Markiplier Reviews BOOTLEG Markiplier Merch

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yo but.... what's that shirt he has on in the video cuz it's high-key fire

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RHaz44 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh I'm getting a psychic signal from my lawyer is copyright census there's a disturbance in the copyright everyone their mother has done this video already but I'm doing it now and therefore I claim ownership over it this is now my video and anyone else is copying me this is knockoff markiplier merch we bought this well Amy bought this a while ago before the whole lockdown happen I've just been putting off making this video for no particular reason but I am equally outraged as I am now as I would have been then should I be outraged we will find out if I'm supposed to be outraged because this merch is knockoff of my own merch which I sell exclusively for charity and I'm willing to bet that the people making the knockoff merch are not selling it for charity where can you get your you can get my official merch at markiplier com that's ma RK i p li ER dot c om but in a world where there is supply and demand and glorious consumerism there's always a need for bootleg merch bootleg definition being that boot over there I have a leg where didn't bootleg come from sounds piratey you know a piratey because you're stealing [ __ ] yeah that's what it is I I should make it clear this stuff is not from red bubble it's not print-on-demand it's not fan art this as far as I know is straight from eBay and Amazon what I mainly have a problem with is people duplicating designs that I already sell for charity on markiplier comm and selling it for profit that's what I have a problem oh my god I haven't seen this design in ages uh it's so old at this point it's so incredibly old ya know I sold this very briefly way back when this was a Spreadshirt design that I had I forget who made it I'm sure credits on the website where you got it from you don't need to look both ways when you got swag though the word swag has not been uttered it since 2014 you don't need to look both ways when you're Wow when you got clouds when so yeah this is a design from 2012 not even 2013 like I don't hearken back to 2012 era markiplier because it's the first year that I started because basically nothing happened except the original fall of Slenderman which this is from soon after our interview markiplier was hit by a bus his last words you don't need to look both ways when your gosh why I'm actually gonna keep this as a classic but hey cut that [ __ ] out my lawyers will be in touch unless it's like stocked like backlog from my original Spreadshirt I have no idea let me try I'm gonna try to do some own try to go - markiplier that's Spreadshirt comm editor lick seeing hi how you doing you're beautiful man could you please if I find this I'm trying to go - markiplier that's bread sure calm nope marklar swag shop is what it's called them there are no products to show because I closed it down a long time so if this was obtained it was not obtained through me you can go ahead and put up a picture of that good thanks Lucy thank you thank you I'm gonna sue you out of existence not you licks in sorry nah nah Oh what is this what the hell is this oh it stinks it's it's got that print-on-demand screen-printing smell to it oh so you'll often hear me quoting this cuz it's such a powerful statement some here oh well it's not all heroes wear capes they didn't even get the stamen right you are never alone mine wear headphones see what this says is it not only dates it as a design because this is pre hair color so it's like 2014 but also how is this still selling cuz it must be right like this is still saw someone somewhere this is their rent payment right someone had the ideas like merch they've got a warehouse somewhere they've got a screen printing company they don't ask questions there some person sees these faces every day and maybe they take a little joy out of it maybe they look at it early or maybe they just hate the look of these two [ __ ] which i think is the more likely cause one the stink bad to the design old three it looks like a wanted poster you know what I mean the yellow tacks the top about it this would be a wanted poster from a distance if you're like squinting your eyes people that reward here did if wanted dead not alive this would be a wanted poster so not not great not can't say but at least it's not one of my designs - I know it's so stanky ya know it the pretreatment that they do on these things I'm very familiar with it it's it's pungent anyway do I give that one a 10 what do we have stickers right you're gonna see it before I do oh okay okay warning do not disturb while I'm watching markiplier serious injury or death may occur YouTube has a pause button I don't condone this people may think that I'm like a cult leader this is the kind of evidence to suggest that my videos are not then Morton that you would be willing to kill someone for the sake I've not interrupted in my video if anyone has parsed this video during watching it a secure strike team is already on route to your house you've made your mistake not time to bury you anyway number two Bob 0:03 you have to share with your friends well this next bumper sticker yeah yeah so if you see a Tesla with one of these stickers you know it's me you know it's me someone put this into Photoshop someone actually designed this or Illustrator or whatever I don't care but someone actually designed this I didn't look I assume there's probably like this exact same design and instead of markiplier just sounds like TV shows and I didn't look but I assume this does look like a template yeah I thought I was special I mean your face isn't it really fine yeah no I'm there it's it's a someone else's fan art of me so they probably stole from two people movin on I think this whole video is like you know if they're gonna crop it oh yeah yeah definitely look if your guys are ripping off of me then I'm gonna rip off of you I'm using this purely for profit what a glow on it the prophecy we know why God is good what kind of sacrilege you walk into a church with this you'll burst into flame doesn't at all it doesn't fit at all that's hilarious good to know I can wear my hat oh good no I can wear my love of Jesus wherever I go in this lovely circle it is that right it's a rainbow in the back I don't know if that necessarily means pride but you guys can assume it by the Jesus that it probably is no one's more prideful than Jesus all right we got this bad boy why would this be a thing poverty why would they do this who's watching yeah she really is I don't have a knife oh my shovel that's Julie it's not worth it I'm too lazy use the cross as a knife you say makes sense oh it's perfect thanks Jesus it's well I didn't even get this yeah yeah this really suck as a knife didn't I just go through that side with the scissors I'm pretty sure I did 100% I did that I went through that with the scissors doing here here we are what could be I'm just gonna amend and make a wild guess is that what it is is that what it is is that what it is Amy Captain Marvel more you know I don't mind this at all I don't mind this this is great if you've ever fell in this like good job this is horrifying almost sliced my eye off that came so close to my eyeball all this knockoff stuff is old like it's almost as if I peaked in this era and ever since then I've been slowly going downhill and slowly clinging on to the desperate fringes left of Mike former glorious man babe look at me in my heyday with my youth my youth am i any different than them am I better with age like a fine wine okay I can't drink wine in big [ __ ] hit alright so not only does markiplier get knocked off okay not only does markiplier get knocked off but we miss honest my other channel which if you don't know about it you only have so much time left to look into it go to Hoonah saunas on youtube and check out some of the content that we have made before it all gets deleted and it will exactly this many days so check it out but we have some oh there's more than one yeah we have some unas honest merch nope look at this classic merch boo boo it's always Gildan I know my my stuff Gildan is a very cheap brand it's probably one of the cheapest that's why a lot of people use it it's not the best quality because it's the cheapest you can get this this hoodie cost like four bucks five bucks maybe take it all the profit subscribe to it when it's honest [Music] this was made on a phone you can tell this is finger drawn someone made this on a phone that's a first but like alongside like the actual across eBay and Amazon weird I mean it's fine like I get it like the day that's cool whatever it's Frank but it looks like garbage someone made this on their phone they didn't even have the common courtesy to go to photo shop on a desktop I mean I kinda liked it I guess but if we're right it shows like just like I didn't even bother getting up to rip off of their design if you please reach out I'm so curious yeah you you did this from your phone I can tell I don't know what program used but something that could save transparent but this is so clear even battery was done with a mouse and I don't know what's more insulting this really seems like someone went it's like this is capitalized this is not there's so many questions what were you doing how much hustle do you have because if it's everywhere you have a lot but if you made it on your phone you have very little what are you fascinating just peer fascinating I am fascinated by that oh I thought it was a doormat so we can always look up directly at your taint the first time you step out of his shower if there ever was a purpose to dishonest this was it to end up on a bath mat I've never contemplated scene thought of merch to be on a bath mat that is so fascinating to me was this printed it must have be printed right it must be pretty but this is a really nice-looking print like it's stunning that ink penetrates very deep into the fibers and get it's holding its pattern very well what is the technology that made this it's really fascinating right I'm not crazy I think it just came into existence it's like a cursed object you stepped out of your shower and you look down yoo-hoo oh this is fascinating I'm not even insulted by this because it's such a different thing in the technology to make it its own present to me how do you do this it's not screen printing I know that for a fact this is not a screen print how do you do this how this is in a machine in it just like the shading on his face how did you do this that's what I want to know how is this made I mean I'm gonna use this I don't have a bathmat right now just been using a towel on the ground I'm just going to use this so fascinating I don't even know if this qualifies as knockoff merch because it's usually I'm like if I see just someone take a screenshot of the video and that's what this is or that's the thumbnail that video and just put it on an object I'm like lazy this blows my mind I'm still gonna sue you what this blows my mind I when were in court I'm gonna I'm gonna be like you're mine give me your money like that's what I'm gonna be like oh wow wow wow okay well I mean of all the things to cap off this knockoff merch I mean this has got to be there's got to be the the King this is like the Cadillac of knockoff merch does not mean I condone it in any way shape or form you'll be hearing from my lawyers but that's pretty cool I think someone's relevancy is entirely defined by how many knock off items exist of them on the Internet I think we can all agree on that the fact that unas honest is bringing a new resurgence in that only solidifies myself as being a relevant person on the internet and for that I am grateful and I'm so glad that now vs.2014 me has a team of lawyers ready and willing I don't actually it's just it's just like two guys they're nice listen if you make knockoff merch that is just a rip of the merch that I've already made her have made in the past stop don't don't do that the stuff I sell on markiplier calm is for charity look in the past even a lot of those designs have a lot of people cherish those were for charity and you taking those designs and you're selling it for profit that's scummy and it's wrong so stop that if you've got fan ER on a red bubble like I really honestly have no problem with that I'm not condoning this is not a declaration to say like hey go do whatever you want on red mobile like I can't legally say that but honestly like don't take the designs that were sold for charity put them up okay glad we're all on the same page here lawyers will be finally new soon and I will be coming after you in any way shape or form all of your assets will be mine are we burning all the money that I received from you to fuel my hunger my warm my house my furnace will be stuffed to the brim love your money oh I don't know how do I end this oh no I'm being sucked into the ground it's not a good Astra
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,726,545
Rating: 4.9631019 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, mark fischbach, markiplier game, markiplier games, markiplier review, markiplier reviews bootleg markiplier merch, markiplier merch, bootleg, knock-off merch, bootleg merch, knock-off, second hand, youtuber, youtuber bootleg, youtuber merch, funny, review, reviews, funny reviews, funniest, funniest review, markiplier knock-off
Id: rYwJQMhUNx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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