Someone Wrote a Book About Me... WITHOUT MY PERMISSION?!

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/heyitsjeriel 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen I have done it if you didn't know I have made it to the top I am King of Kings I have reached the elite of the elite levels of success I have my own book that was not written by me Philip wall knee has written a book about me I was not made aware that this was happening it's almost as if my permission wasn't asked for I don't even know if my permission was necessary I don't know the legality of someone making a book about me without my permission just email my lawyer a link to this video because I'm a little curious because this was not free this was sold or at least I'm assuming it was sold because Ethan got this for me from Amazon I'm not gonna provide a link to it because that'd be weird but the series is known as top video gamers in the world the trademark to trademark mark markiplier Fishbach star YouTube gamer star YouTube gamer with ten billion plus views well it's already out of date mr. wooly you need to do your research because I forgot I'm not recording my desktop at the moment I'll just say the number and then Lexie and put it on screen oh so gently just lay it lay it on the screen like a sweet summer's kiss I have 12 billion 567 million nine hundred and forty two thousand six hundred and ninety-six views as of this word that's not a word as of that noise that came out of my mouth that's how much I have so mr. Walley put up a picture of mr. wall nee mr. wall D you have some explaining I demand an updated edition I demand that this be taking down I'm not sure what I'm gonna demand yet because I have not read it yet so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna go through this book now I've intentionally not read this i-i've skimmed the first few pages I skimmed a little bit inside but I've not read this we are gonna go on this journey together I'm going to review this book so that you don't have to but I am in league league with these names here the likes of Al Rubeus Garmendia and ninja that's the kind of elite club that I'm currently in right now these people here just my pals so we're gonna go through this book and we're gonna see what it's all about because I'm not aren't sure what it is all about I mean it's probably about me oh that's a great picture just just right off the bat the first picture that you see when you open it up I don't know who took this but I know where it is it's at a Comic Con 2016 one of the most hellish adventures of signing things I've ever done in my life and I've done a lot of those alright it was March in 2015 and mark Edward Fishbach was in the hospital my age starting here this isn't even the first time I was in the hospital if you were to start this you'd started the tumor surgery the event proved to not be serious fortunately but it was unusual for a 26 year old in otherwise good health I mean not really if you had mentioned that I had been in the hospital that tumor removed it would not be that unusual well his driver's license might say Mark Fischbach you have no idea what my driver's license says is better known to the world by his online handle markiplier he's an immensely popular YouTube gamer and on my Star he asked the nurse to hold the camera while he gave an update on his health situation no I asked my mom who is a retired nurse so technically I'll give you a point put a point on the board for wall me we're gonna do play wrong answers and then technically correct answers because I don't think that they're gonna be any absolute correct answers I'm really just hunting for the inaccuracies and in the in the story that is my life the online star made his name with numerous let's play videos that make use of his oddball sense of humor technically correct I'll put that up there has more than 20 million subscribers on his YouTube channel okay we're in accuracy along with the number of years it's outdated on the number of subs by five million we're up to twenty five million and God there is such difference get it right in the hospital mark has a tuba business among teenagers and gamers two separate people's he is one of the most popular and most watched content creators online this is correct yes sometimes a little wild and always funny and engaging absolutely great thank you for getting that right wall nee has become one of the most influential pop culture figures of his generation that okay here we go pop culture figures influential I don't think I could tell any single one of my fan base to do literally anything I don't know how much influence I have when I can't even get them to say like a video or if I LK if I asked you guys to comment the letter B you would shift gears and start typing the letter e not only despite me but to go for a dead mean that's how influential I am people will go out of the way to do the opposite of what I want them to do so that's this book in the market Blair and some of his youtuber and gamer peers are the pop stars for a new generation no it is a generation that is always online and all an online fame can be short-lived I've been doing it for eight years so nope viral stars can explode onto the scene and seemingly fade away by the weekend technically correct it takes a certain type of unique star power to gain the kind of fame markiplier has not only maintain it but grow it well I'm a big idiot so I don't know what kind of star power I have guess we voices oh and a huge boot so you know markiplier has also never been afraid of trying new things are experimenting with new formats he has more recently started to branch out into comedy despite setbacks personal losses including friends and family and the difficulties of being a career on entertainer Mark Clark continues to thrive if you saw how is my day-to-day life you would not say that I am thriving I have a living a good life don't get me wrong good life but thriving mmm the jury's out on that one in the 1980s Mark's father a career US Army soldier met his mother in South Korea they later moved around see that the grammar here makes it seem like my dad met his own mom in South Korea because you're saying the possessive marks father so father is the subject a career US Army soldier met his mother his would refer to the subject I want to be okay this isn't the wrong call my dad did not meet his own mother in South Korea that would be odd in 1987 they welcomed their first child into the world Jason Thomas Fishbach called Thomas he said that on June 28th 1989 mark what Edward was born at Tripler Army Medical Center on the island of Oahu in the state capital Honolulu he was a big baby ten pounds and 3 ounces 4.6 kilograms this is all right wait no correct I was and M a big baby not long after mark was born his father retired from the military after 23 years they moved all the way to Cincinnati Ohio where Mark's father would work as an illustrator in publishing wrong he worked as a layout artist not an illustrator he probably used Adobe Illustrator I don't know he worked as a layout artist wrong all right you know there's a lot to go through we're not gonna read this whole book so I'm just gonna start skimming because there's gonna be a lot of incorrect information oh I think I've talked about this in the video where Ethan showed this to me by divorce ups and downs yeah because there's ups to divorce two Christmases two birthdays those are the ups that's it everything else mark thought his mother in particular was unhappy with the marriage especially since their father was a good deal older than her they mostly tried to ignore it their parents tried to patch things up eventually however divorce became inevitable that's cool I think what happened is they just watched my draw my life because their own literally only referencing my draw my life which at this point is outdated information I made that video in like 2013 and frankly I didn't even know how to make a video like that at the time okay it's so weird someone because their talk there's a section about my dad's death in here very weird to see someone else write about this and have information in here that isn't true I mean the broad strokes are true but it's very clear that someone wrote this with the intent to fill in the gaps about how I felt about certain things and that's where I kind of like draw the line is like sure write a Wikipedia article about whatever you want but if you're gonna write a book and sell it for money don't put emotions in my face don't stuff emotions down my throat that's that's a that's a that's a no-no mr. wall knee okay whatever the entirety of my personal life has been condensed into six pages which is more than I would have put it down to I would have said I was born a big fat baby I grew up a big fat baby my parents got a big fat divorce and then I became a big fat adult that's what happened to me around the time that you Fischbach started at Fischbach the online video streaming and video sharing platform known as YouTube was only a few years old and it officially launched in February of 22 2005 Google bought the service in 2006 seeing its enormous potential in addition a new generation of Yatta Yatta oh my god who cares about YouTube enter Mark Fischbach gamer an engineering major he was unhappy for reasons beyond his father's death this is four years after my dad died I can guarantee you I did not carry that with me for four years oh my god his typical office jobs where he was doing work he was not passionate about we're bringing his spirits down all right you got me on that one that's a technical correct he needed something else no actually at the time you have not gotten to the crux of the issue at this point you are wrong because I had no ambition to do more so wrong-o wrong-o wrong-o you have make it seem like I was destined for YouTube which I definitely was not let's be very clear books like this often make things seem like they were always destined they right after the fact so they write with the assumption that it was like always if my intention to do something like that which it was not it was not there was a catalyst moment which cost me to do that which I think a lot of people when they're trying to make stories about people whether Victor faction or fickt fiction and the faction whether it's Victor fact and this kind of hits on the fact that this is a little fiction no I had no ambition to be a youtuber until 2012 I didn't even really think about YouTube as a whole until 2012 who'da thunk tit Oh weird yeah no I was not always destined to be a youtuber I was gonna be an office monkey till the day I died Fishbach decided to leave college putting engineer behind him for good but when did they do this he was also dying to leave standard off his jobs to break out into something more exciting what no at one point a medical emergency landed him in the hospital here it is constant pain his side was revealed to be as appendix which is swelled up dangerously and needed to be removed doctors also noted that the fist-sized tumor in his adrenal gland that would have to come out after his hospital ordeal he brought a video camera to use for video no no no between my surgery and YouTube there is a four month gap I did not jump from surgery to YouTube because that really wasn't even my thought process I thought about writing I thought about game design and thought about comic making I thought about art I thought about a bajillion things I found YouTube it was not a goal it was never a goal I never wanted to be a youtuber and yet Here I am I do now nothing a devoted and serious gamer Fischbach was also a natural in front of the camera no lick see and pull up footage of my first time that I was I had a face cam it was like amnesia some custom story why am I not recording my desktop yeah okay it's it's amnesia abduction part 12 hello everybody and welcome back to the amnesia custom story abduction wait who's that handsome guy up in the corner it me yeah finally got my webcam so you guys can see my looks of horror Dvorak that I looked Asian people are still shocked to this day that I location don't know whether it is it is cuz I am alright phoenix from the ashes hmm really means the phoenix from the ashes oh my goodness oh my goodness 500,000 subscribers yep that happened Wilfred worse - other characters sure did sure had those charity livestreams yep I do that quick hit facts literally it says quick hit facts alright let's do this god damn it he is known for frequently changing his hair color and his dyed his hair blue black technically yes red pink and other colors no those were as a result of me swimming in the pool Marc Blair says he suffers from a ton about a phobia which is a fear of mannequins and similar dolls yes kids visited his mother's native country Korea on three separate occasions now five on livestream marklar once told his fans he had been diagnosed with mild attention deficit hyperactivity disorder it's not mild to a fish Mark's favorite phrases while vlogging or but either way well alright then don't call me out like that no hang on like [ __ ] stop putting good point in the technically correct form that no that's right you forgot about so anyway you can't call me out like this book you can market flowers mark Blair's famous logo digital letter M with his trademark pink mustaches all over his creative content it is also featured on the hoodies dog leashes t-shirts coffee cups and other merchandise fans can buy on his online shop which all goes to charity by the way a few of his close collaborators are his friends stylish add Wade Barnes Bob my skin's and Ethan Nestor darling shad serves as markiplier I shouldn't be laughing as hard as I should for the record no is not and has never been my manager I don't that that is so funny no no we talked about this in the in the other video it's a picture of me and Aimee its picture of me and Aimee a while it won't focus there we go it's a picture okay well yeah there we go okay it's a picture of me and Aimee and the caption is markiplier and a friend regardless of what he does markiplier has continued to welcome legions of fans into his community where they have been entertained comforted and made to feel at home whatever the future holds for him he vows to keep working hard expanding his horizons and making his young fans laugh cry think and enjoy themselves well that's nice that's nice Dan Don that's a pretty good one I appreciate that but also is this allowed I have no idea honestly I don't really care meanwhile full of inaccuracies like it's clear that they went to some links to tried to do research but you know if they dug a little deeper I guess but there's only so much information out there about my life even though I've put out 4700 videos talking about my life but you know you can only get so much out of that there's no way you get the little speck my life and they put my old life in a book there we go that's it have you ever wanted to know about me why not just watch my videos cuz I talk about my life all the time you can get to know me as a person instead of whatever that book tried to pay me into being okay anyway I got nothing else to say about this there's books about other people I guess I don't know why but there are lik see it figure out some way to wrap this up you got this okay you got I'll just yeah I'll be on my phone you figure out how this video ends put like you know yeah yeah like this video if you like this video but not me I don't take me saying that just you got it [Music] ah cool good good job lick Singh you did it I'm proud of you unless you didn't did you anyway thank you everybody so much for watching as always I'll see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,305,239
Rating: 4.9641347 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, mark fischbach, markiplier book, mark fischbach book, mark iplier, markiplier draw my life, draw my life, without my permission, markiplier without my permission, book review, youtuber, youtuber book, youtuber markiplier, youtuber markiplier book, biography, mark markiplier fischbach, markiplier before youtube, markiplier father, markiplier dad, markiplier history
Id: 5SP9ozIIrn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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