KENSHI Exploiting Game Mechanics - RockBottom To BugMaster

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Maxximico 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to kenshi and welcome to the channel I'm twisted logic in this episode we will start from Rock Bottom and end here on Day 26 using all of my exploit knowledge allow me to show you how broken this game is we're going to be starting this Rock Bottom being in like and share this video let me know what you think in the comments and if you're new here subscribe we just started at rock bottom and we are headed to Stout right now and I'm going to be using every exploit and hack I know to solo The Bug Master [Laughter] not the only goal so we'll have a little bit of fun with it so once we get over to Stout we need to try and collect about 3000 or so cats maybe two thousand a little bit of food and some sandals I chose a Scorch Lander because they can eat raw meat so any of the bugs around here that die I can I can loot food right off of them and then also because there's a Athletics bonus oh we got a group of Outlaw Farmers right here this is great let's see if we can see if we can get the Outlaw Farmers to attack the city guard uh this one right here Tech Target never should have come here okay and now run away oh nice okay we need to get that fight as close to the to the gorgeous possible oh this one right here we're gonna steal the medical kit did I get hit I did okay medic task okay the rest of the medicine or the bandages go to First Aid This Outlaw farmer right here because I need this one to survive okay let's check out these ones over here for some loot sandals excellent goal one complete okay none of that's worth anything okay this is worth some stuff oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa got caught stealing there okay normal speed okay it's a false alarm there he goes [Laughter] excellent so we got a little bit of food there every slot is full oh there's another group over here what is this those are all samurais okay we can collect this food as well but now the next goal is going to be just finding uh enemy humanoid that is playing dead so that way we can train thievery if you need a meal or room I've got both buy some chew sticks oh we got two thousand 300 cats and we got more than enough now we gotta keep away from these slavers taking my okay we can take this heart protector then okay this guy right here is playing dead we're gonna run over him okay so now we found these two guys here that are both playing dead and if I right click on them and hover over any one of their inventory here uh we got the red text that says stealing chance zero percent so I'm gonna zoom in on this box here so that way the mask is right underneath so if I hit Escape there I can just keep right clicking just like this to get some skill let's load up this see theory is already 13 now oh good it's not blocking it okay I'm not going to go up to 100 this time because I want to be here all day but we're gonna put that mask right back and do it again okay we got about a 30 chance now 76 degree I want to get to about 80. I don't want to go all the way up to 100 once you once you get above 80 it starts really slowing down all right 77 now maybe we'll go to 85. because the next part of this we're going to be trying to steal an arm but if we can't get a good one then then we're gonna have to buy an arm so if I can get thievery up enough then it's really going to benefit us I think 86 is uh A6 is high enough and I want to be here all day so I'm gonna go sell that stuff in town fencing change is 100 let's sell that honest pay for honest work uh This is Gonna reduce our Athletics so we want to sell that as well I'm gonna sell everything there yeah we're not buying anything either maybe we'll buy us a little bit of food before we leave town right over here maybe a couple pieces a couple chew sticks on that tip and now maps and we are headed to the gray desert as a waypoint and then we are headed to Flats Lagoon now we got to be pretty careful about running here although we are running at 21 miles per hour that's one of the reasons why I chose The Scorch Landers because they have a thletic boost as a racial so I'm running down to this mountain right here this hill right here which is the Waypoint in the gray desert skim sins entered the skim sins now somewhere around here somewhere around here if you don't have shoes on then the desert hurts your feet but really the reason why I got the sandals here is because it gives me a thletics effective one point one so I'm running a little bit faster because of it so plus 10 percent the Black Desert I believe that this area is where if you don't have shoes it's gonna really hurt your feet all right I know that there's text about it I don't know if there's actually damage involved the gray desert okay we got here at about midnight I don't think that there's anything here that I need I'm just gonna check the shop you tried mercenary work no there's nothing here that I need if I want to run due south to about right there so we're head to Flat Lagoon normally this is the first time I did this during the day during the night time though normally I'm dodging the sun beams doing this so I was thinking maybe we wait it's about 2 A.M that's all right we're gonna run directly across to this flat area right over here just got to be careful about uh if it was the daytime the sun beams although you can do it during the day even on this character uh I think we're gonna get caught some in some anyway because it's only like it's it's already like three o'clock uh but there's also big things to watch out for and some groups of skeleton thralls big things are closer in this area here something running around over here a week's rolls okay I'm gonna disband at Camp I'm just gonna stay down here oh good the sun's coming up because I kind of enjoyed the challenge of the lasers so I'm going to hold the mouse wheel and right click and just kind of steer my character zero five hundred we're headed to Flats Lagoon it's day three okay we got a bunch of trolls there some beams coming down now excellent I don't really have a strategy for avoiding them brawls we just turned turned away from there oh oh oh oh okay easy I'm gonna run right over to that flat area there right over here the lasers still come over in this area I'm gonna turn away from that whole area now oh nice what is this oh we got a caravan are these hypers excellent we found the hype Caravan kind of right off the bat we just stumbled into them let's talk to the leader show me your wares okay we need a left arm economy left arm economy right arm kill ticket sell the medical kits and we're gonna buy it's a left one right okay great uh buy some standard first aid kits and install the arm now this is a great arm because it's a shoddy grade so lock picking there minus 90 percent so because it doesn't really give us an advantage so to training the stat um as far as the XP Bonus Goes but it does allow for more time picking the lock if that makes sense because we're not going to pick it as fast so it's just gonna run the clock longer and we're going into the flats Lagoon right now now this building right here uh this is travel and repairs but it the snail house and now it's also if I go inside and go to the second floor it's also an in uh which means that it doesn't close so I'm gonna and this is the same one this is the exact same in as the uh World's End and so I'm gonna sneak and let's look at our stats here I did a little bit of sneaking before as well as I knocked out um and escaped slave off camera but assault is 13 let's go right here [Music] okay let's see okay right there we can we're being seen right there right there we're not being seen as luck level 21 and unlock level 27 so lock level 21 pickle lock I thought that was like super quick okay one level 27 picked a lot 14 percent say stealing chance is 44 on these items so I want to leave them just a bunch of medical kits huh okay so if I take the arm off let's see what the stealing percentage now 128 percent 125 percent uh there's not really a place to sell these around here so not even worth taking any of that stuff I am going to wait for the guards to move excellent so let's hold down control and look for tools no tools here it's copper this Cactus rum okay let's go over to this save goal 64 zero percent I can't even logical 52 right here I don't think I can get that no I can't her goal here is already completely got the arm and we got a little bit of lock pick training see if there's tools here hacksaw there's tools right there let's see if he sells them uh he's not selling not selling any tools but he's got some backpacks here uh I don't know I thought that that guy did let's check the shop bar here I don't think they sell it foreign right now at least there's one guy over there okay so let's maybe position ourselves like closer this way and use tools and I'm just going to zoom out and watch and if anything happens I'm going to pause the game just like that so I'm trying to optimize this run and this is the first time that I bought the house at this point because I normally only get here with like just enough money to get that arm and every once in a while this tools out here like on the table there that you just pick up and break into this safe a little bit oh nice we got in we're gonna uh when we come back these locks should reset and we should have the chance to pick them again thieves backpack I guess it's better than nothing we'll take it away for that crime to clear uh sneak off and we are going to run directly to this spot right about hereish I want to run this nasty town like right here and then like I think like somewhere over here and I want to run like between them I'm not exactly sure where they are I want to get to about right there yeah I didn't have enough money to get the archery set yet but we're gonna get that on the way back so we're going over to count lawn because of money and armor droves Gamble and let's see oh we almost got attacked by grew there uh gorilla there I kind of want to stay on flat grounds here connect group didn't see me now if I was doing a no teleport uh cat lawn speed run I can do it a lot faster I would have already been done by now there's another trade Caravan there which is great uh we gotta be really careful about southern Hive down here as well as Skin Bandits because if they catch us then it's not going to be good there's also gorillas and land bats strobes Gamble okay let's see the map I kind of want to get away from the hive a little bit this way let's just reset that coordinate on the map to make sure I'm taking the right path here okay I want to get away from this mountain too close to the Outpost okay now we're gonna try for it sniper Valley so we gotta be we can we can get head shotted here and we can get a one-hit kill on us so we can we just die in like a second if any of the snipers are around uh we do have acid rain here with zero protection which should be fine we're only gonna we're just running through it once we get into the ashlands that'll it'll be okay thank you well we got a we got a group right here uh skin Bandits so we are gonna just then right there we're going that way um so we're just gonna kind of hook around this way okay we also got lightning that I mean I never get hit by lightning before and I've done this many times so we got another group there I'm gonna avoid okay once we get into the ash lens we'll be safe ish safe ish the ashlands okay get that get up get up there most of these spiders are kind of like statues there there are moving roving groups though you can't see the map so I want to come South I want to I want to come like this and then somewhere right over here put a pin on the map for there uh because this like this this section here is a big mountain that I want to I don't want to go directly up this way I wanna hook it like that I've just always have problems whenever I ran directly to the place I'm gonna watch out for these squadrons of skeletons and cleanser units are pretty slow and the iron spiders as well oh good group right there we're gonna have to hook it so there once I'm out of there range there they have a very limited aggro range okay Ashland Dome two we're gonna watch over these poison gas clouds but if we just kind of run through it then it doesn't damage us enough to make a difference uh we missed it that one okay we got a spider group right here all right let's hook it over to the left okay see the map okay right about here once we pass this so This section here now we can just run should be able to run directly to the center of the ominous place with that crater right there okay I'm not posting the game it's it's loading [Laughter] [Music] oh that was a cloud it is it is about 20 or so uh maybe 10 damage on the chest okay right about here we want to pause the game and move the camera right about here and put a pin right there on that that exact spot somewhere somewhere on this bridge here right about there and we're gonna be running at 23 miles per hour so we have to run through that building right there before it loads and then back onto the bridge and then we're gonna run into this building and run directly behind the throne there and now entering this building triggers catlon's speech okay so he's doing the speech now but what happens is he finishes the speech and then attacks but if we save it right here and then reload the game then he actually doesn't start the speech now and he never attacks so he's Frozen in Time and we're inside the building and so we're just going to let it load and we're going to go to sneak mode and normal game speed well I'm going to pull up the stats here for assassination now I did I did knock out a um Escape slave that was just hanging out over by um in the desert there well that's all right because we're gonna do this right in real time right now unpause the game and then just right click continuously as fast as I can look at that assassination skill this is how you assassinations train this is the best training for assassination there's no there's no better way a Marty is 60. every single one of those faileds there is one animation but all those fails is a skill gain I'm kind of moving off to the side now and now you can see I'm at 85 assassination right now already I'm just gonna reset a little bit right over there 87 assassination we're going up to 100 right now my stealth's going up a little bit too or 89 assassination this is why it's the best because all I'm doing here is sitting here clicking [Laughter] and if I wasn't uh if it wasn't almost midnight right now then I'd be able to click a little bit faster I've been doing stuff all day every one of those failed attempts is gaining skill and you see we're still at zero percent that's because we only have one arm and because we only have one arm we could never actually knock out catalon [Laughter] okay now if I if I go to my inventory here and I attach my left arm now I have a 37 chance to knock him out but go back to my inventory take the arm off just reset per second I have zero percent chance without the arm being attached if you do this from Rock Bottom then your assassination I guess you could use the peeler machine too or the gurglars or something to take the arms off but without with only one arm you can never knock him out and that's the beauty of this right here since I don't know if bugmaster can be knocked out or not I'm going to go to 100 assassination just to be sure if he can be knocked out then maybe we don't have to go that high maybe it's only like 80. okay so I got tired of clicking so we're using an auto clicker here it's called Mouse controller and I just got to 100 assassination it is 1600 on day four uh so if this is able to take out Bug Master with assassination skill then we'll call this a tool assisted speed run I have F5 to enable and disable that uh this is what it looks like right here Mouse controller uh basically I just set it to start recording my clicks and then with the time stretch here it went up to 100 times faster and repeat every 0.1 second okay no we don't want to save the recording that's closed and now we're gonna put the arm on and now we're going to take them out there we go we got the AI Core we got the CPU unit we'll take everything from him uh falling Sun we're gonna leave that I'm gonna sell that okay now where is he pick up oh there we go so we are running at five miles per hour basically walking so in order to get out of here and I'm gonna see if I can bring catlon along with me uh we're gonna teleport so shift F12 right and now we're just going to zoom out and move away from the boundaries of our character and we're going to go back to Flats Lagoon let me see if I can bring the body with me teleporting okay the more zoomed out we are the faster it goes and now we're over here at Flats Lagoon and I'm just gonna unpause the game and and let it run just for a few minutes okay I think the camera is good so we'll press F5 here and then we're gonna reload and reset the squad position okay so we're resetting Squad position and we didn't close the F12 menu yet we'll see if we're carrying catalon or not oh we are excellent does he have a bounty anywhere uh it doesn't seem to be now really the only reason the only reason we really did that was to sell the AI Core um because now we have 25 000 cats extra the large backpack here we want to get this what can we buy Here is our left arm that's good okay let's get that if we didn't take the armor we could have just ran out of there and not teleport but we're trying stuff out [Music] I don't know where I could sell that CPU uni I don't know a shopkeeper that has that much money eighty percent where do I get this from oh okay we're just gonna drop that on the ground there uh large backpack Mt excellent idea of building materials here no he doesn't limbs okay that stuff all goes there all right let's check out the oops oh because I took the arm off Ranger shop right here show me your goods now World bow Masterwork MK1 we're gonna buy that can't afford to sell this why not Ultra regular so I'll punch of those okay put him down what's the what's the wait one kilogram on that okay I don't know anywhere we could say I feel like we're just gonna carry that around so maybe I'll just ditch it 38 is so much of a difference I can at least move at some speed right now let's see how fast I can go 12 miles per hour okay we're gonna try it so there's a couple things I could do if I get into some real danger but I mean I guess as a last resort I could teleport again but I really didn't want to I want to kind of keep that to a minimum because I could technically without the armor I can run out there just with the AR core and have the money and our thievery being 86 we could still go to armor King it's day four right now almost day five you have 100 assassination 86 thievery stealth is 18. I'm getting swimming up oh whoa whoa whoa whoa uh gorilla Bandit almost uh almost dead here see if I can get away from them now I can't it's 36. I'm gonna he's gonna wreck me if I okay so I'm gonna try the pressing R trick right here I'm gonna pause the game build menu buildings small shack close right there okay let's build it right there confirm unpause pause that expands the area now I can build like closer over to the to there we're going to rotate this around so the exit's facing away from us put it right there confirm it he's in the small shack now and we're running up the mountain it may still be on us I don't see him anymore nice nice let's see if we can clean up that Outpost dismantle and dismantle okay we're gonna try to run to the weigh station that's like right over here what is this group like dog faction you know it's dangerous here be careful we can help you I'm going you guys are moving too slow to help me I'm just trying to see if it's viable to to grab that armor or not we're running at 17 miles per hour right now like because like going down there to get the AI Core uh gives us the old world bow and all that ammo what is this group that does Bandits there let me try to give him some space let me sneak a little bit now there's beak things right there okay so we're gonna just kind of loop this way oh that does banded see me hold down R our trick I'm not working okay let's get a building on top of them keep going oh why don't stop okay another building there confirm if I was if I was uh let's see here let's get a building on top of that guy right there and then also another one like right up close to it like that and then like that so we're trying new stuff now um because let's see if that captures them one more to close off that entrance looks like a centipede there okay zoom out all the way and run there is that trap them all oh it did look at that all trapped I think one of them made it out I see is this guy in there what crime is he committing of burglary see you later suckers the Border Zone so I need to find Hungry Bandits to to what's my toughness right now toughness is one I need to like get to like a tiny couple tiny fights to get my toughness to at least like five or six and then I could really do some toughness training once it's once it's like not zero or one let's talk to this guy right back here hey there we go you got left arms Masterwork right here plus 25 dexterity how much is that 16 I can't afford it unless I sell this so if I sell if I sell this it's day five right now if I sell this I can still go to armor King I don't know where I'm gonna get a better arm though unless I like get lucky at Flats Lagoon again because World's End is way too far away let's see the map real quick I really want to go to Spring and where's the scrap house somewhere over there sell this armor here this Masterwork left arm so that install this one get a repair kit at least can't afford it okay we'll sell the pants too for the repair kit now and you see the research the research only really gives me an advantage when escaping like with the building hacks this is a dried I got the repair kit medical kits okay Maps again and we are running to the Western hive closest Western High Village maybe we'll stop at the Hub just just to look for a fight an easy one so I wanna like an easy fight right now let's see or somebody to carry would be nice I find it vagrant or is this a pacifier somebody without a faction over here bar Thug from the vagrance right here this guy you know assassinate him stealth KO got him yeah I mean this armor is better than nothing so grab that what what it's my mod here must have added a like a different head to the blue body that's funny pick up it's like this person was just like dipped in paint that's great uh let's see if we can let's see if we can make it to the high Village without having to drop the body but we may have to to run a little bit faster where are we at right now six miles per hour so if anything really comes near us we're gonna have to drop it uh strength is six though so I want to be able to because I want to be able to move at like a decent speed carrying something some some armor I don't want to get strength too high before we martial arts train though right over here put it down first aid okay so now I'm gonna right click on the gorilla hold my mouse over the pickup option but I'm not gonna let go of the right click button until the gorilla actually gets up and the animation is is uh running three two one gets up there's the animation let go and I just picked him up now so the gorilla is still conscious now Wally's Wally's picked up and now we're gonna go into this robotic shop so that's one thing that because if you pick up the gorilla wrong sometimes it doesn't snap to the grid like you want it to for the martial arts training let's go over here to this is this the right room uh no I'm gonna go to this this commune Hut over here I don't know if I'm the only one that makes the connection that the hybrids are communist they're living in a commune hunt come on put in bed there we go and and he's also upright the arrows red if I right click and hold it's um pick up Loot and sleep but mousing over it's a red Mouse minus 19 strength which means we're going to be able to hit a lot softer when the animals knocked out are unconscious we won't gain any XP and right click to attack so after we knock it out we're gonna have to wait for it to recover before we can train again so there's a couple it's definitely a bug putting the animals in bed they're very buggy like this so we'll call this martial arts training one because we're going to do martial arts training two a little bit later to get even higher uh we're going after Bug Master all the after all day six right now fastest speed we're no longer doing damage we're no longer getting XP because it's knocked out I got a couple hits in there depends you know it is buggy so we're gonna run out here start smacking this uh copper resource while the gorilla in there is healing walking around carrying somebody and having an overloading inventory the highest strength training you can get is 50 but with martial arts we can go a lot higher than uh that multiplier so we're gonna get some uh what is this three kilogram nine kilograms so we're gonna put that there I'm just gonna adjust our inventory a little bit if I close the bag then when I right click on the copper resource here it goes right into my direct inventory I'm going to zoom out like this so that way nothing sneaks up on me fastest game speed [Music] excellent so this shopkeeper has a prototype left arm which is going to give us even less strength I believe let's see strength minus 33 the strength minus 19 so we're going to switch it out for the even crappier prototype left arm and sell these skins and that means that we're not going to hit as hard which is going to be great because we'll be able to spend more time training on that gorilla well let's see what the grill is at so right now if I right click and hold I have attack unprovoked and right now I don't have attack on provoked see that but I do have a red arrow so I'm just going to right click on that and now my strength training is right now 77 percent let's see what my strength actually is though strength is is uh reading as nine because of the uh prototype prototype left arm that we just bought stats and we're looking at strength and the only benefit that gives us is that we're not going to hit as hard which means we're gonna get more hits in which means more chances for XP so it's not that the Prototype arm is affecting the stack game but it kind of is only only in the way that we're not hitting as hard if that makes sense to you let's take a look at the gorilla's health excellent day seven zero six hundred hours martial arts training continues [Music] my training is starting to slow down a little bit so what we're going to do is switch it up I'm gonna go into my inventory and put the good arm on okay we're gonna pick up the gorilla I'm gonna sell all the copper I'm gonna run to the hub hopefully we don't get ambushed on the way out border Zone okay we'll run to one of these broken buildings it really doesn't make too much of a difference which one uh this one's empty right here so we're gonna run in there put the gorilla down and run out of the building Set uh hold on ranged on we're gonna equip our overall bow and wait for the gorilla to come up excellent gorillas stuck inside the building right click attack Target oh oh hold up hold up will you please okay we actually shot uh one or two arrows did we yeah we shot like uh three arrows or so uh looks like we're good now let's just make sure crossbows are going up oh excellent perception and crossbows going up right now [Music] just like that start the timer [Music] day eight Zero Dark Thirty crossbow training begins okay crossbows down 45 it's day 9 1600 hours let's turn ranged off hold off see if we can see if we can fight this gorillo seen him a couple times and run out assess the damage oh not too bad toughness is three right now let's try it again get out of there okay chest is at negative five oh what's our toughness our toughness is now five I'm gonna rest in that bed a little bit we'll get some toughness by like hitting hitting him and then getting out getting out of there [Laughter] this isn't the um this is just the Baseline toughness I want to get a certain number before we actually do the serious stuff so that way we won't get killed right away day 10 zero seven hundred hours I'm doing this split like all night recovering from the wounds I think we're good on the Baseline toughness at 10. I think that's good we get up here we're gonna do some medical excellent and let's see maps we are headed to stack uh you know what maybe I should have rested first so we're gonna we're gonna go to the rebel base over here and rest over here just to heal the leg up a little bit okay so inside stack I gotta go into like one of these shops uh maybe check out the bar first because I need to get uh one of the Holy books stop right there criminal scum oh no I'm gonna take the arm off I forgot to take the arm off and we landed ourselves in jail here we're gonna pick the lock it'll be all right so in the Holy lands I can't be uh can it be having that arm out see what the charge was assault I I feel like the chart should be heresy for the for the skeletons the skeleton arms but minus 24 hours okay day 10 1700 hours talking to jail cell right we're doing lock pick training after this we're going to grab a holy flame from one of the shops and then we're going to do some stealth training pick lock Escape get in pick lock 18 hours to go we could probably we could probably run out of here if we wanted to make sure we have access to our food too [Laughter] we're at 46 lock picking now which is great waiting to be released now and we're out and looks like no more Bounty which is great all right so we're gonna run over to this bar show me your wares we need one copy of the Holy flame just in case the book has no pictures can't really expect you to read that now can I I'm kind of good on food I guess we can buy a little bit more we have a thousand cats right now Maps and we're gonna run to right about there there's a holy Farm there I believe this guy's chasing us here we come into no crime so he just probably wants to check our bag [Music] I'm gonna head to that military base right there as a waypoint or Grinch Pride oh he's he just uh just just gave up on chasing this right there so we're neutral with the holy nation so we don't wanna I don't know if we can go in there but we're gonna we're gonna take a course correction over here to rebirth rebirth uh hopefully he doesn't catch us either all right so you just want to talk to us is this the same gate guard goal is making an announcement stop right there criminal scum hand over your belongings I need to check your items for it's garlage yeah show me your gear robot Parts aren't illegal which is great that was the gear check from he chased us from stack to the rebirth that's great I thought we lost him we're headed up this mountain path right here I'm back here there's a there's a ruin with a lot of blood spiders I don't know if you can see them moving down around down there but this is the best place to train stealth one of the best places in the game uh you just want an area that's relatively safe with high volumes of hostile units self is effectively zero our armor and equipment is -93 since we get in range of these blood spiders our progress bar is going to start going up excellent 19 20 21. it was real time 22 23. excellent you get a decently High still stat so day 12 11 A.M we start training stealth still gaining some stealth skill but now uh D13 is your Dark 30 not really too effective at stealth training now there's night time now I could teleport into the water here and go right to armor King but that seems to kind of break armor King somehow teleporting from here just right into the water and going directly to armor King sometimes he's not in the shop at all and other times he'll be in the shop but he won't have any inventory and you may and you have to like wait for him to reset so shift F12 or paused just tell according to save some time this is we're just we're trying to figure out the run right now I'm not doing the run right now uh so the camera is like way above where it should be and we're about where we want to teleport to so unpause the game and that kind of drops the camera down to the level it should be I'm gonna wait for everything to load before we extend on this menu excellent successful teleport exit out of that sneak off okay we're just gonna let it load okay and one thing that we did discover is that we can be selective with the teleportation as far as which characters go any character that's in bed is gonna remain in bed when you attempt to teleport so if you have a large group and you only want to teleport certain characters the ones that you don't want to teleport uh you put them in bed and then you do the teleportation and then you can and only the ones that are not sleeping are actually teleported so we're gonna head to the ruin there I'm gonna cut ahead with movie Magic D13 is your 600 hours we start to swim day 13 1900 hours remained to armor King he doesn't see us okay let's go over here and check the side first nothing in that Barrel I think in the chest uh let's talk to him just to be sure sneak off see let's see his inventory yeah something something happens uh not really sure where he doesn't have an inventory uh what I'm gonna do is I'm Gonna Save the game and reload it uh still no inventory also my crossbow is missing I don't know what happened to that where did the crossbow go maybe it's a mod that's breaking my game if this is happening to you as well let me know in the comments but I think that if we leave for a while and then come back then he's gonna have inventory or we could just wait here for him and now it's day 14 maybe maybe just refresh let's check I don't know when his um um inventory resets because like every day or every three days they get new stuff now see it's still uh let's sell some arrows make us a little lighter 47 weightless excellent to move to World's End yeah let's go to World's End steal some stuff and then come back bloodlands D14 0 700 hours and the world's end yeah if you could teleport to armor King and let me know if he has an inventory in the comments that would be great Hidden Forest because I don't know if it has to do with teleportation or like close to him or if it has to do with maybe some mod that I have maybe I have to re-verify my game files again it's not too big of a deal to go up to Worlds and we're only day 14 now go 15 days to kill a Bug Master okay we're gonna head into this snail house the two are still this five right now we need to switch out this backpack with a for like a good one a good stealthy one let's see if we could talk to this guy everything's for sale my friend everything if I had a sister I'd sell her in a second maybe someone got the small one who's that rosstone blue maybe that uses the same texture as the Scorch Landers we're going to pick this lock this lock okay 163 percent for those stealing chance get the good medical kit ration packs oh did the other one have food no like that medical kit now let's wait a second okay well there's a guy right there can knock him out but I don't think I'm gonna be able to sneak up on him 100 chance of knocking them out let's try it now he sees me there let's check out the armor shop here no Masterworks that fit the requirement must be heavy on heavy armor and Masterwork check out what's in these barrels it's a cell value of almost a thousand there take that oh it's going to arrange your shop because my crossbow has been stolen from me I think when I went to jail how much is this 18. 16. I'm going to mq1 MK2 okay maybe he's got it up here in a barrel or something let's check it out it just bolts in those barrels that guy doesn't see me foreign 69 oh we got one 122 chance stealing a world bow and cream one I wanted the MK2 this not just arrows there let me check out that bird it's a bird's eye view get more Arrow okay let's see if the guard moved in the snail snail shop over here still there I guess get a sleeping bag from this guy they use backpack large okay so we're gonna travel back to light our inventory at the Village here that Village we got to take our arm off otherwise they're going to attack us I believe and we're gonna Enlighten our inventory and then head back to armor King and check out his inventory and it's steel stuff I'm gonna have to take off this backpack I'm gonna have to like okay that's got a stealth effect so we want the negative stealth effect when we are training but not when we're on the mission came back to armor King D15 your 500 hours we've returned to armor King it's trade oh excellent this kind of inventory now so do we have anything to sell uh this crappy gear stealth effect this has a stealth effect so does it have a stop effect yeah 1.1 times or keep that no stealth effect negative stealth effect we're gonna have to go with the high grade chest or we're gonna have to buy it from blister Hill okay let's see sneak stealth is 21. take the light off let's hold a medical kit let's hold a splint kit yeah we're gonna stash the backpack back here if our stealth is good enough then then we should be fine drop that sneak on silt 86 nice okay let's get back over there okay normal speed he saw us second floor good sneak off okay he's resetting to this side stay on this side I believe sneak back on move right there okay we got high grade Samurai armor that we can use that where's this one also high grade both of them are 117 chance stealing let's get it specialist great pants we'll get those just in case uh now right over here we also have um armor stand let's check that specialist great armored Hood to move a little bit closer over here okay those are the plated long boots and the weapon display is empty okay now our timer is not going down because this thrall sees us so we're going to attempt to sneak out of the building to reset that okay we're in the clear right now just gonna wait here for a second excellent well right here I'm going to stash the goods or stealth right here let's pick the lock the safe got it uh Masterwork plate jacket Masterwork leather specialist master uh middle plate we'll take that just in case oh in our in our timer cleared which is great okay right here shop counter okay not the shot counter specialist grade helmet a special trade Samurai helmet we'll take it uh you know put that one back that's fine all right we gotta watch out for this guy paste with the skeletons is armor King also skeleton faction yes he is so they're the same faction okay that's cleared it dropped the helmet okay so we need boots and a shirt speed up time for them to pass they're going that way they're going that way nice okay we got a shirt Masterwork Samurai Beast boots so this is from a mod but seems like uh that's all we can get it's on par with the regular boots that there's slight differences but it's not like game breaking or anything uh I'm sure it's okay let's take these pants let's take this helmet assassin Rags here stealth Effect one point oh let's take those leave that sneak off right over here let's talk to armor King show what you have okay does he have a shirt that's good no okay and he doesn't have standard Samurai boots I think that's good 26 chance to fence his own stuff back to him let's get uh let's go get our backpack I gotta remember to take the arm off when we get over to blister Hill right now it's speeding us up swimming without the arm it's I believe minus 33 percent yeah injuries minus 39 and then we put the arm on injuries are only minus 25 percent sell that and sell that one it's all the dried meat so blueprint be 16 zero 500 hours blister Hill uh is there an armor shop here well there is okay we're gonna hang out outside the armor shop oh there's also a travel shop back here I thought there was oh there is well okay I was hoping for uh large stealth backpack but doesn't have it it's gonna armor shop see what they got there I'm gonna sell this shirt here black and chain shirt we're going to install that Rusty chain mail shirt standard grade uh best I can do it's all right I like it it's got better coverage so that's good I think we're good to go Maps and we're headed to this Oasis right here uh we're at 15 toughness right now but we're gonna go up a lot higher than that and so the the best way to do toughness training is a lot of enemies that hit you you very weekly Skinner's room so Skinner's room has giant packs of wild bulls that roam around as well as large groups of hungry Bandits and the thing about the hungry Bandits is they're the weakest enemy in the game they'll hit you for the lightest amount of damage and there's large groups of them so this is going to this toughness training is going to use stronger opponent logic uh but in the way that there's more entities uh oh great there's a there's a pack of bowls right there oh we're not gonna mess with them we're gonna just head south in Skinner's room uh pretty much anywhere in Skinner's room you can find the larger groups of hungry Bandits but there's also wolves and stuff uh throughout the North and there may be there may be um holy nation as well uh what does this group that's hungry Bandit but that's not the group we're looking for that group is way too small that took us Standard Group of them so we're just going to avoid that group now we also don't have an arm so our toughness XP is times four so we have plus one for missing uh left arm so we're gonna leave our arm off now since we're going to be taking advantage of the playing dead mechanic we can only really do this with one character at a time if you have an ally Too Close to You they're not going to play dead okay so we have all of our armor on and we're gonna move uh medical kits and two splint kits to our inventory we're gonna move our backpack to our inventory so they can't steal any of our food and we are at a times 4 XP toughness because we're missing an arm Tech Target spamming right click and the R button on the keyboard okay we're 57 toughness already we gotta try and catch up with them hungry Bandit leader patrolling attack Target not too far away oh that's a different group don't hold off now KO time is too long 40 seconds right about here we're going to pause the game build a small shack let's see if we can trap these bowls the track this is a science experiment now the ramps don't count as part of the hitbox so we're just going to ignore the ramps okay we're gonna see if that traps the balls confirmed oh excellent it did so now that the Bulls are trapped there let's see if we can aggro this hungry Bandit leader again attack Target always looks like he's turning around towards us we're on the ground okay see the KO time is too slow something's different here the skeletons go a lot faster for some reason 30 seconds is too long the group's getting away from us seven there they go try to run away from them E7 now we're at 69. day 17. 10 A.M we're resting our wounds see your stats here toughness now 81. martial arts 67. so I think that we're going to be doing some I want to rest the wounds and then uh see if we can do some Dodge training as much as possible try to fight the hungry Bandits instead of just getting beat up by them now zero 100 hours until the camp attack hungry Bandits turn block off just gonna see what we can do as far as damage goes [Music] no you know what I'm gonna put our arm back on and we're also going to protect the food getting some Dodge in nice excellent excellent see oh great now that we healed we could play dead a lot faster yeah it was almost instantaneous see that okay so we had to get our toughness up a certain point and now we can just click around to see unconscious it was less than a few less than 10 seconds there 84 toughness we're at I think it works differently with the skeletons because they can they can recover faster with the repair kits they can go above a certain percentage where they the humans needed to rest here [Music] so it's a 10 second out time now 85 toughness we're at excellent the 18 is glorious 10 seconds okay timer around a little bit longer set a job attack enemies foreign okay so with the robots you have to spam you have to span the repair kit but with the humans you just get up to a certain point and then you heal because the KO point is -75. that's why oh great excellent that's exactly why so unconscious is only ten percent because we're not in the tail point range sorry 88 toughness all you have to do is Click around a couple times I've got to spam anything excellent I set the job as attack enemies hold down shift right click attack Target and then hold down shift as you do it and it'll set it as a job once your KO points once you start reaching KO points you gotta heal so that's the reason why it works a little bit differently with skeletons because they can use the repair kit to go higher yeah because they go back up but then they need the repair bed at a certain point I see right 90 toughness right now we need to make our way towards plants Lagoon oh yeah there they are right there when I took my arm off to get the times four bonus I put it on to do martial arts training a little bit of martial arts training in there um but then I didn't realize I was move I was losing the the One X on the on the um XP [Music] okay hold down shift attack Target such as a job clicking you'll see it's instantaneous at some points [Music] 92 I don't need to get I don't need to get higher than 92. I think that this is that's plenty High I think so we're gonna head south towards Flats Lagoon well let me find something to carry a Target oh you know what I think the Smugglers bar is over there so we're gonna head due south to the what was that Peak things that I escaped from yeah there's big things here this big thing is all like once I cross the boundary there uh that'll be okay be on your guard at all times avoid sleep if you can sleep for the week we're winging it we're heading south day 19 zero 900 hours headed to Flats Lagoon okay we're in big thin country now keep your eyes open shim where's The Smuggler's bar yeah we're gonna head right to the Smugglers bar because I got a bed over there this is like a battle royale area foreign [Music] might be too close to that too close to another town trying to build it right there confirm rotate that around just like that confirm well it didn't really work okay put down the body try to run there let's see nice nice you tried mercenary work my two channel 1400 hours the gray Flyers bar resting all right we're into Flats Lagoon time let's go one two one two one two one two watch out for these guys attack Target nope there's too many of them well they're not doing very much damage though let's see if we can get back to the bar you probably should have looked before I ran yes they're inside we're going to second floor and let the bar deal with that part foreign kill them okay attempt two then we're gonna pay attention a little bit some now you know let's ditch this raw meat [Music] it's probably now that we took the armor off [Music] it's a little bit better [Music] it's just one let's see if we can take him [Music] a block off [Music] nice uh we're pretty messed up though damn okay so we can take out big things one at a time at great great risk let's see if these hivers these hovers Caravan drone yeah and so okay it's got 20 000 nice swords all the sake once I've made enough money trading with the Khajiit Caravans I'm going to buy the bannered mare from holda we're gonna run right over in this area here let's rest first yeah I'm gonna we're gonna heal fully healed before we do this excellent maps and we're gonna run across over to this area here strobes Gamble let's go 22 miles per hour now that we lightened our load a bit this is also an acid Lake crumbling labs let's see if we can go around this way probably swim it but all right here let's try right here hold ranged see him right there King gorillo attack unprovoked okay too far away is turn hold off you can't start from like over here oh we got land bats yeah like that AI very good damn okay more land bats get ranged off protect Target hold off more powerful than I thought there you want armor on oh wait okay he's outside of the get ranged and hold attack on provoked oh yeah I see he's coming right for us yes attack Target land bats hey king gorilla taking care of the Lamb bats for us I'm gonna make sure he doesn't run away attack Target nice fast he's fast all right out of range he may be stuck right there getting really stuck right there hopefully we have enough arrows to take them out I think so uh that was the plan to get them stuck not not necessarily like that that was more of a coincidence but it's still great D21 is your 200 hours I trapped King gorillo coincidentally we were trying to trap him but not like this we're taking them out good amount at range shooting him in the ass it's gonna bleed out here before these numbers go down blood loss KO nice I'll just pick them up all right now and now we are going to attempt to travel back to France Lagoon slightly hard to build a small shack right there uh if I stay on the flat areas it's going to be a lot easier if I go up into them into the mountain there or try to pass through the mountain it's not going to be as easy to build since I don't have the slopeless building and mod installed all the mods that I have installed just kind of ADD Aesthetics to the game they changed it's talking big things and adding different hairstyles colored armor and and some more character creation mods as well I started I can start as a um Cannibal and there's also like a pale Ender okay we've got something here coming up on us yeah um skeleton banded here humans trying to be skeletons 18 miles per hour okay we're gonna do that and then we're also going to run this way uh press an R I know that didn't work now let's just try building again because I was considering like putting putting king gorilla down or like fighting while holding him oh there's a crab right there too it's an R trick right now spamming our button cancel and move at the same time hopefully that gorilla picks up the skin Bandit oh nice they got into a fight let's get out of here go go go naps run away the gorilla is fighting the um skeleton Bandit there excellent flat to the Goon oh that was lucky now we gotta watch up with these guys down gorilla Bandits now I could teleport with king gorilla but I kind of think it's a little bit more important than to to make sure that I can run there because I know I could teleport with king gorilla we got a caravan here yes help us help us yes the Caravan took care of it take his armor take that off oh I'm gonna follow the Caravan hopefully we'll have some protection with them let's see let's look ahead a little bit I'm not are they going to gray Shelf now we're gonna be going to fights Lagoon okay breaking away from them okay we're swimming I try to swim try to swim as close as I can to Flats Lagoon because it's a lot safer I could have started swimming over here as well okay it's like this I gotta move the the face mod I gotta move underneath the mesh for the it applies the blue skin tone to The Scorch Landers but then after that it puts a different face on top of that I gotta just reorder that mod that mod 2000 hours D21 back at Flats Lagoon with King gorillo put in bed is ragdolling okay pick up let's do we're gonna do a pickup here now I'm waiting for him to to become conscious again I'm gonna let go of the button as soon as the animation starts when he when he wakes up got him I swiped at that guy and now I should be able to snap them to the inside of one of the beds here in bed oh got out let's run over here attack on provoked hit him from there let's try over here there we go I'm gonna do another blood loss KO so that was the first time that I put him in bed where he immediately popped out but he has uh he has popped out of the bed before okay arranged off put in bed stamped in there and we have our red arrow so let's right click excellent martial arts training 2 has begun see the stats 70 already excellent see his health is a lot better this is a much better training dummy [Laughter] I'll see what time it is there we go Dex is going up too but we can't see that strength at 39 percent I need to get some heavy stuff I feel like if I leave he may he may snap back into may snap out a bit if I leave I don't know if there's any nodes around here the finest weapons in armor okay so these boots here are four kilograms each I'm trying to get the cheaper ones with the helmets six kilograms even more money this one's cheap take that one it's not cheap heavy things okay the Samurai armor is 20 kilograms I sell the sake let's put the crappy arm on as well let's go back to King gorillo there's a fight or something outside that I can pick up a body I'll go do it okay this one's a little harder because the walls involved in the size of him so we're gonna like move in there and then move out the normal speed and then like before you cross the threshold there right click there we go now let's see strength XP is at 69 percent faster speed so strength is 39 deck 79 martial arts 77. day 22. 2100 hours fastest game speed seem to be attacking pretty quickly whenever this is going on mainly attack gear though there's only one so if I look at my melee attack here I don't know if that has to do with I don't know if that has to do with um martial arts or not so we're gonna attack with the Fallen Sun I put the [ __ ] on the [ __ ] arm on as well let's see it's trying to make 46 percent it doesn't seem to be as stable keep knocking them out okay let's try the wakazishi instead it seems to be going a lot better see the stats excellent mainly attacks going way up now I don't know if that's a that's a stat we actually need total equipment minus okay martial arts is total equipment minus 15 plus 8 indoor bonus incumbrance penalty is 35. let's try this the same thing 49 percent day 24 strength is 48. oh we gotta fight out here nice and try to pick up this land bat and run back strength training is 62 percent so dexterity is at 93 and it's still slowly going up martial arts is at 92 still slowly going up strength 51. going up at a decent rate oh it's day 25 though so we're getting really close to the deadline now I'm not sure if maybe some of these things like if we didn't have that armor King issue that may be a model mine then we wouldn't have to swim we could just teleport from the stealth training ground to the armor King we wouldn't have bypass that swimming that saves us about a day or two uh if assassination doesn't work then we don't have to stay at Catlin for so long uh the lock picking here kind of optional it helped out a little bit okay it's day 25 um I think that the stats are pretty good here to at least try some things with the bookmaster I'm over here outside of Iraq and I'm going to try to run to Bug Master sneakily as a single character just to see see if we can do it just to cover all my bases so triple speed for now watch his written okay I gotta stay vigilant here oh wreck oh we got a group over there foreign this area right here is what I'm looking for let me see the map so I want to go right here this wooden structure to climb up onto that discovered Outpost is zero three hundred I'm gonna wait until morning uh to give the patrols a chance to kinda do their thing because I teleported to that location over here uh from flights Lagoon and then kind of entered the zone so I want to give the Zone a couple minutes to kind of saturate with its goodness okay so I think I'm gonna run I'm gonna run to this point right here let's see uh run you know what we'll do we're gonna adjust the armor a little bit shoes oh I think I sold those ninja Rags for uh some extra arrows I'm going to put our good arm on okay so from this wooden structure here we're gonna run right over here to there we got a bunch of them coming up sneak bugs bugs everywhere all over wonderful tasty bugs okay hopefully they don't see us who they do kind of see us okay they spotted us uh sneak off and we are going to run back to this wooden structure we outrun them I want to see if they can actually oh okay they kind of just went back to their patrol route let's try that again maybe we don't need enough at all or at least this part of it the goal here is to try to get into the jail cell at the Bug Master let's see if we can run not gonna work this way unless we like go in the water and swim around if we were a skeleton or hiver then the water wouldn't affect us at all that acid okay so we're gonna try to come over here hold up hold up foreign it seems like if they see us and I run a certain distance away from their patrol they just kind of reset running at 24 miles per hour right now but we got one sneaking up on us I almost fought it okay let's see then sneak maybe wait for one of these two groups to pass oh yeah now's our opportunity let's turn over there run back to the back here I don't think they come over here I'm not really sure though let's see see if we can get onto the ramp oh keep going keep going we're in uh okay we're gonna run to the back over here uh dip inside the jail cell can we do it yes okay so teleportation then is optional uh since I could do that with this character excellent so we're going to teleport over there so shift F12 and let's go to maps now I have a suspicion that we can teleport into the building look at the camera right okay I'm looking down at the floor I want to go to be on floor two I want to go to yes so that's it to four two I know these cages aren't for two one level down is Bug Master use these cages to our advantage so F5 to save the game I think it might have worked and now I'm going to fall through or be slick shotted off into space still didn't load though oh wow okay sneak test one is going to be assassination drop the backpack this is our inventory super lightweight quick save the game sneakings on oh what supposed to be in 4-0 oh okay wow wait this one's coming up the stairs [ __ ] doesn't see us can't stealth kale yes one shot 159 damage okay then we're clear our stealth is 86. 100 chance let's do it let's try no way this is gonna work yes yes that was that was like Mega easy so let's see here so with 100 assassination skill if I go to my inventory here and I take off these assassin Rags so I don't have any assassination bonus koing the Bug Master I only have a 58 chance to knock him out the specialist great assassination Rags give 1.3 times assassination skill and that brings it to 100. so a lot of this stuff we could have skipped that's okay we got the Bug Master let's reload the game F9 okay we're gonna move over here take out this Blood spider and then we're gonna try martial arts attack where is he Oh The Blood spider took a different path that time okay we're still weightless we have assassin's rags and the rest of the armor combat speed effect on the shoes I've got a spider come up here attack Target oh oh I fell through the stairs that may have saved me I didn't even get through his defense and all the spiders are aggroed so what we're going to do is run into that jail cell Escape okay we got one spider here yes 136 one shot so these ones are the static guards but the other ones aren't Patrol to get in the jail cell until they pass fastest time Tech Target normal speed please go on a strike let's move out of the way I'll hit him oh okay oh he's mimicking me excellent I'm gonna have to just take out the spider Patrol I think okay sneak off let's try one more time normal speed yes nice kick to the Head oh foreign foreign micro managed a little bit better foreign yes excellent I didn't bring enough bolts okay 12 volts I don't think it's gonna be enough unless every single one of them hits okay went back to Flats Lagoon and got a bunch of arrows so now we can try uh fighting Bug Master ranged only so this is our gear drop the backpack and we're arranged okay so we're gonna come down maybe we sneak to this point right here normal game speed people sneak in a little bit okay let's get there okay Tech Target never should have come here oh I got hit okay just gonna run around oh 15 can I shoot with block on oh yeah okay so with block enabled and ranged enabled I can still shoot maybe use this table to our advantage a little bit because he seems to be a lot quicker than us oh okay when it gets too close we can turn block off so it seems like when he was getting too close we were putting the boat down and and trying to block instead of reloading the bow and see his damage so far 57 bleed oh what's my damage yes oh not too close that last shot almost went right through his eye there yeah I think he's like animates and I reload a little bit oh 20 damage right there now I didn't even do that much crossbow training I think it was only about 24 hours yes got him so crossbows is effective as well okay king gorilla is not fully healed but we're gonna see how close we can get to Bug Master with him it's a normal speed we're sneaking right now okay put down okay now we just gotta wait for the unconscious timer and hopefully they fight give her a normal speed he's kangaroo is about to wake up yes okay so far it looks like so far it looks like Bug Master is no match for king gorilla although congruilla does have a pretty good bleed out and let's see bug Masters oh you know what oh the master might win he's up against the wall who's going down so just to give you a realistic idea of how long this video took I think it was about nine or ten hours of recording I'm still editing it right now but I I cut it down to about two hours so this was all recorded in one session and I hope you appreciate the content as much as I appreciate everybody who supports the channel thank you very much for watching oh man oh kangaroo kind of got messed up here let's go double speed oh he's back in it okay okay wow okay that was the taunt and look at this minus four four to go okay this may be a double knockout if we wait a couple seconds oh bug Masters might get back up oh he is playing dead double speed okay looks like King gorillo it's like king gorilla wins oh they're still going they're still going [Laughter] oh you know what bugmaster gone twice that may be enough where's he going oh he's calling the spider up girl is being eaten alive Bug Master winds fatality okay one of them's going up here this time so it seems to be semi-random oh I just hit him for 289 uh see Buckmaster storage chest is empty okay so I think I I'm thinking then it has something to do with the teleportation let's get our backpack excellent we just teleported to add bag and now we're going to turn the bounty in here oh here he is Bane let's talk to Ben hand it over I just want my bounty not interested in your alliance or gaining your enemies and make a fine invincible okay now we just got our bounty I'm gonna pick the lock on the cage I say you've earned an early pardon and pick up the Bug Master and now we are going to run to stack [Laughter] make sure we get out of here live oh great that was that wasn't bad at all we just ran out of there the hook over here clown steady because if I go over to stack with the arm then they're going to attack me if I take the arm off I'm gonna drop Bug Master so I can't get a double Bounty there but we can turn in bugmaster in here as well stop right there criminal scum check my bags that's fine excellent so we're going over to the police station here United cities I'm going to talk to this police chief right here take him excellent here's the reward that was promised another hundred thousand cat reward right there done a great service for the Imperial City and you should be proud get out of here be 26 McMaster turned in twice these are our stats thank you very much for watching And subscribe for more videos foreign [Music]
Channel: Twisted Logic Gaming
Views: 27,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi lets play, kenshi guide, kenshi leveling, kenshi exploits, kenshi abuse, Kenshi tips and tricks, Kenshi glitch, kenshi hack, kenshi speed guide, Kenshi Starting Guide, Kenshi for new players, Twisted Logic Gaming, Twisted Logic Gaming Kenshi, Kenshi walkthrough, kenshi let's play, Bug Master, kenshi solo, kenshi is broken
Id: _nWuAwwtnyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 5sec (8225 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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