I Bought EVERY Maple Syrup

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[Music] hello and welcome to my review of maple syrup i made pancakes but i made them before i started the video however i knew that some of you would want to see me make pancakes so i actually got footage of it so here it is all right there you go hello and welcome to my review of all of canada's maple syrups this may or may not be all of them but i'm gonna get to that that's not the point right now i'd like to start off this video with an apology to the canadian government and to an individual known as eve harlow lexian put up an artist's rendition of eve harlow right here like your your artist rendition of eve harlow right here make it somewhat flattering take exactly 10 seconds to make it though we don't have a lot of time eve along with leo and franz are joining me as we film the edge of sleep the tv show along with many other people who are in the show up here in canada which is why i'm here but not the point of this apology i'm making this apology because i told eve that i do food reviews sometimes or other reviews it's not just food and i said that i might be wasting it because even though in food reviews i tend to try to donate what i don't eat to food banks if i open a container it makes it a bit more difficult to do so because of food safety and food laws and stuff like that however this did not fly with eve so i made a promise that i will be using every single drop of all of this in a gratuitous amount of granola cooking that i'm going to be doing lots of granola i only know about granola she also sent a cookie recipe but i'm not sure about that but anyway i just wanted to make amends and also mention an organization known as food not bombs check that out or various food banks around you to provide for your community with that out of the way i would like to now move on to my challenge of the canadian government and a renegade individual known as eve harlow here is a police sketch rendition of eve harlow lexie and just like use the same sketch as before but add some like antagonistic features right who the hell do you think i am do you know what they call me back in america i'm known as mr buttersworth lixian play the footage of me being known as mr buttersworth and you better know where that is you better know mark mr butterworth fridge buck oh yes that's true that's right i'm mr buttersworth and all of your fancy maple syrup and all your infatuation with the maple tree and the maple leaf it's awesome we get it you love trees but down in america we love our pancakes with nothing more we love our pancakes with nothing more than good old-fashioned corn that's right corn syrup with butter mr buttersworth doesn't have any kind of reservation about only having not the best for mrs buttersworth and all i need for that to do that what i do is corn i am basically 90 corn at this point in my life you think i'm gonna get a tree in there with it i don't think so that would be over 100 and i ain't about that because the body is 70 percent water and if i'm 70 water and 90 corn what does that leave for maple negative 60 and i'm not about that anyway i'm going to try this and i think it's very good i do like maple syrup i will get that out of the way let's get the entirety of whatever the hell that intro was out of the way and let's move on to the goodness this is maple s this is this is maple syrup focus is it folks this is maple syrup i actually recognize this jug of maple syrup i've seen this before this awakens something in me it doesn't awaken something in me but it conjures up some memories it awakens some memories in me this does not has not awakened am i rolling yes when i said i was going to use every single drop of maple syrup i meant that but not in the way that you think i'm meaning unless you're talking about granola anyway i have five here a varying different levels of fanciness i have 100 pure maple syrup syrup apparently in canada all packaging has to have both english and french i did not know that this one's kind of an orangey this one's more of a dark kind of almost black color this is pure maple syrup canada grade a very dark strong taste i'm interested in that that sounds pretty good they all say 100 i don't know how you can have 100 maple syrup and also have one that's a stronger taste i don't know about that and then we have this one which is le epic it's more french than the other one i guess we have the jug and then we have this one which is like a freaking whiskey bottle of maple syrup it's the president's choice the president chose this one so i'm gonna save that one for last it might be great it might be terrible but i really like the color and the bottle's really cool however it was way more expensive than it should have been probably and i don't know if it's gonna make a bit of a difference here here's the pancakes because i know this one first i'm actually gonna start with this one i have sauce cups here and these are gonna come into play i probably should have made that more sensual no i shouldn't have you sick [ __ ] not everything has to be so goddamn horny with you you need to cool it i have pancake i'm actually going to start with the uglier one and they're cold now which is fantastic but we're not judging this based on the pancake even though i've made pancakes before i think we all know i'm not good at that just because i have a lot of ovens does not mean that i'm good at cooking so the reason i have sauce cups here is because i'm gonna dip it because i don't want it to get soggy and i don't want the maple syrup to taint the rest of the pancake this makes sense okay okay it's a buttermilk pancake by the way it's a buttermilk protein pancake by the way because it tastes about the same and you get a lot more protein with it i like it you know there's something about like a butter syrup like mrs buttersworth that i really just really like it's thicker it has a strong flavor of butter this is just pure maple syrup however and i will say by itself it is very good i don't know many people that actually don't like maple syrup however on a preference side this does not wow me enough to offset the idea of getting a mrs buttersworth type thing i may try this with some butter in it i will probably do that butter mrs buttersworth does not tell me any of her recipes so i really don't know if this is the proper way to go about it but now i've added butter so butter flavored syrup is pretty much the only thing that they say so it's thicker that tastes like butter and i like butter okay so i've now discovered the secret right if you put butter in it it tastes like butter honestly it's quite good this would probably all be better heated up too but i mean cold pancakes by itself it's definitely decent if i had to choose between that and eating pancakes dry of course of course i would go with this but this isn't a video about which is better the corn syrup vastly superior mrs buttersworth or maple syrup this isn't a question about that right corn is always going to win corn versus a tree my money's on the corn right green giant still hasn't sponsored me like you know sometimes i just wonder why i even bother [Music] like i work so hard to just try to make my case for these companies and i just sometimes you know it i put myself out there to be as honest and impartial in terms of my reviews as i can and i guess just some people deserve [Music] sponsors and others don't so so [ __ ] them that's what i say green giant you're done you're done so with me i'm gonna be looking up a canadian alternative and hey you lost your chance you had your chance with me and you lost it so you get out you go with delmonte if that is their real name maybe you're the same person because you treat me exactly the same so screw you eat my ass and then go away why did i say it like that god i gotta work on my insults all right done guy here let's try this it's maple syrup not really going to be a big surprise here definitely a lighter color i mean i'll give it that it's definitely lighter now i don't know what the original tasted without the butter because my tongue is coated with butter i like that i think i like that better it's slightly thicker than the other one the other one's more it's not like it's watery but it's just like this one's got some more uh consistency to it and i don't know if it's like a mouth feel thing i have a lot of mouth feel things i'm big on mouth feel like when i feel in my mouth i love the feel of mouth and like mouth feel is big for me if there's things that are bad mouth feel i don't exactly enjoy the mouth feel those things and when i get the mouth feel that i really am looking for and that mouth feel really resonates in my mouth and i can really feel it in my mouth i really enjoy those moments uh i think i need to like compare quickly i keep talking and when i talk like i forget everything i just sensed in my mouth like all the feeling is gone so i need to move on this one says it's dark robusto like pizza [Music] there's a difference right it's kind of there's definitely a difference here this i get the robust taste of it like they're all the same kind of sweetness right they all still have the same like amount of sugar what's different in there is this one like it's a darker color so i don't know if that's just my brain kind of painting it in that idea but i definitely noticed like a stronger sharper taste to it i prefer this one to this one but like the difference is very subtle i'm sure that canadians have a very refined palette when it comes to maple syrup and they can really discern these differences because they've been eating it their whole life you eat it drink it whatever like but i can definitely tell however i still pr this one's still my favorite so far like i could drink this out of a jug i am drinking it out of a bottle but if it was in jug form i would drink it out of it i'm not gonna drink it out of a jug i don't drink mrs buttersworth out of a jug if you know what i'm jesus saying well i don't know what goes on in my head when i do these food reviews it's like i'm i'm a different person and i don't understand why it's like food with me i'm very like i'm food motivated i love food this is uh it just says la epic it's it's epic la epoch this might be my favorite so far it's so subtle like the difference is so honestly truly very subtle but something about this one it's not that it's sweet or anything i'm not going based on what sweeter i think these all have the same amount of sugar in them because it's all still maple syrup but there's something about this one it's more like flavorful right there's there's flavor profiles to each of these they're very similar but it's distinct right i do like that i like that a lot the maple syrup the only difference between the maple trees is going to be like the soil the amount of sunlight they get the sugar content the region maybe air quality i don't even know like that's going to be the only difference between these it's like with wine you know people [ __ ] about wine all the time and they say they can tell differences that's basically what i'm doing here i'm basically just bullshitting my way through this so far by the thinnest of margins i think this one's my favorite now we get to try the big the big chungus now this is the president's choice but also i noticed that this one is also the president's choice so i don't know if this is just a big version of this and if it is i'm gonna be very disappointed in the president of canada i don't think this was the united states president's job monk smells like maple syrup who'da thunk okay okay president's choice hmm [ __ ] christ they're the same well you know they're all the same because they're all maple syrup but these are i i think these are the same to the president i don't know what i was expecting right look see make sure the brightness matches through the whole video very sure that these you couldn't see through these before so bright brighten it up a bit more come on bring the brightness up blast it come on blast me but make me look good make me look good perfect so yeah i don't know what i was expecting like they're all maple syrup i do think i like this one the best and that being said this was my previous favorite so like obviously this one's still good it's just in a big fancy bottle it was thrown off by marketing there's so many products out there that have exactly the same ingredients toothpaste is the worst example of this like every single toothpaste in every single mouthwash is almost exactly the same because the only thing that really works on repairing and fixing your teeth and keeping them like strong is like sodium fluoride so everything has the same exact ingredient everything else doesn't matter literally or unless it's something like with sensodyne i'll do a toothpaste review in the future but like when it comes down to this it's all just 100 pure maple syrup really at the end of the day it doesn't really matter like with wine they all get you drunk like with this it gets you through your day and now i'm gonna get all this [ __ ] from all the cast members others asleep because i opened all these and i barely touched any of them i'm sorry put up the artist rendition i'm sorry i'm very sorry if you see them on the various social medias you tell them how sorry i am don't tell them that you'll harass them here's also the the pancake that i made before my best work yet it's a little salty so that'll do it for uh this food review um i don't have a special surprise this time because like it's maple syrup what am i going to do bust out another maple syrup you guessed it i'm going to bust out another maple syrup kaboom this maple syrup unicorn my fingers i have neighbors and i'm sorry i'm not sorry it's maple syrup sorry so uh i was told that this is the best maple syrup that you could possibly get it is just pure maple syrup that's all it says it doesn't say 100 pure but it's just maple syrup and it's in a can like how could you not it's like the same thing with the reason i went to canada before the only other time i've been to canada is because i heard that canada had bagged milk so of [ __ ] course me and my friends drove up to canada so this in the can now i don't really have a can opener but i don't think this is the kind of thing that you would open with a can opener anyway um it's the kind of thing where you do the punch hole in the side old style can opener though i'm gonna pour one out for my canadian homies ah the air hole and then i'm gonna actually pour this on this pancake i don't have a fork oh that is actually different what the hell [Music] what the hell that is actually very different not lying not playing that up i'd heard i was told that get get it in the can i don't know why it's in a can maybe it's something to do with like glass and maple syrup or maybe it's just the metal from the can leaching into it but this just goes to show canned anything is better than uncanned nothing not nothing everything else this is good there's like a little bit of butteriness to it by itself that is that's not just good that is very good and it's distinctly different it is absolutely different than these other ones these all were so similar i could barely tell the difference this is night and day uh comparatively different i don't know what else is in here but am i crazy like for those canadians watching am i nuts about this i was told this so maybe it's just my brain like tricking myself but this literally tastes different and it's better [Music] i really like that that is my new favorite there's something about it that is distinctly different and now everyone's going to be matt well not everyone eve is going to be mad at me for opening yet another container but hey i'm mr buttersworth when it comes to syrups i do what i want so anyway that was my review of canada's various maple syrups thank you all so much for watching i have many other reviews that i've done through the link in the description below none of which want to sponsor me but if the maker of pure maple syrup wants to give me a sponsorship and pay me a butt load of money i will gladly take it for the lovely endorsement of your product that i have already rendered so basically you owe me call my people they'll call your people and we'll call each other's people and don't talk to me directly ever please and uh thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed this and want to see more let me know down in the comments below of other canadian things that you would love to see me review poutine is a suggestion but if you've got other ones please let me know i will give my unfiltered honest opinion of the various products and glorious things that are available in canada so thank you and as always i'll see you in the next video bye bye oh uh like comment subscribe whatever yeah too late go get it you lost your chance get you were too late what are you liking at the end of the video you actually like when you watch the video get get the [ __ ] out get skid out it's too late the subscribe button got disabled it's too late you're you're literally spilling into my end card time uh now they're popping up okay now the video suggestions are popping up you can click on those now you can get out of here no don't even worry about it you lost your chance snooze lose and you lose and you snooze and you snooze to lose sorry love you bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,106,714
Rating: 4.9746418 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, review, funny review, maple syrup, markiplier reviews, markiplier tries, markiplier makes, pancakes, markiplier makes pancakes, food review, candy review, funny
Id: YdB7k2vPtDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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