Should You Settle the Swamp/Wetlands? | Kenshi Location Guide

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all right ladies and gentlemen this time around we're going to the land of hashish gang wars and of course loading screens that's right it's time for the swamp and the wetlands guide if you were to go back in time about 5 years most keni players would tell you that the swamp was unplayable and that it would set your computer on fire however with the Advent of mods and better hardware for our computers most Ki players can now say that the swamp is somewhat playable anyway anyway let's get into things for our purposes we're going to cover the swamp first and then the wetlands after that both of these regions share a similar biome so it's worth it to combine the two regions into one guide for the swamp you will find it close to the center of the map taking up a massive amount of space while also bordering eight different regions yes the swamp is massive did you know that you can fit three europs into the swamp region it is that big and within the swamp region there is the city of chart as well as several other smaller Villages where you can trade items and many of the vendors here will have the ever so important hashish that the swamp is famous for in addition to the hashish though the swamp is also noted for having the swamp fertility type which is fairly rare compared to how common Aid and green fertility are and this fertility allows free you to grow hemp and rice weed at an 100% yield you also will not have to water your crops in the swamp which is huge so you don't have to spend any time researching Wells or investing in Wells at all but the catches in the swamp there is no wind absolutely no wind you cannot even use small generators here they will not work so you'll need to use biofuel instead fortunately both rice weed and hemp can be used for biofuel geography of the swamp I would say it's very very flat there aren't many hilly areas in it there's a dense fog which will really uh warm up your computer in the winter and throughout the swamp there'll be little pools of water pretty much everywhere you go if you're wondering if the swamp is dangerous I can say there are no beak things hey how about that that's something right right however there are gangs and there are spiders let's get into that the three primary gangs you'll find in the swamp are the red Sabers swamp ninjas and band of Bones between these three the swamp weaboos will be the strongest they also tend to spawn in relatively large groups you'll have to be careful of them especially swamp ninja chunin because they can get run speeds up to around 20 mph so they can definitely keep Pace with some of your faster characters red red Sabers will have lower combat values but they'll also spawn in pretty large groups so you know in most cases you'll be able to outrun them if you don't want to fight them and they will be a little bit weaker than as we'll talk about band of Bones and the swamp ninjas as for everyone's favorite band of Bones they're sort of like a dumb down version of the Berserkers which are higher stat value Shea Warriors that are just they're just looking for a good time they're looking for a fight and they'll challenge you on site band of Bones will do the same and their combat values are all right they're pretty high higher than red Sabers for sure and their groups will be smaller you got to be careful though because these are Shea so they are tougher they have more health and their combat values are higher than the red Sabers as well as the average swamp ninjas as for wild life in the swamp will kick things off with the swamp Raptors which are everyone's favorite trash dinosaurs they uh don't let the looks fool you though they will eat your baby at JK they won't eat your babies but what they will eat is your crops you can expect to see them frequently as soon as you start farming in the swamp they will try to break down your gate get through your walls whatever they have to do to get to your crops these swamp raptors have decent stats and spawn in respectable group sizes too so you might want to hold off on growing anything at your base till you have defenses ready now for blood spiders which I would say are one of the signat mature creatures in the swamp they are Hells spawn who will absolutely eat your babies if given the chance their strike range and damage are concerning even for tougher characters even though they're not that fast if your characters are in the water then blood spiders will walk at the bottom of the pool and will have a speed advantage in the water underwater you can't really see them either they're too small which makes traveling in the swamp just a nerve-wracking experience the best counter for blood spiders I would say are ranged weapons that way your characters don't have to get too close to them their low Health that they have also makes it possible to take them down in just a couple of hits even if you have the weakest crossbows in the game just a couple of hits should be enough to take down a blood spider since even well- Tred soldiers are likely to get hit by spiders another idea is to send animals to fight the spiders Instead This prevents unnecessary injuries for your humanoid characters and in most cases your animals can one shot spiders without the risk of getting staggered by the blood spiders rapid attacks and perhaps the most useful animal spawn in the swamp are the swamp turtles that spawn there these are the polar opposite of blood spiders they are non-hostile they have weak attacks they're very noticeable at a distance and they have slow movement speed during your stay in the swamp these Turtles serve as a significant source of food so if you see any at all killing them is gener really a good idea they drop an incredible amount of raw meat so just be ready to fill up your inventory with that if you do take them down and if you're lucky enough you might even see a massive spawn group of these bad boys and if you do that will give you enough food for potentially weeks on end when considering resource availability in the swamp I have to say the swamp has an impressive showing water of course is readily available and you won't struggle to find iron or copper the main sticking point here is Stone but it's only fair since the swamp is distanced from the more mountainous regions of the map if you do want an idea of where to settle in the swamp I'll include some locations here most of which are near the swamp's borders so that your characters can easily access the neighboring regions resources in particular I found myself liking this location the most because I could take advantage of both the swamp and the aid fertility and between shim and the swamp wind generators in Shem are fully functional too which removes the issue of there being no wind in the swamp the absence of wind in the swamp I would say is the greatest weakness of the region fuel generators require more upkeep since fuel demands processing time in addition to the time spent farming material for the fuel although both hemp and rice wheed can be used to make biofuel you want to keep as much rice weed as possible for food and hemp well you're going to want to use that for fabric and hashish speaking of fish you may be wondering if I partook in the sacred art of drug dealing while in the swamp oh yes yes I did and flats Lagoon is eternally grateful for the amount of hashish I've delivered through Shem to them for those interested the hashish trade route from the swamp to Flats Lagoon is the gold standard for maximizing trade profits since the Traders Guild and the Western Hive don't deal hashish selling it to Flats Lagoon is merely capitalizing on Market inefficiency it's just the right thing to do all right at this point we're going to transition over to the South Wetlands the South Wetlands is similar to the swamp in many different areas but I'll outline a few key differences here first you may notice that there are fewer swamp Raptors in the South Wetlands but besides that you'll find the same kinds of mobs that you see in the swamp however the South Wetlands does lack the thick fog that you'll see in the swamp some adventurers may find this increased visibility preferable it's definitely worth considering it's also worth noting that copper and iron are less common in the South wetlands and the lack of copper and iron is the greatest weakness of the region on the settlement recommendations map here you'll see that I've tried to offset the lack of iron and copper by taking advantage of bordering regions the bone Fields will have plenty of or veins and so will the grid between these two my strongest recommendation though would be to settle near the bone Fields Border close to to the slave market there you'll have all the resources you could want the ability to set up wind generators swamp and aired fertility and the slave market is right next door if you need to sell Goods altogether I would say that the swamp and the South wetlands are good candidates for Base building the problem with these two options though is that bordering territories provide either a comparable offering or stronger offering specifically the Border Zone and Shem stand out as alternatives to be candid I did not enjoy my time in the swamp the need for biofuel was demotivating for me it required an additional layer of micromanagement that I did not find satisfying especially considering the extra Tech resources and Manpower needed to get things going the fog was also a buzz kill zooming out of the game just to have everything in front of you disappear just it's not good given these complaints I found that settling near the shim border was ideal no fog no need for fuel generators and all the hemp I could ever ask for my opinion of the South Wetlands is a bit higher than the swamp I would say I appreciate that there is no fog and being closer to the United cities Southern territories is a nice touch if you settle in the southeast part of the wetlands in particular you'll get the best of both worlds you'll have nearby settlements to sell things and you're still not far from Flats Lagoon if you do want to make aish and sell it there I honestly I have a special place in my heart for the bone fields too and we'll dive into that soon once I put together the bone Fields specific guide if you have feedback or ideas for the channel though you know where to go I read through all the comments and would love to hear what you think about these guides to get in touch with our community view Channel updates or discuss keni topics we do have a Discord server too it's free to join and I do check it regularly I'll see you all in the next one take care
Channel: Paul Rogers Gaming
Views: 25,968
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Keywords: kenshi, kenshi tips, kenshi guide, kenshi shorts, kenshi help, kenshi advice, kenshi pro tip, kenshi survive, kenshi money, cats, cat making, kenshi looting, kenshi inventory, kenshi training, kenshi strength, kenshi automation, base locations, base guide, kenshi base, kenshi base building, kenshi location, paulrogersgaming, Paul Rogers Gaming, Swamp settle, Swamp base guide, Wetlands base guide, Swamp guide, Wetlands guide, base in swamp, base in wetlands, kenshi drug
Id: iIbaOixVKzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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