Ranking All Weapons in Kenshi

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i have ranked many things especially in project zomboid over the last couple of months but i have not done a single list for kenshi one of my favorite games ever and a game that i spent a million hours playing about a million you know give or take one or two in any case today we are ranking all the kenshi melli weapons this is of course from vanilla and we're not using any new weapon dissemination mods or anything like that here we're looking at vanilla so let's start right in now of course one important thing we're looking at over here is not only the damage it does the reach it has the uh how rare it is all that stuff now we're also very important looking at the coolness meter how cool a weapon is alright keep that in mind so first we have the blunt weapons then we have the hackers and we have some heavy weapons katanas pole arms and in the end sabres as you can see i'm not including range weapons over here this is melee weapons and i'm also not including martial arts because we all know that shh stuff is broken martial arts is absolutely broken it's going to do 100 million more damage than any other melee weapon when it's you know on the same level so there you go now we know let us begin first with blunt weapons so we're gonna start in with some jits just a normal jit i like jets if i have to pick a blunt weapon i will go legit uh possibly you know just the basic one the small one this bad boy gives you plus a defense because it's a short one he also has plus four in door bonus so if you're fighting with this bad boy indoors you have plus 12. defense very good defensive weapon it is also pretty light at least the lightest out of all the blunt weapons so you can ease it easily use it even at the lower starter levels of your strength so for me jit is an a now heavy jet it's it's heavy it does have the same plus a defense but it loses the indoors bonus in fact it has minus two indoors because it's longer all that stuff it does have much longer ridge than reach the normal jet but you can't really use it that early on because it's much heavier all that stuff uh so because of all of that and because i really do like the small jets uh this one goes into b it will be ranked a bit below you would think hey heavy jit is an upgrade over a normal jet in some circumstances yes but what i'm looking over here no it's slightly below then we go on the other spectrum of stuff and we have the iron stick okay iron stick has -2 to attack and defense it does have a bit of indoors bonus but this is really not a weapon you should ever use unless it's like the first targeting weapon you start with and you haven't found anything else in that case even martial arts may be better than that anyway iron stick goes down below into the f deer just the way it is i'm sorry it's how it is iron club it's it's friend it doesn't get the minus two analysis but it it still has the plus two bonus but it's also like these two are heavy you know for early characters these are heavy you're you're not going to be wielding these with any ease so this also goes into f deer should stay there we should forget about these and not use them at all because they're not very useful then we go to the mercenary club you might see a lot of uh slavers and such using these because they are blunt you know you can knock people out with these that's good they do have also plus 30 armor penetration which is actually really really decent but these things are heavy so even like lower grade weapons they're gonna be heavy you find a good grade of this one like oh nice we have a good uh blunt weapon no it's very heavy if you don't have enough strength and all that stuff here it's gonna be very hard to wield it so i don't think this is really any good the only saving race of this bad boy is the armor penetration but that's not good enough so it goes into d next we have a spike club now the spike club actually it's also very heavy you know like a mercenary club but it does have a very good bleed effect which is its saving grace plus the 30 armor penetration of course if you're trying to just knock out people and capture them then maybe just the normal mercenary club might be better because you're not going to bleed them out but in most cases you're fighting them to defeat them and the good bleed ratio does a bit better for this one but it's not going to bring it above c because it's still it's too heavy so not very useful and that concludes our blunt weapons which actually you know pretty nicely set up over here anyway let's go onwards to glory and let's take a look at the hackers so first we have a combat cleaver so this bad boy doesn't have any pluses analysis and all that stuff uh it does have a decent bonus versus robots which is something that most hackers have they all have 30 armor penetration 30 arbitration just like we've seen with the mercenary club in the spike club and they all have bonuses versus robots but they're kind of different and they have malicious versus animals now this combat cleaver is nothing special it's really a very average weapon doesn't do anything special sure he does have a decent bonus versus robots but if you look at how many how many races out there that have robotic enemies you know you're you're not gonna see that as many people as you can see humans or you know uh animals that these things don't have any bonuses to so it's still better than mercenary club but i think it should be in down below in d next we have flash cleaver flash cleaver i will actually rate a bit higher because it is the only hacker that actually has a bonus versus humans and that's 25 20 bonus over there which is actually pretty pretty cool it does have -2 to defense and it has the lowest out of all the hackers bonuses for uh robots it's nothing special but that plus 20 against humans makes it at least going to seat here you know that i think it's its saving grace anyway onwards we go to a long cleaver long cleaver is a special one in that regard that it has the same reach as a falling sun which is a heavy weapon so it's actually a long weapon uh otherwise it's it's not too amazing you know the the reach itself saves it it does have -2 defense it does have like -4 indoors bonus because it's a long weapon of course it deals decent damage it's actually pretty good at damage and it does have decent blade uh i'll put it in b out here with the heavy jet and it's it's just there next we have the moon cleaver the moon cleaver doesn't have too much going for it it does have very decent damage like on the higher parts of the hackers uh it does have -2 defense but it's like it's only malice of course it deals bonus damage to robots a lot of stuff but it has the coolness factor this is an extremely cool weapon it looks cool it feels amazing to use it so that pushes it up and it goes into a tier you know what above a jet up there it's a really really cool weapon if you see it you want to use it because it's cool it's decently heavy though so that might be a bit of a problem next on the list is balance cross now palin's cross we all know that the whole nation uses we all hate the holy nation you know that's that's the cool thing to do but it is actually a really really good weapon against robots it has the highest bonus against robots like 50 i believe it does have plus two defenses got great reach i think still a bit shorter the long clear but great reach uh it is [Music] pretty freaking decent it doesn't have that coolness factor right but it's like it's probably more damage than the moon cleaver and a bit more reach i think as well and that bonus versus robots if you're gonna fight some scally bros down in the ash lens you want to bring some balance crosses great weapon it's gonna go into eight here last on the list of the hackers is the short cleaver short cleaver is a very heavy weapon for just one hander so it's very heavy for one hander you don't really want to use it as a secondary weapon because it's just heavy unless your boys are all pretty strong it does have pretty decent uh bleed uh but it also has the lowest armor penetration of all of these boys it's really nothing special for one-hander weapon it's there's so many better options out there so i think this one goes out there into the here worse i think in my opinion it's worse than common cleaver alright next on the list we have the falling sun the falling sun has all kinds of amazing things going for it it's got great cutting damage like far greater than any of the other heavy weapons cutting damage so you don't need as much strength as for the other ones to really effectively wield it because it doesn't have as much blood damage but it has a lot more cutting damage so you want dexterity for it as well it is the lightest of the heavy weapons so if you want to train a weapons you got a recipe you can craft some crappy ones and use them as training so you'll be doing that instead of having to have like 80 strength to train with some planks or fragment axis so this this is another great thing it's got a very good reach it's not crazy reach is not as far as the fragment extra plank but he's got great it does have a minus four indoors bonus just the same as the other or malicious would say other heavy weapons it also has a bonuses versus big things gorillas leviathans you know if you want to go hunt some heavy uh heavy things and we all like to hunt big things don't we all anyway falling sun also has the coolness factor it is in my opinion the best a weapon it's amazing and it deserves to be in the ass tier up there now next we have the fragment x you know people might be oh look at the fragment axe deal some so much damage he has so much damage yes but it's also the heaviest weapon out there it sure it has the best reach but it's the heaviest it does have great blood damage the thing is when you get to the point to be able to effectively use a very good fragment x you're already destroyed most of the game right so we're talking about vanilla game over here not some crazy modded stuff so fragment x in that regard i think it's like it's it's just not worth it it's not worth spending time on it and in my opinion it goes down here into the d tier and it's really not that great now plank on the other hand doesn't have any coolness factor but it's of course lighter it's somewhere in the middle of the pack it almost has the same reach as the fragment x so it has definitely a great reach which goes which works for it as well uh it's also lighter so you'll be able to use it sooner uh it's a decent one it's not a following sun greater weapon in my opinion so plank goes out here into sea here all right let's go onwards to glory to katanas we all love katanas who doesn't like katanas so first things first we have the beautiful traditional katana normal stuff it does have pretty decent bleed rate it does have decent reach for one handed weapon it does have a plus four attack one is for defense it's of course more of a offensive uh weapon it does have the plus 10 percent damage versus humans which we all like because humans are surprise surprise the most common thing in the world that you will be fighting for most of the game because every bandit basically is a human especially if you're talking uh if we're talking vanilla game you know without any crazy mods they do have malicious against robots but again most enemies out there are humans now the main the major thing that goes against it is the minus 30 percent armor penetration so they're not very good versus armored people but again a lot of enemies you can be fighting like bandits and such they don't have great armor so you don't really need to worry about that too much uh katana for me is eight here it's above jit it's out here it's pretty pretty decent now guardless katana it's more of a all-in yolo thing because garlit's katana does have slightly better bleed than qatari does have the plus six attack and minus six defense this is where the pluses analysis just start going too far into each direction so minus six is a bit of a problem it's a decent weapon for sure of course the armor penetration doesn't help that much but i would always prefer to use a normal katana or regardless katana so i'll put this one into beat here still a great weapon you know there's extra damage versus human solid stuff but that minor six it's starting to hurt it over there even though you have plus six you attack uh anyway onwards to glory then next we have ninja blades ninja blades are extremely cheap to make you can make them easily uh early on you know you can use them as a training blades all that stuff is great they do have worse damage and bleed rage than both katana and girls katanas they're not as good they have a plus two attack and minus four defense so that's just a worse version of the uh katana the normal one uh they do have less of a armor pen penalty i think they have like 20 but there is such a common thing you can just pause them on people as like a secondary weapon and they're fine they're really like in the middle of the pack uh blade that is just you know you're gonna find it anywhere else so c c is where it's gonna go now wakizashi uh wakazashi actually does have better damage and bleed rate than the the ninja blade it's it's better than other guard it is shorter it has the shorter reach it does have the same plus two attack bonus but it does have less of a malice for a defense only minus two and does get plus four indoors which is great it does have a lower armor penetration as well so you know uh there is that so let's drop vakizashi out here maybe it's gonna go into b but it's uh it's worse than regardless katana so somewhere over here in the middle it seems like a good idea next we're gonna go towards the dodge you kind of have to speed this up you know we don't want to really take too long nadachi it is the heaviest of the katanas but it has the longest reach pretty much the same as a long cleaver and following sun and lodis so it's it's great it does have a great cutting damage you know all the katanas have great cutting damage uh they do have a decent bleed rate he does have plus four and minus four you know attack and defense does have minus four for indoors because you know it's a long blade but that's fine uh i think nodachis are great they're amazing they're just an upgrade to normal katana and they deserve to be in the s deer like great weapon all around i think it's it's awesome all right and we're gonna finish the katanas with a topper topper feels to me like a worse version of enodachi it doesn't have as much cutting damage it has a bit more blunt it has lower bleed rate it's it does have the indoors malice it does have good attack bonus so it's got that going for it you know which is decent it's also a bit lighter than adachi but it's still it's not that good wait it's minus four indoors not minus six minus four indoors the topper we're gonna throw topper topper can go into like a seat here but it's definitely better in my opinion than most of these so some seat here is gonna be fine all right now we switch to pole arms ball arms are one of my favorite weapons i really do like pole armors i think they're great especially because of their great reach and all that stuff and if you're using any of the mods that change the weapon moves they become even stronger because they're great so first things first let's start with the basic uh pole arm it's got the best reach of them all surprisingly uh it does have a decent bleed rate i think they all most have the same ish bleed rate slightly worse than katanas but you know better than a lot of other stuff uh they do have bonuses to attack most of them so this one is paul arms plus six attack but it does have a bit of uh indoors malice because it's a long weapon so for these ones you know you very often you see like samurai using pull arms because samurai armor gives you like big malices to attack so with these ones you kind of you kind of fix these you know if you use pole armor so that's that's always great it does have a decent armor penetration plus 30 percent and deals extra damage versus animals because we all know that pole armors are good versus animals it's not the best amongst the pole arms it's a very decent weapon i would put it up here in a very solid b position i think it's great there uh next on the list we have the heavy paw arm which i think surprisingly it's actually lighter than the normal pole arm if i remember correctly some some weird shenanigans over there uh maybe online to you who knows anyway this one has plus four attack it does have minus four indoors so it has the smaller malice for the indoor bonus but it also has a lesser of a bonus for attack than the normal one same armor penetration deals a bit more or maybe the same damage against animals anyway it's it's out there it's also in a b slot but a bits a bit worse i think than normal arm let's just put it out here i think that's uh i think that's decent if you do it this way next we go to naginata i like i think it has the biggest bonus damage versus animals so this one you'll see uh some hivers use it against uh big things and all that stuff that's f plus six attack does have the minus eight indoors so basically the same as normal polar great damage versus animals so if you're really gonna go out there to slay animals this was gonna be your weapon of choice i'm gonna put it actually in eight here not the best eight here but out here somewhere i think it's gonna be decent next on the list we have the naginata katana which is kind of a longer blade version of the naginata i really like this blade it does have the best damage i think out of all pole arms it does have plus four attacks so not that big of a bonus there and it does have the minus four indoors uh malice of course as it goes it doesn't have that good of an armor penetration but it does have plus 25 percent not only for animals but also humans and what did we say most enemies out there are humans so if you just roam around starting early naganada katana is going to be great because you're going to fight animals and humans you're getting a bonus against all of those arm penetration doesn't hurt that much because you know early bandits don't usually have that much armor it does lose some damage against robots but you know you're not gonna be fighting that many robots this is a very very solid eight-year pick uh i'm gonna put it like over here somewhere i think i think this is uh pretty decent and the last the list stuff you'd say kirkus stuff sucks doesn't do any damage all stuff it's it's it's bad you see i always thought it sucks kinda as well but it's really great starting weapon because it has plus eight attacks so if you go like one-on-one fight and stuff out there you will get that crazy bonus it does have my six indoors malice but you know if you're fighting bandits out there you don't really care about that it's very light well not extremely very light but decently lights you can use it early on with pretty with quite the ease does have the lots of blunt uh damage you kind of have to look into that if you know maybe you do need a bit higher strength uh it is low and bleed but it has a big bonus to it being like very usable you know you can block a lot of attack even though it has like plus eight attack bonus it really works well on defense like we've seen in the last century tournament when you did when a lady with just a staff just destroyed people it was it was great to see so uh stuff i will actually put out here into bt here not the best beat here but it's actually a very decent last but of course not the least we have the saber some pretty cool options out here gotta speed up don't wanna drag this video for too long so let's start with the desert saber one of the coolest weapons out there has a very decent reach actually for uh it being a saber it's got good uh cut damage so it's great in that does have decent bleed it has plus two defense it does have bonuses against spiders and skimmers and i think also some bone dogs it's got all kinds of good stuff going on for it it has the coolness factor as well with desert saber we're gonna drop you out here into the eight here really really solid weapon there next we go to a foreign saber which yes i am a bit biased here it's one of my favorite weapons out there it's really great it has awesome cut damage a decent bleed rate it does have minus four attack which hurts it a bit but it has plus eight defense it's great defensive weapon it's got decent reach as well it has that coolness factor so foreign saber goes into the ass tier it draws the falling sun and odachi out there as one of the best weapons if you can get any of these use them they're great for your defensive voice so you know enjoy that next we're going to horse chopper one of the most common weapons out there everybody and their mother is using it early on when you're going to be fighting abandons everybody's using it it doesn't really do that much damage it's got -4 attack it does have that plus 4 defense which is okay for it but it's really really not something you should be too happy about it's it's out here in the d tier and uh nothing special but of course for early game you can use that now holdsaber is just a slightly better version of the horse chopper basically almost no difference but it does have plus six defense instead of plus four so it's a bit better we can put it in a little into like a seat here out here uh it doesn't really do anything too special just like a horse chopper doesn't it's just a bit better a bit more rare so there you go ring saber on the other hand it has better damage it does have better damage i think he has like the best damage among the sabers uh it's uh it only has minus two attack malice instead of minus four it does have plus four defense so that is the same as the horse chopper but it's better it does more damage uh it's just it's it's decent you don't get penalized as much so this one when it comes to sabers is better but it's not like higher than like a b tier so uh we can put this one to beat here and i'm gonna put it like down here somewhere maybe it's better than a stuff or something like that we can put it out here in the b and that leaves us with the last but not the least long sword i really like long swords they're not too heavy they're in fact the the lightest of the sabers and they have that very important plus two defense i love putting these onto my range characters because you know if they have to switch to o'malley they have that plus to defense right away so they can defend themselves until somebody else relieves them and they can go back to being ranged people i really like that they do have a bit of a malice to animals and robots i believe back in the day they had a bonus versus humans but i don't think that exists anymore so there's that i kind of like them i really kind of like them this is uh my beat here uh long sword is beat here for me so i'm going to put it up here i prefer it over a vacation maybe baku's ashes are great for uh going out and training dexterity with a shitty weapon by long swords i would use them more than that so there we go there's your list i hope you guys enjoyed it i'm sure you completely discovered many choices let me down let me know down in the comments below what you do think also i have many other ranked stuff and we started a new uh kenshi series that we are streaming on mondays and fridays so there's gonna be links up there over there and down in the description check it out and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kokoplays MB
Views: 151,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Kenshi tier list, Kenshi guide, Kenshi weapon tier list, Kenshi weapon guide, Kenshi weapons explained, Kenshi weapons ranked, Kenshi melee weapons tier list, Kokoplays Kenshi, Kokoplays MB
Id: T7zdAC2k7rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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