I Created a Secret Society of Hivers in Kenshi

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Excellent idea, execution.. but such a shame the character creation has to be turned into a joke in every video.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Sisalin 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

This is actually really smart, the guards at the gate didn't give 2 monkey's.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/emmathepony 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

"We have Sseth at home."

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/StarkeRealm 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

Oh god Mr. Patel. This is slightly non-PC :D

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/_R_Daneel_Olivaw 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

I though this is the conventional Kenshi experience...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gameronice 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2023 🗫︎ replies
the holy nation is a veritable theocracy that uses their religious principles to violently discriminate against non-human races and even some of the human ones too perhaps most of all the holy nation hate the Chinese I mean the hivers they really hate the hivers that being said today's challenge is to try to establish a Sleeper Cell of bug men living within a holy nation City if you're unfamiliar a Sleeper Cell is defined as a group of people who inconspicuously remain dormant in a community until activated by a pre-arranged signal to perform acts of Espionage sabotage and or terrorism the ultimate goal abolish the ethnostate by overthrowing the local government with a vermintide of hivers let's begin the first thing any good Rebellion needs is a man on the inside for our purposes we need someone average and with a good strong Christian name I chose motumbo he will function as a relatable every man that will allow us to gain the trust of the holy nation and destroy from within don't be deceived by motumbo's long Limbs and movie star physique he is terrible at virtually everything we will have to train him from the ground up like some kind of feral child that we pulled out of a Wolf Den in particular we need to focus on basic life skills such as sprinting stealth lock picking and kidnapping don't don't ask questions my favorite way to do this personally is by harassing the local homeless population but if I'm going to persecute homeless people I want it to be official and definitely on the record therefore I decided to hold a local election to determine the president of Hub since only Mutombo showed up I declared it a landslide victory in our favor now we could start ruining Society the morally correct way our first move was to enact an economic redistribution policy where we redistributed everyone else's stuff directly into our inventory we then traded these items for the entire City's food supply this served not only to enrich our caloric intake but it also caused our citizens to wither and starve amaze amazing we then spent the next two weeks connecting with our supporters by breaking into their homes late at night to conduct Wellness checks wake up yeah it's me Mutombo you're doing all right I just I just came to check on yeah no it's okay it's okay go back to sleep but I like to watch it's okay if any of them got a little too uppity about it we knocked them the [ __ ] out after two successful weeks of being the president of the largest migrant camp in all of kenshi I felt as though I had the necessary skills to become a domestic terrorist so we set off to join the holy nation Mutombo successfully migrated to blister Hill it's the capital of the entire holy nation as well as the place where their leader Lord Phoenix lives so not only are we establishing a Sleeper Cell in enemy territory but we're basically doing it in their version of The White House now the first step is to go house shopping to establish our headquarters fortunately I pawned everything in the hub that wasn't nailed to the floor and so money was not an issue now when you're new to the human trafficking business what you really want is square footage I concluded that this house here offers the best bang for my buck when it comes to hiding forbidden species from God's eye yes it's a bit of a fixer-upper but look who's talking shalom mom we had bought our first home now that this is done we have to perform what is known as a proof of concept test you see before we attempt to smuggle 50 hyvers past border security we should start with one just to make sure it's even possible so Mutombo set forth into the world to find his first recruit we traveled to the Western Hive lands where we could surely find an endless supply of potential recruits the only issue is that recruiting has never been particularly easy in kenshi at best you can recruit local alcoholics from The Tavern however that doesn't work for us we need a scalable solution to address this issue we have the recruit prisoners mod which allows us to kidnap people Gaslight them with several hours of psychological torment and eventually convince them to join our party thanks to a neat little mechanic called Stockholm syndrome so all we have to do is kidnap and imprison a hiver i skulked around the area for some time pretending to be mentally ill this lured the hivers into a false sense of security and allowed me to get closer to my Target once he was alone I hit him over the back of the head with a rock and dragged him into the Shadows one quick run across the desert and we were now outside the gates of blister Hill I decided to try the simplest approach which was to just carry his unconscious and bleeding body past the police and into my apartment I think if it worked for Jeffrey Dahmer it should also work for me and just like that we were in motumbo then deposited our first lucky recruit into his very own Rusty steel cage I decided to leave our new recruit in darkness for two to three days so he could think about all the poor decisions he's made when we returned he was more than eager to join the squad now we just had to choose a new identity for him it needed to be inconspicuous and disarming I settled on calling him Mr Patel sure Mr Patel might be Indian but he's definitely not part of a Grassroots terrorist organization it was perfect we could now enter phase two of our operation stockpiling supplies you see if Mutombo is going to kidnap dozens of of hivers and hide them under the floorboards of his studio apartment they're going to need a steady food supply otherwise this whole Jeffrey Dahmer parallel might become a little too real so I elected Mr Patel to be the head of agricultural development motumbo smuggled him past the city Gates Again and back into the Free World to establish a large-scale farming operation I had a lot of faith in Mr Patel I knew he wouldn't do something dishonorable like fleeing with all my blood Money technically to operate a farm successfully you're going to want more than one person but I didn't want to attract too much attention so I left it all up to Mr Patel and his army of windmills but don't worry Matumbo will be watching very closely after 22 hours of painfully micromanaging Mr Patel I finally felt as though we had a reasonable amount of food stockpiled now we could finally return to our real passion of violently coercing people to join our social justice flash mob in many ways you could consider what we're doing to be some somewhat like a business and the first step in expanding any business is to establish a recruitment office I named ours Abu ghraib technically speaking it was just a desolate Shack in the middle of the desert but functionally it would operate as an indoctrination chamber allowing us to grow our numbers indefinitely allow me to demonstrate Mutombo goes to the hive lands he kidnaps and recruits one hiver then both Matumbo and the hiver go kidnap two more hivers then the four of them kidnap four more hivers and eight more and 16 more in other words Mutombo gets hella [ __ ] motumbo would then individually smuggle each hiver into the City and deposit them safely in his living room this would constitute the beginnings of our Sleeper Cell however about halfway through this Mission I realized two things I was running out of space in my apartment and I forgot to pick up the food from Mr Patel let's solve the easiest problem first our lack of space the solution is quite simple actually we just need to buy a second apartment the the only Road bump in this mission is finances since freelance kidnapping is not yet recognized as a job Mutombo has technically been unemployed for the past 38 days as such we don't have a lot of money I decided to solve this by invading a sovereign state technically it was just a way station but that's a good start I took my Army of 30 hivers to the way station territory and launched a full-scale assault you may think that an army of naked bug men may not seem that intimidating but unless you're some kind of freaky sex guy then you would be wrong after pawning all of the worldly possessions from this Outpost we finally had enough money to buy a second apartment to store our hivers now came the more complex problem we have over 30 hivers and they need food fortunately we have the food the issue is and I'm not sure if you're aware but motamo has kind of developed a bit of a reputation due to his eccentric personality and I'm worried that Mr Patel could be in danger if he has caught Supply food to motumbo so I orchestrated a complex but believable series of events that would allow us to transfer the food from Mr Patel to motumbo without anyone ever knowing first I used my new property to start an illegal money printing operation this would serve two purposes one it would provide us the rest of the money that we would need for our entire playthrough and two it will devastate the local currency through hyperinflation inevitably resulting in the holy nation becoming a barter economy based on sexual favors we would then use our Newfound wealth to open two seemingly legitimate business ventures the first would be a rock mining company and the second a Veterinary practice this will make sense shortly The Rock Mining Company would logically buy their food from the closest available Trader which happened to be Mr Patel now the rock mining company has our food this constitutes our first layer of encryption in this illegal food smuggling operation on 4 fortunately shortly after buying the food from Mr Patel the pet of one of the rock miners becomes sick he decides to take his pet to our Veterinary practice to diagnose the issue in fact the animal is not sick it's dead we have hollowed out its insides and filled it with over 800 kilograms of white rice now the vet has our food he will wait until Nightfall at which point he will deconstruct his entire office and Sprint across the desert he will rendezvous at an unmarked Beach ultimately equipping a hazmat suit before swimming 800 feet through acid water to an Uncharted Island and burying the food under a pile of rocks overnight the vet and everyone that works at the Rock mine will go to a plastic surgeon to legally alter their name and genitals thus allowing them to vanish into the night like an elderly person with dementia the next morning a skeleton will find this food and take it to a nearby town to sell it after all skeletons don't need food this is completely realistic shortly after the transaction is complete I will hire a local schizophrenic man to enter the shop and purchase our food from the shop owner following this the man will proceed to brutally murder everyone inside the store thus leaving no witnesses to this transaction who is this deranged lunatic you may ask his name is motumbo and with that we have completed the most inconspicuous food transaction in all of human history thus ensuring the safety and anonymity of both motumbo and Mr Patel I would complete this elaborate series of events once a week every week for the rest of the playthrough naturally I had motumbo use a different disguise each week to maintain a low profile now with a steady stream of both money and food our kidnapping operation had truly entered its Renaissance by day 29 we had managed to kidnap a total of 200 hivers in fact we had stolen literally everyone from both of the nearest hiver Villages at this point we had to resort to traveling north to kidnap fog men fog men are hivers that got mixed up in some kind of pyramid scheme I don't know it's not really clear to me but they serve a higher purpose now after reaching a total of 255 hivers I decided to stop because I had run out of names 90 hivers ago next began my quest to find housing for my 250 illegal immigrants it is now time for us to aggressively expand into the real estate market by monopolizing all housing what's that Mr realtor you want to know why I need 14 Apartments [ __ ] you I decided to purchase almost all of the real estate in blister Hill and evict the previous tenants local homelessness and unemployment was now approaching 100 percent in fact a small Confederation of filthy hobo people began to collect in front of the city in protest of my smooth business moves I took this as our first successful move against the holy nation and a sign of good things to come for the revolution with 255 sleeper agents now secretly implanted within the holy nation we could begin training for the final solution what is that one already taken Hitler okay we're just going to call it the big attack I converted some of the bars into training spaces so we could muscle up some of these losers I had never attempted a coup d'etat before so I wasn't exactly sure how much preparation was necessary I settled on combat stats around 20 to 30 as my end goal for training additionally I created several private hiver workshops throughout the city to manufacture weapons and armor for our soldiers we even had a cafeteria at this point we basically had our own underground City operating behind a series of locked doors and secret handshakes with our hivers now preparing for the Day of Reckoning we could begin sabotaging the holy nation and weakening it from within you see many scholars cite a degradation of morals and values as the driving force behind the collapse of the Roman Empire I wanted to apply this concept to the holy nation certainly creating a populace of unemployed transients was a good start but I think we can go even further if you recall I purchased every store in the entire city that meant there was no one to sell food to the citizens don't worry we can fix that every night I would have my High verse kidnapped between two to four guards or citizens from the town and transport them to one of my many apartments where their bodies would be mechanically separated while my secret society of hivers watched on intently their limbs were then processed into raw human meat and I opened my very own Deli in the corner of town where I sold this meat to the local townspeople everyone in town was now a surprise cannibal try passing judgment on me now you sick [ __ ] for the cherry on top I also had Mutombo travel to the swamps to purchase large quantities of opium and cocaine on the nights we weren't kidnapping Street urchins and processing them into chicken nuggets we would sneak up on people knock them out and plant cocaine and opium in their inventory thereby getting them addicted to an expensive and highly illegal drug for example I found this priest here who was sleep and I put eight kilograms of opium in his inventory that's enough opium to kill one hundred thousand people I don't um I don't think this guy's gonna wake up now we definitely had the moral High Ground on them at this point after all these people were literally homeless unemployed racist cannibalistic drug addicts so yeah I finally felt as though the holy nation was at its most vulnerable and we were ready to activate our sleeper agents for a full-scale assault on blister Hill I began the assault by launching a distraction you see one of my apartments in the far corner of town has been filled with albino gorillas that I imported from the nearby regions motumbo released them into the streets thus drawing the guard's attention away from our next step if you remember sleeper cells are typically activated by a pre-arranged signal or code phrase so I had Mutombo climb to the highest peak in the city and screamed this activation phrase at the top of his lungs this thing this thing is is 300 300 300 bucks thereby alerting my 255 hivers that now was the time to strike this was the horror that awaited each and every one of these xenophobic freaks in the holy nation of course some tried to escape but little did they know I had already created a 300 mile long wall around the entire city ensuring that none would Escape alive combat broke out in the streets and countless were dead within the first hour of the assault this was a great start but the real metric for Success was sitting in this house right here Lord Phoenix the leader of the entire holy nation if we could take him down surely the morale of the remaining guards would shatter I sent three of my best bugs to fight him and they're dead I sent 100 of my best bugs to fight him and I'm not going to lie it was actually pretty competitive Phoenix is very tough but eventually we managed to slowly Whittle him down to a point of unconsciousness at which point we stripped him naked put him in a cage and beat all of his friends into submission and with that Victor jury was ours some fighting persisted throughout the day but it was clear our Sleeper Cell had successfully overthrown a corrupt and Politically Incorrect government without a doubt Justice was served on this day the only thing left to do was to rebuild we had at our hands a rare opportunity to learn from the mistakes of our forebearers and build a better and more accepting Society the Only Rule no humans allowed sorry motumbo I hope you enjoyed this challenge because I plan to do more like it in the future thank you everyone for watching and I'll see you in the next video wrong I'm not [Music] don't get me wrong [Music]
Channel: Reggie
Views: 473,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi game, kenshi playthrough, kenshi base building, hiver only, kenshi hiver only, kenshi how to, kenshi lets play, kenshi challenge, kenshi torso, kenshi mods, kenshi impossible start, kenshi holy nation, sleeper cell, secret society, kenshi secret society, kenshi challenge run
Id: pqL8EFAGhyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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