of money let's talk about how to make some now before somebody gets angry in the comments I know there's a ton of different ways to make money in kenshi in this video we're going to cover the two most beginner friendly ways to make money but make sure to push that subscribe button because in the future I'm going to be releasing a video on a bunch of the different ways that you can be making money as well as some more advanced kenshi videos which you're definitely not going to want to miss so just make sure to push that subscribe button and while you're down there make sure to leave a comment about what you want to see covered alright now back to the video one of the quickest ways to earn money in kenshi is to go mining you don't need any special gear or characters to do this you just go out and find a node iron and copper will both work but copper sells for a lot more than iron does so try to find a copper one The Hub has both iron and copper I always choose this copper node here because it's fairly close to town early on you can mine probably six oars and fit them in your backpack once you've mined your first five ore you're going to realize pretty quickly that the character just kind of stops mining this is because the internal inventory of the rock is full in this game when you mine or use an item typically it doesn't go directly into the character's inventory it fills up the internal inventory of Whatever item you're using whether that's a rock or a farm or some sort of crafting table it doesn't matter in order to empty what you're using you need to open up the inventory of both your character and the item you're using then you can either shift right click on the items inside the internal inventory or click and drag it from the inventory into your character's inventory once you've done that you can just simply click on the Rock again and you'll start mining one thing that's really important is to watch out for Bandits there's a lot of different types in this game and they're going to be incredibly tough early on so if you're out Mining and you're not very well prepared just head back into town and the guards will help you out and kind of save you from the bandits this leads me into my next topic which is combat and Scavenging taking items off your enemies and selling it can be very valuable early on and as your character gets stronger you can go out out bounty hunting and you can make 50 or even a hundred thousand dollars doing that but kenshi isn't like most other games when you start off you're no hero you're slumped over weak and will lose a battle against even one starving Bandit you'll see your combat stats in the bottom left side of the UI we talked about that earlier but at this point everything is a level one you have no skills so enemies will just steamroll over you that leaves you with two options and neither one of them involves running head first into a group of hungry Bandits the first time around I would wait for the guards to take out a group of Bandits so that you can scavenge them after the guards have already handled the combat then you can sell their stabs and equipment or upgrade yours if there are any upgrades this is definitely viable for a while the problem is is that you're gonna have a lower frequency of Scavenging events if you wait for them to get into a fight with the guards and this brings us to combat one of the things you can do early on is pick a fight with some hungry Bandits and then run back to a city that has guards in it like the Hub if you do pick a fight run back to the bar the people in there will help you defeat the bandits you can then loot these Bandits and sell their equipment right there there's actually three benefits to this the first is that you're going to start a lot more fights than would naturally occur so you're gonna have a lot more stuff to sell the second is that getting beaten up is going to increase your toughness skill this makes your character a lot more Hardy both in terms of how much damage they take from an attack as well as how much damage needs to be taken before they go unconscious if you have a light weapon equipped your dexterity skill will be trained and if you have a heavy weapon equipped your strength skill will be trained so there's benefits to Growing your stats the biggest benefit though is that you're going to get used to combat by doing this so let's take a little bit of time and talk about combat a lot of stuff is happening behind the scenes when you're engaged in combat only one character can attack another character at a time so you can't gang up on one character and have like seven hungry Bandits attacking one dust boss all at the same time it doesn't work like that you can order seven people to attack one person but one will throw an attack and then a different one will throw an attack so really only one person can attack another person at a time this is helpful when you're learning because your character won't go down immediately as seven Bandits attack you all at once there's a bunch of different types of weapons there are ranged crossbows but you probably won't have one yet so let's talk about the melee weapons there's three categories there's fists light weapons and heavy weapons martial arts is a skill that becomes incredibly strong later on in the game once your character has very high level stats right now though it's just awful don't use it in the same vein heavy weapons can do a ton of damage but they require your strength level be twice that of the weapon's weight so they're not really realistic early on in the game until your character strength level is at least 20 25 or 30. some of the weapons in the game weigh upwards of 30 kilos so that's going to be a high level character required to wield that so what you're left with are light weapons these are the wazukashis katanas stabs clubs all of those kind of beginner level tools and they carry on their usefulness later on in the game they do a ton of cutting damage which is great against people and animals it's not so great against the robots or turrets or defenses but against the animals and people they do excellent you might also note that there's cutting damage and blunt damage cutting damage is outright stronger against living animals or people unless they are heavily armored then blunt damage is going to do better butt damage will knock people out more and will do better against skeletons robots and enemies using a lot of different armors you're going to learn this later on so you don't need me to tell you but you're going to lose all of your first battles you're gonna get knocked out that's just the way it is to level up your toughness even faster if your character gets downed and starts to play dead if you get back up that's going to level up your toughness really quickly when you do get downed a hope that it happens in a safe place where there's nobody who can take you as a slave once you go down you need to wait out the recovery coma then you can get up and start to perform first date on yourself once you're patched up your wounds aren't going to heal very quickly so you need to find a bed or a camp bed to heal them quicker Camp beds will heal you at a 400 percent increase rate and a regular bed will heal you at an increased 800 percent rate in the starting town of the Hub these beds and Camp beds are found on the second floor of the bar and they do cost a nightly fee but it's well worth it oftentimes I'm going to pool both of these techniques together where I'll go out and I'll mine until I start to see hungry Bandits then I'll pick a fight with them and run back to the hub once you've mastered these steps the game really opens up a ton you can move to different towns hire Partners fill out your party even building a base and researching Technologies those are all really great Concepts but they're not within the scope of this video I'm really excited to make follow-up videos about this the different more Advanced Techniques how to build your base and cover all the things that we've talked about in more depth even some of the better and more efficient ways to do some of the stuff we've already talked about it's already in the works and it's going to be great so please make sure to like the video and leave a comment about what you would like covered and most importantly subscribe and turn on notifications so that you're alerted the next time one of these videos drops like always there's a lot of products in the descriptions that are really wonderful and help me do what I do so if you have any interest in finding out what those are or purchasing them make sure to click the link down there see you in the next one
Channel: The Modish Gamer
Views: 59,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2022, 2023, 2024, Beginner, Beginner's Guide, Best Start, How to play kenshi, Kenshi, Kenshi BEst, Kenshi Bandit, Kenshi Combat, Kenshi Combat guide, Kenshi Game, Kenshi Gameplay, Kenshi Guide, Kenshi Part 1, Start, kenshi 1.0, kenshi let's play, kenshi lets play, kenshi mods, kenshi pc, kenshi playthrough, kenshi review, kenshi rpg, kenshi steam, kenshi tips and tricks, kenshi tips for beginners, kenshi walkthrough, let's play kenshi, lets play kenshi
Id: 6UEMHZ6x62c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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