Kenshi: Becoming the Ultimate Beastmaster

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hi and welcome to kenshi in my last video I trained my bone dog John to be able to solo The Bug Master and at the time I planned for that to be the end of the playthrough however eventually I decided that the story of kihako and John wasn't quite over yet and that I wanted to go a bit further and take down the bugmaster's ancient enemy mad catlon I did actually showcase John 1v1 and catlot at the end of my last video but this time I also want to take on catlon's Army of storm thralls for which I'm going to need to build up an army of my own before I get started with that I have a couple of preparations to make starting with turning in the Bug Master for his bounty next I want to start training kihaku's crossbow skill so I got a gorilla from vayne and if I drop him inside of this ruined building then once he gets up the gorilla isn't able to leave the house while kihaku isn't actually able to shoot the gorilla but at the same time she's still gaining crossbow and perception experience so I'm just going to leave this AFK for a while until our stats are good enough for what I have planned after a little time AFK my perception is now at 90 and my crossbows is at 78 which should be more than enough I sent John out hunting so that I wouldn't have to keep him fed while I afk'd so I'm just going to call him back now and head off to our next destination mongrel in Mongrel I snuck into the ranger shop to steal a better crossbow and joined the Shinobi thieves to buy a backpack that wouldn't decrease my combat stats and with all that done I can finally start recruiting my plan is to recruit all of what I'm calling the legendary animals of kenshi which are essentially unique animals which can be found in specific parts of the map starting with the megaraptor up in Raptor Island to get to the island I'm gonna need to cross this body of water which even at Max Speed is painfully slow so the island is populated by these relatively weak non-hostile swamp Raptors the one I'm interested in is located in this ruin which is the much larger megaraptor [Music] so as we can see the megaraptor does significantly less damage than Jon and also attacks much slower however due to its massive Health pool it's still able to take quite a bit of punishment before going down in case you want to recruit the mega Raptor on one of your own saves that doesn't have a high level bone dog I found that you can sneak into this elevated corner and crossbow attack the mega Raptor without it being able to attack you back so hypothetically you could even do this on a character with zero crossbow skill and slowly but surely Bleed It Out so I'm just going to heal up the mega Raptor to make sure it doesn't die and with it now healed up we begin the long process of hauling its body back to Mongrel so that we can recruit it now that I'm back in Mongrel all I have to do is toss the megaraptor in one of these cages and thanks to the tame beasties mod I'm able to talk to the megaraptor and ask it to join me and just like that we have our third party member after giving the megaraptor a bit of time to recover we can now look at its stats so on the offensive side 71 strength is pretty good but the rest are pretty middling being in the low to high 50s however the real reason I wanted to recruit this guy was because of its insanely High Health values for all of its limbs being over a thousand and its blood health value being over 2 000 at max level in order to maximize that I want to train its toughness using a method that I showed in my previous video so I found one of the fog death yards and all I'm gonna do is put the megaraptor on one of these prisoner poles I'm gonna pick the lock [Music] so that I can easily free it later and I'm just gonna run away and eventually what's gonna happen is one of these Hive princes will wander along and start eating the megaraptor so this does give us passive toughness experience and because the megaraptor has so much health it's gonna be a long time before I have to remove it from The Prisoner pole in order to stop it from dying [Music] after eating through the megaraptor's legs and four legs The Hive man move on to the chest which is where it gets dangerous because damage to the chest will eventually kill the megaraptor so in order to save the megaraptor all I need to do is set him free with kyaku and I'll just let her run away back to mongrel and from here Jon and the megaraptor should be able to take care of this horde of fog men on their own the megaraptor now with 91 toughness is only taking less than 10 damage per hit granted these fog men aren't exactly the strongest enemies but without any armor that's still an impressive damage threshold to meet so now I'm just going to take it back to Mongrel and have it rest up till it's full health again [Music] a lot of time and bandages later the megaraptor is now fully healed and we are ready to head off to find our next recruit to the east in howler's maze [Music] we made it to howler's maze on the far East side of the map and in this little ruin in the middle of the island we can see our next recruit the mega crab so kyaku is currently being melted by the acid rain so I'm just gonna Parker in this little building on sneak and have John and the megaraptor take on the mega crab [Music] and after a short flight the mega crab goes down pretty easy so I'm just gonna heal it up and make sure to pick it up before it wakes up from unconsciousness and then put it back down to reset its unconscious timer and now that it's fully healed up I'm going to take it to the nearest prisoner cage which should be in this South Stone camp here at the South Stone Camp I'm just going to do the same thing I did with the megaraptor I'm gonna put the crab inside one of these cages and talk to it to recruit it so looking at its stats like the megaraptor not the most amazing offensively with its strength and dexterity in the 40s and 50s but with its large Health pool and its limbs I think it'll be just fine if we put it on tank Duty which means going all the way back to mongrel to do some toughness training like I did with John and the and the microraptor I brought the mega crab back to the fog Islands to train its toughness with the hivers once I was done with that I freed it to give him a little test run against the fog men and one thing I noticed was that it got this nice little area of effect on all of its attacks which I can only assume is Amplified due to it being much larger than a regular crab anyways I'm back at Mongrel and the mega crab is just about fully healed up so now I can start on the next leg of the journey which is south in the bone fields one downside of having an all animal Squad is that they eat a lot so all three of these guys have a 2X racial hunger rate from being animals and the megaraptor has a 3.56 age hunger rate multiplier and the mega crab has an age multiplier of 2.25 I'm not sure exactly how the math works out but essentially I'm feeding an entire platoon of soldiers with only four Squad members so when I'm traveling my inventory has to look like this we've reached our destination mourn and for our next recruit we're going to be breaking into this abandoned HQ building I'm just going to send kihaku up to try and lure the gorilla downstairs [Music] to have the rest of the squad finish him off [Music] all right [Music] and again I just need to First Aid it so that it doesn't die and once it's fully patched up I just need to put it in one of these cages conveniently off to the side here and with that we have our fifth recruit [Music] so looking at this thing stats it has 189 strength 110 toughness and 190 dexterity although it only has 31 martial arts which also contributes to its attack damage thankfully with 110 toughness it shouldn't need any additional training the downside is that its limb health is a lot lower than the other two the other downside is that this thing has a five times racial hunger rate so I'm going to be spending a lot more money keeping my whole Squad fed and after stocking up on food one last time it's time to start heading further east to Stokes Gamble or the king gorillo he's in a similar ruin to where we found the megaraptor so I'm just going to use the same strategy or exploit I guess of standing in this little corner up here and shooting with a crossbow [Music] I think it's just a bit more convenient this way than having my animals swim over and fight him physically and from here I'm just going to take pot shots at the gorilla with kihaku's crossbow [Music] now that he's knocked out again I'm just gonna first aid him to make sure he doesn't die so now we just pick them up and take them back to more [Music] so now we just need to drop this guy in the cage and we can recruit him so looking at the king guerrillo's stats it has only 82 strength and 82 dexterity but it also has a lot more martial arts at 90. so it should be doing fairly similar damage to the great white gorilla it also has slightly less toughness at only 90. but it makes up for that in the fact that it's limbs have significantly more HP than the great white gorilla so overall it should be slightly more tanky but do slightly less damage than the great white gorilla and after grouping up the whole Squad we now head south to the Royal Valley [Music] now I am at the southern hive and all I'm gonna do is swing around to the left here [Music] behind the actual City itself so what I'm looking for is one of these prisoner poles and this time kihaku is going to be the one jumping on it so I'm just gonna pick the locks that I can escape easily and all that's left is to wait so here we can see what is going to be our final recruit King and he is easily one of the most overpowered characters in kenshi thanks to his ridiculous 2.4 stat multiplier with everyone that we've recruited so far we should just about be strong enough to take him down so I'm gonna have everyone attack and I'm gonna have keyhawk free yourselves so that she can also join in on the fight [Music] foreign [Music] and without taking too much damage my squad was able to take down King so now we're gonna reverse the rolls on King by putting him in the prisoner Pole and with the same dialogue as the gorillas we have our final recruit King is something called a crimper which is a sort of mechanized gorilla thing and as far as I know he's the only one in the game so I don't think the fight earlier completely did it justice but this guy is completely ridiculous having 728 strength 153 toughness and 362 dexterity as well as 72 in his martial arts in a regular playthrough this guy is easily able to destroy entire armies on his own and with him as our last recruit the only thing left is to head to the ashlands to take down catlon so here we are at the heart of the ashlands and inside of this ash Dome is an army of 120 storm trolls I'm just gonna have kiaku and John aggro The Horde and from there I'll just let the battle play out on its own [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] has more or less died down and looking at my squad's health they all seem almost completely full surprisingly it seems like the mega crab was actually the top performer against catlon's Army due to the large area of effect on its attacks because of that I think it's only fair that I give the mega crab the honor of fighting catlon himself [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] and like that the last remnants of the Second Empire are extinguished by a crab of all things I had a lot of fun making this video but after however many playthroughs there's only so many ways to keep kenshi fresh and interesting so if you have any ideas you'd like to see turned into a video I'd appreciate if you could leave a comment down below anyways that's the end of this video thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: strange shotgun
Views: 14,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5EnLIAlS6iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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